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S09.E19: Thirst Impressions

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3 hours ago, esco1822 said:

Kyle looks like a Pomeranian I’m her TH’s with that blue top on. Not a good look for her.

Her hair and makeup were just so huge lol seems like they’re all going over the top in TH’s

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I just knew the fun camaraderie they had at the vineyard couldn’t last.

It amazes me they could drink like that during the day then start back up in the evening.

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5 hours ago, nexxie said:

Good grief, it’s perfectly normal to have empathy about someone losing her home and also to hold her accountable for two-faced behavior.

(Just as it’s perfectly normal to have empathy about someone losing her brother and also to hold her accountable for manipulative behavior.)

Good 👉🏻 point!

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A poster above mentioned that Erika is learning what it's like to be the target of a Kyle Richards (Kyle 'Bitchards' was a nickname I bet she earned ) mean girl attack. Kyle drunk and doing her 1 trick pony 'signature ' splits?  Retire the act, Kyle. At one stage, she had her mike pack doing a Sonja Morgan Snatch Guard circa seasons ago in Atlantic City. But mostly, when Kyle gets shitfaced like this, the big hair 80s inner mean girl is so much more visible. Teddi and Kyle were still wasted from lunch at dinner. Kyle drunkenly speaking over Erika and babbling rubbish (as rubbishy as Teddi's 'i just want things to be greeeat. Wawawa' later) had us on the verge of an EJ meltdown. Also, I thought it was very telling that Erika even let Kyle in to talk the same crap to her AND when Kyle contradicted Erika by insisting that they DID have a problem? To me that sounded like Kyle making a top dog move with LVP out of the way. Kind of 'no, Erika. If I say it's a SL? It's a SL'. If it had been anyone other than Kyle that overtalked EJ, there'd have been an EJ meltdown. I hope to all that's holy that one day EJ pulls that stunt with someone who isn't having it and who snaps back harder and tells her to take a row of seats. What's EJ going to do then? Hit her with her handbag? 

And Rinna. Everytime she asked 'WHY are we still talking about this? !' in her THs, it was because Rinna herself had brought up or extended the duration of the topic. As someone else said, Rinna wants to be EJ's only friend and ally. I loved how uncomfortable the car ride back was for Rinna, after she'd bagged the solo ride with EJ, she finds herself drunk with sourpuss not wanting to talk to her at all. So Rinna crawls into the back seat with her phone. This is one relationship which means way more to 1 person than the other. Rinna scampering after EJ like a bug eyed Mexican Crested makes me cringe. 

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I hope this isn’t too OT...

Regarding migraines, I suffer from them on occasion. It is definitely confusing how different they can apparently be. I don’t get them often anymore, but when I do, I can’t work or even sit up. I am in so much pain. I try to close my eyes and sleep just because of the pain. I am sensitive to noise and light. I also feel like I could throw up. So I get confused myself when people say they have a migraine but seem to be functioning decently. However I’ve known people who are like Erika. I don’t want to judge, because I am not an expert. I’ve known some people who say they start seeing colors, and I do not experience that. Some people experience migraines due to fragrance, I haven’t had that happen. I’ve also experienced my father not believing me about how painful my headaches are. He doesn’t think they’re migraine headaches and doesn’t understand how I haven’t caught a virus or anything but still hurt so bad. To him migraines are some mysterious, bizarre, terrible thing he hasn’t experienced so he can’t fathom that his daughter has them. They are terrible, but they are not uncommon. A lot of folks who are fortunate to have never had anything more than a mild headache will never understand how hard life can be when you get migraines. They are no joke and not always something you can just tough out. 

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3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

No Erika this group of women will not be your friends because they are all out for themselves. And there up is jealousy, listen to Dorito bitch about Kyle and Teddy being close friends, so what. That sounded like jealousy to me. 

And don’t blame LVP for being the dark cloud. Everyone has been the dark cloud of the group at one time or another, even Erika. 

These people aren’t real friends anyway, more like coworkers, then again some people would be better off working solo.

