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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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13 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

The second I saw it, I said that Felicia stole Ava's haircut. And while on Ava, it looks really good, I'm not so sure on Felicia.

I thought the same thing!   That style works wonderfully on Ava, but it ages Kristina Wagner a good 10, 15  years.   I hope she grows it out.  And I wonder what possessed her to cut off all that beautiful hair of hers in the first place.

Edited by Ladyrain
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Katy M said:

He has selfish intent without much of a moral compass.  No, he doesn't want to hurt people just for the joy of it. He's not a sadist. But, he'll do what he has to do to get what he wants. Or what his friends want, since he also helped Britt to steal an embryo, and to keep his parentage hidden.

THIS. He reminds me of Maxie back when she was determined to be with Lucky and felt that Elizabeth didn't deserve him. She used her 'service' at the hospital to supply him with drugs and her closeness to dad/stepdad Mac to gain access to official stuff at the PCPD. Although Brad is definitely worse because I don't recall Maxie ever asking anyone to kill people to protect her secrets. I don't see guilt from Brad; I see fear that Michael will somehow figure things out. Guilt would manifest as offering Michael something but Brad is about trying to limit Michael's time with the baby without raising Michael or Lucas' suspicions that something is wrong. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

She broke or sprained her leg/foot and has been in a boot and on crutches for the past 6 weeks or so.

Or what @ulkis said 🙂

Then since they were hitting us over the head what a high-risk pregnancy this was, and blah, blah, fishcakes, they should have had something go wrong and have her hemorrhaging or something to justify her remaining in the hospital for more than 48 hours. But that would make SENSE.

Oh, and SHUT UP, Felicia. Did you hear me? SHUT UP! SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP. STFU.

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16 hours ago, seasons said:

Sorry if I missed this, but not a fan of Kristina Wagner's newscaster hair bob.

I think it's way too stiff and hairsprayed, plus that giant teased bubble in the back is horrible. I'm glad she finally cut their hair off (took out the extensions?), but I think she would have looked gorgeous in a long bob, a la Hayden.

  • Love 7

If Joss is journalling 2 hours a day six months after Oscar died, she needs more than the occasional pep talk. Kristina should point her towards Neil.

I liked the scenes of Kevin talking with Ava. Someone who cares who knows what they are doing.

Why is MEK speaking with a Southern accent? Is RoHo's catching?

What does Kelly's have that Charly's doesn't that Julian goes there for lunch? The guy owns a gastropub.

I can't believe that the show went with the very old and tired trope of "you have to save the life of this person you've never heard of before because she is your secret daughter."

  • Love 6

Wooowww does Howarth look ridiculous in dress uniform!!

I enjoyed the scenes of Robert and Laura and Ava and Kevin. Great conversations!

 I was hoping the writers would have Julian tell Elizabeth and Scott about walking in on Kim trying to rape Drew, so I'm glad that is obviously what happened today, off-screen. The attempt to be mysterious with Elizabeth's vague lines so the audience, Kim, FrancoDrew and the judge will be "surprised" in court makes me roll my eyes, though.

Good for Trina for calling Joss out on being a self-absorbed, poor friend to Cam as he's going through an awful time - after Cam was there for her before, during, and after Oscar's death. I am unmoved by Joss's tears. 

So Hayden and Finn's daughter has been nearby all this time?! I saw a promo but I thought Finn followed Hayden to a hospital like when Laura followed Ryan to Shadybrook; I did not expect that the little girl would be brought to General Hospital. Soapy sure, but this makes Hayden look awful.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

Is Michael E. Knight talking in an affect manner, similar to RH, or has it been so many years since AMC that I forgot he was irritating?

Today's the first day I heard him using a Southern accent, although he may have been using it before. I prefer to think he's imitating RoHo to show his disdain for the storyline, even though he asked FV to stunt cast him.

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50 minutes ago, Blackie said:

It seems like they were testing Laura and Robert,  Who is a single lady available for Robert.  Oh I guess Anna, once Finn goes back to Hayden.

Robert and Laura holding court.  Christmas came early.

Oh please writers.  What thug would go up to a mayor to ask for a favor and not reveal the suspect's name.  Seriously? 

Enjoyed Ava, Ryan, Scottie. Finn, Curtis and Liz. 

