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S12.E02: Stooping to a Lower Level

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Random thoughts: Tinsley is a very pretty girl with horrendous style. Seriously, she has the worst taste in clothes. Re Leah I don't like tats either but I doubt I would sit around and harangue a younger woman about hers. Dorinda I have liked in the past, but I agree that she's a nasty drunk and needs therapy and sobriety NOW. Both Ramona and Luanne are competing to see which one can be the Grandest Grande Dame of the Housewives and it's kind of amusing and disgusting at the same time. Sonja is looking very old in the bright sunlight (during that rooftop drink with Tins and Leah); she should only go out at night, but the sex kitten persona is just sad. Leah is trying so hard to be the Cool Girl, but if you're happy to be cast on this show, you are Not.Cool.At.All.  Hated her hat. Her hair needs something too. It reminds me too much of the 70s chicks with guitars in my high school talent shows. I mean, come in, it's 2020. Change it up. I think it's kind of funny that none of the Housewives are actually wives. Though they all seem to have some kind of house (or two).

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On 4/9/2020 at 9:07 PM, ancslove said:

Ouch, Luann!  In her own way, I think Ramona was genuinely trying to make her happy with a nice, big, private space of her own.  

In other news, John built and runs his own very successful and well-regarded business.  Why does Dorinda not think he can help with a house renovation?

ETA:  Ramona tossing off that she can be social because she isn't an alcoholic was about 5 steps too far.  

While knocking back vodka! LOL!



Sonja has something major going on with her face and it’s not good at all. It’s sad because I always thought she was so pretty (on the outside... inside not necessarily). 

She doesn’t look good at all in one of the THs. Hope it was just a bad face day and she didn’t do something permanent. 

Luann was insufferable. I can’t fathom being a guest in someone’s house and being so rude. Even if I was really uncomfortable, I wouldn’t say anything. 

I wish Ramona had gotten smaller implants. At times they make her look squat and top-heavy, although the work is excellent.

I’m not a fan of tattoos either but agree with Leah that they’re everywhere now. Not sure why the women have decided to be snobs about it now after all this time. 

I don’t think Dorinda is the designated B of the season. I think she’s always been this way. The mask is just off now. She has a hostile energy to her. I wouldn’t want to be around her especially when she was drinking. By the way, after her “nap” her speech was slurred. I expect the had a few nips in her room. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
Absolutleyido beat me to it re: Dorinda’s “nap”
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23 hours ago, Rahul said:

I re-watched the Scary Island episodes from season 3 and its unsettling how much Sonja's personality has changed over the years. When Sonja first joined the show, she was elegant, put together, ostensibly intelligent, reasonably well spoken, empathetic and the voice of reason. Sonja was the first one to identify Kelly has a few screws loose and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and as such took Kelly under her wing to protect her. 

In following seasons we've seen Sonja's mind in a shockingly parallel state of disarray to her dilapidated town house. How much of Sonja's eccentric, sloppy, slapstick-loving, sexaholic persona has been curated to secure screen time? Inquiring minds want to know. If she really has devolved into the mess she is today I would advise her to see a neurologist because something isn't right there.  

Could be wet brain from excessive alcohol. 

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I'm watching the recording of this episode and, while I understand and accept the stress that Dorinda is experiencing, nothing, but nothing, justifies her being snappy and stupid with other people, especially Tinsley.

It's starting to smack of jealousy because Tinsley is more toward the beginning of her adulthood and Dorinda is aging out.

If that's the direction of the show this season, then I'm out.  We just got rid of Bethenny and her whinging over how bad her life has gotten, and now we've traded that for Dorinda.

Just not interested.

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50 minutes ago, b2H said:

I'm watching the recording of this episode and, while I understand and accept the stress that Dorinda is experiencing, nothing, but nothing, justifies her being snappy and stupid with other people, especially Tinsley.

It's starting to smack of jealousy because Tinsley is more toward the beginning of her adulthood and Dorinda is aging out.

If that's the direction of the show this season, then I'm out.  We just got rid of Bethenny and her whinging over how bad her life has gotten, and now we've traded that for Dorinda.

Just not interested.

That’s the thing. This women are aging out of the Real Housewife franchises. None of them are married. Other than Tinsley and Leah there is very little chance that any of them will ever be married. They should all be grandmas by now.

