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S15.E10: Polygamy Hell

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4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I've heard and read that past the age of 3 or so it can cause a child's teeth to grow in crooked, leading to expensive dental work to correct it.  Plus it can also lead to impaired language development. It can also interfere with the healthy development of internal coping mechanisms.  Leaning on anything external as a crutch to sooth yourself doesn't set you up for being able to cope without external things like medications down the line into adulthood.

I found this article on the subject interesting.

My oldest had some development issues do we allowed a nighttime paci until just over 4. He's 18 now. He did have braces, but so did our other 2 children, 1 of whom never took the paci.

Robyn was thin at one time but not anymore. I think Janelle and Christine are prettier. 

  • Love 4

I didn't think I could despise Kody more than I already do. 

He has a rare moment of awareness that perhaps it was a mistake to have tortured his daughter with the options of going to surgery on the other side of the country by herself versus six? more months of pain and additional curvature.

But then in the next breath, he pins 100% of the blame squarely on Christine.  She's messing up his head, being so needy and all.  Tsk tsk.

Kill.  Him.  stab!  stab!  stab!

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15 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Janelle was happy renting a small house, but Meri is really sticking it to them with a big rental.  Christine was somewhat smart in buying but there is no equity in her place.  And then they blow what's left on Robyns place.  Janelle knows whats going on, that why she anxious about getting everyone together so she has more control of any finances.  Their only asset is the property and without development it's not worth what they paid.  And, they can't afford a loan to build even one house.    I suspect that's what Kody is hoping for - borrow against Robyns place, to build a house.  Sell Robyns house, and if Janelle is still around, get her a trailer.  

I think they ran into more trouble getting rentals than they expected.  The first problem was finding rentals in a college town at the end of summer.  The second may have been that they had somewhat of a reputation that was probably more negative than neutral or positive.

The first house that Meri rented was in a cul-de-sac.  Neighbors complained and she wisely decided to leave.  It was not a McMansion.  Robyn had a large rental, and it appeared to be at the end of a residential street with fairly spacious lots. I think maybe it was a dead end street.  Kody and crew made 2 separate trips with their caravan of cars and uHauls to get her moved in.  The neighbors seemed curious, but not unfriendly.  I suspect they complained only to each other and to the landlord who decided to sell it.  It is very unlikely that he offered it to them.  There was a scene at Robyn's house before they drove out to swim at Prairie Dog Flats where it appeared there were at least 8 Brown vehicles in the narrow road. I would not blame the neighbors for being unhappy.

Janelle's first house was similar to Meri's.  I don't recall a lot of filming done there, but there was at least one family gathering. I think maybe Valentine's Day.  Janelle then moved, and she claimed it was to be closer to Robyn and Christine.  I don't think she moved closer to Meri, but she was close to Meri when the fire was threatening.  I think they were just across a highway from each other.  She said the landlord didn't hold her to her lease so I have an idea that moving was the landlord's idea.

It wouldn't surprise me if Meri chose her second rental to be far enough away from neighbors to allow filming.  That is probably the reason Christine chose a house with lots of land and off a highway.  This house was sold, and Meri had to move again.  I think part of the reason for the larger house is to impress the Lularoe customers and the people under her.  Also she gets a deduction on Sch C for a home office.  There is no evidence Meri was offered a chance to buy that house, and it is likely she didn't want to buy.

I think two of the lots they claim they are going to develop are mortgaged so that would almost certainly need to be paid off before anything is built other than that fire pit.

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Well did I ever get cheated! So glad that many of you tell in detail about what happened during the last episode. I had what I thought was the final show on my PVR, made sure to check and make sure this was the final show of the season, after an hour, I got commercials for what will be going on in the next show-his abuse of his poor daughter-but checked ahead on my schedule and there are no other shows coming next! I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, maybe we just aren't that important? But thanks to all of you who comment so eloquently, and in great detail, it was just about like watching the show in real:) Just seeing the look on the poor girl's face was more than enough to feel how her sperm donor shattered her young and tender heart. He is such an a$$hole. I bet they do get another season, and I bet that Robin does end up pregnant with another child, a great way to get another season.

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15 minutes ago, mittsigirl said:

I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, maybe we just aren't that important? But thanks to all of you who comment so eloquently, and in great detail, it was just about like watching the show in real:) Just seeing the look on the poor girl's face was more than enough to feel how her sperm donor shattered her young and tender heart. He is such an a$$hole. I bet they do get another season, and I bet that Robin does end up pregnant with another child, a great way to get another season.

