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S34.E04: Everyone’s an Artist

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This is such a generally upbeat, positive group that Dom and Sharik's attitudes stand out even more than they would usually. But I'm glad it was Rich and Dom that went. Sharik's attitude I can at least understand: she has anxiety, she was tired...I get it. Dom was just...odd and of dubious sincerity and uncomfortable to watch.

Neither the brothers nor the sisters are the most dynamic teams out there, but gosh darn was that a pleasure watching them efficiently go after those tasks and keep it neck and neck all the way through. All the teams in the middle kind of got the shaft edit-wise, but there were still plenty of moments of them all just doing what needed to be done with good humor, for the most part.

I know teams working together doesn't always go over well here, but I appreciated Luis' frank rationale for teaming up with the cheerleaders: "We were exhausted" 😆

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Sharik was annoying me a lot with how she was talking about quitting so much. Phil was very nice to Sharik. Rich and Dom were out of their depth, Rich showed himself to be quite a caring guy many other racers wouldn't be so kind towards Dom.

Marcus and Michael are looking quite strong now, Emily and Molly really had a great leg. Glad to see that the Amazing Race is going to Jordan next week.

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4 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

I thought Luis talking about the mega leg like he was announcing a monster truck rally was funny.

I also liked when he asked if could take a bite out of the food. I know if I been racing on a Megaleg and I was in Italy, I would definitely want to snack on those treats.

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5 minutes ago, nilyank said:
10 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

I thought Luis talking about the mega leg like he was announcing a monster truck rally was funny.

I also liked when he asked if could take a bite out of the food. I know if I been racing on a Megaleg and I was in Italy, I would definitely want to snack on those treats.

Luis and Michelle feel like the kind of team I don't usually like, but after a bit of a rough patch with the sawing in the first episode, they've been proving me wrong. I also liked when Luis was explaining partnering with another team and he said "four heads are better than one", Michelle casually held up two fingers, and without missing a beat he said "well we both have half a brain at this point." She seems like a pretty happy camper, too, and her insisting that he not eat the food was cute.

Edited by tracyscott76
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Really, Sharik? A single Roadblock with no running, lifting, eating, memorizing, dancing, or building is enough for you to quit? Wow. At least they're still in it for Linton's sake.

If Dom didn't spend so much time fussing about that statue, she and Rich would likely still be racing. 

The Detours seemed pretty easy with the way the teams were breezing through them. Especially the food task.

Edited by InDueTime
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Were they on a mega-leg?  I don’t think they said it enough in the first two minutes of the show.

If Dom acts every day like she was in the race, I think she and Rich may not make it to their fourth anniversary.  Happy to see them go.  The editing with them in the car seemed a little strange. First Dom had a mask on and Rich had nothing.  Next time we see them on the same drive, Dom had nothing on and Rich had a mask around his neck.

Now we know why Sharik hasn’t done any roadblocks so far.  I think her father is going to be doing them from here on out.

I’m all in on the twins.  They are by far the most likable team so far.

Edited by KeithJ
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Even if you confine it to Western art, 1/3 of the world's art treasures are in Florence feels like dubious claim.

I liked the sculpting Roadblock. It got a little boring to watch but it was a cute concept to chisel away the plaster and I appreciated that there was a little more involved with it because if you went too crazy, there'd be more to repair before you could complete the task and get the clue. 

For some reason, I never noticed that Sharik wasn't doing any of the roadblocks. I get having anxiety, but I would have just done the yodeling task. Obviously it's TV but from all appearances, Linton seems like a really good dad. He was really patient with her through her meltdown, even when she was getting truly bratty and refusing to participate. I do think I'm a little more sympathetic because it took her a while to get to this place (vs. Dom who seems to have a breakdown every couple hours). The second half of a megaleg... doing a lot of running around on foot. It's also... you think you're going to be a Claire but I know I'm more of a Sharik (which is one of the many reasons I'd never apply for this show). Especially with my dad around... I'd regress and get a little whiny and dependent, though I don't think I'd be ready to quit that easily. 

Speaking of Dom, her first reaction to the sculpting task was wild. I know everyone was shaken at first but to actually say "I just know this is not something I can do." As a MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER. I can't with her. And Rich had to beg her to keep at it for 15 minutes.

