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S04.E17: Reunion (Part 2)

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6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Leanne doesn't grow she deflects and blames others and her past ...She still does that to this day about EVERYTHING .. She took no responsibility at all blamed others then said I'm sorry that was not a real apology point blank period ... that's making excuses for her to continue being a bad person with no ownership ... she had how many months between filming the show and the reunion to reach out to Kary but didn't? shes not sorry she said it shes sorry she got called out for it 

She and Mama Dee have more in common than their penchant for wigs!

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7 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Party of one here....I actually like Kary, she was calling Leann out left and right with rapid fire and Leann just couldn't come up with any retorts.  Leann was almost in the "I know you are but what am I" stage of comebacks.  

I think I need to see Kary while not battling LeAnne to get a better sense for her.  I'd like to see her come back to see how she and LeAnne handle year 2 together...perhaps they reconcile .  I do, however, wish her voice wasn't so warbly; I find it very unpleasant.

I will say that Kary seems to spot BS a thousand miles away and processes the words to describe it far quicker and on point than any of the housewives I can think of with the possible exception of Betheny (and despite English not being her native language).   

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, AuntiePam said:


LeeAnne's comments were ugly, but I don't think Kary was personally affected.  Not sure if I can explain this, but I think her hurt and outrage was on behalf of Mexican people in general, as part of the ongoing attack on immigrants.  She has no respect for LeeAnne so nothing LeeAnne can say will hurt her personally.  If you attack my group, you attack me. 


I don't think most adults are "hurt" when some idiot utters racist or other negative statements revealing the speaker's prejudices.

I'm Jewish and I think people who are anti-Semitic are idiots - the same as I think people who are racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic or who have any other prejudice about another group. Being "hurt" by such comments is far from my mind - what I think about is how this irrational prejudice translates into ACTIONS which actually do harm.

I realize that on some kind of "macro-level", prejudiced comments of all kinds seem to be polluting the public sphere even as a growing percentage of the population is probably less prejudiced than it was even a decade ago. And that is something I find dangerous and frightening and appalling.

But the last thing I would do is be "hurt" because an individual described me as a dirty Jew or that I was involved in a media conspiracy or whatever anti-Semitic trope they felt free to express in the moment. My friends who are people of color also aren't personally "hurt" by racist comments and wouldn't squeeze out fake tears like Kary if they heard that someone had made negative comments about them based on their race

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1 hour ago, amarante said:

But the last thing I would do is be "hurt" because an individual described me as a dirty Jew or that I was involved in a media conspiracy or whatever anti-Semitic trope they felt free to express in the moment. My friends who are people of color also aren't personally "hurt" by racist comments and wouldn't squeeze out fake tears like Kary if they heard that someone had made negative comments about them based on their race

I can kind of understand what you mean, but as a black woman, I am hurt when people make racist or prejudiced comments about me or to me. I'm hurt because it is painful to be treated like I don't matter because of my skin color. It is painful to worry about how you are being perceived by others constantly because of an immutable characteristic that I had no control over. Therefore, when someone makes a racist comment, I am genuinely affected by it.

That is one reason why, even though I did not like Kary at all, I did feel for her during that discussion. Even if she wasn't genuinely upset during that segment--and I did question the extent of her reaction--I still feel bad for anyone who has to experience such hostility because of their background. LeeAnne was just wrong, wrong, wrong here. I am disappointed to say that because I really did root for LeeAnne before this whole thing occurred. However, I do agree with the people here who say people who mess up should not be thrown away. Accountability is important and if people want to change, let's embrace them. I don't know where LeeAnne falls yet in terms of actual accountability, but for her own sake and the sake of everyone around her, I hope she does truly educate herself.

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That is one reason why, even though I did not like Kary at all, I did feel for her during that discussion. Even if she wasn't genuinely upset during that segment--and I did question the extent of her reaction--I still feel bad for anyone who has to experience such hostility because of their background. LeeAnne was just wrong, wrong, wrong here. I am disappointed to say that because I really did root for LeeAnne before this whole thing occurred. However, I do agree with the people here who say people who mess up should not be thrown away. Accountability is important and if people want to change, let's embrace them. I don't know where LeeAnne falls yet in terms of actual accountability, but for her own sake and the sake of everyone around her, I hope she does truly educate herself.

So much word to all of this.  But I overall really cannot stand Kari at all.  The hat wearing so close to the temple clinched it.  And the way she kept coming at Leanne drove me nuts too.  I feel like she's fake, fake, fake.  However, Leanne's actions were horrible and she handled it all terribly.  Even at the reunion she handled it terribly.  

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Remember on RHoNY Scary Island everyone was like, “WTF KELLY!!!! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?” and argued with her for a while about her jerky nonsense  until they realized she was having some kind of mental breakdown and could not be reasoned with, so they stopped? I feel like LeeAnn is a somewhat similar case. 

