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S10.E14: That's Not Amore

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2 minutes ago, byrd said:

I am so freaking sick of this storyline already . Who give a flying f...k if Denise had sex with Brandi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Denise should have said ..Hell no I didn't f....k her,   but if I did who gives a good got Damn !!!  

I wish she would've said, "I did fuck that skank when I was drunk.  But only b/c I was drunk."

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30 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Oh wow. I was still expecting high ratings due to the pandemic. I figured a lot of the people who said they wouldn't watch this season changed their minds because they're at home more. 

This show has been my favorite guilty pleasure since season 1. But if the ratings are bad, maybe that means a cast shake-up. And I'd like at least one or two mean girls gone, not the few nice ones. I nominate Teddi because she's boring. The others are at least more entertaining to make up for the bitchiness. 

I am definitely not the best source for this stuff, but the few things I have read suggest the ratings are down overall compared to last year (and honestly, the lack of bragging about high ratings from Rinna seems to say a lot). And that is a stark contrast to other shows which have enjoyed ratings spikes during the pandemic.  I'm one who vowed not to watch, and didn't start until recently. 

I agree with a cast shakeup! I'd like to keep Garcelle and Denise, and have Lisa Vanderpump return with a new friend or two. I would welcome the Tamra and Vicki treatment for Kyle and Rinna. Give Sutton a sophomore season to see what she can bring. Dorit, Erika, Teddi, meh, whatever; I don't think any of them add that much to the show, so stay or go, I don't really care.  But if I can't have all of that, then my vote is to get rid of Kyle and Rinna and get some better producers -- that would eliminate about 70% of the toxicity, imo.  

(I think the show really needs a producer shake-up as well.)

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5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think what the ladies can't comprehend, is that they are so loathsome, that many viewers will side with Denise, EVEN IF SHE IS LYING!  So, if Denise is to be believed, she wins, if Denise is not to be believed, she STILL WINS.  That's how horrible they are.  And,  what's so incredible is that I'm not even a Denise fan!!!!  lol  But, when she goes up against those witches, you have to root for her.  It's not even close.  Why Bravo wants fans to detest most of the cast is beyond me.  I think they call this stuff entertainment.   Yeah....right......

I agree.  It seems talking behind their backs is so minor compared to what they are doing in front of the cameras.   Denise wins.

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3 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Maybe Lisa is jealous of Denise’s marriage because Lisa’s is smoke and mirrors.  

I actually don't see any dissatisfaction in Lisa with regard to the state of her marriage. I think she and Harry Hamlin have been married for a million years and like many long-term marriages, they have settled into more of a friendship than some grand passion. I would take Harry Hamlin a million times over that asshole Aaron, who to me doesn't have any discernable redeeming qualities. But regardless of who I would choose, Rinna doesn't complain all that much about her marriage.

I do think that there are things in her life that Rinna is dissatisfied by, and I do think that her relationship with her daughters isn't really healthy. If you told me that Rinna was "jealous" of Denise's relationships with her daughters, I could see that. But I don't see it over the marriages. 

1 hour ago, snarts said:

People aren't reaching for anything, Rinna is seething with jealousy.  When was the last time she landed an acting gig?  Not only did Denise reportedly receive a multi-year $1M/year contract for RHOBH but immediately following that she turned a short-term role on Bold & The Beautiful into a permanent gig.  In addition, she's also filmed 4 movies this year.  In terms of timing and explaining why Rinna's going after Denise now, note that all of that came to light after they filmed last season. Here's a list of their recent work for comparison: Denise vs. Rinna.  Rinna's never been on the big screen, they are nowhere near the same level as actresses,

She was just as salty with about LVP getting spin-off shows and Yolanda's kids getting modeling contracts.  Rinna is jealous shrew who I doubt has any real friends.  Not to mention, she's definitely not getting laid...

Kyle's motivation is less about the success and more about the attention.  She just wants to be relevant and this show is her only claim to fame, everything else she's tried to do has either failed or been outshined by her sisters. 

