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S07.E07: The Truth Shall Set You Free

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32 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Wow!  Natasha went from zero to full on bitch in one episode. Between her judgments about his spiritual belief and her insistence on having children before he’s ready - Mike better get out of dodge.. Blond hair, blue eyes and a nice figure will not make up for 5he harridan she becomes when she doesn’t get her way.

She really was in full on bitch mode while they were having tea and coffee, wasn't she? I felt bad for her mom because it seemed to me that Natalie told her the baby making was happening right this minute and grandma to be was completely confused. Pretty nasty of Natalie to tell Mike to use Google translate if he wanted to talk to her mother and to say they shouldn't have a child because they can't communicate. They communicated just fine until she wasn't getting her way.

Did we get any back story on why Natalie's marriage ended? It seems to me like she's still hung up on her ex because she refers to him about a lot. He worked out with her, he went to church with her, etc. I wonder if he dumped her for someone else? Or, he refused her demand to make a baby NOW. She doesn't seem to take it very well if someone doesn't do exactly what she wants.

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2 hours ago, liammaam said:

I’m squarely in Anny’s whining ass corner on this one. Roberts definitely does promise big things and then yanks the rug out from under her once she thinks she’s getting what he promised. She’s no peach, but he’s 100 percent a gaslighting jerk. 

I totally agree.

And I'll do you one better......I think he was 200% full of shit when he said he had just signed a lease renewal.  

That tidbit only conveniently came up when he learned that it cost like $1700+ to rent the place per month.  

I think he never had any intention of leaving that tiny apartment which is why he signed the lease way before she got here or he hasn't signed a lease at all.

It is a dick move to take her to that nice a place too.  Its a two bedroom in a nice community on a lake......he knew he could never afford that.  And now it's all "red flags" and "ass money" or whatever.  

I'm not sure if he is doing all this for a storyline but it sucked. 

Edited by RealReality
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2 hours ago, iwasish said:

Her faith? She’s divorced, fucking a guy she’s not married to and who has been honest with her about his lack of conventional religious beliefs and his own belief in aliens and such. Before any discussion if marriage, babies or K1 visas, there should have been several long and detailed talks about such fundamentals as religion if it is such an important part of your own life and that of any children you intend to have together. Instead she puts the cart way before the horse. Maybe she figured she’d bat her big blue eyes and Mike would just fall in line with her plan. Or cry him into submission. Sadly  she picked the wrong guy. 

In fairness to her, I also thought sequim Mike would cave.  I've been very impressed with his resolve.  

Are we sure her ex-husband is still alive or is he on an "extended business trip" a la dateline or cold case files?

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I get more and more annoyed with Anna on every episode. She seems like someone who enjoys being the victim and stirring the pot. I don't like him, either, though...

Oh, Sasha.

I can't believe I was on TeamnAnny tonight. And if you don't want your girl to react in a certain way in certain situations-apt hunting, strip clubs,etc-then quit putting her in them.

Re: Mike/Julie..I gotta take a break from the borads on this show. Snarking and reading snark is only fun if you aren't friends with the person. I am just having trouble dealing with all the "she is a hooker", "she's fake crying", "she's lying"  comments. I totally get where those are coming from, and it dows seem to be the narrative the show is pushing, but when it's about someone you know and you have more information about what is going on, it is hard to keep your mouth shut.(ie, a lot of her clothes, accessories, etc were gifts and smples from previous modeling clients-she didn't blow all her cash on brand name stuff.) There is money in modeling, but you can be a working model and still barely earn a living wage.  If I don't stop now, I will say something I shouldn't and either get them in trouble with their NDA or me in trouble  with a mod.

Still, he IS getting a lot out of this. The show, publicity events, etc is giving him a broader stage for his wine crap, and he wouldn'tbe on it if not for her. She serves a purpose for him, too. She should not be completely cut out of all future profits. She may be using him for money and stability, but he is using her for her youth, looks, and face. He is not an innocent victim and she isn't a conniving diva. There are mutual benefits.

Natalie looks more and more like Glenn Close each episode.

See you guys around the boards and on the next installments!

Edited by mamadrama
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17 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

If that is  Big Ang's mother at78 years old I can only imagine how Big Ang will age.  BTW, that hovel, oy vey! No visa is worth having to live like that voluntarily, all those kids, a step daughter (using that term generously) that hates him and a former kitchen witch, (just google that term, you will understand). 

Big Ang's interior decorator must have been Nicole.

Really? Everyone will be calling Mah-kul, "Pappa?"

