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Favorite Commercials

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On 8/11/2020 at 12:44 PM, BW Manilowe said:

I don’t know if it’s a favorite commercial (& I don’t know which thread it should go in), but I find the current commercial for Kohler Walk-In Baths interesting, I guess you could say. The part that gets me is the part where the (potential) customer says to his wife (who started onscreen in the commercial, then went offscreen), “We need this bath,” once he finds out how easy it is to get into (though he could probably get into a regular tub if he’d just sit on the top/side of the tub so he’s got his legs/lower half dangling on the inside of the tub & carefully drop down into it); then the Kohler rep/installer who’s in the bathroom with the guy says, sorta ruefully, “Yes. Yes, you do.”, which I realized could have a double meaning, as in “Yes, you need (to buy) this bath.” & “Yes, you need (to take) a bath (because he smells like it). The Kohler guy’s expression seems to go along with the second sentiment rather than the first, strangely enough.

You may be forgetting about gravity. It would help him get down into the tub but would work against him getting out, where not only he would have to pull his entire body weight up from the bottom of the tub by arm strength alone but to do it holding onto the sides of a soapy slippery surface. Ask me how I know. ☹️

As for the commercial, I'd love one of those tubs but even if I could afford one I'm just a lowly renter.

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29 minutes ago, CoderLady said:

You may be forgetting about gravity. It would help him get down into the tub but would work against him getting out, where not only he would have to pull his entire body weight up from the bottom of the tub by arm strength alone but to do it holding onto the sides of a soapy slippery surface. Ask me how I know. ☹️

As for the commercial, I'd love one of those tubs but even if I could afford one I'm just a lowly renter.

It's also about balance. I've noticed that now that I'm in my dotage, balance has become a real issue.

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On 8/11/2020 at 3:44 PM, BW Manilowe said:

I don’t know if it’s a favorite commercial (& I don’t know which thread it should go in), but I find the current commercial for Kohler Walk-In Baths interesting, I guess you could say.

My mom has a lot of mobility issues, so when we recently saw a TV ad for a walk-in tub - I forget what company - we decided to look into it.

Your first red flag: When they say things like "$2,000 off if you call now!" but fail to mention the actual price. Turns out the average walk-in tub is like $15,000.

Don't get me wrong, this product is awesome for those who need it. But it's definitely no small purchase, either. Nobody in any of the ads ever seems to mention this.

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6 minutes ago, SnarkySheep said:

My mom has a lot of mobility issues, so when we recently saw a TV ad for a walk-in tub - I forget what company - we decided to look into it.

Your first red flag: When they say things like "$2,000 off if you call now!" but fail to mention the actual price. Turns out the average walk-in tub is like $15,000.

Don't get me wrong, this product is awesome for those who need it. But it's definitely no small purchase, either. Nobody in any of the ads ever seems to mention this.

Yeesh. I had no idea they were that expensive! 

On 7/30/2020 at 5:35 PM, Bastet said:

That support group one remains my favorite because of this exchange:

"Next thing you know, I'm telling strangers defense wins championships."
"Well, it does."

Also because everyone's wardrobe and body language is just perfect.


I still laugh everytime that comes on as it reminds me of every dad in the neighborhood as a child.  Just the eay she delivers the line is great!

The other commercial I laugh at is for Huly, where, at the end, the first guy turns and looks at Abe Lincoln and says he needs some air.  Abe:  "This is the worst experience I have ever had at a theater."  The look on the actor portraying Jesus crack sme up EVERY TIME.  Just this harmless eyeroll....

On 7/17/2020 at 12:58 PM, proserpina65 said:

I generally dislike Idina Menzel, and could do without her singing, but I do find this commercial amusing.


I am with you - something about her bugs but in this? It is funny!

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There's one that, on paper, I'd think would annoy and irritate me, but for some reason I enjoy it.  It's the one for the cure for some kind of erectile disorder, that features all the fruits and vegetables.  That screen full of fresh produce laid out in neat rows and columns is just so cheerful and colorful!  And the poor men look so distraught and puzzled as they examine their personal "stand-in" item.

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11 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

There's one that, on paper, I'd think would annoy and irritate me, but for some reason I enjoy it.  It's the one for the cure for some kind of erectile disorder, that features all the fruits and vegetables.  That screen full of fresh produce laid out in neat rows and columns is just so cheerful and colorful!  And the poor men look so distraught and puzzled as they examine their personal "stand-in" item.

It's for Peyronie's Disease. I'd never heard of it before the ads, and now that I know, the men who suffer from it have my sympathy.