She is too far removed from emotional reality to ever fully comprehend WHY some of the things she says infuriate people so much. Her apologies are reactive, in that she knows when people are mad at her she must have messed up again and should probably apologize, but if she doesn’t truly grasp the root of the problem, that makes it difficult-to-impossible for her to improve or stop her bad behavior. That’s why at 5 seasons in she still hasn’t grown as a person, and continues to let her temper rule over her mouth.  This is just a fundamental part of LeeAnn, being deeply flawed and often vile.   She believes her past made her this way,  instead of believing that it’s something she could fight against if she really wanted to. I don’t think any amount of berating will change her, it’s fruitless to try to force change through humiliation or aggression. I tell my cat regularly to please stop clawing the sofa. I use a stern voice. She looks at me, she knows I’m not happy about something, she figures it must involve her because I’m looking her dead in the face, and maybe she even walks away like we have an understanding. But she always comes back and does it again because she didn’t get it like I’d hoped. And there are plenty of times she clawed the sofa and got away with it, so, you know, perplexing for her.  Sometimes LeeAnn can run her big, loud mouth like a scumbag and slide by, sometimes she can’t, and when she can’t she makes all the apology noises to move on, until next time. I’m not even sure it’s a cycle she could stop now, after doing it most of her life.

i think she should be off the show because she’s not emotionally or psychologically healthy enough to deal with the social situations that come with being a RH, she can’t stop herself from showing her ugly side. But Captain Wandering Eyepatch is retired and they need her paycheck, so she likely won’t ever leave unless she’s fired.

There are other RH cast members who have been giant, insufferable assholes for years, make insincere apologies during reunions when they are called out, and then came back the next season with no more self awareness or positive growth than they had before.  Ramona comes to mind. Vicki. Tamra. Teresa. Danielle. Brandi Granville. LuAnne. It’s part of Bravo’s formula to make sure there is at least one of these kind of people in every cast. Keeps viewers talking even if it’s only about how disgusted we are. 

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12 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

shes had 5 years tho to grow and has yet to .. how long are we supposed to wait for the Miracle growth to happen? if she was really sorry she wouldn't have sat on that couch and made excuses for what she said she would have reached out to Kary not blamed production and had a real moment ... she didn't ... Leanne's apology was as fake as mama d's hair

In general, racists have had centuries to grow and learn. Not doing so is a choice.

How long to the people constantly targeted by racism have to wait for this growth to occur and be sustained?

I’m not wasting my compassion on the Lee Anns and Brandys of the world. Fuck them both. A weak statement backed by no proof of change isn’t enough to merit blind forgiveness.

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11 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

One last thing -- the sex trafficking.  Kam said she Googled and educated herself.  Brandi may have Googled too, but with different results.  I've seen opinion pieces from people defending sex work as feminism.  "How dare you tell me what I can do with my body!"  Brandi may have seen those opinion pieces too.

I have read plenty of pieces that discuss sex work from a feminist perspective, but I have never encountered anyone who has defended sex trafficking or slavery as “feminism.” LeeAnne was the one (in Thailand) who expressed her concern about being around sex workers, but much of that was said to manipulate Kam re: the impressions of Dallas society. Whether sincere or not, Kam’s point at the reunion was that it was unethical to support trafficking and slavery. 

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9 minutes ago, MrsWitter said:

Whether sincere or not, Kam’s point at the reunion was that it was unethical to support trafficking and slavery. 

Except she kept agreeing with LeeAnne that the Ladyboy shows were more like drag shows and dismissed concerns about trafficking which isn’t accurate. Also, not all clubs employee trafficked slaves. 

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I’m finding the language being used to discuss the valid criticism of LeeAnne to be really troubling. Before the discussion began, LeeAnne herself referred to it as a “hanging” and, in this thread, multiple people have referred to what happened at the reunion as a “public flogging,” a “witch hunt,” a “public stoning,” a “public execution,” “(raking) over hot coals,” and being “drawn and quartered, and then stoned to death.” These terms, which all have origins in the execution and torture of often disenfranchised people, should not be used to describe what happened to LeeAnne, a fairly privileged white woman who was criticized for racist language.

The two parts of the reunion together (without commercials) aired for approximately 100 minutes. The package on LeeAnne’s racism went on for 18 minutes (and part of this time was spent arguing over who should have confronted her, etc.). If we add in the apologies at the end, that’s about another two minutes. So, at most, this discussion encompassed 20 percent of the aired reunion. Per Andy, they discussed LeeAnne’s racist comments for an hour and half during the taping. I don’t know how long they taped the reunion for, but, generally, reunion tapings seem to run ten to twelve hours. We have seen lesser issues discussed in much greater depth on Housewives reunions. This was not some horrific ordeal to which LeeAnne was subjected.