Its time for a new cast top to bottom.

Edited by The Ringo Kidd
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I just want to stand up for Ramona and say I loved the scene where she defended herself for being social.  Yes, it was kind of rude to answer her cellphone in the middle of her meal, but I don't fault her for anything else.  I love how she dresses up, I love how she wants to look good, I love how she wants to be "social" and meet people all over the restaurant and bar.  When Dorinda and Luann were criticizing her and she responded like "Doctor, I have a disease, I'm social!  Help me I'm social!  How can I be too social?"  I was on her side 100%.  Maybe because I have friends and family who are over the top extroverts and that's just how they are.  Go get yours, Ramona.  Also, she's hosting everyone there.  So they shouldn't really be bossing her around.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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On 4/10/2020 at 1:51 PM, kicksave said:

I liked Dorinda when she first joined the show but in recent years she has become unbearable. She's obnoxious, combative, nasty, mean spirited and beyond snarky. She needs therapy...more than any other woman on the show. She fights with everyone and deliberately picks fights with everyone. At first I just thought it was because of her drinking but then realized she just became more in your face when drinking...she still behaves like a bully when she's sober...the alcohol just exacerbates her behavior. Someone needs to pull her aside and suggest that she get into psychotherapy and get help...an older woman who has this kind of negative and toxic stuff going on is not a pretty picture.

YES! Listening to these old farts talk about tattoos had me thinking..."OK Boomer!"

Boomer here. Have a tattoo and only got it in the last 10 years,  Want another one.

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Ramona putting all that food out onto the patio when everyone got there - why?  None of these bitches really eat that much.  I guess some way to justify the drinking?  Oh I'm eating cheese and crackers so I can have a glass (or two) of wine.

Then when she had a hissy saying oh she'd not hired anyone for two days (as in maids).  So wrong.  Any hostess would pick that shit up herself and not make a big deal over it.  Not classy at all.  

Tinsley and Leah were like oh no problem, we can help clean up - except all Ramona did was drink more Pinot.   Then because Tinsley had a bunch of stuff she was carrying, some utensil fell out.  Ramona made some snide crack about it.  You can't pick up a fork, you lazy bitch?  Then she said something about these girls had no idea about how to act as a hostess?  They are NOT  the hostess.  You should have been the one to pick it all up - or hire someone to do so.  You do NOT make your guests clean up and then bitch at them because it's not to your liking.  

Lu would have bitched no matter what room she got.  It was for two nights?  Big fucking deal.  I would have been glad to get away from the craziness.  Plus, if Lu is really drinking on the sly - perfect place to exit or sneak in a drink.  Maybe the producers were setting her up - seeing if she would try to sneak in a drink down in the lower level.  

Tons of people have tattoos and it's not a sign that you're trashy.  You can act trashy, as evidenced by the old broads on this show, without having a single tat.  My boss, a SVP has tats all the way up his neck, and 'sleeves' on each arm.  Co-worker has just about every inch of her arms and legs in tats.  They need to get out of their bubble (Ramona, Dorinda, Sonja). And if Leah isn't bothered by it, then no need for anyone else to care.  Probably got it in her younger days, thinking it was so cool.  

Dorinda is jealous of Tinsley.  Tinsley can change the course of her life, while I think Dorinda feels trapped.  She wants her old life back, and is realizing that ship has sailed.  And Tinsley needs to tell Dorinda to stop with the inquisition now.  If Dorinda gets all teary and blah blah blah renovations - I'd just sorry you're having issues, but no reason to take out your frustrations and anger (and jealousy) on me, so stop it now.  And doubtful that Dorinda is having to pinch pennies to get the place fixed.  As someone asked, what is the renovation keeping her from doing in her 'normal' life?  Naps? Drinking?


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I think we all need to give each other the right to feel one way or the other way about tattoos. Personally, I think they’re tacky and unattractive on women. I’m not actually a fan of them on men either. When my son was in Vet School, I asked him about women having tattoos because they were starting to become more popular. He said if it was on a friend, he would’ve care but he’d never marry a woman with one. We are all entitled to our feelings and opinions about them and frankly, I resent being labeled out of touch, old fashioned or judgmental because I don’t like them.

