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S08.E10: Jinger's Double Surprise/S08.E11 Kendra Has A Baby


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20 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

 We have been married for 31 years. I have never called my in laws anything. Not Mom or Dad, nor their first names. I just have never called them anything. If I ever refer to them, they are “Husband’s Parents.”

I want to discuss this more, so I’m taking it over to Small Talk.

27 minutes ago, Calibabydolly said:

I felt so bad for Kendra saying her HIPS HURT SO BAD! I have never heard that from any other Duggar births before. Poor girl, and no epidural! Wow.

what I liked about Kendra's labor was that Mrs. Caldwell and her sister (name slipped my mind) knew Kendra's history and knew what they were doing. They actually helped, comforted and seem very supportive. And Mrs. Caldwell knew when to put the book down and grab an oxygen mask.  Even the dad made her smile and brought food.

I hope the rest of the Duggar wives will have their moms/sisters there. If not, give Mrs. Caldwell a call. No Michelle, Jill, Jana and random lay midwife. I really feel bad for Anna now..

Edited by sATL
  • Love 21
18 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

I actually saw the backs of Anna & Smuggar.  They have weaseled JBob &Mich back on, now these two.

Ugh!  Were Dillweed and Silly Jilly there, too?

18 hours ago, Bethanne said:

Austin, stop trying to make “etiquettesy” happen. It’s not going to happen. 

I noticed that, too!  Was he homeschooled?

Not disparaging homeschoolers in general, but the fundies on this show seem to be lacking.

  • Love 4

I understand not being fond of germs, but Austin was really asshole-ish about it. If you're going to be demanding about "etiquette," at least learn the right word for it. I kind of liked his dry sense of humor when he was first introduced on the show, but now he just comes across as the husband that I'd least want to be married to next to Derick of that bunch. If he's going to be that rigid about rules on a night that's supposed to be fun, I can see why he and Joy have described marriage as difficult and why Joy always looks like she's been hit with a ton of bricks lately.

Edited by graefin
  • Love 16
4 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Thanks for the memory of the green can Parmesan cheese I can still taste it and smell it to this day and I haven't had it since I was about 8 years old.


We have it in Colorado. 

Mr. Xword grew up with the green can.  We don't have, what is it?  4C here in Warshington (one of my pet peeves:  hearing my state pronounced that way.)

I'm lactose intolerant, so I buy the little block of real parmesan in the deli section, for when Mr. wants pasta or something that requires it, and just add it to his portion.

Fondue was popular in the 70's, and we got a fondue pot for a wedding gift.  Although I don't like Austrils, I don't double dip, so I get his aversion to it.  The Duggars probably have resistance to every germ imaginable, but not everyone grows up in a house full of germs.  They probably think hand sanitizer is for heathens!?

4 hours ago, Mme. Thenardier said:

Austin, slow your damn roll.  We know you are Michael Pearl in training, but you out Pearling the Pearls.  Why do they not know that when eating chocolate fondue, simply use a spoon to ladle some chocolate on your plate for dipping.  That solves the whole germaphobe issue.  Also, ignorance of other cultures isn't cute or funny.  It's gross, Austin, and so are you.  I feel that we really need to introduce alcohol to these events.  Ben's whole orthorexia might slow down and Austin would either chill out a little, or else be a really mean drunk, like his SIL Jessa would be.  Austin and Joy both seem miserable and I wish she would punch him in the face. 

I just cannot with Lauren.  Her voice freaks me out.  

I think the whole Jinder reveal was ridiculous and mean.  They made Grandma Duggar do the obstacle course.  My family would not be having it.  

Color me shocked that Michelle;s crappy recipe called for the foot shavings that Kraft collects pulverizes, and puts in the jar. 

I also liked that someone threw shade at Michelle by giving little Felicity a sleeveless shirt and pants (shocking!) and that the Vuolos completely outclassed them with the brand new stroller.  

Hehe, Mr. Xword grew up calling Kraft parmesan, athlete's foot!  Sorry if that grosses anyone out.  

21 hours ago, sATL said:

Austin is going to "guard" the fondue pot so no one double dips. No one can put the skewer in their mouth. Surely, there is a better way to serve fondue in a group setting.

I am curious why one cannot just tell people, do not double dip?  I mean it isn't hard to follow directions.  But yeah, on second thought these people think licking a plate in public is ok.  Carry on.  

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Watching now...