I agree with many of you who say the criticism of LeeAnne was likely somewhat disingenuous. And I agree with @Jel (and others) that it’s particularly absurd coming from Brandi. I also agree with others here that we need to create a path for discussion and forgiveness. This all said, the criticism that LeeAnne received was more than fair and really isn’t as horrendous as the language being employed would imply. Ultimately, though, I’m not Mexican and I wasn’t the target of LeeAnne’s attack. I don’t think it’s up to me whether LeeAnne deserves forgiveness. And my greater sympathy will always rest with the subject of racist attacks rather than the perpetrator. LeeAnne is a complete example of the weaponizing of “white women’s tears”:


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33 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Except she kept agreeing with LeeAnne that the Ladyboy shows were more like drag shows and dismissed concerns about trafficking which isn’t accurate. Also, not all clubs employee trafficked slaves. 

I completely agree. Kam (and most of the Housewives) are far from ethically consistent. And I don’t know how sincere Kam actually was. My point is that feminists who defend sex work are not defending slavery or trafficking.

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Woke myself up at this late hour snorting at Brandi's desperate ploys for camera time and her rampant hypocrisy as she attached herself to LeeAnn's situation, complete with fake teary-filled voice and earnest lecturing. Better duck Brandi, the black pot and kettle are headed your way.

The refusal to even listen to Kam's observations about sex trafficking (no doubt influenced by her "society" family) tells me what I need to know about this group of women. They are determined to be ignorant and defensive about this issue. Being rich and white in a prosperous country allows one to do that.

One of the profound truths in this world is that no one announces as a little girl that they want to grow up to be a sex worker.  Poverty, lack of education, lack of jobs, and brutality drive those decisions. Yes there are a small minority of women who dabble in it for a couple of years to pay for tuition or something, but globally it's a real problem; the statistics are shocking.


My point is that feminists who defend sex work are not defending slavery or trafficking.

Exactly. I wish people would take the time to understand there are variances in this industry.

Weirdly, LeeAnne came off better tonight than the others. Although her resentment of D'Andra's recent successes was painful to watch. Clenched teeth, fixed smile.

Speaking of D'Andra, give her a small amount of success and she's suddenly the world's best saleswoman. And there's nothing wrong with Jeremy bringing in some income. If he's well enough to be a photographer, he can find a job.

Kary is very hard. I think she exaggerated her offense at LeeAnne's racism. I think she was more upset about being kept in the dark. I do appreciate that she calls out BS, but I want to see her do it to all of these fake women.

And Andy can zip it about giving shade to Kam over her elitism. He's an empty superficial vessel who has made a fortune off of the back of the housewives., and he's not a nice guy.


Brandi Redmond is seeking help at a wellbeing centre following backlash from her racist impression video

If this true and not a joke, the cowardly Brandi is either hiding out at a spa or her family has convinced her to seek help for booze and pills.



Edited by pasdetrois
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23 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Many Mexicans are white. In fact there is a shit ton of racism in Mexico between Mexicans of mostly European descent and those that are predominantly indigenous. 

(it is in spoiler......bc, it is long.....and, the secret is out!  The ‘white Mexican’ is a government conspiracy)


Beware of your friends that cry dry tears for you! 😩


This ‘shit ton racism’ you speak about amongst Latinos was created by the Europeans.


This is a reckless statement if you don’t explain colonialism. It is like saying that SE Asians do not experience racism (or, deserve protection from racism), because their countries have a caste system.


If you are calling Latinos white just to call them racists.....this is racism.


This is what Latinos deal with in America. Stop calling Latinos white.


The fact is that most Latinos are not racists. We are deeply connected to our countries, Indigenous culture and the African Diaspora.



You are using the same white supremacy system we are standing up to .......against us!


Make no mistake! 


When people like LeAnne call us Mexicans in derogatory tones......it is to demean our Native Indigenous, African & other minority ancestries. 


This is their intent and why it is racist.


When Kary calls herself a Mexican......it is to show Latino pride! 😘 🇲🇽 


She can say it....1,000 times! 🙌🏻


Latinos in USA, live in a constant state of pacifying white supremacy.


It is a symptom of our oppression and breeding.


This is why it is so wrong to call Latinos white. 


We are European ancestry.


Since the beginning of time the role of the  Europeans  in Latin America was to make sure everyone LOOKS and acts white.  


The Europeans are the oppressors. ......these are the people you are talking about.


 Europeans  set the laws for a new white supremacist society. Everyone is going to look European, speak Spanish, practice Catholicism, and support the Spanish Crown. The Europeans married and had children with the Indigenous Natives, Africans and other minority groups.


This did not create a new ‘white race.’ 


It created a ‘tri-racial’ human being with a new culture.....commonly known as Creole.


This is why Latinos do not identify with race like it is common to do in USA.


We identify by our ancestry and nationality.


Our proper race category is not even recognized by the USA government.


Instead of the government (USA) creating a ‘new box to check’ .....Tri-racial.....they classify Latinos as whites. This is why you hear Latinos call themselves white. It is the white supremacy Latinos deal with in....2020! 


