General Days September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 (edited) 20 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said: Also, I can't think of anything more romantic than spending Valentine's Day with my mother-in-law. Not. Shut up, Mykelti. Can't stand her constant preening. Also, I guess I'm a prude, but talking about my mother's sex life with her is not my idea of a fun time. We got almost no Robyn, which felt great, but then we got annoying Jenn. We just can't have it all, can we? They didn't shoot it on Valentine's Day. They were getting together to make Valentine's decorations ahead of Valentine's Day. I definitely wouldn't want to talk about my mother's sex life, but I'd do that a million times over, before I'd be in a mixed group talking about my mother-in-law's sex life. God bless Tony and Mitch. If I have to pick between Robyn and Jenn, I'll take Jenn, at least for now, as a palate cleanser. I'd really like to see some scenes between Meri and Janelle, though. Edited September 26, 2023 by General Days typo 14 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 Kody is an idiot. He has never lived in one place for more than what 5? years max? He’s not going to stay in that house for 15 years. He’ll default on another mortgage and have to flee from persecution. Again. 14 2 5 Link to comment
AZChristian September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 15 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said: Kody is an idiot. He has never lived in one place for more than what 5? years max? He’s not going to stay in that house for 15 years. He’ll default on another mortgage and have to flee from persecution. Again. This time, he'll blame it on Covid. And Christine. 17 5 Link to comment
xwordfanatik September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 1 hour ago, islandgal140 said: I thought the most interesting lil nugget dropped this episode was Kody mentioning that the current Robyn mansion was one that they planned to raise the tenderettes in for the next 15 years. In other words, he has no plans to pay off, build on or move to Coyote Pass for the forseeable future. He really just told on himself. This is an interesting comment that I hadn't given any thought to and I agree, she probably took her own money (TLC or whatever MLM scheme she is a part of) and brought that RV. I feel mostly sorry for them. Those two tendrils are charged with the Herculean task of trying to cover Kody's horrible pattern male baldness. Take away those 2 tendrils, and he would look like a Ben Franklin impersonator. Art Garfunkel comes to mind. Gawd, those two ridiculous pieces of ramen hanging in his shark eyes irritate the crap out of me. And Kootie raving about how "hot" he is? BARF! 🤮 4 14 1 Link to comment
Absolom September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 Kody doesn't stand a prayer of staying in that house for 15 years unless Robyn has enough junk to sell to pay the mortgage. Without the extra money from the other wives when the show ends, they'll have to move. 14 6 Link to comment
65mickey September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 4 hours ago, Kellyee said: Legally, that depends on what Janelle has in writing. Was the money a gift, or was it a loan and she had them sign an agreement that they would pay it back? I know legally that there is nothing that she can do if there is nothing in writing promising to pay the money back. What I am speaking of is Janelle sayig to them ok guys I need the money that I gave to you to help buy your house. If they don't have the money it can come from the family account. If the money is not forthcoming then time for Janelle to expose them for the grifters that they are. 6 7 2 Link to comment
Popular Post islandgal140 September 25, 2023 Popular Post Share September 25, 2023 (edited) I think Janelle confronting Kody on not seeing or talking to Savannah (an under 18 tender) for 6 weeks - during a major holiday BTW - is the first time I have seen him at a complete loss of words. It was a word salad and he finally belched out business. LOL! He was literally like: Wordsmith Robyn must not have walked him through a suitable response to this - hint - there is none! Am I the only one anxiously waiting for another 2 rings to fall off during the SW's intro? Kody saying "Am I just a resource to you?" to a woman who for the first half of their marriage was one of the (if not THE) family member with a stable steady job and dependable bread winner, likely lived at poverty levels, getting food stamps & welfare, filed bankruptcy, turned over her entire inheritance, liquidated her 401k (with penalties) and probably had her kids going to bed hungry more times then she probably cares to remember should have scalding hot lemon water thrown at him and the lemon rinds grounded into his open eyes. Edited September 27, 2023 by islandgal140 grammar 13 41 Link to comment
Popular Post Gabs66 September 25, 2023 Popular Post Share September 25, 2023 1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said: With her adult sized pacifier in her mouth. That will be a vape cartridge by the time she is 15. 8 2 1 1 15 Link to comment
