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S01.E01: Keep on Truckin'

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17 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

True. Happens every day in my world. My roommate doesn't have healthcare so she's on Medicaid. Certain medications she either can't get or can't afford, so her sister, who is a gov't employee with great medical, will tell her doctor "I need this med for this malady" and give the prescription to her sister.

Happens more often than you think.

I am prescribed Xanax. I get 20 pills a year. Its's not really enough to help with my anxiety and panic attacks. My friend's doctor gives her an unlimited amount, so sometimes she gives me a few. 

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5 hours ago, junemeatcleaver said:

They didn't mention "The Conners was taped in front of a live studio audience." 

They wanted to preserve the secrecy of what happened to Roseanne Conner.  Roseanne Barr revealed it in an interview, but reviewers wrote about how they couldn't confirm or deny it, because they weren't allowed to write about that spoiler.  So rather than taking their chances on an entire studio audience abiding by NDAs, they'd just film it without one (like the Murphy Brown revival premiere filming the Hillary Clinton cameo on a closed set).

1 hour ago, Whimsy said:

My bigger question was why was Jackie called and not Dan?  

Because she wasn't being officially notified by the medical examiner, she was being given a courtesy heads-up by a friend (presumably from her time as a cop) within the coroner's office.

28 minutes ago, CatsAndMoreCats said:

I only caught the last bit when the show aired last night -- when Dan went to bed.  I thought it was curious that he actually got into bed on Roseanne's side (see original series for reference).  She always slept on the right side; Dan was on the left. 

They switched sometimes when the mattress wore down in one spot, so it could have just been that, but it was a little odd - in the midst of a terrific tag - that he was on what was her side the overwhelming majority of the ti me.

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11 minutes ago, Bastet said:

They switched sometimes when the mattress wore down in one spot, so it could have just been that, but it was a little odd - in the midst of a terrific tag - that he was on what was her side the overwhelming majority of the ti me.

He was on the same side as last season. The last time we saw them there was when they talked about the surgery.


Edited by Luciano
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32 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

Happens every day in my world. My roommate doesn't have healthcare so she's on Medicaid. Certain medications she either can't get or can't afford, so her sister, who is a gov't employee with great medical, will tell her doctor "I need this med for this malady" and give the prescription to her sister.

Happens more often than you think.


14 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I am prescribed Xanax. I get 20 pills a year. Its's not really enough to help with my anxiety and panic attacks. My friend's doctor gives her an unlimited amount, so sometimes she gives me a few. 

And that fits perfectly with Roseanne living in Lanford all this time.  She knows enough people who would have a few pills laying around.

OR, her friends would know people who could get her pills, and be assured that "Rosie's cool.  She's lived here her whole life." 

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9 hours ago, Luciano said:

He was on the same side as last season.

I had that niggling thought right after I posted; thanks for the confirmation.  Well, given that the mattress we saw them replace during the original series was the one they'd had since they got married (not to mention the state of their furniture in general), this mattress is probably that replacement one, so after flipping it a million times, having switched sides in the last year or so because what was uncomfortable on one side for one of them wasn't as bad for the other one would be an explanation for the switched sides, and one with precedence.  (Edited to say: Oh!  The CPAP machine - when Dan woke up in the "I thought you were dead/Why does everybody always think I'm dead?" scene in the first episode of the revival, we him using one.  Since there's only room for it on that side, that's why they switched.)

Last night, there were only clips up on the ABC website, but now that the whole episode is available I was able to see the opening that I missed.  Even having it recapped, I was still, "Wow, there's a lot here in just a few minutes."

- Not liking bible-thumping Gina.  Get stuffed with your "everyone who believes differently than me is going to hell" talk.  Although it does tie back to D.J.'s religious phase, I guess.  And gave us the funny "We already have a cabana" line.  But between this and the preview, I'll be happy when she's back in Afghanistan.

- It's nice that, three weeks after the funeral, Bev and Crystal are still regularly coming over for death casseroles. 

