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S07.E01: The B Is Back

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Bethanny - well, I guess it proves to me you can't go from a reality show, to getting your own show, and making a ton of money, have a few failures, and come back as the same chick I loved the first few seasons. She's just so....aware now. Like she's controlling everything coming out of her mouth, is analyzing its impact, and is being the right amount of emotional to make me (the viewer) care. It's so very forced now, and I never felt that from her before. Maybe the time and space just gave me clarity, but she seems so different now. The worst to me was her carrying on about she no longer gives a crap about what the anyone has to say about her. Oh, Bethanny, honey, it's clear to me in that 20 second clip that you give ALL kinds of crap. I'd like you a bit more if you'd own THAT fact.

Sonya is a woman that would be a fantastic friend when everything is going well in both your lives. She would be a needy friend if things weren't going well in her life. I'm not sure what kind of friend she would be if her life was going well, but yours wasn't. But she's clearly a shitty friend when things are going wrong in both your lives. That's not really the kind of friend I would need or want, despite the fun times we had when things were going well in both our lives.

Carole, I like you, but you have a job, you have a commitment. Suck it up and do it, or give the money back. I have no patience for that kind of "Oh, well, I have this thing I was supposed to do, but life happened, and is more interesting to me now" nonsense. No. Work is - or should be - a big part of your life.

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Maybe Carole' s scene with the editor was actually a kind of damage control, propaganda piece? Wasn't Carole accused by other cast members of not writing her own book? By showing her editor tonight demanding 80,000 words by a deadline, and Carole fretting that she wasn't in the right frame of mind to write, the implication was definitely there that Carole doesn't use ghostwriters.

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So Carole, LuAnn, and Sonja are all going to be seeing younger guys?  Jeez, that's sounding repetitive already. 


Bethany, you obviously have an emotional attachment to the apartment Jason is in, but you can pick out the tile in a new place and make this apartment even better, and a fresh start with no Jason reminders in it.  In the meantime, rent an apartment and move your homey stuff into it.  You can pay for movers.  They'll even pack and unpack for you if you pay them to.  Live there for the 6 months or year or however long it takes for the new place to be done.  You'll have your own kitchen and coffee cups and plates so you can eat cake.  It's not that complicated.  Everything else is just drama you are bringing upon yourself.


I can't deal with Sonja's delusions anymore. 

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And Vicki has a question for Carole:

If I'd have had water in my mouth, that Vicki GIF would have made me spit it all over the screen!  Too funny!


I still love Bethenny but crying over not having a place to live was groan-worthy.  


How was Sonja so cool when she first started, and now she's a delusional mess?  


Dorinda made a good-ish first impression.  


Usually not a fan of The Countess but I kinda liked her in this episode.  

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Maybe Carole' s scene with the editor was actually a kind of damage control, propaganda piece? Wasn't Carole accused by other cast members of not writing her own book? By showing her editor tonight demanding 80,000 words by a deadline, and Carole fretting that she wasn't in the right frame of mind to write, the implication was definitely there that Carole doesn't use ghostwriters.

I think that's what Carole was going for but she came across as stoned and entitled.   She needs to lay off all of the injectibles.  Her lips are getting to be comical and now they look like she has permanently lined them.


B is the same.  Insufferable.  She worked all her life for that apartment?  OK.   And no one would give you $8 for those eggs.  #realitycheck


Dorinda.... ayayay.   Agreed she'd fit in more with the Jersey Kim's.  And her daughter, omfg.  Did she drop out of college or was it that she moved back home after college to mooch off of mom because step-dad died?


Sonja - go look for your sexy J.  These interns get sadder each year.


Good to see LuAnn.  Sag Harbor is home to many richie rich's.  She'll be fine there.


Do not want an entire season of Kristen's O face.


Who is Heather defending this season?

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Been sporadically catching bits and pieces of the HW shows tonight, both NYC and BH as I am busy online mah-jongging.  There was a collective GROAN in my home (from two floors of watchers) when Heather did the "Holla" thing in her opening tagline.  Jeebus Crimeny.  TPTB have to torture me with that shite ANOTHER season running?  I want to stab myself.  Didn't we flippin' suffer enough for a thousand lifetimes already with that?  God, why?  Don't do this to me.  I hate Aviva but last season she was right when she called Heather out on the whole pseudo "ghetto" lingo or which ever way she was phrasing it.


I about fell out of my chair when Bethenny was whining (with big tears yet!) about being homeless and having to live in luxury hotels?  Bitch, please.  You are worth like what, a hundred million dollars, one hundred fifty million?  Buy an effing home and stop making the viewers hate you even more than they already do. She's insufferable.