toomuchtv September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 2 hours ago, laurakaye said: And I didn't get it until I just read your post. Oh, that wacky Meri and JustJenn. What crazy stories will they think of next to keep us all LOL-ing? I did some quick math when he said that - in 15 years Airabellibloa will be 21 years old. Hahahaha, as if she's moving out at 21. 41, maybe. And hopefully still swinging from the chandeliers and keeping Kody up all night. Heck, Aurora, Brianna and Sol will probably still be there, too (I have modest hopes that Day'un will someday live in peace and quiet somewhere in the middle of nowhere with no forwarding address). But didn’t he expect janelles boys to be moved out once they were 18/graduated high school? But Robyn’s kids can stay much longer. 8 5 3 Link to comment
bichonblitz September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 Janelle is still in love with Kody and his pecs and abs. She called him honey and told him she misses him. I still find it difficult believing they were having good sex. Janelle is extremely overweight and I thought that was a turn off for Kody. Unless Janelle did some things the other wives didn't do.... Kody is obsessed with Christine leaving him. He can't have a conversation without talking about her, especially when he's with Janelle. 15 1 1 3 Link to comment
mrs ra September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 6 minutes ago, bichonblitz said: Janelle is still in love with Kody and his pecs and abs. She called him honey and told him she misses him. I still find it difficult believing they were having good sex. Janelle is extremely overweight and I thought that was a turn off for Kody. Unless Janelle did some things the other wives didn't do.... Kody is obsessed with Christine leaving him. He can't have a conversation without talking about her, especially when he's with Janelle. Wasn’t Christine long gone by the time this was filmed. Why does he keep bringing her into a discussion with Janelle?? He is insulting and insufferable. He had no answer to why he’s ignoring Savannah not to mention wasn’t Truely still at a “tender” age? 16 1 Link to comment
Absolom September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 No, Kody has no tender age children by commonly accepted standards. He's just a blowhard who'll use any excuse whether it's true or has a basis in fact or not to get his (and Robyn's) way. 10 2 Link to comment
ladyscorpio September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 17 minutes ago, bichonblitz said: Janelle is still in love with Kody and his pecs and abs. She called him honey and told him she misses him. I still find it difficult believing they were having good sex. Janelle is extremely overweight and I thought that was a turn off for Kody. Unless Janelle did some things the other wives didn't do.... Kody is obsessed with Christine leaving him. He can't have a conversation without talking about her, especially when he's with Janelle. I agree 100% with you about Janelle and Kody not still having sex. I bet after Savannah was born was the last time they did. Once Sobbyn came in the picture, he neglected the other three. Janelle was the only one always making comments and lusting over him. Kody has said numerous times he sees her as one of his guy buddies and I've never seen him flirting with her or lusting over her the way she does to him. In their book, Kody said Janelle is the one that asked to join their family and that he hadn't seen her in that way before. I wish that she would say all the things she says in her talking heads about Kody to his face. She always clams up and babies him in person. 17 Link to comment
altopower September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 The title of this episode is "The Understatement of the Year." What was it? 5 2 2 Link to comment
ladyscorpio September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 I seriously doubt Tony was "tasting every flavor of ice cream" like he's Hugh Hefner. Who the hell are all these women lining up to be tasted by him??? And if Mykelti believes that than she's even dumber than I thought. I thought it was weird that she wanted to invite Kody's best friend and his mom to Christine's bday party. She knows her mom doesn't want to be anywhere near Kody and it would be way too awkward. Just like it was awkward when Mykelti insisted Kody and Sobbyn come say goodbye when Christine was moving. Christine wanted no part of it and Mykelti kept insisting that it will be good for the whole family. Umm, no it wasn't. It actually made Christine feel worse. Kody will never see that he is to blame for his wives leaving him and for his kids feeling unloved, because Sobbyn turned him into a perpetual victim. Just like she thinks she is. 18 4 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 2 hours ago, Absolom said: Kody doesn't stand a prayer of staying in that house for 15 years unless Robyn has enough junk to sell to pay the mortgage. Without the extra money from the other wives when the show ends, they'll have to move. Kody doesn’t stand a prayer that he and Robin will still be married in 15 years. 4 1 1 7 Link to comment