Big Ang is already aging horribly, fortunately she still has her dentures.  I pray if Michael has two wits about him he breaks free from her......no one deserves what it is that she has to  offer.  I can barely stand to even look at her.

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Too many doofuses on this show.

Lying Robert.

Gaslighting Winedouche, who neglects to go over the reality of marriage to money.

Crazy Natalie, who I can kind of get on the religious angle, but she would be a huge fool to continue with Mike.  I hope she sticks with that  "I cannot."

Both beekeepers are strange - can't communicate and miles apart on so many things.

Sasha and Emily were the only semi-normal ones on this episode.  I was glad he went to a gym,  I just need him to trim his eyebrows.

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I just saw a part of the episode I must have missed when screaming at Cris Collinsworth to shut up. 

I feel for Juliana when they were in the car and she had realized she had no money or assets of her own. When I was around her age someone gave me a Dave Ramsay book on financial planning and saving and the fact that I was poor, something I already knew, hit me like a ton of bricks. He had suggested giving up things like your morning coffee and I hadn't had coffee for months; I certainly couldn't buy Starbucks. There were days my food came from the 99 cent menu. 

That's what I think she was going through in the car. She had just talked to the mediator who was trying to nail down her assets and debts, and seeing that her modeling career had not resulted in her having any savings or investments probably hurt. It probably helped light a fire in her to get an education or start a business of her own and not be a trophy wife, which is what I think Michael is expecting of her. 

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

Still, he IS getting a lot out of this. The show, publicity events, etc is giving him a broader stage for his wine crap, and he wouldn'tbe on it if not for her. She serves a purpose for him, too. She should not be completely cut out of all future profits. She may be using him for money and stability, but he is using her for her youth, looks, and face. He is not an innocent victim and she isn't a conniving diva. There are mutual benefits.

Yes - I get annoyed when discussions of pre-nups revolve around "his" money, when the money is earned as part of a partnership she would be contributing to indirectly. She (or someone in her position) would also be wise to give thought to what she would need to get on her feet and ensure the pre-nup makes her entitlement to that money clear, so she won't be in a position with being kicked out with nothing. I'm all for pre-nups, they just have to be well thought out and fair. I've always said that time periods in any pre-nup I sign will be measured by the day rather than by years - I don't want my partner to have a day each year where he might wonder whether fighting for our marriage for an additional year is worth $X to him. Any part year would be calculated as a fraction of 365.

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Robert didn't take Anny to that apartment; that was 100% Sharp and something they have done numerous times in the past with other couples since Season One. Larissa was just the most vocal because people were attacking her for being materialistic and demanding.

Robert wouldn't have even called an apartment complex where the rent was $1700 per month. It was for drama sake and to make both of them look bad. If Robert hadn't told her he had renewed his lease for the one bedroom, he is an ass. I just don't really believe it. I think he did intend to get a two bedroom and Sharp jumped on it for filming purposes. He'll probably transfer to another apartment in the same complex.

There is something about this couple that is both annoying to me and somewhat entertaining. I don't think I'd hate to see them on HEA but probably would. I don't think Pao bothered me so much in her first season, either.

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4 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I use DuckDuckGo or Brave as a browser and I don’t get any ads. Give it a try.

Wrt Natalie and Mike, if she can’t convert him to her religion, I think she can find a Russian Orthodox turkey baster Sasha.


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9 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Michael from Seattle .. leave Natalie quick.  She is a nut job and will make your life miserable.  She wants you to change your religion, and sulks when you tell her no?    She is a child in a woman’s body.  That constant giggling.

I don't think she's gotten over her ex.  She refers to him often!

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7 hours ago, iwasish said:

Her faith? She’s divorced, fucking a guy she’s not married to and who has been honest with her about his lack of conventional religious beliefs and his own belief in aliens and such. Before any discussion if marriage, babies or K1 visas, there should have been several long and detailed talks about such fundamentals as religion if it is such an important part of your own life and that of any children you intend to have together. Instead she puts the cart way before the horse. Maybe she figured she’d bat her big blue eyes and Mike would just fall in line with her plan. Or cry him into submission. Sadly  she picked the wrong guy. 

I can't believe a grown woman would expect to change something so fundamental about someone, on the basis of her little tantrum? You might reconsider an invitation to dinner that way, not a fundamental belief/lack of belief. 

Mike seems like a decent guy; he obviously really wants her, but is unwilling to misrepresent things. He needs to leave Ukraine Barbie for a more reasonable woman, before he finds himself applying to the Russian Orthodox priesthood(can they marry?)

