bros402 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Those snowglobes breaking was so horrible - I hope Nicky makes some more while he is with Kevin. 2 hours ago, Jeddah said: I know! He was so annoyed about it! I still think Madison would have been a little unsure about him just showing up. She’s definitely mellowed. If he’s been vaccinated, why haven’t Rebecca and Miguel been vaccinated? They’re in the same age range, and are all living in the same state at the moment. Seems like they all should have had the vaccine by now. Nicky got vaccinated at the VA, which I am guessing has different policies from the state of PA. I think The Cabin is in a more rural area than Nicky's trailer - and Miguel might not want to travel far in case it is a case where Rebecca is not doing so well, so he can get her home quickly. It's also very, very difficult to get vaccinated. It took me weeks to get a vaccination scheduled here in NJ, then when I finally found a slot, it took me ~3 hours to snag one. 7 Link to comment
CrystalBlue March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 1 hour ago, zoey1996 said: @Jeddah Where we are, DH and I are both in the 65+ age group, with underlying conditions. I got my first one a couple of weeks ago, and DH got his first one last week. We won't both be finished and outside the 14-day waiting period until end of April. Topic? Yes, could have gone as checked, but usually by the time you're to the point where security/TSA is checking carry-on, it's too late to go back to where it could have been checked. And I've read more than once never to wrap a gift; it's almost an invitation to open it up. Although the agent did say if he had the address it could be mailed, I think Nick thought they were too fragile to be shipped. Nick's state of mind is still somewhat fragile, and he couldn't cope with the denial. I was relieved that he apparently got through the checkpoint without being overly detained. It's a wonder the TSA didn't hold up Nicky after he had the mini-meltdown. Nicky, who did all this on his own except for telephone help from Cassidy and who hadn't flown anywhere since Vietnam was not post-9/11 Homeland Security restrictions, tips and tricks savvy. My heart broke for Nicky. 10 Link to comment
CrystalBlue March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 1 hour ago, chocolatine said: This episode made me seethe with rage at Jack all over again. Jack had obviously always been the dominant one in their relationship, and he knew that Nicky relied on him for approval. But he couldn't find in his heart to share some kind, encouraging words with him, even all those years later when they saw each other. The other men with whom they served seemed to genuinely want to include Nicky in their reunions, so if they were able to forgive him, Jack should have been, too. It was good to see that after getting to know Kevin, Nicky started to participate in life again. He stayed friends with Cassidy - I didn't care much for her with Kevin, but loved the rapport she was with Nicky - kept regularly going to VA meetings, and ditched his old, crumbling trailer for the newer one that Kevin gave him. And getting on a plane for the first time in 50 years, during a pandemic, was such a huge deal for him, but he was obviously just dying to be part of a family again. Last season Nicky told Kevin that after coming back from Vietnam, he went to Sally's house but she wasn't there, but that doesn't align with what happened in this episode. Sally was a hippie living in her van and traveling all over the country before she went to California, so she didn't have a family home in Pittsburgh where Nicky could have gone to look for her. It looked to me like he was going to approach but then saw Jack looking at a ring box and lost his courage. Maybe he figured that Jack had happily moved on with his life without him, or he didn't want to ruin a happy time for Jack by bringing up memories from the war. Especially with him still being in his socks while trying to salvage the snow globes. That little detail just broke me. I thought it might be her as well. Glad that it wasn't because after the whole Randall/Hai/Laurel thing I don't want any more "coincidences" like that. He knows how to use Amazon now, so he can just re-order all of the supplies and have them shipped to Kevin's house. Maybe Sally's parents' home, her childhood home before she hit the road with Pearl, or should I say, in Pearl. 2 Link to comment
3 is enough March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 One of the better episodes this year. I can suspend disbelief about the vaccine. I’m not sure how the VA is doing with distribution, or even how old Nicky is supposed to be- I assume he is 18 in 1969 so he would be 70 today. But it isn’t totally out of the realm of possibility- maybe the VA has a waste list. I wonder how long Nicky will stay at Kevin’s? 2 Link to comment
phalange March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 I felt so bad for Nicky when the snowglobes he worked so hard on broke at the airport. It was cute that he got the twins his favorite novels as a present instead. His "conversation" with Nicky and Franny was very sweet and I like that it showed the solar system mobile over the cribs given how much Nicky had loved the moon landing. Since he is wearing a ring in the flash-forwards, I hope that means he eventually meets up with Sally again. Echoing everyone who is pissed that Jack's friend encouraged him to continue lying to Rebecca about everything, especially about Nicky. 1 8 Link to comment
