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S03.E08: Six Thanksgivings

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Jack was writing while the guys were eating Thanksgiving dinner, I think he said it was a letter to the guy who lost his foot.  Might this be a hint that Jack had other as-yet-undiscovered writings?  That maybe are hidden up in the cabin somewhere?  I think that's one way for Kevin to find out what was happening with his dad and uncle there short of finding some of the other people involved, all these years later.  

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Regarding Miguel and his kids, does anyone remember if they told us why Miguel and Shelley divorced? I do remember having the impression that Miguel was at the very least a potential adulterer. If he did cheat on Shelley and the kids knew and that was part of why their family was broken apart I can understand their resentment especially when they never dealt with it.

Having said that I don’t condone their behavior at the point in their lives.

I am meh on Miguel anyway so while that was an uncomfortable dinner, I felt bad for Rebecca but not so much Miguel. I’m also not convinced their family situation is all or mostly on Shelley and the kids.

I’m curious to know the timeline between the divorce and Jack dying. Did Miguel put more effort into “filling in” for Jack than he did in trying to repair what was broken with his own family?

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Re-watching the episode and OMFG, Miguel's son, Andy, was being such a brat/dick to Rebecca!! "First, you steal my dad, and then, you try to kill my brother-in-law?!"

GO, MIGUEL, for sticking up for your wife! Like he said, his ex had already remarried by the time they got together TEN YEARS after Jack died. Grow the hell up, Andy. 

The Pearsons tossing the football around was cute. Jack asking Kevin to get the door, broken leg and all. lol

I missed the boyfriend-girlfriend correction with Tess last night. Randall and Beth will be cool with her being gay/bi. 

Didn't realize Toby got catering from Popeye's and Cracker Barrel. lol 

I liked Kevin joining by iPad. Cute idea by Annie. Her hug with Miguel was adorable. 

I liked the connection with Deja in the soup kitchen of Thanksgivings Past and her experience being on the other side of the food line. 

William/Jesse was blah and unnecessary. 

I still like the Vietnam stuff. 

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Jesse's British accent is the worst.  Please tell me that actor is American, because if he's British then I'm embarrassing myself.  But I can't stand it.  It sounds so fake to me.  (Not a Brit, so I wouldn't even know.)

Yeah, I love Denis O'Hare and think he's usually a wonderful actor, but his British accent is terrible.

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Seriously?  I'm not even a Toby fan and I thought he was really sweet.

1)  He didn't act weird or freaked out when Tess confronted him in the hall.  He acted very normally - but she freaked out.
2)  He understood what was going on IMMEDIATELY and told Kate that Tess needed to speak to her.  Why?  Because she's a woman, because she's her aunt, because she can relate exactly to what Tess is going through.  Why not?  Would Tess have really appreciated a sit-down with her weird Uncle Toby explaining to her what periods are?

I thought it was nicely done to be honest.

The fact that he couldn’t bring himself to use words like period or menstruation with his own wife is what annoyed me. You’re a grown ass man so have the vocabulary of one. Don’t act like a 13 year old boy. He’s been trying to impregnate his wife for a while now so I’m sure that they just have discussed her periods, ovulating, etc. at some point. Did those conversations have him squeamishly using euphemisms for all the gross girlie stuff? Ugh. 

His exact words:

Toby: Uh, Tess needs your help.

Kate: Why? Is she okay?

Toby: Yeah, fine. She just has, she has two boxes of things that, uh, a-a young woman might need every full moon-ish. 

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4 hours ago, BonnieD said:

Speaking of periods. How annoying that Toby was all flustered when telling Kate. He seems like a modern enough guy he'd simply say, "hey, your niece is having her period. I think she needs your help." It's so old-fashioned to have male characters go all embarrassed and fumbling when "lady things" are mentioned. Hate it, show. It's outdated!

Unfortunately, I still see men uncomfortable to even mention the word "period" in real life, so I think Toby being unable to say it wasn't that out there. 

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22 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Unfortunately, I still see men uncomfortable to even mention the word "period" in real life, so I think Toby being unable to say it wasn't that out there. 

I hate that word too, I call it my "girly-ness"  Its immature, but it is what it is.  

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11 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Last week they included sexual abuse and now Tess is gay and an adopted grandchild. Why does everything have to be included in the show? What's missing? 