Why do we have to put up with the Corinthos?  My gosh, what a bunch of solid soap actors this show has and it wastes time on these Sonny, Carly, Jason, Sam and Franco. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Blackie said:

It seems like they were testing Laura and Robert,  Who is a single lady available for Robert.  Oh I guess Anna, once Finn goes back to Hayden.

I thought Budig was temporary casting to keep the Finn character busy until the return of Finola Hughes. Am I wrong? Is Budig back on the show indefinitely?

I cannot express how delighted I am that Ryan killed Bryce and stymied Jason's plan to free Sam. *chef's kiss*

Curtis, you live in Port Charles. Messing with DNA tests is SOP for this town. I don't get why he's so astonished two (three?) tests showed what Valentin wanted them to show.

Of course Joss doesn't want to spend more time with her friends, because that will take away precious time for thinking about Oscar. *rme* Good for Trina for reading her the riot act. 

I like that Kevin immediately showed both of his hands to prove that he was Kevin.

I don't think Jason asking Frew if he remembers LWB/FS that it means Jason thinks Frew is Drew. Jason just wants access to the memories, which Frew seems to have.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

So now MEK is Southern, too? Was there a 2 for 1 Groupon for an "Accents 101" acting class or something? Jesus God. 

Is he auditioning to be the next Colonel Sanders?  God, that was just bizarre and awful.

Jason running around town playing detective is eyerolling. 

Joss inherited her mother's self-centered gene.  Poor Cam.  At least Trina's a good friend.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Is he auditioning to be the next Colonel Sanders?  God, that was just bizarre and awful.

Jason running around town playing detective is eyerolling. 

Joss inherited her mother's self-centered gene.  Poor Cam.  At least Trina's a good friend.

It just makes me happy he’s going to Franco of all people for help for his pathetic girlfriend. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I thought Budig was temporary casting to keep the Finn character busy until the return of Finola Hughes. Am I wrong? Is Budig back on the show indefinitely?

We don't know yet. That was the original plan, but I'm hoping like hell she's brought back on to stay for good.

1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

Ava and Kevin still have sizzle and play off each other so well. I would not be mad if they put him with her and moved Laura to Robert. 

This would make much more sense since Kevin and Laura don't work well chemistry wise, and Ava sizzles with everyone. Every single word out of her today was just dripping with sugar and spice. Love her.

42 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Is it legal for someone to wear an official military uniform (with rank insignias and badges they didn't earn) when they haven't served a day in their life? Impersonating an officer?

That should bother me, but his SS style hair bothered me much more.

Liz's hair looks awesome. I guess Julian finally chose to come clean about his rapey girlfriend Kim. Again, gross how she gets a pass because she was grieving. No one even batted an eye. There is no excuse for rape. None.

Joss is pathetic and if I were Trina and Cam, I'd start distancing myself from her asap. She's bound to turn into a mini-Carly if she hasn't already.

My Hayden's about to become the most hated person and definitely most hated woman in all of Port Charles. Definitely worse than Sasha, and maybe even worse than Ava. Those two need to bond some more. Ladies night! Stories of Nik!

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Is it legal for someone to wear an official military uniform (with rank insignias and badges they didn't earn) when they haven't served a day in their life? Impersonating an officer?

I had the same question!  I get why Tad Martin Gray would want to put him in it, but, at this point, Franco is not legally Drew so I think the military would frown on a former SERIAL KILLER wearing it.

And again, super disrespectful of the actual Drew, who actually served and actually was awarded those medals.

I really hate this show sometimes.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Blackie said:

It seems like they were testing Laura and Robert

Again?  Didn't she turn him down for...um...was it the Nurses' Ball? 

Separately I like the characters, I just don't see them as a couple.  I wish they could find Robert a love interest.  Anna, if she'd dial back the outrage and superiority.

Apparently wearing a military uniform, impersonating an officer, is a crime if you do it for personal gain.  

According to JustAnswer. "There is a statute, that is noncriminal, that says that unless a person is in the military they are not authorized to wear the insignia of the military services. However, there is no criminal penalty. That means, at most the Federal Government could have an injunction filed against this person. I have set that statute out below as well.

18 USC § 912 - Officer or employee of the United States
Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

10 USC § 771 - Unauthorized wearing prohibited
Except as otherwise provided by law, no person except a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, as the case may be, may wear— (1) the uniform, or a distinctive part of the uniform, of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps; or (2) a uniform any part of which is similar to a distinctive part of the uniform of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps."