bybrandy March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 4 hours ago, Jeddah said: The show picks and chooses when to have COVID be an issue. Rebecca hasn’t even met the twins because of the pandemic, but Kevin and Madison were cool with Nicky showing up. Nicky just showed up and he had his jabs. So they accepted him. Rebecca and Miguel, on the other hand, got their invitation saw it was a zoom thing and didn't show up. Theoretically they will also get their shots and show up some place, too. But Nicky has only just finished getting his shots on the show so Miguel and Rebecca don't even need to be that far behind them to not be in a great place to travel. And it really depends in my state where in the state you are. My friend drove from another state and got her shot at the state line 2 weeks before I managed to wrangle a shot for my 81 year old mom even though I had her on all the wait lists from the beginning of the wait lists. Then I managed to get a shot just a few days later because they had extra unused shots after the winter storm. Who and when and where can get shots is just super random right now. My sister and her husband drove 3 hours to get shots the first day they were eligible (because she's super desperate to see my mom and my mom won't see anybody without also seeing their vaccination record) Other sib turned down a shot 1/2 an hour away because one would turn up closer eventually. Random. Likely though Miguel and Rebecca plan to go back to California to see the babies at some point they just didn't get fixated on the baptism date because they knew the baptism was virtual. And as for Maddison and Kevin not turning him away I can't say I'd have the heart to turn Nicky away once he was already there even if it was a bit awkward. Plus getting the babies his favorite Grisham's (The Firm and A Time To Kill) feels very, very much like the kind of thing my dad would have done. I'm going to be so sad when next week isn't a Nicky week. 9 Link to comment
BrownBear2012 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 2 hours ago, watcher1006 said: Flying on a plane up to and during the time of the Vietnam War was much simpler. No security screenings. It was only during the early 70s that everyone started to take flight security seriously. So if Nick hadn't flown since being medevac'd out of Vietnam today's process would have been totally bewildering to him. I was wondering if Cassidy could have given him some warning. YES!! That was what I was thinking! She could have and should have walked him through the what he would have to do once at the airport and what would be allowed on the airplane. Sometimes these writers leave things out thinking we are idiots and won’t notice slip ups like this. 9 Link to comment
Arcadiasw March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Maybe this has been said but why didn't Cassidy warn Nicky about the TSA? When she wrapped the gifts I knew it wouldn't make it through TSA and I wondered what Cassidy was thinking. That whole scene could've been avoid but I know why: TV drama.🙄 9 Link to comment
Jillybean March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Cassidy did tell him he would have to remove his shoes, but yeah, not taking wrapped gifts is common knowledge. Having her fail to mention that was in service to the plot so we would get the heartbreaking airport scene. So Uncle Nicky is teaching the babies about long Pearson speeches/monologues at an early age. I was surprised he had it in him. 9 4 Link to comment
debraran March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Jillybean said: Cassidy did tell him he would have to remove his shoes, but yeah, not taking wrapped gifts is common knowledge. Having her fail to mention that was in service to the plot so we would get the heartbreaking airport scene. So Uncle Nicky is teaching the babies about long Pearson speeches/monologues at an early age. I was surprised he had it in him. That was odd, re Cassidy but the writers mentioned snow globes earlier but I just thought it was a gift or a gift Sally gave him. This crushed me. A bit of a plot hole that knowing his last plane trip, she didn't update him on new protocols. I wonder if Cassidy will ask Kevin about mystery gift and then he'll ask Nicky about it. I didn't mind Nicky's speech, unlike Jack's with car dealer or others, it was shorter and more about heart and his love and regret. "You are my moons" will always stay with me every time I look at one. Edited March 24, 2021 by debraran 10 Link to comment
Haleth March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Maybe Rebecca and Miguel haven't been vaccinated because they aren't residents of PA. They really need to go home. Poor Nicky. He's had such a difficult life. Hope this is a new beginning for him. (But no Sally please. Move on, Nicky.) Loved his speech to the twins. (And I cringed when Kevin went on and on about what the twins should call him. Just like with Toby last week Kevin was trying too hard and didn't read the room.) 10 Link to comment
MissLucas March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 What a sad and lovely episode. I'm probably in the minority but I loved Cassidy here - it's so rare to see a genuine friendship between a man and a woman on tv, not to mention one with such an age gap. And despite the gift plot-hole their scenes were all great. Tiny details: one of the twins blankets had stars and moons and of course the edit showed it just when Nicky delivered the moon-speech. And when he talked to Kevin in the kitchen I noticed for the first time what stellar casting (beyond acting skills) Griffin Dunne is - these two could be related. It's around the eyes - or maybe I'm just imagining it. Anyway I went to look for pics of younger Dunne and here they are for enjoyment comparison. 22 Link to comment
