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S26.E09: Can I Get A Hot Tub

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Wow, first Blair was going "too fast."  Then when he slows down to be next to you, he needs to "hurry up."  Make up your damn mind, Hayley.


Oh, she is absolutely clear in her mind on what she wants Blair to do - the opposite of whatever he is doing at the moment. I love how Blair is not even annoyed with it anymore. I also liked how she blamed him for not knowing that a local gave them the wrong instructions on which way to go, and Blair was just amused. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he is self-prescribing.


I also enjoyed the dinner in Namibia with the awkward explanation from Matt about the U-Turn of Jenny and Jelani and the acknowledgement that they wouldn't be surprised to see it coming back at them.


That was fantastic. How could you u-turn us and try to gain an advantage! It's like one sports team going on the other "Ugh! You scored on us! How could you?!!" Also, Matt was so pissed and vocal during that dinner, that for some reason it appeared to me that he was the one unhappy with having been u-turned. That confused the hell out of me, because I clearly remember Jenny being pissed about the same thing.

  • Love 3

How could you u-turn us and try to gain an advantage! It's like one sports team going on the other "Ugh! You scored on us! How could you?!!"

At the dinner both Jelani and Jenny said they were fine with being uturned and understood, Jenny may have been lying or chilled out when they weren't eliminated but it was Matt who kept going on and on about it.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 7

The Amazing Editors deserve an Emmy just for the Blair/Haley exchange of positives negatives on the bicycle

Blair:  This is so pretty

Haley:  I smell poop

Blair: Look at that windmill

Haley:  I'm freezing

Blair:  What a beautiful day

Haley:  I need gloves


When this whole thing started I thought he was a dismissive jerk - now we know he'd spent five minutes with her and we were already seeing the first on camera reaction to the screeching.



Thanks for this!  I am enjoying watching them.  They are an SNL skit. 

  • Love 11

Hayley got the navigation right, and Blair messed up because he hasn't learned to let her take the lead on that particular bit. 

But he has tried that too. Remember in an early leg when he made a point of leaving navigation choices up to her? She immediately stalled and asked "What do you think?" and insisted on hearing his ideas -- which she then immediately questioned. She really can't take the lead on navigation (she wasn't sure about the H-- street in Amsterdam either). Her only way to function is to let Blair decide and then nitpick him to death.

  • Love 19

I wasn't watching the clock so I thought they'd all have to do a challenge at a speed skating rink, which made me wonder how the Olympians would have reacted to that.  After the challenge in Japan where they had to skate/push a chair around a rink it seemed like a repeat*.  Should have known it was only the pitstop.  


*Of course the difference would have been they'd be using the time honored and much admired Roman style of speed skating.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 8

Thanks for this!  I am enjoying watching them.  They are an SNL skit.

I wish I could enjoy them. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. So when she starts shrieking at Blair, I start screaming "shut up" at my TV. There's no pleasing her, and I continue to be impressed with Blair's demeanor. She's one of those people who won't step up and take over; she'd rather sit back and point out everything he does wrong.

I'd have slit her throat by now.

  • Love 6

Blair tried to let Haley navigate in one leg, if you recall, and the results were even worse, if possible, since at the first decision she immediately deferred to Blair, with predictable results. I have grown to like Blair. He has a quiet sense of humor and the patience of a saint. Or maybe he wears earplugs. But FREE BLAIR!

I was just in Amsterdam this past summer and there were no hot tugs! Maybe it's a winter thing. But it was fun watching the racers bike around town. It did look cold, though. Especially compared to Namibia.

I was very glad this was a NEL. The hairdressers are so supportive of each other. Especially compared to another team I could mention. FREE BLAIR!

  • Love 5

I enjoyed this episode more than many of the previous ones. The challenges were fun, well-balanced, and showed off a decent amount of the local culture. I also liked the humor that some of the teams showed (pee in the hot-tub, "You're doing great, Hayley!", etc.).

I was actually disappointed when it was time for the teams to race to the pit stop (ME: "Already? I wanted to see more Amsterdam challenges!").

  • Love 6
The hot tub task would not have been fun in rain and somewhat lukewarm water.