After all of the swearing and cussing I've done tonight I was actually in church earlier this evening.  The woman behind me reminded her daughter to pray for someone they knew who was actually living in her car, so Bethenny you can kiss everyone's collective asses with your homeless BS and be profoundly ashamed of yourself.  Take several seats.  Or golden thrones.  Or whatever you sit your delusional skinny ass down on. Do that.  For the rest of us.


I want the Taekmans gone.  As in off my screen.  They brought exactly zero to the table last year.  I forgot Kristen was even a cast member.

Edited by beesknees
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Carole's new tagline:  "All play and no work makes me a happy girl."


I smell storyline.



Who is Heather defending this season?


Still Carole.  But what she should be doing is helping girlfriend find a J.O.B.

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Good Gordon, what is the deal with the new cast member's daughter?  Those black, furry, humomgo caterpillar eyebrows ... Oy.  And what was that big knot on her forehead?  Agree with the poster that mentioned Dorinda (?) looks better suited for RHONJ.

Edited by beesknees
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Maybe Carole' s scene with the editor was actually a kind of damage control, propaganda piece? Wasn't Carole accused by other cast members of not writing her own book? By showing her editor tonight demanding 80,000 words by a deadline, and Carole fretting that she wasn't in the right frame of mind to write, the implication was definitely there that Carole doesn't use ghostwriters.



You are so right.  The problem for Carole is she came off like such a lazy stoner loser airhead in that scene with her editor.  Man, if she was trying to get out the image of her as a tortured artist trying to work at her . . . um, craft, as an actual writer, rather than a fake who uses a ghostwriter, then she failed miserably.  Maybe she needs a ghostwriter to get her contract completed.  Go ask Veevs & Lu for recs, Carole.


I have to wonder what Bethenny's financial situation really is.



It's unclear, but she's way ahead of any of these women, that's for sure.  Here's the thing.  Sure, she coulda rented a place.  But that would probably entail a commitment of at least a year.  And then there's the time & expense to furnish.  There are furnished apartments available, but the choices are few & may not be located where she wants to be.  The apartments B is probably looking at are $10 mil plus.  I would bet she can afford 1 apartment at this level & not more than that -- I mean, in addition to the one loser Jason is squatting in.  So, as hard as it is to believe, there is some truth to her whining, but that grating voice -- GAH!!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Bethenny is smart and reality TV-savvy, so I'm surprised she went with that schpiel about being homeless and not having a home to make memories with her daughter. She's clearly trying to gain sympathy for herself and disparage Jason, and HW's always bring kids into the story to soften their image, so I'm guessing she thought that was a sympathetic story. But instead, it misfired.

Does anyone know any scoop on this War of the Roses? What is holding up this property dispute? 2 years?! And secondly, don't both Bethenny and Jason have gag orders placed on them re: their divorce? If so, didn't Bethenny violate the order a million times tonight?

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I can't help but like LuAnn these past two years and I have not been a Lu fan.  I always had the feeling that she ditched her kids at every opportunity for her social life.  I remember her son asking her to stay home at night and how the kids were so upset when the nanny was let go.  But Lu has been amusing and a voice of reason which is saying something on these RH shows.  I love the clip of her telling someone to be cool and I NEED the exact wording.  It just makes me laugh.


I appreciate what a rough time Ramona is going through but when I heard her saying that Mario was blaming her, was it so wrong of me to yell at the TV "Because You are Nuts Ramona!"  I am caught in the middle here - he cheated which is wrong but he also spent 25 years with Ramona which has to count for something.


Edited by talula
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Did Sexy J Sonja get a new dog? I know Millieu died and she got a new one, but I thought that dog was white. There was a little brown dog she had tonight that was a dead ringer for Rowlf the Dog.

She and Harry Dubin bought the red poodle (Rouge) last season when they were trying to make their "relationship" work.  I just caught that episode today, plus I have the same dog so I was particularly interested.  They were going to take it on vacations and restaurants with them.  I guess she got the dog, and Harry will remain a dog.  


I love that gif of Luann above but I also love when Heather says from the previews, "wouldn't you be scared if there was a man upstairs you didn't know?"  Luann makes a face like wtf? and says forcefully "not really! "  The way she said it was hilarious.  


Was Bethenny always this whiny and nasally??  She really is never happy is she?  She complained all the time when she was single and broke, then married and wealthy, and now single again with a beautiful child and is a millionaire.  She must just be a really unhappy person to the core.  

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Some of the blogs are up. I always loved reading Carole's, but sadly, in tandem with what we saw in tonight's episode, her contract with her publisher precludes her from doing any writing for anyone, including Bravo, until she submits chapters for her next book. I'm not sure how she was able to submit this week's, but apparently it's the only blog we'll likely get this season. Boo!