Jut because you state it as a fact doesn't mean that it is more than your opinion. I don't see Rinna's career as any different than Denise's - in fact, you could make the argument that Denise - who was at one point a bona fide movie star - has fallen much farther than Lisa's.  Bascially, they are both relegated to soaps, Lifetime and/or Hallmark movies, and Bravo.  As I said, I think Rinna may be angry as the pay day that Denise got, especially because Denise was able to get it without having to "pay her dues" on the show. I don't begrudge Denise that, she should get her money. But I can believe it bothers Rinna.  But again, I don't see that as "jealousy," more like anger. 

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17 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think what the ladies can't comprehend, is that they are so loathsome, that many viewers will side with Denise, EVEN IF SHE IS LYING!  So, if Denise is to be believed, she wins, if Denise is not to be believed, she STILL WINS.  That's how horrible they are.  And,  what's so incredible is that I'm not even a Denise fan!!!!  lol  But, when she goes up against those witches, you have to root for her.  It's not even close.  Why Bravo wants fans to detest most of the cast is beyond me.  I think they call this stuff entertainment.   Yeah....right......

THIS ^^^.

Agreed. The rest of the other 7 Beverly Hills witches have become so unlikeable, that Denise is the anti-dote. She still has a sweetness, a genuineness about her in such contrast,  even if she is flawed.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Rinna needs to quit this animal print rut she's in.  On a puffer jacket?  No, just no.

I laughed when Sutton complained about the rain boots slapping her calves.  I wonder why, Sutton?

When Kyle was wearing her motorcycle garb, she walks just like Teddi.  Also, I am sick of her constantly mugging for the camera's. 

I heard Teddi talk one time without Kyle pulling her string first.  Bad Teddi bear.

Denise is funny, she tells different shit all the time like no one is going to notice it.  I was trying to figure her out, but I give up.  I still like her, and hope she gives all those bitches that set her up, a black eye.  Anyone would lie if they got stupid drunk and did something with Brandi Glanville. 

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7 hours ago, OFDgal said:

Yes.  I was thinking the same thing about the "private room honey".  It felt like she was trying to rewrite her history when we all know her true history.  

I don't care about who Denise may have had sex with.  It's no one's business and certainly not these awful women.  Like above posters said, they are all hiding something.  Maybe they should focus on who Mauricio is having sex with. lol

This. I cannot imagine interogating a friend like this. Teddi comes across like she's the prosecuting attorney in a trial. Sorry Teddi, Denise doesn't like you. Neither foes anyone else, even Kyle. She is just using you as her attack dog, so she can sit there and look surprised. These women really are reprehensible. And, seriously. Brandi is lying scum that would say or do anything for another 15 minutes of fame and thes stupid witches are acting like she is a normal human being. BRAVO needs to dump these clowns and start over. 

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

I am definitely not the best source for this stuff, but the few things I have read suggest the ratings are down overall compared to last year (and honestly, the lack of bragging about high ratings from Rinna seems to say a lot). And that is a stark contrast to other shows which have enjoyed ratings spikes during the pandemic.  I'm one who vowed not to watch, and didn't start until recently. 

I agree with a cast shakeup! I'd like to keep Garcelle and Denise, and have Lisa Vanderpump return with a new friend or two. I would welcome the Tamra and Vicki treatment for Kyle and Rinna. Give Sutton a sophomore season to see what she can bring. Dorit, Erika, Teddi, meh, whatever; I don't think any of them add that much to the show, so stay or go, I don't really care.  But if I can't have all of that, then my vote is to get rid of Kyle and Rinna and get some better producers -- that would eliminate about 70% of the toxicity, imo.  

(I think the show really needs a producer shake-up as well.)