Ohiopirate02 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 I know I have been hard on the show before with them keeping Rebecca and Miguel at the cabin, but Mandy Moore just had a baby last month. So far the show has written around her pregnancy and deployed props as necessary. They also very well could have filmed all of those cabin scenes late last year in preparation for her maternity leave. I dont see the show being inconsistent with covid and vaccines. Rebecca and Miguel are eligible in PA to get their shots and I assume they did in universe. 3 3 Link to comment
Jeddah March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 (edited) 46 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said: I know I have been hard on the show before with them keeping Rebecca and Miguel at the cabin, but Mandy Moore just had a baby last month. So far the show has written around her pregnancy and deployed props as necessary. They also very well could have filmed all of those cabin scenes late last year in preparation for her maternity leave. I dont see the show being inconsistent with covid and vaccines. Rebecca and Miguel are eligible in PA to get their shots and I assume they did in universe. That makes sense. I forgot about Mandy’s maternity leave. That probably did limit them. This has been really informative for me! I had no idea it was still so hard for people 65+ to get vaccines in other places. That was group 2 in my state, and we’re weeks into group 4 now. Some counties are already group 5, which is any adult who wants it. I feel very lucky. Edited March 24, 2021 by Jeddah 2 Link to comment
Maximona March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Wait! There are people actually watching this show who aren't hate-watching? 😀 2 2 Link to comment
cardigirl March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Loved this episode, so well done. Michael Angarano was amazing as the younger version of Nicky. He broke my heart several times. Griffin Dunne is great, and I hope there are good things coming for Uncle Nicky. I was so happy he stayed and didn't run away after giving his speech to the babies. And for goodness sakes, I was tearing up at America's "This Is for All the Lonely People." A pitch perfect episode for me. 21 Link to comment
Good Queen Jane March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Cassidy said she didn't know what was in the package she was wrapping, so she didn't know about the snow globes. She also might have assumed that Nicky was going to check it or mail it to California. 3 12 Link to comment
Packerbrewerbadger March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 My county has been fabulous in vaccinating people. I received my first shot January 27, 2 days after anyone 65+ were eligible. 2nd one February 17, both times in and out in less than 30 minutes which includes the 15 post shot wait period. We are now to the “ over 16 with any of a wide range of medical conditions” and in a few weeks will be anyone over 16. Everyone I know who wanted the shot has it or an appt this week. But I’ve heard the horror stories from friends in different states or even just different counties in my state. I’ve wondered this whole time why successful areas like mine were not used as models for other places. I know it’s more complicated than that but still????? 4 Link to comment
ams1001 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 3 minutes ago, Packerbrewerbadger said: My county has been fabulous in vaccinating people. I received my first shot January 27, 2 days after anyone 65+ were eligible. 2nd one February 17, both times in and out in less than 30 minutes which includes the 15 post shot wait period. We are now to the “ over 16 with any of a wide range of medical conditions” and in a few weeks will be anyone over 16. Everyone I know who wanted the shot has it or an appt this week. But I’ve heard the horror stories from friends in different states or even just different counties in my state. I’ve wondered this whole time why successful areas like mine were not used as models for other places. I know it’s more complicated than that but still????? My county has also been very organized at the vaccination sites. My parents went to a big site at the community college and the first time they were in and out in 30 minutes (including post-shot wait time) and the second time they got there early and got their shots before their actual appointment time. But this is TV so I'm not gonna think too much about it. 1 Link to comment
BusyOctober March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 I really enjoyed this one! I guess the secret to me enjoying this show now is removing focus from the Big 3 and especially exploring other non-Kate and non-Randall drama. I really like most episodes on the other relatives. Griffin Dunne is amazing, and the actor playing young Nicky is also very good. Kinda confused by Jack and Nicky’s post Vietnam relationship. Was Jack’s entire justification of acting like his brother died because of what Jack believed happened with the young boy dying on the fishing boat? I can’t remember if Jack or Nick ever tried to reconcile or talk when they got back home. But what happened that made Jack write off Nick so completely? Something more than his moral outrage that his brother was involved in accidentally killing the the boy from the village? While it was a horrible event, how can Jack be so righteous when he is actively lying (and continued to lie) to Rebecca for years? And he had a drinking problem for a while, so he isn’t perfect. Yes, I know accidental killing of a child is not equal to lying and drinking, but I am just missing what else turned Jack against Nicky for all those years. Could someone remind me why Rebecca and Miguel are at the cabin in PA vs. in CA? Did they get trapped there due to COVID? 8 Link to comment
