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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Glad we have an official episodic thread now. 

I really, REALLY hope the AJ thing has some twist coming where he turns out to be alive. RC has done it before. I just cannot accept that Monica, who we rarely even see, and Tracy are the ONLY Quartermaines left on canvas. Michael doesn't really count as a Quartermaine, imo, because he's hardly integrated with that family at all. 

Glad we have an official episodic thread now. 

I really, REALLY hope the AJ thing has some twist coming where he turns out to be alive. RC has done it before. I just cannot accept that Monica, who we rarely even see, and Tracy are the ONLY Quartermaines left on canvas. Michael doesn't really count as a Quartermaine, imo, because he's hardly integrated with that family at all. 

The only thing good to come of AJ's death is, I think when Michael finds out the truth (and if Carly is going to be covering Sonny's ass) we may just get Michael Alan Quartermaine.

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Just glad the AJ thing is over because the writing for him went to hell somewhere. If they had  followed the Tracey/AJ merger at ELQ when they had the Lila product going, it could have been okay. And by the way, I am sick to death of giggly girl Alexis. She use to be one of my faves, but now they have dumbed her down almost as low as KIki ass. Anthony Geary is probably playing himself now, because he should have made his exit along with Genie Francis.

Edited by godfreydaniels
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General Hospital has officially changed into the All About Sonny hour.

Today's episode was pure Bullshit. 51st anniverary & all we get was Sonny Carly flashbacks. I'm so fucking disgusted with this shit.

Today did prove that LW isn't good at playing Carly.

Those Quartermaine scenes were just......lip service to the audience form Cartini that "hey the Q's aren't dead, they're still here". Fuck you!!!

The mere minutes you gave to the Q's was an insult.

ETA: I don't think the truth about AJ or Sonny paying is going to happen AT ALL. Just like we never found out who killed Stan or who ran over Dr. Meadows.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I just can't with this show. I'm trying really hard to hang in there but I'm revving up the boat that'll take me to the barge. I didn't see today's episode except for the last few minutes of The Almost Complete Destruction Of The Quartermaines Anniversary Special and since I'm unsure of the language rules here all I can say is F#@$ you Ron. I've been watching this show since 1976 or so and I've never hated it as much as I do now. DIAF writers, you all suck.

And because it can't be said enough, Sonny ruins everything.

edited to add fuck you Ron, you and all your little tiny stupid so called ideas which all suck. I never hated a tv show as much as I hate GH now and I'm even more pissed off because this used to be my favorite show. Also, Sonny ruins everything. And if Carly doesn't tell Michael the truth then she can fuck off too. Sorry, I'm just furious at the mess my once favorite show has become.

Edited by tveyeonyou
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Happy Anniversary General Hospital while another Quartermaine is lead off to heaven and the writers have bored you with 45 minutes of a greasy midget. Fucking awful.  They even glossed over the story-lines where Carly hated Sonny!  No bullet of love, no fallout from Michael's shooting (just limo sex-gag).

Edited by Grammaeryn
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General Hospital has officially changed into the All About Sonny hour.

It's been that for at least a decade. 

I couldn't bear to watch today, but I'm curious as to how all the Carlys fared against each other? Was it made obvious that LW may be a great bitch, but doesn't really get to the core of the character? (SB was always my personal fave, it felt like she got where the character's vulnerability and insecurity was coming from) 

How did TB look? She still have those chicken wings? 

Even with the staircase I am still not believing AJ is Dead. I can't see how any writer, even one as thick as Ron, can figure away for his lead character, and whether we like it or not that is what Sonny is, to come back from the cold bloodied killing of some one.  They almost have to have a backdoor way for AJ to come back. Even if this turns out not to have been AJ but some long lost double or something. It just does not make any sense to have Sonny get away with murder. Of all the things he has done I don't think this is a line he has ever crossed before has he? The death of some one outside the mob?


Sarah's had work done but the hair didn't help. She looked a lot better just a few years ago on DOOL, when she was blonde again. I'd still take her back, I don't give a shit. The dialogue she had today was not great. TB fared better, but Sarah's still the true Carly.

I almost guffawed when they killed A.J. and then faded to white with "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" - wow, tone-deaf. They were so desperate to put this over as a celebration while simultaneously re-gutting the show. And there was no need to do that. You could've had A.J. fight back from the brink - go back down the stairs with his family's blessing, awaken in Monica's arms - and then do the same thing.

