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S09.E18: Pardon Our French

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3 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

You know the old saying "if I'm wrong I'll eat my hat!" Hopefully it's a straw hat so Kyle doesn't have to worry about carbs.

I wish she would. The hats are all ugly. The one time she wasn't wearing one, her hair looked fine.

The topper was the baseball hat she was wearing at home while just hanging out. She can lose them all, please. If this is her new signature look, she needs to refuse to give out autographs.

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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

It looks more like the metal clips were used to hold up the sweater while it was being steamed - then someone yanked it off without opening the clips

Beverly Hills, chi chi chi chi chi!

3 hours ago, goofygirl said:

That "look" Erika's going for in her TH's is one for the books! 

She has nothing on Nik Kershaw...

Her big ol’ Fendi jacket reminded me of the Drake giant jacket meme...

2 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

That was hilarious but maybe because they do make good burgers. 

I’ve had some of the best burgers and pommes frites at French brasseries (in California) so I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true!

2 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Teddi, Gone(just boring Mr. Hand)

LOL, let’s call for a pizza in the middle of History class and see if she holds us accountable! And we know how she is about “her time...”

sean penn teacher GIF

Amelia is “so moved” and wants to “help people” and is an “activist.”

clueless movie whatever GIF
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Oh, Kyle- why are you buying more hats? You don’t need more hats! And that wasn’t a beret you bought.

I did find the eating disorder conversation very interesting in that Kyle and Lisa were completely approaching the discussion of causality in contrary ways:

Lisa: We went to best doctor and he said it is all genetic. (Which means I have no culpability for the environment she was raised in and I fostered)

Kyle: I didn’t ever talk about it to my girls because I didn’t want to encourage that behavior. And I actively tried to not say disparaging things about my body in front of my children. (Good on Kyle for this bit- studies show that girls are highly susceptible to negative messages Moms express about their own bodies. But, Kyle is not telling her daughters about their  increased genetic risk, even though knowing their genetics could help them be conscientious.)

So, to sum it up: Kyle believes she can control the environment of her daughters, but doesn’t want to arm them with genetic info that could be valuable. And Rinna is all, “it’s all genetic! Nothing to see here!”

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Rinna's leopard print coat made her look like some mob wife extra from a bad 80s movie.  Maybe that'll be the next performance persona she embodies.

How the hell do you go to France and not drink wine (if you're drinking alcohol)?  How the hell does Kyle have the same (non-) understanding of a croque monsieur as the young sister on Young Sheldon, when she's been to France oh so many times?

That crazy-huge menu made me think of this ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6eQ3hcZlrI

At least everyone wore mostly appropriate shoes for walking around on cobblestone streets.

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8 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

Are all the drinks watered down in Beverly Hills? I was wondering why they wouldn't shut up about how strong the drinks were.

I don't drink much so my perspective is skewed but, in my experience, they did put more alcohol in mixed drinks in Europe than they do here.  When I'd go out, I'd only have one drink and I'd be telling the bartender less alcohol please. I was the weirdo. 

8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I don't think Andy was out to embarrass Denise.  I think he got that most viewers would side with Denise to begin with.  

Yep. And it's such a low stakes thing to point out.  Denise could have chosen to up her game but she didn't. 

It'll be interesting to see if that continues.  Teddi, lately, does appear to be more glam.

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8 hours ago, princelina said:

Much like Teddi - I was confused tonight.  First they show us Kyle in the kitchen in a bathrobe.  Then we see the sitting room where Teddi seems to be lounging in a negligee and robe; Dorit enters in mannish pajamas; Erika rolls in looking completely bizarre with her bra showing - but that was my first hint that it was now a different time of day and maybe they weren't still in pjs after all.  They were just all dressed up to eat dinner in their own house!  And Dorit even had a little clutch purse 😂😂😂

I thought Kyle was best dressed both nights at dinner - not kudos that she typically receives.  Of course the hat she bought was ridiculous - I was thinking she looked like a policeman, and then she mentioned looking like a member of the Village People.  Exactly!

Teddi in her scarf looked like her mom had just bundled her up to go play in the snow.  If you can't wear it comfortably, take it off.  Also, I'm tired of the "I'm confused" routine when she wants to call someone out.