Also, much later in the episode Rich says "I love you, sweetie. Happy anniversary." And there's just a musical cue because SHE DOES NOT RESPOND. I know she says sweet things at the end of the episode. I guess she's just not someone who handles any kind of pressure well.

I didn't love either of the Detours. It just seemed to be a lot of running around. The fashion wasn't great (not that I really like Italian fashion anyway) and I didn't get a clear sense of how difficult and detailed they made the memory part. And the window food delivery was a fun concept but not that dynamic to watch and no one dropped food. So again, just lots of running around and keeping track of each team's placement.

I had a random thought when the firefighter was joking about wanting to eat the food they were delivering... when do they eat on the race if it's in between pit stops? I remember Glenda and Lumumba saying they were hungry (though I was unclear on if that was physical hunger or they were hungry to keep racing) and at the mat, Sharik said she just wanted to sleep. Though Emily and Molly talked about it being a tough morning leaving Ducati so I assumed it was just one long day. 

I don't hate Team Miami and Team Cheerleader joining forces even though Will and Abby went faster running their own race. As they said, they were pretty burned out, which is why they seemed to pick the windows vs. another memory task anyway. If you know you're racing in the middle of the pack and things aren't likely to change much, why kill yourself on an early leg?

I was happy to see Emily and Molly get a win. They really deserved it for simply being great racers, not relying on any inherent advantages but just navigating well, doing their best at tasks, reading tasks/generally being focused and meticulous. 

The obvious nighttime confessionals were obvious. It was easy to tell that Glenda/Lumumba, Linton/Sharik, and Rich/Dom would be among the final teams this leg. But I didn't imagine it would be that close between the final two teams. I was losing interest a little but I perked right back up when you could see Linton/Sharik and Rich/Dom in the same shot. I kind of love having the end of the Detours (the place where they delivered the food/the place where they judged the memory task) next to each other for that reason. I started to stress when Linton/Sharik still seemed to be wandering aimlessly to the pit stop but thankfully, they did make it there. I was a little taken aback that Sharik was still that bratty at the Pit Stop with Phil. Dom seemed to actually be melting when they reached the Pit Stop. They were not in their element on the race. Maybe they're less dysfunctional at home. 

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Everyone else figured out fairly quickly that the statues were encased in plaster. Dom went right into meltdown. I wonder if anyone watching decided not to book them.

Yay! I've been to Florence and been to some of the places - the Ponte Vecchio and the Piazza della Signoria - so it was nice, for once, to say "I've been there!" 

What was up with Sharik??? 

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"Have you ever chiseled, Phil?"

Girl, Phil biked 3,500 miles in 26 days for a documentary. I think he can swing a mallet for like 40 minutes.

The sculpting task was pretty neatly designed. They must have made a hard sculpture and encased it in a softer material so it would chisel off, and then built in allowances for repairing damage to the sculptures.

I know I wouldn't have touched the fashion task. I do not have any eye for that. Plus the food looked yummy.

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2 hours ago, RockShrimp said:

Thank god bullying works. I was screaming at the TV for Sharik to suck it up one more week. They can lose next week I needed toxic positivity GONE. 

Sharik's dad seems like a genuinely good person, so I was rooting for them to keep it together today also.  I'm really glad he'll get to see Jordan before heading out.  

I don't have anything against Rich, but he chose Dom, and I haven't seen much personality from him (aside from doing a reasonable job crazy wrangling his girlfriend to keep her from totally melting down.)  Dom and Rich better hope they have backup careers handy because I'm not seeing great success in motivational speaking in their future.

Edited by kitkat343
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3 hours ago, KeithJ said:

Now we know why Sharik hasn’t done any roadblocks so far.  I think her father is going to be doing them from here on out.

They don't have the rule about having to split the roadblocks anymore?

After listening to Dom & her platitudes for the past 3 episodes, I couldn't believe it when she went right into melt down mode, but I loved it when Rich said "I'm mediating for you" & sat there ommming with his eyes closed while she struggled.

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4 hours ago, KeithJ said:

I’m all in on the twins.  They are by far the most likable team so far.