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On ‎07‎/‎30‎/‎2020 at 6:35 PM, Bastet said:

That support group one remains my favorite because of this exchange:

"Next thing you know, I'm telling strangers defense wins championships."
"Well, it does."

Also because everyone's wardrobe and body language is just perfect.


Well, it does.

On ‎08‎/‎13‎/‎2020 at 1:20 PM, peacheslatour said:

I must have seen that commercial a hundred times. He says something about telling a client about bundling their home and auto. Why does that chick with annoying voice assume he's an attorney off of that?

I think the client is in a prison jumpsuit, but I'd have to watch it again to make sure.  Okay, I just checked and the client is definitely in an orange prison jumpsuit, plus they are standing in a courtroom, so the assumption that Jamie is a lawyer in Stockholm is pretty good.

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Just saw a commercial for Geico I think it was. People with a camper voice over says they are taking their home with them. Over to a papa tortise and his son...but dad we have done this for ever!  A feather floats down between them and the dad says "duck"! Son says "no dad that's a vulture"! And they pull their heads in. Cracked me up! May have missed some of it...it caught me at the Duck!

Edited by Gramto6
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13 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Just saw a commercial for Geico I think it was. People with a camper voice over says they are taking their home with them. Over to a papa tortise and his son...but dad we have done this for ever!  A feather floats down between them and the dad says "duck"! Son says "no dad that's a vulture"! And they pull their heads in. Cracked me up! May have missed some of it...it caught me at the Duck!

That commercial bugs me for a couple of reasons -- one because vultures don't hunt like that.  They are carrion eaters -- the turtles would have to be already dead.  Two, because an adult duck *might* eat a very small, young turtle, but an older, larger turtle *might* eat a duckling.  Especially if the turtle is a snapping turtle.

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I saw a cute commercial, but I'm not sure if it's a probiotic or what company.    The one where the man is on his computer, and Sparky the dog keeps squeaking his toy, and the man tells him to stop.   Then Sparky jumps up next to the man, the squeaking is still going on, and the man turns around and his kid is chewing on, and squeaking the toy.   

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The one where the man is on his computer, and Sparky the dog keeps squeaking his toy, and the man tells him to stop.   Then Sparky jumps up next to the man, the squeaking is still going on, and the man turns around and his kid is chewing on, and squeaking the toy. 

I have no idea what it's for, either, but I saw that one several days ago and laughed out loud.  Then laughed again internally when I pictured germaphobes freaking out over it.

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On 8/23/2020 at 6:24 PM, Hyacinth B said:

Geico's commercials are probably some of the best on TV, and since I love to see actors making fun of their images, this one with John Stamos is my new favorite. I love the hair stroking at the end.

John Stamos thinks rape is funny, so he can get off my screen none too soon.

For those who haven't heard in the 15 years since it was revealed, which seems to be a lot of people:   In a magazine interview (Jane), he was asked a series of five questions, to which he gave a series of "joke" answers - e.g. Jerry O'Connell for his current entry on his celebrities to make out with list and growing his mullet back for any urges he was suppressing - the last of which was what was the worst he'd ever screwed someone over.

Concluding with he "was young and didn't have a conscience", but with an easy tone (he did, after all, freely recount this story in response to the last of five innocuous questions to which he'd given funny answers) of gosh, that was a bit of a dick move, not dear gods, I facilitated a rape - recounted the tale of, somewhere in the early-80s, encountering a "really drunk" woman after a show (he was in a band then) who was really interested in him; he wasn't into her, but his friend was.  So he took her back to his hotel, turned down the lights, made out with her, told her to hold on a minute as he needed to brush his teeth, and sent his friend - who looked like him and was lying in wait - into the room in his place to continue.  So she thought she was having sex with Stamos but was actually raped by his buddy.

I can't find a direct link, but there's an image of the article in this tweet:


  • Useful 4

Smile Direct Online (teeth straightening via mail) ad with tween 'Madelyn' getting a package that tells her she's going to get her teeth fixed, and she starts weeping and hides her face. Aw.

Although she looks way too young/undeveloped for her parent(s) to be thinking about that- her facial bones will still be growing for a few years yet. I got braces at 11, and my bottom teeth were all back to super-crooked within 3 years.

5 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Smile Direct Online (teeth straightening via mail) ad with tween 'Madelyn' getting a package that tells her she's going to get her teeth fixed, and she starts weeping and hides her face. Aw.

Although she looks way too young/undeveloped for her parent(s) to be thinking about that- her facial bones will still be growing for a few years yet. I got braces at 11, and my bottom teeth were all back to super-crooked within 3 years.