LilyD September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 (edited) 4 hours ago, islandgal140 said: I feel mostly sorry for them. Those two tendrils are charged with the Herculean task of trying to cover Kody's horrible pattern male baldness. Take away those 2 tendrils, and he would look like a Ben Franklin impersonator. I’d call “cowardly lion impersonator” more fitting, in more ways than one. Or maybe he’s more like the scarecrow who has his straw popping out of his brainless head? Can’t make up my mind on this one… Edited September 25, 2023 by LilyD 2 1 3 9 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 Oh Tony. I can see him tasting lots of flavors. He’s one of those way below average guys who thinks he is way above average, and no doubt chased girls. He didn’t say the flavors were anything special, just flavors. Probably a lot of girls just like Mykelti were perused by him for a brief minute. 7 2 Link to comment
65mickey September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 51 minutes ago, Absolom said: No, Kody has no tender age children by commonly accepted standards. He's just a blowhard who'll use any excuse whether it's true or has a basis in fact or not to get his (and Robyn's) way. At one point in the conversation with Janelle he referred to Ari and Sol as his babies. Sol was 10 years old at the time and Ari turned 6 in Jauary of 2022. Maybe that's why Ari continues to suck a pacifier because Koty tells her she is a baby. 6 6 2 Link to comment
mythoughtis September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 41 minutes ago, altopower said: The title of this episode is "The Understatement of the Year." What was it? Janelle made the comment in a TH when shown a clip of Kody saying their pre-Christmas conversation did not go well. 7 6 Link to comment
DanaMB September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 9 hours ago, laurakaye said: And that he has great pecs and washboard abs or something (that might've been the part where I was guffawing too loud to hear)? I literally laughed out loud. Delusional fuck. 7 14 Link to comment
MsMalin September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 "Long time no see" : What a way to greet your wife. She thinks I'm hot and likes my 6 pack abs. He was kidding, right? Feel sorry for Christine at how amazed she is to see a happy normal monogamous marriage. Also feel sorry for her low.self confidence because of how Cody has treated her for years. Christine looks better than she has for years. 20 Link to comment
Popular Post MamaGee September 25, 2023 Popular Post Share September 25, 2023 2 hours ago, islandgal140 said: Am I the only one anxiously waiting for another 2 rings to fall off during the SW's intro? I CANNOT wait for there to be 3 rings that fall off and the accompanying sound effects! 13 2 6 5 4 Link to comment
Rabbit Hutch September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 59 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said: Oh Tony. I can see him tasting lots of flavors. He’s one of those way below average guys who thinks he is way above average, and no doubt chased girls. He didn’t say the flavors were anything special, just flavors. Probably a lot of girls just like Mykelti were perused by him for a brief minute. I honestly can't see any girl with even a minimum amount of self-esteem having anything to do with Tony. It's his mouth thats the cherry on top for me. He thinks he's so smart and cute, but to me he just comes off as a jerk. Surprising, because his parents seem so nice and down to earth. Perhaps he was adopted? 🤔 12 1 Link to comment
xwordfanatik September 25, 2023 Share September 25, 2023 2 hours ago, LilyD said: I’d call “cowardly lion impersonator” more fitting, in more ways than one. Or maybe he’s more like the scarecrow who has his straw popping out of his brainless head? Can’t make up my mind on this one… The tin man also comes to mind. Heartless asshole to forget Savanah on Christmas. So I think all three can apply. 13 2 Link to comment
candall September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 I believe that Kody looked blank when Janelle reminded of Savannah because he literally hadn't given her a passing thought in six weeks. I started thinking about what a tremendous responsibility it would be to keep birthdays and recitals and important dates straight for, what?, 16 kids, and I realized, OF COURSE Kody has never, ever, had to trouble himself with any of that. One wife or another has always handed him a wrapped gift or a card or a cellphone and pointed him toward whichever son or daughter was due to be congratulated. Dollars to doughnuts this is the first time in Savannah's life that Janelle didn't nudge Kody several times in advance, saying "Make sure you remember to give Savannah a call/hug/shoutout." Every year all the wives undoubtedly shop for all the children and write "To _______ From Dad" on the tags. Kody couldn't even clutter up his self-absorbed brain with buying a Christmas present for each of his wives (a much smaller number.) According to the show, he had to rummage in the bedroom for some old sweatshirt and hand it over, unwrapped, to Meri. "Here. Merry Christmas." Now, wouldn't that make you feel like a cherished beloved? Anyway, now there's only Robyn to keep all those kids from falling through the Kody cracks. She isn't going to do it--and I don't blame her--but will Kody step up and commit to remembering and recognizing the important dates for all his children? HAHAHAHA. I'm kidding. 9 1 2 2 4 Link to comment