I agree.  I will say this, I feel kind of meh about this cast.  I don't really like anyone that much but, until tonight, I was not actively rooting against any teams either.  This is just a really bland cast.  I kind of wish there was some villains on the cast just so I can have someone to dislike.  This cast simply does not have anyone who is truly offensive. 

I honestly was not actively rooting against anyone until tonight when Sharik acted like a moody teenager and Dom did her Dom things.  I will say "new age"/manifest people usually just cause me to roll my eyes nothing more.

3 hours ago, Jodithgrace said:

I mean, really, did Dom actually think that all of those other contestants were creating those sculptures from scratch? I think all that hair was taking over her brain or something. All she had to do was look around.

“I don’t know how to carve intricate figures out of marble, let’s take the 4 hour penalty!” She needed a motivational speaker. 

I'm so glad they went home.

Exactly!  You mean to tell me that she thought the rest of the cast was made up of master sculptors and she was the only one who was not? I get that it was a mega-leg and she might not be thinking as clearly, but that is just some insane thinking there.

1 hour ago, kitkat343 said:

Sharik's dad seems like a genuinely good person, so I was rooting for them to keep it together today also.  I'm really glad he'll get to see Jordan before heading out.  

I was thinking the exact same thing, in regards to Sharik and her father.  He seems like an awesome guy and I wanted them to stay in the race just for that reason and that reason alone.

56 minutes ago, GaT said:

They don't have the rule about having to split the roadblocks anymore?

After listening to Dom & her platitudes for the past 3 episodes, I couldn't believe it when she went right into melt down mode, but I loved it when Rich said "I'm mediating for you" & sat there ommming with his eyes closed while she struggled.

I was wondering if the rule was still in place as well.

There was one of these "new age women", for lack of a better term, on Big Brother a few seasons back.  She reminded me a lot of Dom in that she would go on and on about manifest this, manifest that.  In the end, much like Dom, she had a meltdown when she could not even assemble a life size puzzle of herself.

Other random thoughts...

Why is it every single time I see Lumumba I think, "Wait a second, why are they not promoting the fact that Kevin Hart is on this race?"

I don't remember Claire being this annoying when she was on Big Brother.  Also, I thought Derek had more of a personality then he has been showing.  So far, he just seems to be a background character.

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4 hours ago, KeithJ said:

Now we know why Sharik hasn’t done any roadblocks so far.  I think her father is going to be doing them from here on out.

This isn't allowed in the rules.  Each teammate has to do an even number of roadblocks, or at least mostly even (I think they can be 7-5 or something).

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I still kind of wish Aastha and Nina had lasted longer, just because the only coed teams I really like are Derek/Claire and Glenda/Lumumba; everybody else is kind of an indistinct blur. I'm glad the two sibling pairs are shaping up to be contenders—hopefully they can thin the herd of hookless duos. 

Phil's snappy response to Sharik's chiseling question made my evening. Obviously it was a megaleg, but it's still awfully early for KF to be hitting people this hard. #freelinton

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I agree that the cast is a little bland.  I agree with the poster who said they wished we had some villains.  I know I enjoyed rooting against the villains & vastly enjoying their eliminations.  But still it's the race and I will always love it.  I just finished catching up on Canada's Amazing Race Season 10 (what a terrific season and the tasks are soooooo much harder than the American version.  I wish they would amp up the difficulty).  If we can't have villains, at least make the tasks harder.  

But having been to Florence, I really enjoyed seeing it again.  I'd love to see more Will & Abby and I am enjoying the upbeat attitudes of Glenda & Lumumba - Kudos to the poster who called him Kevin Hart because that's what I think every time I see him.  And thank goodness the motivational speakers have gone.  I was over them after the first episode.  

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Rich: "I'm asking you to trust me because I'm the navigator."

Me: "Why in the everloving fuck are you the navigator?! You are the driver!"

Is Dom really so useless that she can't navigate at all? Well that would fit with what we heard last week about her, that she can't read a map.


The chisel task was interesting, but I would have prefered if teams had to do it in seperate rooms. Of course then we wouldn't have gotten the great vista, but it would have been funny if some teams had been there for an hour before they figured it out.


Sharik was really annoying. So the leg was a little long and your arms hurt. Big whoop. Seemed like she never worked out once in her life. Also seems like daddy spoiled her, in his attempt to be such a great father.