What's worse is to realize the soap media will praise it for all the superficial little touches RC and FV are so good at - the pictures! The names! Anne Logan! But if you look at the whole, what is it in support of?

Edited by jsbt
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I won't shoot you, Sake, but if this is a fake-out...you know, how when Robin "died", she appeared as a ghost to Anna, Patrick and Robert--and I predicted that it was manifestation in their minds?

I mean, Robert and Anna "died" in '92, appeared as ghosts after Stone died...

Not that I'm crediting that douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit Ron with any creativity or genius. He could very well come back and tweet; "April Fool's! Now aren't u sorry for bashing me?" or however one types when they twat.  I mean twit.

But he and Frank can ALL just FUCK OFF AND DIE.

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Sonny on his knees praying in the chapel....yeah. What a special moment.
Dear God, gotta help me out. You gotta shut Carly up for me 'kay. I don't want to have to shoot her in the head again, mmkay.
After all..this is all AJ's fault.  He had to die. Know what I mean.
Everything is fine now that he's gone.  
If you do me this solid with Carly, I won't have to kill anybody ever again.  I promise. And you know how great I am at keeping my promises, right?

Monica, Monica, Monica....she has handled personal death so many times that I felt so sad watching her just take another one on.
It's a soap, so I am ready for Monica to just plain lose it. Pick up the oozy and just go after Sonny.  How you like me now, little mobster?!!
Let's be real, would the town really fault her for it?  They'd probably break out the shovels and dig a hole in the ground to hide the body for her at this point.

In other news....I liked seeing Felicia, Mac, Scotty, and Kevin, and Lucy.  Bobbie seemed a little off.  

I would have liked a scene with her and notLuke at Kellys with at least Bobbie talking about Ruby, Joe and Rose 


Edited by scotlore
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Gah, Sonny has a lot of nerve to pray in that chapel. Does he think that God approves of his shooting AJ and will protect him from justice?

And why does he bother to pray anyway?  He's got Olivia to rubber stamp every thing he does - and the only God Orange Glow seems to recognize is Coppertone Spray Tan anyway.

Focusing instead on the Three Faces of the SlagBeast and the Howler Monkey she loves didn’t do it for me. Both of them have less taste than bored baboons at the zoo - at least we don't to watch him or IT scratch their itch, at least not today.

There were a few good moments here and there today, but those sort of infuriate me more.  They remind me of what could be instead of what it is.

As for Carly, Sarah Brown was the most tolerable for me.  Every now and then there seemed to be the possibility of character growth, although it didn't come to pass.  Carly as played by Laura Wright is this stark example of psychotic trash.  Her Carly - all of them, I guess but hers in particular - is completely trash.  As my Aunt Ida used to say, "she'd belch at a baptism and fart at a funeral".  And then laught too loudly and inappropriately.  The people of Port Charles should really be crossing the street every time they see this train wreck coming instead of acting like she's even remotely normal.

But then this is the town that says Sonny is a good father after he shot HISSON in the chest.

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I have no idea what the hell I just watched.  The flashbacks and CloneCarlys could have been fun and interesting, but instead were all about poor tragic Sonny.  Not touching or emotional at all.  I usually hate all the ghost-shit, but even that could have been tolerable, if only AJ had answered Monica's question!  Do the Rules of the Afterlife prevent a dead person from telling who killed them?  

I was surprised to find myself thinking that a much younger Sonny was actually kind of attractive.  Disgusted, but surprised.

I am terrified of where this Who Killed AJ story is going.  Terrified.  

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Was considering starting a separate thread to document life on the barge, but decided not to as it would mean yet another thread for people to keep track of.

Tonight, at midnight, I'll be hosting a candlelight vigil/memorial for AJ Quartermaine, to be held around the pool. The lights will be dimmed, candles and tissues will be provided, and I'm trying to design/build a small memorial float that can be put in the pool for all to see during the service. I was thinking along the lines of a small ship that we can put notes, flowers, etc. in, and then at the end of the service light it on fire and send it off to sea like a Viking funeral. The service will go for as long as is needed for everyone to have their say (or not, if silence is preferred). Monica has been invited so she can finally be among friends, but I honestly don't know if she'll be up to attending. And, most importantly, all drinks tonight are on me.

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