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I used to really like Bethenny, and a part of me still wants to, but...she makes it so difficult. I was really annoyed when she asked the bellhop for fucking olives and walked away self importantly, saying "when you're done with that." Who does that?! Since she lives in hotels now, she should know to call room service for a request like that.

I Think when you stay in the presidential suite, you can ask anybody for anything and they'll be happy to get it for you.

Edited by Lnmop
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Carole is not a pretty blonde, she looks so much better with darker hair.


Ramona needs to have a heart to heart with Luanne. Both of them tried to keep their divorces on the down low.

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"[John's] completely different from my late husband--Richard was an incredibly smart, intellectual, kind, fun guy."  Ooh, yeah, no one wants a second helping of that shit.  Break the cycle! 


Dorinda seems okay, but that daughter didn't develop into an entitled princess monster all by herself.


I gave up on the housewives years ago, but I pitched in to be supportive tonight because, even in my peripheral vision, I've seen Jill Zarin desperately angling to get back on the show.   I'm SO glad Bethanny got the call instead--all the "homeless" schtick was an appalling misfire, but at least I don't have to contact my service provider to have Bravo removed from my viewer package.

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Game of Thorns Sonja? You deserve every bitch slap EVER!! Delusional is not a good look on anyone. Especially someone nearing 60. She does look great though. Yes, Sonja we are all waiting for you to astound us with your interns, branding expert and business acumen. The titans of every industry are shaking in their boots. Where is Pickles? Did she escape?


Dorinda is rough looking. I don't mean this is an insult to anyone but before she talked I was expecting a British accent. I think she was reminding me of Cat from RHODC. I loved her explanation of how people don't get her boyfriend because he isn't like her late husband who was "incredibly smart, intelligent,kind fun guy". Is the new one a stupid, boring, derisive asshole? He is a major creeper.


LuAnn looks good, Ramona looks like Avery (wonder how much much surgery she had), Carole is not bright and Kristen is a non entity as usual.


Beth- well Beth is Beth. I feel sorry for her daughter and employees and anyone who has to deal with her for long periods of time. She needs to cut back on the Adderall and/or coke. My God the fast pace jabbering. I think she has adopted some tough businesswoman persona. I thought she was so hip and above the fuckery in her first seasons. Bitch buy an apartment. You could have mutliple places to live in multiple cities in a heartbeat. I am a committee member for an upcoming breakfast for a woman's homeless shelter  Her crying is an insult to women who escaped terrible situations with no money, no education and the clothes on their backs. She needs a bitch slap and a reality check. That fucking apartment you lived in for a few years is easy to get over to get rid of a bad person. It's Real Estate.


This seemed disjointed. Maybe because of Beth. It's like I am expecting the magic of Seasons 1-3 but there is so many changes in the ladies lives, not to mention the new 

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Carole is a writer. That is her work.

Unless...is she expected to run around like she's the head of several different corporations that will fall apart if she's not seen giving to-do list after to-do list to this person or that in said corporation(s)? Is that the only "meaningful" way to work or appear to work? If so, she's lived that life, too, working as a producer for a news organization for years and years and years. She was successful at it, too, which tells me that she has this "work ethic" (the one and only way to show it, of course) thing down.


Sonja is impossible. Ramona was trying to talk about the shit with Mario and all Sonja could do was talk about her own break up. Yeesh! Sonja seems incapable of empathy.

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I liked this show so much better after Bethenny left and I'm wanting her gone now.  I never followed her subsequent Bravo shows or her talk show, and actively avoided her WWHL appearances, and I'll pretty much watch anyone on that show.  She's got enough cash to get an apartment in the city, have it furnished by professional decorators, and move in within a couple of days.  And if she doesn't, staying at a presidential suite doesn't exactly garnish sympathy.  She's not staying at a youth hostel, a shelter, or even an AirBnB.  I really want to know what she & Brandi have done to get so far up Andy's ass to make him think they attract viewers.  B's participation on this show is seriously driving down my desire to watch RoNYC.  And RoNYC is my favorite.


Dorinda reminds me of that old ep of Seinfeld where Jerry dated the girl who looked great in one light and horrible in another.  Sometimes she looks youthful and stunning, other times she looks....well, not so youthful and stunning.  But at least she's interesting so far; I want to know more about her and Ramona, and how she folds into the Ramona/Sonja relationship.


Speaking of, I've been past Sonja's house (couple years back, purely by happenstance), and it's kinda sad.  But I don't like anyone to lose their home.  NTL, she's as delusional as ever.  I feel bad for Ramona, if what she said on WWHL was true.  If Mario was really kind of keeping her emotionally hostage about not talking about his infidelity back at the reunion, I sadly get how that can happen and then hate yourself for letting it happen.  I also don't buy into the idea floated on the 'net that Ramona deserved to be cheated on because she's pretty crazy and controlling.  Yeah, she is, but bow the fuck out and THEN go screw whomever you want.  It's not like it's news that Ramona is nutty and controlling.  That sign post was there 25 years ago, probably 45 years ago and Mario fucking knew it.  He's a cad, and should be put out to pasture with George.