I could see it, if there was still a lot of leg left and it seems insurmountable. But she must have known that the windows were the last task of the leg and that Phil was right around the corner. I don't get how you can't power through that and instead switch into spoiled brat mode right away.

Also way too early for KF. She probably should have just chosen voluntary elimination. This is only going to get harder, they aren't going to win, aren't going to place first on any leg and unlike survivor, there is no price money for making it further into the race. This is going to be a miserable experience for both of them.

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The irony is that because the last two teams were actually really close in the end, if Dom hadn’t wasted time on her “I can’t do this I give up” motivational speech they might have pulled it out and won. 

Edited by Seelouis
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I really, really wish they'd had to reveal David.  I understand why they didn't (family show and all), but can you imagine how much fun the magic editors would have had with people chiseling around the goods, and chipping "bits" off and gluing them back on?

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I was dumbfounded this episode with the willingness of two different racers to immediately give up when faced with a challenge.  It seems representative of many people today who have never had to work hard or figure out how to do something.  And, to think that one of them professes to be a motivational speaker.  Hey, it's actually pretty easy to motivate people to do something they already know how to do and are good at it.  To immediately see a task and declare that one knows it is something one cannot do is kind of beyond belief.  How do you know you can't do something if you're not willing to try?  Work through it.  Maybe this is what happens when everyone else (including parents) immediately steps in to do the work when someone cries that it's "too hard."  I understand being overwhelmed by something, but then one just gets to it in order to try to get it done.  

Now that Dom and her drama are gone I hope to see more of some of the middle of the pack teams.

Oh, and I thought it was fun to watch Sharik back track on wanting to quit the race.  I'm glad that Phil called her bluff.  Pretty sure they will be out soon if not next.  It's a bit sad though as her father seems to really be enjoying the race, but maybe he should have chosen a different partner.

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7 hours ago, Fukui San said:

"Have you ever chiseled, Phil?"

Girl, Phil biked 3,500 miles in 26 days for a documentary. I think he can swing a mallet for like 40 minutes.

Did anyone work out how to turn the sound on for this clip?

Here's a good interview with Phil about the documentary and Tough as Nails.

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10 hours ago, RockShrimp said:

Dom trying to give up *that quickly* was grotesque. Especially after how she kept being so freaking performative and condescending every time Rich (?) got frustrated. I laughed when he started meditating for her like she did for him that one time. Plus her whole: you need to drive and navigate at the same time bullshit she put on him and then got pissy when he just did it himself. 

For some reason, Rich's meditating didn't irritate me the same way Dom's did.  Maybe because I just didn't like her.  But when she did it, she made a point of yelling him she was doing it, in a "you better get this done because I'm over here meditating my ass off for you!"  Whereas, he seemed to...just do it.  I think he did make a comment about doing it but it seemed a more natural process.  Hers was just for show.

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I was really glad, for all the good it did, to see that Dom had tied back her “hair”. There were a couple of times in previous episodes where it was so much in the way, I was actually yelling at the tv “Tie up your pretend hair, girl!!! Tie up your hair!!”

There are so many great teams this season, I’m having a hard time narrowing it down to my favorite. Usually it only takes a couple of episodes.

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5 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

Is Dom really so useless that she can't navigate at all?

She can't. But, hilariously, she hangs a compass around her neck. Like most things about her, it's all performance.


Edited by Corgi-ears
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By the end of the leg I didn't care whether Sharik or Dom went home, they both need to go. So disappointed in Sharik, I liked her until now. This made me wonder if her father talked her into doing the race. Two legs and she's already over it.

Biggest comeback was Molly and Emily. 8th place last leg, first this leg. It's funny they were both even named alike (Molly and e-Molly). Quinton and Mattie also had a nice comeback, ending up 5th after a 10th place finish last week. Marcus and Michael remain the team to beat at this point, only falling from 1st to 2nd. Nice to see a lot of shakeup otherwise.


Dom went right into meltdown. I wonder if anyone watching decided not to book them.

At this point I question how much they really rely on that gig for income. I suspect they actually have other jobs but just want to promote themselves as motivational speakers. This show won't do them any favors. Way to manifest there, Dom.