Edited by ciarra
  • Useful 1

It is definitely illegal to wear a military uniform that wasn’t issued to you. You’d think lawyer Tad Sanders would know better. If we’re lucky, Private Frankendrew will just get sent to the Brig.

Anyone else notice the label on Ava’s alcohol bottle? “Definite Vodka”.  I was almost amused, but it would have been better if they left off the E and named it “Definit Vodka”.

Supposedly, it takes half the time you were dating someone to get over a breakup. It felt like it took Oscar about 8 years to die, so we should get to watch Joss mope around for at least 3 more.  The girl is DEEP, y’all. She mourns with her whole heart.

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Some people on the soap central board were speculating that Felicia's hair is cut short to have her mistaken for Ava, since Ava is apparently being watched right now. If that person is bad and going after Ava then Felicia might end up in danger. Or it's Nikolas who accidentally reveals himself to Felicia first and that ends up bad in some way. Ha who knows. 

And I don't like that haircut on her. I definitely thought it made her look older. 

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Blackie said:

It seems like they were testing Laura and Robert,  

There is no NEED for anyone to do a chemistry test or whatever with those two. They have a history that goes back YEARS. Laura even "used" Robert to try and make Luke jealous.

14 hours ago, sunnyface said:

Robert and Laura holding court.  Christmas came early.

I know, right? I love seeing vets I grew up watching when this show was awesome, spending more than 1 minute onscreen together. But seriously, show? Robert never put down roots? FUCK YOU, Frank'nHacks! Robert!Fucking!Scorpio! was the FUCKING police COMMISSIONER, who had an awesome HOUSE, with an uberawesome 'puter, and was MARRIED, HAPPILY SO, until Emma wanted to leave the show and then came the introduction of Anna.

11 hours ago, TVbitch said:

So now MEK is Southern, too? Was there a 2 for 1 Groupon for an "Accents 101" acting class or something? Jesus God. 

Ava and Kevin still have sizzle and play off each other so well. I would not be mad if they put him with her and moved Laura to Robert. 

That is so, so, sad. I was enjoying his  character until he started with the affectation of a southern drrrraaaaaaawl.

No. Not for me. No to Laura and Robert. They're good friends. I want to see pre-existing friendships to remain thus. Though I do wish there had been a Luke mention during their conversation. What? Don't judge me!

10 hours ago, ciarra said:

Is it legal for someone to wear an official military uniform (with rank insignias and badges they didn't earn) when they haven't served a day in their life? Impersonating an officer?

Didn't this FAKAKTA show have NCIS or wannabe NCIS show up "investigating" Drew for desertion? I can't remember if he was courtmartialed in absentia. If he was, "Franco" has no business, or RIGHT to be wearing Drew's uniform. But then this is the FAKAKTA GH, so there you go.

I loved Robert needling Finn! And what, whuuut? First, Finn tells Robert that he and Anna don't text because of what happened last year, when he thought Anna was texting him, but she had been a hostage. So they now call each other. Than one minute later, after Robert asks if he's heard from Anna, Finn's response? No, "I texted her" but she hadn't responded yet.

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I think this show is really trying to make me lose my mind with this insane Drewco shit.  First FRANCO wearing the dress blues like STOP IT SHOW and then Tad Martin is southern now too?!?!  HATE.

I really enjoyed Laura and Kevin being concerned about Ava.  I do think Kevin has more chemistry with Ava than Laura, I wouldn't mind seeing them together.

Like others on this board I think the person watching Ava is Nik.  That could also be a reason for the new Laura/Ava common ground.

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

I really enjoyed Laura and Kevin being concerned about Ava.  I do think Kevin has more chemistry with Ava than Laura, I wouldn't mind seeing them together.

It's really nice to see someone outside of Julian be nice to Ava.  I know she can be dreadful, and she's super high maintenance, but I cannot help but root for her.

31 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Like others on this board I think the person watching Ava is Nik.

It seems like 'well, who else could it be?' but with this show, you never know.  Could be an Amway salesman or the Avon lady.

  • Love 8

I hated that the acknowledgement of Drew's presumed death played out between Jason and Monica like it's sad a neighbor or some distant relative died. I never thought I'd give Jason Morgan credit for giving someone a genuine reality check. The writers are making Monica look delusional and desperate, almost as bad as Kim. Hey Monica, your granddaughter is what's left of Drew!! So, is Danny the only one who thinks of Scout?! I really thought Danny was telling Jason no problem because they "live at Grandma Monica's," but when Monica came in and said sure about a longer stay, I realized the audience was supposed to hear "love Grandma Monica's." Well, of course they do, since they are loved and well cared for there as opposed to Sam and Jason's home.  