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That poor Russian baby. His head is so huge I bet he will never be able to sit up or walk without tipping over. And he seems so placid! He was handed to total strangers and never said a word? Most babies that age would cry. Does he sit up or roll over? Or is he too young?

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6 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

That poor Russian baby. His head is so huge I bet he will never be able to sit up or walk without tipping over. And he seems so placid! He was handed to total strangers and never said a word? Most babies that age would cry. Does he sit up or roll over? Or is he too young?

He was sitting up I thought in some of the scenes? He looks a lot like Sasha, although Sasha's head isn't huge. I hope that's something Daveed will grow out of.

I felt bad for Juliana; knowing Michael left her high and dry at one point explains a lot. Maybe she is playing a role here, but she comes from absolute desperation.

Anny, go back to the DR, Robert is going to disappoint you repeatedly and then act like it's your fault. Run girl.

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Angie -- I can't stand her. That white dress? Seriously? Oh, honey you are so past the white dress, full veil. Ugh. I've not seen the grandma before. She is one rough looking 78 year old. I'm going to sound horrible, but I couldn't watch her. That thing growing on her chin, the toothless mouth. Yikes. Poor woman. I feel like her daughter has just left her to rot in her wheelchair.

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I used to be a lot more conservative in my religious beliefs.  When that was the case, I tried very hard to honor ALL of the tenets of my faith - including its teachings on pre- or extra-marital sexual relations.

Just out of curiosity, I did some googling on the Russian Orthodox stance on that very subject, and here's what I found:

"The Scriptures, writings of the Church Fathers and current theologians are all consistent in their view that sexual relations belong only within marriage. Sexual relations outside of marriage attempt to express a relationship and union which do not exist, a fact that eventually becomes evident in all such relationships. Sexual relations are seen as something good and necessary within marriage as an expression of a union (oneness) and commitment between husband and wife, neither of which exist outside of marriage."

Natalie must have skipped that page.  She wants Mike's sperm, and will break every other belief in her "my faith is everything to me" philosophy to get it.

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I don't know what to believe on the prenush situation, but I did find it interesting that Juliana CLAIMS not to have any money but also wouldn't disclose how much she was making as a model when the mediator asked. The more I see the more I think she's VERY manipulative... anytime she doesn't get what she wants or a conversation she doesn't like starts, she dissolves into "but I don't understand" or "Oh I'm so stupid, I'm dumb, I'm a loser, I'm so sorry." We already saw it with the discussion regarding the car, and it got him to immediately drop the conversation. I'm not saying that he should cut her out, and I'm not sure he intends to, but he's NOT wrong to protect his assets and particularly the assets that should rightfully go to his amazing kids. I have no proof of course but I fully believe she knew what a prenup was and thought she had wowed him into not having one. From what I've read prenups are actually pretty common in Brazil.

Robert and Anny get more ridiculous by the day. A golddigger who can't dig any gold from her loser man and a dude looking for a nanny and sex slave but this one talks back.

Angela- still gross. Wonder how big that house is? Do they all live there? (her mom, Skyla, all 6 grandkids??) Poor Michael. What a mess.

Anna is an idiot. Sasha is an ass. Emily is less naïve than I first believed because she already knows ole boy is looking around for #4.

WHAT do they feed Dah-veed? that kid is HUGE.

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2 things I forgot-

I'm so sad that Natalie is insane. I liked that couple even if I disagree with her pushing for a baby but wow, last night her crazy came flowing out. I don't agree with his alien worship but there's no signs at all that he hid the fact he doesn't believe in God. If that was such a fundamental difference for her she should have called it off long ago. And now she wants to blame a language barrier? um what? Now I do believe he should learn to speak her language too, but we've seen no evidence she can't understand him.

Also, people keep saying for the prenup to be official/upheld, both need their own attorney. Not true. I'm an attorney. Is it a good idea? Yes. Is it necessary? nope. It just has to be fair basically. In this case I can't help but think she's doing a DAMN good job of setting him up to say "but I didn't understand, look at this footage" even though I think she's lying. In this case particularly, I'd spend a couple grand to get her an independent attorney to look over the final prenup, although it is not a requirement in any way in general. (I've seen this statement here and on other sites)

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8 hours ago, iwasish said:

Her faith? She’s divorced, fucking a guy she’s not married to and who has been honest with her about his lack of conventional religious beliefs and his own belief in aliens and such. Before any discussion if marriage, babies or K1 visas, there should have been several long and detailed talks about such fundamentals as religion if it is such an important part of your own life and that of any children you intend to have together. Instead she puts the cart way before the horse. Maybe she figured she’d bat her big blue eyes and Mike would just fall in line with her plan. Or cry him into submission. Sadly  she picked the wrong guy. 