Ohiopirate02 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 2 minutes ago, BusyOctober said: I really enjoyed this one! I guess the secret to me enjoying this show now is removing focus from the Big 3 and especially exploring other non-Kate and non-Randall drama. I really like most episodes on the other relatives. Griffin Dunne is amazing, and the actor playing young Nicky is also very good. Kinda confused by Jack and Nicky’s post Vietnam relationship. Was Jack’s entire justification of acting like his brother died because of what Jack believed happened with the young boy dying on the fishing boat? I can’t remember if Jack or Nick ever tried to reconcile or talk when they got back home. But what happened that made Jack write off Nick so completely? Something more than his moral outrage that his brother was involved in accidentally killing the the boy from the village? While it was a horrible event, how can Jack be so righteous when he is actively lying (and continued to lie) to Rebecca for years? And he had a drinking problem for a while, so he isn’t perfect. Yes, I know accidental killing of a child is not equal to lying and drinking, but I am just missing what else turned Jack against Nicky for all those years. Could someone remind me why Rebecca and Miguel are at the cabin in PA vs. in CA? Did they get trapped there due to COVID? Jack and Nicky were estranged from 1971 until Jack's death in 1998. Nicky did send Jack postcards and Jack did visit him once sometime around 1990. Never once did Jack tell Rebecca the truth about Nicky. She learns that he is alive when Kevin learns about it. Nicky is also a drunk who did not get sober until Kevin banged on his door. Nicky has spent the last couple of years going to meetings and therapy at his local VA. Rebecca and Miguel are still in the cabin partly because of Covid and partly because Mandy Moore had a baby in February. Assuming they still have their home in California, they could have traveled back at any time. They were supposed to move to St. Louis for Randall's drug trial, but that was cancelled. 1 5 Link to comment
TV Diva Queen March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 glad they didn't show Kevin and Madison lying in bed listening/watching Nicky's Pearson speech via the baby monitor/video feed....because we all know that happened. Sally reminded me of Jenny from Forrest Gump. I don't mind flashback of Jack without Rebecca, in fact, I kind of like them. 9 Link to comment
Cancun March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 (edited) The scene of Nicky having sex with Sally = certainty that a long lost, now grown, child will surface. Because these writers...🤔 Cassidy?? But then that would mean Kevin slept with his cousin which is just too messy, so surely not. And she would have to be around 50, which also doesn’t seem to fit. Edited March 24, 2021 by Cancun 6 Link to comment
ams1001 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 1 minute ago, Cancun said: The scene of Nicky having sex with Sally = certainty that a long lost, now grown, child will surface. Because these writers...🤔 I thought of that, too. I was half expecting her to tell him she was pregnant and that to be what scared him off. 1 4 Link to comment
Popular Post kili March 24, 2021 Popular Post Share March 24, 2021 Quote Kinda confused by Jack and Nicky’s post Vietnam relationship. Was Jack’s entire justification of acting like his brother died because of what Jack believed happened with the young boy dying on the fishing boat? I can’t remember if Jack or Nick ever tried to reconcile or talk when they got back home. But what happened that made Jack write off Nick so completely? Something more than his moral outrage that his brother was involved in accidentally killing the the boy from the village? I think Jack blamed himself for the child's death. Everyone (Nicky, Nicky's boss, Jack's co-soldiers) told Jack that Nicky needed real help, but Jack decided to rehab Nicky himself. He thought that a combination of making Nicky go cold turkey and some Pearson speechifying, Nicky would be alright after two weeks. Nicky was not alright. He needed some proper counselling to deal with his trauma. So, when Nicky killed the kid, Jack knew he'd created the conditions for it to happen. Jack had brought him to the village and half-assed the rehab. Jack had been trying to save his brother, but instead destroyed him and a child died. That was too much for Jack to bear, so he translated the blame onto the helping and forgiveness of Nicky. Jack could never forgive himself for what happened to the child, so he could never get to the point of helping or forgiving Nicky. Jack locked Vietnam in a box as his Sarge suggested. He never dealt with the issues from Vietnam. It ate away at him from the inside, but because he kept it in a box, he could never heal. He feared "being left somewhere on Route 66" if he ever told Rebecca about what he really did in Vietnam. Rebecca wouldn't have done that, but Jack never really let himself be himself around his family. It was always a facade of the perfect husband and the perfect Dad. Hiding his drinking. Hiding his fears. Hiding his past. Hiding his brother. Always the hero. Always the fixer. His failure to fix Nicky and the consequences were to hard for him to face, so he locked it in the box. Jack and Nicky were two traumatized kids from growing up with an abusive alcoholic. Jack ended up taking the protector role which he never relinquished while Nicky was the broken lamb. Nicky lived long enough to start breaking out from his role. The difference between Nicky in the present day and where he is when we see him at Rebecca's bedside shows he has a long way to go, but he makes it. Nicky made the LEM model from pieces left over from his model airplane making. Kevin made model airplanes as a kid. So, that's another thing they have in common. Kevin said Jack made the planes with him (although, that episode showed Jack not helping in the flashbacks), so maybe that was partly a way of reconnecting with his brother? I hope Nicky continues model making - a hobby will probably help with recovery and those snow globes were awesome. They depicted the lunar landing and the dog that he washed with Sally (and probably Sally) - probably the last happy moments of his life. The Apollo 11 parade was mid-August 1969 and the draft was televised in December. 2 26 Link to comment