It's so kind of that cosmopolitan weisenheimer Dorit to travel with these uncouth Americans.  🙄  She wins my personal award for "worst dressed" at both dinners.

Where else would the cocaine go?

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Is Erika actually out with a hole in her sweater? Is that a new style for tops (I’m used to the ripped jeans look). 

I didn't catch Erica's sweater but I have a few with holes already in them--and with, like, runs in the threads as part of the design (runs like you get in tights; not sure if the word applies to sweaters?). Anyway, I like them--not that I even need to buy shit with pre-fab holes in it (except to get my head and arms through, hahahhaaa!); give me any long-sleeved sweater and somehow I will have a hole in the &^%#%$#@ elbow in a matter of hours, it seems. 

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8 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

She of the British humor; "Is that when the affair started" Vanderpump yeah she would've been a lamb.

Anorexia is a psychiatric disorder.  Conducting an affair is  what?  Bad behaviour?  A moral failing?  Eileen did it, just didn't like it being pointed out.  It wasn't a secret (although Eileen acted like she'd been outed) but it was a choice.  Anorexia isn't.  

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Rinna can broadcast her daughter’s anorexia issues yet is incredibly silent about “the elephant in the room” and even the “rabbit in the room” which is her own eating disorder. Rinna was suddenly silent about the issue when Kyle was confessing her story.

I fluctuate between being really cranky about Rinna’s silence (laying low to her shameful secrets) and being understanding about her shame/body image/dietary restrictions in the Hollywood environment.

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My favorite old cashmere sweater has a few holes and a diaper pin on the left cuff as it has ripped. Who knew I was fashion forward. 

I’m more for comfort than style, yet you could take me anywhere and I would dress appropriately... not OTT like these ladies. They must have thought they were going to NYC or Amsterdam where more people wear more of a black uniform. (That’s just my experience. France is more fashion forward and embraces more colors although I have found that they will recycle outfits more, but change up their scarves). 

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7 hours ago, sheetmoss said:

I wouldn't eat a hamburger that had any  pink--undercooked, for fear of salmonella.

Or E Coli.  But I like my steaks and roasts rare.  Hamburger that's pink in the middle - no.

Edited by whydoievencare
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10 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

And why didn't they play the Sur le Pont D'Avignon song and make them dance on the bridge. Obviously, none of these women had Mrs Madame Barford for French class.

I remember the song well from French I class.

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I don't understand what was so difficult to understand about what Kyle and Teddi were saying and I don't think Teddi was being Kyle's "henchman." It's not that hard to see why Rinna's using the Erika Jayne persona was confusing AND it's also not so out-of-bounds for them to think Erika might have been insulted by it. 

I don't think that Kyle and Teddi were trying to "bait" Erika - I think that they were genuinely confused about Erika's indifference because, as they both said, if Rinna had used their personae to go after Kim, they would have been annoyed by it. I get that both Rinna and Erika think that Erika Jayne is a performance persona but still, if you aren't an actress or performer, I think that is difficult to understand.

I find myself not taking a side on this thing--and I don't understand why these chicks seem to think they have to either be annoyed/confused by Rinna's nonsense or be completely unfazed by it. Those things can overlap, i.e., "Yeah that was weird, but whatever"; I see plenty of assholes on a day-to-day basis and it doesn't plague me. I can see why Erika is not bothered by it ("it" being her likeness being used). She wasn't bothered by the underwear gift either until no one would drop it (and I was with her on that too--that was so tedious!).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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8 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

Oh and I chuckled at Rinna staring at Eryka's plate and gasping "oh my God, look at those fries!" And then...not tasting a fry. Surely one little fry won't cause her to blow up like Sherman Clump.

I can't imagine denying myself like that.

Classic anorexia behaviour.

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1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

They were concerned for about a minute.  One minute it's 'oh no, all of the houses are burning down.'  The next minute it's 'ooh, look at the shiny bauble over there!'  