I rarely watch this show, but watched a little before.  They were in a restaurant in Italy talking about Brandi and Denise.  First of all, who an identify with these women, unless you are a millionaire.  Fendi, Chanel, Guicci .. that’s all you see, plus more.  Erika with the full on makeup and dressed to the nines, plus a new face and attitude since Chicago on Broadway.  She was one of many.  Lisa Rinna looked horrible with those bigger lips talking and crying to Denise in the morning over coffee.  Was it a try out for a soap opera?  Then you have new face full of makeup Kyle.  All dolled up for a dinner where they still are talking aboutDenise.  Thank God they have Denise to talk about or else there wouldbenothing to talk about.  I’m a N.Y. housewife fan even tho this was a lousy season too, but for some reason, I could tolerate them more.  I’m only one quarter thru this episode and can barely take this pretentious group.  Dorit.. I can’t even go there.  The only one I could watch is Sutton .. and Garcell.  And Denise of course.  All in competition with each other.  Unbelievable.  You all could say “ don’t watch”, but I had to see what’s going on with Brandi.  Plus, I had to see if Rinna would eat some Italian food, lol.  Or at least a few strands of spaghetti.


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This Denise/Brandi storyline would be a lot more entertaining if someone was good at their job/role. Like if people were better schemers and more smooth with their machinations OR if Denise was better at having her wits about her when confronted. But since both sides are equally fumbling this storyline and have put human wet blanket Teddi at the center of this again along with low rent Georgina Sparks Brandi, none of this is paying off. Like Lisa Rinna is an absolute monster and a terrible friend but at least is giving an almost operatic performance of this and I like Garcelle's contributions to it. The rest of the women need to like either embrace being Mean Girls fully and not complain or stop making this whole thing central to the show.

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10 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

Like if people were better schemers and more smooth with their machinations OR if Denise was better at having her wits about her when confronted. But since both sides are equally fumbling this storyline and have put human wet blanket Teddi at the center of this again along with low rent Georgina Sparks Brandi, none of this is paying off.

YES.  2020 has been a terrible year and the last thing I was to see are people being mean (and I'm also looking at you Below Deck Med).  I can see why the season has been shorter than normal.  The whole "own it," tell the "truth" mentality has been done to death.  I don't need anybody to own anything; I want to see Rome and the women having fun in Rome.  Period.  Stop the Denise pile-on already.

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15 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

This Denise/Brandi storyline would be a lot more entertaining if someone was good at their job/role. Like if people were better schemers and more smooth with their machinations OR if Denise was better at having her wits about her when confronted. But since both sides are equally fumbling this storyline and have put human wet blanket Teddi at the center of this again along with low rent Georgina Sparks Brandi, none of this is paying off. Like Lisa Rinna is an absolute monster and a terrible friend but at least is giving an almost operatic performance of this and I like Garcelle's contributions to it. The rest of the women need to like either embrace being Mean Girls fully and not complain or stop making this whole thing central to the show.

Get rid of all of them pretentious assholes.  Who are they anyhow, with their fake hair, designer bags, shoes, clothes and jewelry.  That’s all they care about, how they look.  Erika too.  She got ahead of herself with that thing she calls a show.  I lost respect for Kyle when she hopped on Mauricio humping him in her black leather pants at Erikas show.  He looked mortified.  She’s getting worse and worse.  I miss Lisa and her house.

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19 hours ago, marymary said:

Ugh Denise is ruining this show for me. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but i can’t stand her. I think she’s  inauthentic, manipulative, and a liar. 

I used to love coming to read the forums after a new episode, but now it’s full of people treating Denise like her shit doesn’t stink, while being cruel about anyone they feel has wronged Denise. I really hope she isn’t back next season. 

The good will Denise is benefiting from is likely more about viewers who are over the tired dynamic of the returning people. She has been a disappointment whether you like or hate them tho.

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At this point, I’ve had it with them and if I were Denise the convo would go as follows.. Actually this probably would’ve happened the first night.

Who gives a damn if I eff’d Brandi?! Look around the room... You? You? You? I’ve said what I said and if you believe it, fine.. If not, I don’t give a fuck and I’m done talking about it. 

That would’ve shut the whole convo down cause at that point I would’ve been mute.

