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S06.E14: The Night Before the Wedding

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17 hours ago, ProudMary said:

According to Entertainment Weekly, the wedding singer's name is Arielle. There's also a two minute video clip from tonight's episode in the article.

This Is Us wedding sneak peek

That was a fast two minutes.  The clip said 01:23 when I clicked and watched it.  I won't spoil the surprise for anyone about where this is going. 😃

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I kind of want Sophie and Kevin to end up together because I’m a sucker for nostalgia but the two actors have no chemistry.
It’s kind of a shit or get off the pot already situation . They’ve been trying to make this work for decades and it just hasn’t ( not Sophie’s fault .) But I think it’s becoming too much . 

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I’m glad they had them discuss the past and that they moved too fast at first. I also loved how they had Rebecca’s memory refresh theirs and Randall of course being Randall helped a bit too. Sophie had to be scared with Kevin’s past but he only ever loved her and when Justin said that they only had Kevin love only one woman for over 30 years, who else could he end up with? He had the child’s love, the teen love, the young adult immature love and finally the mature love that Rebecca said would be hard to wait for, but would be worth it.  I don’t get why the singer was needed or Nickys ice but I’ll erase that ;) 

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2 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Dull. Sophie at all ages has been dull.

I don't care and the show really laid it thick with the Valentine card that Kevin has been carrying around for over 40 years.

Next week is actually going to be a tearjearker. Oh Miguel.

How dare you! LOL!!!! I’m too easy for this stuff. I love Sophie. Actually, I think I love the actress here and on Virgin River. I guess I’m soft. 

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I want Cassidy's pajamas.

I admit that I'm not the biggest sportsball fan but Randall's Buffalo Bill's Super Bowl Champion sweatshirts metaphor totally lost me.

Nicky in his bathrobe getting ice was adorable. I thought for sure that Kevin and Cassidy had dirty minds and Nicky was going to tell them that he was just making Edie's favorite drink or something.

I guess that about sums up my interest in who Kevin ended up with. I will say if you forced me to pick between Cassidy and Sophie, I would pick Sophie just because I like Cassidy so much. I don't want her Pearsoned.

Was the comment about Cassidy wanting to wash off her make up a response to the viewer's comments about her? I see you, show.

Also, Sophie and Kevin should just try dating first if they don't want to end up in the past again. And, when the whole family cheered at their kiss, I was like, no pressure.

I wonder how Madison and everyone who dated Kevin felt about Kevin keeping a valentine for Sophie in his wallet?

Edited by DoubleUTeeEff
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We saw how Kevin and Sophie met and that wasn't it (plus, they were a few years older). I didn't feel it was earned (as someone else commented) with this rewrite. And they can't love who each other are "now" because they have no idea who that is - they just pulled Sophie out of thin air after umpteen episodes. She and Kevin didn't even keep in touch enough to know that she was divorced. 

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1 minute ago, LexieLily said:

Kevin/Sophie doesn't quite feel earned to me. Sophie pushed Kevin away in the hotel room because of shampoo and him wanting her to be who she was back then, and then her speech at the end made it sound like she's been holding college-aged Kevin's behavior against him for decades and only now that he's 'grown up' will she entertain the idea of being with her again. They tried to show all of these connections like the Valentines and the phone calls to show they'd been thinking about each other for years when we never saw evidence of any connection since she called him the night before his non-wedding to Madison. Awfully convenient that she and her husband divorced somewhere between the engagement party and now. 

And everyone crowded around clapping at the Kevin/Sophie kiss? Please. When did Randall become such a Kevin/Sophie fan?

It felt unearned to me because the majority of all Sophie scenes/flashbacks have been exclusively with Kevin. They barely showed her so-called friendship with Kate. Randall grew up with Sophie but she was Kevin's friend if we went by what the show gave us. What This is Us has shown us that Kevin melted whenever he looked at Sophie (I don't know why since she is dull), so Randall knew that Kevin wanted Sophie, so he support that.

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3 minutes ago, brokenwing29 said:

We saw how Kevin and Sophie met and that wasn't it (plus, they were a few years older). I didn't feel it was earned (as someone else commented) with this rewrite. And they can't love who each other are "now" because they have no idea who that is - they just pulled Sophie out of thin air after umpteen episodes. She and Kevin didn't even keep in touch enough to know that she was divorced. 