YES !  I agree.  He didn’t even want to go to Ukraine for lack of funds, but she begged him to come anyhow to get pregnant right away.  Then, she orders him to take her religion, which is not her business.  As soon as she doesn’t get her way, she has a hissy fit and sulks in the corner.  I’m wondering if the first husband left her because he couldn’t take her overbearing ways.

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23 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Also, what is wrong with a simple, classic black tux for the guys?  Anna has selected tuxedo's that look like something the Osmonds wore on the Andy Williams Show.

I thought the same thing!!!  Is she trying to channel 1974?

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16 minutes ago, queenbee24 said:

2 things I forgot-

I'm so sad that Natalie is insane. I liked that couple even if I disagree with her pushing for a baby but wow, last night her crazy came flowing out. I don't agree with his alien worship but there's no signs at all that he hid the fact he doesn't believe in God. If that was such a fundamental difference for her she should have called it off long ago. And now she wants to blame a language barrier? um what? Now I do believe he should learn to speak her language too, but we've seen no evidence she can't understand him.

Also, people keep saying for the prenup to be official/upheld, both need their own attorney. Not true. I'm an attorney. Is it a good idea? Yes. Is it necessary? nope. It just has to be fair basically. In this case I can't help but think she's doing a DAMN good job of setting him up to say "but I didn't understand, look at this footage" even though I think she's lying. In this case particularly, I'd spend a couple grand to get her an independent attorney to look over the final prenup, although it is not a requirement in any way in general. (I've seen this statement here and on other sites)

I think it's a requirement in California for a party in Julianna's position to have been advised by an attorney prior to signing a prenup. 

I can only speak to California because each state would have it's own set of rules.  I'm sure that as an attorney, you know that the rules would be state specific. I don't know what the rules are in CT.  

I don't think the attorney requirement in California is designed to ensure some equitable division of assets but more public policy and to try to ensure that the "disadvantaged" party at least has the benefit of fully understanding what they are getting into and what their options are. 

Insofar as a prenup is a contract, a court generally won't stop a person from getting into a crappy contract. Mere peppercorn and all. 

I think it would be odd for a court to try to make a rule that the terms of a prenup have to be fair, because that would lead to such subjectivity and uncertainty. 

It does make sense to me that courts would ensure a fair process with equal access to information.  Thats more objective and can be accomplished by making sure that both parties seek counsel and therefore have the same access to information. 

Edited by RealReality
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I still don’t get what Julianna is all about.  Is she a model, escort or what?  If she worked on those private cruise ships, where’s the money?  Did she support the family?  She bought the car with his credit card for her sister.  WTF?  Is she pretending to know nothing when she knows everything about prenups?  I say yes.  Plus, when he got divorced from the wife, doesn’t the wife retain half of his wine business?  I think they both know everything and are pretending to know nothing.  Both liars.  He wants her for sex, and she wants him for money.  Love my ass.

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1 minute ago, Silver Bells said:

I still don’t get what Julianna is all about.  Is she a model, escort or what?  If she worked on those private cruise ships, where’s the money?  Did she support the family?  She bought the car with his credit card for her sister.  WTF?  Is she pretending to know nothing when she knows everything about prenups?  I say yes.  Plus, when he got divorced from the wife, doesn’t the wife retain half of his wine business?  I think they both know everything and are pretending to know nothing.  Both liars.  He wants her for sex, and she wants him for money.  Love my ass.

Exactly, neither are in love.  I think she knows what a pre-nup is but will have a convenient defense against enforcement.  

If he had a decent attorney that attorney would tell him to make sure she is advised by an independent attorney prior to signing the prenup.  Right now, he has all the leverage and no matter what an attorney told her she would sign the pre-nup.  So, it's really just a formality that protects his ass(ets).  

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I felt really uncomfortable for Mike.  I don't believe the ancient aliens stuff, but I do think his views are pretty similar to mine ftmp.  I believe there's other life out there...and I don't believe there's any omnipotence watching over us.  There is no way I can change that view.  It's fundamental how I see the cosmos.  It doesn't mean I don't have values or that I'm a bad person.  I try and be a good guy of my own accord, not because I'm afraid of some being's judgment.  I really had to chuckle at Natalie's concerns about non-believers being liars and scoundrels.  I'm fairly certain us non-believers don't have that market cornered!  lol.  Perhaps she hasn't been paying attention to current events the past few hundred years.  