If they tell Latinos .....you are ‘white’........check the ‘white box’.......then they keep our minds oppressed.  We stay behaving like white supremacy sympathizers. We are blinded to the racism practiced by racist whites against Latinos. We are less motivated to educate ourselves on our true history, culture or learn Spanish.


If a POC (like Kary) showing their cultural pride is triggering....ask yourself why?? 

Because.....you are a racist!


 This is the real reason LeAnne went on a three day tirade against Mexicans and Latinos in Bangkok. 


All behind Kary’s back in a safe white space of her peers.


Stephanie said on WWHL, that LeAnne ‘has done other things’ and production did not air it in order to protect her. This is why they thought the Bangkok incident was not going to make it on-air.


When racist white people feel Latinos are not acting like white supremacy sympathizers........here come the tirades.


 Mexican, wetback, salt water perch, go back to Mexico, go back to your shithole countries, you are an illegal, stop speaking Spanish.


THIS....... is how Mexicans are treated in Texas.  


No way in hell has LeAnne never witnessed this. 


 We saw her participate on Tv! 


LeAnne is a liar and racist! 


These are the same type of racists that try to turn Latinos against each other.  The whole legal vs illegal.   Try to cause problems between Latin nationalities. They even attack our African heritage.  They call us black and the n-word to incited hatred towards  African-Americans.


They do this......then 5 minutes later......’reward’ with ‘white privilege.’ 


White privilege in the Latino community is bull crap!  It is used to enforce white supremacy.



White Privilege in POC communities.......does NOT stand a chance against........White Entitlement! 


The white entitlement started on day 1.  When the Europeans came to the Americas and felt entitled to everything. They took it all using deadly force and built their toxic white supremacist communities. 500+ years later........we still have not made much progress.



Kary’s white privilege.........was trumped.........by all the white entitlement sitting around her.


After all........the manipulations, meddling  and whistleblowing Kameron decided .........LeAnne is not a racist! 🤣


Kameron is the type of racist that makes sparkling pink


💕 ‘All Lives Matter’ 💕


posters in response to urgent issues like the Black Lives Matter movement. 


These type of racists do NOT......get involved in our social causes because they care and want justice.........they stay meddling in our communities to protect their white entitlement!


This is how white supremacy in Latin America & USA manifest into the type of racism we saw from Kam, LeaAnne, Brandi & Stephanie.


It is not KKK or Nazi which is based on white purity.


  It is the constant white supremacy meddling and policing.  


 A lot of people do not recognize this type of racism......because, we have been conditioned to recognize it as bad behavior.


It is fueled by the racists need to protect ....white entitlement. 

They have been protecting themselves for 500+ years!


They teach it to their children with ‘kid-friendly comedy videos’ like we saw with Brandy.


When societies reject white privilege and white entitlement......we will finally see a lot less racism.


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I appreciated your whole post, @Dance4Life, but I am laughing hysterically over this:


“all........the manipulations, meddling  and whistleblowing Kameron decided .........LeAnne is not a racist! 


Kameron is the type of racist that makes sparkling pink


💕 ‘All Lives Matter’ 💕


posters in response to urgent issues like the Black Lives Matter movement. “

I’m picturing Kam sitting down with her daughter, poster board, pink markers, and glitter scattered across the table, adding an asterisk to that “all lives matter”*


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Has any housewife been given another season for a redemption arc after breaking the fourth wall?

For cancer scams, yes.


I think I need to see Kary while not battling LeAnne to get a better sense for her.  I'd like to see her come back to see how she and LeAnne handle year 2 together

Well, this is a HWs show...today's mortal enemies can become next season's BFFs.

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6 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Kary is very hard. I think she exaggerated her offense at LeeAnne's racism.

That moment when she had to put her head in her hands and ask for a minute to compose herself was a bit much, I do think she was not bothered by Leanne's "Mexican" comment until all the other ladies started "chirpping" in her ear.  What I do think Kary was bothered by was the hat incident, the negativity while at the house in Mexico, just Leanne in general, the racism angle was a legit way to not like her so she fed into it big time.


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On 1/8/2020 at 9:14 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

crying with no tears Leanne STOP

On 1/8/2020 at 9:14 PM, TexasGal said:

Did LeeAnne manage to squeeze a tear out either time she “broke down”?  Or did she just dab at her eyes and sniffle. 


LeeAnne was squeezing and twisting so hard that I'm sure the backs of her knees started sweating before she could get a single tear out.


Edited by HunterHunted
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9 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

I’m finding the language being used to discuss the valid criticism of LeeAnne to be really troubling. Before the discussion began, LeeAnne herself referred to it as a “hanging” and, in this thread, multiple people have referred to what happened at the reunion as a “public flogging,” a “witch hunt,” a “public stoning,” a “public execution,” “(raking) over hot coals,” and being “drawn and quartered, and then stoned to death.” These terms, which all have origins in the execution and torture of often disenfranchised people, should not be used to describe what happened to LeeAnne, a fairly privileged white woman who was criticized for racist language.