The Caldwells never thought they'd be young grandparents?! What the hell did they expect when they married their daughter off when she was barely out of puberty? 

Omigod, this gender reveal is fucking ridiculous. I'm happy for anyone having a baby, but I'm not dancing like a circus bear to find out the gender. Boy, girl, great. Whatever. Just tell me and cut the damn cake. And get off my lawn while you're at it.

With this family I would  get myself a small cake at the grocery store on the way home.  More cake for the family and less Duggar bodily fluids for me.  ICK!  I just grossed myself out.  I know this is talked about to death but WHY (insert Nancy Kerrigan screams of WHY!), do manners not rate very highly in the THINGS TO BE TAUGHT with these people?  They homeschool ffs, they have time, they have a lot of extra hands to reinforce it, there is just no excuse.  I am also not talking manners suited to eat with the Queen, I am talking manners suitable enough not to gross out the average person.  I know if I were one of the inlaws married into this family, my story that I would stick to is I was a germaphobe.  I would need some excuse to explain why I always have that look on my face and why I am never hungry when with them.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, louannems said:

Austin claims to be such a germaphobe, who then licks his finger at the table!  I personally feel disgusted when someone licks their fingers, then , without washing their saliva and food grimy hands, go on to touch anything and everything.  Fridge door handles, salt shakers, I mean everything spreading their own germs and stickiness everywhere!  Yuck!

I think he is icked out by THEIR germs.  Meaning the Duggar family at large.  I am guessing he came to that just by having his eyes open.

  • Love 7

Poor Joy and Austin. They know, they know ... that it would have been nice to have waited a while to have kids. They love each other and they love Gideon... but they know they could have benefited by some time as a couple before becoming parents.Austin, not being a Duggar robot, isn’t afraid to admit it.  

And, yes, the not Duggar halves of the couples just want to gag at the Duggar table manners.  

  • Love 17
On 9/24/2018 at 8:45 PM, Horrified said:

And that sign?  Do you rent those or do you have to buy?  Sorry, I live in Canada where there isn't 10% of the useless crap on this show available for sale.

I was wondering the same - if they had to buy that's one expensive investment! I'm assuming they rented. 

On 9/24/2018 at 9:32 PM, Gemma Violet said:

As a fellow germaphobe, I take my hat off to Austin.  Guarding the fondue sounds like something I'd do (if I ever had an opportunity to eat fondue.)

He won't be visiting a Melting Pot restaurant any time soon lol   I like to dip my fondue so that there's no way you can take it off with your fingers and eat it. Pointless to just dip the ends - the entire item needs to be covered in cheese or chocolate!

On 9/24/2018 at 10:03 PM, Horrified said:

1.  Ben made Mrs. Duggar's recipe for Alfredo sauce?  That woman has recipes?  I see it called for one JAR of parmesan.  Didn't those kids sample the real thing on their Italian honeymoon?  

2.  Joy definitely dipped at least twice before Austin caught her.  I was watching.

I myself was a little shocked they used the grated stuff. Honestly didn't know that you could for alfredo sauce. Or maybe most recipes I see recommend the fresh.


On 9/24/2018 at 11:03 PM, auntieminem said:

Wow, Juan and Margarita really had a nice shower for Jinger in their really nice home. Glad Jinger is experiencing  such friends who are not family.

They needed what's her face to attend so she could be shown how a party is really done.  If that couple did that all themselves (although I bet TLC helped chip in on the cost) then that was really amazing on their part. 


I didn't realize Kraft parm cheese was so taboo - That's a staple in my house and i buy the giant containers of it at Sam's Club. I love a ton of it in my spaghetti and on fresh corn on the cob with mayo and parm cheese.. YUM!  And there's so many off brands at the stores, every pizza and pasta place as it on their tables ---- how can you NOT know that grated parm cheese exists?????  And yes I also buy the fresh stuff when it calls for it in a recipe. 

  • Love 18
17 minutes ago, Puffin said:

How much off a germaphobe is Austin really? On his honeymoon he ate the cheese and bread off the stick he didn't seem bothered then? Perhaps he became more of a germaphobe after marrying Joy? Which makes me think is Joy really dirty or what? 

I was kinda wondering the thing since they showed him shove that fondue stick in his mouth.  However with his own wife he probably doesn't care... since they're sharing way more than germs anyways.  Joy seemed to be a little unaware of how germaphobic he was. 