- Roseanne only got proper pain meds for two days post-op, and then was supposed to just take Ibuprofen?  Even a non-addict would be begging pills off people!

- Dan is heartbreaking.  "It doesn't make any sense - I got her knees fixed, I flushed all her pills."

- "Dammit.  That's the only thing from Mom's closet that I wanted" - even having seen that quoted, I still laughed out loud.

Edited by Bastet
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Finally watched this on Hulu and was overall impressed.   I laughed and I cried.   

Regarding Mark, last year Darlene said he was 10 so he is possibly 11 now- I agree with those who said they hoped his storylines won’t just be about him being gay.   I do think the two boys he is friends with obviously know him and like him and probably their parents know him too, so I don’t think they will be shocked with the way he dresses or his sexuality.   I’m sure some people are but I’m guessing those kids are staying away from him-  which is sad but also good riddance.   

Harris looks so much prettier this season and seems sweeter so hopefully she is a bit more likeable.   

Geena kinda surprised me with the whole Bible thing but we saw the promo of them in church at one point so it makes sense-  I loved her little spar session with Darlene, you can tell they are fond of each other.   And little Mary with her fruits and veggies, she is so sweet.   

Darlene still shocks me in the best way of how utterly and genuinely sweet and kind she has become-   Still snappy and sarcastic but such a stand up person and mom.   I feel so proud of her?!?!  From that little funny tomboy to the depressed and sometimes downright mean teenager to a caring mom.   I just.  Love her so.   I don’t know what is going on with her and David, if it’s over for good (kinda sounds like it is but you never know), but I feel like the best of David and the best Darlene would make an amazing couple.   I feel like Roseanne when they broke up.... “No new people!”  ?

Becky has a boyfriend now?!?!  I wanna meet him!!! Lmao driving a truck into a house.   Oh Becky.   I hope we get a lot more from her this season.  Lecy has been such a scene stealer since last season, even moreso than she was in the original run and she was pretty damn good then too.  

Dan and Jackie broke my heart so much.    Such realistic reactions.  I wonder where they will go from here.   They have amazing chemistry together too, always have, not saying I want the characters to get together but I am so excited to see more scenes of them together.    

Anyway excellent reboot of the reboot-  I hope we get more of D.J. in future eps (since Geena is only home for 5 days, maybe the unexpected pregnancy is hers?)-  but I also want more of everyone.   It’s so different having a 10 ep season vs 23 eps but I will take what I can get.   I love the Conners so much.  ?

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4 minutes ago, TheLastKidPicked said:

Dan is my favorite character because he is being written EXACTLY like I would expect Dan to be 20 years later.  And some of his lines are the same lines he would have said 20 years ago.

When Mark brought his friends over, and Joey was trying(?) to be helpful.  "People die.  What are you going to do?"

And Dan,  "Seen a little too much action in 'Nam, Joey?"

Brought me right back to 35 year old Dan working in his garage.

Yeah. I think he hasn't missed a beat, especially this week and last season. Goodman may be very dry but he seems much more committed than in Seasons 7-9 (he's also sober now).

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5 hours ago, ryebread said:

I agree with you.  I could almost see the epi where Archie was on the porch having a serious talk with his granddaughter/niece/whatever, Stephanie, right after Meathead and Gloria moved to California.  Which is right when the show jumped the shark for me.

Mostly gone was the comedy and in came the heavy-handed, badly acted social issues.  Don't want 'em in my comedy shows.  Got 'em all day, every day, everywhere else.  I hope Roseanne...er...The Conners, doesn't fall victim to the same thing.  Although, like you said, the re-boot of this feels similar to the re-boot of All in the Family's, Archie Bunker's Place.  Which was the death knell for that beloved series.

Unless I am reading your answer incorrectly, you remember a very different All in the Family than I do. All in the Family featured nonstop social issues, many of which were endemic to the characters. The show's willingness to address them so bluntly was what made it so ground breaking. And that's what I hope The Connors do. If The Connors is just a  lightweight comedy, then I'll pass. There are enough of those already.

