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S11.E16: More than a Feelin'

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3 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Now that Ramona put it in perspective, (I know, Ramona!!!), I'm really insulted.  I worked for over 40 years and never once did anyone come watch me work.

Wait until they have to constantly go to Dorinda's Medley of 80's Aerobic Classics*.

They'll have rock hard buns and abs at least.

But having to wear 80's clothes?  Once or twice maybe.....

workout omg GIF by Hardly Art

*Apparently it's going to be a real thing.  Countrywide tour!

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

Hey, Luann I don't think you respect your sobriety either, but that's another story.

But Luann is no more self absorbed than anybody else on this show.

That's basically my feeling, too, though no doubt that Luann can be very self-absorbed. But the idea that Bethenny, while freaking out and having a panic attack in the middle of a restaurant, is trying to get Lu to admit she's so self-absorbed was ironically ludicrous. 

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34 minutes ago, rhys said:

Luann & her stupid non apologies. Gah! "I'm sorry if" aren't apologies you dumb fool. No one called her out on that -- amaze balls.

I think her crying was fake, but I kind of can't blame her, because at that point for Luann it was very much like, no matter what I say to these women, they're going to scream at me, and I don't want to go out and drink.  Solution: Fake cry and weird apologies.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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This show is outta control! Fake meltdowns. Fake singing. Fake cabaret. Fake aerobics.

You need exercise group class certification to teach aerobics. 

Dorinda was into the 3rd song and already screaming.....I am taking this on the road!!! 

The only real one was Tinsley.  Bless Bambi.  That was her baby.

And, Ramona is real, too. It is clear that she is embarrassed to be around Sonja during ‘non-show’ events.

Sonja is a freeloader and then does stupid stuff like steal shrimp or take her clothes off. Her rambling is really annoying this season, too.

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6 minutes ago, queenjen said:

Tinsley did NOT tie up emergency services trying to revive her dead dog. I did NOT just hear that? !! 

And Ramona's Surprise party for Sonja and Dorinda? I just thought 'why do they need a surprise? '. Then I realised that the cast have mutined against LuAnn who no doubt thought that her Kristmas Kabaret with the Kountess was an obvious dead lock for the finale cast event for the season. So LuAnn has just discovered that she won't be again receiving a big Bravo promotion for her Cabaret because the group nixed it. I BET she promised all her sound people and recording studio and song writers (!) that there'd be huge media via the show. She can't break the 4th Wall and the rest of the 'group text ' conspirators sent Ramona because she's the most oblivious messenger, but Lu was PISSED. Good on them though. It's a power move. If Lu is truly 'receiving ' their messages about her self absorption, she should 'get' that this is what not always being first in line for massages and hair actually feels like. 

And poor lonely Barbara is the only sap that turns up and she's sat somewhere in the back of the venue. This is how Lu rewards her loyalty?  Babs attendance is probably the ONLY reason ANY of Lu's show got any airtime. Lu is not learning a thing. Her narcissism and tone deafness is terminal at this stage. 

Bethenny. ...your chest in the aerobics gear. .what IS going on with her implants? 

This makes sense!  How many freakin Cabaret episodes do we need??

I think Dorinda is dressed like an 80s mallrat.  Not an aerobics babe.

 Those women looked more like Lu’s outfit.  

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9 minutes ago, Lemons said:

Fuck people who trivialize the death of a dog.  My dog is 19 and has grown up with our family, I can emphasize with tinsley .  Sonya’s comment about how she wasn’t even that upset and she had a funeral.  That “funeral” was all about Sonya putting on a show and had nothing to do with her dog.  The look on her face while she just dumped his ashes said it all. 

I could empathize more with Tinsley if it all didn't seem like bad performance theater on her part. I mean, I have no doubt that she was heartbroken and I believe Bambi is biting ankles in the Great Beyond but she allowed all of this to be filmed while discussing how she called 911 (for a fucking dog?! Sorry that your grandpa died, Little Timmy, we were too busy responding to a dead chihuahua) and how they're freezing and defrosting Bambi for her sister to cuddle him and then the tears are gone the second Scott and his shoe delivery comes up in the conversation? I dunno. I was kinda with Sonja and Ramona, making the hilarious facial expressions but then I totally cracked up (inappropriately! I know it was inappropriate but I'm already going to Hell so in for a penny...) when Tinsley was describing how she picked up Bambi and how his head fell to the side... and Tinsley started to do the same head tilt. I was half waiting for her to cross her eyes and stick out her tongue while she did it - see, this line is the part that makes me a horrible person.

Again, it's horrible losing a pet, I've been there, buuut maybe you want to usher the cameras out during the worst of it? I thought that scene was every bit as genuine as Lu's "Did you tell me that 'don't lose your mind' line? Oh, I must have made it up! Right off the top of my head! Ho ho! I'm so wonderful!" recording scene. And I like Tinsley! She's been my favourite through the back-end of this season.  

