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S13.E06: Rock the Wedding

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Who couldn’t see Amanda & Korina being teamed up? Of course they managed to put them together.


As for the clothes:


Sean – He should have said something about Kini sewing the blouse, it wasn’t fair that he won over Kini.
Fade – loved, thought he should have won


Didn’t Like

Sandhya – can’t unsee a corn cob
Char – made me think of a nightgown, but I didn’t think it was as bad as Sandhya’s
Emily – the dress makes me think of Tim Burton


What the holy hell was up with that guest judge (the blogger lady) and here putting an "-ah" on the end of every damn word???

That was driving me crazy, I just wanted her to shut up.

Edited by GaT
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What the holy hell was up with that guest judge (the blogger lady) and here putting an "-ah" on the end of every damn word???


No kidding!  I was having a really hard time understanding her until I realized what she was doing.  Once I realized how to mentally edit everything she said, I was at least able to understand her a little bit better.  It still drove me nuts though.  Edited to add: yes, I know she's not a native English speaker but I've known plenty of non-native English speakers, many of them Italian in fact, and I've never heard anyone else do that before.  I can see "ah" or "uh" when she's trying to think of the right word, but she was just slapping it on the end of every word.

Edited by NikSac
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Kini was totally robbed. 


But I really agree with Dita that Emily's monstrosity looked like a dumb cliche of a "goth dress." 


And yeah, that guest judge had a bizarre way of talking...I kept thinking it was fake while she was talking. And then I felt like I was being rude, but I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that!

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So many things annoyed me about this episode. I always hate team/group challenges so I was already dreading the inevitable draaaaaaama.


When Korina was frustrated because the pants Amanda sewed were too small for Korina's model, prompting Korina to say that she should have made the pattern herself, I thought YES, you should have since they're supposed to be YOUR pants. As much as it sucks that the pants were too small, what if Amanda hadn't made those pants? Was Korina going to send her model down the runway with just the jacket and claim it was a dress? Her jacket was horrible too. The judges said that Alexander's dress was an 80s flashback but for me, Korina's was much more 80s with the shoulders and the silhouette. I thought the shiny white fabric looked really cheap too. Amanda's looked like an uninteresting prom or party dress. It wasn't ugly or anything (unlike some of her previous fug fringe dresses), but it wasn't unique or what I would consider an unconventional bride would wear to her reception.


The challenge was to make unconventional wedding dresses but most of the criticism leveled at the designers was "this doesn't look like a traditional wedding dress." They harped on the colors, but you know if anyone had done an all white gown, the judges would have said that they shouldn't have gone the safe route with a white gown.


I had no issue with the bright yellow that Sandhya and Char used because I thought it was a very summery sunshiney color that I could see being used at a non-traditional wedding. I was also annoyed with the judges harping on Emily's black gown looking too goth. If it had been all black fabric, it would have looked like a regular black evening gown. And yes, goth girls get married too! I think that without the veil, it would have looked less goth and more runway.


I was also annoyed whenever the judges said that the two designs didn't look like they would be worn by the same girl. I guess if you are using Dita Von Teese as a fashion icon, then yes, every woman should have one style that she wears 24/7 but normal people are allowed to like a variety of styles. I wear leggings and tank tops but I also wear cute dresses. I understand that the judges and designers are obsessed with the concept of "your girl," but I hate that they act like this girl is locked into wearing only variations of the same thing.

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I can't believe I was curious enough to look up her blog and yes "The Blonde Salad" (http://www.theblondesalad.com/). Fortunately it's mostly pictures, and she doesn't put "ah" at the end of every word.

I know I shouldn't be spending any time on this but I don't know what the blonde salad even means. She's blonde and likes a mixture of styles?

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Awww, I thought Blonde Salad's accent was adorable. I didn't think it was put on, just a quirk in her pronunciation of English. In any case, I far preferred her to Dita, who seemed awfully sneery to me, bordering on shrill when denouncing that AWFUL GOTH PARODY THAT A 15-YEAR-OLD WOULD WEAR (and which I sorta liked actually, especially when the veil was lowered into a cowl). As someone who wore red to my own wedding, I can appreciate nontraditional looks. Fade's dress was by far my overall favorite and I am finding myself, like others, quite taken with him.