The Connors needs to be careful, though. Unlike All in the Family, which I remember as showing different perspectives of a social issue, and each "side" made points and in the end Archie usually looked silly for resisting change, The Connors has shown a tendency to pick a side and then hit the viewer over the head with it.  All the crap about Dan going with a cheaper, nonunion bid, for example, which was automatically equated with hiring illegal labor which in reality it may simply have been Americans who were cheaper because they were nonunion. And now last night, it seemed like Mark being gay is something everyone in the family knows and accepts vs. any kind of dialogue. It didn't seem that way earlier this year. And even if they do, just because he knows he is gay doesn't mean his two buddies who he is choosing between would have any idea what is going on. An adult might have talked to him about that. I get the feeling the show is so eager to make a point about how normal it is for a child to decide he is gay that it skips over any discussion. That's a mistake. And I say that as a long-time supporter of LBGTQ rights and gay causes.

P.S. I never watched Archie Bunker's Place, so can't add anything there.

Edited by Ottis
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18 hours ago, WednesdayAddams said:

This episode was better than the first episode last season. As long as we get this Jackie and not Gilligan Jackie, we'll be good. I cried at Jackie's break down. It all reminded me of my family when my Uncle died. It was real with nice heartfelt moments. 


18 hours ago, Giuseppe said:

Y'all, I really liked it. I thought they handled the situation really well, and the acting and writing actually seemed vastly improved from most of last year's episodes. Becky and Darlene's interactions were great, and I loved some of the more unexpected humor, like Becky saying the pills were the only thing she wanted from Roseanne's closet (even if that was a bit inappropriate given the circumstances).

I was surprised by how much I didn't miss Roseanne Conner. Overall, I thought it was a good start.


18 hours ago, rollacoaster said:

Man, John Goodman has lost some serious weight.

DJ's wife is sharp! I loved her banter with Darlene. 

Line of the night: "Reservation? We have our own Cabana." 

I hope this Jackie stays as well. 

I didn't miss Rosanne at all. 

My daughter totally picked the broody, sarcastic boy, and predicted Darlene's son would, too. Loved Dan helping him compare. 


18 hours ago, Luciano said:

I was smiling at the Dan/Mark interaction and the fact that Mark went for the boy equivalent of Darlene - which she responded to by saying it was a point for her team. Also Dan asking Joey if he had seen things in 'Nam after Joey said that everyone dies.


18 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Becky's always been my personal favorite so I'm glad to see her humor showcased this premiere. 

Who'd have thought snarky, reserved Darlene would grow up to be the most involved and sensitive of the bunch? ? 

In some ways Jackie will end up flailing and struggling more than Dan. After all she and Roseanne have been a duo longer and she was the balance and steel to her wackiness and whimsy. 

DJ and his wife are great.

The actress who plays Harris is so much more likable (and prettier) here than on Shameless. I've judged her too harshly as Deb (to be fair Deb is annoying ?). 


17 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I may be wrong, but I think Dan, Jackie and Becky have looked that way since last season.  The HD doesn't do them any favors. 

I think Jackie's storyline will be the most interesting.  Roseanne was such a huge presence for her entire life to the point where I doubt Jackie was making many decisions absent Roseanne's input.  I think it will be fascinating to watch Jackie try to live life on her own.   


16 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I was finding the show just okay, until the scene between Darlene and Jackie, which choked me up more than any show, drama or comedy, has in a very long time. It was so moving, and so beautifully acted. And the final scene with Dan alone in the bed felt so real.

I have to admit, though, that I'm uneasy with Darlene's son's storyline, which appears to revolve almost entirely around his sexual orientation. To me this seems sort of inappropriate, given that he appears to be about 8. It's almost like he's there to make a point, rather than just being a member of the family. I wish they'd made him older and/or less one-note. I'm sure lots will disagree with me, but that's okay. 

I'm not 100% onboard with the show yet, but I'll definitely keep watching. 