FrancoDrew's lawyer is a moron and a bully. Poor Cameron! I noticed Kim looked down/away whenever the subject of Franco's love for Elizabeth and family came up during testimony.

Who the hell does Hayden think she is to tell Finn not to shut her out!! Easton is doing well showing Finn's awe, joy, and worry over Violet versus anger, hurt, and disgust toward Hayden. At least she looks ashamed that he clearly feels betrayed/heartbroken by her deception all this time.  

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 5

FrankenDrew looks like a jerk in that uniform.

As much as I hate this storyline, I liked that they brought up what Elizabeth did with Drew when he was Jake Doe. That was pretty despicable. 

And Jason of all people giving Monica a well needed reality check, but it doesn't even seem like she gets it. 

And didn't we know? Franco is such a hero! 

I hate these writers so much.

  • Love 5

Hayden has some nerve, dropping this bombshell in Finn's lap and giving him exactly zero time to process the information before demanding he not shut her out. She kept him in the dark about Violet (nice name, I approve) for YEARS, and only told him the truth out desperation for his medical opinion. Judging by Hayden's prior conversation with Jax, if Violet's health crisis hadn't necessitated Finn's help, Hayden would have continued to lie to him. By that fact alone, Hayden should count herself damn lucky if Finn has anything more to do with her than hitting her with papers to see him in family court.

How generous of Jason to make a pit stop to check in with Danny and Monica before going home to his real family at the Corinthos compound. All snark aside, I'm actually giving Jason points for trying to dissuade Monica from pursuing a relationship with Franco. She expressed more emotion today discussing Franco's feelings and his current debacle than she did talking about Drew's death, which is disturbing, to say the least. Why are the memories of Drew's childhood more valuable than the memories Monica has of the man, father, and son that Drew was for the last five years of his life?

I usually detest GH's court scenes because they're almost always tedious and inaccurate, and today's were especially frustrating. MEK's character is oily and charmless, and that accent is an abomination (and I say that as a lifelong Southerner and owner of an authentic thick drawl, which I'm grateful none of you can hear). I do think, though, that Franco standing up to defend Cam is the most akin to Drew he's been since the memory transfer.

Edited by Linny
  • Love 7

Our Scottie B. should be able to rip Colonel (sp?) Sanders a new one in court. WTF Tad Martin?!?I

as an AMC fan, I thought seeing the Tad actor would be awesome but he is just not working for me. Bad acting and/or bad writing?

As I've said before, that baby face and white hair are very off-putting for me. Now add the weird accent? Sorry, Colonel.

Shut up, Hayden. I wish that dewey doe-eyed character would have stayed away.

Edited by seasons
  • Love 4

Yesterday Jason was asking Franco for help for his loser girlfriend.  Yes he makes a valid point, but don't entertain Franco period if you want to take the stance of "not getting close to him."

It is clear that Frank Valentini is completely obsesssed with overrated Roger Howarth and everything he brings to the table (shoving orange peels in his co star's mouth, the cartwheels, etc)  This in turn leads to the obsesssion of Franco on screen where he is a whitewashed soccer dad who has been over taken by evil Drew Cain memories and crazy ass Kim.  Look, regardless if Miller didn't want to do this crap story, they never had to do it with Franco.  They choose to do so and if FV thought he was getting back Billy with this story, he's a moron because I am pretty sure BM does not care about GH or whatever happened to Drew once he left months ago.

Basically what I am saying is this crap is all for FV to show off what he thinks to be Roger's amazing incredible talent (FALSE) and once again make Franco some hero. And to spite Billy, which again is completely stupid because he didn't truly want to be at the show anyway.

Edited by Hater
  • Love 3
16 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

It is definitely illegal to wear a military uniform that wasn’t issued to you. You’d think lawyer Tad Sanders would know better.

Scott was right to say that FrancoDrew's attorney has approved him wearing a Halloween costume (because that is all the uniform could be to Franco).