The rest left me unimpressed.  Not much of Heather or Kristen.  Carole is doing herself no favors defeating Aviva's claim she used a ghostwriter if she can't turn in pages.  Lu looked good, but always has.  She is Switzerland. And I hope she stays that way.  Be cool, Lu.  Be cool.  Not un cool.

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Bethenny is still a victim. Yawn. I used to kind of like her when she was on this show, but her spin-off undid all of those feelings. She just refuses to be happy even with all the blessings she's been given. Only she could bitch about being 'homeless' while sitting in a spacious penthouse suite of a luxurious hotel. And then again in an expensive town car as she is chauffeured around the city to look at overpriced real estate. She claims she has to stay at the hotel while her current apartment is being renovated, so why is she apartment searching with Frederik?  I mean, it sucks she can't enjoy the apartment she spent so long constructing, but that's what happens when you have marital property. Upon a separation, someone usually leaves if they have the financial means to do so.


As an aside, I read a story about a wealthy woman in NYC whose ex-husband refuses to leave their apartment, so she's stuck with him AND her new husband in this place. Nevermind that she has a child with the new husband and children with the ex in the apartment as well. Eek!


Sonja...oy. She still doesn't get it...just as delusional as always. There are times when it's okay to relate to a friend who is having a hard time by sharing a story or two about how you overcame a similar problem, but that was not a time. Get out of your butt, Sonja!


I read before this season started that Dorinda is very wealthy. Her apartment may be modestly sized, but I believe it cost a hefty penny.


I teared up when Kristen's daughter ran to her daddy. So glad she's made progress with her therapy and is doing well!

Edited by trimthatfat
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I rewatched last year's reunion of Ramona being all (uncool, sorry haha tm Luann) "Stonewall Jackson" about Mario. I felt for her when she said last night that he held her hostage and forced her to stay mum. That sucks. It was eye opening to hear what she had to say about it. I expected same song and dance of last reunion.


Did you SEE Sonja's Rust blazer at the lunch w/Ramona? Ramones is cruising down the street in her white designer peplum thing- that dress SCREAMS I am not riding subways or taking cabs I am a lady who lunches..... and along comes Sonja in her $3000 (in 1991) Loro Piana St Laurent whatever with MOTH HOLES in the back of both shoulders!!! Honestly! Check your DVRs...  That sums it up for me on Sonja. It's a little sad. Her plastic surgery work is still modern though and good.


Bethenny disgusts me. Her "antics" are "down there" and "I don't think you're cute, I don't think you're funny" and "we're not friends". Bitch get into a homeless shelter and you'll see what HOMELESS with a SMALL CHILD is really about. Bethenny allegedly moved around house to house as a kid glad she's repeating the cycle instead of coughing up some dough and getting a cozy apartment for a year or so and sucking it up for the good of things. #teamhoppy

Dorinda did look a little rough but I like the snark possibilities here, I liked it, w/the Joe G. dry cleaner and the daughter, quite strong facial features there.


I kinda got a kick out of this the past couple weeks, Ramona is gushing and crying in front of Dorinda's help, Kim Richards was blabbing to her makeup artist in the finale of BH, Bethenny was bawling in front of the real estate guy- no restraint. 1) Ramona acts like the help is not even there 2) in Kim and Bethenny's place who do they think might leak stories? Hmmmm


Glad they are back. Can't  wait to see Luann's house. Kristin's dramatic facial expressions can GO away. anytime.

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I was SO happy to see Kingsley running! That was awesome. Kristen, on the other hand - "Pretty is smarter than you think". Dafuq? 


Carol had to be kidding about that cucumber-vodka-butter diet. Right? She is the last girl that needs to diet. Although, did her face look puffier to anyone? It looked like she had been on a filler spree or something. 


I see Sonja is still as deluded and narcissistic as ever. Way to be there for Ramona....by comparing every facet of her situation to yours, tit for tat, right down the line. And, by the by, if you're still emotionally where Ramona is right now, AFTER TEN YEARS, get a therapist. And an accountant. Those are the only two people you should have on "Team Sonja". Because when you owe someone $7 mil, getting a gold flake facial just doesn't seem prudent. 


Dorinda and her daughter seemed horribly dated to me. Those eyebrows! Help! And then the plaid dress Dorinda had one, it reminded me of something out of Clueless. 


Luann looked fabulous. 


Was Heather even on? 