I thought it was a promising start. I am interested in what Jackie will do. Her whole life has been cleaved to Roseanne, in both good and bad ways, and I can't imagine how lost she feels. She actually is probably more lost than Dan who has his friends, his job (though hard to believe he is still working), and his family. I hate to say this, but Darlene's kids are just not good actors. I am watching a show called Single Parents and the show has promise, but the kids just do not work into the premise of the show. I have mentioned a show called "Mom" in which they have done away with the kids and the season is better for it, even though the show itself is about being a mom. Mark and Harris can move off screen and Darlene can just talk about them and I think it would be funnier. I feel like I am on a roll with trying to get kids off family comedies but not all shows can be The Middle and cast kids who are just perfect for their roles. Modern Family had some growing pains as the kids grew out of their cuteness. I am very interested in the relationship between Darlene and Becky. Both actresses were great in their respective roles. I think it would it would be nice to explore an adult sister relationship that is very different from Jackie and Roseanne. It actually looks like Becky and Darlene might actually have a much healthier respect for each other because they are not joined at the hip...who would of thought that when they were kids?

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Forgot to mention 2 things-  I am rewatching Roseanne (currently in season 3) and the boob jokes Becky makes against Darlene are already in full swing.   I love how it’s an ongoing thing-  and I remember the whole push up bra from last season.   


Also I saw a mention about the David ep being next-  IIRC that’s actually ep #4?   I think it was just screened for review along with the pilot but it’s still a few weeks away.  

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26 minutes ago, Ottis said:

The show's willingness to address them so bluntly was what made it so ground breaking. And that's what I hope The Connors do. If The Connors is just a  lightweight comedy, then I'll pass. There are enough of those already.

Where?  Please tell me.  So many shows on now think they are Western Union and have to put out a message.

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They switched sometimes when the mattress wore down in one spot, so it could have just been that, but it was a little odd - in the midst of a terrific tag - that he was on what was her side the overwhelming majority of the ti me.

Maybe he wanted to sleep where she slept (if that was her side, sometimes? And, oh my goodness, typing that made me feel so sad!)--or he wanted to be able to reach the lamp (haha, typing that made me laugh!).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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20 hours ago, SimoneS said:

It started slow, but I thought it had more heartwarming humor in the last 15 minutes. I will keep watching.

Btw, was that Mary Steenburgen? I barely recognized her.

she is finally aging thru all the work she had done. 

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7 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh my goodness, yes. It made me tear up, partly because the subject matter just made me sad and partly because I so get it. A few years ago, my friend died. And it was no surprise, really (longtime alcohol abuse), at least not at first when it had just happened. But then (and I hope I can adequately articulate this), it also was a surprise in the aftermath--in fact, it was many surprises, over and over and over, in terms of a sudden realization in the middle of doing some mundane ordinary thing (I mean, not that making a kitchen triangle is that ordinary!). I distinctly remember cleaning up after dinner about two weeks later-ish, same as usual, but then just all of a sudden having a big crying freakout because the thought "we'll never see him again" popped into my head! Walked right out of the room at some point leaving the water running, as my boyfriend whispered, "Oh no" to himself with a panicked look on his face (which is now actually funny to me when I picture it).

Condolences on your loss. I understand that feeling-it's freaky how it kinda sneaks up and blindsides you like that, isn't it? 

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18 hours ago, Tanichka said:

Laurie Metcalf is the best thing about the show.  Wow, does John Goodman ever look old!  

Mary Steenburgen really needs makeup.  She sure looks her age!

 i guess some actresses must get tired of the plastic surgery upkeep and decide to age an normally/naturally as they can after all the work done previously.

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Dan is sleeping on the side he is now because of the CPAP machine.  There isn't enough wall on the other side of the bed for there to be an outlet near there.


Not sure I like Geena being a bible thumper.  We'll see where they go with that...

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6 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Mary Steenburgen wasn't made up like Mary Steenburgen walking the red carpet or as another, more glamorous character -- she was made up to look like a small town woman who is dealing with profound guilt, harassment and constant questioning, and who needs to be driven home.  That's not how the actor normally looks (not that there's anything wrong with that), that's how this character looks under these circumstances.