And for that I am eternally grateful!  I don't need assholes or bullies on The Amazing Race.  If I want to watch assholes or bullies I'll watch Big Brother or Survivor.  Or talk to one of my co-workers.  Or call a family member.  I like watching couples that get along, support and respect each other.

Agreed! I actually like almost everyone here, in contrast to Survivor where I'm not really feeling the cast so much. I like Glenda and Lumumba, Emily and Molly, Michael and Marcus, Derek and Claire, Quinton and Mattie and Abby and Will. They all seem to have such positive attitudes. I also liked Linton and Sharik, until now. Free Linton! My only minor gripe is that I find Luis and Michelle and Aubrey and David fairly interchangeable, as generic married couples. They are otherwise unobjectionable but haven't really stood out from each other.

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1 hour ago, bunnyface said:

For some reason, Rich's meditating didn't irritate me the same way Dom's did.  Maybe because I just didn't like her.  But when she did it, she made a point of yelling him she was doing it, in a "you better get this done because I'm over here meditating my ass off for you!"  Whereas, he seemed to...just do it.  I think he did make a comment about doing it but it seemed a more natural process.  Hers was just for show.

I wondered if he was doing it to avoid hearing "I meditated for you when you were struggling, why aren't you meditating for me????"

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I have to say, I was actually really shocked when Dom looked at her block and flat out said "I can't do it.  I quit."  I mean, she hadn't even touched the tools yet, hadn't even seen how soft-ish the plaster material was, hadn't observed the other racers to see how it works.  Then to learn it was a four hour penalty?  And she was OK with taking that?  Maybe she was so tired that the thought of napping and chatting for four hours was more attractive than continuing the adventure?  I really have got to ask this, but.......how much does her hair weigh?  I mean, I like the look of it and I think she looks really cute with it, but that extra weight has got to be a liability for her.  In pre-COVID TAR, when there seemed to be more interaction between the racers and locals, that hair might have been an advantage, an ice-breaker, something to make them stand out as someone the locals would want to help navigate through a busy souk in search of odd things on a scavenger hunt list.  But on this more encapsulated TAR?  I think it is dragging her down.

I also wonder if there was something they weren't showing us about Sharik.  Was she just seriously super tired and reverting to toddlerhood "I don't wannas!" or was there some sort of incident that really scared her and put her off everything?  Her meltdown also really shocked me.  This is TAR, everyone who is there wants to be there.  Wants the adventure.  I did get an inkling, though, that this might be normal for her since her dad "handled" her without batting an eye, as if he's used to this sort of thing.  IF that was the case, why, oh why, would he think she'd be a good race partner?  He--more than anyone else--should know she's got a quitting personality. 

I like the idea of Sharik and Dom leaving, and putting their long-suffering partners together as a new team.

Two "quitters" in one night shows that either there are problems with casting, or that this megaleg was much more grueling than depicted.  Even so....quitting?  On TAR?  You don't deserve to share the mat with Phil.

I didn't think I was going to like the twins, because initially I thought their story of long lost twin sisters was going to be a gimmick that would get run to the ground but instead they're really charming and they seem to quietly delight in each new discovery about each other. 

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10 hours ago, Leeds said:

I swear there were teams on tonight's episode that I'd never seen before.

Yeah they seem to spawn new. generic, I can't separate any of them out, couples every leg.

10 hours ago, GaT said:

They don't have the rule about having to split the roadblocks anymore?

Yes they do.

8 hours ago, SVNBob said:

What makes that task even more brilliant is that it's actually based on Michelangelo's sculpting philosophy.  There's several similar quotes attributed to him that are in the same vein this one: “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.”

Major kudos to TAR's task designers for making the Racers take that quote as literally as possible.

Yeah I remember Michelangelo's take on sculpting too and thought the task was a shout-out to him.

8 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

I still kind of wish Aastha and Nina had lasted longer, just because the only coed teams I really like are Derek/Claire and Glenda/Lumumba; everybody else is kind of an indistinct blur. I'm glad the two sibling pairs are shaping up to be contenders—hopefully they can thin the herd of hookless duos. 