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39 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

Lu would have bitched no matter what room she got.  It was for two nights?  Big fucking deal.  I would have been glad to get away from the craziness.  Plus, if Lu is really drinking on the sly - perfect place to exit or sneak in a drink.  Maybe the producers were setting her up - seeing if she would try to sneak in a drink down in the lower level.  

Now that I think about it, does Lu still smoke?  That would have been a convenience for that, too, the separate entrance.  But you are correct she would have complained no matter what.  If they had put her upstairs and the drunk girls wanted to after party and be loud, it would have kept her awake and she would have complained about that.

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2 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I think we all need to give each other the right to feel one way or the other way about tattoos. Personally, I think they’re tacky and unattractive on women. I’m not actually a fan of them on men either.

I’m with many of you who are not huge fans of tattoos. And like many others, I will not judge anyone else for getting them or using them to express themselves. To each their own. 

I am A Boomer (well barely, one month short of being GenX). I remember in  1988 my sister and myself went to Las Vegas and we sat and drank at a bar in Circus Circus and counted the women with tattoos (because they weren’t common and we were definitely not sober). 

I’m not a fan of watching fashion shows, award shows, or other types of shows where the tattoo is more noticeable than the outfit - I think it takes away from the designers’ work.

I had my first hip replaced when I was 43 (arthritis) and I told my husband I wanted a grapevine tattoo around the scar, because the scar is staying and maybe a tattoo would distract from the scar. He didn’t get it. Months later we were visiting his grandparents in South Florida and I went in the pool. He then said, “now I understand why you wanted that tattoo”. The irony that I was the second youngest (by at least 20 years) at the pool will never not be funny (the youngest being my hubby).

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1 hour ago, hoosier80 said:

And doubtful that Dorinda is having to pinch pennies to get the place fixed.  As someone asked, what is the renovation keeping her from doing in her 'normal' life?  Naps? Drinking?

I don't think Dorinda ever had to sort anything out herself when Richard was alive, he looked after her and is still looking after her by leaving her all that wealth and her home. I would really love to see Dorinda cope in a job, my god, she wouldn't just get sacked they would section her, can you imagine her screaming at customers, "I TOLD YOU THE BREAD WAS DOWN AISLE SIX! DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T TELL YOU THE BREAD WAS DOWN AISLE SIX. WHAT DO YOU WANT A MAP NOW, HONEY? CLIP! CLIP! CLIP!"

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

I think we all need to give each other the right to feel one way or the other way about tattoos. Personally, I think they’re tacky and unattractive on women. I’m not actually a fan of them on men either. When my son was in Vet School, I asked him about women having tattoos because they were starting to become more popular. He said if it was on a friend, he would’ve care but he’d never marry a woman with one. We are all entitled to our feelings and opinions about them and frankly, I resent being labeled out of touch, old fashioned or judgmental because I don’t like them.

I think we can feel however we like about tattoo's. Just like we can feel however we like about people being judgmental.

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During these first two episodes, it seems to me that the ladies are simply trying very hard to create drama when none exists.  There are no arrests, no divorces, no  weddings, no breakdowns.  So, the ladies are falling back on their perceived personas.  Lu has to bitch about her room.  Sonja is a dingbat.  Dorinda picks up her fight with Tinsley from months and months ago.  Right now they all just seem rather petty and silly.  I wonder if any real drama will happen this season.

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On 4/10/2020 at 3:07 PM, kicksave said:

OMG! WTF Ramona! Making the younger gals clean up while you sit on your ass and complain??

I honestly thought that was the comedic highlight of the episode.  

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Some people think it looks trashy to have tattoos

Some people think overweight people look unkempt

Some people think overdone breasts and lips and ratty hair extensions look desperate 

Some people think letting your hair go gray looks like you’ve given up 

Some people think short hair on women looks unfeminine. 
It’s all hurtful. 

Let me know when we’ve moved on. 

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I think it depends on the tat, I found Leah's unnattractive (font, colour) but I've seen tattoos that are works of art.  And the tattoos of women who go flat/tattoo post-mastectomy are just jaw-droppingly beautiful, imo.



Edited by film noire
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13 hours ago, coops said:

I would really love to see Dorinda cope in a job, my god, she wouldn't just get sacked they would section her, can you imagine her screaming at customers, "I TOLD YOU THE BREAD WAS DOWN AISLE SIX! DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T TELL YOU THE BREAD WAS DOWN AISLE SIX. WHAT DO YOU WANT A MAP NOW, HONEY? CLIP! CLIP! CLIP!"