There have been public executions, etc since like 1600 BC, or maybe before.  Babylonia, Rome, etc.   It isn't problematic to speak about historical happenings.  These things happened, and it was due to MORAL PANIC.  Everyone gets to point a finger, and declare that Leanne is wrong and they are RIGHT.  Obviously the real housewives are not ACTUALLY murdering her, but if you can't see the similarities... The point is, what does everyone want from her?  What is the goal here?

I just want to watch a fun show, and laugh about things and watch them travel and have a good time.  In my opinion, it is not fun to watch a group of people scream and cry in anger, no matter if the person is right or wrong!  It's a spectacle.

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12 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

I can kind of understand what you mean, but as a black woman, I am hurt when people make racist or prejudiced comments about me or to me. I'm hurt because it is painful to be treated like I don't matter because of my skin color. It is painful to worry about how you are being perceived by others constantly because of an immutable characteristic that I had no control over. Therefore, when someone makes a racist comment, I am genuinely affected by it.


Obviously everyone has the right to feel however they want to feel when confronted by stupidity.

Lord I don't want to pull a Leeanne LOL but perhaps I'm older than you and life has thrown me some real curves so idiots saying something that has no impact on my life is not something that I internalize at all.

There is a difference (at least for me) between actions that have caused my life to be more difficult because of who I am and just words spoken by people for whom I have no respect because once they voice those kinds of "opinions" they have lost any credibility to me.

As posted originally, I do think that all of the prejudice does translate into real consequences for real people because many of these prejudiced people have the ability to hurt others through their actions because they are in positions of power or they vote and so collectively vote in politicians who take actions based on these collective prejudices. So words do matter in that sense in terms of exposing venality and I am appalled by the large number of people who still harbor such irrational hatred of others.

However, I would not give a nano-seconds of real hurt because an idiot like Leeanne casually insulted my ethnicity, religion or other group characteristic that had nothing to do with who I am. I find it more emotionally "hurtful" if someone dislikes an actual personal characteristic.

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55 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

There have been public executions, etc since like 1600 BC, or maybe before.  Babylonia, Rome, etc.   It isn't problematic to speak about historical happenings.  These things happened, and it was due to MORAL PANIC.  Everyone gets to point a finger, and declare that Leanne is wrong and they are RIGHT.  Obviously the real housewives are not ACTUALLY murdering her, but if you can't see the similarities... The point is, what does everyone want from her?  What is the goal here?

I just want to watch a fun show, and laugh about things and watch them travel and have a good time.  In my opinion, it is not fun to watch a group of people scream and cry in anger, no matter if the person is right or wrong!  It's a spectacle.

I think the show is mirroring where we are as a country.  Just like when people say - I wish my Facebook feed was all babies and puppies and not about politics...we just are not there as a country any longer.  You have to deal with stuff because it's such an insane time.  It comes from a place of privledge to say - I wish everything was just sunshine and rainbows all the time. 

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I am a little puzzled about Jeremy's disability. Veterans who receive a total disability finding may not work at all, but other disability statuses allow for work without losing disability compensation. Did D'Andra state that he had 100% disability? I think I remember her adding up percentages or something.

I'm going to assume Jeremy does not have total disability, because he promotes himself as a working photographer and supposedly works with D'Andra.

I disagree if D'Andra's mumblings about this were meant to declare that because Jeremy was in the military, saw combat and was injured, he deserves not to have to work. It may be a popular emotional opinion, but the military system is not set up this way. In fact, most federal jobs are labled as veterans-preference, meaning qualified veterans get the job over non-veteran candidates.

Edited by pasdetrois
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On 1/9/2020 at 8:37 AM, Irritable said:

I haven’t seen anyone here say that LeeAnn’s past excuses her behavior.  I said the women can call her crazy and psycho knowing that she is mentally unstable and emotionally unwell, and that has never been addressed as being insensitive.  Just because her particular mental issues make her unlikable doesn’t mean she deserves to be spoken about like the village nutcase.

I disagree.  She is mentally unstable. I'm not sure she has worked long enough to collect Social Security Disability Income but she does deserve to be spoken of like the village nutcase.  She IS the village nutcase.  

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5 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

I disagree if D'Andra's mumblings about this were meant to declare that because Jeremy was in the military, saw combat and was injured, he deserves not to have to work.

I think D'Andra was riffing.  IIRC, a viewer asked why Jeremy couldn't get  job if they were hurting financially.  She then stated he was helping her company and then went down the VA habit hole of disability. It really is a rabbit hole.  For example, sleep apnea gets a large  disability rating (which is why everybody wants the diagnosis). I have a disability rating because I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis.  Seriously, nothing Service-connected about it.  RABBIT HOLE. He gets a pass from me.

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20 minutes ago, albarino said:

That isn't how the VA disability system works.