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, gunderda said:

.They needed what's her face to attend so she could be shown how a party is really done.  If that couple did that all themselves (although I bet TLC helped chip in on the cost) then that was really amazing on their part. 

I think TLC definitely contributed towards the tab, but I believe Margarita and her family did the decorating themselves. Mexican baby showers tend to be very elaborate, colorful affairs, or at least that's my experience living in the Southwest. I have to say though, Jinger and Jeremy have some good friends. I'm not sure I could tolerate an afternoon of feral Duggar children rampaging through my home.

  • Love 17
On 9/25/2018 at 11:03 AM, Marshmallow Mollie said:

I could smell Austin’s hat through the tv.

It looked like one of those situations where it was less offensive (from a hygiene standpoint, not etiquettesy) for him to leave the hat on rather than take it off. You know you’re filming - go take a shower!

Why can't ,Austin throw on something better than a T shirt like a polo type shirt or even a better looking T-shirt?  He always  looks like he's wearing the same shirt he works in. Yuck! Joe & Ben looked nice in their casual type shirts. This isn't a one time thing either.  I think the only time he hasn't worn a T-shirt is at their wedding.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

I get that the Duggar grandchildren are now flowing like a faucet has been turned on and gender reveals are being done every few months and they have to come up with new ideas for a TV audience, but it was obvious even Jeremy and Jinger had mixed feelings about this one going too far.  I honestly think they were egged on by production and didn't think it all the way through until physically setting it up in the yard.  

Since the Duggars are attending one of these every few months anyway I was peeved that, win, lose or draw, JB didn't have the common decency, let alone the good heart such a stellar Christian man should surely possess, to stand aside and insist the Vuolos have the honor of lighting that sign.  Their excitement, and Jeremy's, for them to find out the gender of their first grandchild was palpable.  Anyone with half a brain or a molecule of consideration for others would have known and made it their moment.   Reasonably certain the Vuolos aren't going to be presiding over dozens of these events after all. 

I understand there's a lot of feelings about Austin and what a monster he is, and that his vehement stance on the fondue couldn't be missed -- but I honestly think what's real with him shows in the way he speaks to his baby boy and the fact that Joy not only clearly isn't cowed by his attitude, she's not even phased to go ahead and double dip right before his eyes anyway, and doesn't turn a hair when he calls her out on it.  IMO there's a lot less smoke to this "fire" than others insist. 

There's no doubt in my mind that without TLC insisting on fodder and financing it, none of these people would be doing all this nonsense for their gender reveals, if they'd do gender reveals at all.

  • Love 22
16 minutes ago, lascuba said:

There's no doubt in my mind that without TLC insisting on fodder and financing it, none of these people would be doing all this nonsense for their gender reveals, if they'd do gender reveals at all.

I don't think they would either, and I'd say the same for the Bateseseseses. Decorations and food for 25+ people costs money, no matter how much you scrimp on the details. At this rate they're doing birthdays, anniversaries, gender reveals, engagement parties and baby showers every other week. If they actually had to pay for all this stuff themselves, most of these gatherings would go right out the window. 

  • Love 15
22 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

Why can't ,Austin throw on something better than a T shirt like a polo type shirt or even a better looking T-shirt?  He always  looks like he's wearing the same shirt he works in. Yuck! Joe & Ben looked nice in their casual type shirts. This isn't a one time thing either.  I think the only time he hasn't worn a T-shirt is at their wedding.

He's young, actually works a real job, and probably doesn't go out much or see the need for any other clothes. When I met my late husband he was farming full time and owned work t-shirts, nice t-shirts, and a 10-year-old, lime green, plaid, polyester leisure suit with a matching lime green dress shirt he wore for formal occasions. He also wore his cap all the time. His only concession to going out was to put on a clean hat and t-shirt. Over the years, the leisure suit was replaced with nice dress shirts and a pair of slacks, but he still felt if he had to put on something more formal than a t-shirt, he would rather stay home.

  • Love 19
6 minutes ago, Nysha said:

He's young, actually works a real job, and probably doesn't go out much or see the need for any other clothes. When I met my late husband he was farming full time and owned work t-shirts, nice t-shirts, and a 10-year-old, lime green, plaid, polyester leisure suit with a matching lime green dress shirt he wore for formal occasions. He also wore his cap all the time. His only concession to going out was to put on a clean hat and t-shirt. Over the years, the leisure suit was replaced with nice dress shirts and a pair of slacks, but he still felt if he had to put on something more formal than a t-shirt, he would rather stay home.