Saskatchewan people have a very special place in my heart.  I lived in Regina for 5 years, the coldest climate I had ever encountered, but the warmest people to know. And those prairie rainbows are something to behold!!!

Someone here I'm sure will be able to tell you how to view the final hour on a TLC app. I am technically challenged, so I can't help.

I for one, will not be tuning in if the best story line they can come up with is Robyn's spirit child.  Give us more of the raw, real emotion they displayed this past season.

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19 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Since were discussing looks...it’s not like we’re going to see Kody on the cover of GQ. They’re a bunch of regular middle-aged people of not-unusual appearance. No different from millions of everyday folk who are loved and happy. Kody looks the strangest to me since his hair suggests he’s grabbed an electric fence in the recent past. 

when he wears it "up" and and the short hair shows he has looked quite attractive.  (kill me now).  

  • LOL 12
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1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

Saskatchewan people have a very special place in my heart.  I lived in Regina for 5 years, the coldest climate I had ever encountered, but the warmest people to know. And those prairie rainbows are something to behold!!!

Someone here I'm sure will be able to tell you how to view the final hour on a TLC app. I am technically challenged, so I can't help.

I for one, will not be tuning in if the best story line they can come up with is Robyn's spirit child.  Give us more of the raw, real emotion they displayed this past season.

Wonderful to meet you!! After the death of my daughter years ago, my remaining 2 daughters decided to always live in the same city, and were lucky enough to both find wonderful men to marry, and they both have lived in Regina for the past 18 years. They have given me 8 beautiful grandkids, but with darn covid, it's been so hard to get together. Yes, the weather here can get very cold, and we do seem to be pretty warm people, who apologize for everything! When I read the comments, if somebody is close to getting the red lining around their comment, I always am sure to add a click to it, and if somebody doesn't get many clicks, then I always feel the right thing to do is give them one! We are far from perfect humans, but we do seem to be pretty nice:)

  • Love 17
On 4/27/2021 at 4:23 PM, Elizzikra said:

My father was a dentist and wouldn't allow us to have pacifiers when we were babies/toddlers. My brother took to sucking his thumb. We both ended up needing orthodonture. Kids who want to suck to self soothe will find something; might as well be a pacifier.

Exactly! That thumb is always there, whereas a pacifier is not. I still disapprove of 5-7 year-olds sucking their thumbs out shopping! 
All our kids had pacifiers, they stayed in bed and they got them at bedtime, never during the day. Worked fine with us.

As for the age they need to come off: that depends on circumstances. My oldest was just over 4 when we stopped using it. We wanted to do it around 3 but an unexpected move and new jobs caused a very stressful time for us as a family. It took us all a while to adjust and settle in, which is when we said goodbye to ‘ciffie’ So no, I don’t feel guilty for allowing it a little longer,  because of the circumstances😉

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Twopper said:

I think they ran into more trouble getting rentals than they expected.  The first problem was finding rentals in a college town at the end of summer.  The second may have been that they had somewhat of a reputation that was probably more negative than neutral or positive.

The first house that Meri rented was in a cul-de-sac.  Neighbors complained and she wisely decided to leave.  It was not a McMansion.  Robyn had a large rental, and it appeared to be at the end of a residential street with fairly spacious lots. I think maybe it was a dead end street.  Kody and crew made 2 separate trips with their caravan of cars and uHauls to get her moved in.  The neighbors seemed curious, but not unfriendly.  I suspect they complained only to each other and to the landlord who decided to sell it.  It is very unlikely that he offered it to them.  There was a scene at Robyn's house before they drove out to swim at Prairie Dog Flats where it appeared there were at least 8 Brown vehicles in the narrow road. I would not blame the neighbors for being unhappy.

Janelle's first house was similar to Meri's.  I don't recall a lot of filming done there, but there was at least one family gathering. I think maybe Valentine's Day.  Janelle then moved, and she claimed it was to be closer to Robyn and Christine.  I don't think she moved closer to Meri, but she was close to Meri when the fire was threatening.  I think they were just across a highway from each other.  She said the landlord didn't hold her to her lease so I have an idea that moving was the landlord's idea.

It wouldn't surprise me if Meri chose her second rental to be far enough away from neighbors to allow filming.  That is probably the reason Christine chose a house with lots of land and off a highway.  This house was sold, and Meri had to move again.  I think part of the reason for the larger house is to impress the Lularoe customers and the people under her.  Also she gets a deduction on Sch C for a home office.  There is no evidence Meri was offered a chance to buy that house, and it is likely she didn't want to buy.