BC4ME March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 A comment and a question: Sally, WTF kind of attire was that dress to wear to a vet practice job? I know she was a hippy, I was around then, but it still seemed a bit off. It was a pretty fancy dress. Did Jack's parents never mention Nicky to Rebecca? Surely they knew he wasn't dead. IIRC Rebecca went to visit Jack's dad when he was dying in the hospital so he was still around. Did she never visit his parents? How did that detail never come up? Other than that, it was a good episode. Every part of the present/snow globe breaking scene at the airport upset me. 5 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Nicky, being a senior citizen, shouldn’t have had to remove his shoes at TSA. And here in PA, it has been an ordeal for 65+ seniors to get scheduled for their shots, (we are STILL in phase 1A) so Miguel and Rebecca might not have both their shots and be 2 weeks out. They will probably Zoom for the baptism to accommodate Mandy’s pregnancy. Did Nicky not mention to Kevin that it was Cassidy who helped him out? He seemed to skirt around that piece of info. 6 Link to comment
zoey1996 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 25 minutes ago, chitowngirl said: Nicky, being a senior citizen, shouldn’t have had to remove his shoes at TSA. The cut-off age is 75, so he’s not quite old enough yet. 4 2 Link to comment
Good Queen Jane March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, BC4ME said: Did Jack's parents never mention Nicky to Rebecca? Surely they knew he wasn't dead. IIRC Rebecca went to visit Jack's dad when he was dying in the hospital so he was still around. Did she never visit his parents? How did that detail never come up? I'm pretty sure Rebecca never met Jack's parents, at least until Stanley was dying. In fact, I think his father didn't know Jack was married or had kids. Wasn't there a scene when Jack borrowed money from his father but let him assume that Jack had a gambling debt? Jack really did like to box up those parts of his life he didn't like. Which is probably why he had heart problems that eventually killed him. Edited March 24, 2021 by Good Queen Jane 9 Link to comment
LeighLeigh March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 I am quite certain that the lady on the plane is senior citizen Sally. It’s in the eyes and the voice. 2 Link to comment
LeighLeigh March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 I would never have pegged Nicky as someone who eats sushi. 2 2 Link to comment
Ohiopirate02 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 1 minute ago, LeighLeigh said: I would never have pegged Nicky as someone who eats sushi. Neither would he. He was eating it because he was hungry and that is what Kevin had a lot of. 3 7 Link to comment
kili March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 (edited) Quote I'm pretty sure Rebecca never met Jack's parents, at least until Stanley was dying. Rebecca met Jack's mom in the supermarket - Jack has rescued his Mom from Stanley and she wants some food to bring to her sister's place. They run into Rebecca who Jack hasn't seen since their awkward first date. Jack's Mom is also the one who knit the jumpers for the triplets when they get home from the hospital. Quote Sally reminded me of Jenny from Forrest Gump. Sally reminds me of Madison's doctor's daughter. Both have a way with animals. Sally was on her way to live with relatives in California who had a farm with animals. Madison's doctor's daughter hangs out with animals on a farm. Calling it now: Madison's doctor is the son of Sally and Nicky. They showed us them having sex. Sally is heartbroken because Nicky didn't join her on her cross-country trip when she invited him. Nicky wanted to become a doctor (and is super smart) - just didn't have the money. If Randall's Mom can survive without William knowing....anything can happen. Edited March 24, 2021 by kili 2 8 Link to comment
LeighLeigh March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Kevin is 100% going to track down Sally. Maybe Toby doesn’t want his help, but doggone it, Uncle Nicky won’t be able to refuse. 6 2 Link to comment
LeighLeigh March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 10 minutes ago, kili said: Rebecca met Jack's mom in the supermarket - Jack has rescued his Mom from Stanley and she wants some food to bring to her sister's place. They run into Rebecca who Jack hasn't seen since their awkward first date. Jack's Mom is also the one who knit the jumpers for the triplets when they get home from the hospital. Sally reminds me of Madison's doctor's daughter. Both have a way with animals. Sally was on her way to live with relatives in California who had a farm with animals. Madison's doctor's daughter hangs out with animals on a farm. Calling it now: Madison's doctor is the son of Sally and Nicky. They showed us them having sex. Sally is heartbroken because Nicky didn't join her on her cross-country trip when she invited him. Nicky wanted to become a doctor (and is super smart) - just didn't have the money. If Randall's Mom can survive without William knowing....anything can happen. I love this idea. Let’s roll with this. So Madison takes the babies for their checkup. Uncle Nicky tags along. They notice the doctor’s framed photo of his mother... Actually, it would her post-natal checkup. Anyway, what do you think? 5 Link to comment