This! I live in Southern California , in Orange County, and none of my close friends were impacted by the fires, although a co-worker evacuated the Elsinore fire, and it felt like the whole state was burning. I spoke to numerous people around here at the time far more concerned for ALL the victims than these self absorbed bitches were. I have watched this franchise from the start, even knew, professionally, a couple of the original OC cast. I dropped NJ and Atlanta a few years back, could never even get into Dallas and Potomac (my final try on that was Sunday-Done), and the reason is always that I just can't like a single housewife. I liked BH for the house/clothes porn, but I also liked at least some of the women. I liked Eileen, LVP, and Kyle and even Rinna. Now, I can't stand Kyle or Rinna (but I like Harry),  have always hated Dorit and found Teddi and Erika boring, now I can't stand them either. The only one I don't actively dislike is Denise, yet but no house or clothes porn from her and her potty mouth is old already. So, one of my favorite franchises is now going the way of NJ and Atlanta. These women really are vile.

Edited by chlban
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Erikas cold aloofness drives me out of my mind.  You're on a TV show.  Show me something other than "I'm so bored" and "I'm so above this" face.  The body language and bitch face do nothing for me.

Look, I get it.  Kyle and Teddi were nagging the subject but Rinna put them in a place to ask questions.  Rinnas "acting" on behalf of Erika was ridiculous in itself.  Just OWN IT Rinna!  And owning it may have you answering questions that you might not enjoy.  If you're cunty (god I hate that word) attitude (while playing a character) gave you the balls to address Kim and move forward with her then maybe her sister has some questions for you.  It's really not that deep Rinna and Erika.  Answer a few questions without being bored and bitchy and the subject would have dropped.

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Unless we missed something in the edit, it was Kim that came up to Lisa and said let's talk.  So is Lisa attributing her outrageous Erica Jayne inspired outburst the reason Kim approached her for "the talk"? BS . Her outburst in front of the cameras was revenge for Kim returning the bunny in front of the cameras. She had no intention of "making up" with Kim. That was all Kim Richards and Kim gets a little credit from me for finally moving past it.

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2 hours ago, ChitChat said:

They were concerned for about a minute.  One minute it's 'oh no, all of the houses are burning down.'  The next minute it's 'ooh, look at the shiny bauble over there!'  

It was a little Marie Antoinette!

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14 hours ago, Rhetorica said:

Is there any social malady Kyle hasn't been subjected to?  Aargh.... 

Kyle lives to be the survivor of something. Or the one with some cross to bear. She needs to be revered as someone who's persevered. Who's been subjected to unimaginable woes but has been able to be this great person that still marches on strongly.

These ailments presented themselves more so after Kim was off the show because with Kim gone Kyle needed some other means to get attention as the "woe is me one". LVP provided a bit of sympathy for Kyle cause it seems her "toxic" relationship with LVP was enough for some to feel sorry for her or root for her but she still needs to be that wide eyed chic, pearl clutching and stressing over something significant in order to get the attention she craves.

Edited by Yours Truly
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8 hours ago, renatae said:

I wish she would. The hats are all ugly. The one time she wasn't wearing one, her hair looked fine.

The topper was the baseball hat she was wearing at home while just hanging out. She can lose them all, please. If this is her new signature look, she needs to refuse to give out autographs.

I think it all has to do with the extreme self consciousness Kyle has regarding her hair thinning. I don't think it's bad at all -  but Kyle has made it EPIC in her mind.

If you noticed most of the women had hats on that day. I think it was because they were out and about so early in the morning that they didn't have the time for professional blowouts before filming. I think when they (especially Kyle) gets her hair blown out professionally - they can hide, tease, comb over the spots she is most self conscious of.

But on the occasions, Kyle has to do her own hair - she carries that can of topik around and goes pepper shaker ham on her head - going so far as sprinkling it and changing her hairline.

Think of all of the women across franchises - especially water, pool scenes - they wear hats to hide the extension tracks/hair thinning or don't get their hair wet because they're afraid those false pieces might float off.

I am waiting for Kyle's new business venture - a hat line collection with The Agency printed on them

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1 hour ago, Door County Cherry said:

I don't drink much so my perspective is skewed but, in my experience, they did put more alcohol in mixed drinks in Europe than they do here.  When I'd go out, I'd only have one drink and I'd be telling the bartender less alcohol please. I was the weirdo. 

Yep. And it's such a low stakes thing to point out.  Denise could have chosen to up her game but she didn't. 

It'll be interesting to see if that continues.  Teddi, lately, does appear to be more glam.

This is Teddi's second season and she is going extreme with the selfies and Instagram videos. Too many scenes of her looking down at her phone.