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1 hour ago, princelina said:

I think Erika's sour puss was not just the migraine, but then the fact that she was the only one not drunk at lunch.  And Teddi's "moral compass of the group" is that she was made uncomfortable by Erika's grouchiness at breakfast?  I don't think she understands what that means 😄 

I think this is definitely part of it.  I don't drink and I recognized the expression on her face. I hate to be judgmental (although do I really hate it? Probably not) but being around drunk people is annoying as hell to me. No one is as witty or clever or profound as they think they are when drunk.  See Teddi and Kyle at the end of the evening when they clearly thought they were being real but could barely hold their heads up. Other drunk people might not see it but don't come for sober people.  And Erika was definitely sober when Teddi and Kyle pulled their ish. 

3 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Regarding migraines, I suffer from them on occasion. It is definitely confusing how different they can apparently be. I don’t get them often anymore, but when I do, I can’t work or even sit up. I am in so much pain. I try to close my eyes and sleep just because of the pain. I am sensitive to noise and light. I also feel like I could throw up. So I get confused myself when people say they have a migraine but seem to be functioning decently. 

My boss gets migraines.  Meds are the difference for her between being like Erika (just not as dour) or being at home, locked in a dark room trying not to throw up.  If she takes her meds when she feels a migraine coming on, she still doesn't feel great--she's still loopy and a bit out of it, but she's otherwise functional.  The wine tasting, without drinking, would have been manageable.

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1 hour ago, filmfan2480 said:


Kyle is one of my faves, but she's really going down in my estimation as the season goes on (her and Teddi irk me, her attitude towards Camile irks me, her stance against LVP irks me).

Erika can irk me to no end too, but I actually understand her lately, and particularly on this episode.

I get migraines, so I know how debilitating they can be.  These women are always complaining of some malady and it SIDELINES them.

So how can they not see that Erika - who isn't some great gregarious person anyway - was suffering from a migraine, yet STILL joined them on the wine tasting excursion (there's no way in Hell I'd go)?

I think was really BIG of her.

And what does Kyle & Teddi do?  They crap on Erika ... AGAIN ... everything from re-hashing the Rinna-playing-Erika-at-Farahween non-debacle to the now "we don't think you like us" bit.  Come onnnnnnnn.

I know they were drunk of their butts but ... seriously???????

I can't BELIEVE I'm saying this, but I actually side with Erika, Rinna and Dorit this episode (something I NEVER thought I'd ever hear myself say) in saying that yes ... Kyle & Teddi were being bullies.  

Erika has made certain efforts to be more of a girl's girl.  She'll never reach the levels of the other women.  But she is, in no way, as closed-off as she once was.  

And yes, it seems like since LVP and Camille were not there, it was time to rag on anyone else.  That was you, Erika.  

Not nice, girls.

100% agree. I go back and forth with my feelings about Erika, I usually like Kyle and Rinna, I almost always STRONGLY dislike Dorit, and I’m asi asi about Teddi.

But, I get migraines too (although, thankfully, it’s been a few months), and I have to give Erika a pass for any “sour” mood while having one. In my opinion, she was a champ for going to the wine tasting while feeling shitty and then had to put up with Kyle and Teddi criticizing her and accusing her of lying (when it obviously was just a difference of opinion) on top of all of that. 

I get that some people think she was lying about the migraine because she went to the winery, but this is her job! I went to a funeral for my friend’s husband’s father in the middle of having probably one of the worst migraines of my life (while taking like four Relpax throughout the day), because sometimes, you just have to suffer through it until you can lie down again in a cold dark room. 

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11 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Kyle, shhhh- - Not Kyle... What is your name? Teddi.

First time I liked Dorit. 

LOL that was funny there was another genuinely funny moment with Dorit but can't recall at the moment.......such a pleasure for a change

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Oh hell! What has The Morally Corrupt Faye Renick done to her face! !! WAS that Faye who Kyle was talking about Camille with in the previews? Faye had a very particular look. She had panther eyes (Dinner Party From Hell) now her eyes look like 2 pissholes in the snow. Whatever she's done, she looks smoother but aged. 

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4 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

she’s lying because she doesn’t feel the way you want her to? This is the base of your argument?? GOOD GOD teddy and Kyle drop the fucking thing ....you harp the topic to death then get upset when she gets upset at you not letting it go. This is all in Kyle and teddies head alone seriously 

They were so shit faced they could barely stand, how could they know what they were on about.

