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S18.E15: One on One: Part 1


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1 minute ago, LotusFlower said:

I don’t understand why Suki doesn’t challenge Kidney on his whole victim narrative.  He acts like Christine and Janelle’s decision to leave was such an injustice, instead of acknowledging or at least discussing his part in why the marriages went south.  

She doesn’t challenge him or Robyn on anything ever.  She totally treats them as if whatever they say is the absolute reality of whatever happened. 

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19 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

She doesn’t challenge him or Robyn on anything ever.  She totally treats them as if whatever they say is the absolute reality of whatever happened. 

It’s so infuriating.  They’re totally manipulating her, and it’s such a disservice to viewers, the vast majority of whom want these issues addressed.  

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2 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

One thing I find curious. Meri, Janelle and Christine are the three wives that Kody claims to have never been in love with. The three who have been pushed aside so that he could be with the love of this life, his soul mate. But the only one crying and looking miserable is the chosen one. Strange.


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33 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

She's realizing she didn't win such a great prize after all. With the OG3 and their contributions to the pot gone, life is going to get pretty lean at the ole Manse and she won't be rolling in everyone else's dough any more. Not to mention that Kodouche is borderline crazy to boot!

Karma is a real bitch isn’t she?

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Does Suki watch the show?

The hosts of these Tell All's almost never watch the show they are hosting the Tell All for. For sure, Suki does not watch the show and the social media like some people who are watching the show. She most likely receives notes and questions from an assistant. 

Also, the host needs to be respectful of the person they are interviewing. They can't start attacking them with accusatory statements, or interrogate them about contradictory stories they are telling. 


The producers, the Browns, and Suki have really done the audience a disservice with this stuff.

It's a cheaply produced D-list reality show. it wasn't expensive before, and I believe the Browns agreed to a pay cut somewhere along the way to keep the show on the air. Suki isn't pouring over the episodes or the social media before she does these hosting gigs, and I don't blame her for that. 

Also, every single Brown is running their own agenda. If Suki started really confronting them on their crap, they would walk off the stage. They're not going to answer some of the questions people on here want to be asked.









Edited by Kellyee
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16 minutes ago, General Days said:


I don't know. A lot of times, it feels like the producers put together highlight reels for her, because she swallows too much of their b.s. whole.

I get why her interviews aren't adversarial. The Browns aren't politicians. They're not accountable to us. Suki doesn't have some duty to the public good to have an adversarial relationship with them. I also think the Browns have some measure of control over what they will and will not discuss on camera.

The problem, I think, is that Suki isn't even trying to do good pop culture journalism. I've seen big stars get more pushback when they're making promotional appearances on talk shows, than Suki gives the Browns in episodes billed as "Tell-Alls," and one-on-one interviews. 

The producers, the Browns, and Suki have really done the audience a disservice with this stuff.

Yes, they’re all playing a role here, she is part of the TLC team and who knows Kody may have had subjects or questions he refused to comment on.

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Kody again with his bullshit that he is the head of the family. I know he wants to stamp his feet and hold his breath until he turns blue to force everyone to obey him but he truly cannot conceive that simply saying this means nothing to the vast majority of his family.
I love seeing him thwarted and being ignored and laughed at.

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4 hours ago, Kellyee said:

The hosts of these Tell All's almost never watch the show they are hosting the Tell All for. For sure, Suki does not watch the show and the social media like some people who are watching the show. She most likely receives notes and questions from an assistant. 

Also, the host needs to be respectful of the person they are interviewing. They can't start attacking them with accusatory statements, or interrogate them about contradictory stories they are telling. 

It's a cheaply produced D-list reality show. it wasn't expensive before, and I believe the Browns agreed to a pay cut somewhere along the way to keep the show on the air. Suki isn't pouring over the episodes or the social media before she does these hosting gigs, and I don't blame her for that. 

Also, every single Brown is running their own agenda. If Suki started really confronting them on their crap, they would walk off the stage. They're not going to answer some of the questions people on here want to be asked.









I think this is absolutely true, and when they walk off the stage so as not to answer, they walk away from their paycheck. This is how it should be. After all, this is their "job" and the tell-alls are part of that job.

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Kody is illustrating why the framework of being "triggered" is so unhelpful. A trigger is a mechanical device that automatically responds to external pressure in the same way every time. People are not guns. They always have choices about how they react, even when provoked. They can learn different ways of responding to a stimulus. But people like Kody use this framework as an excuse. In Kody's mind, he's off the hook because Janelle "triggered" him. It's not the gun's fault somebody fired it.

"Losing My Religion" is about unreciprocated love...exactly who was Kody loving without reciprocation? His children?