Same here and I got mine at twelve.

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I think the Progressive ads where all the characters are on a video call meeting are funny, mostly because my work MS Teams meetings often go like that. (And even though Jamie annoys me more than not, it makes me laugh when he calls attention to "disco snouts" when it should be "discounts." I like the group therapy ones too, except when the doctor criticizes the one guy for reading books on submarines. A lot of people would read books on submarines, especially if they were interested in naval history. I also don't like when he tells the guy helping the driver back out of a spot to stop. That's just being courteous. (Although I will confess to having too many pillows on my couch, and it does make me laugh when he tells the one homeowner that he hired the plumber, and he's not the helper.)

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16 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I like the LG ice commercials with the big round balls of ice, I think they call it Craft Ice.      The grandmas with the ball ice are hysterical.  

Just as a FYI, our (fairly old) LG fridge has a horrible ice maker that has never worked properly, so I'd be skeptical about it making "craft ice."

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On 8/31/2020 at 6:42 AM, Haleth said:

Just as a FYI, our (fairly old) LG fridge has a horrible ice maker that has never worked properly, so I'd be skeptical about it making "craft ice."

Just last month we got an LG fridge.  It made regular ice as well as the ice balls. 

After a few days we turned off  the fancy ice ball feature.  We just didn't get it. They don't come out of the fridge door  but into a container in the freezer and besides they're huge!

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On 9/1/2020 at 5:36 PM, tres bien said:

Just last month we got an LG fridge.  It made regular ice as well as the ice balls. 

After a few days we turned off  the fancy ice ball feature.  We just didn't get it. They don't come out of the fridge door  but into a container in the freezer and besides they're huge!

Ice balls are meant for cocktails.  They don't melt as quickly as smaller cubes so your drink doesn't get watered down as fast. They are a trend at high end bars where you'll often see a rocks glass with one huge, round ice ball in it.

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On 8/27/2020 at 9:20 PM, SmithW6079 said:

I like the group therapy ones too, except when the doctor criticizes the one guy for reading books on submarines. A lot of people would read books on submarines, especially if they were interested in naval history. I also don't like when he tells the guy helping the driver back out of a spot to stop. That's just being courteous. (Although I will confess to having too many pillows on my couch, and it does make me laugh when he tells the one homeowner that he hired the plumber, and he's not the helper.)

I think the idea is that although there are a lot of reasons people would have for reading books on submarines, they're all reasons an old person would have. And it's not that helping someone back out isn't courteous, it's that it's something someone's dad would do.

I mean, literally the only person I know who is interested enough in naval history to have books on it is my dad, literally the only person I know I can imagine helping someone back out is my dad, literally the only people I know who use too many pillows are people of my parents' generation, and my dad literally behaves like that one guy with the plumber. I don't know anyone else who does any of those things. It sounds like I'm in the target demographic and you are not. 😃

Edited by janie jones
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Love the hysterically funny latest Snickers commercial where the hubby comes out onto the home's patio wearing a perfectly nice shirt BUT just a pair of tighty whities on his tush.

As he walks out with his head down he asks his wife if they're online yet with another couple only to look up and see that the couple is sitting right there in person. He then sheepishly says to the wife that he thought they were doing the Zoom thing and she quietly says no. Then, of course, the punchline about not always being yourself and needing to have a Snickers. Perfect.

Here's the link:




Edited by DC Gal in VA
To the link and typo.
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1 hour ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Love the hysterically funny latest Snickers commercial where the hubby comes out onto the home's patio wearing a perfectly nice shirt BUT just a pair of tighty whities on his tush.

As he walks out with his head down he asks his wife if they're online yet with another couple only to look up and see that the couple is sitting right there in person. He then sheepishly says to the wife that he they were doing the Zoom thing and she quietly says no. Then, of course, the punchline about not always being yourself and needing to have a Snickers. Perfect.

Here's the link:




That one makes me laugh too. I'm retired, so have only done a few Zoom things for social clubs, but these days it's the only time I style my hair and put on a nice top. I'm still wearing my yoga pants, but usually with a tee shirt.

Someone on the outrage commercial thread said they hated it. Mileage truly does vary.

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5 hours ago, chessiegal said:

That one makes me laugh too. I'm retired, so have only done a few Zoom things for social clubs, but these days it's the only time I style my hair and put on a nice top. I'm still wearing my yoga pants, but usually with a tee shirt.

Someone on the outrage commercial thread said they hated it. Mileage truly does vary.