Because there are people in life who've been sexually abused, or gay, or have an adopted grandchild. This is us.


Overall, I quite enjoyed this episode. 

My heart melted with Kevin being Pilgrim Rick via Teddy Bear and iPad. Adorable.

Miguel's children are terrible. It's funny how so many people have been wanting to see Miguel's kid, and when we see them, we understand why we don't see them. lol. They are too old to be acting like that. Plus, the son doesn't make any sense! Rebecca didn't steal Miguel from Shelly. WTF? Miguel calling out his asshole children was excellent. I'm finally Team Miguel. It warmed my heart when Annie ran to him screaming, "Grandpa!" The look on his face was perfect; he gets from the Pearsons what his own biological family cannot give him. The Pearsons have never treated Miguel as poorly as his own family has.

I am still enjoying the Vietnam scenes. It was sad to see how Nicky treated that child, but at least I understood where he was coming from. I just thought he was being an asshole for no reason. Even though the necklace Jack received may be "common," what's important is the story behind it. It's important to Kevin because Jack gave it to him. It's important to Jack because the Vietnamese lady gave it to him. Common things can still mean something. My mom gave me a claddagh ring, and it's special to me. Just because there are thousands in the world doesn't make mine mean any less to me.

I hate the political storyline. I really do. Randall, Beth, and the audience deserve better. That being said, Jae-won should quit. He's clearly not being respected. Randall's only defense of Beth's ideas is "She's my wife." Uh, okay? 

How Teen Randall answered the college question is just so perfectly Randall. That's the (adult) Randall that I miss. 

Loved Tess coming out. I always find it interesting when parents assume that their child will be straight. Erm...that's not a guarantee, actually.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Toby: Yeah, fine. She just has, she has two boxes of things that, uh, a-a young woman might need every full moon-ish. 

Yes, for me, he was just extremely unsettled.  Toby cares about people having a good time and liking him, and Tess just ran screaming from his face.  LOL.  That's why he acted like that.  But that's just my POV.  Also he probably sees Tess as a child still and he doesn't want to speak explicitly about her in a way that's inappropriate, so he's trying to play it safe.

I think family members tend to see younger members of their family frozen at a certain age.

Would (what was the college in question) actually like that answer from Randall?  It's so freaking pedantic and pretentious.  I guess I'm lucky I don't live in the U.S.  I wouldn't have answered like that.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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While I dont know if the episode totally worked on a whole, there were a lot of smaller beats that I enjoyed. Deja remembering being on the other side of the food line, and giving people extra cookies after remembering her wanting them, the Pearson kids getting along and throwing the football around, Jack and Rebecca commenting on the awkwardness of their couple friends splitting up, and trying to be friends with both, Tess testing the coming out waters with Kate, Randall giving Miguel a warm hug and a "hey grandpa" after Annie hugged him, stuff like that. Even when I think the show can get a too self indulgent, I still think it does moments like that really well. 

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1 hour ago, GodsBeloved said:

Regarding Miguel and his kids, does anyone remember if they told us why Miguel and Shelley divorced? I do remember having the impression that Miguel was at the very least a potential adulterer. If he did cheat on Shelley and the kids knew and that was part of why their family was broken apart I can understand their resentment especially when they never dealt with it.

Having said that I don’t condone their behavior at the point in their lives.

I am meh on Miguel anyway so while that was an uncomfortable dinner, I felt bad for Rebecca but not so much Miguel. I’m also not convinced their family situation is all or mostly on Shelley and the kids.

I’m curious to know the timeline between the divorce and Jack dying. Did Miguel put more effort into “filling in” for Jack than he did in trying to repair what was broken with his own family?

They said they just grew apart. LikE there’s a scene in the first season after Miguel and his wife said they were splitting and Miguel told jack she stopped making him coffee and he realized he didn’t even miss it and that was their thing and his wife told Rebecca kind of the same thing, like they stopped making them as a couple a Priority or something along those lines.

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2 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

I HATE this political storyline so freaking much! There are so many other ways the writers could have had Randall try to make people's lives better. The logistics are too much to overcome IMHO - with the distance he's travelling, not really living there, no real connection to the district. Jae-won should have quit. 