I think two of the lots they claim they are going to develop are mortgaged so that would almost certainly need to be paid off before anything is built other than that fire pit.

If she gets a deduction for home office, shouldn't the other wives? Christine and Janelle do online marketing. Robyn or Kody get one? For The Kody Brown family entertainment llc?  Or MSWC? "We'll be back soon".

Edited by Art Of Noiz
21 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I agree that a four year-old should be sleeping through the night, but why should she necessarily be off the pacifier? She's not going to clamp one between her teeth when she leaves for Harvard. She will part with it in her own time. And believe me, I think any child in that family needs all the self-soothing tools they can stack up. 

The dental aspect has already been discussed, but there is also the probably sub-conscious aspect of Areolablabla herself adopting/continuing other baby-like ways of behaving, and everyone else of treating her in more baby-like ways.   

  • Love 9

I smiled when Meri was trying to soothe Christine with some kind of bullshit about how your feelings aren't valid until you're no longer in pain blah blah blah and then they cut to solo Christine saying that she would not accept the kind of relationship that Meri has with Kody.

Yes, Meri. I am sympathetic to the loneliness of your life, but you are hardly the Kody-whisperer of the sisterwives, to be handing out advice.  He's finished with you, my dear.

In spite of your insistence that Kody "can't just pick and choose who he wants to keep" from among the wives and children--he already has.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, Dnsj said:

Listening to the fun podcast about this show they mentioned that during the graduation car ride areola said something like "no one is listening to me you all are idiots" so I went back to check it out and that is what it sounds like! Robyn wouldn't win mother of the year in my opinion. And we know how Kody is. 

I missed that little detail.  Sounds like she is quoting her dad talking about the "wives."

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On 4/26/2021 at 10:39 PM, notnowimbusy said:

I think Janelle is in a panic.  She knows Meri & Christine are fed up, Robyn is dominating all of Kody's time and attention, so NOW she wants better communication among the wives?????    She could deal with it just being her and Robyn if time was split even 60/40, but Christine sees what her future holds.  No building on that mud dump, no cul-de-sac existance - just four women, miles apart who have nothing in common but a man who has abandoned his beliefs, his lifestyle and is forcing everyone, except Robyn to choose to leave.   I think Kody wants the other wives to leave, and "hopes" they relinquish their shares in the property so he can build a house for he & Robyn, rentals, and live there without polygamy interferring.  He's done, he just has to make it so miserable for everyone else to pull up stakes and leave.  His biggest problem is Janelle - she's not going anywhere - even if the TLC money runs out.

Without going back and watching the season over again, all of Janelle's "work on our communication" scenes were professionally filmed post Growth surgery.  It's my opinion that the self filmed footage was so bad that they scrambled to come up with SOME kind of storyline that could be filmed with only the adults talking in their back yards.  I agree that putting Janelle at the front is interesting, she needs to step up and play a role in the family business.

And Kody has to keep her around.  She is the only one willing to sort through the receipts and crunch the numbers for the taxes.

  • Love 14
On 4/25/2021 at 1:03 AM, AryasMum said:
On 4/23/2021 at 9:16 AM, ladle said:

I’m still psychologically distressed by the fact that I’m actually nodding along in agreement with Kody when he discusses Covid precautions.  But then he says that he “believes” that Garrison has a girlfriend, like Garrison is some neighborhood kid he has a passing acquaintance with and not his own offspring, and I remember that he is a full-time asshat and part-time father.

I think that was Gabe. I agree about nodding along with Kody regarding Covid. Janelle is her typical wishy-washy useless, and her boys, minus Logan, are ignorantly dismissive of the danger of Covid. So irritating. 

Is Gabe the one with the girlfriend?  Kody definitely said Garrison, but it's Kody, so there's a non-zero probability he's just confused about which kid is which.

  • Love 11
21 hours ago, candall said:

I didn't think I could despise Kody more than I already do. 

He has a rare moment of awareness that perhaps it was a mistake to have tortured his daughter with the options of going to surgery on the other side of the country by herself versus six? more months of pain and additional curvature.

But then in the next breath, he pins 100% of the blame squarely on Christine.  She's messing up his head, being so needy and all.  Tsk tsk.

Kill.  Him.  stab!  stab!  stab!