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Bethenny's chest...oof. The last time I saw a bird that scrawny on Bravo a cheftestant was cooking it for a challenge on Top Chef. The last time I saw a chest look that bad, Desperate Housewives had to spend a boatload when they realized Teri Hatcher's chest looked like Disney dancing skeletons and needed to be CGI'd for an episode that was like a week away from airing.

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5 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Do you think the hotel charged them for the spray tan shit all over Barbara's room? That was bad. I don't think Ramona would even do something like that.

There used to be another series on TV that featured homes used in TV, movie, and print/commercials. The contracts stated the home used would be restored to orig condition after, so my guess is the production company repaired/replaced any damage done followed by a professional cleaning on their dime.

Edited by sheetmoss
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7 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I'm still trying to get the image of Beth in that aerobics outfit out of my head.  Between that bone thin body and those bolt ons.....

Doris was fun as the instructor and the class looked like fun.

Barb is a total slob and entitled 'guest'.  Go spray that stuff on in the shower.  Well, don't spray it on at all.  The condition she left that room in was disgusting because it was totally avoidable.

Ro really does miss Mario and he was her true love.  All these dates she goes on is her proving to herself she's still got it even though Mario cheated.  It's kind of sad. 

This! And I don't even like Ramona.

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Dorinda might be on to something with Tins and her wardrobe seeing how Scott, the ex boyfriend has sent her a $730 pair of Gucci tennis shoes (ugly, right) because her dog died.  Tins calling 911 for a dog who is terminal?

Barbara's tanner all over the bed and chair, yikes.  Makes me wonder what her house looks like, splotchy patches of tanner marking her territory.

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4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Bethenny's chest...oof. The last time I saw a bird that scrawny on Bravo a cheftestant was cooking it for a challenge on Top Chef. The last time I saw a chest look that bad, Desperate Housewives had to spend a boatload when they realized Teri Hatcher's chest looked like Disney dancing skeletons and needed to be CGI'd for an episode that was like a week away from airing.

I litterally just said the word "oof,"  I am up early watching this episode and something does not look right, strange lump in her cleavage tool. I had no idea that there a CGI boobage moment on Teri Hatcher!  

6 hours ago, ichbin said:

When the next award season rolls around I hope that the guy with the glasses in the recording studio listening to Luann with a large smile and look of supreme pleasure will not be overlooked.  If anyone is deserving of a best actor award it's him.

No one is smelling a Grammy.

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48 minutes ago, Irritable said:

It frustrates me that the point was continually lost in the hurricanes of yelling and LuAnn flouncing away.  No one is ripping you a new asshole for going swimming.  It is not self absorbed asshole behavior to go swimming.  Coming home after swimming and admiring yourself on a poster you have no doubt already looked at a thousand times before, and then complaining about being last to get a massage IS THE ASSHOLE BEHAVIOR.  Complaining that you didn’t get a blow out because the hair dresser didn’t have time to get to her because she was late IS THE ASSHOLE BEHAVIOR.  So is:

Demanding the best room at Dorinda’s and throwing a fit when you find out Bethenny asked for it first.

Complaining that Bethenny had to leave before her Halloween performance because she went on late, and then saying she wished Bethenny had been there to see her succeed, when Bethenny WAS THERE. 

Acting like the other women being there didn’t even count because Bethenny left.

Saying Bethenny shouldn’t have gone home to relieve the babysitter, because all Bryn was doing was sleeping.

saying, well I’m going to go swim/to a meeting/need some sugar for my coffee while a friend is breaking down in front of her, but she demands constant “what have you done for me lately?” support from them.

Treats AA meetings as another performance and thinks she is there to entertain the group, which makes them happy.  The other stories of pain and enormous REAL loss just roll off of her because she’s not listening when it’s not her turn. She’s the kind of person who is just waiting for other people to stop talking so she can hear the sound of her own voice again.

Defends ignoring what other friends were going through in their lives because she was in a bad place, but can’t be bothered to ask about them when she’s in a better place because she’s a stah, dahling.

LuAnn is completely time deaf when it comes to her “music” and feeling out a room. Bethenny’s realization that she did so much to help LuAnn when she was legit off the rails and a danger to herself, and then to have Lu act like she deserves a spa day every day because being sober is hard, when the person she relied on so much emotionally needed the same help but didn’t get it, and died.  

If LuAnn had not behaved in such an entitled way and complained that the luxuries being handed to her  weren’t luxurious enough, or big enough, or she wasn’t always first in line and getting first pick of everything, Bethenny would not have snapped.

If she still says at the reunion that they were mean to her and attacking her for being self absorbed just because she went swimming, I’m going to pop a blood vessel.

When have we ever seen LuAnn be charitable, truly charitable, or go out of her way to help s friend in need?  I can’t think of a time in ten years.  All the other women can set themselves aside when they are needed, but LuAnn is just a taker, and it’s hard to be friends with someone who operates that way every single day.

There are many narcissists throughout all the RH franchises, but LuAnn is a malignant, toxic narcissist. That’s the difference, and why she IS worse than the others.  She hasn’t even tried to learn how to pretend to feign interest and empathy.  The only times she’s engaged in a conversation about someone else is when it’s ugly gossip.