Amanda is very offputting to me, but I will take her over Korina any day. And I shall truly miss Char--I liked her personality a lot and will choose to ignore evidence that she was in any way an ally of Korina. :)

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Korina's jacket was WAY more 80s than the oxblood duo.  I'm certain I had a variation of that from The Limited somewhere in the late 80s.  My only issue with the goth dress were those pops of color under the skirt.  They looked out of place.


Anyone have an information on how to become a lemon heiress?  Get Yolanda Foster (RHoBH) to adopt me?

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I see fäde, like Kini, has figured out whose good side he needs to stay on if he wants to approach the end. Also, Kini was robbed.


I really don't buy the Amanda being bullied story. I think if the conversations she was whining about were as she reported them, the editors would have shown them (of course, if this whole conflagration took place while cameras weren't there, Sandhya's not exactly QED for her off-camera behavior any more, is she). Honestly, I think they've looked at the past few seasons and decided that their audience is on the side of the person being bullied (because that apparently wasn't clear to them before) and they're struggling to portray their annointed two as beleaguered victims. 


It's kind of sad that Char didn't figure out that the partners of the favored don't get a pass for poor construction and bad taste. I honestly don't think her dress was as bad as Sandhya's potscrubber-and-tulle strapless shroud. 

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I think Char should have gotten a complimentary yellow at Mood (you know, her 'girl' [not woman!] may have wanted shades of yellow or something).  I know it's difficult to work with a partner especially as they will be judged as a team; however, that does not mean they should just blindly follow the one with the stronger personality.  The fabric did not have to match-just show a similar sensibility.  So, instead of complaining, choose a complimentary shade-especially when Char and Shandiya spoke about 'citrus' as their palate.  As for Kini, he had a real motivating factor to finishing the blouse-with Sean having immunity, he didn't really even need to make anything.  So, Kini finished their collection and made sure he had a better chance to stay.  Kini, when asked who should be given the win for their team, had the opportunity to point out that he made the blouse as well as his outfit.  These designers should know that your partner is not going to point out that you're the better designer/seamstress/contestant.


As for Amanda gate, I think there wasn't a camera in the room when Korina and Char made their comments.  This show doesn't seem like some other reality shows in that there are cameras everywhere.  Whenever we see scenes from the apartments, the designers are sitting around, things look staged, etc.  That's why I think the producers were really relying on the THs for the story-they didn't have it on tape.  Interesting though that Amanda and Korina made fun of the other designers in previous episodes, and now that Korina has turned it around to Amanda, Amanda can't take it.  I do feel sorry for Amanda, but she has participated in that same behavior before-both in this season and her previous season.  Thankfully Amanda seems to have a friend in Fade.  And, I want Korina to go home as she really is mean to the other designers.

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I am confused. Did Char not say when they were first designing that she wanted yellow? Then Sandhya said "citrus?" and Char agreed and wanted leather too. Unless there was a fabric dispute (I experienced a blackout when the show aired), wasn't Char totally on board for the color and fabric pick?

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I agree, PrincessEnnui; I thought Char picked yellow or mentioned yellow first, also. But I haven't had a chance to rewatch yet, so I guess we could both be wrong.

My take on Sean vs. Kini for the win: I guess Kini could have jumped in and said, hey I made the blouse while you were finishing the pants (the only thing you made), but I think he kept hoping Sean would mention it. I know it's design and not sewing that count, BUT, Tim gave him most of the ideas for the pants, which took him the entire time, and then Kini had to jump in and execute the blouse, which, by looking at Sean's previous stuff, probably would have been a disaster if Sean had sewn it.

I think Sean should have said Kini should win because he did his own outfit and then completely sewed my blouse for me. THEN, if the judges still wanted to give the Sean the win because they liked his look better, that's on them.

In my opinion, and as someone else mentioned, Sean saying Kini deserved to win because he had been close so many times had nothing to do with why he should have won this challenge, and I think Sean knew that.

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What the holy hell was up with that guest judge (the blogger lady) and here putting an "-ah" on the end of every damn word???

I've conversed with many native Italian speakers who do NOT have that quirk- at least not to that extent.

I used to visit an office in Milan pretty regularly and her accent sounded exactly like some of the people I worked with there. Others, equally Italian, did not have that quirk. I'm wondering if it's a regional thing or maybe the product of some school's English program?

I always give people huge respect for learning English as a second language because this bitch is hard (see some of the comments above!) and if I had to do it, I wouldn't have made it past the stage of dog, cat, and beer as my total vocabulary.