I have mixed feelings about Bethenny being back. She was always my favorite back in the day. I think she is hilarious and a great businesswoman. But I kind of soured on her during her solo shows, as it just all became very negative and depressing. I haven't been paying SUPER close attention to the details of her divorce, but it honestly sounds like they're both being assholes, IMO. I think Bethenny has a LOT of deep, emotional issues. And probably was not in the place to get married or have a child. But whatever. I'm going to take baby steps with her being back. 


My main take away from tonight was - calm the fuck down. Take a XANAX! She's "homeless"? Really? Saying that over and over was kind of offputting. Yes, she does not actually have a home at present. But she has the means to get one. Truly homeless people do not. And why hasn't she been renting all this time? Instead of staying in hotels? Why not buy a place that doesn't need renovation? It almost comes across as a part of her martyr schtick, and not a true problem. 

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Ramona looks amazing!  Whoever she's seeing for fillers, injections or tucks is hands down the best cosmetic surgeon in the world.  Ramona looks very natural and smooth but not shiny and lumpy and stretched (ahem - Beverly Hills & OC gals, I'm pointing and laughing at you and your plastic waxy faces).  She looks more like Avery now than 6 years ago!  Good for Ramona and I hope she can get past the pain of her divorce from Super DB Mario.


I'm liking Dorinda but I'll have to pass on the daughter.  YIKES!  Train wreck of entitled brattiness. I think she was playing to the camera too, so maybe she'll chill out a little? Dorinda's BF is a little "off brand" for this franchise IMO. I see him hanging out with Tony, Christopher & Paulie at the Badda Bing more than brunching uptown.


Sonja...sigh.  The decent into madness is still not fun to watch.  How is she still getting those kids to sign up for indentured servitude?  They all must be on Bravo's payroll and suck up being bossed around by Sonja in trade for camera time. Maybe they DO get college credit after all...assuming they are all Sociology, Psychology or Pre-med students doing independent studies on delusional behaviors.


Luann still looks fabulous too.  I think her cold, imperious tut-tut dahling days are behind her for good.  The previews for the season show Luann getting down and dirty.  No apologies or phantom "Italians" this year!  Looks like she's ready to own her party girl ways. 


Bethenny is back, did you know?  It's always been love-hate with her for me.  I get that going through a high profile messy divorce with LOTS of money involved is a very hard thing to do.  But the "homeless" shtick has got to go.  You said you have a house in the Hamptons - go "make memories" for you & your kid there!  I get that she wants to have her new place in the city, and for that place to be just as amazing as the one her ex is living in, but her priorities are screwed up. She is spending tons of cash and time renovating an apartment to the Nth degree with imported tile made by a lost civilization of Pygmy potters & set with hand crafted mortar made from the rarest volcanic ash, flown in from Corsica on Lear jets instead of giving her daughter and herself a permanent place to sleep for more than 2-3 nights a week. I doubt her little girl will be able to tell the difference between or care if its carrera marble or travertine in her private bathroom.  Just suck it up and move in!

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I've always had a soft spot for Bethenny, but oh my did she come off as entitled and delusional tonight.


I broke up with an ex three months into a year-long lease. It was ugly, to say the least. He made more money and had family living closer than I did, so I asked him to continue paying his portion of the lease and move in with a family member (he cheated so I felt perfectly fine asking this). He refused, I already had commitments in our new town and could not afford to pay two rents per month. We were both on the lease, legally forbidden from kicking each other out, and we were stuck together. It sucked, but I believe I cried far fewer tears in the 9 months we had to cohabitate than Beth did in one hour of last night's footage.


Things can always be worse. I'm a life-long cynic who loved Beth's brand of sarcasm, but that ordeal with my ex turned me into a centered optimist. I had money in the bank and a roof over my head. I have no patience for someone who sobs upon piles of money and who can blow her nose with $100 bills. Your daughter has two loving parents and a very bright future. Get over yourself.


Ramona, on the other hand, well that breaks my little black heart. We all knew Mario was a cad, but I think Ramona truly loved him. I really felt for her when she said that she gave the marriage her all and could go to bed every night knowing she did everything she could to save it.


Dorinda's daughter is a total nightmare. That is all. I hope she never graces my TV again.


Carole and Heather have always felt like a different show to me, and it's even more glaring now that B is back. And Kristen, beautiful as she is, remains entirely forgettable.

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Right! WTF Sonja.

Luann continues to look great, what is that woman's secret?

Is Ramona the only person surprised by the divorce? I feel for her, but it was pretty apparent Mario was not into Ramona.

Wah wah wah Bethenny


I posit that it's because Luann's already lived her less attractive phase -- Exhibit A: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/08/08/article-2185650-1472EDCF000005DC-58_306x423.jpg


I swear she's got some Benjamin Button thing going on.