Aww @chessiegal say it ain't so but like you said different strokes for different folks I guess. BTW, I'm retired too but have never done Zoom. Frankly,  I don't even want to be bothered with even getting either my top or bottom ready just to have a conversation!😁

Edited by DC Gal in VA
Effing Autocorrect!
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15 hours ago, Bastet said:

I am incredibly nervous about the NFL trying to have a season in the middle of COVID, but as a life-long football fan I cannot help but feel giddy about this commercial:


It's almost here!  As long as the players follow the rules they should be all right.  I laughed at the Lion King part because that is one of the commercial break activities at stadiums.  They play The Circle of Life and fans hold up their babies.  Lots of awwww moments on the big screen.  There is always some joker holding up his adult child.

Edited by Haleth
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On 9/5/2020 at 11:56 AM, janie jones said:

I think the idea is that although there are a lot of reasons people would have for reading books on submarines, they're all reasons an old person would have. And it's not that helping someone back out isn't courteous, it's that it's something someone's dad would do.

I mean, literally the only person I know who is interested enough in naval history to have books on it is my dad, literally the only person I know I can imagine helping someone back out is my dad, literally the only people I know who use too many pillows are people of my parents' generation, and my dad literally behaves like that one guy with the plumber. I don't know anyone else who does any of those things. It sounds like I'm in the target demographic and you are not. 😃

I miss the dad with the flip phone.  “Why would I get rid of it?  It still works!”

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14 minutes ago, smittykins said:

I miss the dad with the flip phone.  “Why would I get rid of it?  It still works!”

I'm with him.  I hardly ever use my cell phone, and only for the occasional call, not texting (unless someone texts me and I have to reply that way), so my flip phone is all I need or want.  I think that's the only, or at least one of the few, "you've turned into your parents" things from those commercials I do, though.

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1 hour ago, smittykins said:

I miss the dad with the flip phone.  “Why would I get rid of it?  It still works!”


47 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I'm with him.  I hardly ever use my cell phone, and only for the occasional call, not texting (unless someone texts me and I have to reply that way), so my flip phone is all I need or want.  I think that's the only, or at least one of the few, "you've turned into your parents" things from those commercials I do, though.

That was my dad and my reaction when my brother made us upgrade phones on a family plan insisting we needed it. If it still works why switch it out? He turned out to be right especially since March when most of our doctors appointments switched to video conferences.  And we've both ended up looking up news on our new phones a lot too. He took our old flip phones and donated them to our local police station. They collect them to hand out to low income people and women in shelters. We both really liked that idea.

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2 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

That was my dad and my reaction when my brother made us upgrade phones on a family plan insisting we needed it. If it still works why switch it out?  He turned out to be right especially since March when most of our doctors appointments switched to video conferences.  And we've both ended up looking up news on our new phones a lot too.

I use my computer for any necessary video conferences, as I always have.  And while I sometimes read/watch the news on the computer for something breaking, I mostly read the paper in the morning and watch TV in the evening.  I don't need my cell phone to be another computer or TV; it's a phone, and one I barely use (it's usually in my briefcase or car, needing to be charged, and very few people have the number).  So ye olde flip phone is in no need of an upgrade for how I use it.  But, yes, I'm in the minority, and younger than most who use theirs the same way.

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I like the commercial where the man is dancing around in his regular shirt, but boxers, and then the video feed comes back, and the lady tells him they can see him.     

And the other man who is sitting down, but the camera is lower so you can see his bare thighs.    I don't know who the actor is, but I've seen him in something else, and it's driving me bonkers since I can't remember what else I saw him in. 

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I agree the delivery on "Judy" is quite funny on its own, but the commercial as a whole is one of those things I just can't find humor in; poison is an unnecessarily inhumane way of killing mice and rats, and can also turn animals who eat the poisoned rodents in the several days it takes them to die - unlike Judy, they don't actually keel over shortly after their first ingestion -  into collateral victims (even the "better" ingredient d-CON changed to carries some risk of secondary poisoning, and we don't yet have enough data to know how much).

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

I agree the delivery on "Judy" is quite funny on its own, but the commercial as a whole is one of those things I just can't find humor in; poison is an unnecessarily inhumane way of killing mice and rats, and can also turn animals who eat the poisoned rodents in the several days it takes them to die - unlike Judy, they don't actually keel over shortly after their first ingestion -  into collateral victims (even the "better" ingredient d-CON changed to carries some risk of secondary poisoning, and we don't yet have enough data to know how much).

Plus glue traps. Fuck that, I'm not doing that.

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