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I did like when Amanda mentioned to Tim in the beginning "It's not going to be my 3rd fringed dress".  She's got some self-awareness.  And I did feel a bit of sympathy for her, but that doesn't mean I like her. 


Kini has learned a valuable lesson about taking credit for one's own work and not trusting others.  He probably won't be teamed up with Sean again, but now he knows better.


If he doesn't win this season, I can absolutely see Kini coming back in an All Stars cycle. 

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As a "goth chick", I was expecting to like Dita Von Teese. However, she came off arrogant and bitchy with that smug, constipated look on her face every time she was on-screen. And did she really insult teenage goth chicks? The very demographic responsible for her ex-husband's fame? I absolutely LOVED Emily's dress. No, I didn't wear anything like that to MY wedding, but I have worn similar things to other peoples' weddings, and also out at the goth clubs on weekends, and I am far from fifteen. 

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Alexander is semi-talented, certainly not the best of the designers left, but he won a little piece of my heart when he described the top of Sandhya's dress as looking like a corn cob after it was eaten.  That captured it exactly!  What the holy hell was that?  The color was off-putting but maybe if she and Char worked in some other "citrus" colors, it could have worked?  Still wouldn't be my style, but I think if one or both of them broke up the canary yellow with tangerine or lime or magenta it wouldn't have scorched the eyeballs so much.  Of course, the execution of both dresses was abominable, so more fabric probably would work against them.


Even though it wasn't new or innovative, Sean's (ahem - Kini's) top was gorgeous!  It was classic and moved so beautifully. I could never wear tuxedo pants or high waist pants, but I loved the completed look.  Kini's dress was great too.  As Heidi said "look what he can do in ONE day!". 


Even though Amanda didn't do fringe, she did 4th cousin twice removed o' fringe with those little flappy triangles.  Her dress was OK. 


Korina's outfit was boring and not stylish at all.  How many times do we need to hear her whine "I don't do X".  You are on a show that has a reputation for making designers work out of their comfort zone.  Not too many of the past or present designers "do" clothes made out of contact paper or watering cans or what ever else is found on Ace Hardware shelves. Many contestants don't "do" menswear on a regular basis, but that will probably come up too.  The point of this show (in theory) is to find people who can design and construct beautiful clothes when challenged to rely on their creativity.  If she wanted to showcase her collection on her terms using materials she selected then she should start a GoFundMe or Kick Starter page to raise cash for her vanity project.


Thanks to some of you I have a little more knowledge on who the hell Dita Von Teese (really???) is. Ditto on the lack of facial movement.  YIKES.  When will the Betty Page thing finally die?  I'm so tired of seeing them on various reality shows.  There was an extra annoying one on Top Chef recently.  Pack up your red matte lipstick, '40's hair and Rosie the Riveter head rags and retire already.

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Was it just me, or did it seem as if Amanda actually did seem more "normal" after being jumped on? If this situation scrapes some of the slick off her shine, then maybe it will be good for her in the long run. Not that she needs to thank Korina. Ugh.


I remember Amanda from her first go around and she was more catty then, but I remember it being more about the designs others were working on, not their personalities.  While she's not my fave designer here necessarily she has seemed a bit more mature this time out.  Granted, we don't see everything, but Korina has come off as a total sour puss and self entitled brat since moment one.  She needed to shut up about the pants because if Amanda hadn't jumped in her model would have gone down the runway and been arrested for indecent exposure.  Her talent isn't backing up her smack, that's for sure.


The designers  who think Amanda is at some great advantage?  They need to suck it, because really she's not.  Oh yes, she's had a taste of the long days and no sleep and criticism from judging - but she's working with different designers on team challenges, not her friends from her season, plus the challenges themselves are different.  The judges have put her in the bottom as well for a boring outfit.  Possibly the only advantage she got was coming back period, since I don't believe in any way, shape, or dress form that they were going to bring back Ken or Alexander. 


Oh Kini, just remember - Jay never won any of the challenges from his season, and he won it all.     

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Korina's jacket was WAY more 80s than the oxblood duo.  I'm certain I had a variation of that from The Limited somewhere in the late 80s.  My only issue with the goth dress were those pops of color under the skirt.  They looked out of place.


Anyone have an information on how to become a lemon heiress?  Get Yolanda Foster (RHoBH) to adopt me?


I forgot about the lemon heiress! LOL wtf?


I am starting to get suspicious of Kini's speedy sewing skills and design. I am wondering if he's just making things he's made before, and somehow the judges are picking up on that too.