I've lusted after these hot-tub boats before, but funny thing about them - the heat for them comes from a wood-burning stove that's in there with you.  That's cool but you have to keep them stoked in cold weather or they cool off, and there didn't seem to be much smoke coming out of them.  My guess is that water was pretty tepid by the end there, really not happy-making if there's a bit of wind.

  • Love 3

At the dinner both Jelani and Jenny said they were fine with being uturned and understood, Jenny may have been lying or chilled out when they weren't eliminated but it was Matt who kept going on and on about it.


See, that's what I thought, but then I couldn't get it squared with someone (Matt, as it happens) being so upset about something. I admit, I wasn't listening that closely. 

Edited by shura

I'm actually starting to really enjoy Blair, ever since I realized that he reacts to Hayley EXACTLY the same way my brother reacts to our mom, side glances and all. My brother once told me that you just have to think of Mom as an alien who has no idea how humans are supposed to interact (I never mastered it, which is why I live several states away). There's a bonus clip this week that shows more of Blair setting up Hayley's tent, and it actually is very sweet the way he takes care of her.

I really enjoyed this leg for the scenery, the fun tasks, and the humor. I guess I'm not really in this for well-designed legs or competition, because my favorite legs have nothing to do with those things.

I can't imagine how uncomfortable Jenny must have been, standing on the streets in a soaking wet robe in 37-degree weather trying to figure out what II III meant.

  • Love 10


She really can't take the lead on navigation (she wasn't sure about the H-- street in Amsterdam either). Her only way to function is to let Blair decide and then nitpick him to death.


I don't think she can take the lead on anything. I mean she couldn't even deal with a tent that was already set up. I have a sneaking suspicion that it allows her to always be right and if they lose, it's because Blair did something wrong.

  • Love 6

Blair is actually sweet to Hayley when she isn't screaming abusive things at him. I understand frustration and exhaustion (like what happened to Aly in the previous leg), but sometimes Hayley is just plain verbally abusive. At one point, I believe she referred to him as a "freakin' idiot". She has serious anger issues. She was screaming at him like he ran over her puppy. I don't mind a well-placed "I told you so!" but the way she kept screaming harsh words on and on and on....wow.


I loved this leg and the tasks and the scenery.


I have a sneaking suspicion that it allows her to always be right and if they lose, it's because Blair did something wrong.


Nailed it! If you don't take the lead or decision making, there's no risk of you being wrong but it's very convenient to place blame once something goes wrong. I dislike such people in workplace too.

Edited by waving feather
  • Love 8

I get the impression that everyone (including the crew) has gotten to the point (some time ago, actually) of simply viewing Hayley as a complete joke.   We've seen the other Teams have nicknames for her, and we've seen the other guys offering Blair their condolences and sympathizing with him.


I think the sideways, knowing glances between Blair and the camera crew are the same thing.


The funny thing is, I think the fact that everyone is just sitting back and laughing behind her back and no one is saying anything to her is leading Hayley to think that she's right and that there's nothing wrong with her behavior.  So she just keeps going, and going, and going, and going . . . . 

  • Love 8

I don't think she can take the lead on anything. I mean she couldn't even deal with a tent that was already set up. I have a sneaking suspicion that it allows her to always be right and if they lose, it's because Blair did something wrong.

Imagine if they had a REAL relationship.

B : Where do you want to go for dinner?

H: I don't care, you pick.

Later- why did you pick this freaking place? This flood is terrible, the music is too loud, why are you sitting across from me instead of next to me? What is wrong with you?

B: let's watch Tv. What do you want to watch?

H: I don't care, you pick.

Later- this is AWFUL, why did you make me watch it? Oh my God, Derek dies? What is this crap? Why are you such an idiot?

  • Love 14

I remember the first few legs when most people didn't like Blair and he seemed to be a stereotype of a Doctor with a God complex, then we got to know Hayley. I think now he's decided to just hunker down and find the humor in it, just to survive.


Once again a spoon-fed flight for all the teams. I used to think they showed way too much airport drama on this show. Now I'd be happy for any at all.


I think this may have been why everyone but Rochelle seemed to forget about stand by.


I, too, loved the Amazing Editors giving us the back and forth of the Hayley and Blair show.

  • Love 3

Watching everyone riding bikes right alongside tram tracks without paying any attention to the tracks was making me so anxious - I have made that mistake myself, and it ended with bone poking out from my wrist...