If the writers want a feel-good inspirational story about Randall following Jack and William’s legacy of service to others, there’s an obvious way of doing it at least somewhat realistically.  Given Randall’s financial wizardry, business experience, and business connections, he is ideally qualified to start a non-profit community organization to provide services such as educational support, blight remediation, latchkey care, etc.  He’s already managing a low-income housing project; he could start from there and add other services.  Beth’s urban planning know-how would be valuable.  She would have a genuine position, not a pity job.  It’s been pointed out umpteen times that the political story makes no sense for multiple reasons.  What were/are the writers thinking?

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Unfortunately, I still see men uncomfortable to even mention the word "period" in real life, so I think Toby being unable to say it wasn't that out there. 

Toby really didn't bother me in this scene like he did for a lot of people.  I think for most men, it's one thing to talk to their wife or girlfriend about her period.  It's something else to talk about your niece's first period because he probably realizes she is no longer a little girl. 

I had a huge Motorola flip phone in 1994. I remember that because I started working a 2nd shift job 35 miles from home.   I had to pay $40-something dollars a month and got an hour talk time. Times have changed.  

Edited by Lisa418722
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19 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah, we thought the Pearson kids were harsh to Miguel at times but seriously what the hell was the “you stole him from my mother and now you tried to kill my brother in law!” Comment to Rebecca.

Like it had been quite a while since the divorce of Miguel and his wife, so unless we see something different in a future episode, that comment makes the son look like a teenager.

His children were exceptionally rude and I would have just left. Maybe they believe Rebecca and Miguel had an affair before the divorce, causing it. You would think they have a better idea of what caused the divorce by now though. I would think they would ask their mom. Unless the marriage did end over an affair, but they never knew who it was. Then Rebecca and Miguel would look more suspicious since she was around when the kids were younger.

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4 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Seriously?  I'm not even a Toby fan and I thought he was really sweet.

1)  He didn't act weird or freaked out when Tess confronted him in the hall.  He acted very normally - but she freaked out.
2)  He understood what was going on IMMEDIATELY and told Kate that Tess needed to speak to her.  Why?  Because she's a woman, because she's her aunt, because she can relate exactly to what Tess is going through.  Why not?  Would Tess have really appreciated a sit-down with her weird Uncle Toby explaining to her what periods are?

I thought it was nicely done to be honest.

I thought, as well, that Toby was just being his quirky, dramatic self by using his euphemisms. He wouldn’t be Toby if he presented the facts in a simple, straightforward manner.  I also thought it was nicely done. 

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1 hour ago, milner said:

Why didn’t Randal or Beth simply ask if any of the diners were willing to have their pictures taken or who weren’t. They do have opinions poor or not.  

Because that would mean Randall would be thinking about someone other than himself.

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2 hours ago, PepSinger said:

Because there are people in life who've been sexually abused, or gay, or have an adopted grandchild. This is us.

Yes, of course. But my point was that in this show, they cram in everything into one extended family. The show is sort of an equal opportunity advocate. I like it, but it just seems forced. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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A few people upthread asked what caused Miguel and Shelly's divorce, and it seems that it was because Miguel was working a lot (trying to provide for his family, as he discussed with Jack) and his wife didn't like it. Maybe she thought he was cheating on him and poisoned the kids with that opinion. But I strongly doubt that Shelly, who was still Rebecca's best friend, would be telling her kids "Miguel and Rebecca had an affair and that's why we're divorced," so I have no idea where the hell the douchebag son got that idea. And then to say "you tried to KILL my brother-in-law" when Rebecca just profusely apologized for not knowing about the nut allergy. Which sounded bogus, anyway, because who on earth would ask, after starting eating, whether something contained nuts because "I'm kind of allergic?" Super wishy-washy and bizarre.

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29 minutes ago, Manda317 said:

His children were exceptionally rude and I would have just left. Maybe they believe Rebecca and Miguel had an affair before the divorce, causing it. You would think they have a better idea of what caused the divorce by now though. I would think they would ask their mom. Unless the marriage did end over an affair, but they never knew who it was. Then Rebecca and Miguel would look more suspicious since she was around when the kids were younger.