Lady of nod September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 10 hours ago, Orcinus orca said: As soon as Janelle was close to making a point or forcing an answer Kootie wanderedf off in a completely different direction. She had the chance to nail him about ghosting Savanah and she didn't. "Well, um, ah....I am a victim, Christine left me, I'm suffering, blah, blah, blah." Grab that knife and shove it in, Janelle, make him own up to at least one horrible thing he has done. Make him own up to treating his daughter like crap. I thought this whole thing was a total snoozefest. The Christine part was boring. The Meri part was boring. The Janelle part was the endless loop of Kootie as vicitim and Janelle as penniless and unable to commit to leaving. The only bright part was no Sobbyn. I’ll agree with mostly a snooze fest however I did find it interesting that it looks like Cody’s trying to make Jannelle stay. I think he really wants those two nights a week away from Robin 3 1 9 Link to comment
Popular Post Elizzikra September 26, 2023 Popular Post Share September 26, 2023 Quote I started thinking about what a tremendous responsibility it would be to keep birthdays and recitals and important dates straight for, what?, 16 kids, and I realized, OF COURSE Kody has never, ever, had to trouble himself with any of that. One wife or another has always handed him a wrapped gift or a card or a cellphone and pointed him toward whichever son or daughter was due to be congratulated. But Christmas is on the same day for everyone. No excuse for not contacting Savannah. Plus he was moaning about how he works in the evenings but... she was on school break for at least two weeks over the holidays and free during the day. And honestly, he has a phone with a calendar in it. Spend an hour, plug in everyone's birthdays and boom - instant reminder to at least text these children you supposedly love so much to wish them a happy birthday or what have you. It's just not that difficult. He's an ass and a crap dad to boot. 15 13 2 Link to comment
Scarlett45 September 26, 2023 Author Share September 26, 2023 1 hour ago, candall said: I believe that Kody looked blank when Janelle reminded of Savannah because he literally hadn't given her a passing thought in six weeks. I started thinking about what a tremendous responsibility it would be to keep birthdays and recitals and important dates straight for, what?, 16 kids, and I realized, OF COURSE Kody has never, ever, had to trouble himself with any of that. One wife or another has always handed him a wrapped gift or a card or a cellphone and pointed him toward whichever son or daughter was due to be congratulated. Dollars to doughnuts this is the first time in Savannah's life that Janelle didn't nudge Kody several times in advance, saying "Make sure you remember to give Savannah a call/hug/shoutout." Every year all the wives undoubtedly shop for all the children and write "To _______ From Dad" on the tags. Kody couldn't even clutter up his self-absorbed brain with buying a Christmas present for each of his wives (a much smaller number.) According to the show, he had to rummage in the bedroom for some old sweatshirt and hand it over, unwrapped, to Meri. "Here. Merry Christmas." Now, wouldn't that make you feel like a cherished beloved? Anyway, now there's only Robyn to keep all those kids from falling through the Kody cracks. She isn't going to do it--and I don't blame her--but will Kody step up and commit to remembering and recognizing the important dates for all his children? HAHAHAHA. I'm kidding. I agree with your entire post. Kody doesn’t care anything about Savannah- she only exists as a number to him and now that he’s on the outs with Janelle he doesn’t want to be reminded she exists. It’s not an atypical reaction but he’s a POS. Savannah has every right to feel however she feels about him, he hasn’t done much for her. 12 2 3 1 Link to comment
Adiba September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 10 minutes ago, Elizzikra said: But Christmas is on the same day for everyone. No excuse for not contacting Savannah. Plus he was moaning about how he works in the evenings but... she was on school break for at least two weeks over the holidays and free during the day. And honestly, he has a phone with a calendar in it. Spend an hour, plug in everyone's birthdays and boom - instant reminder to at least text these children you supposedly love so much to wish them a happy birthday or what have you. It's just not that difficult. He's an ass and a crap dad to boot. Exactly—Christmas and New Year’s Day are the same day for the whole family. There is no excuse short of being unconscious to not at least shoot a family text to everyone that he did not see over the holidays. Also, the pics that a fan a fan took of Kody and Robyn shopping in Phoenix were in Jan. Of 2022– he had time to do that, but not contact Savanah? What a giant hair-topped turd. 15 2 3 Link to comment
