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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)

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I thought Hawaii instantly and then thought “It can’t be that easy, Hawaii will be the first thing that comes to mind when people read ‘volcano,’ it must be something else. But I don’t know what else it could be, and the year fits for a WWII memorial. But it can’t be that easy! Ack time is up, ok I’ll say Hawaii!”


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5 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I got FJ, but I doubted myself the entire time -- I thought it couldn't be that obvious, but I really couldn't think of another possibility.  I'm not surprised the contestants missed it.  I suspect they all overthought it.

I think so, too. Volcanoes instantly made me think of Hawaii, and when you factor in the year and why they might need to bury so many bodies, it was obvious. Too obvious— which is why I also doubted it.

But for 2 days in a row, I was momentarily smarter than Amy! (Clearly, she’s tired.)

6 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Have I been wrong for all these years or is Ken mistaken?  (Don’t answer that!)  He referred to a FAQ as a “fack”.  All this time I’ve thought it was an F-A-Q. Or is this something like the .gif (jiff vs ghiff) disagreement?  I just don’t think I’ve ever heard it as “fack”. 

I’ve always said “fack”.

5 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I thinks it's just part of the evolution of words. I've heard people pronounce l-o-l as if it was a word lol. 

That one is silly. If I want to convey “lol” I just, you know, laugh


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13 hours ago, ams1001 said:

My only FJ of the week and it was an asterisk and an Amysterisk! (I know it can't be one without being the other, but still. Yay, me.)

Yes, it can be.  You can get an A* when Amy misses FJ; it doesn't matter what the other two contestants did.

I wonder if Hawai'i not being a state in 1949 threw the contestants off.  It was an instaget for me.  The attack on Pearl Harbor has always been of interest to me, plus NCIS, NCIS: Hawai'i, and Magnum PI have all done episodes about Pearl Harbor and the cemetary so that cemented it for me.

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18 minutes ago, Trey said:

Yes, it can be.  You can get an A* when Amy misses FJ; it doesn't matter what the other two contestants did.

I know; I just meant for last night since it was already an *. Sorry, wasn't very clear..

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I've always said fak for FAQ.

WRT calling time, since I've been watching Only Connect I thought it took forever for Ken to call it and thought "Victoria would've called it 5 seconds ago".

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14 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Have I been wrong for all these years or is Ken mistaken?  (Don’t answer that!)  He referred to a FAQ as a “fack”.  All this time I’ve thought it was an F-A-Q. Or is this something like the .gif (jiff vs ghiff) disagreement?  I just don’t think I’ve ever heard it as “fack”. 

I switch between fack and FAQ, depending on who I'm talking too.

11 hours ago, PBnJay said:

Anyone who has watched the Hawaii Five-O reboot got Friday's FJ easy peasy. Steve McGarrett went to that cemetery about every other week for nine years. Guessing none of today's three players watched that show, obviously.

Watched it - and Hawaii didn't even come to mind. The date didn't mean anything to me other than the end of the war (since the Pearl Harbor attack was in 1941, 8 years seems like a long time to bury our dead. And our dead soldiers were shipped home from all sorts of places.

Plus, here on the west coast we have a number of extinct volcanoes and even a caldera (Crater Lake). But mostly I didn't think of Hawaii because my mind went to the local veteran's cemetery where my parents are interred, despite knowing for a fact it's not on a crater (hilly area). Just couldn't get it out of my mind, but I waffled between here and Washington.

It wasn't  a particularly brilliant game for me, though I almost ran a couple. I was pretty tired, being exhausted from gathering and filling out important and critical paperwork, and then having it notarized. I hate filling out forms.

I enjoyed Ken's glee about James. They tease each other a lot on Twitter, I've heard.


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I was hung up on Crater Lake. I do think to succeed at Jeopardy you need a mind that grabs shards of info from disparate places... but you also need to be able to quickly sort and discard the irrelevant bits.

Edited by possibilities
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Could not believe no one got the Hawaii Punchbowl Cemetery FJ. Extinct volcano. National Cemetery. Obvious. Amy has a huge knowledge base but it's what she doesn't know that's sometimes surprising. The Springsteen Born to Run lyric was at the top of the board. Easy. Missed an Elton John reference to Tiny Dancer, too. The church fair where Lennon and McCartney first met. Didn't know. Seems her knowledge of history going back centuries is way sharper than more recent pop culture. Have a feeling if anything is going to eventually do her in, it's that. 

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7 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I enjoyed Ken's glee about James. They tease each other a lot on Twitter, I've heard.

There’s a lot of banter between them on The Chase, as well. Brad also gets involved, but he’s not quite as snarky. It’s clear they really enjoy their friendly rivalry.

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36 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

Wouldn’t that be 4 players in the 30+ millionaires club?  Ken, James, Matt, Amy.

Hawaii was an instaget.  Remind me what * stands for.