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And while I'm at it I thought Amanda's party dress was blah. It was a straight sleeveless dress (yawn) with some triangles on it. It didn't have movement (that I could tell) and didn't "evoke" party and dancing" to me. .

Not to mention that, if you unfocus your eyes, it looks like a duplicate of her unconventional materials dress. Oh, with the triangles from everything else she's made so far. Underwhelmed when that one won, underwhelmed by this one. Talk about a one-way monkey...

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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What horrible outfits this week, apart from the winning two outfits, Fade's and (very, very grudgingly, because I hate her) Amanda's. All the others were fugly and/or atrociously made. I was completely shocked that Korina's outfit actually looked half decent on the runway.


Char only has herself to blame. She agreed with Sandhya that it should be 'citrus' - which means bright, popping shades of yellow, orange, lime green. But then she later said she wished she'd chosen a softer yellow. Well,that wouldn't have been a citrus shade then.  Char also suggested leather, I think.


Alexander was spot-on with his 'corn cob' comment. Sandhya's dress was awful and I think she was very lucky that this wasn't the week before when it was a double elimination, or she'd have been going too.


And I knew Nina and Zac would over-rule Heidi about who would win. But I agree with someone above who said that Sean won for his design. All Kini did was sew together the pieces that Sean had cut out, and so he was the machinist, not the designer, of the blouse.

Talk about a one-way monkey...



I miss Dmitry.

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I like Amanda, and am proud of how much better she's doing in her 2nd season. One of the highlights of the episode for me was Korina's blatant jealousy of the way Amanda and Tim get along so well, laugh at each other's jokes, etc. Meanwhile Korina has just gotten Version # 56 of a "your design isn't working" speech, complete with Tim Gunn look of befuddlement.


I want to see Kini do something out of his comfort zone. Maybe a "design a new uniform for a post office employee" like they did one season.

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Kini was robbed, and he was robbed by a lie of omission.  I guess the blouse was Sean's design, but Sean never would have finished it.  


As for the guest judge, I was blasted back 50 years to my 8th grade English class in Paris with a lady named Madame Robert/Mademoiselle Girardon (after her divorce), who despite her French names was Italian, and ended every phrase with the "ah."  We waited for it and kept track, and if we'd been a few years older probably would have created a drinking game around it.  It was a delightful walk down Memory Lane.  

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So, Amanda, you say you had a kind of rock-and-roll wedding?


Your brother is a rock star.  You aren't.  I know that must be tough but please move on.


Funny, when I think "Blonde Salad", I think Elisabeth Hasslebeck.


And Tim, with all your telling tales out of school at judging, why didn't you mention that Kini sewed Sean's blouse, huh?

Edited by Qoass
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Char WAS the one who said, "I'm thinking yellow." Sandhya, probably after her last team experience when she was accused of not playing nice, said, okay, yellow, shades of citrus, etc. Char also said leather. So yeah, no one but herself to blame. In rewatching, I paid attention to the preview for next week and I'm wondering if Tim is thinking of bringing Char back? Although, I'm not sure why because she hasn't done anything noteworthy, but for some reason, he really teared up when he had to send her to clean up her space. 'Course after UTG, we know he loves the mean girls. Korina and Char are probably his favourites.

I saw Char in TH talking about Amanda being "ingenuine" (?) but then it seemed she mocked her in the work room, too. I guess it's better that they're telling her off to her face, rather than behind her back, but still seems like it's just being done to bring the drama and, especially in Korina's case, prolong her otherwise useless time on the show. Maybe all she can do is Pendleton blanket coats, which by the way, is not new either. I have one I bought in Taos in the late 80s.

Fan fave Alexander does talk smack about the other designer's designs, but he does not seem to make it personal, so maybe, in this season where there is so little to root for, people like him because he's not bad mouthing everyone else on that personal level. That's the only thing I can figure because otherwise, I have NO clue why he'd be the favourite every week.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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I was disappointed that Char participated in the mean-girl stuff with Korina.  I didn't realize it until Korina was snotty to Amanda again and exchange knowing little smirks with Char.  That kind of stuff is so juvenile. I wasn't thrilled about Amanda (or anyone else) have a second chance but I don't think she is "phony".  Korina's just one of those girls who doesn't like seeing someone else with self-confidence and feels it necessary to take that person down.  And if the person taken down objects or gets angry, the mean girl justifies her behavior by saying "I'm just being real!"