Meowwww September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 I know why Jenn is Meri’s BFFFFFF. She panders to Meri, like a little servant worker bee running around, thinking of everything so Meri doesn’t have to. She’s Meri’s “yes man.” Completely subservient. She’s so afraid of Meri being unhappy with her ideas, see the big tubs comment. I think Savanna’s birthday was also in December and Kodouche didn’t remember that either. I don’t like Mykelti or Tony. All the flavors of ice cream, twice, indeed. Not likely. She’s self centered and he’s a jerk, far as I can tell. A positive, in the small TH from the Evil Queen, her eyebrows were much better. Kodouche wouldn’t even let Janelle talk. Ugh. 12 Link to comment
Popular Post Dobian September 26, 2023 Popular Post Share September 26, 2023 I can't even comment on Kody anymore because I've already said it here a hundred times. It was the same shit this week. But the line(s) of the night were when he said that Janelle wanted him for his money, and then she got what she wanted and left. Uh, no, you douchebag. Janelle was the wife who worked a full-time job to help make ends meet for years. She didn't leave you because she got what she wanted, you self-absorbed buffoon. she left you because she wasn't getting ANYTHING that she wanted. 12 21 1 Link to comment
Kellyee September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 This episode was as boring as everyone said. I didn't mind Jenn. I'm glad Meri has someone to spend time with. However, once we get past the divorce drama, I fear this entire show is going to be like the part we saw this week with Meri trying to figure out where to put some chairs. They're not going to have anything else. Christine shouldn't be confiding in her adult kids about intimacy issues in her marriage of any kind. I always had a feeling that Christine parentified her kids, and that Kody was correct that she was going around complaining about their marriage to anyone in the family who would listen. I get it that marriage to Kody sucked, but Christine needs to confide in Janelle and not her kids. Kody had no real excuse why he couldn't even send Savannah a text message on Christmas Day. So once again he plays the victim card. Kody is also obsessed with Christine, a woman he never loved and was never attracted to. It's really pretty disturbing. 21 Link to comment
Jeanne222 September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 Jenn likes Meri because she gets to appear on tv and get a paycheck from the show! I don't think she gets much pay from Meri. Probably just promises that "someday you will appear on the show and make money"! And tense it has arrived. I was surprised when Meri stood up! Wasn't she drinking that stuff they sell and losing weight? I'm not sure I'd be interested in clothing sold from a shed where mice play when the lights go off. So Meri is going to keep paying rent to stay by Kody occasionally? If she and Robyn are such buddies and they are all one family why don't Kody and Robyn provide her a room in their big Christmas could be here house? 8 6 1 1 Link to comment
Popular Post IvySpice September 26, 2023 Popular Post Share September 26, 2023 (edited) 22 hours ago, MamaGee said: He needs to shut up about Christine when he is talking to Janelle!!!!! Totally! I could not believe that he was so unable to focus on the wife in front of him. His nonstop whining about the injustice of his other divorce is about to trigger THIS divorce. That narcissistic blindness to the possibility of his own failures is complete. 19 hours ago, islandgal140 said: Kody mentioning that the current Robyn mansion was one that they planned to raise the tenderettes in for the next 15 years. In other words, he has no plans to pay off, build on or move to Coyote Pass for the forseeable future. He really just told on himself. Oh, good point. Note that he never told Janelle "Yes, I want to be in a plural marriage with you." He just frowned. And then he's offended that she wants to stay separated and think about it? He thought they were going to reconcile right there, even though he couldn't give her the smallest crumb of affirmation? 2 hours ago, Kellyee said: Kody is also obsessed with Christine, a woman he never loved and was never attracted to. It's really pretty disturbing. It is, because it reveals that this is all about power and control. He gets off on being head of his kingdom, whether he likes the women in it or not. What kind of king only has one subject? This is the same reason he stops caring about any children who get too old or independent to worship him. He wants an adoring crowd, not a family. Edited September 26, 2023 by IvySpice 12 1 21 Link to comment
Kid September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 20 hours ago, suzeecat said: I mean, he has to spend a LOT of time in front of the mirror making those curls look "just so", right? And his remark about his sexy pecs and abs made me gasp out loud, coming from someone with the shoulders of a ten-year old. Makes you want to puke, doesn't it??? 2 hours ago, Kellyee said: Kody is also obsessed with Christine, a woman he never loved and was never attracted to. It's really pretty disturbing. The only reason he is obsessed is because SHE left HIM - the finely coiffed, six-pack packin' stud with stunning pecs!! 🤢🤮 7 14 Link to comment
