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  1. It was like the Virgin Mary all over again!
  2. If my husband had cancer, my first thought wouldn't be I have to go find someone else now in case he dies. What is wrong with Ashley???
  3. Sad to say, but he's clearly on a timeline.
  4. This whole fertile days discussion is super awkward!!! Maybe Kyle and Ashley will go there!!!
  5. Wow her English has really improved in six weeks. Or maybe it wasn't that bad to begin with and she lied? Hmm.
  6. Why don't they get into a relationship with this couple?
  7. What is the black thing poking out of her shirt? Doesn't look like a mic?
  8. Maybe Manuel is an alien. It would explain a lot. Did I really just see an add for a show called Take my Tumor??
  9. I should look into those types of headphones. I can't wear earplugs either-I get ear infections.
  10. Oh thank God. What's with the beret Nicole? Are you in France?
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