I heard Char suggest yellow first, too.  A comment about the people on the show saying how awful yellow is as a color - it doesn't go well with light skin but I think it looks pretty good against dark skin. Those people were criticizing the yellow color thinking only of light skin color. I wish the judges and others on the show could step outside of the Eurocentric aesthetics and acknowledge that non-European aesthetics are equally valid.  (I've noticed this for years.)  The garments, though, were pretty awful.  I got a Flintstones vibe from Char's with the pointy-piece skirt.  Sandhiya's looked like a nightgown.


If Sean designed the shirt and Kini just sewed it, then I'm OK with Sean's win.  But I'd rather Kini have won, but more for his own outfit than because he also sewed Sean's top.  Alexander's red dress - the white flowers looked like those things you stick on the bottom of your bathtub and shower so you don't slip and fall.

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Even though Amanda didn't do fringe, she did 4th cousin twice removed o' fringe with those little flappy triangles.  Her dress was OK.

Am I the only one who thought that the base dress just looked like a basic round necked (I think), sleeveless A-line mini, ala Twiggy circa 1965? And yes, the triangle embellishment looked like quasi fringe. She even commented how it moved as the model walked the runway.


One trick pony lives and I'm bored with her.

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I didn't really like any of the unconventional wedding designs.  Korina and Amanda can both go quickly, as far as I'm concerned.  I'm also skeptical about how Amanda kept telling Fade about mean things said by Korina and Char, but I didn't actually hear them say these things (specifically, the "phony" comment and the "Amanda's wins were robbing others" comment).  Korina has little imagination and Amanda keeps making the same type of dress silhouette.  If Korina can't step out of her box, then she shouldn't be in this competition where every week is a different challenge.


I think Char's dress was worse than Sandhaya's dress (though both were terrible), so between the two of them, the right designer was eliminated.  As for the yellow color, Char needed to speak up and then she just seemed to give up.


Regarding Sean and Kini, I didn't care for either of their outfits.  I thought Sean's outfit was boring, and Kini keeps making the same kind of fitted black outfit with variations.  As to who deserved to win between the two of them, I don't think Kini was completely robbed if Sean designed the blouse and Kini just sewed it together.  This competition is primarily a design challenge, although the judges also consider how well the designs are executed.  If one person designs a winning outfit and another person sews it or helps sew part of it, who should win?  For example, what if Sean had helped sew the skirt/side bustle part of Kini's outfit?  I think that when PR has two-person team challenges, both team members should win or both team members should be eliminated - there should not be a single winner or loser.

Edited by tv echo
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Well, of COURSE Amanda was hurt by Korina calling her a phony. Because Amanda is a perfect, beautiful flower and a genius designer, so it hurts when someone doesn't realize that. I mean, she knows TONS of girls who would wear that dress she made in this episode, and she would wear it herself, so therefore it MUST be amazing. Right?

[Massive Eye Roll]

That burgundy lace fabric was so beautiful it was a shame that Alexander felt the need to completely cover it with all that tacky crap. Someone needs to teach that boy editing at least, since I don't think you can teach him taste.

And while I loved Fade's, I thought Emily's was a little off. I liked the lace, and I liked the skirt, but I kind of didn't think they went together that well. The little square cutouts on the skirt just didn't mesh with the lace.

I agree with the others who believe Sean should have said "Oh, Kini should win this challenge because he made a great dress%u2026 AND ALSO CONSTRUCTED MY BLOUSE FOR ME BECAUSE I RAN OUT OF TIME FOCUSING ON THE PANTS." Also, yes, me and my husband both noted how odd it was that Tim said "Hey, maybe a cummerbund?" and Sean and Kini were like, "Oh yeah! Great idea!" Has Tim ever just HANDED ideas to the designers like that before? I can't recall.

I wouldn't mind if they brought back that guest just (Not Dita), either. I tuned her out when they announced her as a "Fashion Blogger", but she actually had some interesting things to say. And that accent-a just cracked us up-a. (A drinking game would be dangerous, tho -- she does it multiple times a sentence! You'd be wasted by her second comment!)

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I heard Char suggest yellow first, too.  A comment about the people on the show saying how awful yellow is as a color - it doesn't go well with light skin but I think it looks pretty good against dark skin.

I was thinking that, too. Not all shades of dark skin, obviously, but some. Sandhya's, for instance, but not Char's.  And maybe it wouldn't look great walking down Fifth Avenue (or maybe it would), but it would look beautiful in some of the world's other cities. I thought the designs sucked, and I'd never wear that color with my skin tone, but I don't have the world's only skin tone, fortunately for the world.