Exactly.  For me, SHE was the mvp last night.

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1 minute ago, Pallas said:

It was a grounded, affecting, vivid performance. The writing gave her what she needed and she made the most of it, as did Goodman in response. The episode found its footing right there on the front porch. 

I agree completely. It was profound.

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I enjoyed this more than I thought I would.  While I did not miss Roseanne Barr, I did miss Roseanne Conner a bit, especially in the end when they went around the table with the credits.  I will keep tuning in.

I loved the scene on the porch with Dan and Mary Steemburgen.  It felt so real and raw on both sides.  I am a criminal defense attorney in a town similar to Lanford.  And opioids are a big problem here, but so often we don’t see the effect on an older generation on TV.  I have represented the little old ladies who are just sharing (Or so they say).  The truth is, Mary Steemburgen’s character would likley be charged with a crime of some sort, maybe even a Reckless Homicide. (Although I think that may be harder to prove than they think.) So remember, sharing is “Delivering Drugs”, even if you don’t get paid.

I also enjoyed Mark’s storyline.  I was the weird kid in school, and his first day in school storyline last year was heartbreaking.  When he said that nobody wanted to play with him, I almost cried.  So I was thrilled to see that he had friends.  I don’t think Dan, or anybody else in the family, has a problem with Mark being gay.  I think he was uncomfortable talking about boys in general, like he was with Becky and Darlene.  His major concern last season was Mark’s safety. (Even if he didn’t understand Mark’s motivation) He wanted to protect his family.  I hope that continues. And he’s right, Enrique was a catch.  Dark and brooding may seem fun at first, but it gets old.

Finially I will reserve judgement on Gina and her religiousness. I am hoping that she was joking with her family, rather than evangelizing.  I am sure we will see later.

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14 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

It was profound.

Her proud hurt, guilt and grief. The mess and the heart. Her drunken insistence that Dan should see her, that Dan should see her for who she was -- all of it -- and know that she knew and loved Roseanne...And that this, the trading pills among themselves, was a woman's thing for getting through the day, Dan...It was she who reminded me of Roseanne Conner. 

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18 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

I disliked DJ's wife. She has spent several months of deployment in a foreign country with a different culture, and she returns as a judgmental American "Christian," unable to look at any viewpoint of her own. Her crack to Darlene about reading the Bible, because Darlene dared mentioned a religion followed by a billion or so other people is what infuriates me most about myopic Americans. I've seen it with some of the veterans I've worked with -- they return from deployment without an understanding of another culture.

I agree, I thought she seemed more than a little judgey, but based on everyone's reaction to her, I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for now.  Everyone seemed to react like this was just another normal back-and-forth between them.  No-nonsense, takes no crap from the Connors - ok.  Christian with sincere beliefs - ok.  Unable to look at any viewpoint besides her own - remains to be seen, for me.

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24 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I agree completely. It was profound.  [The front porch scene]


18 minutes ago, ajsnaves said:

And opioids are a big problem here, but so often we don’t see the effect on an older generation on TV.  I have represented the little old ladies who are just sharing . . . 

And THIS is what I am glad they carried over from the original series--  Getting in there and shining the spotlight on issues that need it.  Showing that the opiod epidemic is not a bunch of miscreants meeting their dealer in a dark alley.  It's people who we know including the folks we see every day and have no idea they are struggling with it until it's too late.

Edited by TheLastKidPicked
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Mary Steenburgen wasn't made up like Mary Steenburgen walking the red carpet or as another, more glamorous character -- she was made up to look like a small town woman who is dealing with profound guilt, harassment and constant questioning, and who needs to be driven home.  That's not how the actor normally looks (not that there's anything wrong with that), that's how this character looks under these circumstances.

Mary Steenburgen was on four seasons of the sitcom Last Man on Earth, which was just cancelled back in April or May of this year. She still looks good for her age, without any noticeable plastic surgery. 

