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S11.E12: Robyn vs. Kody

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33 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Because he was using them.  I think he even said out loud that he wanted the kids to come along because if they liked one of the houses, then it would sway Robyn to BUY said house rather than RENT.

Doesn't everyone who is filmed get a paycheck? So if all eleventy thousand children, wives and in - law children appear in just about every episode, that's more money in the douche-bank, correct? Does the in utero baby get a check too? I would hope so.

Edited by poeticlicensed
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2 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Yes, Lots of people do and I just hate the term trailer trash or you can’t take the trailer out of the girl. My dad lived in a trailer after he retired and it was a nice place and practical for him.

So did my mom.  

Robyn is hopelessly spoiled, entitled, and insufferable.  I'll say it again:  ROBYN SUCKS!

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7 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Doesn't everyone who is filmed get a paycheck? So if all eleventy thousand children, wives and in - law children appear in just about every episode, that's more money in the douche-bank, correct? Does the in utero baby get a check too? I would hope so.

We don't know. But the Gosselin family were cut one check for the whole family. 

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14 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Doesn't everyone who is filmed get a paycheck? So if all eleventy thousand children, wives and in - law children appear in just about every episode, that's more money in the douche-bank, correct? Does the in utero baby get a check too? I would hope so.

Don't know how it is now, but checks used to be paid to Kody Brown Family Entertainment, and the split was made from there.

This Soapdirt article indicates that the business was still registered as of last year, and has some other interesting suppositions.

Edited by AZChristian
Correction and additional info.
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4 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Let’s see, I have gone back to school full time, I’m married, and my boy/girl twins share a room. I guess when I study at school, I am doing it wrong. Should I kick the husband to the couch?

Aurora would have the room to herself while Breanna is in school. King Sol is in school, and Ari would have the house to herself.

With this show there has always been an is she or isn’t she in regards to Robyn’s being a stealth bitch. Then, for the last year or more, Robyn has been quiet on SM trying to curate/rehab her image. I am LOVING that she has blown all of that up to pieces. Now everyone hates Robyn.

When I first started watching this episode I thought that Janelle better check the familial accounts to ensure that Robyn had not embezzled some of its funds, the way she was carrying on and dragging her feet.  😒  A grown-azzzed woman with KIDS acting up like that? 🙄 There's something else going on that the Queen of Darkness is hiding, no normal woman of her mature years and financial wherewithal acts like that.  🤔

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20 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

When I first started watching this episode I thought that Janelle better check the familial accounts to ensure that Robyn had not embezzled some of its funds, the way she was carrying on and dragging her feet.  😒  A grown-azzzed woman with KIDS acting up like that? 🙄 There's something else going on that the Queen of Darkness is hiding, no normal woman of her mature years and financial wherewithal acts like that.  🤔

But see... you said NORMAL.  Whining and crying and pouting and manipulating people and tantrums work for her, so why stop now?

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4 hours ago, AZChristian said:


One bedroom is used as a study/office.  No toys, no TV.  Only to be used for homework, reading, quiet time.

But that doesn't work for Sobyn, because she can't think outside of her own little brain.

You can take the girl out of the trailer, but she is what she is.

But, but where can she do her MSWC? 

Ha ha ha. Sometimes I crack myself up.

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41 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

When I first started watching this episode I thought that Janelle better check the familial accounts to ensure that Robyn had not embezzled some of its funds, the way she was carrying on and dragging her feet.  

Robyn and Kody put down $222,000 on this new house.  They DID NOT make that much on their Las Vegas house, I would guess.  I think Kody and Robyn used all the money from all the Las Vegas houses to make their down payment.

Edited by smarty2020
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15 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

She is out of her mind. Now I see where her daughter gets her panic attacks from. She see's Sobbyn crying and shaking all the time. What a mess they are. I'm surprised Kody doesn't run for the hills (or mountains) after dealing with Sob and the kids. Thank you Kody for showing us how much fun polygamy is!

right?! no wonder her kids are a mess. they learn it from their mother.  even the middle girl started FREAKING out when Kody made that comment about switching schools.

15 hours ago, DanaMB said:

I think the first house they showed tonight is the one they are in now.

nah i think that was a 4 bedroom. and if a 4 bedroom was ok to look at for sale, then why wasn't it ok to look at for rental? the last one was the 7 bedroom i think.

1 hour ago, the-grey-lady said:


How long did we watch him summon up his courage to make a phone call to ask a question of some dude he'd never met and probably never would?


but WHY was he the one calling the guy??? unless it was for sale by owner?  otherwise if i were the seller i'd be pissed that the potential buyer was calling me up. The realtor should be doing all of that. 

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15 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

An upper middle class married white woman with five healthy children has the ability and financial means to purchase a seven bedroom $900,000 mansion is on my tv saying, “I can’t believe God would let this happen to me”

Girl you need to check yourself!!!

If you wanted a rental so bad dry you entitled tears of elitist woes, and have two of your children share a room!!!


Isn’t Christine’s house a three bedroom?  If so, Ysabel and Gwen share a room. Why are Robyn’s girls above that?

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49 minutes ago, smarty2020 said:

Robyn and Kody put down $222,000 on this new house.  They DID NOT make that much on their Las Vegas house, I would guess.  I think Kody and Robyn used all the money from all the Las Vegas houses to make their down payment.