Phil's snappy response to Sharik's chiseling question made my evening. Obviously it was a megaleg, but it's still awfully early for KF to be hitting people this hard. #freelinton

"Indistinct blur" says it all.  I only know the couples you mentioned and Dom and her poor partner/driver/navigator/guy.  And I only learned her name is Dom this episode until then she was just "motivational speaker hustler with silly hair" to me.  The rest are just endless generic goop to me.  I really can't stand more than one or two couples teams and basically none of the younger ones unless they have a major storyline (Jill & Jon Vito say) because they haven't lived long enough to have a history at all let alone with each other and bore me to tears.  So the casting on the Race this year is a nightmare for me.

6 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

Sharik was really annoying. So the leg was a little long and your arms hurt. Big whoop. Seemed like she never worked out once in her life. Also seems like daddy spoiled her, in his attempt to be such a great father.

I could see it, if there was still a lot of leg left and it seems insurmountable. But she must have known that the windows were the last task of the leg and that Phil was right around the corner. I don't get how you can't power through that and instead switch into spoiled brat mode right away.

Also way too early for KF. She probably should have just chosen voluntary elimination. This is only going to get harder, they aren't going to win, aren't going to place first on any leg and unlike survivor, there is no price money for making it further into the race. This is going to be a miserable experience for both of them.

Despite the brat I still think her father will not be too miserable.  It is apparent he loves The Amazing Race and he isn't going to let her ruin his experience of a lifetime.  I mean good God they finally were able to arrange to go to the one remaining place on earth I always wanted the Race to be able to go to next week.  One of the true wonders of the world.  I'm sure he will be thrilled to see it in person next leg.

And Dom, the REAL motivational speaker on this race was bratty/meltdown daughter's Dad who got her through this leg somehow just like Zach somehow got whiny, albatross Flo through their whole Race and especially the super major Vietnam meltdown.

6 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

He also created a reality show called tough as nails, where people who work with their hands compete, because he comes from that background. Sharik really doesn't know anything about my man Phil.

Sharik wouldn't be able to get through just one single task on "Tough As Nails" even when well rested.

Edited by Skooma
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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

I really have got to ask this, but.......how much does her hair weigh?  I mean, I like the look of it and I think she looks really cute with it, but that extra weight has got to be a liability for her. 

I have been wondering this from the first time I saw her. It looks like all that "hair" must weigh a ton, and just having it hanging everywhere and getting in the way of everything must be such a pain. It's eye-catching for sure, but what a big detriment when you're running and doing all sorts of crazy tasks. I wonder what it would look like all piled on top of her head?

Edited by Tango64
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Dom and Rich are already spinning her behavior into a motivational speech. https://parade.com/tv/the-amazing-race-34-rich-kuo-dom-jones-eliminated-interview

"We are in the space of health and wellness." Her failure shows you don't have to be perfect. And she was thinking about her sick grandma but pushed on through.

Plus, she says she didn't read the clue that said she had to "chisel out" the sculpture in the block, so she actually thought the other contestants were experienced sculptors.

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16 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

Sharik's attitude I can at least understand: she has anxiety, she was tired...I get it.

Sharik is a spoiled brat who uses her anxiety and "boundries" as a cop out. Child should have just stayed home if she's "over it" after she did 1 roadblock. I would like to see Sharik do an "lead the animal" challenge. 

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14 hours ago, InDueTime said:

Really, Sharik? A single Roadblock with no running, lifting, eating, memorizing, dancing, or building is enough for you to quit? Wow. At least they're still in it for Linton's sake.

He should have whispered in her ear, "No daughter of mine is going to quit The Amazing Race. So go ahead and quit, and I will disown yo ass!"

14 hours ago, KeithJ said:

If Dom acts every day like she was in the race, I think she and Rich may not make it to their fourth anniversary.

I was hoping for TAR's first ever exit-mat divorce. We've had proposals before, but this is one case where I was really hoping Rich would divorce "boo". On their anniversary, too.

You know what? I just can't imagine anyone watching her performance and continuing to turn to her for motivational advice. I gotta assume she is done, professionally.

13 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

I enjoyed the motivational speaker saying "I can't do this!"

My point exactly.

11 hours ago, Fukui San said:

Girl, Phil biked 3,500 miles in 26 days for a documentary. I think he can swing a mallet for like 40 minutes.