Popular Post laurakaye September 26, 2023 Popular Post Share September 26, 2023 (edited) 15 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said: Oh Tony. I can see him tasting lots of flavors. He’s one of those way below average guys who thinks he is way above average, and no doubt chased girls. You know that saying that a girl marries a guy who reminds her of her dad? Well...Tony IS Kody, except Tony has the hair that Kody would kill for and that makes me happy. 14 hours ago, MamaGee said: I CANNOT wait for there to be 3 rings that fall off and the accompanying sound effects! Christine's ring - drops and explodes in a hail of rainbow glitter upon hitting the ground with a loud KABLOOEY sound effect. Janelle's falls off and slowly rolls into Prairie Plague Pond with a faint "blurp." Meri's reluctantly, slowly lowers onto the ground but then rolls up Kody's pantleg, just in case he wants to give it back to Meri someday, 'cause you never know. 2 hours ago, Kellyee said: Christine shouldn't be confiding in her adult kids about intimacy issues in her marriage of any kind. I always had a feeling that Christine parentified her kids Meri did the same thing to Leon, and Janelle did it to Logan. It's definitely a plyg thing. When a wife doesn't have enough time with her husband, she turns to her kids to help her with the demands of childcare, housework, etc. But I agree, Christine needs to lay off the ice cream sampling talk with her adult children and sons-in-law. Some things don't need to be parsed out whilst painting Valentine's tree portraits, as one does. I sure would like to see Robyn and Kody have to sell their mansion and take Janelle's casita blueprints to build a little shack for themselves on Coyote Pass. Then they can both sit there in their Costco folding chairs, watching the sun set over the trees, wondering why none of Kody's kids are stopping over to frolic in the plague pond and gather adoringly at his knee. Edited September 26, 2023 by laurakaye 10 8 6 3 Link to comment
Orcinus orca September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 The ring scenario, @laurakaye, brilliant! 11 2 Link to comment
ginger90 September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 10 hours ago, Meowwww said: I think Savanna’s birthday was also in December and Kodouche didn’t remember that either. Janelle and Christine were having the conversation in mid January. The last time Kody talked to Savanah was on her birthday, at the beginning of December. 6 Link to comment
General Days September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 (edited) The "flavors" conversation from Tony and Mykelti is even weirder than it seems in the episode. In one of her live-streams Mykelti talked about teasing Christine about her Shemar Moore crush and said her mother likes "flavor." And this is not from me, okay, it's from Mykelti. Mykelti was equating Shemar Moore with chocolate ice cream, i.e. he has "flavor" because he is Black. So I think it's quite possible that Mykelti was saying that Tony has dated all races of people (which is fine), but she calls them "flavors," which seems icky to me. 19 hours ago, islandgal140 said: Am I the only one anxiously waiting for another 2 rings to fall off during the SW's intro? Oh, I'm only really waiting for three things in my life: Grandchildren To hit the Power Ball For Janelle and Meri's rings to fall off during the intro 19 hours ago, toomuchtv said: But didn’t he expect janelles boys to be moved out once they were 18/graduated high school? But Robyn’s kids can stay much longer. Christine is the parent who shoos her kids out the door at 18. That wasn't (historically) Kody's thing. He was trying to convince Logan to live at home while he went to college (but of course, that would have saved Kody money, too), and more recently, he wished Ysabel was staying closer to "home" for college (instead of moving to NC to live with Maddie). Kody wanted Garrison and Gabe to move out during Covid, because (according to Kody) they were not (1) abiding by his Covid rules, and (2) they were lying to him about abiding by Covid rules. 18 hours ago, Absolom said: No, Kody has no tender age children by commonly accepted standards. He's just a blowhard who'll use any excuse whether it's true or has a basis in fact or not to get his (and Robyn's) way. At the time Kody referred to the tenders as "tender aged," Ariella was tender aged by most standards (which I've always understood to be five years old, but someone here, who uses the term in a professional capacity said they use it to refer to children age six and under). 17 hours ago, Chris Knight said: Do you think Kody was joking about his pecs and abs or whatever it was ? I can't believe anyone in their right mind would say that about themselves. No, because he's brought it up before. Maybe at the first Christmas in Flagstaff, or at some point early on in Flagstaff, at some sort of family gathering, he said something to Maddie, when she (maybe) implied he was too old to have kids. Kody also referenced his testosterone. He's a headcase. 4 hours ago, Kellyee said: Christine shouldn't be confiding in her adult kids about intimacy issues in her marriage of any kind. I always had a feeling that Christine parentified her kids, and that Kody was correct that she was going around complaining about their marriage to anyone in the family who would listen. I get it that marriage to Kody sucked, but Christine needs to confide in Janelle and not her kids. It was so weird and inappropriate. I really felt for Mitch and Tony the most. Nobody wants to hear an in-law (particularly an opposite sex in-law) talk about their sex life. No. Body. Edited September 26, 2023 by General Days typo 13 Link to comment