I was mortified by Hayley and Blair on their way back to "H-Street" (Herengracht?) riding on the left-hand side pavement, then on the left of the road among trams. Amsterdam has lots of cyclists, but everybody knows which lane they should be in for which mode of transportation, and if you're playing salmon or in the wrong lane, it gets ugly quickly.

And to those who pointed out the previous navigation horrors in Thailand and Germany: yes, you're right. The specific dysfunction there is that Hayley feels somewhat confident in something, she still cedes responsibility to Blair so that if something goes wrong she can give him grief, because that's easier than her making an assertive decision and taking responsibility for any screw-ups.

The ride into town from the Road Block in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel wasn't a short one: about 12km, so perhaps 40m on one of those Dutch bikes. But it's a reminder that if you do rent a bike in Amsterdam, you can get to some pretty villages relatively quickly.

It looks like the floating hot tubs aren't a thing in central Amsterdam itself, hence the stares from locals, but there are rentals elsewhere in the Netherlands.

  • Love 2

5 I's by itself is hard. Paired with Ice Skating not so much. I don't understand how J&J didn't get it right away. That said, I'm not in a bath robe soaking wet after being in a hot tub ride in the cold. I'll give them a pass. LOL!! Blair is a saint & Haley is beyond annoying. I'm dying to hear (not actually hear her voice) her exit interview. Popcorn time!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 1

5 I's by itself is hard. Paired with Ice Skating not so much. I don't understand how J&J didn't get it right away. That said, I'm not in a bath robe soaking wet after being in a hot tub ride in the cold. I'll give them a pass. LOL!! Blair is a saint & Haley is beyond annoying. I'm dying to hear (not actually hear her voice) her exit interview. Popcorn time!!!!


What if in that interview she said, "I am going to use my half of the million dollars to do..."?

And to those who pointed out the previous navigation horrors in Thailand and Germany: yes, you're right. The specific dysfunction there is that Hayley feels somewhat confident in something, she still cedes responsibility to Blair so that if something goes wrong she can give him grief, because that's easier than her making an assertive decision and taking responsibility for any screw-ups.

I think that's a big part of it. Have we ever seen Hayley ask for directions? I remember her yelling at Blair for wanting to stop and ask for directions once, and last night, Blair started to ask and Hayley was like "Blair, let's go" after a second and wasn't even listening to the guy. I get why Blair tunes her out, and I can even understand why Hayley gets frustrated, but if she has a problem with Blair's navigational skills, she should be right there writing down directions herself.
  • Love 1

I'm actually starting to really enjoy Blair, ever since I realized that he reacts to Hayley EXACTLY the same way my brother reacts to our mom, side glances and all. My brother once told me that you just have to think of Mom as an alien who has no idea how humans are supposed to interact (I never mastered it, which is why I live several states away). There's a bonus clip this week that shows more of Blair setting up Hayley's tent, and it actually is very sweet the way he takes care of her.


I wouldn't be surprised if an interview with him surfaces where he says something just like that Alien Planet viewpoint. He seems to be completely fine with telling her to her face that she's acting ridiculous, and interestingly there are times when she will just nod along with him and not dispute anything he's saying -- I have a feeling it's not the first time they've been in this kind of situation, prossibly in a relationship but more likely in a family or professional situation.


I've met a couple of couples who have been married for multiple decades who act this way -- constant bickering and sniping leavened with moments of kindness.  Of course in their case it's marriage vows which are keeping those couples together, while here it's being in the Race, and the odds are one in a million (billion?  trillion?) that they'd ever connect after it's all over. 


I have to say that if they lose, there's a part of me that would like to see them in an All Stars race, even though I normally hate the high-drama teams.

  • Love 2


Two attorneys unable to figure out that IIIII means "I"s = Ice? Color me unsurprised -- lawyers always overthinking stuff, coming up with belabored nonsense (Roman Skating Rink? The hell? That's Roman bath, Order of the Coif), and generally making life more difficult than it needs to be.

So true, upping those billable hours is a hard habit to break.

  • Love 5

Over the course of watching their interaction in the last few episodes, I've come to the conclusion that Blair aced his psychiatric rotation in medical school.  He's handling her in ways very similar to the way you try to manage an agitated  patient -- some of the things he says and does are right out of the verbal de-escalation checklist. It doesn't mean he likes her, but it's a way to handle the situation and keep moving towards the goal.  