Surely Janelle and Christine couldn't be friends because they spent years raising kids together and working through difficulties.  And now that they don't have to share a husband, the pressure is off.  It has to be because they just want to stick it to him.  

Isn't that something? Earth to Kody: ALL THREE OF YOUR OG MARRIAGES FAILED. These are women who had nothing in common but you. YOU are the problem.


Also, the host needs to be respectful of the person they are interviewing. They can't start attacking them with accusatory statements, or interrogate them about contradictory stories they are telling. 

Eh. The host works for TLC and will do whatever TLC tells them to do. If TLC wanted to provide us with confrontation, they could. As you say, this is a D-list reality show; Kody knows he can't go pitch it to Netflix. I think the Browns need the paycheck badly enough that they wouldn't just walk away. (From one interview, sure. From the whole enterprise, no way.)

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This was basically the same stuff as the regular season episodes. Only difference was that we could see the “interviewer” who is usually off camera. I think the host should be required to view a few of the more controversial scenes and respectfully push back against distortions. 
it would be much more interesting if all 5 of them could confront each other, even briefly. 
this was boring boring boring. 

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7 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

As for Kody, as twisted and nonsensical as he is/was - I do believe him when he says he did  not marry because he was "in love" the first three times. He married for the AUB and his ego. Build the "big pitcher" et cetera. 

I was thinking this too. I think he thought he was in love with each OG3 but found out over time that marrying quickly for religious reasons isn't love. He discovered that with Robyn. So that is one part that I think he isn't lying about.

The only real thing I learned: holy crap, Meri's ears are huge!!!! Sorry, I couldn't not mention it. 

Also, I really enjoy listening to Janelle. She is calm, reasonable and seems to have thought some things through. 

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2 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

And we know, Robyn told Meri that it wasn't safe to invite Janelle and her kids to Meri's house. Th at it could get ugly and there would be a fight.

Now she wants us to believe that she would have gone to CHRISTINE'S house.

There's no way. Bitch, please.

Even if she sincerely wanted to go to Christine's rental (which I don't believe for a second) Kody wasn't going to go and she would never, ever go against her best customer. He very clearly expected everyone to come to him, treat him like a king and apologize before there would be any fun. Robyn just saying yes and there being zero follow-up on everything we saw around the holidays was wild. 

I hope, in the other parts, they dig in more on the text thread and fallout. 

40 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

As for Kody, as twisted and nonsensical as he is/was - I do believe him when he says he did  not marry because he was "in love" the first three times. He married for the AUB and his ego. Build the "big pitcher" et cetera. 

I would never give Kody a pass but I would respect him more if he said he became a polygamist to impress and fit in with his family. He wanted respect and admiration from his dad and from the AUB at large and that was what drove his original decisions more than the idea that he was madly in love with three women. 

I don't know if he was in love with any of the OG3. But we saw that his behaviour changed for Robyn. He was driven to do things he had never done for any other wife for Robyn. I don't know if that's love or a desire to wet his pencil or what but it was a big enough change that Christine knew right away that is was different.

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12 hours ago, toodywoody said:

There wasn't any betrayal, he just never saw what they were doing for the kids, instead of for him. Kidney thinks everything is about and for him and no one can do anything for themselves or the family, if he isn't involved or told about it. 

I'm sure over the years when it was "dad's night" at the house everyone dropped everything that they would usually be doing to make him the centre of attention. He just can't conceive that the other 2/3 of their time when he wasn't around they were all out doing things that didn't involve him, as opposed to sitting at home waiting for his next visit.

5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Also, Robyn - honestly, shut up.  This woman has whined and dry-cried for several seasons that she can never ever feel "safe" with anyone in this entire family except for maybe Meri, when it suits her.  So when Robyn told Suki that she would've gone to Christine's Christmas party with her kids?  What a load of crap.  She only said that because she 100% knew that there was no way she was going to get an invite.  It's easy to say what you would've done when there was no way it was ever going to happen in the first place.  

This one really made my head explode - a flat out lie! After she told Meri it wouldn't be safe for Meri to invite the whole family to Christmas Eve at her house, and now she is claiming she would have accepted an invitation to Christines?! Obviously she knows Suki is not going to call her on her bs.

Trying not to pass judgement too quickly on Suki's lack of follow up questions, and hoping those things come in the later tell all episodes - like maybe they are saving the best stuff for episode 4 so we keep tuning in.


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15 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Kody still can’t admit to his part in any of it.  He lies just to lie.  Robyn lies just to lie.   
He seriously thought Janelle should come  home from vacation to go to the store for him when Aurora was downstairs snd  tested negative and was going to classes. And he spoke to Gabe on the phone - we know this because Gabe said so. That was on Gabe’s birthday - Kody didn’t wish him a Happy Birthday 

So Janelle is Instacart.  What a man baby.