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She and Harry Dubin bought the red poodle (Rouge) last season when they were trying to make their "relationship" work. I just caught that episode today, plus I have the same dog so I was particularly interested. They were going to take it on vacations and restaurants with them. I guess she got the dog, and Harry will remain a dog.

Aha. Thanks. I stopped watching early on last season. I couldn't take the grossness that is Aviva's father. But whenever I see that dog, I'm going to expect for it to start playing the piano and singing "Moving Right Along."

Dorinda's daughter looked a lot like Madonna in her Michigan, pre-fame days.

Edited by charmed1
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Sonja dear why would anyone want advice from you on how to handle a divorce?  It's been ten years and you are now just getting your settlement?  If I wanted how to do a divorce for fun and profit I would ask Luann.  Why would anyone want business advice from you?  You have a 7 million dollar judgement against you?  If I wanted how to make a brand and millions I would ask Bethenny.


Bethenny - man check whether you and Andy are still friends.  That was a crap edit.  I bet they took every time you said homeless and lined them up until you came off cray cray.  I get that you emotionally want the apartment that your ex is holding hostage.  We both know that he can't afford it without SkinnyGirl money and you don't want to move on you want to move back.  The filming of this is at an interesting place.  It was last fall?  She said they were no longer in the Hamptons.  So in a month or two she and Brynn are in the new apartment?  I did find the footage of 2009 where she couldn't give SkinnyGirl away was interesting.  It does say something that she just didn't stop.  Probably the reason I love and hate her.  She just doesn't stop.


Ramona - I don't remember you on the episode because it was written over by your hysterical appearance on WWHL.  She was so drunk.  She kept grabbing at Christina Ricci to the point that whenever she reached over with her claw like hand Christina would grip the armrest so Ramona could grab her arm and wave it about.  Then the best was when she said 'those aren't my real eyes' about the Ramona mask.  Honey, those are your real eyes on that mask.  But that said she does appear to have stopped with the bug eye thing which is why I know she got some work done.  Whoever did the work said top it you're not making yourself look good.

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Question for the New Yorkers on here: Lu traded Southampton (??) for Sag Harbor. In terms of location ( not property size) among those fa-a-abulous crowds, did she upgrade, downgrade or break even ?

It really depends. Each place has a range of housing that could make it a difficult choice between the two. As far as prestige, its really the same. Popularity mildly shifts between the two but they're both amazing places. Neither are Rye, NY though... And thats the basic deal with NYC, whatever you have, there's a better option, and everyone knows about it. Someone will always have a better beach house, bigger boat, wider view of the park. You basically spend a few million so that anyone you know can ask why you didn't pick some harmless equivalent option.

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Why did I read a few weeks ago that Bethenny's PR peeps had made it their mission to "soften" her and have her come across as less brittle and more humble? She needs a new team. Did. Not. Work.

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I found Dorinda to be very materialistic. All she and the daughter talked about was shoes and shopping. She may be interesting though, I'll give her shot.

I was giving that gold dress major side eye after the employee said they were tasked with sewing it back together because it had been ripped off the gal who wore it. Freaky rich people......

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Why did I read a few weeks ago that Bethenny's PR peeps had made it their mission to "soften" her and have her come across as less brittle and more humble? She needs a new team. Did. Not. Work.


Bethenny responded to a tweet back when that was published saying - not true and then some crass remark.  So can't believe everything you read I guess.

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Highlight for me... NO suck the energy out of the room Aviva! That alone makes this season already better than last. Actually, knowing there will be no sleazy George makes this season better. For that I thank you Bravo.

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Does anyone know if Moaner works?  I remember she said she had an office, but I didn't get the impression she works any sort of regular hours -- or at all.


If memory serves, Ramona's business is buying seconds from manufacturers and selling to off brand chains like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc Gotta give her props, the clothing business, especially at the retail level is dog eat dog. She must have some business savvy to build a business doing that. I wonder what is happening with the divorce and Mario's business. Ramona did lots of work for the company. I wonder if Mario had to give her a piece of it.As much as Ramona grates on my last nerve, she must have been devastated by her marriage breaking down, since she was clearly in denial for years. I liked Dorinda and she seems to ground Ramona a bit. Ramona was actually lucid and her words made sense when she was talking to Dorinda. The dry cleaner guy was total comic relief. I get that Dorinda's daughter was probably in a state after her step father passed, but it's been 3 years and Dorinda seems to have moved on, but Dorinda made it sound like her daughter was not back in school, working or doing anything but shopping. How healthy is that for a young 20 something? And those red lips and huge eyebrows! Someone get her to a salon for an eyebrow wax, stat!