Hayley was right about the street sign, but it's hard to catch the important stuff between all the recriminations and complaints, even if it's Einstein when it's mixed up with all the other garbage:  "YOU FREAKING IDIOT YOU MAKE ME SICK e=mc squared I'M GOING TO BE SO MAD STOP GOING SO FAST HURRY UP."   

  • Love 10
Tyler and Laura must be favourites to win this thing now, surely? They're treating the blind date gimmick with the contempt it deserves, and treating the Race with the love it (often) deserves. They are, I think, a covert superfan team, which is why they've gelled well as a team far more than the blind date couples who aren't quite as into it.


I believe I read a story somewhere indicating that both of them had applied with other people and they were the driving force behind those applications, so you're probably correct.

I've finally come around on Tyler and Laura. IMO, they have the best intra-team dynamic of the five teams left. And the banter they got into about peeing in the Hot tug was genuinely kind of funny.


I'll give Jenny and Jelani some credit, despite not figuring out multiple I's could equal Ice (which, in a vacuum would be understandable...but not if you've already figured out the other two words in a three word Wheel of Fortune puzzle).....this easily could have been the return of evil Jenny but she managed to keep herself in check. Maybe it was the warm water of the Hot tug or maybe some of Jelani's (5 percent) mellow has rubbed off on her. Although the fact that J&J and T&L got away from the Amsterdam aiport to the Klompen shoe store and each handled that roadblock w/ the most ease certainly would put your mental state in a much better place at that early stage of the leg.


I'll give Mike and Rochelle a bit of credit too, much like the Fabulous Baker Boys or even the Scientists from last season they are eerily comfortable w/ racing from the back of the pack on almost every single leg. Despite her ability to go stealth passive aggressive on a couple occasions....they genuinely don't self-sabotage their team much which is a big reason why they've outlasted stronger teams to this point.


At this point what's left to say about Hayley? I've watched from TAR 1 and there have been very few contestants who've ever made me change the channel or fast forward the dvr. Jonathan of Victoria and Jonathan infamy was one....but she joined that exclusive club last night during the bike ride through the city. It's a good thing Blair is some combination of aloof and zen because I don't know how he hasn't lost it on her in spectacular fashion yet. Those upthread who focused in on the fact that Hayley never wants the actual power of decision-making for the team is spot on. She needs to backseat drive/2nd guess every decision he makes (right or wrong) to feed her own ego/combat some sort of inferiority complex due to the blonde hair and baby voice or something. If they ultimately win, Phil needs to have the million separated out in two suitcases and we should just watch them leave the mat (w/out celebrating w/ the other teams) and walk off in different directions into the sunset.


Would have prefered Matt and Ashley to just go. I just don't really have much in the way of strong feelings about them. They are the quintessential archetype team that's physically fit, yet not particularly great at the detail oriented/independent transportation aspects of the game. The fact that they got "engaged" during the race is about the only highlight that makes them standout amongst this (lackluster) cast.

  • Love 3

I kept having deja vu watching the scenes in Amsterdam from having just watched the housewives from Beverly Hills being there, in Yolonda Foster's hometown. That big "amsterdam" sign, the windmills, the bike roads.... so beautiful.

I loved it because I'm in Rotterdam at this very minute on a pre-visit for work, before I return in June for a six month stint. I was in Amsterdam last Sunday on a cycle boat in the canals (hilarious) and will be there again on Monday for King's Day (Mardi Gras meets St. Patrick's Day except everyone is in orange... will be insane). The Netherlands is (are?) beautiful. AND it's tulip season right now...amazing.


How Blair doesn't throttle Hayley is beyond me. Remember the olden days when we thought he was a condescending jerk? Now I'm convinced he's either a saint or deaf. 

  • Love 4

Hayley continues to annoy with her non-stop shrill nagging. However, unlike the rest of you, my like of Blair has slipped. He takes playful shots at Hayley and the situation he finds himself in. Thankfully, she seems to be taking those rather well. While I fully understand why he's makes those occasional snarky comments and even agree with them, they lower my opinion of him a little each time he does it. While I'm just commenting on this episode, this has occurred on the last few legs as well.