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21 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I think Rinna is not jealous of Denise's personal life, but she is jealous of Denise's professional career as well as her rumored contract with RHOBH.  

I also do agree with you that there is some unresolved anger for some reason towards Denise, maybe because of her contract.  

Tell me more about this contract. I’m all ears lol..

20 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

If a group of my so  called friends targeted me, called me a liar to my face, sided with a known liar whack-a-doodle and tried to ruin my trip to Rome, I’d let them have it when the spirit hit me. And if I caught them off guard....all the better. The mean girls don’t get to call the shots when it’s my hurt feelings at stake. But, that’s just how I would approach it.  I’m not as nice as Denise. Lol

I’m telling you!!! It would’ve been a verbal Sunday Night Raw that first night. 

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10 minutes ago, Double A said:

The good will Denise is benefiting from is likely more about viewers who are over the tired dynamic of the returning people. She has been a disappointment whether you like or hate them tho.

I politely disagree.  The disappointment has been the other women.  I don't want to hear "mom-shaming" and I don't want to hear another thing about the Brandi business yet we can't escape it.  This has nothing to do with Denise; it has everything to do with the other women.  

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I dropped out watching some time  ago, for the most part because of Brandi and Lisa Rinna, but decided to watch the past few episodes.

I like Kyle, always have, but this season she was trying to be LVP, someone she is not. And shouldn't be. I honestly think the only reason LVP stuck around was so she could be in the know about everything and bring publicity to her causes/restaurants. Not a terribly likeable person, but few successful people are.

I don't know what to say about the mess the show has become. Denise is refreshing, but also a wild card. Teddi's main job seemed to be saying "I'm pregnant and I can't do ____." Erika is a bore no matter how edgy she tries to be.

I liked Garcelle and don't mind Dorit.  Rinna needs to go. She needed to go 3 seasons ago.

Will not watch Brandi next week no matter how much Bravo wants us to. She's a tired mess and desperate to be relevant. Pass.

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2 minutes ago, albarino said:

I politely disagree.  The disappointment has been the other women.  I don't want to hear "mom-shaming" and I don't want to hear another thing about the Brandi business yet we can't escape it.  This has nothing to do with Denise; it has everything to do with the other women.  

That was polite but basically what I said:)

19 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I just really cannot believe anyone approached those dinners and conversations hoping for "resolution." There is no way to resolve anything when the horse's ass  mouth isn't there. Brandi said these things. Brandi is the one who put them on camera. Brandi is the one who needs to be there for this to end. Otherwise it's nothing but "let's verbally berate Denise at dinner." Nah, I'm not here for that. 

There is a raging double standard here. They brought Brandi's accusations to light and treated them as truth. Their umbrage at Denise's possible gossip was lumped right along with a  bombshell infidelity accusation. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME THINGS. I am horrified that saying Teddi rides on her dad's coattails and Erika is a cold bitch are put on the same level as sleeping with Brandi Glanville while children are in the house as a married woman. Like, fucking baffled. The same way I was baffled last year about their need to equate the act of exposing Dorit's shameful behavior and possibly lying about it (LVP's grave sin) with WHAT DORIT ACTUALLY DID TO THAT DOG. 

Also, and much to Denise's point, it doesn't matter what she says. It's not good enough for them. They're quick to call Denise a liar for an outrageous Brandi accusation, but quick to believe what Brandi is spewing. Denise cannot win. If she's quiet, she's not engaging. If she speaks up for herself, they don't believe it. Categorical denial isn't working. I don't know what that group of vipers want from her. Blood?

"Mean Girls" is the truest possible name for these bitches. And plenty of people have bandied it about. If the label fits, ladies...

Glad we made it to the Vatican. That plus the pasta porn made this episode palatable. 

The ladies don't dislike Denise as a person - they are annoyed because she doesn't get the premise of the show. The POINT is conflict. It's like a coworker who doesn't know what their job is. The problem is that ganging up on her on camera is doing them no favors. They are so acutely aware of how bad they look, and all of these "fights" are just thinly veiled references to the fact that Denise is choosing not to engage when the premise of the show is "fight fight fight." Find a better way, because this is tedious.