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I read more posts about why Erika should have been offended, and I still prefer the gives no f***s Erika to the hot tempered Erika. I think Erika was 100% aware Rinna used her stage persona to talk to Kim in the manner she did. She also knows her behavior wasn’t meant to portray Erika as a nasty person, and she didn’t want to be a drama queen about it. Not everything needs to be that deep and dramatic. 

I will say I did enjoy the episode overall. Very good travel porn!

My heart goes out to everyone affected by the fire. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

When Dorit came down in her black pleather pants and faux fur jacket, did anyone else think she lost a ton of weight (she didn't need to)? She looked COKE thin

Nah, I was too busy looking at the lines from her thong and her dumb Chanel beret. She just looks so punchable all the time but never more than when she wears that TH outfit with the CHA-NEL earrings. She looks like she belongs in the Blue Oyster Bar. 

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2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Erika had it right when she apologized to the restaurant in advance for their presence.  She should have apologized to France in general.  

I was in France last month and it's a stunningly beautiful country.  These ladies are enjoying a vacay in Provence (while their so-called friends are trying to outrun the fires and/or lose their homes) and they are still bitching about LVP.  LET. IT. GO.

Seeing their shoes, no wonder they all needed so many damn suitcases.  Do they never wear jeans or leggings anywhere?  Why do you need to dress up around each other for breakfast or dinner at the chateau?  Just bizarre.  

Teddi needs an accountability coach to explain why she had her feet on the table at the chateau.  Tacky. Rude.  Classless.  

Kyle is right - she did look like one of the Village People in her new French hat (which was NOT a beret, BTW.)  

I don't want to discuss/have a storyline about eating disorders unless everyone's eating disorder is addressed and discussed.  

Not a word was said about LVP when they were in France.  There were two THs that mentioned LVP after the fact.  Kyle talked about vacations with LVP and Erika said in a TH that she felt more safe to talk when LVP wasn't there.  They're answering questions asked by producers.

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12 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I'm siding with Erika in this tiff.

Kyle and Teddi were going round and round and Erika said I didn't think it was weird nor was I offended.

Then Kyle and Teddi won't shut up.

Rinna said I think it was really Cunty of you to give Rinna the bunny. Kyle has no leg to stand on since she admitted after the reunion, the reason her fingers were in her mouth was because she was trying really hard not to laugh.

See this is the problem with this group. Kyle is mad that Rinna was a nasty asshole towards Kim. She should just say that. Instead she's too chicken shit to go straight after Rinna's behavior with something like. "Look, hiding behind this whole Erika Jayne thing doesn't wash with me. You wanted to be a bitch towards my sister and your hiding behind that, which I could really give two shits about cause whether it was as Erica Jayne or not, you decided to be nasty towards Kim AT MY HOUSE and as her sister that shit pissed me off and I just felt like getting that off my chest.... I'm glad you and my sister made up though. There is that". 

Instead, she's trying to find a safer way to express her anger towards Rinna by wrapping it in some logical explanation of how she's put off by the nerve of Rinna to taint Erica's persona in that way. Ugggghh.  She's trying to side scold Rinna saying that it's a bit insulting to Erica to suggest that Erica Jayne would be such an ugly person. Problem is, Erica didn't sign off on that narrative and couldn't care less so now Kyle's twisting in the wind feeling like a complete fool. So now Kyle is even more annoyed cause she's not getting backed up by Erika who is dead set against being dragged into this shit. I agree with her. I think it's shitty of them to create some issue out of thin air about how SHE should feel about what Rinna did with the Erica Jayne persona. ESPECIALLY after Erica has already made her feelings known AND clear about how it didn't bother her.

Now it's turned into something Erica has to defend cause the side eye aimed at Erica is.."Oh so you didn't think it was inappropriate, you're okay with such ugliness being associated with your performance persona??... What does that say about you Erica...? hmmmmm? And that's why you see Erica getting more and more annoyed cause Kyle and Teddy are now starting to sound judgemental towards Erica and her lack of reaction towards Rinna. Erica's staying low key cause she knows they want to get her on board with the Rinna bashing but she won't cause she doesn't really have a dog in the fight. Teddy and Kyle are trying to create an angle for Erica to be mad at Rinna and Erica ain't having it. 