PRgal March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 1 hour ago, BC4ME said: A comment and a question: Sally, WTF kind of attire was that dress to wear to a vet practice job? I know she was a hippy, I was around then, but it still seemed a bit off. It was a pretty fancy dress. Did Jack's parents never mention Nicky to Rebecca? Surely they knew he wasn't dead. IIRC Rebecca went to visit Jack's dad when he was dying in the hospital so he was still around. Did she never visit his parents? How did that detail never come up? Other than that, it was a good episode. Every part of the present/snow globe breaking scene at the airport upset me. That’s what I thought about Sally’s outfit. And if Sally had kids, especially kids who went goth in the 90s, I really hope she didn’t complain. Or went all Britney. Just trying to remember what people my age wore back in the day (ie 90s and early 2000s) I was surprised the cribs had bumpers. It’s not advised now due to the higher risk of SIDS. 3 Link to comment
BoogieBurns March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 13 hours ago, Manda317 said: Ok, I have a stupid question. Couldn't the snow globes have gone on the plane as long as they weren't in carry on? I thought there were less restrictions for checked bags, but I have only flown twice 100%, the first thing they do is tell you they can check it for you. I had frosting in my carry on, I was making a birthday cake the moment I arrived, and she said since it can be spread, it's considered liquid. Whatever, we tossed it. Bur when I have scissors, and other "weapons" like nail clippers and tweezers, they just ask me to put them in my checked bag. I have never been shipped my own stuff. Especially how fragile those snowglobes would be. 2 Link to comment
tennisgurl March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 (edited) Its been awhile since this show really got tears out of me, but I should have known that a Uncle Nicky episode would be the one to get me tearing up. Nicky has had such a sad lonely life, and now that he has actual people in his life he just has no idea how to deal with it. The onions arrived first when they started playing Lonely People then came back again when the TSA was tearing apart Nicky's carefully wrapped packages and when he broke the snow globes, and then in full force when Cassidy reminded Nicky that, even though it took 50s years, he finally made it to California, then they went into overdrive when Nicky was talking to the babies. Griffin Dunne is absolutely amazing in every scene, and the he and young Nicky really have the exact same mannerisms, its uncanny. I loved this episode, it was sweet, funny, heartbreaking, and I loved the tie ins with the moon landing and how that was tied into Nicky's life. Best episode of the season so far. Even though I knew he wouldn't do it, I was almost yelling at Nicky through the screen to get out of the truck and talk to Jack. It hurts so much seeing how close they used to be (Jack playing wing man for Nicky was adorable) and that they never got the chance to really talk or to reconcile. I really do think that, if Jack and Nicky had seen each other, they could have talked and could have worked it out. If Jack got to hear Nicky explain what happened with some time away from the whole horrible tragic deeply traumatic thing that happened, away from the way, maybe things would have been different. Also screw Jack's sergeant, that terrible advice to keep lying to Rebecca about Nicky being dead and what Jack did in Vietnam. Its true that Jack shouldn't stew in his trauma from what happened during the war and probably wont want to tell Rebecca all the gritty details, but Rebecca is his wife, he should be honest with her about his family and what he is struggling with. Rebecca might not have been able to relate, but she would have tried to be supportive. If nothing else, lying to her about Nicky being alive is seriously messed up, even beyond this leading to generations of Pearson's being unable to actually talk about their issues and instead pushing them down until they inevitably explode all over the place. I guess its the kind of advice that a guy in the 70s would probably give as to how another man should deal with emotional problems, but lying about Nicky is going too far. So now Jack and Nicky never talked, and both just wallowed in guilt over their mistakes and sadness over their ended relationship and the horrible things that happened in Vietnam for decades because Jack shut that box so damn tight, and Nicky just stayed in his sad lonely trailer until the next gen Pearsons arrived. Its just such a sad terrible situation, and the only bright spot is that Nicky would eventually get to meet the rest of his family years later. I know its a long shot, but I am really hoping that one day Nicky can run into Sally again. Its this show, and we know that Nicky is married in the future, its totally possible! Edited March 24, 2021 by tennisgurl 14 Link to comment