Well, having sex is not a bad or shameful thing. Yes, "infidelity" could be a bad thing but this is Denise, who openly talked about making sure her asshole husband had a "happy ending," so I can believe that the other women assume that Denise and Aaron have an open marriage. Granted, that is not the story that Brandi was spinning - Brandi was saying she was oh-so-horrified that big, bad Denise forced her to be a cheater, which IMO is ridiculous.  But if you are operating under the assumption that Denise has some kind of semi-open marriage and under the assumption that there is nothing shameful about being a bisexual who occasionally has sex with other women, then yes, saying mean things about Teddi and Brandi is in fact worse than the fact that she had some sort of hook up with Brandi. 

I still don't believe she did, but if she did - stipulating that she has some sort of arrangement with her asshole husband - then I don't think having sex with Brandi is shameful. Or I should amend - having sex with Brandi is shameful because she's a lying liar who lies, not because there is anything wrong with being bisexual or having an open marriage, if you are open and honest with your primary partner. 

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57 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Well, having sex is not a bad or shameful thing. Yes, "infidelity" could be a bad thing but this is Denise, who openly talked about making sure her asshole husband had a "happy ending," so I can believe that the other women assume that Denise and Aaron have an open marriage.

Infidelity, unless in the case that a partner is abusive, is flat-out wrong. There is really no way to spin what Brandi said and what the ladies brought to Denise as anything other than a horrendous accusation of which she should be ashamed. 

I do not believe a "happy ending" endorsed by Denise in any way, shape, or form equates to "open marriage." That is not a natural conclusion, and that is DEFINITELY not the conclusion of the Mean Girls. They didn't approach the info the way they did and gasp out loud like shocked schoolgirls because they believe Denise is in an open marriage. They reacted as they did because Brandi's accusations are harmful to Denise's children and could end her marriage. If they actually thought Denise had an "arrangement," they'd have shrugged their shoulders, and the Vacant Parasite that is Brandi Glanville would never have made it on camera this season. 

I really despise the clique that's formed with this cast and honestly cannot find one damn thing to defend about them - and I actually do think there's a good chance Denise and Brandi hooked up. And if that's the case, yes, Denise has only herself to blame. But spare me the fucking hypocrisy, because all these bitches have family drama (KYLE) and lawsuits coming out their asses and they do their damnedest to keep these embarrassing tidbits off camera. Their feigned outrage that Denise not gleefully discuss Brandi's viciousness on camera with them is just.... rich. 

I'm not blind. I've watched the show for a long time. Some people keep their dirty shit off camera, and some do not. And some cast members make damn sure the heat hits someone else before it hits them. I know patterns when I see them. Brandi has a long history of running her mouth and damaging other people, and this clique of Mean Girls has a history of going mercilessly at a chosen victim each season until they leave the show. I'm really done with it. None of it is fun. This franchise is on its way out.  

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1 minute ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Infidelity, unless in the case that a partner is abusive, is flat-out wrong. There is really no way to spin what Brandi said and what the ladies brought to Denise as anything other than a horrendous accusation of which she should be ashamed. 

I do not believe a "happy ending" endorsed by Denise in any way, shape, or form equates to "open marriage." That is not a natural conclusion, and that is DEFINITELY not the conclusion of the Mean Girls. They didn't approach the info the way they did and gasp out loud like shocked schoolgirls because they believe Denise is in an open marriage. They reacted as they did because Brandi's accusations are harmful to Denise's children and could end her marriage. If they actually thought Denise had an "arrangement," they'd have shrugged their shoulders, and the Vacant Parasite that is Brandi Glanville would never have made it on camera this season. 