I haven't always likes the Countess, but she is my fave now. 


Carole is still pretending she is 22. That scene with her publisher was so ridiculous. Carole is smart. She knows a deadline is a binding contract. Don;t act all stupid girl!


Sonja is still in her land of delusion, complete with a new cadre of interns. I felt bad for Ramona when Sonja was trying to compare her relatively short marriage to Ramona's. It will be interestng to watch Ramona replace Sonja with Dorinda. 


In the first seasons, I loved Bethanny. Not so much now. That BS about being homeless was offensive, Homeless people have no place to sleep because they can't afford it. Going from luxury hotel to luxury hotel to the Hamptons does not qualify for homeless status. Frederick looked kind of horrified when B started crying. B also hasn't lost her touch in the saying something inappropriate department, but it's no longer cute or funny. 

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Bethenny clomping around the Presidential suite wearing those tight jeggins and those clodhopper shoes reminded me of Minnie Mouse or Olive Oyl.

For the life of me I can't remember the term for someone who walks with their feet out (think of a clock's hands at 10 minutes to 2) and their legs apart. There's a term for that and she fits it to a tee!!

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I love that gif of Luann above but I also love when Heather says from the previews, "wouldn't you be scared if there was a man upstairs you didn't know?"  Luann makes a face like wtf? and says forcefully "not really! "  The way she said it was hilarious.


That was awesome. Her expressions was, "Hey, we're on vacation. The more random men shambling around, the better!"

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So glad I wasn't the only one whose eyes were ready to roll back into their skull during Bethenny's whole "homeless" sob story.  Girlfriend, please.  You're a millionaire now.  Rent a damn apartment and stop with the theatrics. 


Where was Heather?!



She was at the dinner with Lu, Carole and Kristin - the scene where Carole spoke about her new "diet" (which I do definitely believe was a joke, albeit a lame one)


I got the impression that Carole is the one banging Luann's niece's ex-boyfriend.



Yep, totally think this is the case, too. 


Candice Bergen's daughter has those same brows.  Is this a trend now for 20-something girls?



See: Cara Delevingne.  In other words-yes.  I'm so not a fan of the caterpillar brow. 


I was SO happy to see Kingsley running! That was awesome. Kristen, on the other hand - "Pretty is smarter than you think". Dafuq?



Me too!  And yes, gawd, that was a lame into line. Carole's was bad too.  Although Bethenny annoyed me greatly last night, I kinda dug her line. 

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And what's up with Bethenny's right eye. In every one of her talking heads she had a black streak running down the outside of her eye, it looked like a cross between smudged make up & the crying native American in the 70's trash pile commercial tears at first but then it was showing up in her scenes..... No money for a house no money for filler I guess!

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I just can't with Bethenny and her crocodile tears. I live in NYC. I moved here a decade ago and found a furnished apartment within one day for $1200 per month. It's sickening to listen to someone with $100 million bitch and moan that they are homeless. According to her, she has 3 homes. One in the Hamptons, one in Tribeca and one in Soho. Since Jason won't leave the one in Tribeca, she bought the one in Soho and just can't live in it until it is fully renovated. Well me oh my, I guess there just wasn't one sutiable apartment to live in-in all of NYC. stfu

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The first few HWs episodes of any city are usually a little slow and hard to watch before they catch their rhythm, so I'm cutting this episode a little slack.

Everyone is bitching about Bethenny, but I'm not too bothered by her homeless spiel unless she keeps going on about it. Part of what makes Bethenny, Bethenny, is that she mutters and complains about her life. Have you forgotten? She's pessimistic with a little optimism thrown in. And then she makes a joke out it, but she's basically miserable and lonely on the inside. She'll probably never really be happy. All the money in the world won't do that for her. She will get into a relationship and find happiness for awhile and then screw that up bc of her need to control and her over-analysis and junk that lives inside her head will overrule. I think the closest she'll come is the joy that comes from spending time with her daughter. IMO, looking back maybe she should have just settled with Jason even if it cost her too much bc as unfair as it may have been she would have had her home and peace of mind. It'll be interesting to me to see how they finally settle it -- what a huge mess.

Back to the show, I actually like Dorinda so far. Her apartment is not my taste at all. The dark gray is depressing. There is nothing uptown about that apartment at all, imo. I don't think she looks rough. She looks 50. That's what 50 looks like. Lu Ann turns 50 next month and she doesn't look it, all the the HWs look younger than their age other than Bethenny and maybe Carole. I hope we don't see much of Dorinda's daughter. I don't like her. And if she's not in school, then she should be working. There's no excuse for that. The dry-cleaning boyfriend is an interesting choice.