I like Juliana.  I think she's a decent and quite "real" girl.  She's very young and a little naive and I think she's had her eyes opened a bit wrt the whole prenup thing.

Angela.  OMG.  Mahkul needs to stay where he is.  Living in her world will be a nightmare.  Luckily it looks as though maybe there is a problem with the visa.  

Robert...dude...I'm pretty sure there's space in your room for a kid-size mattress on the floor at the very least! Come on! 

Sasha is a jerk, but I don't really have a problem with his breakfast issue.  I mean cold cereal?  At least it could be some sort of "healthy" type like raisin bran or something...

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9 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Morsel the dickwit should never have expected Anna to abandon her sons (WTAF??) but come ON Anna! She's the one with the kids and she accepted that her kids were being kept secret. How was that ever going to work? She's not stupid, so what did she imagine was going to happen? 

This week I learned that I DO NOT CARE about Julianna & Michael's storyline when Max & Cece aren't around. 

I want trashcAngela to be hoisted on her own petard. The visa she wants Mykull to get is from one of them shithole countries. Big Ange should have grabbed a guy from Norway. Heh.. as if.

Okay, Natalie is nutty. If she's got so much faith in her invisible sky daddy, she can let him impregnate her instead of AAM (Ancient Aliens Mike).

Oy vey, Mike. Even if he is invested in a goofy theory, it's no goofier than the story SHE insists he believes instead. 

I don't think being from Nigeria is a big obstacle to Mycull.  In 2017, over 13,000 Nigerian nationals received US green cards.  In 2016, only 362 Norwegians received green cards.  

His main obstacle is that nobody in their right mind is going to believe that a reasonably attractive 31 year old man from NIgeria or anywhere, is romantically interested in a 52 year old, obnoxious, hag (who looks 72) like Angela.   

I don't find any obvious signs of Mycull being all that shady.  But, it is totally impossible that he wants to marry Angela for any reason other than a green card or money.  There is nothing attractive or lovable about Angela.  She is utterly repulsive, inside and out.  

39 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

Who leaves a country packed with ponies for a non pony country? It just doesn't make sense.

I hate anyone that ever had a pony when they were growing up.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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I feel sorry for Robert’s other four children and I wonder how often he sees them. If I were their mothers, they damned sure wouldn’t be spending the night at his place. If the one kid is sleeping in the bed with him, I’m sure they would be forced to sleep on the floor like little urchins.

I hate anyone that ever had a pony when they were growing up.

I had a pony!

Edited by charmed1
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10 hours ago, liammaam said:

I’m squarely in Anny’s whining ass corner on this one. Roberts definitely does promise big things and then yanks the rug out from under her once she thinks she’s getting what he promised. She’s no peach, but he’s 100 percent a gaslighting jerk. 

He's horrible.  I don't understand why he took her to look at an apartment he had no intention of renting.  I also don't doubt he promised her a lot of material things if she came here knowing full well he couldn't make good on his promises so when she complains he flips it back on her and calls her greedy. 

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I feel like Natalie could have found a religious American guy to marry and impregnate her immediately.  There are tons of aging religious strict evangelical guys that think American women (even the christian church going ones) are whores and worldly and that foreign women make better mothers and homemakers and want like 7 kids b/c they believe any birth control is evil.  I hope Mike escapes.

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10 hours ago, liammaam said:

I’m squarely in Anny’s whining ass corner on this one. Roberts definitely does promise big things and then yanks the rug out from under her once she thinks she’s getting what he promised. She’s no peach, but he’s 100 percent a gaslighting jerk. 

Right there with you. Robert loves to set her up and pull the rug out from under her, then tell her she's a money grubbing hoor. "What do you love, me or the apartment?". Gaslighting is right. He wants to put Anny in her place and he'll continue to dangle things in front of her only to disappoint her, then call her a crybaby. He sucks. I hope Anny heads back to the DR, but not before she punches him in the nuts. Hard.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I think it's been a very long time since a white wedding dress has been thought of as virginal and pure and a white wedding dress is now just a white wedding dress. God knows when I was married, I should have been wearing a pitch black dress if that was the case. 

I don't think anyone really subscribes to the "white dress=virgin" trope any more, do they?  That said, I do think a flowing, floofy white gown, with huge veil, is more appropriate for a younger woman. There are plenty of lovely options for a more mature woman that are bridal but won't make her look like mutton dressed as lamb.