The lawyer insisted first to Scott and Elizabeth and then to the court that FrancoDrew is Drew Cain now, has Drew's memories, Navy SEAL skills (where's the proof??), etc. and therefore is entitled to wear the uniform and medals he earned. But then Scott presents the evidence that this man has Franco's fingerprints, ID etc. and the lawyer is all 'we're not disputing the truth of the physical evidence.' He really should have gotten into trouble for treating Cam like he was on trial.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 5

I fast forwarded through the Happy Families day at Casa Corinthos. I couldn't take the smugness. The girl playing Avery looks a lot like Lexi Alexander (Kristina).

I'm not Hayden's fan but if she pulls Finn away from Anna, I'd be happy to keep her around. If she's leaving the show why have the Violet reveal now instead of a few years down the line when they can hire an older child who has the time to act a real storyline?

1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The lawyer insisted first to Scott and Elizabeth and then to the court that FrancoDrew is Drew Cain now, has Drew's memories, Navy SEAL skills (where's the proof??), etc. and therefore is entitled to wear the uniform and medals he earned. But then Scott presents the evidence that this man has Franco's fingerprints, ID etc. and the lawyer is all 'we're not disputing the truth of the physical evidence.' He really should have gotten into trouble for treating Cam like he was on trial.

This trial is so stupid.  It shouldn't matter what FrankenDrew feels or thinks, facts matter.  I feel like I helped the Raptors win the NBA Championship, can I have a championship ring too?  Nina felt that she was entitled to Ava's baby, should she have Avery? (Although better her than Sonny.)

The questions should be: Is this man of sound enough mind to make to make decisions for himself; and is the procedure dangerous?  Anything else is smoke and mirrors.

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I love Franco, but he did look foolish in that uniform. This is all so ridiculous, and it really doesn't help that the writing is just plain bad! Why is Liz saying sorry to Kim or anything? This self-centered bitch walked into the courtroom w/your husband on her arm!!! You need to be punching her in the face, not saying you're sorry it's come to this!

Franco is not Drew. He will never be Drew. Just b/c Drew's memories were implanted in him doesn't make him Drew. You are more than memories. And he possesses Drew's skill set? He does? Since when? He didn't go to war or rescue anyone on a battlefield. It is downright insulting to say he has. He hasn't! Franco has lived his own life and done his own heroic acts. I was happy Scott and Jordan pointed that out. 

This story is so shockingly bad, and I truly believe it could have been good. As I've said before, it moved too fast, IMO. We never saw Dranco struggling w/what happened to him or his new appearance. He just accepted it all in stride. That was completely unbelievable. If you woke up tomorrow w/your memories intact, but in a different body, you would be freaked out. I don't care if you're a Navy Seal. You'd still be freaked and would demand answers. It would take time to adjust.  Once you heard the answers, you'd be rightfully disgusted by what happened. You wouldn't just brush it off and be completely cold to the family/spouse of the body you're possessing . . . . . or at least any halfway decent person would. I'm not sure why they wrote it this way. This story could have been complex and interesting, but it's shallow. I swear Star Trek Voyager handled this issue better in 40 minutes than GH has done in two months or however long this horrible story has been going. LOL! 

And when Monica says she wants to get to know Drew . . . . what is she talking about? What more can she possibly want to know? He was raised in an orphanage, went to the Navy, and loved Kim. That's it. That's all there is to this "Drew." She should be mourning the loss of real Drew! 

I hate to give Tad points, but it was good for him to point out what Elizabeth did to Jake Doe. That was wrong on so many levels, but that doesn't make what Kim is doing right.  Kim is dead wrong. She is such an awful human being. Her character has been ruined AFAIC. 

Finn better NOT forgive Hayden for keeping his child from him for years! It's clear she would have never come clean if the kid hadn't gotten sick. There's no excuse for her actions. 

And I meant to comment about Josslyn yesterday - what a selfish, horrible friend she is. Yes, it's sad Oscar died, but life goes on, and one of her good friends is going through a really bad time. I'm glad Trina spoke up to her. Hopefully, the text she sent Cam today means she's going to start considering her friends and their problems too and not just stay focused on herself. 

  • Love 7

I hate this storyline and I definitely would not be on the Franco/Kim/Tad Martin Gray side even if I didn't, but I did like Tad Martin Gray bringing up what Liz did re: the Jake(son) situation  For all her "I'll be a pariah if it comes out!" whinging at the time, she faced very few consequences as a result so it coming back to bite her here and now works for me.

And oh my poor Monica.  Not only all the OOC fussing over Franco while barely giving a crap about the Drew she actually had a relationship with, but her having to AGAIN crucify herself about the parenting job she and Alan did.  Because Jase (and Sam) are doing just a bang-up job? 