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3 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

This was mostly retreads, but I did notice Robyn admitting that Kody rewrites history a lot.  When even she is saying that, it must be going on constantly.

As always, Kody takes no responsibility for anything.  It's because he didn't properly vet the first three wives or because Janelle badmouthed him to the kids or because she wasn't supportive of him by having a friendship with Christine or on and on with the blame.  Surely it can't be because he rubbed the first three wives noses in the fact that he was actually in love with Robyn or that he blew off kids' birthdays and Christmas or that he told his minor daughter that she could go across the country by herself to get surgery.  Can't be any of that, gotta be Christine's fault.

Christine and Janelle told slightly different stories around the Covid mess.  From what Janelle said, she seemed to indicate that Kody didn't ask her to come home but she offered to contact doctors and such for him.  Christine seemed to indicate that Janelle was ready to go home from vacation to run to the store for Kody, but she reminded her that Kody had others to look after him and that he had not looked after Janelle when she was sick.  I would have been hard pressed in that situation to not tell Janelle to stop being such a chump and stay on her vacation.  And Kody called Janelle specifically as a loyalty test.  He was already mad that she was spending time with Christine, so he wanted to ruin it for her and he wanted her to prove her love for him by coming home to pick up groceries for him.  I'm sure he knew that weepy Aurora would get him anything he wanted, but he didn't need to give her a loyalty test.  Also, why is Janelle still buying into the narrative that he almost died?  He had a low grade fever and ass pain.  A friend's father spent 11 days on a ventilator and somehow miraculously survived.  That is almost dying.

As far as the fight goes, the unedited footage made me very uncomfortable.  I really hope Savanah didn't have to see that.  I can't imagine seeing your parents like that at all, but to know that a large audience also saw it would be awful.  I'm not surprised the fight happened because Kody had a big load of mad by the time he went over there.  He wasn't triggered by the Christmas tree, he was already on the warpath because he was supposedly dying of Covid while Janelle was having fun elsewhere.  Given when this tell all was filmed, he clearly still hasn't let that go.

He really thinks he's the center of everyone's universe.  Surely Janelle and Christine couldn't be friends because they spent years raising kids together and working through difficulties.  And now that they don't have to share a husband, the pressure is off.  It has to be because they just want to stick it to him.  

I can't imagine how it must have felt for Christine when Kody and Robyn were still dating and he was acting like a giddy teenager.  That must have hurt.  I think that is why she keeps twisting the knife now referring to David constantly as the love of her life.  And no, Kody, a good man doesn't tell his minor daughter to go across the country by herself to get much needed surgery.  He needs to get his head out of the manosphere and his ass.

I do love he is getting a taste of the medicine he has been handing out to Meri for years with Janelle saying she has no interest in reconciling.  At least she is being consistent with her message and not giving him false hope like he did with Meri.

I love all of this!  When Kootie said that Christine had to trash talk him to David, or David would have thought that "she left a good man," I would have asked him:  Name 5 things about yourself that prove you're a "good man."  I bet that would have shut his lying ass up!  

Sure, Crybrows.  You would have been first in the door at Christine's party.  

The toxic twosome tell so many lies, they probably have forgotten how to be truthful, if they ever knew what truth was.

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2 hours ago, MamaMax said:

Its jus that they all have accepted his paltry offerings under the assumption that that was the best he could do.  It wasn't until they all saw his treatment of R and the tenders that it came into stark relief that he had a lot more to give -- he just didn't want to give it to them.   (a la Harry met Sally - "Its not that he didn't want to get married, it was that he didn't want to marry ME")  THAT was where the hurt began. 

In my opinion, this is a very astute analysis.  Bravo.

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Didn't Robyn also say that her children would not be participating in the siblings' gift exchange because it would not be safe as they felt that they were being bullied or some such crap?  Suki could have brought this up. Robyn saying to Meri that a Christmas Eve get together would not be safe because there might be a fight.  Now Robyn claims that if she had been invited she would have gone to Christine's Christmas event. Suki could have asked Robyn to explain what seems to be contradictory statements. But she just let it slid by. Either Suki doesn't watch the show or she has a poor memory.

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7 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Didn't Robyn also say that her children would not be participating in the siblings' gift exchange because it would not be safe as they felt that they were being bullied or some such crap?  Suki could have brought this up. Robyn saying to Meri that a Christmas Eve get together would not be safe because there might be a fight.  Now Robyn claims that if she had been invited she would have gone to Christine's Christmas event. Suki could have asked Robyn to explain what seems to be contradictory statements. But she just let it slid by. Either Suki doesn't watch the show or she has a poor memory.

There is a lot of bubble wrap around the junior Crybrow's.  

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