My friend's husband is the same. constantly working getting dirty every day and I'm not surprised when i see him in looking like he just came from work. (or maybe a slightly cleaner version)

  • Love 5
On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 8:15 AM, queenanne said:

I can't swear to it, but on cooking shows they often make a big deal out of people chucking the tasting spoon directly in the sink, and never using the same one twice, and I figure there has to be a reason.  I will generally taste a family member's if they ask me, and not be too fussy as to if they are eating after me, or me eating after them.

As for the fondue, I think you could get around that by pairing up people and having double pots, like in romantic fondue restaurants, which would be easier for the Duggars, but they probably don't have that many individual heating elements. I've only had the cheese type once communally at a party, and I don't remember how people got around the double dipping issue, honestly.


How big are the dipping things? Why would anyone need to double dip if the hunk of bread or whatever is like bite sized?  What's the issue here, the dipped food, or the utensil?


3 hours ago, gunderda said:

I was wondering the same - if they had to buy that's one expensive investment! I'm assuming they rented. 

He won't be visiting a Melting Pot restaurant any time soon lol   I like to dip my fondue so that there's no way you can take it off with your fingers and eat it. Pointless to just dip the ends - the entire item needs to be covered in cheese or chocolate!

I myself was a little shocked they used the grated stuff. Honestly didn't know that you could for alfredo sauce. Or maybe most recipes I see recommend the fresh.


They needed what's her face to attend so she could be shown how a party is really done.  If that couple did that all themselves (although I bet TLC helped chip in on the cost) then that was really amazing on their part. 


I didn't realize Kraft parm cheese was so taboo - That's a staple in my house and i buy the giant containers of it at Sam's Club. I love a ton of it in my spaghetti and on fresh corn on the cob with mayo and parm cheese.. YUM!  And there's so many off brands at the stores, every pizza and pasta place as it on their tables ---- how can you NOT know that grated parm cheese exists?????  And yes I also buy the fresh stuff when it calls for it in a recipe. 

It's just that Kraft is really not that good tasting. Try other grated parms, they are much better.  I'm in the Northeast and live amongst lots of Italian Americans and I know none of them would ever use the Kraft.   It's like the wonder bread of parm.  Of course, if you prefer it, you do you. But if you've never tried the good stuff on your pasta, corn on the cob, etc...try it.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, MamaMax said:


How big are the dipping things? Why would anyone need to double dip if the hunk of bread or whatever is like bite sized?  What's the issue here, the dipped food, or the utensil?


It's just that Kraft is really not that good tasting. Try other grated parms, they are much better.  I'm in the Northeast and live amongst lots of Italian Americans and I know none of them would ever use the Kraft.   It's like the wonder bread of parm.  Of course, if you prefer it, you do you. But if you've never tried the good stuff on your pasta, corn on the cob, etc...try it.

Re: Kraft - I TOTALLY agree. I actually like generic brands better but I go through it so fast that I buy the giant thing at Sam's. I actually prefer a parm/asiago blend but those normal size bottles might last me a couple weeks. 

However, what is considered the 'good' stuff?  Around here I think Kraft is actually the most expensive. But I've never really ventured into any speciality grated parm cheese. 


Fondue sticks = you wouldn't double dip the item, they're usually bite size. Austin's issue was also those stick/fork being near a person's mouth and then going into the fondue. But I'm pretty sure I don't touch the stick/fork with my mouth when eating food off of them. He's just overly paranoid. But it looked like Jessa agreed with him. 

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Tikichick said:

Since the Duggars are attending one of these every few months anyway I was peeved that, win, lose or draw, JB didn't have the common decency, let alone the good heart such a stellar Christian man should surely possess, to stand aside and insist the Vuolos have the honor of lighting that sign.  Their excitement, and Jeremy's, for them to find out the gender of their first grandchild was palpable.  Anyone with half a brain or a molecule of consideration for others would have known and made it their moment.   Reasonably certain the Vuolos aren't going to be presiding over dozens of these events after all. 

I recorded the show and stopped watching and deleted the show when I saw that JB and Michelle were lighting the sign.  Such a selfish but unsurprising thing for them to do.  I really can't watch or listen to either one of them.

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, wilsie said:

I recorded the show and stopped watching and deleted the show when I saw that JB and Michelle were lighting the sign.  Such a selfish but unsurprising thing for them to do.  I really can't watch or listen to either one of them.