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Teddi is the most unattractive housewife ever imo. Physically, mentally, emotionally...just everything about her is so ugly and exhausting. I could not have a friend that high maintenance. She always has to have SOME kind of issue with someone, at all times. And she will not let it go. She has this hang-up with morality, which is ironic, coming from her, after what she did this season.

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I couldn't believe Erika actually said she trusted everyone at the Chateau, no one was jealous of anyone else, and they were all in kumbaya land. Erika, whatever else her character faults, has never been so blatantly insincere.

It didn't take too long for her to do a complete about face when Kyle and Teddi were insistently trying to get her to join them in their opinion about Rinna's impersonation of her. "You're trying to get me out!" She knows that is the true group dynamic. With LVP ousted, she definitely realizes she could be the next target and they would be singing "Another One Bites the Dust."

Edited by renatae
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6 hours ago, endure said:

LOL that was funny there was another genuinely funny moment with Dorit but can't recall at the moment.......such a pleasure for a change.

I laughed out loud when she stuck her finger in her mouth when a couple of the others, probably Kyle and Teddi, were carrying on maudlinly. So genuinely funny!

6 hours ago, endure said:
Edited by renatae
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1 hour ago, renatae said:

I laughed out loud when she stuck her finger in her mouth when a couple of the others, probably Kyle and Teddi, were carrying on lugubriously. So genuinely funny!

Thanks that was it 😂 

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I think that's a little unfair. Migraines come in all shapes and sizes. If you talk to five different migraine sufferers, you'll get five completely different descriptions of pain level, side effects, medication choices, and what they still can or can't do. Hell, my migraines aren't all the same: some I can pop a couple of Advil, grit my teeth and get through my normal day with bonus sunglasses action, while others have me crying in a cold, dark room. 

There's a weird amount of... gate-keeping isn't the right term but I'm in the middle of a migraine so my brain isn't braining right so it'll have to do... around migraines, like we're in competition for who feels the One True Pain that no one else can understand. 

Maybe Erika didn't have a migraine and was using one as an excuse or maybe she really had one. I don't think we, as viewers, can tell by watching a highly edited show but I don't think it's fair to immediately dismiss her as faking it. 

Also, we have to remember that this is their job.  They are under contract and there are certain expectations, and they are away in France, so there is even more expectation that they film.  I have canceled on social obligations for migraines while going in to work, and it wasn't because the pain wasn't awful, it was because the standard for showing up was different than a social obligation.

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8 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

They really should have left Erika alone. She only got annoyed when they were like a dog with a bone. And the last thing anyone who's in a bit of a mood and/or has a migraine needs is someone further annoying them. I really think she would have been fine if they didn't keep insisting she was lying about not being offended by Rinna and that she didn't enjoy their company. I think if she had been left alone instead of mocked, interrupted when trying to speak, and repeatedly told there's a problem, she would have gotten over her annoyance a lot more quickly.

When someone isn't feeling well or is grouchy for whatever reason, the last thing they need is someone poking the bear. 

I do think some of the imitations were quite funny, but it really wasn't the right time to be making fun of Erika imo. I've experienced people imitating me and genuinely finding it quite funny, but it can also be annoying depending on your relationship with the person doing it and exactly how it's done. 

Erika always has an excuse to be a cold bitch. I cannot stand her. She is so fucking fake.

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Against my better judgment, I watched this episode.  

It seems to me that they’re trying real hard to leave us with a new conflict to try to make us all forget about the never ending puppy gate and really to forget about LVP.

I’d have been curious to see how LVP would’ve reacted to Kyle and Teddy last night.  They were drunk assholes.  Of course, if LVP had been there, Erika would be left alone.

What exactly did LVP do to Erika?   I’ve never been quite clear on this one.   

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5 hours ago, SallySarue said:

How does it feel Erika? Kyle's doing the exact same thing to you that she did to LVP...making something out of nothing, and won't let it go, despite how much you beg and plead, and tell her your true feelings and intentions. And you went along with the LVP takedown bandwagon, even though it didn't even concern you at all...BULLY!!   What goes around comes around!