Speaking of mallets. I can understand that some people mght not know that a ratchet spanner can be set to slacken or tighten. But I am amazed how many people thought that you use a mallet by pounding on your chisel with the top of the mallet!

10 hours ago, SVNBob said:

I think all that hair was taking over her brain or something.

I'm not convinced there is a lot of actual hair there. Nor a lot of actual brain, for that matter.

9 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I don't remember Claire being this annoying when she was on Big Brother.  Also, I thought Derek had more of a personality then he has been showing.  So far, he just seems to be a background character.

I don't recall her being particularly annoying. In fact, I don't think we saw much of the team at all. Claire did briefly mumble some nonsense on the mat, but that's about all. You're right though. Derek seems to be a bit of a nonentity.

5 hours ago, Leeds said:

people chiseling around the goods, and chipping "bits" off...

Ok, that's enough of that talk! 

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5 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Oh, and I thought it was fun to watch Sharik back track on wanting to quit the race.  I'm glad that Phil called her bluff.

Same. Someone who complains that much about the straight-forward tasks she had to do in this episode should not be coddled at the mat. I would give her more leeway if it had been a needle-in-a-haystack challenge. Racers should still expect those, but there have been some really brutal ones in the past and I could completely understand how they could make someone want to rage quit.

And anyway, she and her dad are supposed to be superfans—she knew that she would have to do tasks and she knew that some of them would be frustrating and/or tiring when she signed up. I also cannot imagine what sort of boundary she thought was being breached during her little speech about how she takes a firm "I'm not doing that" stand when she feels like she's being pushed beyond her self-imposed limits. Although I will give her the benefit of the doubt that the editors might have left out some sort of context that made her look less unreasonable.

I like the two sibling teams and the rivalry that's being set up between them, but of the two, I definitely prefer Emily and Molly. Marcus and Michael aren't bad (and they are strong racers), but I can't love a team that expects to come in first each leg and acts disappointed when they fail to do so—especially when their "failure" is still a very strong finish that puts them at no disadvantage at the start of the next leg, since they'll be in the same departure group as the twins.

Dom and Rich (especially Dom) were a team that drew a lot of focus, so now that they're out, I'm hoping we get to see more of the middle-of-the-pack teams and learn about them. From the brief clips we've gotten to see of Luis, it seems like he has a pretty good sense of humor.

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And for that I am eternally grateful!  I don't need assholes or bullies on The Amazing Race.  If I want to watch assholes or bullies I'll watch Big Brother or Survivor.  Or talk to one of my co-workers.  Or call a family member.  I like watching couples that get along, support and respect each other.

Same. Even with Dom, this has been the most enjoyable race in a while. Sure, I have quibbles about the tasks and destinations but it's so nice to watch a show where people might be competitive or get frustrated but people aren't scheming or fighting with each other or doing other nonsense things that get you the villain edit. And no one is going too hard on trying to be a media personality either. I got really burned out on the old style of reality TV. 


My only minor gripe is that I find Luis and Michelle and Aubrey and David fairly interchangeable, as generic married couples. 

Aubrey and David don't do that much to stand out but I can remember both of their faces. I remember Luis (admittedly because I find him attractive) but I can never remember Michelle. I might need a reminder about who is still in the race but I can recognize everyone else by now and mostly remember their names and gimmicks.

I'm curious how Rich and Dom got together. Did they meet when he was less attractive and more insecure? Did a psychic tell him she was his soulmate? Is she just more bearable in real life? Obviously the woo woo stuff doesn't bother him but I'd still get worn down by the rest of it if she behaves anything like she did on the race normally. 

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19 minutes ago, Hera said:

Someone who complains that much about the straight-forward tasks she had to do in this episode should not be coddled at the mat. I would give her more leeway if it had been a needle-in-a-haystack challenge. Racers should still expect those, but there have been some really brutal ones in the past and I could completely understand how they could make someone want to rage quit.

Notice how cleverly Sharik has played her hand. "Yes, Daddy! I'll stay in for you!"

But the next time she is asked to do something incredibly difficult and back-breaking (like folding table napkins, or something) she will be "You see? I told you I wanted to quit! Now this latest failure is your fault!"

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