8 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

A few people upthread asked what caused Miguel and Shelly's divorce, and it seems that it was because Miguel was working a lot (trying to provide for his family, as he discussed with Jack) and his wife didn't like it. Maybe she thought he was cheating on him and poisoned the kids with that opinion. But I strongly doubt that Shelly, who was still Rebecca's best friend, would be telling her kids "Miguel and Rebecca had an affair and that's why we're divorced," so I have no idea where the hell the douchebag son got that idea. And then to say "you tried to KILL my brother-in-law" when Rebecca just profusely apologized for not knowing about the nut allergy. Which sounded bogus, anyway, because who on earth would ask, after starting eating, whether something contained nuts because "I'm kind of allergic?" Super wishy-washy and bizarre.

Teah. His kids seem to just be rude to be rude. I don’t really understand and they clearly need to check out the time frame on when things happened or from what Miguel told them and us viewers he tried to be in their lives and they shut him out so he stopped trying. I mean yes.. he’s the parent here and they are kids but if the receptions are always like the awful harsh one he got in last nights episode, why would he put himself through that?

Also they seem to have a strong dislike for Rebecca. Something tells me Shelly didn’t like her old friend marrying her ex husband and probably did say bad things about her in regards to her marriage with Miguel. We don’t know enough about that.. yet? (I mean, maybe there’s an episode coming up that shows us the aftermath of it all) so we only know what we have seen and we have to work with what we are shown.

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8 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

A few people upthread asked what caused Miguel and Shelly's divorce, and it seems that it was because Miguel was working a lot (trying to provide for his family, as he discussed with Jack) and his wife didn't like it. Maybe she thought he was cheating on him and poisoned the kids with that opinion. But I strongly doubt that Shelly, who was still Rebecca's best friend, would be telling her kids "Miguel and Rebecca had an affair and that's why we're divorced," so I have no idea where the hell the douchebag son got that idea. And then to say "you tried to KILL my brother-in-law" when Rebecca just profusely apologized for not knowing about the nut allergy. Which sounded bogus, anyway, because who on earth would ask, after starting eating, whether something contained nuts because "I'm kind of allergic?" Super wishy-washy and bizarre.

IIRC, Miguel and Shelly announced their divorce as a mutual decision during a double date with Jack and Rebecca, and seemed very amicable at the time. Later Shelly told Rebecca she and Miguel bought Amber a car so she wouldn't hate both of them. It sounded like they were on the same page parenting-wise after the divorce, so the "Shelly turned the kids against Miguel" storyline is a retcon. Plus, like I said before, the "kids" must have been adults by then. IIRC, when Jack and Rebecca were debating whether to have kids, Shelly and Miguel mentioned their kids, and it sounded like they'd been parents for a while. So, assuming that Amber and Andy are 3-5 years older than the Big Three, they would have been 19-21 at the time of the divorce (the Big Three were 16). Either the writers don't pay attention to continuity, or they think the viewers don't.

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16 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

A few people upthread asked what caused Miguel and Shelly's divorce, and it seems that it was because Miguel was working a lot (trying to provide for his family, as he discussed with Jack) and his wife didn't like it. Maybe she thought he was cheating on him and poisoned the kids with that opinion. But I strongly doubt that Shelly, who was still Rebecca's best friend, would be telling her kids "Miguel and Rebecca had an affair and that's why we're divorced," so I have no idea where the hell the douchebag son got that idea. And then to say "you tried to KILL my brother-in-law" when Rebecca just profusely apologized for not knowing about the nut allergy. Which sounded bogus, anyway, because who on earth would ask, after starting eating, whether something contained nuts because "I'm kind of allergic?" Super wishy-washy and bizarre.

If the idea was to make Andy (?) look super hostile and with zero filter on his unresolved issues, then mission accomplished.  From what we heard of Miguel's end of the conversation coming in the door of Jack and Rebecca's, it seems like Shelley wasn't being cooperative in letting him have phone access to the kids, which was one indication that she might have been doing some undermining (even though they would have been in their twenties).  But hey-ho, let's discuss that with our therapist or with Miguel one-on-one privately.  His daughter looked like she felt bad and she must have on some level wanted her son to meet his granddad, so maybe she's not as hard-bitten. 

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Miguel's kids' issue with Rebecca seems to be the same as the Big 3's issue with Miguel.  Except Shelley is still alive so she can continue to poison them.  

Is Beth's dad still alive?  I wonder if Miguel is the only living grandpa (okay stepgrandpa) Tess and Annie have.

