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S08.E15: Ashley T.'s Story LIVE CHAT

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2 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

OMG you guys. I really don't think I can tolerate another hour of Ashley's "hard work." 

This might be the most boring episode of the season -- and that's saying something.

Yeah, I keep muting it because I can't handle the mush mouth. Sort of half watching at this point.


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8 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

"I have poise in my pants" will NEVER outdo "Wild thing". Love those guys.

I love the Wild Thing guy so much. 

Oh, she has to have her personal phlebotomist do her blood draw because she has such special veins. Oy.

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3 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

I go out once a week for  groceries.  No mask. Nope  nope  nope.  So far we are both just fine.  I feel like a  hypochondriac,  taking my temp twice a day, but I understand  that's  one of the first  indicators.  So far I  am still  running  my normal  "dead body" temperature (96.9). Been  that way for the 22 days we've been  on "lockdown. " 

I read that they're re-considering what is normal temperature. Harvard is now says it's closer to 97.5. So, you're probably OK. Also, it's been advised that you hold your breath for 10 seconds when you wake up, as an early indicator of any developing lung problems. I keep forgetting. 

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6 minutes ago, mk828 said:

Anyone else totally grossed by how she shoved that entire slice down in one bite?!?!


Something I’ve always wondered about these poundticipants is, do they even taste the food they shove into their gaping maws? They claim to love food, but I think it’s eating that they really love.

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It is really hard work to eat an entire slice of pizza in one bite. 
She should get kudos for this herculean effort. 
But again, no soda and Dr. Now should be happy that she is so successful.
And now she is getting smart with him.  I wish he would tell her that there is no way in hell she lost a couple hundred pounds prior, ever weighed 600#, and show her the door...forever.


I think I might be out.  I don't want to contribute to higher ratings of her episode.

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Dr Now is pissed!   I love it.    

That heifer better not get in Dr. Now's face, or I'm going to get pissed at her.  She's another magic surgery person.  

I know what's going on with her, giant orders from her beloved Pizza place.    

I hpe Cassandra the nurse punches Ashley out.    How dare Ashley act like that.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

My mind is blown. Apparently restaurants in Virginia can now allow patrons to carry out mixed beverages. And some of them even deliver. Good to know when I really want a martini and I'm out of vermouth!

Ina Garten posted a make your own Cosmo recipe last week. Gonna a try it this weekend.

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1 minute ago, LizzyB said:

Yeah, I keep muting it because I can't handle the mush mouth. Sort of half watching at this point.


I have on closed caption because I needed it for WestWorld.  I think I have missed some of her smiling because I was focused on the captions.  She is just ridiculous. 

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Omg. She reminds me of sooooo many of my middle school students, with the huffing and puffing in between super ignorant comments. Dr. Now gets to respond exactly how I wish I should to this foolishness. He is giving me life!!!

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1 minute ago, poeticlicensed said:

Ina Garten posted a make your own Cosmo recipe last week. Gonna a try it this weekend.

Oh, I haven't had a Cosmo since the late 90s.  They are so delicious!  Putting those ingredients on the list for the next trip to the store in about 3 weeks.  My mango margarita was delicious tonight--Ree Drummond's recipe.

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2 minutes ago, aliya said:

I read that they're re-considering what is normal temperature. Harvard is now says it's closer to 97.5. So, you're probably OK. Also, it's been advised that you hold your breath for 10 seconds when you wake up, as an early indicator of any developing lung problems. I keep forgetting. 

My father had pulmonary fibrosis so I have a pulse ox monitor that was his.  I seem to be checking my oxygen sat once a day or so just to reassure myself.

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Oh sweet Jesus on a sprinkled donut cross!

4 lbs lost and here comes the parade of excuses. We SAW you eating entire pizzas. 

I followed the diet (bS!)

I did exercise (with no effect)

My Mom isn’t well (last time she said depression helped her lose weight) 

Have to have my person draw blood (what’s up with that? Hiding something?)

If she can’t stay on the diet the surgery won’t help her.  Dr Now pretty much lays it out for her. 

Tantrum ensues 



Edited by Scratches19
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