Pingaponga September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 Kody insisting that Janelle's sons apologize to Robyn for blaming her for the Covid rules came up again (of course), and I realized that he probably does think they were his rules, not hers. There was that whole conversation a couple of episodes ago and Kody wondered whether he should just invite the boys to Christmas, and Robyn asked "would that really be safe", which of course brought doubt into his mine so he didn't. And of course he has no clue that Robyn manipulated him into that decision. When Covid hit, at the very beginning, the film crew left and the family filmed themselves on cell phones talking in cars and stuff. And Robyn kept talking about her worries for Sol in particular as he had pneumonia once. (Which, I'll admit, I get the worry at the time it happened - when everything first shut down no one knew who was at risk or what the risk really was or what was going to happen. By the time it aired, though, the general consensus was that he wouldn't have been at any more risk than anyone else.) But you KNOW that all that talk about Sol was to get Kody to create the crazy list of rules. So while Kody may think the Covid rules were all his idea, the boys know perfectly well that washing the mail was likely due to Robyn prompting him by asking what if Covid is on the envelope. They know Robyn knows how to get him to do what she wants in such a way that Kody thinks it's all his idea. 8 1 6 Link to comment
Scarlett45 September 26, 2023 Author Share September 26, 2023 27 minutes ago, General Days said: It was so weird and inappropriate. I really felt for Mitch and Tony the most. Nobody wants to hear an in-law (particularly an opposite sex in-law) talk about their sex life. No. Body. Yeah I agree. Christine sharing things with her adult daughters, my Mom wouldn’t do it, but okay, in mixed company?!!! Nah “BOUNDARIES”. 3 3 Link to comment
Popular Post islandgal140 September 26, 2023 Popular Post Share September 26, 2023 (edited) 4 hours ago, General Days said: Christine is the parent who shoos her kids out the door at 18. That wasn't (historically) Kody's thing. He was trying to convince Logan to live at home while he went to college (but of course, that would have saved Kody money, too), and more recently, he wished Ysabel was staying closer to "home" for college (instead of moving to NC to live with Maddie). I really don't think it was the money, although that probably didn't help. I will never forget the look on Kody's face when Logan said he was leaving to live on campus. Its right up there with Christine telling him to his face that she didn't want to be married to him anymore. It was utter shock and "shit, I'm fucked!" It was glorious! Quiet as it is kept, Logan was raising the family that Kody made. Sadly, Logan was the dad figure to many of the children that Kody wasn't. He had to be an adult way, way before his time. I wouldn't be surprised if that is why he has said he doesn't want kids. He has literally raised a dozen kids. He had so much responsibility on his young shoulders and never got to be a kid himself. I was proud of him when he finally put himself 1st and went off to truly enjoy the college experience. Logan leaving meant that Kody would have to step it up and fill the gigantic hole that Logan's absence left, which he never did, which eventually lead to the slow demise of the family. In the end all Kody did was create 3 broken homes with a derelict, dusty baby daddy. I believe, all the Kody was a "great and engaged dad" talk is mostly him being the fun dad. He was like a giant, fun, dumb, golden retriever that came barreling into the house, bringing chaos and mayhem, roughhoused with the boys, tickled the girls then bounded off with his hair flying in the breeze leaving a bigger mess than before he showed up. Plus, he was probably great on holidays and on family vacations (if they could afford those back in the day). Meanwhile, Logan was doing the gritty day to day shit of getting them up and dressed for school, making sure they were fed and did their homework. Never forget that Christine, asking Kody to tuck the kids into bed while she was at her night job was too much for him and not his job! Edited September 26, 2023 by islandgal140 16 4 6 1 3 Link to comment
Orcinus orca September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 1 hour ago, General Days said: The "flavors" conversation from Tony and Mykelti is even weirder than it seems in the episode. In one of her live-streams Mykelti talked about teasing Christine about her Shemar Moore crush and said her mother likes "flavor." And this is not from me, okay, it's from Mykelti. Mykelti was equating Shemar Moore with chocolate ice cream, i.e. he has "flavor" because he is Black. So I think it's quite possible that Mykelti was saying that Tony has dated all races of people (which is fine), but she calls them "flavors," which seems icky to me.. No. Body. Well. that's just.........disturbing. Sadly, not surprising. Mykelti and Tony have always given off a creepy vibe to me. 10 1 Link to comment