I really despise the clique that's formed with this cast and honestly cannot find one damn thing to defend about them - and I actually do think there's a good chance Denise and Brandi hooked up. And if that's the case, yes, Denise has only herself to blame. But spare me the fucking hypocrisy, because all these bitches have family drama (KYLE) and lawsuits coming out their asses and they do their damnedest to keep these embarrassing tidbits off camera. Their feigned outrage that Denise not gleefully discuss Brandi's viciousness on camera with them is just.... rich. 

I'm not blind. I've watched the show for a long time. Some people keep their dirty shit off camera, and some do not. And some cast members make damn sure the heat hits someone else before it hits them. I know patterns when I see them. Brandi has a long history of running her mouth and damaging other people, and this clique of Mean Girls has a history of going mercilessly at a chosen victim each season until they leave the show. I'm really done with it. None of it is fun. This franchise is on its way out.  

That's... really just speculation. Personally, I think that they reacted like they did because they really couldn't believe that Denise would have sex with Brandi, not because they thought that Denise was "cheating" that would "harm Denise's children" and end her marriage. If that was the case, Teddi would have blurted out that Brandi said that Denise "cheated" on her husband. Instead, she just repeated the gossip that Denise had sex with Brandi. That says to me that they didn't necessarily think Denise was "cheating" because it's possible that Denise and Aaron have an open marriage.

Anyway, I believe that Brandi is a liar and I don't really believe that Denise had sex with Brandi. But I also think that for the most part, the women believe that Denise - who has presented herself as a free-spirit who wanted to give her husband a happy ending - could conceivably have an arrangement that would mean that having sex with Brandi isn't cheating. I get you don't believe that but I do. 

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I would like to know why when Rinna bailed on the Vespa ride she couldn’t send a text saying she wasn’t coming... Kyle and Dorit did actually seem concerned about what happpened, but not concerned enough to knock on her hotel room door to make sure she wasn’t dead up there, or check on her when they got back. 

I noticed the crazy amount of jewelry when they panned in Erika’s room. That’s the stuff I want to see more of. How they pack/prep etc. 

Denise does need to get her story straight. I am on her side, whether true or not, but she isn’t making it easy.  These ladies need to move on. 

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11 hours ago, ancslove said:

I still think Teddi's bigger concern is how Denise feels about her...

Teddi knows that she really doesn't fit with this group. Kyle knows it too which is why she befriended her. Teddi cares deeply what other people think and wants to fit in but doesn't know how.

I am getting tired of Dorit and her fashions and brand name dropping. Versace. Versace. Ugh. 

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1 hour ago, JD5166 said:

Dorit is playing this like a fiddle. She knows how things went last year, and saw what happened to the mean girls! She’s the best actress of them all, I even like her this season....and I loathed her and her fake accent! 

I get the feeling that Dorit was left out of the group text when it came to setting this Brandi story up.  Her hands are clean and she can straddle the fence waiting to see how the audience reacts.  

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32 minutes ago, sheshark said:

All this talk about Denise’s facial crevice.  I think she looks like a 49 year old working mother.  I would say beautiful and just a bit tired.  She has lived through so much stress and yet she doesn’t seem like she is running to the plastic surgeon every month.  She isn’t into the name brand clothing and jewelry and glam crap as the others.  It is kind of endearing.  Shots were fired last year because her “rental” burned down.  Still pretty unsettling.  How many of the other coven members would take in their ex’s young and troubled children?  Her friendship with Garcelle is true.  Keep them both, remove Rinna and Kyle and never allow scary Brandi near the cameras again.

In some scenes, Denise looks really good and in others she does look a bit worn out to me. I’m not sure if it’s lighting or makeup. In the TH they were showing last episode, her skin looked kind of loose especially around her neck. She looked every one of her 49 years in that scene to me. However, in some others she doesn’t. I thought she looked naturally pretty with her hair pulled back in the scene at the table with the other women. 

I would like to see Kyle, Lisa and Teddi go. I’m not really an Erika fan either but she doesn’t bother me as much as the other three. 

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10 hours ago, Showthyme said:

am getting tired of Dorit and her fashions and brand name dropping. Versace. Versace. Ugh. 