Teddy is just finding an opportunity to insert herself and lay on her mumbo jumbo shit. She would have been better off just minding her business. She really doesn't know how to pick her battles with this group. She gets on my nerves. 

Very annoying cause I do think Rinna should be taken to task for how randomly rude Rinna was but as usual these women are too chicken  shit to get straight to the point, stick to the source of the grievance and let Rinna have it. "You were a bitch to my sister, at my house, during my daughters party and Erica Jayne or no Erica Jayne you are an asshole for doing that. Point. Blank. Period."

Why the fuck does Kyle need Erica to jump into the conversation?

The same way Kyle used the ladies beliefs as a way to share what she too feels about LVP that day in LVP's kitchen. During that whole exchange Kyle keep trying to "be honest" with LVP without truly admitting that she was siding with the others, telling LVP she's a liar. But if you listen to how Kyle's presenting it she's still trying to soften the blow with, but I still love you, I can still care about you even if you did do this, I'm just telling you what the ladies BELIEVE you did and how they feel..." meanwhile Kyle's trying to slip in the fact that she too feels the same but hopes LVP doesn't really pick up on that detail but unfortunately for Kyle that's the biggest detail LVP zones in on cause Kyle is the only friendship that truly matters to her in that moment. You know the one delivering the blow. 

Kyle has a problem being straight forward, but that's because she knows if she does her true colors would be on display. Go back and see the Kyle of season one and two and notice how meanspirited a lot of her actions are. Her interactions with the ladies and how often she creates unease between some of the ladies. She's gotten better at being more neutral in her dealings but there's always an instance of her slipping. Usually every season. It's hidden, or repaired quickly with a bout of anxiety and tears to distract from her bitch moment and then we get, "let's console Kyle". Yeah, she's gotten better and I have to admit I'm actually okay with Kyle when she's got a grip on her mean girl but her antics aren't lost on me. 

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

I find myself not taking a side on this thing--and I don't understand why these chicks seem to think they have to either be annoyed/confused by Rinna's nonsense or be completely unfazed by it. Those things can overlap, i.e., "Yeah that was weird, but whatever"; I see plenty of assholes on a day-to-day basis and it doesn't plague me. I can see why Erika is not bothered by it ("it" being her likeness being used). She wasn't bothered by the underwear gift either until no one would drop it (and I was with her on that too--that was so tedious!).

I think Kyle has legitimate reason to be annoyed by Rinna - it was her sister, it was at her house and it was her daughter's birthday party.  But I will say, I think that Kyle should have brought this up to Rinna beforehand. She was obviously irritated by what happened (I don't think she was upset), so she should have said something.

The rest of them, I agree, it doesn't make sense to be annoyed by it - like Teddi, I actually can understand why Erika might have been annoyed by it, but she insists she isn't, and that is her right. It wasn't really about her the night it happened. (I do think she was passively aggressively making it about her at the dinner in France but I understand opinions differ).  And much as I find Dorit pretentious, I think she was mostly right to shrug her shoulders and recognize she should stay out of it. 

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10 hours ago, queenjen said:

'Pardon our French ' would be believable if these bitches had any class. I've been meaning to say this forever, and a big call out here to The Countess and Ramona 'turtle time' Singer : SO many of them never say 'please ' when ordering. Kyle 'Can I get another Margarita when you get a chance? ' Rinna 'I want a Vodka Tonic ', Erika 'I will have a cappuccino '

Then Rinna says 'i just wanna say 1 thing..'

By this time, I'm hollering 'how about PLEASE you rude entitled sock puppet! !!'

Cappuccino? At night? Those are for before 10am according to my nanny.

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49 minutes ago, Jel said:

It was a little Marie Antoinette!

Je suis d'accord--totally agree. I kept thinking they really don't care about each other or that their "friends'" houses were burning down and Harry's mansions reference was very uncool. I miss LVP and her acerbic wit and don't think I will watch next season. Denise is a complete fail for me. As someone else noted, her house is boring AF and her clothes and mouth are trashy. Teddi is insufferable and I never liked Rinna. Kyle is thirsty as hell and not clever or interesting enough to be the Queen Bee. Erika doesn't interest me. Dorit kind of does but that's not enough to bring me back.

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