 Oh ok, I concede that I know little to nothing about how the VA system works, and I’m sure you’re more informed than I am, as I believe you have posted before that you were in the armed services.  I’m not particularly trying to get into the minutiae of that.  

My point is that what I have seen with regard to D’andra and Jeremy and the totality of their circumstances over the past three seasons, they are grifters and I don’t believe Jeremy has a disability that prevents him from working.  If, at her third season’s reunion, D’andra comes on TV and says he can’t work because he has sleep apnea, I think she’s full of shit.  

It’s not necessarily persuasive to me that a woman who has a strained relationship with the truth says that a government entity declared her husband disabled.  People scam the system all the time, and to great lengths.  I’ve had the pleasure of knowing quite a few and I’ve read about a few more.  If it comes down to who I’m going to believe—D’andra about something the VA allegedly granted Jeremy, or my lying eyes about Jeremy’s ability to perform ah honest day’s work or lack thereof—it’s a pretty easy call for me to make.  

Even if it were true, I don’t think it should have been put out there by D’andra the way it was.  It came off as such a Hail Mary.  My spouse and I each have issues that prevent us from reaching our full earning potential, physically and mentally (I suspect most, or at least many, people do).  The details of that are not fodder for a reality TV show that portrays women drunkenly passing out in their Spanx and urinating behind a horse trailer.  She had three seasons to make Jeremy’s “disability” an organic part of her storyline, and she didn’t.  He was just the trophy “hot husband” that loved to have sex and feed her.  Now she wants to bring it up at the eleventh hour to deflect from the fact that she refuses to get a job because it would prevent her from filming this reality show?  What if Jeremy had AIDS?  Would she throw that out there at a reunion too?  I just think it’s super poor form.  It doesn’t just degrade Jeremy (he probably gave consent for D’andra to talk about the state of his health), but it’s manipulative to the audience, both able-bodied and disabled.  MMV.

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On 1/9/2020 at 9:27 AM, heatherchandler said:

I want to like this 1000 times!

What does everyone WANT from her?  They want to beat her up emotionally until she understands?  Take away her income?  Make sure she loses every friend she has?  What is the point?  No one can change the way someone thinks, that person has to do it for themselves.   You can make the point over and over again but as you said in another post, to what end??  What do they want?

Apologies aren't good enough, unless it is heartfelt.  How heartfelt is heartfelt enough?  Who decides this? 

I cannot stand a witch hunt.  It is sickening.

But why?  Why does she need to be questioned over and over?  What does that do?  And is that entertainment?  I used to like to watch this show for entertainment.  The public stoning of a person who everyone has decided said some problematic things is seriously messed up.  It is like a public execution.  Everyone feel good after that?

Agree. It went on too long and was too much. They obviously had an agenda for the special and it was to put LeeAnne in the hot seat and keep her there. Brandi even provided the chair. 

I don't like LeAnne and her comments were racist and horrible, but I don't find most of the other women without their own issues. They along with Andy were high and mighty and off putting. I can't stand Kary and have no idea why she's on this show. If she's on next year, I won't watch.

Brandi shouldn't be lecturing anyone about anything. She's shown some awful behavior of her own. 

I agree with what Kameron said about the sex trade. The rest of the women are clueless. They should do some research on the sex industry in Thailand before they start shooting down Kameron and dismissing her valid points. And I'm including Stephanie. Disappointed in her. She sees what she wants to see. 


Edited by Sweet-tea
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I think it's dangerous & frankly intellectually lazy to label someone as a racist.  As I understand it, racists believe that they are superior to others simply by virtue of their race.  I don't necessarily think LeeAnne thinks she's better than Kary because Kary is from Mexico. I think LeeAnne would have disliked Kary regardless of her national and racial heritage.  Personally, I would call LeeAnne an emotionally unintelligent woman who used (uses?) racially charged language.  Very much like I would say Brandi is a dumbass, but not necessarily a racist.

I think most everyone would be hard pressed to stand up & swear, so help me God, that we've never said something that could be considered racially or morally offensive.  It doesn't make it right, but at some point there has to be room the be human and make mistakes.  The bigger issue to me is that LeeAnne doubles down and has no remorse for what she says or does but is terribly terribly sorry to think there will be consequences.

As far as Jeremy and D'Andra go, the VA is a complicated system.  Someone may have various issues that cause them to be varying classifications of 100% disabled. My dad received a 70% rating for 1 issue and a 40% disabled rating for another, yet still wasn't classified as 100% disabled even though is individual disabilities added up to 110%.  I would imagine Jeremy's 100% rating is probably from PTSD given that he's done 5 tours and it's not surprising that D'Andra would go with sleep apnea rather than PTSD to speak about publicly.