Ramona -- I do feel some sympathy for her, but I don't feel so sorry for her that I don't forget what a crazy, delusional person she can be and how self-righteous she is when the chips aren't down. She's not a great person, she's in fact a real bitch. Ugh. I'm sure she and Mario were well suited for each other.

Kristen -- meh. I can't say one good thing about her. Didn't she complain on the reunion about Aviva swearing around Kristen's kids, and then we hear her tell Josh, "Fuck" within earshot of her kids when he let Cash start the bath water or some such thing? Hypocrite. I just can't with this woman. I hope Bethenny hands her her ass.

What can be said about Sonja that hasn't been said a million times? She gets worse each season, I swear.

I'm looking forward to this season once it hits it's rhythm.

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The reason I'm so puzzled by Carole's attitude toward work is that last season she said Veevs was "nothing" because she never held a job.  I didn't care for her saying that then.  Now she's acting like such a ditz to her editor, who is in effect her boss, with the publishing company she's in need of being reminded she has a contact with.  I'm still baffled by that scene.  She looked kinda out of it -- like she was drunk or stoned.  Um, WTF is going on with her?  She don't seem right. 


Oh no, don't kill me, but I'm really enjoying the Moaner on WWHL.  Much more than on the show.  I luv that most peeps don't believe Moaner has changed.  What do ya bet B has been waiting to get back at her since that horrible scene on the bridge?  Ah, don't disappoint me, B -- go get her!

I agree about Carole.   First she goes on a show she normally would not be caught dead on (needed money) but now she is acting just as dumb as the rest of them.

 Maybe the dumb disease Kelly has is contagious and was exposed to it?

             Bravo/Andy love it when cast members stink deeper and deeper into mental illness (Sonja) and she will eventually lose her daughter and end up homeless or living as a squatter.     Ramona will walk by her someday and drop a quarter into her Tiffany cup.

              Cant stand Luann.  She did drop some of her crap last year but she has no personality and her attempts at humor are sad as in she has absolutely no sense of humor.  I have also always thought she was dumb as a door nail and a passive aggressive bitch.

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She and Harry Dubin bought the red poodle (Rouge) last season when they were trying to make their "relationship" work.  I just caught that episode today, plus I have the same dog so I was particularly interested.  They were going to take it on vacations and restaurants with them.  I guess she got the dog, and Harry will remain a dog.  


I love that gif of Luann above but I also love when Heather says from the previews, "wouldn't you be scared if there was a man upstairs you didn't know?"  Luann makes a face like wtf? and says forcefully "not really! "  The way she said it was hilarious.  


Was Bethenny always this whiny and nasally??  She really is never happy is she?  She complained all the time when she was single and broke, then married and wealthy, and now single again with a beautiful child and is a millionaire.  She must just be a really unhappy person to the core.  


Actually, Heather should know better....didn't Luann bring the pirate guy or a bunch of guys back to the house with her when they went away last year (or was it the year before...I can't remember exactly)?  


With Luann's propensity for picking up random guys while on vacation (and the ease with which she seems to do it), you would think that Sonja would really try to be her best friend....

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Oh the gift of seeing Ramona clomping down the sidewalk graceless as ever in a too tight dress with a white bow highlighting her really only bad body feature - her tummy pooch!  She could look so good if she really wanted to.  The hilarity of the Big B crying over her homeless state!  Priceless.  And I seem to remember she and Jason re-doing that apartment together.  Cause the B films everything - even peeing in a pot.  Such a klassy girl! Revisionist history B?  I havent followed her divorce details - anyone know how it is that Jason gets to "squat"  in "her" apartment?  While I have not missed the screeching horn that is the B, I'll take her over Jill or Kelly. 

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Back to the show, I actually like Dorinda so far. 


Yeah, she's seems all right to me, too. Watching how she was with Ramona, really being empathetic to Ramona's issues and offering words of advice (as opposed to whipping it back around to her own divorce) highlighted how different Ramona's meal with Sonja went. 


Did you SEE Sonja's Rust blazer at the lunch w/Ramona? Ramones is cruising down the street in her white designer peplum thing- that dress SCREAMS I am not riding subways or taking cabs I am a lady who lunches..... and along comes Sonja in her $3000 (in 1991) Loro Piana St Laurent whatever with MOTH HOLES in the back of both shoulders!!! Honestly! Check your DVRs...  That sums it up for me on Sonja. It's a little sad. Her plastic surgery work is still modern though and good.


I saw that! Every time the camera showed Ramona from over Sonja's shoulder, my eyes fixated on the spots on the back of Sonja's blazer. I was like, What am I seeing? I had to squint to be certain. 


For the life of me I can't remember the term for someone who walks with their feet out (think of a clock's hands at 10 minutes to 2) and their legs apart. There's a term for that and she fits it to a tee!!


Duck walk?

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