Can't help but think that ultimately JB's selfishness and overbearing control is what will propel one of the offspring to rebel and start spilling the tea, calling out the hypocrisy and bring the whole charade crashing down.  My fear is he will be able to maintain an iron fist around quite a few because he has a death grip on all funds and assets and insured none of them will have easy access to means of supporting themselves.   

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Nysha said:

He's young, actually works a real job, and probably doesn't go out much or see the need for any other clothes. When I met my late husband he was farming full time and owned work t-shirts, nice t-shirts, and a 10-year-old, lime green, plaid, polyester leisure suit with a matching lime green dress shirt he wore for formal occasions. He also wore his cap all the time. His only concession to going out was to put on a clean hat and t-shirt. Over the years, the leisure suit was replaced with nice dress shirts and a pair of slacks, but he still felt if he had to put on something more formal than a t-shirt, he would rather stay home.

Ha - I love this! There’s something to be said for knowing who you are and sticking to it.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, MamaMax said:

What's the issue here, the dipped food, or the utensil?

Apparently it was both? If it was such a fucking big deal, he should have had TLC spring for individual fondue pots (kind of like what they do in shabu shabu places) so everyone could keep their germs to themselves. Didn't he and Joy each have their own in Switzerland? I guess he's just a pretty face.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Tikichick said:

Since the Duggars are attending one of these every few months anyway I was peeved that, win, lose or draw, JB didn't have the common decency, let alone the good heart such a stellar Christian man should surely possess, to stand aside and insist the Vuolos have the honor of lighting that sign.  Their excitement, and Jeremy's, for them to find out the gender of their first grandchild was palpable.  Anyone with half a brain or a molecule of consideration for others would have known and made it their moment.   Reasonably certain the Vuolos aren't going to be presiding over dozens of these events after all. 

I totally agree that they were completely selfish not to offer to let the Vuolos light the stupid sign. Not surprising, though, since between them they share neither half a brain nor a molecule of consideration for others. 

Re. fondue: I was taught that you use the fondue fork to dip your item, use your dinner fork to scrape it off the fondue fork onto your plate, then eat it. Hardcore germaphobes might still have issues with that. 

  • Love 16

I can't get over how attractive Kendra's parents are. I also cannot get over how in this episode they were saying they didn't expect to be grandparents this young and they thought they'd have one or two more (although Kendra's dad did acknowledge have kids young, be a grandparent young) before Kendra had a baby. They were surprised when she announced she was pregnant too. They noted in the engagement/wedding season that she was marrying young and she and Joe got engaged quickly. Honestly, what did they freaking expect? This is how they set her up in life. They (probably) didn't tell her about birth control or the benefits of family planning and waiting to have kids. How could they be surprised? It blows my mind a bit.


Also..that "dance monkey dance!!!" gender reveal. SCREW.THAT. How self-involved. God, I'd be PISSED if I showed up and found out I'd have to do that. 

  • Love 15

This one is tricky, but it is whoever. In this sentence, whoever is the subject of the verb told. The whole clause, a noun clause, is the object of to. "Points to X. X (=he) told Tyler to slow down. It's kind of like algebra. Work from the inside out. 

It's hardly necessary to meaning to use who or whom in most cases. That's why the who/whom distinction is dropping out of English. 

  • Love 10
On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 7:54 PM, Natalie68 said:

WHY (insert Nancy Kerrigan screams of WHY!), do manners not rate very highly in the THINGS TO BE TAUGHT with these people?

For the same reason they don't clean their houses and always look like they need a good hot shower with plenty of soap. They truly believe that they're better than everybody else and that they're God's special buddies on earth. Why bother to make an effort to improve when you already think you're perfect?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, The Ascension said:

I can't get over how attractive Kendra's parents are. I also cannot get over how in this episode they were saying they didn't expect to be grandparents this young and they thought they'd have one or two more (although Kendra's dad did acknowledge have kids young, be a grandparent young) before Kendra had a baby. They were surprised when she announced she was pregnant too. They noted in the engagement/wedding season that she was marrying young and she and Joe got engaged quickly. Honestly, what did they freaking expect? This is how they set her up in life. They (probably) didn't tell her about birth control or the benefits of family planning and waiting to have kids. How could they be surprised? It blows my mind a bit.