The “*” is referring to a different thread in this forum- a contest among some of the regular posters to track who gets how many FJs correct. Sometimes we forget which thread we’re in and cross post (sorry!) Players are awarded an “*” if they correctly answer a FJ that none of the actual contestants got correct. 

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January 17th:

Not a terrible start to the new week, except for that first round...

53% / 80% / 67%

In J! I ran "PRE"fixes, missed one in Weights & Measures. Apparently I do not know my Doyle characters; I only got one (Moriarty), or Lakes where I also got one (Sierra Nevada). Missed two Band Members and three Holmes and/or Watsons. Did not get the DD.

My DJ was much better...ran Illustrators and 6-Letter Words, missed one each in 20th Century America and Food & Drink, and two each in Palaces and Documentaries. Got both DDs.

My TSes were archaeology, pre-disposed (do I at least get half a point for knowing the boxer was a Holmes and not a Watson?), and the missed DD of Grey's Anatomy. (I knew Hedy Lamarr and was very annoyed that it wouldn't come to me.)

FJ was an instaget. That seemed too easy for FJ.


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Archive game for me since I'll be watching football, so I had to guess on a couple whether seeing the visual within the clues would have led me to the answer.

I missed all but one in Arthur Conan Doyle characters (I've never read any of his books, and I hadn't picked any of those up by cultural osmosis, but blackmail was easy to figure out as the evil deed involving imprudent letters, so I got that one).  Other than that, I did okay in the first round; I only ran bands and prefixes, but I only missed one or two each in the others.

In DJ, I was terrible in palaces, missing all but Versailles.  Other than that, I did well; I ran words, documentaries, and food & drink and only missed two illustrators and the Mercury TS.

FJ was an instaget (more accurately, as is often the case, an instaguess that I figured to be right after more deliberation), so if I could have swapped out those two categories for topics in my wheelhouse, I'd have had a fantastic game.

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Instaget FJ for me tonight.

I also got the TS of Huron, Hedy Lamarr, and Mercury (on a guess).  I can't think about Hedy Lamarr without thinking about Blazing Saddles.

And of course I knew Christopher Wren immediately.


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27 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

And of course I knew Christopher Wren immediately.


Of course you did!

My funny Hampton Court Palace story. I was about a third of the way through the tour, hearing about William of Orange and Mary. Suddenly it hit me - that was our William and Mary! 

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1 hour ago, Kimmmmmm said:

Can't believe NOONE knew Lake Huron!!!!

I did 👋
I guess the real contestants haven't been on Lake Huron or maybe not even in the Midwest?

The Gray's Anatomy DD miss was more surprising since it's known in both pop culture and science.

Tyrannosaurus Rex was an easy FJ. I guess they throw those out there occasionally to let the wagering take center stage?

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Not gonna lie, I wondered if they were going to ding Amy for FJ because she spelled it Tyrannosarus Rex instead of Tyrannosaurus Rex. One could argue that that changes the pronunciation.

I kind of got the sense that there were so many letters there they didn't notice, but given that they accepted T-Rex, it would be brutal if they didn't accept her misspelling.

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:
3 hours ago, Kimmmmmm said:

Can't believe NOONE knew Lake Huron!!!!

I did 👋
I guess the real contestants haven't been on Lake Huron or maybe not even in the Midwest?

The Gray's Anatomy DD miss was more surprising since it's known in both pop culture and science.

I sometimes have problems with US geography because I don't know instantly East from West (or left from right), I mean I know that New York is on the East coast and California on the West but I usually have to picture a map before I can work out which direction the clue wants me to go to, and this clue just messed all that up for me somehow, maybe because part of Michigan is west of Lake Michigan? idk .

I did get Gray's Anatomy.

I loved Ken's remarks about Arthur being the only beloved aardvark and the 'sore spot' of Watson.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I got the missed clues of ... Larry Holmes

That would have been hilarious if one of the clues was for John C. Holmes ... "This prolific actor had credited roles in 573 films ..."

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Great Lakes -- the usual mnemonic is HOMES, but that does not put them in order.  A better one is Super Man Helps Every One, which lists the lakes from west to east: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario.

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37 minutes ago, Driad said:

Great Lakes -- the usual mnemonic is HOMES, but that does not put them in order.  A better one is Super Man Helps Every One, which lists the lakes from west to east: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario.

Yeah, I've never understood memorizing the names of the Great Lakes in a random order rather than in geographic order.  My own SMHEO mnemonic is something personal that wouldn't make sense to others, but SuperMan Helps EveryOne seems easy to remember if I didn't have that, so I don't really get people memorizing HOMES instead of SMHEO -- the two things being equal, why not memorize a mnemonic that gives you more information?

Since I was reading the archive, I couldn't see the visual hint within the Huron clue - was it a picture of the lake, or was it a map of the Great Lakes highlighting that one?  (Because I quiz myself on geography for fun - I know, I'm a real hit at parties - all I needed was east coast of Michigan to get it.)