doodlebug March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 12 hours ago, 30 Helens said: “Give us an address and we’ll mail them to you.” Where is this Fantasy Land airport, anyway? Because at any airport I’ve been to, all confiscated goods go straight into the trash can. There are no packing and mailing agents on standby. When she first told Nicky, “I’m a Cancer”, my response was, “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” So I thoroughly enjoyed it when they circled back to the joke. Weirdly enough, I tried to bring a snowglobe in my carry-on when heading home from Las Vegas a few years back. It got picked up on the X ray and they pulled it out of the box and examined it, told me it had more than 3 ounces of fluid and my options were to either, leave it there in the trash or mail it from the airport. My checked bag was long gone at that point. So, I got out of line, walked to the post office that happened to be in the terminal and mailed it to myself, at my own expense. Nobody offered to pay for a thing. As a matter of fact, the TSA line was very long and, when I returned, I asked if, since I had already been through once, if I could move to the front. Nope, 'You broke the law' was the exact phrase used. I guess I should be grateful they didn't haul me off in handcuffs for my contraband snowglobe. The globe arrived at my home intact, BTW. 10 Link to comment
Popular Post movingtargetgal March 24, 2021 Popular Post Share March 24, 2021 (edited) Kili, your post put into words everything I have felt about the senior Pearson brothers since Nicky was introduced. Jack and Nicky grew up with a father who was an abusive alcoholic. Their father terrorized them and their mother and both boys were emotionally scarred before Vietnam. Jack was the "strong" one and acted as the protector of his mother and little brother. He was always trying to "fix" things for his family up until the day he died. Nicky was his father's whipping boy. His confidence and self esteem was beaten out of him buy the old man. Where Jack fought back, Nicky became passive in order to survive his father. Even as a 70 year old adult he is plagued by self doubt and the fear that was ingrained in him by his father. Cuts and bruises heal over time but unseen scares of emotional abuse imprint themselves on the mind and soul. Adding to their trauma was the fact that their father's moods changed on a dime. One minute things would be fine then suddenly the dad would go off and violence (emotional or physical) would occur. Growing up with such tension all the time means never letting your guard down. Needing to be "on alert" all the time effects a person's brain chemistry, especially for a child. Both of the brothers were emotionally damaged before they went to Vietnam. When Nicky was drafted, Jack tried to get him to go to Canada. When Nicky refused, Jack volunteered and joined the army so he could go to Vietnam to protect Nicky. Jack had a heart condition which would have disqualified him from joining up and he begged his doctor to help him cover up his condition for his physical. Jack's need to protect and fix things for his loved ones is a part of his mind and soul. It is a compulsion put there by his father. While serving in Vietnam Nicky dealt with the traumas of war by withdrawing into drug use. When Jack found out that Nicky was addicted, he set out to rescue his brother. The tragedy of Nicky accidentally killing the young boy, was emotionally unbearable for both brothers. Nicky's guilt and shame overwhelmed him and he withdrew from life. Jack's guilt and shame of his not being able to "save" Nicky from himself caused him to turn his back on his brother. He had been trying protect Nicky for all of his life and in Jack's mind he had failed his brother. It was easier for him to "kill off" Nicky than deal with such emotional pain. Jack told himself that the death of the young boy was the reason for his estrangement with his brother. In reality, this was the last of the emotional traumas both brothers had suffered together. They had been going through traumas together for all of their lives. The death of the little boy was just too much for both brothers. Both had addiction issues. Nicky is an alcoholic who had lived like a hermit for almost 50 years. He continued to punish himself up until Kevin came into his life. Jack was a functional alcoholic. He was a great husband and father although he never stopped trying to "fix" everything for his family. Towards the end of his too short life, Jack admitted to himself that he was an alcoholic and he got sober. I believe that if Jack had lived he would have reached out to Nicky and there would have been an opportunity for them to heal. Kevin was a recovering alcoholic when he reached out to Nicky. He been working on his issues in therapy and in AA. He was able to help Nicky in a way that Jack couldn't. Kevin is the one of the Big Three that is the most like Jack. It a beautiful thing to see Jack Pearson's son help his Uncle Nicky regain his life. Edited March 25, 2021 by movingtargetgal 35 Link to comment
Runningwild March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 13 hours ago, Artsda said: The TSA scene made me so sad for Nicky. I know he's there for the baptism but shouldn't he have a gift for Kate's baby too? It’s my impression that Kevin is the only one who has ever reached out to Nicky. Kate and Randall aren’t interested in Uncle Nicky at all. 13 Link to comment
Popular Post callmebetty March 24, 2021 Popular Post Share March 24, 2021 16 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said: . Kevin is the one of the Big Three that is the most like Jack. It a beautiful thing to see Jack Pearson's son help his Uncle Nicky regain hi And to think Kevin didn’t even need to skinny dip with his not dead Uncle, to achieve peace. 31 5 Link to comment