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I don't miss Roseanne, but I do still miss the great acting and strong writing that was the backbone of the original show, and that was absent from last season too.  The "jokes" barely land, everyone sounds like they're reading lines off cue cards...I just don't get how such a talented group of people can put out such an amateur hour kind of product.  I love this cast but the quality (or lack thereof) of the work bums me out too much.

I used to think that Roseanne Barr was a bad actress, although she improved.  She used to laugh at her own lines--we forgave her because they were funny.  I think the lines sound like they're on cue cards because they're waiting for the live audience to respond or because, as characters, they are on auto-pilot due to Roseanne's stunning death.  Rather than an amateur hour, I saw people walking around like zombies because they're in shock.

I do love the characterization of Laurie Metcalfe as Gilligan Jacky because I thought she MUGGED terribly in the old show--alll googly eyes and exaggerated physical movements.  Ratchet it down, Laurie!  Michael Fishman isn't a good actor, but a lot of kid actors don't do well as adult actors.  Ron Howard is the exception, most are like Jerry Mathers, who was terrible as a grown-up Beaver, and Larry Mathews, who played Richie on Dick Van Dyke.

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I thought this was well done. The show has such a good ensemble cast that I hardly missed Roseanne. 

I noticed in the scene with Dan and Crystal in the living room that Crystal wasn’t wearing a wedding band. I wonder if she’s widowed or divorced or if they’re retconning her being married to Dan’s father. 

I really want to meet Becky’s boyfriend. He sounds interesting. 

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2 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Condolences on your loss. I understand that feeling-it's freaky how it kinda sneaks up and blindsides you like that, isn't it? 

Thank you (and, yeah, it still happens, actually; I'm 47 and he was my friend since high school). And the same to all of you guys who know this feeling too.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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The episode was depressing. I could have seen this working as a final episode to put the series to bed but the rest of the cast (even with award-winning actors like John and Laurie) don’t appear to be strong enough to carry this on their own anymore. I’m wondering if the cast is just emotionally drained at this point since Barr basically tainted the series, and just phoning it in at this point. :-/

Much as it pains me to say this, Roseanne’s presence on the show makes a difference. Without her, the energy seems off. I don’t think I’ll see myself tuning back in.

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10 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

They killed Patrick Duffy off of Dallas; then, when he decided he wanted to come back/his BFF, the late Larry Hagman convinced him to come back because Larry missed him being on set, they decided Patrick’s on again-off again wife in the show dreamed his character died (he was the victim of a hit & run meant for her, caused by her half-sister who Patrick’s character had become involved with & who was jealous of Bobby’s continued warm relationship with his ex, with whom he also shared an adopted son). So it’s entirely possible they could retcon Roseanne’s death. They also do it all the time in daytime dramas.

It's funny, because Roseanne is the only live-action sitcom I can think of where a character's death has been retconned. In this case, with Dan. So, if we see a retcon for Roseanne's death as well, it would be quite a coincidence.

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Maybe Mary Steenburgen could be Dan's new love interest. 

I wish they wouldn't have named her Marcy, though.  Any time I hear the name 'Marcy', I think of Laurie Metcalf's character in Uncle Buck grinding on John Candy's leg.


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I loved it. I read the entire thread and have so many things to comment on, of course I forgot the multi-quote but here goes:

Re: prescription sharing - they touched on this during the Rosanne reboot too. Dan and Rosanne were trading pills to manage their shared conditions. I'm not shocked at all that there is a "neighborhood drug ring". I appreciated Darlene's reaction to Marcy being "all sad and human and stuff" as well as the baggie of pills in the freezer.

Re: Dan and Mark - I don't think Dan is uncomfortable with Mark being gay, at all. I think he's concerned for his safety as a gay teen in Lanford and he's uncomfortable talking about his crushes, period. Nothing to do with gender. I also see this Dan being the Dan we see. Even though he was cool with Nancy, Bev and Leon he's probably also grown and changed as a person. That comes from watching my dad go from 'ok but uncomfortable' to considering one of my gay friends to be family during the span of 30 years. I loved Dan helping Mark decide who to sit next to on the bus and Florida people, ehhhh was classic Dan.

I F!Love John Goodman. He's a national treasure.