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A friend of my parents used to say I looked like Hedy Lamarr, which in retrospect is a little creepy (I was 11), but it did give me motivation to learn about her. Fascinating lady, despite possibly lacking a sense of humor. (She sued over that Blazing Saddles joke.)

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4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I guess the real contestants haven't been on Lake Huron or maybe not even in the Midwest?

Amy's originally from Ohio!

1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Since I was reading the archive, I couldn't see the visual hint within the Huron clue - was it a picture of the lake, or was it a map of the Great Lakes highlighting that one?

It was just a picture of a sunrise over the lake.

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29 minutes ago, stonehaven said:

I really like Ken as host..

I wasn't a fan before as I didn't think he had the proper broadcaster's voice for it, but I've gotten used to him over the past few weeks.  I wouldn't mind if he's the permanent host.

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73% / 40% / 57%

J!: Ran New Jersey (thank goodness, or I would have to hang my head in shame) and I Want 2B, missed one in Medical History. Got the only TS of the round (my own gov, Murphy).

DJ: Uh, no comment. Missed three in almost every category, except International Cars (four) and Escapist Literature (two). My only TS was alerted & altered, and that only after Taryn got it wrong for not using the past tense.

FJ: Nope.

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On 1/15/2022 at 9:03 AM, Trey said:

I wonder if Hawai'i not being a state in 1949 threw the contestants off. 

It did. Amy said on Twitter that it was a point of contention they brought up to the judges. 

I totally ran the Arthur Conan Doyle category yesterday! 

Pride and Prejudice! Shoutout to me :-)

Edited by M. Darcy
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5 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I wasn't a fan before as I didn't think he had the proper broadcaster's voice for it, but I've gotten used to him over the past few weeks.  I wouldn't mind if he's the permanent host.

I've also expressed reservations about Ken having the voice for the job, but his knowledge, humor, quickness with an ad lib and surprising (to me) warmth have won me over. I'd be elated for him to be the permanent host.

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I'm a little surprised that, with all that extra time to think about it, Dan didn't have an "a-ha!" moment when Taryn said "alert & alter" and come up with the right answer, but I know it's a lot easier at home!

On a shallow note, I love the color of Amy's blouse tonight.  She's worn quite a few colors I really liked.

I joined the contestants in the Phil Murphy TS, and missed four other scattered clues in the first round, with no bad categories (and I ran three of them).

In DJ, though, I only ran anagrams.  And I didn't do very well in much of the rest -- I missed all but Amy Winehouse in deep cuts and three each in cars and murals.  I missed two each in the others.

And no FJ.  Boo, his.

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6 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I wasn't a fan before as I didn't think he had the proper broadcaster's voice for it, but I've gotten used to him over the past few weeks.  I wouldn't mind if he's the permanent host.

I have to admit that I'm to the point where I can tolerate Ken!

I so wanted them to have "stressed" and "desserts" in the anagrams round.  It's so serendipitous.

"Agincourt" with a hard "g" -- I've never heard that one before.  Another example of acquiring knowledge through reading.

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6 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

She LIKES Moby DIck?  I think Amy lost a few points in my estimation. LOL

I managed to avoid it in school and I've never had the guts to tackle it, but she's made me think about giving it a go. To each their own.

Last night I knew brain stem and FJ. Reading Le Malade Imaginaire in high school was one of the high points of French class.

Part of me wants Amy's streak to continue and surpass Ken's, but I'm finding the huge runaway games getting tedious. Nobody should be able to lose 20,000 points and still win!

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2 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

I managed to avoid it in school and I've never had the guts to tackle it, but she's made me think about giving it a go. To each their own.

Last night I knew brain stem and FJ. Reading Le Malade Imaginaire in high school was one of the high points of French class.

Part of me wants Amy's streak to continue and surpass Ken's, but I'm finding the huge runaway games getting tedious. Nobody should be able to lose 20,000 points and still win!

At least I am still fascinated by Amy’s betting strategy. Like myself with regards to my retirement funds, she tends to be cautiously conservative.
But then she’s willing to risk 5 figures of “house” money when she’s sure it won’t endanger her return as champ—–which I don’t know if I could do.  
Unlike Amy, Matt Amodio seemed to self-correct whenever he lost big to “The House,” didn’t he? But I think he took bigger risks too.
Amy’s careful wagering seems to be unbeatable in the absence of an opponent who has a vastly superior wealth of knowledge which would make up for less practice with the buzzer.

Or maybe just the “wrong” categories for Amy that are the “right” categories for a challenger will do it.

Meanwhile, Amy is daily demonstrating successful risk taking decision making.

ETA: I fear we are getting close to shows recorded at the time of her mugging. I would hate that to be the trigger of her losing. 


Amy and Ken almost made me want to give Moby Dick another try.


As soon as I saw Molière written for Dan’s FJ response I knew that was the correct answer, but I would never have been able to come up with it. 

Edited by shapeshifter
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10 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

She LIKES Moby DIck?  I think Amy lost a few points in my estimation. LOL

Despite the popular stereotype, a lot of people like it.  It became a classic for a reason.

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