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41 minutes ago, 918lux said:

I think it's dangerous & frankly intellectually lazy to label someone as a racist.  As I understand it, racists believe that they are superior to others simply by virtue of their race.  I don't necessarily think LeeAnne thinks she's better than Kary because Kary is from Mexico. I think LeeAnne would have disliked Kary regardless of her national and racial heritage.  Personally, I would call LeeAnne an emotionally unintelligent woman who used (uses?) racially charged language.  Very much like I would say Brandi is a dumbass, but not necessarily a racist.

I think most everyone would be hard pressed to stand up & swear, so help me God, that we've never said something that could be considered racially or morally offensive.  It doesn't make it right, but at some point there has to be room the be human and make mistakes.  The bigger issue to me is that LeeAnne doubles down and has no remorse for what she says or does but is terribly terribly sorry to think there will be consequences.




That's the whole thing!  No one is perfect, no one.  Such hubris to attack someone for not being 100% perfect in thought or actions 100% of the time. 

1 hour ago, brillia79 said:

There are many images online of public lynchings where racists are smiling while standing around dangling, burned up corpses.

LeeAnn being called out at a RH reunion show on her racist comments is not like a public execution in any way, shape or form. Not even close.

That's your opinion. 

And that is so not even close to what I am saying.

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LeeAnne is a liar who’s first instinct is to lie about literally everything only to then try to hand wave away her behavior when confronted with actual facts. I mean in these two hours she was caught in so many lies it was difficult to keep track of and she didn’t even object when Brandi pointed out she is a liar because it’s just such a core part of her personality. Its really revolting.

Edited by biakbiak
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21 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

LeeAnne is a liar who’s first instinct is to lie about literally everything only to then try to handeave away her behavior when confronted with actual facts. I mean in these two hours she was caught in so many lies it was difficult to keep track of and she didn’t even object when Brandi pointed out she is a liar because it’s just such a core part of her personality. Its really revolting.

Well it's all okay because she is mentally unstable dontcha know! Also she was "drinking" and doesn't "remember" most of what she was being called out for, so that also gives her a free pass apparently. 😈 

On a serious note though, I do agree with most that the whole racism issue went on longer than it should have...but other than the arguing between Kary and Leeanne, what else was there to talk about? 

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The most interesting thing to come out of this reunion to me was that in the past the producers/editors have not aired some crazy LeAnne behavior.  Think about that... think about the stuff they have aired which has been bad enough (trying to punch the bus, her knife hands, trying to kill Marie) and ask yourself what they didn't air. The woman is unhinged.  And in a way that is harmful to people around her (NPD or something similar). Personality disorders are notoriously difficult to treat because the people that have them will always justify their behavior so they don't think they really need to do anything differently.  

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It's uncharitable of me, but as D'Andra was talking about being on HSN and how the business is going well, I wondered if LeeAnne wasn't thinking "Damn, maybe I should have tried to keep that friendship going." 

I don't think Andy will fire her.  RH shows are all about redemption and change and forgiveness -- even if it's mostly phony.  If not for celebrities and their foibles, what would the spas do?  Go back to massages?

If she'd pulled that BS in a real work environment, she would have been fired long ago.   When The Office was first airing, HR managers shared how they would have responded to Michael Scott's antics.   It'd be interesting to see what real psychologists think of her behavior.  And not Dr. Phil either. 

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3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 Oh ok, I concede that I know little to nothing about how the VA system works, and I’m sure you’re more informed than I am, as I believe you have posted before that you were in the armed services.  I’m not particularly trying to get into the minutiae of that.  

My point is that what I have seen with regard to D’andra and Jeremy and the totality of their circumstances over the past three seasons, they are grifters and I don’t believe Jeremy has a disability that prevents him from working.  If, at her third season’s reunion, D’andra comes on TV and says he can’t work because he has sleep apnea, I think she’s full of shit.  

It’s not necessarily persuasive to me that a woman who has a strained relationship with the truth says that a government entity declared her husband disabled.  People scam the system all the time, and to great lengths.  I’ve had the pleasure of knowing quite a few and I’ve read about a few more.  If it comes down to who I’m going to believe—D’andra about something the VA allegedly granted Jeremy, or my lying eyes about Jeremy’s ability to perform ah honest day’s work or lack thereof—it’s a pretty easy call for me to make.  

Even if it were true, I don’t think it should have been put out there by D’andra the way it was.  It came off as such a Hail Mary.  My spouse and I each have issues that prevent us from reaching our full earning potential, physically and mentally (I suspect most, or at least many, people do).  The details of that are not fodder for a reality TV show that portrays women drunkenly passing out in their Spanx and urinating behind a horse trailer.  She had three seasons to make Jeremy’s “disability” an organic part of her storyline, and she didn’t.  He was just the trophy “hot husband” that loved to have sex and feed her.  Now she wants to bring it up at the eleventh hour to deflect from the fact that she refuses to get a job because it would prevent her from filming this reality show?  What if Jeremy had AIDS?  Would she throw that out there at a reunion too?  I just think it’s super poor form.  It doesn’t just degrade Jeremy (he probably gave consent for D’andra to talk about the state of his health), but it’s manipulative to the audience, both able-bodied and disabled.  MMV.