And anytime her boss approached her she'd be yelling "you'd better back that shit up!!"

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It's OK to not like tattoos. It's not OK to judge people who have them. And calling out women who have them and labeling those women trashy, vs. men, is sexist.

The women will drag the new one because she's younger and beautiful. Gotta take down the competition.

I love Dorinda's hair. Better than the overly bleached look she sported.

Based on my own friend/family group, I think Dorinda may be suffering from menopause. It's politically incorrect to say so, but in these no-hormones days some women suffer extreme, uncontrollable mood swings. My friend said that she had angry outbursts, even at work, that she could not control. I saw her do it. She would lecture herself and then it would happen again. Eventually she went on meds.

Combined with her loss of extreme wealth and a husband who did everything for her, Dorinda's in a bad place. Add booze and a flooded property, and she's gone over the edge.  It's ugly to see.

Edited by pasdetrois
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I would rather look at people with tons of tattoos than over Botox’ed, women with excessive plastic surgery. I have a tiny diamond stud in my nose, and I love it, but my mother has never forgiven me for getting it.... ( haha, I was 40 when I got it). 

To each their own. It is rather surprising that these supposed dynamic NYC women would have such an archaic judgemental attitude. 

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On 4/9/2020 at 6:54 PM, QQQQ said:

These woman clutching their pearls over a few tattoos is ridiculous. 

And what a weird thing to be upset about. I’m Tinsleys age. I don’t have any myself, but whenever I’m in a group of Gen Xers (we are in our 40s and 50s folks. Just like these ladies) at least one person has a tattoo, if not the majority of the room. It’s very common. I just haven’t heard anyone under about 70 express shock about a tattoo in years.

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15 hours ago, Pattycake2 said:

the ladies are falling back on their perceived personas.  Lu has to bitch about her room

I think the room thing might be a bit of breaking the fourth wall. If this was a fictional show and the women were actresses and the locations were a set the rooms they stay in on vacation would be their dressing rooms. So whenever Lu and Ramona bitch about their rooms what they are really saying is that, as original cast members, they are entitled to the star dressing rooms. You better believe Joan Collins got a swanky dressing room on the set of Dynasty and would have kicked off if one day she went to work and was told her dressing room was in the basement. Lu probably thinks she is the Joan Collins of Rhony. 

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On 4/10/2020 at 12:51 PM, Silver Bells said:

Yep .. dead for eight years and only married for five.  Five glorious years hanging out with the rich and famous, boating on the Mediterranean sipping champagne.  Richard was smart, rich and famous.  She just can’t get over the life she had and the life she lives now.  She uses John.  Who else would put up with her?  That’s why she is crying.  She’s stuck in her life that she hates.  Bluestone Manor is not the problem.

Really. Boo fucking hoo Dorinda with her upper east side apt and her country manor. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck so no sympathy here for her and her nasty mouth.

What Tinsley does or how she gets her $ is none of her business, and attacking Leah? she's a miserable old drunk who is resentful of the younger prettier women. 

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On 4/10/2020 at 3:25 PM, Mr. Miner said:

I liked Leah’s talking head when she said “If Dorinda talked to me like she did to Tinsley, I wouldn’t tell her what I had for lunch.”

I think that was Tinsley’s point at the lunch. She’s just not that close to Dorinda because Dorinda is a bitch to her. She and her boyfriend are in again off again all the time. When Tinsely does speak to Dorinda, and Dorinda asks, she’s honest about their status as of that minute. But she doesn’t talk to Dorinda that often because Dorinda is a complete bitch, so it’s not like Tinsely is sending her text update of her relationship status in the regular. In my mind that’s not dishonesty, it’s just a fairly normal way to treat someone in your social circle you don’t like very much. 

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Tinsley's erratic relationship may actually be scripted for the cameras. Scott (and Dale) want the exposure as much as she does. It's their "brand." (Gag.)

I question whether Tinsley still has wealth. People run through inheritances and settlements all of the time. I suspect she's living off of her Bravo paycheck and Scott. I think Dale is invested in Tinsley's fortunes (literal and figurative) because she is struggling as well.