Darlene, Jackie and Becky were behaving as I would expect them to, Becky especially not wanting to deal with it because of losing her Mark. I hope they touch on this again.

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Dan looked AWFUL. I mean I know his wife just died, but did John Goodman purposely lose that weight for the role? 

I thought the episode was well done. Great acting by Laurie Metcalf especially.

Michael Fishman still looks like a teenager!

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14 hours ago, Jillybean said:

I almost thought a different actor was playing Harris. Her hair color is much lighter than last season.

I also think she dropped about 15-20 pounds. Not surprised. There were more than a few comments about how she looked too heavy to be spawned by David and Darlene.

This might actually work. And the scene between Dan and Marcy was great work.

Edited by methodwriter85
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This episode was on par with some of the better written episodes from last season and the spirit of the series felt the same, which is no small feat.  It's also a topical issue, and follows up on the similarly themed episode last year.

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1 hour ago, tvrox said:

Dan looked AWFUL. I mean I know his wife just died, but did John Goodman purposely lose that weight for the role

No. He got sober and lost over 100lbs through diet and exercise. Doing it at such a late age means his skin won't snap back like it would if he were younger. 

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1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

I also think she dropped about 15-20 pounds. Not surprised. There were more than a few comments about how she looked too heavy to be spawned by David and Darlene.

She also had a stint in rehab in between seasons.

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4 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I thought this was well done. The show has such a good ensemble cast that I hardly missed Roseanne. 

I noticed in the scene with Dan and Crystal in the living room that Crystal wasn’t wearing a wedding band. I wonder if she’s widowed or divorced or if they’re retconning her being married to Dan’s father. 

I really want to meet Becky’s boyfriend. He sounds interesting. 

It's plausible Ed died. He would be in the same generation as Bev and she's 92! On the other hand, Ned Beatty is still very much alive at 81 years old. 

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This episode was depressing and sad, but the show had to deal with Roseanne the actress leaving. The only way to make sure the audience (and the advertisers) know that this was for real was to kill off the character and there's no way to keep the characters true to themselves while having them crack a bunch of jokes 3 weeks after their sister/wife/mom/grandma died. So they write one super sad episode where all the good actors get to show off their skills and snuck in a few laughs where they could. Next week, they can go back to writing Roseanne as a comedy.

Is it weird that all of the grandkids are named after dead members of their family? Harris, Mark, and Mary. If there is suprise baby, I bet they'll name it Roseanne.

I hated the scene when DJ's wife told Darlene that she was going to hell. That's a fucked up thing to say for so many reasons, but I'll start with Darlene's mother just died. Darlene's Non-Religious MOM just died and Geene's making jokes about how non-religious people burn in hell for eternity. What an incredibly heartless thing to say. Religion is supposed to bring people comfort and peace; it's not a stick you use to beat people who disagree with you.

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14 hours ago, Tosia said:

I can see Roseanne stashing pills cuz she's addicted.

 I refill my RXs every month,   even when I have more leftover. I have had Restless Leg Syndrome for about 7 years.  I have a fear of not having the meds when I need them ( usually approximately 1.5 -2 per day--a half or 1 in afternoon, and one to sleep).  I take half usually cuz they put me to sleep and I need to have a life in the afternoon hours before bedtime.

Although when I am out and about--shopping, errands, swimming, or cleaning house,  i.e., when  moving about, I don't notice the RLS, and I don't take a pill until bedtime. It's when I sit down to rest, watch tv, read, use the computer, or sleep that hits me.  My doc said, well then keep moving, but I told her that I have to sit and rest sometime.  She agreed. It sucks waiting for the med to kick in as well--abt 45 minutes of frustration and distraction. 

Restless Leg Syndrome is not exactly painful,  but more annoying to the point of serious exasperation (heart rate up, switching positions constantly to get relief,  and trying to breathe through it doesn't work),  without muscle relaxers. It's happened when I'm driving and  I had to keep moving/tensing my legs until the med kicked in. I keep some in my purse, just in case, cuz the RLS has started randomly at different times. It's happened in church--where I don't bring my purse-- and I had to sit there trying to be inconspicuous while changing positions, stretching out my legs, trying to breathe/relax, etc.  If I didn't get relief,  it would make me crazy, and I wouldn't rest or sleep consistently for any length of time.  Am I addicted? 