Kevin/Sophie met because of Kate, didn't they? Little Sophie was Little Kate's friend.

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So much of this episode and the marketing around it was a waste.  There was no need to drag this out and introduce a new character just for Kevin and Sophie to get back together.  And Kevin's proposition to Cassidy was unnecessary.  If they are friends,  why not have Kevin confide in Cassidy instead?  

I will give credit to Justin Hartley, Alexandra Breckinridge, and Mandy Moore for giving convincing performances to make up for the bad plotting.  This was never my preferred ship, but the actors do make it work.

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10 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I admit I cried when Kevin pulled that childhood Valentine out of his wallet

That got to me.  I have a soft spot for things being kept in wallets.  My uncle and his wife were married only a few years (in the 1940s).  He became an alcoholic and she couldn't take it since he'd go out to the bar each night.  And so she divorced him.  He never remarried.  When he passed away, my mother (his sister) was going through his things and she found in his wallet a picture of his ex-wife.  He had kept it in his wallet for over 40 years.  

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As someone who has hated much of this season, and was going to dump on the show for the stupid way Kevin and Sophie broke up over shampoo smells, and was prepared to rail against the ridiculousness of a six year old keeping a Valentines card for a girl he literally just met, let alone keeping it in his wallet for over forty years, it was a very satisfying ending to their story. Well done, show!

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I liked this episode...and am okay with him winding up with Sophie. Although, her being mean to Kate when they were kids still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Still, close up shots of Justin was nice to fill an hour. 

Randall's whole Buffalo Bills speech was hilarilous as I swear there's a writer that threw it in to shade Buffalo fans.

Other than that, Miguel is next week....and THAT's the one I'm looking forward to....

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I’m trying to enjoy every minute of this show so will sit through some irritating scenes if I have to.  I did enjoy Nicky with the ice bucket trying to put horrible images into Kevin’s head, LOL.  I do wonder, as someone upthread just asked, why Nicky hasn’t interacted much with Randall or Kate since he’s seemingly become besties with Kevin.

I was kind of hoping all the hints in Kevin’s room with the pink bra and the shawl and the poetry on napkins and all that would end up being red herrings, and that Kevin ended up alone (I mean, not forever, just that night).  He and Cassidy wouldn’t have lasted long as romantic partners - I think they’re great as friends and coworkers.  To me, their baggage would always be front & centre in a romantic relationship - who needs that drama? (I mean, we all go into relationships with some baggage, but we’re talking Pearson-caliber baggage). And I’m glad he didn’t end up with that dippy wedding singer - not a fan.  And a terrible singer if you ask me! .  And finally, I don’t buy that Sophie and Kevin have been pining for each other for 20+ years, I’m sorry, I just don’t.  That kiss and everyone clapping in the background was dumb.

Question - when Little Kevin wrote Sophie’s name on that Valentine card, did he never give it to her?  If he did give it to her, presumably she would have kept it, for awhile at least (not 35 years!), so how would Kevin have it?  Or did he write it but not give it to her, explaining why he would still have it in his possession?  The mind boggles.

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9 minutes ago, stonehaven said:

Although, her being mean to Kate when they were kids still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I thought the bully at the pool was Sofie, purposely spelled different. She signed her lil name. I figured there were 2 Sophie/Sofies in their class 

It said will you be my valentine, yes/no

Once he got her answer on the card, he took it back because she answered the question. That was my assumption

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Randall's Buffalo Bills story that had no point beyond "life is crazy, but your relationship isn't" is some of the worst writing I've ever seen on this show.

I think someone high up on the writing staff must have heard about those shirts years ago, and gotten a laugh from it, and decided, "This HAS to go in the show somewhere! Who cares if it makes any sense?"

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7 minutes ago, OhSarah69 said:


Question - when Little Kevin wrote Sophie’s name on that Valentine card, did he never give it to her?  If he did give it to her, presumably she would have kept it, for awhile at least (not 35 years!), so how would Kevin have it?  Or did he write it but not give it to her, explaining why he would still have it in his possession?  The mind boggles.

They were married for years. She walked out on him when he told her that he cheated on her. So he could have kept some things at that time that he didn't want to throw away. 

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