And I'm not even in LVP fan. But I do have eyeballs and a brain, and can see what this manipulative, insecure bitch Kyle is doing. She finally succeeded in getting LVP out, so now she has to turn on the next person in line who she sees as a threat. And she buddies up with Teddi, because she knows Teddi is no competition, which makes her feel superior to her, and she doesn't feel threatened by her.

How does Mauricio sleep with this disgusting transparent witch? 

This!!!! A thousand times this!

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I'm hard pressed to take anything that Teddi said about feeling like she's the moral conscience of the group seriously because she was so drunk. 

That being said, it seems like she puts a lot of pressure on herself to make things perfect and it was interesting to hear Kyle talk about feeling the same pressure. They were both pretty drunk when they said it but I think that is probably the truth. Both would benefit by recognizing that other people are going to do what they are going to do and there is no sense in trying to control it.

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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Rinna - re-writing the script to accommodate herself.  Nothing new there.  She always has to make herself look blameless.

But, to be honest, Kyle is the worst at expressing her feelings about things to the other ladies.  She always tries to be so careful about her words so as not to have her opinion or feelings offend anyone, she winds up not being able to express her thoughts exactly the way she should.  She kind of dances around the actual topic and hopes that it will somehow get to the point she is trying to make.  Unfortunately, we wind up with mixed messages, confusion and misunderstandings.  And, having Teddi as her wingman does Kyle no favors whatsoever.  I remember in the past, when Kyle would try to make a point, at least LVP was able to explain what Kyle was feeling and trying to say.  Teddi, with her accountability bullshit and now, being the "moral compass" for the group, tries to insert her own opinion about what is going on, and Kyle's viewpoint gets lost.

Both Kyle and Teddi take too much responsibility for making things okay - it’s good that they’ve bonded over how they were raised. They can learn together.

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10 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I have not seen that kind of behavior since Senior Week, down the shore; complete with mood swings. How old are these women?

JERSEY, where we skip the "at"! But I am going on record as saying you may have seen some of that stuff last weekend, had you been with my friends and me on a girls' weekend at Seaside, haha! We were in a private home though!

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I didn’t like how they were making fun of LVP at the wine tasting. Pure bullies. 

And whomever is setting those tables at the chateau needs to not be doing it. So boring. I would expect so much more “pagentry” to a chateau table setting. 

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Good lord these ladies are exhausting. I did, however, crack up at them constantly trying to convince themselves (and us) how hilarious they are with all those “WE ARE SO FUN!” and “DO WE KNOW HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME OR WHAT?!” proclamations. Whatever helps you sleep at night, gals. 

 Dorit—of all people—was the least unlikeable person of the episode. And I can’t stand Dorit, so that’s saying something. 

I didn’t watch WWHL but thought Rinna looked good from the promo they showed before BH ended. Her hair looks MUCH better longer. I realize she was probably wearing a wig or extensions, but she really should consider changing up that “iconic” hairdo. 

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6 hours ago, queenjen said:

Oh hell! What has The Morally Corrupt Faye Renick done to her face! !! WAS that Faye who Kyle was talking about Camille with in the previews? Faye had a very particular look. She had panther eyes (Dinner Party From Hell) now her eyes look like 2 pissholes in the snow. Whatever she's done, she looks smoother but aged. 

Well thank goodness I wasn’t wearing my glasses watching the next week previews because I legitimately don’t understand how that woman’s face could look any more..... augmented. I guess I will next week 🙁.  TMCFR is like seasonal allergies, pops up at some time every summer on our television to cause misery.

For someone who claims to be GOALS and DREAMS COME TRUE! Kyle sure does seem to be hitting the booze lately. You would think she would have more self-awareness with her family history. As someone with a history of opiate addiction who still enjoys the occasional drink, I can’t say she is goals. She seems sad a lot.

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You know what's worse than truly believing you have a great life, Kyle?  Bragging about it all the time.  Want. to. Punch.

And as chlban said just above me, Vyle has such a great life, what with the (rumored) cheating Mauricio, massive financial lawsuits/troubles, pre-teen still sleeping with her, horrible relationships with her own siblings, stores closed (remember, she also tried one in NYC), failed mediocre tv show that she chose to air despite the family rift it caused.  (yes, I watched it.  C+ at best).