Yep .. some of them like Dorit came from nothing and now think who the hell they are with all their designer garbs.  I can’t stand her in particular with those clips in her hair.  I think she even picked up an Australian accent there for awhile.  Phony baloney.  Her husband is a real doll too (cough, cough).

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I haven't read any of the comments yet, so I'm not sure if this has been bandied about, but what in the actual fuck was Teddy wearing at that dinner?  The black coat and black wide-brimmed hat indoors at the restaurant?  She's so damned forgettable anyway and almost unrecognizable in that get up that for the first few minutes I thought she was a random diner who joined them.

And speaking of what the actual fuck...why were almost all of these women dining in their coats?  It couldn't have been that cold inside the restaurant.  Long sleeves, some furry fabrics, some bulky, yet here they are digging in without a care in the world.  I've been noticing this trend more and more frequently and can't figure it out.  They looked ridiculous.  

But still not as ridiculous as Teddy in her Secret Agent Woman get up.  That shit was just straight up weird.  

Now I'm off to have my coffee and read the comments...happy Friday, everyone! ❤️ 


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I think the real reason the season cuts short is Covid.  Denise stops filming in December, but usually they break/time-skip over Christmas and New Year anyway, and after that, there's not much time left before California starts getting really impacted.  I think, even if they have raw footage from January-February, Bravo is probably smart enough not to air too much of it.   It would look bad in retrospect, even if there wasn't a formal lockdown order in place at the time.  Last year had a full season, even after LVP stops filming with everyone.

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What I find so bizarre is that Kyle and the rest are acting so astonished that Denise would lie about this.  It seems like if they find your dirty secret, they think you immediately have to discuss it fully and openly and on camera with no hesitation and you have to OWN IT.  Well, no, you don't.  I get that it's dumb to come on a reality show with skeletons in your closet, but if you do, and someone finds said skeleton, it doesn't mean you aren't allowed to lie about it.  It actually make her seem MORE like a real person than anything else.  I know I have done some dumb shit, and I will take the lies to cover them to my grave.  Deny, deny, deny.  Especially if the mistake you made could potentially be one that ends your marriage and breaks up your family.  I would lie too!  

Denise's problem is that she is so BAD at it!  Night one she clearly knew what they were talking about before they said it, and she denied everything, including talking shit about them...which she later admitted to.  Second night, she starts throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.  Trying to say that Brandi said she slept with someone else in the group?  That Brandi was the one who said all the bad things?  Good grief.  I was embarrassed for her.  And then night three, she goes on a weird offense which only keeps things going further, and continues to muddy the waters on her own story.  

I honestly wonder if part of the problem is she is flying solo.  She likely had a good support team when she was dealing Charlie Sheen and his messiness.  But if part of the problem is that she is trying to keep this quiet, she may not be getting advice from anyone.  I remember many, many years ago, I did something stupid while drinking at a work event, and I needed to lie, lie, lie to keep from getting in trouble.  I called my best friend, and told her the lies, lies, lies I made up in my head to try to cover.  She immediate was like, You are making no sense.  And I said, that's because I'm LYING and I need help.  Then I told her the whole truth and she helped me concoct a story that made more sense.  But if I didn't have someone I could trust and tell what I had done, I would have told my first story and everyone would have called me a liar.  I really try not to make a habit of lying or doing things I need to lie about, but if I'm going to lie, I for damn certain intend to get away with it.

But, while I am astonished that a real live actress is THIS BAD at pulling off a story, I'm still firmly Team Denise.  If Kyle and crew had stuck to JUST what Denise supposedly said and not brought her sex life into it, they might have gotten away with it.  But I think they are gross for bringing this on camera, and no one is more gross than Brandi.  I do think something happened, and honestly, I think Brandi was cunning about it.  She even said she didn't really get into the sex with Denise, but I guarantee you she was already thinking ahead.  If it hadn't have been now, she would have pulled this card out eventually.  

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