Ohiopirate02 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 26 minutes ago, Runningwild said: It’s my impression that Kevin is the only one who has ever reached out to Nicky. Kate and Randall aren’t interested in Uncle Nicky at all. Kate and Randall were with Kevin when he first knocked on Nicky's door. Then Nicky went to Randall's house for Thanksgiving 2019 (the shrimp, another Nicky moment that made me cry). Other than that, only Kevin has had a real relationship with Nicky. Because Kevin was the only one who forced the issue. Kevin is the one who lit a fire under Nicky's ass to get him sober and going to therapy. Kevin is the one who sent Nicky pictures of Baby Jack and insists on including him in their lives. Now Nicky is breaking out of his self-imposed prison. 11 Link to comment
tinderbox March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 (edited) This episode was great. I laughed and cried and ate up every moment of it. Nicky focused shows are the most interesting for me. I appreciate how both actors who play Nicky have taken on the mannerisms of each other so perfectly and I enjoy seeing Jack in stories that don’t include his wife and young family. I also am loving the bond between Nicky and Kevin. It speaks volumes. Having the focus off of Randall was almost a relief. I settled in and thoroughly absorbed the story. Thanks to everyone involved in bringing this particular episode to us. I was entertained. Edited March 24, 2021 by tinderbox 18 Link to comment
Domenicholas March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 When Sally said "Water can be so healing," I thought "Yeah, Randall can relate." 20 1 Link to comment
madmax March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 Another case of excellent casting here. I was much more interested in this one than the last few, maybe because I like Dunne. Him asking Cassidy "Tell me slowly how to use" was great. Their relationship is a good one and not one you see often, as was stated above. Guessing she's not with her husband? Ya think that maybe she'll fly out to CA and we'll have a big ol' triangle going? Nothing much to add that hasn't already been said. Great acting, some really emotional moments. 7 Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo March 24, 2021 Author Share March 24, 2021 17 hours ago, Jeddah said: If he’s been vaccinated, why haven’t Rebecca and Miguel been vaccinated? They’re in the same age range, and are all living in the same state at the moment. Seems like they all should have had the vaccine by now. It really depends on a lot of different factors. I live in California and the county I live in has allowed vaccines to anyone 65+ since the first round of eligibility. My mom lives in the same state but a different county and they were initially only allowing seniors who were 75+ to be vaccinated so she couldn't get one yet. We were told that you could only get vaccinated in the county you live in or work in, so you couldn't just find another county where you were eligible and drive there to get a vaccine. Even once you're eligible, it can be a huge pain to try to get an appointment. After I became eligible in the later phases, it still took about two weeks before I was able to find an open appointment. I hadn't really been worried about trying to make an appointment because initially my work said that they would be providing vaccines and I knew that my primacy care physician's office had them. But by the time I was eligible, they were both out so I was left to my own devices. 4 hours ago, LeighLeigh said: I would never have pegged Nicky as someone who eats sushi. 4 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said: Neither would he. He was eating it because he was hungry and that is what Kevin had a lot of. "It's just tiny fancy fish!" 3 hours ago, BoogieBurns said: 100%, the first thing they do is tell you they can check it for you. I had frosting in my carry on, I was making a birthday cake the moment I arrived, and she said since it can be spread, it's considered liquid. Whatever, we tossed it. Bur when I have scissors, and other "weapons" like nail clippers and tweezers, they just ask me to put them in my checked bag. I have never been shipped my own stuff. Especially how fragile those snowglobes would be. The general rule of thumb that TSA uses is that if it's not a solid (like a piece of plastic), it's considered a liquid. I've heard so many stories of random food items being confiscated because they were not solids and were therefore liquids in the eyes of TSA. A jar of peanut butter? Liquid. A plate of leftover mashed potatoes the day after Thanksgiving? Liquid. 5 Link to comment
himela March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 I'm sorry to say that I skipped this episode all together. I am sick of the past stories, I just don't care. Maybe it's my time to quit this show because when I start the episode every time I am thinking "what stupid story from the past will they dig up this time?". And surely enough it was Nicky's, who did not even exist before last season... 1 Link to comment
Blakeston March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 (edited) I found it rather dubious that Nicky got vaccinated twice already, when he seems like someone who would be in no rush whatsoever. But of all the things to be dubious about with this show, I suppose it's on the bottom of the list! Edited March 24, 2021 by Blakeston 1 1 Link to comment
zoey1996 March 24, 2021 Share March 24, 2021 18 hours ago, Artsda said: I know he's there for the baptism but shouldn't he have a gift for Kate's baby too? If he knows about Hailey, sure, and he might get something for her while in California. We don’t yet know if Kate had been in touch with her uncle about her children. 1 5 Link to comment
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