Natalie is full on CRAY. Mike should run for his life.

Well, now we can see why Juliana bought a car, right? Michael dumped her without a word of warning. When he came back, she clearly decided to make sure she got what she could, in case the gravy train stopped running again.

Emily's sister Becky is the biggest bitch I've ever seen on this clusterfuck, and that's saying something. "Well, I didn't want to cook so I just got cereal". "Why are they going to the gym? Emily hated gym in high school". New flash, bitch sister, sometimes peoples' tastes and interests change once they hit their twenties.

And the whole family sitting around, watching Sasha eat that stupid bowl of cereal, like he was the entertainment! GAWD.

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4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I don't think she's gotten over her ex.  She refers to him often!

No need to get over him, his corpse is probably in her basement. 

9 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Right there with you. Robert loves to set her up and pull the rug out from under her, then tell her she's a money grubbing hoor. "What do you love, me or the apartment?". Gaslighting is right. He wants to put Anny in her place and he'll continue to dangle things in front of her only to disappoint her, then call her a crybaby. He sucks. I hope Anny heads back to the DR, but not before she punches him in the nuts. Hard.

I don't think anyone really subscribes to the "white dress=virgin" trope any more, do they?  That said, I do think a flowing, floofy white gown, with huge veil, is more appropriate for a younger woman. There are plenty of lovely options for a more mature woman that are bridal but won't make her look like mutton dressed as lamb.

Natalie is full on CRAY. Mike should run for his life.

Well, now we can see why Juliana bought a car, right? Michael dumped her without a word of warning. When he came back, she clearly decided to make sure she got what she could, in case the gravy train stopped running again.

Emily's sister Becky is the biggest bitch I've ever seen on this clusterfuck, and that's saying something. "Well, I didn't want to cook so I just got cereal". "Why are they going to the gym? Emily hated gym in high school". New flash, bitch sister, sometimes peoples' tastes and interests change once they hit their twenties.

And the whole family sitting around, watching Sasha eat that stupid bowl of cereal, like he was the entertainment! GAWD.

I didn't realize that adults put spoonfuls of sugar in their cereal.  Cereal is plenty sugary enough unless you're eating grapenuts.  

Why would you put sugar in cereal for another adult?  That was bizarre.  Why even "prepare" the cereal.  Just tell him to put it in a bowl and pour milk over it.  

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8 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I don't think anyone really subscribes to the "white dress=virgin" trope any more, do they?  That said, I do think a flowing, floofy white gown, with huge veil, is more appropriate for a younger woman. There are plenty of lovely options for a more mature woman that are bridal but won't make her look like mutton dressed as lamb.

Natalie is full on CRAY. Mike should run for his life.

I don't care about the dress Angie was in - it was super unflattering and she looked awful in it.  I wore white at my second wedding but no veil or train.  She will buy the dress, can't get a refund then blame Michael  for the loss of money.

Natalie is scary with that mood shift.  Like run for your life, Mike!  He is at least a refreshing change from "Oh your favorite color is blue?  ME TOO!"  He is firm on his beliefs.  I wanted him to say:  "Look, how would you like it if I tried to tell you NOT to believe in God?  Huh?"  Little Miss Devout has no problems with premarital sex so she can shut her piehole.  Now the poor guy has two women badgering him about having a baby.

14 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Right there with you. Robert loves to set her up and pull the rug out from under her, then tell her she's a money grubbing hoor. "What do you love, me or the apartment?". Gaslighting is right.

Not the biggest fan of Anny but Robert is just.....ugh.  I bet he never renewed the lease.  That whole scene was hard to watch as it is obvious that is how communicates and just how unhealthy and toxic it is!  "Bryson, I can't help you with your math homework.  I have to work.  Do you want to eat?  Yes or no?"  Three days later:  "Bryson, you failed your math test!  What are you, stupid?"  

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18 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Recklessly spending up to $100,000 for a fairy tale princess wedding for Juliana is a waste of money and really seems to be poor optics. 

What if Michael takes her to a thrift store for the wedding dress?! lol 😉

8 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Re: Mike/Julie..I gotta take a break from the borads on this show. Snarking and reading snark is only fun if you aren't friends with the person. I am just having trouble dealing with all the "she is a hooker", "she's fake crying", "she's lying"  comments. I totally get where those are coming from, and it dows seem to be the narrative the show is pushing, but when it's about someone you know and you have more information about what is going on, it is hard to keep your mouth shut.(ie, a lot of her clothes, accessories, etc were gifts and smples from previous modeling clients-she didn't blow all her cash on brand name stuff.) There is money in modeling, but you can be a working model and still barely earn a living wage.  If I don't stop now, I will say something I shouldn't and either get them in trouble with their NDA or me in trouble  with a mod.