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7 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

edit: trying to delete my quote box but having trouble

If you move your mouse pointer over the box, you'll see the frame highlight and a little box appear above the top left corner. Click on the little box (it'll disappear but the quote-box border will be a thicker blue line) and then hit the delete key. (It took me several tries to figure this out.) (You can also drag the little box to move the quote box up or down in your comment.)


4 hours ago, ShortyMac said:

Re-watching the episode and OMFG, Miguel's son, Andy, was being such a brat/dick to Rebecca!! "First, you steal my dad, and then, you try to kill my brother-in-law?!"

That was dumb. If you're deathly allergic to nuts, you don't eat food made by someone who doesn't know you and not ask what's in it (especially since nuts are common in a lot of seasonal/fall side-dishes). And if you do, that's not the cook's fault. (Also, I was kind of amused by that scene followed by Jesse bringing a pecan pie to William's party.)

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10 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Is Beth's dad still alive?  I wonder if Miguel is the only living grandpa (okay stepgrandpa) Tess and Annie have.

I think he died of cancer. Remember the scene in S1 when Beth made pot brownies and got high with William? I believe she said the pot was left over from when her father was dying of cancer.

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I wonder what made Miguel move to Texas unless the kids are all grown and gone. I'm just glad he reached out to Rebecca and to see her smile on FB. He has the patience of a saint.

I wonder if they'll discuss what happened to the dog, who got him, what happened with the house and insurance and when did Jack's mom die. Not biggies but they always nag at me watching the show.

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2 hours ago, TwoGrayTabbies said:

If the writers want a feel-good inspirational story about Randall following Jack and William’s legacy of service to others, there’s an obvious way of doing it at least somewhat realistically.  Given Randall’s financial wizardry, business experience, and business connections, he is ideally qualified to start a non-profit community organization to provide services such as educational support, blight remediation, latchkey care, etc.  He’s already managing a low-income housing project; he could start from there and add other services.  Beth’s urban planning know-how would be valuable.  She would have a genuine position, not a pity job.  It’s been pointed out umpteen times that the political story makes no sense for multiple reasons.  What were/are the writers thinking?

I've actually been wondering if this is the direction they're heading.


Yes, of course. But my point was that in this show, they cram in everything into one extended family. The show is sort of an equal opportunity advocate. I like it, but it just seems forced. 

Maybe it seems forced to you because in other shows there's typically one character (usually a stereotype) to represent marginalized groups. I think a multiplicity of characters with diverse backgrounds interests and issues shows those areas of one's make up are just one component to who they are as a person. (Someone else can probably phrase this better).

I said "oh sweetie" out loud during Kate and Tess' discussion. Kate's not really warm. My aunts all descended on my house when I got my period the first time. It was like this welcome to the club atmosphere that was very reassuring but completely mortifying.

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2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I think he died of cancer. Remember the scene in S1 when Beth made pot brownies and got high with William? I believe she said the pot was left over from when her father was dying of cancer.

You are right, he did. This was mentioned twice, like you said with the pot and the scene where she was telling Tess and Annie about making a box for William when he dies and Randall got upset and she said something along the lines of “we need to prepare them, we both lost our fathers suddenly and I don’t want that for them”.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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The problem wasn't the phone, but that it looked too thin to be a 1997 phone. I had one then too. It wasn't a flip phone (got that in 2001, I think) but it was much thicker than Miguel's. And they weren't that common. I only had one because my parents didn't want me to drive to college without it. But I was the only one of my friends who had one at the time.

Other anachronism: when Jack said something about "being present" to Miguel in 1997. I don't recall that terminology being used 20 years ago,

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28 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

The problem wasn't the phone, but that it looked too thin to be a 1997 phone. I had one then too. It wasn't a flip phone (got that in 2001, I think) but it was much thicker than Miguel's. And they weren't that common. I only had one because my parents didn't want me to drive to college without it. But I was the only one of my friends who had one at the time.

And see, I had an emergency phone for the same reason (my cell plan gave me 10 minutes a month and I only ever had to use it once, when I slid on icy roads into a ditch), and it was the exact same phone Miguel had. So it didn't seem anachronistic to me at all. A lot of folks in the thread seem to disagree though, so maybe I'm remembering it wrong.

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5 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

Toby really didn't bother me in this scene like he did for a lot of people.  I think for most men, it's one thing to talk to their wife or girlfriend about her period.  It's something else to talk about your niece's first period because he probably realizes she is no longer a little girl. 