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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

Tinsley's erratic relationship may actually be scripted for the cameras. Scott (and Dale) want the exposure as much as she does. It's their "brand." (Gag.)

I question whether Tinsley still has wealth. People run through inheritances and settlements all of the time. I suspect she's living off of her Bravo paycheck and Scott. I think Dale is invested in Tinsley's fortunes (literal and figurative) because she is struggling as well.

Since none of us are accountants to this family we have no idea how much money they have or don't have. And, it's no one's business but theirs. I think Dorinda and Sonja and especially Sonja who is supposed to be friends with Tinsley calling Tinsley out as prostituting herself to Scott or being "kept" is beyond disgusting. Sonja saying that Tinsley couldn't possibly have the money to buy clothing and bags without having "earned" it by being a kept woman was absolutely gross. That's a "friend"? Sonja has been jealous of Tinsley since day one. Sonja's days of being the "It" girl are LONG gone...even young studs would need a lot of incentive to bang her for more than week. 

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39 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Since none of us are accountants to this family we have no idea how much money they have or don't have. And, it's no one's business but theirs. I think Dorinda and Sonja and especially Sonja who is supposed to be friends with Tinsley calling Tinsley out as prostituting herself to Scott or being "kept" is beyond disgusting.

Not to mention they act like she was walking around in rags and fake handbags before she met Scott. 

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5 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Based on my own friend/family group, I think Dorinda may be suffering from menopause. It's politically incorrect to say so, but in these no-hormones days some women suffer extreme, uncontrollable mood swings.

I agree. Years ago when Ramona ordered a cooler/air for Heather’s Berkshires home, I got it. My hot flashes were so awful for 5 years - 

The women are the right age and adding drama, alcohol, and other stuff into the mix....

It doesn’t ever excuse treating other people like crap (except my husband until he finally realized that if didn’t turn down the thermostat he might be dead).

It is a shame that it’s politically incorrect because it is so, so real. 
Last year, I told my husband I was chilly and he said “I never thought I’d hear you say that”

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On 4/11/2020 at 6:55 PM, geauxaway said:

Now that I think about it, does Lu still smoke?  That would have been a convenience for that, too, the separate entrance.  But you are correct she would have complained no matter what.  If they had put her upstairs and the drunk girls wanted to after party and be loud, it would have kept her awake and she would have complained about that.

Your thought about the smoking makes a lot of sense.  I periodically rent large vacation homes with my family.  The smoker usually ends up on the lower level, although they always had patio doors and/or windows.  That way the individual could always slip out the lower patio if they needed a smoke.

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On 4/9/2020 at 10:04 PM, HeddaGabler said:

Dorinda's mean streak seems fuelled by jealousy and pettiness. She's stressed out by how much her renovations are costing, I get that, but she goes out of her way to insult and hurt other people.

Her constant picking, picking, and picking at Tinsley's relationship (as if it were a nasty scab?) Was anyone else screaming at the tv - WHO CARES?! No one cares if Scott chooses to be on the show, or not. One month they're together, one month they're not... So what? They are NOT married so who gives a s**t, other than Dorinda?

1 hour ago, Hiyo said:

I kind of miss her.

I definitely miss her because we all know as soon as she heard Dorinda perseverating on Tinsley and Scott, BF would have cracked up laughing and pointedly barked at Dorinda, "Why do you care? Nobody else cares! You got no skin in this fight, Dorinda." LOL

Edited by Chalby
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On 4/11/2020 at 1:08 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

I love how she wants to be "social" and meet people all over the restaurant and bar.  When Dorinda and Luann were criticizing her and she responded like "Doctor, I have a disease, I'm social!  Help me I'm social!  How can I be too social?" 

I appreciate that Ramona is finding her true single self after a long marriage, however, she has always been outgoing, but now she is deliberately sending the message that not only is she more extroverted than the others, but she is also someone that others WANT to know, unlike the other housewives. (She must be thrilled BF is gone, given B's connections.) Everything is about appearance, and Ramona has no problem ditching old friends if they appear slightly out-of-date. I noticed as soon as she ditched Sonya as her party mate. Sonya open many doors for Ramona, but Ramona is NOT doing the same in kind.

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On 4/9/2020 at 6:15 PM, Mindthinkr said:

Ramona is baiting Lu by giving her the best room...with a privacy door for men coming and going. 