Still, he IS getting a lot out of this. The show, publicity events, etc is giving him a broader stage for his wine crap, and he wouldn'tbe on it if not for her. She serves a purpose for him, too. She should not be completely cut out of all future profits. She may be using him for money and stability, but he is using her for her youth, looks, and face. He is not an innocent victim and she isn't a conniving diva. There are mutual benefits.

While I 100% agree with you that their relationship is mutually beneficial (he gets a hot trophy wife and she gets a green card and some financial stability) the fact that he has proclaimed "she's not a hooker", "you're a poor Brazilian and when you're with me you're a rich American" and "let's make a limo porn" leads to a) major ribbing on the forums and b) Micheal being portrayed as a major douche bag.  Now we all know alot of it is Sharp Entertainment production driven, but what is and what isn't is left to the unknown.  They went into the show with their eyes open and they can watch previous seasons to see how people are portrayed on the show. 

In the end, is she a hooker? No one can say for sure without some solid proof.  Everything is speculation. Does she deserve equal representation and a Portuguese translator for a prenup?  Regardless of who she is and what she may or maynot have done in the past, yes absolutely she does.  Are they fake tears??? Maybe yes and maybe no.  Could be real or production driven as Sharp could have said, "ok Juliana, you pretend you don't know what a prenup is, and cry alot."  

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2 hours ago, blubld43 said:

He was sitting up I thought in some of the scenes? He looks a lot like Sasha, although Sasha's head isn't huge. I hope that's something Daveed will grow out of.

I felt bad for Juliana; knowing Michael left her high and dry at one point explains a lot. Maybe she is playing a role here, but she comes from absolute desperation.

Anny, go back to the DR, Robert is going to disappoint you repeatedly and then act like it's your fault. Run girl.

Michael dumped her, do you think she wouldn’t dump him just as fast if a better catch had come along? 
I find her Incredibly sneaky and don’t buy a word of her supposed back story. 
I cant stand Michael either. He’s a slimy, greasy, sweaty pig. And his comment in the limo about making some limo porn gave away his whole game. He and Juliana are supposed to be so offended over the questions asked in the K1 application... how dare they!! But she’s not in the US an hour and he’s talking about making some porn. He knew damn well how that remark would come across. She may not have a lot of of money, but I don’t buy for a minute that he has anywhere near what he wants her and us to believe. 

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Natalie legit looks like one of those Lifetime movie psychos: pretty to look at but wants a man to do her every bidding, or she's going to kill him. RUN ALIEN MIKE.

Does it bug anyone else that Anna is constantly saying "the boys" about her sons? She never calls him her children, or even sons. It's just like they are this generic group of boys that live in her neighborhood.

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Micheal (wine guy) is so old looking already at 42. You can see his skin melting off his face. In 10 years he will have a huge turkey neck.

I always watch all the couples, but I had to fast forward through that guy with the 5 baby mammas. I watched the part in the apartment, but really I don't need to hear their stupid phony IGNORANT arguments. In my opinion the worst couple featured on any version of the show in the history of the show. DESPISE.

Edited by calpurnia99
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43 minutes ago, RealReality said:

No need to get over him, his corpse is probably in her basement. 

I didn't realize that adults put spoonfuls of sugar in their cereal.  Cereal is plenty sugary enough unless you're eating grapenuts.  

Why would you put sugar in cereal for another adult?  That was bizarre.  Why even "prepare" the cereal.  Just tell him to put it in a bowl and pour milk over it.  

Did she add sugar to it or was it something like Frosted Mini Wheats?

If Emily lived with him in Russia didn’t she know what he ate for breakfast? She could just have told her sister to have oatmeal and fruit available for breakfast. Ballsy of Sasha to expect her family to watch the baby while he hits the gym. 

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I don't find any obvious signs of Mycull being all that shady.  But, it is totally impossible that he wants to marry Angela for any reason other than a green card or money.

To me, that alone is a GIANT sign of Mykull being shady. What could possibly be shadier than pretending to be in love with someone who you have no intention of staying with after you use them to accomplish an end that has nothing to do with being in love or being married? He has also been shady in his relationship with Angela. He's lied to her repeatedly. There is no honesty in their relationship. They may both be playing each other, but it's Angela who's going to end up paying in the end. That is, if Michael ever makes it onto American soil. It looks questionable based on the previews for next week.