Popular Post JayDub1987 September 26, 2023 Popular Post Share September 26, 2023 I’m never gonna believe that Tony found more than one woman to sleep with him. If he had multiple “flavors,” I’m betting they were pictures on the internet and he was….self sampling. 1 25 Link to comment
SongbirdHollow September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 (edited) 4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said: Yes, I never understood this. They can share Kody’s pencil but not a home, a kitchen, or a ride to the therapist’s office. The money they have WASTED! Edited September 26, 2023 by SongbirdHollow 11 1 5 Link to comment
MamaMax September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 (edited) 20 hours ago, mrs ra said: Wasn’t Christine long gone by the time this was filmed. Why does he keep bringing her into a discussion with Janelle?? He is insulting and insufferable. He had no answer to why he’s ignoring Savannah not to mention wasn’t Truely still at a “tender” age? He was trying to get J to take his side against C. He is obsessed with the fact that C left him but still has relationships w others in the family. He was not-so-subtly trying (again) to get J to take his side against someone else in the family. As far as his (ever-changing) accusations as to what Janelle is up to: He jumps on every thing she says trying to "catch" her in her ulterior motives, while she is sitting right in front if him TRYING to explain what she is thinking and feeling. First - she was using him for sex, then she was using him for money. Well which was it? She says she misses him but needs time, he turns that into some sort of mind game. He is projecting his mind games onto her: he's the one who wont tell her directly what he wants form their relationship. (Hint: He wants her undying loyalty and unquestioning obedience.) He knows this is what he's asking for but also knows it will sound awful if he puts it that bluntly so he dances around it. He uses emotionally manipulative words and phrases like "no one cares enough to protect the babies" and then flips when J called him out on that. Janelle, honey, I know its hard to face the fact that your 30-year commitment has gone bad but RUN, don't walk. He might not resemble the man you thought he was but that's because he finally isn't getting his own way. Edited September 26, 2023 by MamaMax 14 4 1 Link to comment
ginger90 September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 (edited) 5 hours ago, Pingaponga said: And Robyn kept talking about her worries for Sol in particular as he had pneumonia once. Actually, Robyn considered herself at risk because she had pneumonia once upon a time. She considered Solomon at risk because he had RSV. Robyn said, “it was bad enough that he nearly ended up in the hospital.”. Edited September 26, 2023 by ginger90 2 1 2 Link to comment
suomi September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 11 hours ago, Dobian said: But the line(s) of the night were when he said that Janelle wanted him for his money, and then she got what she wanted and left. Projection. 16 hours ago, Lady of nod said: I think he really wants those two nights a week away from Robin And Ari. 6 5 Link to comment
islandgal140 September 26, 2023 Share September 26, 2023 2 hours ago, MamaMax said: He is projecting his mind games onto her: he's the one who wont tell her directly what he wants form their relationship. (Hint: He wants her undying loyalty and unquestioning obedience.) And let's not forget her $$$$. Plus, she was the family CPA and knows where all the bodies are buried. Yes, her financial acumen is definitely in question given her current lack of assets, but I cringe to think of Robyn being in that role. She would be the type to see beanie babies as an investment opportunity. I really hope Janelle is smart and strong enough not to help their file their taxes or balance their accounts. I feel like it is just a matter of time of Robyn and Kody being left to their own financial devices before their world implodes and all their financial shenanigans come to light a la Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann or better yet Todd Chrisley and his wife. Oh heavens, let me live long enough to see that. The whole apologize to me and Robyn to now I want a discussion is so stupid. Who in their right mind doesn't believe that "discussion" is to explain to them how wrong they are, browbeat an apology out of them and finally bend the knee to him and Robyn? 3 hours ago, MamaMax said: He uses emotionally manipulative words and phrases like "no one cares enough to protect the babies" and then flips when J called him out on that. My favorite was after Janelle saying he spend the majority of covid lock down at Robyn's, him telling Janelle that she is going off a recency bias w/covid and Janelle clapping back essentially saying I will, if you stop referencing covid too. BOOM! He has been using Robyn and the tenders total and absolute compliance as a bludgeon against Janelle and Christine since COVID. Oh and according to Kody, him and Janelle have been separated 2-3 times in the past?!?! I thought it was only 1 when she lived in a tent in Montana or something. Yikes on a bike! 12 Link to comment
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