And her style is so awful.  She looks thick and dumpy in everything, even black pants and a green top.  Back to your caftans and mumus, Vyle.

Why does Mauricio stay?  Kids.  Hilton family name.  TV show for business exposure.  Bravo crossover, i.e. Million Dollar Listing L.A.  Why else would he?

I recently went on a girls weekend where I decided not to drink.  I just sleep terribly when I drink, plus, I just didn't want to.  I'm in the same age range as the women on the show, and it was interesting to see all the other women, these professional, attractive women, get rip-roaring, fall-down drunk.  I thought it was funny, and I enjoyed it.   I didn't like Erika's holier-than-thou "I'm not drinking."

That being said, I'd be pissed if I was Erika.  Those women will not stop.  I get it, they're stirring up camera-drama, but Erika literally just said that she was enjoying these women, yet Vyle won't let her get a word in.  I give Erika props for hanging with them all day, despite the migraine and their in-your-face bytchiness.

Edited by Sterling
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7 hours ago, queenjen said:

Oh hell! What has The Morally Corrupt Faye Renick done to her face! !! WAS that Faye who Kyle was talking about Camille with in the previews? Faye had a very particular look. She had panther eyes (Dinner Party From Hell) now her eyes look like 2 pissholes in the snow. Whatever she's done, she looks smoother but aged. 

Oh, that WAS Faye?!?  I wasn't sure but that was my best guess as well! 

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12 hours ago, renatae said:

This should be interesting. Teddi "can't be everyone's moral compass!" Holey moley, whatever gave her such an egotistical impression of herself? No wonder she's always inserting herself into everyone's conversations.

Teddi doesn't need a concierge therapist. She just needs to read this and get a surgeon to remove that giant pole that she has up her ass.

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5 hours ago, renatae said:

I couldn't believe Erika actually said she trusted everyone at the Chateau, no one was jealous of anyone else, and they were all in kumbaya land. Erika, whatever else her character faults, has never been so blatantly insincere.

It didn't take too long for her to do a complete about face when Kyle and Teddi were insistently trying to get her to join them in their opinion about Rinna's impersonation of her. "You're trying to get me out!" She knows that is the true group dynamic. With LVP ousted, she definitely realizes she could be the next target and they would be singing "Another One Bites the Dust."

Yeah, I would think that Erica knows that the best place to start your first mission to find close, kind, trusted lady friends is NOT ON A HOUSEWIVES SHOW!   That part cracked me up.  Something tells me that when Erica finally gets enough of the Kyle Richards treatment, she might have to do some back peddling on what she said about LVP.   When Kyle was pointing out her misgivings with Erica, I wondered if she forgot when Erica took Kyle on a get-a-way with her a few seasons ago.  It was pretty exotic and she seemed to love it.  I don't think I'd shoot a friend down who did something for me like that.  Just saying. 

I do wonder about Teddi.  Even before they got drunk, she was talking about the impersonations at the wine tasting and she called it "INTERPRETATIONS."   LOL  I think that's what she thinks is correct.  Please. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Even at basically the same age as the HWs, I'm going to come right out and say that I begrudge no one for getting drunk and acting a (fun) fool if no one is getting all aggro (Teddi!) or endangering anyone. Please just kill me if the rules say that I have to be refined and chill while drinking with friends, haha! I wasn't when I was young and I have no intention of starting now--in fact, I am ecstatic that I can still have that kind of hangout with my friends.

Just wanted to add that NOW, at my advanced age, I do remember to intersperse glasses of water between my cocktails, so I am not COMPLETELY opposed to evolving a bit in this behavior!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, Sterling said:

Bravo crossover, i.e. Million Dollar Listing L.A.

And if I recall, the Brits were having some serious problems with nabbing the high-end listings in the last season - they all seemed to be going to Altman and Flagg.  Plus with the rumors of the lawsuit vis-a-vis Mauricio's alleged real estate shenanigans, I'm thinking Coldwell, Southby's and Douglass-Elliman are the agents to talk to these days.  If Mauricio had hopes for favorable exposure via RHoBH, Vyle's behavior probably did him no service.  I'm also thinking the Vanderpump/Todds know a LOT more people in the industry than the Richards/Umanskys and if others know about the rift and Lisa's being off the show, they'll be giving Tracy or the Joshs a call if they need to sell/buy a home. 