Honestly, I think the Caldwell’s probably didn't think the relationship would move as fast as it did. I mean they started courting in March, married in September, pregnant by December. They should have known these Duggars move fast to keep the storylines going and not have allowed the courtship happen until she matured a bit, maybe at least 1 year or 2 of getting to know eachother. The Caldwells could have had an extra help meet at home to help care for their new baby but instead they'll have a child and a grandchild born within the same year. Hopefully they'll learn from their mistakes, like the Seewalds, and do things differently with their other children. 

Edited by Lunera
  • Love 13
22 minutes ago, Lunera said:

Honestly, I think the Caldwell’s probably didn't think the relationship would move as fast as it did. I mean they started courting in March, married in September, pregnant by December. They should have known these Duggars move fast to keep the storylines going and not have allowed the courtship happen until she matured a bit, maybe at least 1 year or 2 of getting to know eachother. The Caldwells could have had an extra help meet at home to help care for their new baby but instead they'll have a child and a grandchild born within the same year. Hopefully they'll learn from their mistakes, like the Seewalds, and do things differently with their other children. 

I would say this is true but they’ve known the Duggars for years. No way did they think Kendra & Joe’s courtship would last a year, with a year engagement and their marriage when Kendra turned 20. 

I think the Caldwells just started with the boilerplate talk that parents say about their children. They intellectually knew it would happen this way, but it may be hard emotionally. My mom cried before I went off to college with the “I blinked my eyes and you were grown.” 

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

This one is tricky, but it is whoever. In this sentence, whoever is the subject of the verb told. The whole clause, a noun clause, is the object of to. "Points to X. X (=he) told Tyler to slow down. It's kind of like algebra. Work from the inside out. 

It's hardly necessary to meaning to use who or whom in most cases. That's why the who/whom distinction is dropping out of English. 

Dadgum it, you are 100% right!  That's what I get for jumping in too quickly at the end of a long day. Nice work, @BradandJanet

Edited by Portia
Late-night typo
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Portia said:

Dadgum it, you are 100% right!  Tha5ts what i get for jumping in too quickly at the end of a long day. Nice work, @BradandJanet

You're welcome.. Knowing grammar is part of how I earn my living, but, like my cooking, not everybody appreciates it. Our mission here is to snark. Carry on, my friend. 

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

This one is tricky, but it is whoever. In this sentence, whoever is the subject of the verb told. The whole clause, a noun clause, is the object of to. "Points to X. X (=he) told Tyler to slow down. It's kind of like algebra. Work from the inside out. 

It's hardly necessary to meaning to use who or whom in most cases. That's why the who/whom distinction is dropping out of English. 

Thank you!  Much better than my reasoning of " Uh, it sounds better?". That's how I figure out most grammar issues.

  • Love 6
16 hours ago, gunderda said:
6 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

This one is tricky, but it is whoever. In this sentence, whoever is the subject of the verb told. The whole clause, a noun clause, is the object of to. "Points to X. X (=he) told Tyler to slow down. It's kind of like algebra. Work from the inside out. 



OMG, it is exactly like algebra, which is why I, sadly, don’t understand a word of the explanation. Thank goodness I taught kindergarten, not high school English or math. So, I’m right there with you @flyingdi about it sounding better, or as Bill Maher says, “I don’t know it for a fact, I just know it’s true.” Sigh.

OT.....I’m sure the Duggar’s don’t know the rules either, or even if it sounds right.

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, Nysha said:

He's young, actually works a real job, and probably doesn't go out much or see the need for any other clothes. When I met my late husband he was farming full time and owned work t-shirts, nice t-shirts, and a 10-year-old, lime green, plaid, polyester leisure suit with a matching lime green dress shirt he wore for formal occasions. He also wore his cap all the time. His only concession to going out was to put on a clean hat and t-shirt. Over the years, the leisure suit was replaced with nice dress shirts and a pair of slacks, but he still felt if he had to put on something more formal than a t-shirt, he would rather stay home.

"Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes." 

                                                    Henry David Thoreau

  • Love 13
On 9/26/2018 at 9:56 AM, gunderda said:

He won't be visiting a Melting Pot restaurant any time soon lol   I like to dip my fondue so that there's no way you can take it off with your fingers and eat it. Pointless to just dip the ends - the entire item needs to be covered in cheese or chocolate!