It sounds like you use your medication to mitigate or relieve your symptoms. That's not addiction, though depending on the medication you may be physically dependent on it. I take Xanax for insomnia, but only when I have to be up in time for work the next day. So I never use up my monthly allotment, but I still get the script filled religiously. The DEA has gone so overboard that I prefer to have a stash in case they (rather than my physician and I) deciding I'm using too many. I also have Percocet to use for migraines, though I rarely need it. Other things work better, but I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. It doesn't get me high, so I'm not worried about addiction. It's a painkiller, and if I'm not in pain I have zero desire to use it.


12 hours ago, festivus said:

The corn cob holders go in the silverware drawer. In that weird little section in the holder where you put cheese knives and the like. Yep.

During that whole scene I kept thinking don't they have a junk drawer? That's where my corn cob holders live.

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46 minutes ago, Rockstar99435 said:

This episode was depressing and sad, but the show had to deal with Roseanne the actress leaving. The only way to make sure the audience (and the advertisers) know that this was for real was to kill off the character and there's no way to keep the characters true to themselves while having them crack a bunch of jokes 3 weeks after their sister/wife/mom/grandma died. So they write one super sad episode where all the good actors get to show off their skills and snuck in a few laughs where they could. Next week, they can go back to writing Roseanne as a comedy.

Is it weird that all of the grandkids are named after dead members of their family? Harris, Mark, and Mary. If there is suprise baby, I bet they'll name it Roseanne.

I hated the scene when DJ's wife told Darlene that she was going to hell. That's a fucked up thing to say for so many reasons, but I'll start with Darlene's mother just died. Darlene's Non-Religious MOM just died and Geene's making jokes about how non-religious people burn in hell for eternity. What an incredibly heartless thing to say. Religion is supposed to bring people comfort and peace; it's not a stick you use to beat people who disagree with you.


Geena and Darlene were both laughing and Geena accompanied Darlene to get coffee after that-  I think Geena fits into the Conners really well.  We will see more as time goes on but it seemed more like an old comforting back and forth between them than something new and rude.  


But yes I do think it’s weird that everyone is named for a dead character (I guess not Harris since that’s just Roseanne and Jackie’s maiden name)-  I also wondered if a little Rosie will pop up.  But that might be too weird with what happened in real life.  

Edited by BeachDays
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1 hour ago, Rockstar99435 said:

This episode was depressing and sad, but the show had to deal with Roseanne the actress leaving. The only way to make sure the audience (and the advertisers) know that this was for real was to kill off the character and there's no way to keep the characters true to themselves while having them crack a bunch of jokes 3 weeks after their sister/wife/mom/grandma died. So they write one super sad episode where all the good actors get to show off their skills and snuck in a few laughs where they could. Next week, they can go back to writing Roseanne as a comedy.

I think killing off the character Roseanne was the only realistic choice. What other options would there be? Having her supposedly be in her bedroom, out of camera sight, indefinitely while the other characters pretended she was still a part of their lives and a bunch of "Roseanne/Mom said ABC" exposition ensued? That would be ludicrous. Or portraying the situation as Roseanne having decided to leave her entire family behind and go somewhere else alone or with a new romantic interest? That would have been character assassination. Even though Roseanne (the character) was annoying as fuck at times, she obviously cared deeply about her family. So the obvious solution was to have her character die, and her manner of death fit into the events from the previous season. It wasn't Roseanne dying from an OD of pills that had never been mentioned before. And while I acknowledge the "very special episode" feel of this episode, it's not a bad thing to remind the public in general that ODs happen not just to obviously addicted people but to regular middle class people who become dependent on painkillers and one night take one or two too many pills, or take them in combination with other prescription or OTC meds, and the cumulative effect is death. 

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