Wouldn't surprise me if the Brits slowly get edged out of MDL-LA.  They didn't bring much anyway except as to play ally to Flagg.  

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22 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Even at basically the same age as the HWs, I'm going to come right out and say that I begrudge no one for getting drunk and acting a (fun) fool if no one is getting all aggro (Teddi!) or endangering anyone. Please just kill me if the rules say that I have to be refined and chill while drinking with friends, haha! I wasn't when I was young and I have no intention of starting now--in fact, I am ecstatic that I can still have that kind of hangout with my friends., 

I assume you and your friends don't single out someone in the group, with a differing opinion, to agree with you, lest they be accused of not being honest.

I'm all in for the silliness and laughing, but it turned a bit catty and ugly at dinner.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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1 minute ago, SweetieDarling said:

I assume you and your friends don't single out someone in the group, with a differing opinion, to agree with you, lest they be accused of not being honest.

I'm all in for the silliness and laughing, but it turned a bit catty and ugly at dinner.

Exactly!  At my girls' weekends, we are all the same age range, but no one gets ugly like these beyotches.  One person might get on a rant about something political, or something like that.  But the ganging up on one person....well that's something I've never witnessed.

Then again, Erika should have known this, coming to this show.  I've heard her say that she didn't watch the show prior to coming on, so she wouldn't know.  Um....if I was going to sign a contract to have cameras in my face almost 24/7....I'd watch the show about which I was signing.

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12 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

They really should have left Erika alone. She only got annoyed when they were like a dog with a bone. And the last thing anyone who's in a bit of a mood and/or has a migraine needs is someone further annoying them. I really think she would have been fine if they didn't keep insisting she was lying about not being offended by Rinna and that she didn't enjoy their company. I think if she had been left alone instead of mocked, interrupted when trying to speak, and repeatedly told there's a problem, she would have gotten over her annoyance a lot more quickly.

When someone isn't feeling well or is grouchy for whatever reason, the last thing they need is someone poking the bear. 

I do think some of the imitations were quite funny, but it really wasn't the right time to be making fun of Erika imo. I've experienced people imitating me and genuinely finding it quite funny, but it can also be annoying depending on your relationship with the person doing it and exactly how it's done. 

It was really ridiculous for Kyle and Teddi to keep going at Erika. If Kyle was mad at Rinna for what Rinna said to Kim then take it up with Rinna and keep going at Rinna. They (Kyle and Kohort Teddi) kept trying to wrangle Erika into their fight.

This attitude of Kyle and Teddi's came out of left field. Wasn't Teddi the one who went to Erika's chapel to confess and lobby for Erika's support? Didn't they all go glamping and to the Bahamas - I don't remember either of them complaining about Erika not wanting to be part of the group.

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1 minute ago, SweetieDarling said:

I assume you and your friends don't single out someone in the group, with a differing opinion, to agree with you, lest they be accused of not being honest.

I'm all in for the silliness and laughing, but it turned a bit catty and ugly at dinner.

Right -- "FUN fool"! Yikes, I can barely even imagine that kind of dynamic as an adult. Not that I haven't experienced it here and there in my 20s and early 30s, but I am no longer involved with those people. I've had most of my (drunk!) friends since childhood (some since kindergarten!) and, outside of maybe a few questionable moments in junior high--you know, when it's almost sort of supposed to happen as a rite of passage/learning experience--we've never acted this way to each other. 

That said, I generally like Erika. But I cannot deal with that tired old "I am not usually friends with other women because..." thing. Stop it; it says more about the people who trot out that old saw than it does the people they're talking about. (And also, everyone who says that seems to think they're being so profound when, in reality, it's just a total "shit girls say" cliche.)

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11 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Never try to reason with people when they are shitfaced. Never. It's a total waste of time because they're not going to remember half of it the next day as evidenced by Teddi next week saying at breakfast "Ohhhh nooo, did I really say that...... Yes, you annoying bitch, you did. 

This is why Erika left the dinner table and also told Kyle when Kyle showed up at her room - let's discuss this tomorrow.

Sadly, Erika will be giving those 2 the side eye for the rest of the time she is on the show.

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