I had a huge Motorola flip phone in 1994. I remember that because I started working a 2nd shift job 35 miles from home.   I had to pay $40-something dollars a month and got an hour talk time. Times have changed.  

I thought this too, about Toby. I also thought that maybe he wasn't sure if Tess could hear him, and didn't want to say the "wrong" thing. It would embarrass her more if she had overheard her uncle say, "Tess had her period!" It would have been even worse if she'd perceived it to have a somewhat negative inflection. Even if he said it cheerfully, she still wouldn't want people talking about it and giving the issue attention. If he subtly, quietly, and in very few words told Kate, she could go help Tess without making a bigger deal out of it than it needed to be. 

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42 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

And see, I had an emergency phone for the same reason (my cell plan gave me 10 minutes a month and I only ever had to use it once, when I slid on icy roads into a ditch), and it was the exact same phone Miguel had. So it didn't seem anachronistic to me at all. A lot of folks in the thread seem to disagree though, so maybe I'm remembering it wrong.

Haha - my parents would have loved that plan! I never used mine much, though, but once I ran out of gas in northern Pennsylvania and was glad for it - although, ironically, the reception in the area barely worked!

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On 11/20/2018 at 7:31 PM, ShadowFacts said:

Nicky was a medic. 

To add to this, he said that his CO befriended a local woman, who did him many favors, but, in the end, sold him out to the VC who threw a satchel charge in his tent one night and blew him to bits.  He was the only target.  I kind of get why Nicky would have that hostile attitude toward them after that, even the children. I somehow think that it will play into the story later on.

19 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Hahahaha, of course Randall has a color coded recipe binder and I LOVE IT.

Paging Leslie Knope...

8 hours ago, anna0852 said:

 No wonder it flustered Toby to hear it.

I loved his retort.  "Blasphemy!"

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10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Would (what was the college in question) actually like that answer from Randall?  It's so freaking pedantic and pretentious.  I guess I'm lucky I don't live in the U.S.  I wouldn't have answered like that.

I don't think they ever mentioned the name of the college, but I have a hard time picturing any college being especially impressed by the tone he took.

Teenagers regularly try to show admissions committees how independent-minded and clever they are by writing, "Here's what's wrong with your question," instead of actually answering it. It usually just makes them sound like brats.

And "I can't name the one person who changed my life the most because I've met lots of people" is a pretty strange argument to make.

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6 hours ago, PRgal said:

I wonder if Miguel is the only living grandpa (okay stepgrandpa) Tess and Annie have.

Slight pet peeve here:  my step kids were 12 & 14 when I married their dad.  They have a mom who is in their life and they always called me by my name, which was fine.  But their children?  I have always been grandma, actually Nonna.  They were born many, many years into our marriage.  They don’t know of a time when Grandpa wasn’t married to Nonna.  We’ve always been a pair so there is no step here.  As with adoption, they don’t have to be blood related to be my grandchildren, as opposed to my step-grandchildren.  My kids would say the same as they often introduce us to people as “their parents.”  

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54 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

I don't think they ever mentioned the name of the college, but I have a hard time picturing any college being especially impressed by the tone he took.

Teenagers regularly try to show admissions committees how independent-minded and clever they are by writing, "Here's what's wrong with your question," instead of actually answering it. It usually just makes them sound like brats.

And "I can't name the one person who changed my life the most because I've met lots of people" is a pretty strange argument to make.

I would need to watch the episode again, but I thought Randall mentioned Stanford.

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19 hours ago, Vanessa1214 said:

"Friends" had a very different Thanksgiving episode every season for ten years. People still watch marathons of all the Thanksgiving episodes on Thanksgiving day. 


Regarding the Cracker Barrel run, I could swear I also saw Popeye's boxes, which would be two different restaurants delivering or him driving to. I found that whole scene very unrealistic and cliche. 

If there were Popeyes too - there are not many of those in NJ, either (They just started coming here in force in the last ~5 years)! There are ads on TV all the time, though. The closest one to Alpine is in Yonkers - which would make it an even longer trip! I checked google maps - and there is apparently a Cracker Barrel right near the NJ-PA border - which is still 55 minutes from Alpine!

Popeyes certainly has more locations in NJ than Cracker Barrel.