Someone (above) suggested the yellow might have looked good with the addition of at least one other color, and that a head cover of some sort might have helped, and I agree. But just basically having more TIME would have helped the most. For everyone, maybe even Kini.

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I'm kind of a fan of Dita Von Teese, but I have to admit she didn't impress me much in this context.

Don't want to get too far afield here, but WTF with her as a judge on TC Masters? I can accept that she's the self-appointed Queen of Avant Garde clothing stuff (although Gaga would cut a bitch), but food? Did they have to include organ meats and/or actual blood in whatever they cooked?

Reality teevee clearly is scraping the bottom for guest judges...

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This episode


1. Fade - I agree, I want him to be my friend!  I like him so much.  I loved his dress, but I like him even more, when he was like "you come tell me, I let the model go naked!"  He is just too cute.


2. Char - I'm sad she was eliminated, especially since it seems like the yellow was Shandaya's decision.  I also noticed that almost every humble remark Char would make on the runway, Shandaya would parrot.  I'm not sure what it means, it was just odd


3. Amanda/Korina - of course they were going to be partners, whatever...button bag...whatever.  I don't even mind producer intervention in putting the teams together, but stop acting like its totally random.


3b. Amanda/Korina - I'm glad someone called Amanda out.  Even if it was Korina.  Did she honestly think no one was going to say anything, she herself keeps touting how she has an advantage because she was already there, so she didn't think anyone was going to say anything about her having an advantage?  The advantage she is always talking about?  I also think the designers wouldn't have as much of a problem with her wins if they didn't seem so undeserved.  I think if Fade, Kini, or Emily were winning it wouldn't be an issue, but even Amanda's best looks should have maybe been safe, but winning?  It's the same treatment Shandaya got, because people don't really see why she is winning.


3c. Amanda/Korina - should have been in the bottom.  I thought Amanda's dress was ugly, and pretty much, a modified fringe dress, IMO.  Korina's top was ugly, and I think the fabric was ugly too.


4. Emily - I didn't hate her look, but I agreed with Nina, you gotta pick between the super long sleeves and the hood.  It truly reminded me of something Estelle Getty wore to a funeral in Golden Girls.  But I liked the top part of the dress.


5. Alexander - for some reason when he said his model had a "sneaky peeky cheeky moment" I just thought that was the most amusing thing.


6. Time - I agree with whoever made the comment calling bullshit on Nina for asking "what did you do with your time?"  Whatever PR


7. Kini - he was robbed but that was his own fault, he should have made it clear that he made the shirt, they asked them who made what, so he should have said something.  Even if they didn't ask, he could have fit it into the conversation.

Edited by RealityGal
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I thought this episode went exactly as it should have.  No surprises.  


The accent on the guest blogger drove me nuts but her comments were insightful and spot-on.


Was Dita von Tease there?  Oh, I hadn't noticed.


Also, for what it's worth, I've been watching PR since Jay Carroll and Austin Scartlett graced the show.  (Oh, and Wendy Pepper and all the rest of the crew.)  I haven't missed a season.  I remember Amanda's first go around and I have always liked her.  I continue to like her.  I do not in any way think she is a re-incarnation of Gretchen and was just as appalled as everyone else by Gretchen and -- OMG, especially -- by Anya's wins.  Holy moley.


But I have always found Amanda to be refreshingly mature and adult.  So, I'm not seeing what everyone else here is seeing about her personality.


Was the fringe too much?  Sure.  Was that win questionable?  Absolutely.  But, I've seen such amazingly worse on this series that I don't really agree with all the pearl clutching from the viewers.  


So, one Amanda "meh" over here in the corner.  I like her and I think her personality is pretty darned durable and drama-free.  I like that about her.  (Dare I say, "Professional"?  Sure, why not:  I find her behaviour the most professional of the bunch and I have thought that since her debut in whatever season she was in.)

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Even though Amanda didn't do fringe, she did 4th cousin twice removed o' fringe with those little flappy triangles.  Her dress was OK.


Not to mention that, if you unfocus your eyes, it looks like a duplicate of her unconventional materials dress. Oh, with the triangles from everything else she's made so far. Underwhelmed when that one won, underwhelmed by this one. Talk about a one-way monkey...


Actually, the flappy triangles reminded me an awful lot of the triangular cutouts in the dress Patricia won the first challenge of Amanda's original season with.