But Ramona baited Lu by describing the best, spacious room she was given Lu - UPSTAIRS - with its own bathroom etc. But suddenly Lu is being escorted to the cold basement with the excuse, "Look at all the room you can have?" This was entirely set up by both Ramona and Lu. I am afraid this show doesn't have a strong enough mix of characters. I am already bored.

On 4/11/2020 at 10:36 AM, Sweet-tea said:

Could be wet brain from excessive alcohol. 

Seriously, wouldn't it be tragic if Sonya actually has something longterm, like early onset alzheimers. My heart would break for her if that was the case. Fingers crossed, she's just playing the silly housewife this season.

Edited by Chalby
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On 4/9/2020 at 6:35 PM, Emmeline said:

I think she wanted to sell it but her kids didn’t want her to.  It was during that time the count stepped in for the kids to resolve the issue of their trust.

No, her present house is different from the 6 million $$ home she was phoning New York friends about, during her manic stage. She was asking to borrow millions from people and then tried to sell her kids' home to have down payment for 6 million obsession. Fortunately Bethenny et el stepped in and helped and she ended up with the home she can afford.

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On 4/9/2020 at 9:09 PM, ShawnaLanne said:

Ramona, I've never agreed with her more, her hat is not okay. 

Really, Tinsley doesn't know what touche means? 

Dorinda is awful, again taking it to the cruel, with her bend over comment about the tattoo.

I am sorry but I have found that over the years, these women manage to become even more ignorant of basic vocabulary and pronunciation. If they are corrected, they just giggle and shrug and mumble that they won't remember. I used to cringe at Bethenny's sharp wit and cutting social observations, but right now I am missing any character who understands self-deprecating, and touche. WTF is going on? And Ramona's cry for a man's arms while she hugs herself... EEEWWWW!

On 4/11/2020 at 8:17 AM, The Ringo Kidd said:

I though Leah’s hat made her look like a trans Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

I didn't mind the hat but it was out of place with her outfit and for the occasion. I laughed that Ramona has designated herself as the group's fashionista. Sadly, she just might be, which says absolutely nothing of the other women.

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On 4/10/2020 at 1:29 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Dorinda's apartment has zero flair. It is depressing. And it is tiny where does she fit a housekeeper?...

Ramona's house is huge but it just a liiiiiitle dated no matter what she does.

I truly believe these ladies' only income is from the show. They know appearances are EVERYTHING but the moneyed characters from season one are long gone. They probably 'rent' people to act as lackeys. I believe most of them are comfortable, but NOT as wealthy as they pretend (save for Tinsley's trust fund). That is what really bugs Dorinda - wanting to dig into Tinsley's financials, which Tinsley won't discuss because she acknowledges the mores of old money.

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On 4/12/2020 at 1:33 PM, kicksave said:

Since none of us are accountants to this family we have no idea how much money they have or don't have. And, it's no one's business but theirs. I think Dorinda and Sonja and especially Sonja who is supposed to be friends with Tinsley calling Tinsley out as prostituting herself to Scott or being "kept" is beyond disgusting. Sonja saying that Tinsley couldn't possibly have the money to buy clothing and bags without having "earned" it by being a kept woman was absolutely gross. That's a "friend"? Sonja has been jealous of Tinsley since day one. Sonja's days of being the "It" girl are LONG gone...even young studs would need a lot of incentive to bang her for more than week. 

Sonja from day one has never ever been a friend to Tinsley.

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On 4/9/2020 at 8:24 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

Holy. Sonja’s new TH look: silver sequins, plunging neckline, faux pearl barrette. She looks like a Jennifer Coolidge character in a Christopher Guest film.

That is a generous description!  I was going t o post about this look.  Terrible.  In fact, both she and Ramona look pretty bad this season.  Sonja worse though.  It isn't age for me.  It is the plumping/botox/whathaveyou.  Frankly I have no idea what they are doing to their mugs but its crossed the line from preserved to aging dive bar singer.  

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14 hours ago, Chalby said:

No, her present house is different from the 6 million $$ home she was phoning New York friends about, during her manic stage. She was asking to borrow millions from people and then tried to sell her kids' home to have down payment for 6 million obsession. Fortunately Bethenny et el stepped in and helped and she ended up with the home she can afford.