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, lala2 said:

I swear Star Trek Voyager handled this issue better in 40 minutes

Star Trek Next Generation did too in a fabulous episode where they had a trial to see if Data, an android, should have rights. I actually see Franco's side --he is being asked to submit to having his consciousness (as he knows it) annihilated, which is pretty much being asked to die. I don't think any of us would get in line for that. They could have done this much more sympathetically. ...and without an accent! 

I pretty much FF everything Corinthii at this point, although I did hear Michael say he hoped a silver sippy cup would not seem like conspicuous wealth or some shit... uh huh.

I don't know if I can deal with Finn being awkward trying to figure out fatherhood. I just went through Finn being awkward trying to figure out Anna. And OMG, yet another life-threatening mystery virus!    

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Linny said:

How generous of Jason to make a pit stop to check in with Danny

Oh, right, that was Jason attempting to be a father. 

Of course Sonny can't be arsed to install Dora's car seat, and color me shocked he deigned to sign one of the release forms.

And LOL that Joss is amazed Michael could do something other than grieve for Jonah.

10 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I did like Tad Martin Gray bringing up what Liz did re: the Jake(son) situation

It has nothing to do with this case. Elizabeth isn't lying about Frew being Franco. She's not keeping anything from him. Her past relationships have no bearing on the case. 

I wish Kin Shriner would dial back Scott's bluster by a factor of 100. It just makes Scott seem like a buffoon.

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

I don't know if I can deal with Finn being awkward trying to figure out fatherhood. I just went through Finn being awkward trying to figure out Anna. And OMG, yet another life-threatening mystery virus!    

"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." (Abraham Maslow)

When one of your only two male doctors is an infectious disease specialist, there are a lot of life-threatening mystery diseases.

15 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It has nothing to do with this case. Elizabeth isn't lying about Frew being Franco. She's not keeping anything from him. Her past relationships have no bearing on the case.

I thought it was strange and irrelevant when he brought it up because it really has nothing to do with this case.  I figure that Tad Sanders is just going for sliming everyone on the other side.

Liz is in her thirties with three children. I don't expect Franco was her first love. Or even her first husband.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

FrankenDrew looks like a jerk in that uniform.

As much as I hate this storyline, I liked that they brought up what Elizabeth did with Drew when he was Jake Doe. That was pretty despicable. 

And Jason of all people giving Monica a well needed reality check, but it doesn't even seem like she gets it. 

And didn't we know? Franco is such a hero! 

I hate these writers so much.

That was just gross. The former rapist and serial killer. Very interesting how he is painted versus oh, I don't know...Ava? Stupid fucking brain tumor.

7 hours ago, Linny said:

Hayden should count herself damn lucky if Finn has anything more to do with her than hitting her with papers to see him in family court.

Holy hell, I wish to god that Hayden would be free of this chem-free loser and his stupid vests.

6 hours ago, seasons said:

Shut up, Hayden. I wish that dewey doe-eyed character would have stayed away.

I hope she stays forever. Never should have gotten rid of her in the first place, especially for Steve Fucking Burton, show ruiner.

Could the Casa Corinthos family scene be any more disgusting?

  • Love 5

I think the point that Tad/Ted/Martin Sanders was trying to make was that the truth of identity is only important to Liz when she wants it to be.  In the past, when it would have negatively affected her, she kept her mouth shut, but now when the shoe is on the other foot she's hysterical.  This is the point he is trying to make.  

However... it's not the same thing, and she admits she was wrong, ans has done so previously.  She's not changing her stance now when it's convenient.  

Also?  This drags up the original twins story where Drew, who did then and DOES NOW (cause totally not dead) have all Jason's memories and experiences, had to step his ass aside and accept that he couldn't be married to Jason's wife and raise his sons.  Much more analogous situation, and not in the favor of FranknDrew's case.  And if they try and say that since Drew is dead, NBD, I will flip.

  • Love 9

That kid belongs to Hayden and Finn?  Did Hayden take the wrong baby home?  Violet has Nelle's smirk -- I'd believe they were related. 

Child with a possibly infectious disease?  Let's keep kissing her, Hayden.

Years ago, my 80 year old doctor had an electronic stethescope, not the old-timey stethescope that Finn was carrying around.

Is Michael going to ask for the sippy cup back when he discovers Jonah is alive? <rme>

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