16 hours ago, Rebky said:

Cracker Barrel requires a minimum of 24 hours notice for these things - you cannot just call it in and go pick it up quickly.  It's not like a quick dinner to go.

Silly This Is Us.

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On 11/20/2018 at 8:59 PM, Kira53 said:

If my memory serves me this is the third Thanksgiving episode in three years.   I wonder if there’s any other TV show that was able to have three very different thanksgiving episodes in there first three years?  

I love Brooklyn Nine Nine's Thanksgiving episodes.

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On 11/20/2018 at 10:59 PM, Kira53 said:

If my memory serves me this is the third Thanksgiving episode in three years.   I wonder if there’s any other TV show that was able to have three very different thanksgiving episodes in there first three years?  They really packed a lot of Thanksgivings during many decades and every major character was featured in a important Thanksgiving in their life.  Amazing writing feat in an episode that is less than one hour.

I didn't hate the episode, I hated the Vietnam part because I can't with all the Vietnam anymore, anywhere but I also wish that every single show (or at least the ones I watch) stopped doing all the thanksgiving and christmas episodes all the time. I find them extremely boring. Let's have a family/people that don't  celebrate anything for a change

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4 hours ago, bros402 said:

If there were Popeyes too - there are not many of those in NJ, either (They just started coming here in force in the last ~5 years)! There are ads on TV all the time, though. The closest one to Alpine is in Yonkers - which would make it an even longer trip! I checked google maps - and there is apparently a Cracker Barrel right near the NJ-PA border - which is still 55 minutes from Alpine!

Popeyes certainly has more locations in NJ than Cracker Barrel.

Silly This Is Us.

Heh.  I just assumed Toby told the local Cracker Barrel a long story about how important it was that he not let the Pearson's Thanksgiving  down, complete with information about Pilgrim Rick, his wife's pregnancy and his step-niece's first period, and so the Cracker Barrel employee took one of the meals from a customer who had given 24 hour notice and gave it to Tobes.  Somewhere there's a special employment agency where that guy, the one who worked for the baby supply distribution center, the car dealer who sold Jack a car at a loss and a dozen other Pearson victims, are hunting for new jobs.

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12 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Heh.  I just assumed Toby told the local Cracker Barrel a long story about how important it was that he not let the Pearson's Thanksgiving  down, complete with information about Pilgrim Rick, his wife's pregnancy and his step-niece's first period, and so the Cracker Barrel employee took one of the meals from a customer who had given 24 hour notice and gave it to Tobes.  Somewhere there's a special employment agency where that guy, the one who worked for the baby supply distribution center, the car dealer who sold Jack a car at a loss and a dozen other Pearson victims, are hunting for new jobs.

Yes, of course he did his schtick to the poor Cracker Barrel employee.  That, or he had this pre-ordered as a back up plan.  I just looked it up and CB only appeared in California last year; Toby must be an early adapter.  (P.S. I love their sweet potato casserole.) 

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11 hours ago, Mystery said:

I love Brooklyn Nine Nine's Thanksgiving episodes.

Gossip Girl and How I Met Your Mother also had good ones along with Friends.

I remember BNN Halloweens but not Thanskgivings.

The colour coded binder also reminds me of a few Monica Geller scenes:  Her wedding binder, and her meeting the woman who had the colour coded Adoption binder, and having a tiny orgasm as a result.

8 hours ago, alexvillage said:

I didn't hate the episode, I hated the Vietnam part because I can't with all the Vietnam anymore, anywhere but I also wish that every single show (or at least the ones I watch) stopped doing all the thanksgiving and christmas episodes all the time. I find them extremely boring. Let's have a family/people that don't  celebrate anything for a change

I like the Christmas ones, but being Canadian the Thanksgiving ones are so weird!  I don't know how other Canadians are but since my grandparents passed on we just don't take it so seriously anymore.  Looking at social media it seems like Americans take this holiday extremely seriously.  (Being an atheist myself I totally get not liking any holiday stuff whatsoever.  I just happen to like Xmas since I stopped working retail.)

14 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I don't think they ever mentioned the name of the college, but I have a hard time picturing any college being especially impressed by the tone he took.

Teenagers regularly try to show admissions committees how independent-minded and clever they are by writing, "Here's what's wrong with your question," instead of actually answering it. It usually just makes them sound like brats.

And "I can't name the one person who changed my life the most because I've met lots of people" is a pretty strange argument to make.