I was referring to her Hamptons house, not the upstate home.  This is from Bravo:

Where in the world is Luann de Lesseps? Given the fact  that The Real Housewives of New York City singer has three homes (and that she’s perpetually on tour!) one can never really know — there’s her Manhattan apartment, her upstate New York abode, and the stunning home in the Hamptons. 

But as you might recall, it was that last property that brought on some family friction. Recap: Luanne wanted to sell the Sag Harbor four-bedroom home and move on from the Hamptons, but her children felt otherwise, and the disagreement resulted in a minor legal issue.

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On 4/9/2020 at 6:50 PM, SailorGirl said:

That's not what she said. She said she wishes she had someone to help ease the pressure and help her deal with what is a LOT of added stress from a major house reno. Its a lot for one person to deal with 100% on her own.

As someone who doesn't have anyone strong in her life and no family to lean on, and who has to do everything for myself, by myself, ALL THE TIME, it is mentally, emotionally, and physically draining. I get it, 100%. I internalize it, which isn't healthy at all. At least Dorinda gets it out -- the way she doesn't it isn't healthy, by attacking people, but at least she gets it out. I often wish there was someone in my life who could just take a little of it off of me and say, okay, you don't need to worry about this part of it, I've got it covered for you. It would be amazing. And a little unnerving because after a while, you can't imagine letting any of it go and having someone else help with it because you've gotten so used to it being all you, you can't let it go, even if you wanted to. 

It sucks. 

I hear you SailorGirl ❤️.  As much as IslandBoy drives me crazy sometimes, I can't imagine not having his help...xoxo

On 4/10/2020 at 6:35 AM, SweetieDarling said:

Imo, Ramona was doing Lu a HUGE favor by giving her the lower level, and Lu was too clueless to cash in. Ramona said the lower level has it's own private entrance. It's so simple,...Lu, being "sober", excuses herself to go to bed earlier than the others, then sneaks out the lower level entrance, has an Italian friend to come pick her up at the end of the driveway, and hits the bars. She just needs to be back in time for the breakfast shoot, and can claim she thinks she's coming down with something (especially with Tinsley's situation) to explain the rougher than usual voice,...and everyone's happy. But, no, she couldn't be cool. She had to be uncool.

SweetieDarling, thanks for reminding me of one of my favorite lines ever. Carole was recounting your scene the next morning & said, "I heard 2 male voices; one was LuAnne's."


On 4/10/2020 at 9:58 AM, link417 said:

I’ve just now seen this episode. On the show so far, I like Leah. I enjoy her crudeness, and the other women (particularly Dorinda) can miss me with their pearl-clutching in re: tattoos.

Dorinda likes to play all tough and gangsta, but then looks down on someone for going to jail or having tattoos. Pick a lane!

I like these mini-trips the RHONY women take each year in addition to the international trip. Goodness, Ramona is so bass-ackward — where the hell did she learn to host?!

I like Leah too, & I even like her hat. She reminds me a bit of Heather whom I also enjoyed.

I hate the way Dorinda gets all up in people's faces in an attempt to intimidate both verbally & physically. I don't know how Tinsley didn't give her a little shove to push her out of her invaded personal space. Dorinda reminds me of a thug in a cocktail dress & I cannot help but hear Aviva's hilarious question in my head, "Did you learn that in prison?"

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The beginning of each new season makes me sad when I see what these women have done to their faces in the hiatus.  Sonja, Ramona, and Dorinda are the primary victims this year.  LuAnn looks really good.  Tinsley also looks a little off as well.  That characteristic look of the person who has gone over the top in terms of surgery.  Slit eyes, pulled mouth, no expression. Not attractive.  

Unfortunately, I feel that RHONY has devolved just like the other RH shows with each person ramping up the crazy, nasty, slutty, etc. to get more air time.  I like it when people are real, not when people are screaming for attention.  I do miss Bethany.  I liked Leah, especially her faces when the others were being stupid or obnoxious.  However, in the previews, she is just as horrible as the rest of them in terms of being over the top.  RHONY is the last one I still watch, but I don't like the season so far.  I might try BH but I didn't like it last year, so I don't know.  

I agree with so many others -- I don't know why Dorinda thinks Tinsley (or anyone else) is compelled to tell her every detail of her life.  Dorinda is getting very weird and annoying.  

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