The Melting Pots in VA have the dipping etiquette as part of their standard cooking spiel as they prepare the pot at your table - you don’t eat off of the fondue stick. Everyone has normal utensils and a small plate and you remove your dipped item from the fondue stick onto your plate (I use a fork instead of my fingers, but at that point you’re only affecting yourself, so you do you) then eat it with a normal fork (or fingers, I guess, if you really prefer). The fondue stick goes from stabbing an undipped item into the shared pot and then the food is removed from it before getting near the mouth. ??‍♀️ Or, for chocolate, you can spoon some chocolate onto your plate. I cannot stand that my sister can’t follow the basic instructions they repeat each time, and eats off the fondue stick, since she has young kids in that always-sick stage *and* I’m normally the one treating when we go for cheese and chocolate. So apparently I fall into the category of “doesn’t make it A Thing, but really enjoys the experience/meal a lot less and would be done if it were just salsa and not an expensive course that’s otherwise a treat to me.”

On 9/26/2018 at 10:03 AM, Puffin said:

How much off a germaphobe is Austin really? On his honeymoon he ate the cheese and bread off the stick he didn't seem bothered then? Perhaps he became more of a germaphobe after marrying Joy? Which makes me think is Joy really dirty or what? 

He was only sharing with his wife at the time, who he kisses so what’s the difference. I’ll share utensils and drinks with my SO, but that’s it.

23 hours ago, Tikichick said:

I understand there's a lot of feelings about Austin and what a monster he is, and that his vehement stance on the fondue couldn't be missed -- but I honestly think what's real with him shows in the way he speaks to his baby boy and the fact that Joy not only clearly isn't cowed by his attitude, she's not even phased to go ahead and double dip right before his eyes anyway, and doesn't turn a hair when he calls her out on it.  IMO there's a lot less smoke to this "fire" than others insist. 

I agree. She flouted the dipping rules several times on camera before he caught her and she was unfazed and sort of delighted, though that was sort of rude to at least Ben, who approved of the established fondue policy. (Jessa did too, but ignoring your big sister’s preference is sort of up there with ignoring your husband’s on the rudeness scale.) But I think Austin had standing to broach the subject, since they’d brought that course, and the others seemed amused (and in agreement) rather than put-upon.

19 hours ago, jcbrown said:

Re. fondue: I was taught that you use the fondue fork to dip your item, use your dinner fork to scrape it off the fondue fork onto your plate, then eat it. Hardcore germaphobes might still have issues with that. 

Yup, this is also what I was taught, both with fondue (meat) at home growing up, subsequently at The Melting Pot, and at friends’ who also enjoy fondue.


I also didn’t realize that Greek salads didn’t have any variety of lettuce - I don’t like cheese, so I’ve always avoided Greek salads for that reason, though I’m pretty sure the Americanized Greek salads at many restaurants still include lettuce because it’s such an expected salad base here.

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On 9/25/2018 at 5:13 PM, graefin said:

I understand not being fond of germs, but Austin was really asshole-ish about it. If you're going to be demanding about "etiquette," at least learn the right word for it. I kind of liked his dry sense of humor when he was first introduced on the show, but now he just comes across as the husband that I'd least want to be married to next to Derick of that bunch. If he's going to be that rigid about rules on a night that's supposed to be fun, I can see why he and Joy have described marriage as difficult and why Joy always looks like she's been hit with a ton of bricks lately.



I think the thought of double dipping and it being a little gross really did cross his mind, but I got the impression he only made such a big deal about it because he thought he was being funny.  And if I’m being honest, I did laugh at him a few times when he just kept going on and on about it, because it didn’t occur to me as I was watching that he was really being all that serious.  Joy-Anna apparently also didn’t think he was being very serious, as she straight up double dipped right in front of him and clearly thought it was funny when he called her out.  She obviously had zero fucks to give about his “directive” and her amusement over being “caught” makes me think he’s not really the cold, controlling guy he gets painted as sometimes, because nothing in Joy-Anna’s interactions with him says to me that she’s the least bit worried about his reaction to her spunky, contrary, sarcastic self.  I have a feeling he thought Joy-Anna sneaking in a double dip was pretty cute;  he’s just not exactly all that animated most of the time, and so it’s hard to read him, I think. 

Joy-Anna definitely seems whipped lately, but I think it’s life – being a wife in general, a new mother, renovating a house, etc – as opposed to being exhausted from constantly worrying about pissing off Austin. Our Joy-Joy does not seem to be walking on eggshells to me....

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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