Blair also needs to pay attention to Hayley when it comes to directions. She's been right more often than him. He can tune her out at all other times, but not when it comes to navigation and directions. That's not the same as letting her make the decisions, but at least give her navigation input more consideration. It didn't look like she gave her street name comment any thought what so ever. I'm not sure if this is some primal men never ask for directions stereotype nonsense or what.


I was also somewhat amused by the contrast shown between the shrill harpies in this episode. On one hand, Hayley was complaining about everything on the bike ride while Jenny was enjoying the amazing beauty. It showed a much nicer side of Jenny than what we've seen so far. It still doesn't make me like her, but it's a nice change of pace from the ugliness of previous episodes, even if it did feel a little over the top.


On the shallow end of the hot tug, thanks for Tyler in boxer briefs show.


While I didn't care for the "dramatic" discussion about the U-Turn at the dinner, it was really nice to get an old school Eat/Sleep/Mingle segment. I had come to think that everyone was sequestered off on their own as soon as possible, and forbidden to talk to each other. I think increased chances to see ESM segments may be the only possible good thing to come out of this Bachelor(ette) edition of TAR.


Unfortunately, the flip side to this is Phil failing miserably as a Millionaire Matchmaker at the mat. No matter how you ask it, there is no true love being found on the race by a blind date couple. It just ain't gonna happen TAR. Please give it up and never return to this gimmick. I'd rather see more ESM segments that focus on everyone than a date night that focuses on a single couple's "love" shenanigans.

  • Love 4

I am not sure of the date when they were there, but the trip that the first team won was dated for November of last year. The 14th, I think. They were in Germany/Bavaria for Oktoberfest, which can run the entire month of October.

I kept having deja vu watching the scenes in Amsterdam from having just watched the housewives from Beverly Hills being there, in Yolonda Foster's hometown. That big "amsterdam" sign, the windmills, the bike roads.... so beautiful.

The Munich Oktoberfest usually starts around mid-September and is over during the first week of October (i.e. in this year it begins 9/19 and ends 10/4).    According to Wikipedia this season was filmed 11/12/14 - 12/6/14.

  • Love 1

Hayley was too much in this episode, but I'm starting to like Blair a lot.  He's really able to keep his cool.  Their exchange in the hot tub about pretending to be confused was pretty funny ("That was the practice round and you failed"... LOL).  Ditto when he was describing how romantic it was when they finally rode side by side on their bikes. I love how he is openly mocking the whole blind date thing at this point.


I'm also surprised Jenny didn't freak out since they could have been last.  She even laughed when they finally realized it was "ice skating rink".  I can't call Jenny and Jelani stupid, though.  With riddles or even crossword puzzles, sometimes, your mind gets stuck even if it's obvious.  It looks like they clued in when the bystander said "ice skating" out loud.  Maybe they didn't need to go another round since they already went through the cycle twice and they got it on their second guess?


I would have liked Matt and Ashley to just go.  I would be pretty content to watch the remaining teams.  Rochelle really rocks at tasks, and I liked how she kept her calm while Matt ran around like a chicken with no head.  Rochelle's partner is a really nice guy, but it was kind of funny when he only got 1 point.  


Even with a map, I got lost in Amsterdam a few times and ended up walking the wrong direction more than once.  So I could see how a few teams got lost/disoriented.  Tyler and Laura must be strong navigators, since they beat Jenny and Jelani there by quite a bit.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 2

So I was inspired to watch some of the bonus clips trying to find the one where Blair set up the tent for Hayley. Some thoughts... It does seem like they get along reasonably well in their downtime. The teams aren't super friendly with each other but there's not a great deal of animosity in the bonus clips. Awkwardness, sure. But just look at the way Ashley did Jenny's hair even after the whole racing ahead in the taxi/U-turning kerfuffle. Also, I am really not sure why of all the reality shows, Hayley picked this one. I'm not so convinced she's a terrible person. But she's definitely a chatterer and a complainer and she's clearly a little high maintenance. She doesn't like bugs or tents. She doesn't like dirt and she wants to look her best. She doesn't seem to really embrace the physical challenges though sometimes... as with the Monaco running around challenge she did power through. She did do a good job solving the puzzle quickly this leg so maybe she assumed she could take it easy with these kinds of puzzles and occasionally do something like sky-diving or rappelling? I can see how she might have gotten that impression from some of the recent seasons but I think you have to be up for anything when you sign up for the race. There's no telling for sure what you're going to get even if things have been getting a little repetitive and maybe not as challenging as they once were.