Edited by FrancescaFiore
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On 12/15/2019 at 9:23 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Also, what is wrong with a simple, classic black tux for the guys?  Anna has selected tuxedo's that look like something the Osmonds wore on the Andy Williams Show.

Blue is what's in style now.

19 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Recklessly spending up to $100,000 for a fairy tale princess wedding for Juliana is a waste of money and really seems to be poor optics. 

And I'd personally prefer a no-cost wedding and a $100K stake in the business/house/portfolio.

19 hours ago, RealReality said:

It's part of the reason I won't be surprised if she gets pregnant quickly.  He, for sure doesn't want her out there is Greenwich in her right jeans and little dresses and perfect hair and makeup. 

I'm hoping she doesn't. I want her to blow up on the int'l modeling circuit and leave him fast.

13 hours ago, renatae said:

I'm really hating Mike right now. I haven't seen it all yet, but what I've seen of the prenup talks, it looks like he will not be abandoning his vast excess of power. I think Juliana is a naïf and she stands to get rolled over if he tires of her.

That little fake smile he flashed when he mansplained what a prenup is made me seriously despise him!

10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Did we really spend all of their scenes in a two hour episode on the definition of a prenush pernum perineum prenup?

You forgot "pre-nut."

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10 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Wrt Natalie and Mike, if she can’t convert him to her religion, I think she can find a Russian Orthodox turkey baster.

Sasha could have walked past her on the street and BOOM, giant baby ordered.

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2 hours ago, queenbee24 said:

2 things I forgot-

I'm so sad that Natalie is insane. I liked that couple even if I disagree with her pushing for a baby but wow, last night her crazy came flowing out. I don't agree with his alien worship but there's no signs at all that he hid the fact he doesn't believe in God. If that was such a fundamental difference for her she should have called it off long ago. And now she wants to blame a language barrier? um what? Now I do believe he should learn to speak her language too, but we've seen no evidence she can't understand him.

Also, people keep saying for the prenup to be official/upheld, both need their own attorney. Not true. I'm an attorney. Is it a good idea? Yes. Is it necessary? nope. It just has to be fair basically. In this case I can't help but think she's doing a DAMN good job of setting him up to say "but I didn't understand, look at this footage" even though I think she's lying. In this case particularly, I'd spend a couple grand to get her an independent attorney to look over the final prenup, although it is not a requirement in any way in general. (I've seen this statement here and on other sites)

At no time did Michael or his ex wife use the word "finances" they kept saying "interests." This girl is savvy enough to get to the US, she knows she will have to do everything Michael wants her to do or she has nothing.  He knows it, he has all the power. Julianna is just now saying she has nothing and should have done something to make herself independant...sadly she will not be able to work for a while so being independant will not be immediate and she will have to depend on the old sweaty guy.

Show of hand of those of you that do not feel sorry for her.

What kind of monetary payout could she have that would make sense?  She would be better off getting a lawyer if they get divorced...does she even know that is an option?

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10 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

To me, that alone is a GIANT sign of Mykull being shady. What could possibly be shadier than pretending to be in love with someone who you have no intention of staying with after you use them to accomplish an end that has nothing to do with being in love or being married? He has also been shady in his relationship with Angela. He's lied to her repeatedly. There is no honesty in their relationship. They may both be playing each other, but it's Angela who's going to end up paying in the end. That is, if Michael ever makes it onto American soil. It looks questionable based on the previews for next week.

I wonder if Angela’s situation could prevent the visa.  Too many people to support, her criminal/arrest record, the family pedophile, etc.

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16 minutes ago, gotta watch said:

Does it bug anyone else that Anna is constantly saying "the boys" about her sons? She never calls him her children, or even sons. It's just like they are this generic group of boys that live in her neighborhood.

 (raising hand) Me! I don't know why but the doleful way she always says "the boys" makes my hair stand on end. "My kids" "my sons"? change it up a little!

She's just so terrible in every way though. What does she see in that lump of bee keeping play dough? He's so dull. And she is so spineless and weak willed.

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And the whole family sitting around, watching Sasha eat that stupid bowl of cereal, like he was the entertainment! GAWD.


Why is it always a big deal to have a variety of foods available for the imported person? Or even ask what do you like for breakfast? How hard is it to have a few veggies and eggs in the house?  Surely that girl would have communicated with her sister about the arrangements and food, activities, etc...

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