I found it weird also, but I think because lately I've become obsessed with good communication ever since I was told that not being assertive enough was an issue of mine.  It strikes me as a very passive aggressive way to answer a question when you would think being assertive (answering the question directly) would make more sense...... and not be as aggravating.  Yes out of those 18,615 people like 18550 of them probably had almost zero impact.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Thanksgiving episodes are rare on tv now. It seems to be more of a sitcom thing and even now this year Modern Family didn’t even have one which was odd. I agree with others Friends has great thanksgiving episodes.

I do like that this is us seems to like the holiday enough that it will be a big thing. And new girl had some fun ones. On dramas it’s rare to have a thanksgiving episode with the exception of gossip girl always having one, even though there were a few that thanksgiving was just a backdrop and they didn’t focus on it. The oc had two thanksgiving episodes though and they were fun.

Back to this show.. the necklace was a meh kind of moment but I’m okay with that. It didn’t need to have a long winded explanation for me and oh no did jack fall in love with a Vietnam woman? It didn’t. 

I feel like Nicky’s death is going to be that he killed himself. I just feel it. 

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So many things in this episode to hand wave, they ruined the show for me. Especially the Toby-cooking-Tgiving-dinner part. WTHeck, it's not hard people. Making fresh cranberries is so simple it's ridiculous, and one doesn't need 30 ingredients plus fresh mint. Most recipes are three ingredients, including the cranberries. Try doing a google search for recipes, dumb ass. And that turkey? I've never basted a turkey in my life and I've never had one come out dry or inedible. And I'm no chef, I'm just a regular person. A turkey also needs more than a half hour to bake, too, so should have been in the oven ages before even looking up the cranberry recipe.

Then the turkey shown was black on top? Please. It would have to have been in a 400-degree oven for a full day to be burned. Giant hand wave.

Then, in five minute's time, Toby appears with take out? It takes five minutes just to go outside and get in your car. If it was delivered, it takes five minutes to find a place that will deliver. Even Dominos pizza might take longer than 30 minutes on Thanksgiving. If they are even open.

I hated that entire "we're cooking" segment. Must be most of this show's writers live at home with mom or a SO that does all that for them.

Then Toby talking about the girl products. Geesh. I guess when he was trying to get Kate pregnant he asked her when her full-moon thing was going to happen so they could do that you-know-what thing. He's such a dumb ass.

Now we find out Nicky is a medic. Holy cats. I guess because he saves spiders he decided to go that route. Not a wise choice, obviously.

LOL that Kevin's necklace quest is for something a random woman, no name yet, gave Jack for putting medicine on her kid's foot. Alrighty then. Good luck with that Kevin. We did get to see the photo being taken though, so that was cool. It would be something if that kid's foot heals and he hunts down and kills Nicky with one of those can explosives Jack saw being made.

I've never gotten the Miguel hate, but I have wondered about his kids. This was his first Thanksgiving with them, and only because the ex went somewhere else? His kids are dicks.

Speaking of dicks ... Randall. What a jerk. "She's my wife" doesn't mean she knows jack about politics. Randall deserves to lose. I'd do a write-in vote for his campaign manager instead.

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Speaking of dicks ... Randall. What a jerk. "She's my wife" doesn't mean she knows jack about politics. Randall deserves to lose. I'd do a write-in vote for his campaign manager instead.

Especially, you know, that she worked as a city planner for 12 years which means you have to deal with NIMBY's, developers, and city administration officials. The hell?

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On 11/20/2018 at 10:19 PM, Kremit said:

I feel like recent episodes are trying to cram in too many storylines.  Could have done without William and Jessie tonight.

Liked Miguel standing up for Rebecca to his kids, and can’t understand why they seemed to blame Rebecca for their parents divorce.  Loved Annie this episode!

i liked the Tess storyline but was a bit taken out of it because I feel like she’s a bit young for it.  Last year’s Halloween episode established that she was born Halloween 2008, so she just turned 10.  My son also just turned 10 so I remember being surprised at that because she seems to be written older, more like a 12-13 year old.  Kate did reference being about her age and 12 when she got her first period, so maybe I’m remembering Tess’ birth year wrong.

It totally happens. Girls are starting their periods earlier than they used to, and additionally, black girls on average get their periods younger than white girls. Anecdotally, I was 9 when I started my period.

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