Kootie already was justifying Sobby having a big house by saying that she needed a big house so the others can all gather in one place and apparently that place is Sobby's house. If I was Janelle, I'd be so pissed. 

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2 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Ah!  Just to set the record straight - my good friend April Rampton (mother of Sophie Winder from Seeking Sister Wife) knew Robyn her entire life from infancy on to adulthood.  I have never heard April say an unkind word about ANYONE - EVER - except Robyn.  She said Robyn was always crying, always demanding, always entitled.  I don't remember ever saying that Robyn wanted to be an actress, but she LOVES and needs a lot of attention so it made sense for her to be eager to join the Brown family both for the camera time and also to have her Victoria Secret bills (and other assorted credit cards) paid.  And look how it's panned out for her - she is basically the only wife and gets a million dollar home, snoozes until noon, and lots of TV exposure. Woohoo.

Wow! Thanks for the very juicy info! I knew that bish was as fake as fake can be! Kody the dumbass fell for it, too. 

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Now I don't speak fluent Kodork, but I think what was going on here was that while he might've been looking at Ari, he was talking to Robyn, using Ari as a lil' human shield against her mother's wrath.  He's a vile, vile man.  VILE.

Amen!!!!  That pissed me off royally. That’s abuse.

Edited by Kid
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2 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Kootie already was justifying Sobby having a big house by saying that she needed a big house so the others can all gather in one place and apparently that place is Sobby's house. If I was Janelle, I'd be so pissed. 

Wasn't that the reason Meri got the big house with the wet bar in LV? Being the legal wife may come with housing perks. 

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3 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

right?! no wonder her kids are a mess. they learn it from their mother.  even the middle girl started FREAKING out when Kody made that comment about switching schools.

well, at least this time they would just be changing schools in the same town as opposed to up and leaving one city to go to another city in a different state;  they could still keep up with their new friends although it wouldn't be quite as easy as being in the same school building.   Surely at least one of those Robyn girls can drive.


3 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

but WHY was he the one calling the guy??? unless it was for sale by owner?  otherwise if i were the seller i'd be pissed that the potential buyer was calling me up. The realtor should be doing all of that. 

well, the phone call needs to be made by Kody for the show;  maybe the person on the other end was a guy from production.

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12 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

What the hell? What is wrong with the other wives for not raising a stink about this? They probably drained the family savings for Robyn to have a $900,000 house. I would have been standing there with my hand out demanding my $222,000 or I would be threatening a major tell all book. These women must have alsolutely no self esteem to put up with being second class citizens and in Kody's words receiving table scraps.  

Living with Robyn would be hell.  I think THAT is why Christine was so adamant.  "NO no no no no - no one house!"

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@Kyanight, you read my mind (what little I still have after watching this episode/season.)

All these phony storylines to make us, the watchers, think that Robyn is not Kootie's clear favorite.  We would have to be as stupid as they are to fall for that bullshit.  But surprise, Kootie and Robo!  Unlike your pitiful selves, the viewers have brains.  Go back to selling snake oil, Kootie.  This circus is getting too ridiculous to suffer through.

2 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Living with Robyn would be hell.  I think THAT is why Christine was so adamant.  "NO no no no no - no one house!"

Completely agree.  Why should Christine want to watch Robyn's spawn?  Isn't it enough that Christine raised 13 kids already?  I hope Mindy is well rid of Her Royal Entitleness.

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7 hours ago, Barbara Please said:


I hope they end up in tents on Coyote Poop Pass. 

Agree, they need to be there in tents during the rainy season when the flood plain lives up to its name.

I had the feeling this entire episode that we were watching a re-enactment like they do on true crime shows.  All of Robyn’s fake boo-hooing with no actual tears, and she kept saying the same thing over and over like she forgot her lines.  I’ve disliked Robyn for a long time, but this episode made me want to smack her.  Grow up, you big whiny, frumpy, waste of space.  

Next week looks very promising, though. I’m surprised all that cheap polyester didn’t create a fireball just from being in close proximity to an open 🔥 




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5 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Do you think that Robyn has any idea how bad she looked on national t.v.?  She can cover her mcmansion in all of the angel figurines and Bible verses in she likes, but her own words point to her low character. 

She has proven that she is not a "Quality" person and it doesn't have anything to do with the fact tha she refuses to live in a trailer.

Edited by deirdra
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19 hours ago, hnygrl said:


Damn show....making me feel pity for KODY. KODY! 

I don't feel pity for any of them. Kody especially; his bending down to Areola and murmuring "we have to leave our HOME, sweetheart," and drama queening to Robyn, "we will be HOMELESS in a few days!! The police will evict us!"  just reinforces my belief that this entire family's existence is based on victimhood and persecution. Add to it now an apparent God who doesn't listen, sends them mixed messages and won't find them that six-bedroom house they so desperately need.  

If I had taken a drink everytime I heard the word "rent" or "buy," I'd be having my stomach pumped right now. 

Robyn has turned into the sourest, meanest-looking, miserable human being on earth. Do yourself a favor and go back to season 1 and look at her footage.  She's gained about 40 lbs, a perpetual frown, and a massive attitude.

I think the only Brown kids I like are Janelle's older boys and Aspyn.

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