I'm not sure if it was on the show or I heard this in an interview that D'Andra gave but she said that she gained 25 pounds in a month after she got her facelift because Jeremy was out of the country for "business" and she only ate junk food for a month. Something doesn't add up with her story. 

ETA: Here's the interview. I'm not including the interview to shame D'Andra about eating donuts. I like donuts too. I'm including it to show that Jeremy was working out of the country for a month which contradicts what she said at the reunion.

D'Andra Simmons Reveals the Reason She Gained 25 Pounds After Her Facelift


"Nobody tells you that you get depressed," she told The Feast at Bravo HQ in NYC. "My husband took me out to California where I had [the facelift] done, and then he had to leave three days later to go to National Geographic. And so I was there, stuck in a beach house for a month by myself, and it got depressing."

She filled that gap during her recovery with one of her favorite foods. "So of course, we all know that I love donuts, and I love to eat," she told The Feast. "Well, my favorite donut place in the world is in Costa Mesa, California, and it’s called Sidecar. So of course I was going there daily to Sidecar Donuts and having my cake donuts and I gained 25 pounds before the season started."


Edited by druzy
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8 minutes ago, druzy said:

I'm not sure if it was on the show or I heard this in an interview that D'Andra gave but she said that she gained 25 pounds in a month after she got her facelift because Jeremy was out of the country for "business" and she only ate junk food for a month. Something doesn't add up with her story. 


D'Andra Simmons Reveals the Reason She Gained 25 Pounds After Her Facelift


I don’t gain weight easily, but if I were to only eat junk food for a month, my face would be covered with acne. I’m so jealous of folks who can eat whatever they want and have clear skin. 

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On 1/9/2020 at 6:01 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

But a hollow apology isn't a real apology ... she was still trying to deflect and make excuses and blame it on everything but herself  ... she lied (everyone in Texas says that), then lied about the lie (well I heard people saying it) then admitted she never even reached out to Kary because of "production" (she sure tried to blame production for a lot of things she did wrong didn't she?)... that's not a real apology ..... that's being CAUGHT in the lie and trying to worm her way out of it without really taking responsibility.. the super cut of her making the same derogatory statement with the vile spit of the word Mexican not once not twice but OVER AND OVER AND OVER was BAD.. this wasn't a slip of the tongue or a that's not who I am this was ingrained into her thoughts deeply  .... And for a woman to be throwing out how scared she was for Dandra being a drunk she sure tried to use the I was drunk so its not my fault excuse and I don't remember  A LOT...

This... ☝️

I'm not going to get into the LeeAnne being a racist debate because a lot has been said with well thought out and communicated posts on both sides, but... what I will say is that I think she is just a really nasty person and this is based on her behavior and actions towards others on all of the seasons, not just this one.  She definitely has narcissistic tendencies and is not someone I would ever want in my life.  Watching her fake cry on the reunion was a joke and do I think her behavior will change... no.  At 52 years old she is who she is and really... she doesn't ever seem to see her behavior as wrong unless she is caught.  On WWHL Stephanie did say that producers have protected LeeAnne over the past seasons, not airing things she has said and done.  This means she is even WORSE than we have seen and a lot of it has been really ugly.  

On 1/9/2020 at 6:32 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

when Leanne was blaming production and whatnot, Andy deadpanning "not true" etc, was EVERYTHING!  Andy, more of that please.   


Why have I not ever realized that Kameron is a bobble head doll, seeming to agree with everyone until she actually speaks up and has an opinion?

D'Andra's screeching gets on my last nerve. That demonstration of how to show off LeeAnne's dress was ridiculous and added insult to the meanness in which the "joke" was delivered. She's insufferable and her podcast stinks too.  

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11 minutes ago, AuntiePam said:

It's uncharitable of me, but as D'Andra was talking about being on HSN and how the business is going well, I wondered if LeeAnne wasn't thinking "Damn, maybe I should have tried to keep that friendship going." 

After what D'Andra did to her I doubt it.  I think she'll hold that grudge as long as they are both on the show.

15 minutes ago, druzy said:

From the article:

"Nobody tells you that you get depressed," she told The Feast at Bravo HQ in NYC. "My husband took me out to California where I had [the facelift] done, and then he had to leave three days later to go to National Geographic. And so I was there, stuck in a beach house for a month by myself, and it got depressing."

First world problems indeed.  "Stuck in a beach house" after a facelift in California.  

Does she have any clue how that sounds???

And no, it doesn't have to be depressing.  She could have made so much of that month.  Taken up painting, or writing, or whatever passion.  She chose to eat donuts, she gained some weight, so pull a Shannon from RHOC and get back on track.  But to make this "depressing, California face lift beach house" excuse is just so much the reason she's disliked by so many.

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