  • Love 2

At this point what's left to say about Hayley? I've watched from TAR 1 and there have been very few contestants who've ever made me change the channel or fast forward the dvr. Jonathan of Victoria and Jonathan infamy was one....


How about Marie (with the red/pink streak in her hair) of Tim & Marie?  She was awfully, awfully mean and annoying…almost unbearably so.  

  • Love 2

I didn't actually find her that bad.  But what she said in the interview can be applied to the Blind Date teams, actually...




MARIE: I think our partnership works because we remove the emotional aspect of having a relationship on the ‘Race.’ A lot of times when teams are dating, or married, or related to each other, the emotional aspect is a factor in how they do on the ‘Race’ or in the tasks. We don’t take anything personally, neither one of us is going to get our feelings hurt. It’s not like our relationship was going to suffer because of whatever happened on the ‘Race.’ We went on the ‘Race’ strictly to compete and I really think removing the emotional element from the equation is what really helped us excel.



Plus, what Jelani said at the end of this episode.  Individually, the blind daters are relatively strong players, so paired up, they can still do pretty well despite any disagreements they might have.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 2
At this point what's left to say about Hayley? I've watched from TAR 1 and there have been very few contestants who've ever made me change the channel or fast forward the dvr. Jonathan of Victoria and Jonathan infamy was one....



How about Marie (with the red/pink streak in her hair) of Tim & Marie?  She was awfully, awfully mean and annoying…almost unbearably so.


I don't really remember much about Marie, the only one I think that compares is Flo and though Zach was more Zen than Blair the both have the 'let's just get it done' mentality.

Why was that woman knitting in the midst of all the Klompen?

I've been to Amsterdam, it's a nice city. Lots of sex toy shops too with lots of ball gags. Blair should look into that for Haley.


Two attorneys unable to figure out that IIIII means "I"s = Ice? Color me unsurprised -- lawyers always overthinking stuff, coming up with belabored nonsense (Roman Skating Rink? The hell? That's Roman bath, Order of the Coif), and generally making life more difficult than it needs to be.

Ball gag... lol


I have to admit I'm also an over-analyzer and didn't figure out the II III thing was ice, despite being excellent at word puzzles.  I laughed out loud at 'roman skating rink', though, and hoped it was the episode title.  


Hayley has bugged me from day one.  I think Blair is conditioned from boot camp to just ignore the drill instructor barking in his face or the minnie mouse voice harping on him constantly.  


I felt there was a bit of a surprise NEL this time, just me?  I was cleaning the kitchen, but I heard the sad music and the profound voiceovers from Matt and Ashley and then surprise, NEL.  Do they usually play the sad music and the profound voiceovers before NELs? 

Have none of these women heard of a ponytail holder???  Why would you let your hair get wet in 30 degree weather? 


And I'll admit to totally overthinking the 5 I's thing, very much like Jenny and Jelani were.  That was sort of outside the norm for a rebus, where everything else made literal sense if you did it right.  (I did love R-blot, R-splat... R-Ink!  Rink!)  Maybe it was the capital I's that could have also stood for roman numerals, or the placement, but I kept thinking it represented the name of the skating rink they were supposed to go to, not just "ice skating rink". 

  • Love 2

You know, sometimes I feel a smidgen of sympathy for Hayley, because she WAS right about the street and Blair just ignored her, and I can't have been the only one to notice that she figured out all the rebus clues before Blair did.  But then she just goes on and on and my sympathy is gone.


Mike and Rochelle may be too polite for the race.  There's a Bonus clip in which they all leave the airport and there's a huge line of people lined up waiting for cabs.  Mike and Rochelle jump in the line and all the other teams just cut to the front and take off.  Eventually M&R decide they have to cut too, but they feel really bad about it afterwards.


SO relieved Matt and Ashley were saved, because they are my favorite couple left...which probably means they're eliminated next, because almost every eliminated couple (though not Kurt and Bergen) were my favorite when they were eliminated.

  • Love 2

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