Have you seen her tweets tonight? She legitimately doesn't get it.

The responses are really interesting because even the tweets that agree Bethenny was out of line still criticize Luann for being an ungrateful self-absorbed shit this season. Luann had 3 or 4 tweets during the episode. They were critical of Bethenny. The majority of the responses have called Luann out.  

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1 hour ago, Irritable said:

When have we ever seen LuAnn be charitable, truly charitable, or go out of her way to help s friend in need?  I can’t think of a time in ten years.  All the other women can set themselves aside when they are needed, but LuAnn is just a taker, and it’s hard to be friends with someone who operates that way every single day.

There are many narcissists throughout all the RH franchises, but LuAnn is a malignant, toxic narcissist. That’s the difference, and why she IS worse than the others.  She hasn’t even tried to learn how to pretend to feign interest and empathy.  The only times she’s engaged in a conversation about someone else is when it’s ugly gossip.

I agree 100% with your whole post and, yes, Except when she HAD to do community service -I don't know how it's called... when she was serving soup- I can't remember any neither !!!!

Aditionnally, all her TH were invalidating what she told the orther women when she came back ! Yes, she came back because of her obligations regarding of her sobriety, but all the rest was what she knew she was supposed to say, but no way she was feeling it... And, in my books, it's not being a narcissist, but a sociopath 😩

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6 hours ago, izabella said:

Barbara and Sonja wanted to go, or at least felt they should.  Barbara pushed back on Ramona and told her she would not be going to her party but would go see Lu.  Sonja suggested doing both once she understood it was the same time as Lu's show.  Then Bethy said they should do both, and they changed plans. 

I am 100% sure none of them wanted to see Lu in another cabaret.  But I think Ramona decided all on her own to plan her party the same day as Lu's and blamed it on everyone.

Imagine if the situation were reversed with Luann planning a separate party for the ladies opposite one of Ramona's skin care launch parties, or god forbid, a skinnygirl event?  There seems to be a general consensus that the Housewives show up & support each others endeavors.  Not cool, Ramona.

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I thought this episode was boring.  All the ladies leaving separately from Miami.....minus any shot of Barbara.

The 80’s thing was dumb.  Dorinda ain’t no Richard Simmons.

Tinsley calling 911 for her dog was just wrong.  The poor dog had cancer.  I had to take my girl to the vet and sit with her while she left me.  Tinsley doesn’t live in the real world.

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32 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Tinsley calling 911 for her dog was just wrong.  The poor dog had cancer.  I had to take my girl to the vet and sit with her while she left me.  Tinsley doesn’t live in the real world.

If first responders were called for a non responsive dog with terminal cancer and then a call came in for a non responsive 65 year old human I would hope that there would be some one making the call on which emergency to attend to.  Tins might have said my 12 year old is non responsive but did not mention it was a dog, I really hope not.

I lost my cat (see profile pic) in December, my first pet ever, it was unbelievably sad and I went a little nuts, I hired an artist to do an oil painting, that's normal right?  I never asked the vet to try to revive him, he was terminal, it would have been cruel for Tins to do that only to have that dog suffer longer.  

Dance aerobics was fun in the 80's, I'd do it today.  

Lu will never change, none of them will, they are who they are and need to just accept that some people are not the go to person when things get rough.  

Ramona has a new skin care line, what happened to that TrU ReNeWAL line she came up with seasons ago?  Also, it seems to me that Ro has to feel like she is always the object of someones affection, even if that person lied to and cheated on her, in her mind Mario is still lusting after her.

Have we gotten a good look of Dorinda's new apartment?  I would like to see it, the closets, kitchen, bathroom, you know all the rooms we would love to have endless amonts of money to redo in our houses. I did reno my master bath, I spent more than I planned and I really love it but it would probably not hold a candle to a NYC UES bathroom.   

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Lu should've just been straight with Dorinda about the difference between Miami and Cartagena.

Beth was having a breakdown, even if caused by an accelerated case of narcissism, a breakdown nonetheless and Dorinda was just being a dick.

I could much more forgive someone for what they said in the midst of emotionally vomiting all over the place even if it was meaner than someone being a drunken douche canoe.

It would have the bonus of putting Dorinda in the place of if she disagreed she would be invalidating Beth's pain.  

At the very least that would be fun to watch, come on Lu, this isn't your first day!

Edited by bosawks
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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

“... that I have been self-absorbed. I really have. And I own it. So, anyway, I don’t know who’s coming, but I told Evan, who’s my guy who does my marketing, about, you know, you girls coming to my Christmas show...”

I think this is a very important piece to why Lu Anne is so determined to have the women at her show.  It brings cameras, publicity and it sells tickets.  How long can this go on?  I could be wrong, but I don't see enough of a show or enough talent other than Lu Anne looking pretty in nice clothes to sustain a live show for very long. Without the support of everyone maybe the show would close.  Honestly it's a horrible position for Lu Anne because she claims they are out to destroy her and yet at the same time she needs everyone to survive and realize her dream.  That would make anyone need a drink!  I just don't see a happy ending here  and I am an eternal optimist. 

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