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Hey, what was up with Tim making the suggestion for a cummerbund belt to Sean? I thought he wasn't suppose to make recommendations other then "make it work" and he's concerned about "taste and tailoring". He certainly didn't offer Char or the others designers advice other than taste and tailoring when they were all obviously struggling. I do think Tim has his favorites and he, apparently, hates weddings (such an odd comment). I wish he'd spoken up to the judges that the cummerbund belt was HIS idea and not Sean's but he kept his mouth shut. I really think that would have swung the judges towards Kini but I'm sure Tim didn't want to admit what he had done.

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In rewatching, I paid attention to the preview for next week and I'm wondering if Tim is thinking of bringing Char back?


I was thinking the same thing, otherwise, why insert Tim saying he would save her if it were later in the competition. Just save her now if you believe in her. But no, let's do it in the next episode to create drama!


And I agree about using the right shade of yellow (or any color). They know their models and could pick the right shade that would work with their skin tones. My daughter and I love wearing yellow, but we cannot wear each others clothes because we wear different shades of it.  Same with the green dress of Korina's last week. She picked the wrong shade of green for Heidi.

Edited by chitowngirl
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Because it bears repeating, CHAR is the one who said YELLOW, not Sandhya. It seems like a colour that Sandhya would absolutely love, but it was totally Char's suggestion and Sandhya went along.

Both dresses were awful, but Sandhya has no blame whatever in Char's horrible look. It was all Char.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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I actually enjoyed Tim in this episode.  I liked what he said to Char, he can only use the TG save once, and for most designers I think he doesn't think they are talented enough, or he agrees with the decision so never in a million years would he use the TG save on them.  For him to say that if it were further along he would save her, to me just says that he thinks she is deeply talented, and I think thats how she saw it too.  As a sign of his respect for her talent, but realistically, its too soon for him to use the TG save.  And I need him to save that for Fade in case the judges get any ideas.....

Because it bears repeating, CHAR is the one who said YELLOW, not Sandhya. It seems like a colour that Sandhya would absolutely love, but it was totally Char's suggestion and Sandhya went along.

Both dresses were awful, but Sandhya has no blame whatever in Char's horrible look. It was all Char.

I thought Char wanted yellow, but Sandhya wanted that particular shade of yellow and Char wanted something softer.

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Char WAS the one who said, "I'm thinking yellow." Sandhya, probably after her last team experience when she was accused of not playing nice, said, okay, yellow, shades of citrus, etc. Char also said leather. So yeah, no one but herself to blame. I


Char did say yellow, but then when they were at Mood she had concerns with the shade of yellow Sandhaya chose. She indicated that she was thinking more a buttery yellow. 


I found it interesting that all the designers felt like they had to stay within the exact same fabric/colors for both dresses. There's cohesive and then there's matchy matchy (as Heidi likes to say). Shades of the same basic color would still work. 


I definitely agree the white fabric Korinna and Amanda used was cheap looking. It screamed white satin wedding dress to me. 


As to fan favorite, I looked it up on Lifetimetv.com. You can vote online there (which I did) but they are also counting twitter hashtags so that could be where the interpretation of "favorite" could come loose. Just because people are tweeting about a person doesn't mean they are the "favorite." And I don't know that they are only counting the "votes" that say #DesignerKini for Fan favorite! WHEEE or if they are counting anytime someone hashtags one of the designers. I searched twitter for #DesignerAlexander and he seems to be rather quotable. That could be why he keeps winning.  

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I was disappointed that Char participated in the mean-girl stuff with Korina.  I didn't realize it until Korina was snotty to Amanda again and exchange knowing little smirks with Char.  That kind of stuff is so juvenile. I wasn't thrilled about Amanda (or anyone else) have a second chance but I don't think she is "phony".  Korina's just one of those girls who doesn't like seeing someone else with self-confidence and feels it necessary to take that person down.  And if the person taken down objects or gets angry, the mean girl justifies her behavior by saying "I'm just being real!"


I heard Char suggest yellow first, too.  A comment about the people on the show saying how awful yellow is as a color - it doesn't go well with light skin but I think it looks pretty good against dark skin. Those people were criticizing the yellow color thinking only of light skin color. I wish the judges and others on the show could step outside of the Eurocentric aesthetics and acknowledge that non-European aesthetics are equally valid.  (I've noticed this for years.)  The garments, though, were pretty awful.  I got a Flintstones vibe from Char's with the pointy-piece skirt.  Sandhiya's looked like a nightgown.