I mean, it's like, I want to be able to relate to him.  I'm sure many people right now can relate to having relatives who are not taking the pandemic as seriously as we would want them to (Like, why are you eating in restaurants when you're 75 and high-risk, mom?!??! ... I digress....).  But he just makes it impossible because he is suuuuuuch an ass. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Without going back and watching the season over again, all of Janelle's "work on our communication" scenes were professionally filmed post Growth surgery.  It's my opinion that the self filmed footage was so bad that they scrambled to come up with SOME kind of storyline that could be filmed with only the adults talking in their back yards.  I agree that putting Janelle at the front is interesting, she needs to step up and play a role in the family business.

And Kody has to keep her around.  She is the only one willing to sort through the receipts and crunch the numbers for the taxes.

Yes. YESYESYESYESYESSS!!! Number cruncher. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ladle said:

Is Gabe the one with the girlfriend?  Kody definitely said Garrison, but it's Kody, so there's a non-zero probability he's just confused about which kid is which.

They might both have girlfriends, but it was definitely Gabe that Kody kept harping on for these past few episodes.  I'm sure he did say Garrison - he probably can't tell them apart and, you know, they both start with "G" so that makes it extra hard for him.

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5 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Without going back and watching the season over again, all of Janelle's "work on our communication" scenes were professionally filmed post Growth surgery.  It's my opinion that the self filmed footage was so bad that they scrambled to come up with SOME kind of storyline that could be filmed with only the adults talking in their back yards.  I agree that putting Janelle at the front is interesting, she needs to step up and play a role in the family business.

And Kody has to keep her around.  She is the only one willing to sort through the receipts and crunch the numbers for the taxes.

I'm gonna respond again!! In the first episode, I wondered at Janelle being SOOO nervous about calling "family" together. Because she kept fiddling with her phone I think it held her script.


Hmm. I need to do a forensic rewatch. Lol. 

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On 4/28/2021 at 7:03 AM, Dnsj said:

Listening to the fun podcast about this show they mentioned that during the graduation car ride areola said something like "no one is listening to me you all are idiots" so I went back to check it out and that is what it sounds like! Robyn wouldn't win mother of the year in my opinion. And we know how Kody is. 

Maybe little Aerosol Can was mad everyone was blocking her goals.

  • LOL 14
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On 4/27/2021 at 9:12 PM, Twopper said:

The second may have been that they had somewhat of a reputation that was probably more negative than neutral or positive.

This made me laugh!! The Browns would never think of this or probably see their 'fame' as a huge plus.

I don't know if they do extensive checks on potential tenants over there but if they do, I can see how any landlord would raise questions about having no fixed income, multiple bankruptcies and a fairly dodgy claim to fame. (I could go on about more but won't)

Now I'm thinking of it; does anyone have any ideas how much they'd probably pay each month for 2 rentals, 2 houses and the Prairie Hell-land? It must be an absolute fortune...

  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, LilyD said:

Now I'm thinking of it; does anyone have any ideas how much they'd probably pay each month for 2 rentals, 2 houses and the Prairie Hell-land? It must be an absolute fortune...

And don't forget about Robyn's U-Haul rental that she wouldn't let Kody return because she didn't want to have to unpack it. Or did they finally turn it back in?

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1 hour ago, LilyD said:

Now I'm thinking of it; does anyone have any ideas how much they'd probably pay each month for 2 rentals, 2 houses and the Prairie Hell-land? It must be an absolute fortune...

Meri's current rental is supposed to be around $4900 and Janelle's at $2900.  I think we figured the payment on Robyn's including tax and mortgage insurance was around $4400.  I have no idea about Christine's payment.  She purchased it outright, but it now has a mortgage.  And I think Robyn and Kody have borrowed $150k against the McMansion,, and in order to get it gave up the homestead exemption so it sounds like someone was in dire need of cash. 

I think one or two of the lots were paid in cash, and they financed the rest of Prairie Dog Flats. I would guess they shell out around $15k each month.  It boggles my mind since they have a fleet of cars plus several kids in college, although if the kids are living at home and have scholarships that may not be as bad as I thought.

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1 hour ago, Opine said:

So that was it?  No tell all?

There wasn't one last season either.  Other reality shows like 90 Days manage to get them in to a studio and take Covid precautions, but even if that wasn't acceptable to Robyn, they could have handled it remotely.  I'm disappointed, there was a lot that a sharp interviewer could have delved into.

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

There wasn't one last season either.  Other reality shows like 90 Days manage to get them in to a studio and take Covid precautions, but even if that wasn't acceptable to Robyn, they could have handled it remotely.  I'm disappointed, there was a lot that a sharp interviewer could have delved into.

Well, right there is the problem.  The sharp interviewer part.

Hell, they could’ve done the whole thing via Zoom.  The Browns must know their days on TLC are numbered.

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