If Sean designed the shirt and Kini just sewed it, then I'm OK with Sean's win.  But I'd rather Kini have won, but more for his own outfit than because he also sewed Sean's top.  Alexander's red dress - the white flowers looked like those things you stick on the bottom of your bathtub and shower so you don't slip and fall.

I had the same thought. When did yellow become a terrible color. I'm a black female, and when I do wear yellow I get tons of compliments on it. My skin tone is halfway between Sandhaya's and Char's, for what it's worth. I don't tend to wear bright clothing often, but when I dress in yellow, orange, and red, I get the most compliments.


I'm sad to see Char go, although that's solely based on the fact that I like her personality. I was surprised to see her get caught up in the Korina/Amanda drama, especially since she's the only one who defended Sandhaya during money-gate. I don't trust the editors, though, and refuse to completely believe Amanda's account of what happened. 


I hated, hated, hated that Korina and Amanda ended up on the same team, even though I knew it was going to happen. This show really ticks me off sometimes. I'd have more respect if they just told the designers that the producers have selected the teams they want to see work together. It'll never happen, though. We get this BS every season, and it's because the show doesn't trust its audience. I don't watch for manufactured drama; I watch to see talented designers send bad-ass clothes down a runway. I watch because I like seeing the process from idea, to sketch, to execution. I wish the show trusted its viewers and its core product.

Edited by teebax
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Oh my goodness, the two designers who we see at the beginning of the episode (before the challenge) not getting along and full of tension with each other just happen to end up together on the same team!  Who ever would have thought?  I mean, besides anyone who's watched any season of Project Runway for the last several years, where the exact same thing happens over and over and over and over and over pretty much every time there's a team challenge.  Yep, it sure is random. Yep, what an incredible coincidence.



I had that exact same thought until I remembered something. A guy I know was on one of these reality compteition shows.  He said one of the things they do is constantly do 'reaction' shots, where they tell you "look scared.  Now look mad.  Now look happy."  Then later they may edit it so much that what's happening on screen bears no relationship to what actually happened.  With the amount of drama going on at any given times with these contestants, they could very well have done the pairing up first, then later re-edited it to play up the drama between Korina and Amanda. Funny that they managed to not catch on camera the big moment that was referred to where Korina called Amanda a phony.  Allegedly.  But either way, it most definitely felt absurdly contrived to me as well.


I agree that Kini should have won, only because his dress was 10 times the design and execution of the pants and top.  But he should have spoken up that he did the top as well. 


Sorry to see Char go, but both of those 'designs' were ghastly.  Frankly, I think they should have sent both her and Sandyha home for those.

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That burgundy lace fabric was so beautiful it was a shame that Alexander felt the need to completely cover it with all that tacky crap. Someone needs to teach that boy editing at least, since I don't think you can teach him taste.



It reminded me of a white fungus that shows up in splotches on the lawn after a long rain.  IMO it was the most unattractive design of the night.

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Given how incensed Nina was about how Char used (or didn't use) the time, I wonder what her reaction is to learning that the "effortless" pants were all that Sean made, and Kini knocked out the top.  


I loved the guest judge.  Not the burlesque dancer whose pop cultural moment has passed, but the other one.  I enjoyed the accent, and I appreciated what she had to say. 


Heidi couldn't be too harsh on Emily/Fade, since her dress seemed to be in a similar vein, in terms of fabric.  I didn't see how it was a parody of goth, as Ditta kept saying.  I also agree with those who were a little thrown by the judges being so...closed, for a non-traditional wedding challenge.  Hell, don't some people have zombie or Star Trek or other random wedding themes?  It's not so tough to imagine bright yellow or black lace.


I think tonight should have been a double elimination, but I think that about all pair challenges.  


And the Korina/Amanda off-camera-driven drama...I want to believe it was all faked, not by the show but by two savvy contestants who wanted airtime and job security by making themselves into characters.  But that grin from Korina when Amanda seemed upset was just wrong, and very natural (I did appreciate Amanda trying not to smile when Korina got slammed by Tim).  Helen may have been an asshole last year, but I think that was partly because the judges inflated her ego.  And, at least she won stuff.  Korina's coming from nowhere with this attitude, far as I can tell.  Even if it's edited she apparently gave them more than enough to work with.


On a slightly different note- what does Korina do?    

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