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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

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13 minutes ago, ALittleShelfish said:



This show never disappoints with gems like that.  Never.  Thank you, Michelle. 

I like her more than the other Live/tell all host 

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2 minutes ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Angela's bank account is drained.

Which Tarik actually stole to dole out to Hazel, but Jesse got ahold of it to put a hit on Darcy and.....buy more red lipstick for himself.

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3 minutes ago, DNR said:

I like her more than the other Live/tell all host 

omg yes.  i had tweeted once that Shaun was pretty useless bc she didn't ask any ACTUAL questions that people who watched the show needed answers to.  Like, we need INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER degrees of questioning and Shaun isn't the person to do it.  She must have vanity searches set up because a couple weeks later she replied to it (I didn't even tag TLC or her in the tweet, OR use any hashtags, so...idk) with something like "For the MILLIONTH TIME, I ask the questions the producers give me to ask!!!!!!!" I replied "Okay, so what stops you from going rogue and asking something IMPORTANT?" 

She blocked me in record time.  LOL

Edited by ALittleShelfish
my typing is terrible, sorry
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9 minutes ago, aliya said:

What? I go down to turn on the dishwasher and this is what happens???

Don’t let Dean that. He’ll think you’re bisexual..

10 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

I can see Tarik being with multiple prostitutes. 

Only if he can find a Groupon.

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22 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Lady, Dean is not buff.

Used to work out at a hardcore gym.  Dudes like Dean work only their upper bodies, don't watch the diet and strut around with fat stomachs on skinny legs.  They hold their arms out trying to look like they are huge!  They look ridiculous.  They remind me of roosters.

On a "get off my lawn" note...can anyone under 35 not speak a full sentence without "like",  "you know" or "basically". Geez, buy a vocabulary.

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The preview showing that Hazel stands to be homeless sure makes for a compelling reason why she accepted Tarik's proposal. And Rachel and Jon arguing = uh, that's real life and not your not faiiiiiiiiiiiiir fairy tale, Rachel. You are playing with a fire that needs a fuse - then decide if you want to spend your life - or as long as it lasts - with this dude.

5 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

Used to work out at a hardcore gym.  Dudes like Dean work only their upper bodies, don't watch the diet and strut around with fat stomachs on skinny legs.  They hold their arms out trying to look like they are huge!  They look ridiculous.  They remind me of roosters.

On a "get off my lawn" note...can anyone under 35 not speak a full sentence without "like",  "you know" or "basically". Geez, buy a vocabulary.

At least it is not textspeak - yet.

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39 minutes ago, For Cereals said:

Ok why is your dumbass in Columbia and giving rando women money if you owe your SECOND ex wife $30k?!

Can.not.stand.Icky.  I have an irrational hatred for him. He is worse to me than Pole, Tarik and Sean combined. Heck, throw in the guy that lives in the fire station too (David Poor) 

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3 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I think he lives in a storage container now. :)

When I watched that show, I was doing something else at the time and actually thought at first that they were moving into some kind of climate controlled storage unit.

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2 hours ago, Mercolleen said:
2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Jon's hair is all kinds of wack in the car.

I tried to post a photo but my file was too large. Like his swoopy hair.

Here ya go, I cropped it. Of all the hair discussion this season about Hazel, Tarik, Angela, Jesse, Darcey, and Karine, Jon’s ‘do has to be my favorite. 


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1 hour ago, Suzywriter said:

The baby looked about 12 weeks. Karine said she was nauseated the day before...fetal demise causes pregnancy symptoms to abruptly disappear, not get worse. I suspect that was not a natural miscarriage.

Suzywriter, what are you implying? Do you think Karine tried to self-abort?

My s.i.l. lost her baby at 8 months. Just like that. Was heartbreaking. They had to induce and she was placed in the maternity ward afterward, which I found so cruel.

I have never heard about pregnancy acne but I guess it is a thing. Makes sense that she was farther along than the doctor said last week 

Will their marriage survive, I wonder?

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3 hours ago, rideashire said:

Am I the only one that thinks Dean is full of shit about hazel being down for multiple partners? She didn't look down for ONE partner, the guy she was trying to woo into marrying her. Call me crazy but I'm calling bullshit on specific tidbit of tea. I've never seen anyone so closed off to the idea of physical touch. Nah. 

Weeks ago I listed to a podcast that had Tarik's Bangkok first girlfriend (the one Hazel was jealous of) and she said she broke up with him because she was into multiple partners. She made it sound like that is why Dean traveled with him, they were both in on it. I hope Hazel knows what she is getting into. Weird Dean would bring it up after the ex went public with it, if it were not true. 

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6 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Maybe they are just filming inside an Ikea...

Home Goods is my guess. 

Dean is an asshole. Period! Point blank! Shut up! I wonder if his dumbass brother knows he's broadcasting his personal proclivities all over basic cable. 

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8 hours ago, Floatingbison said:

I'm asking Mrs. Floatingbison about buffalo check.  I've never heard of it...she's the fashionista  of the marriage.

I know you'll recognize this buffalo check. :)


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6 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Weeks ago I listed to a podcast that had Tarik's Bangkok first girlfriend (the one Hazel was jealous of) and she said she broke up with him because she was into multiple partners. She made it sound like that is why Dean traveled with him, they were both in on it. I hope Hazel knows what she is getting into. Weird Dean would bring it up after the ex went public with it, if it were not true. 

We're officially in Creeper Territory if that's true.   That's not cool, it's pretty repulsive.   Nice of Dean to out both of them as sexual deviants.   

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2 hours ago, Floatingbison said:

We're officially in Creeper Territory if that's true.   That's not cool, it's pretty repulsive.   Nice of Dean to out both of them as sexual deviants.   

Deviant is a little harsh.  We all like a little strange every now and again.  Just me?? Well, ok then.

Either way, it wasn't Dean's place to blurt out.

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15 hours ago, lucy711 said:

I've run across plenty of doctors like this.  I had a doctor talk about my baby's abnormalities as a fetus in pretty harsh terms.  I ended up having a healthy baby incidentally.

Sadly, when i miscarried years ago the response and language  was also quite technical,  tissue, foetus etc. I just cried but that’s my baby. Even at 14 weeks you are so attached and planning on bringing life into this world. Very sad ? 

Edited by Owwwww ma leg
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16 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I like this host because she’s snarky and not letting these people steamroll her the way Sean does.

Me too!  I loved when she asked Ricky’s cuz about him dating girls out of his league and the cousin said nah, he’s a good looking dude why shouldn’t he get the girl he wants and the host replied “you are a good cousin”.  LOL

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2 hours ago, Floatingbison said:

I think it's pretty skeevy to fail to mention to your internet/reality TV bride that you're into group sex.  

No way of knowing whether they had that conversation; certainly was not shown, if they did. If Hazel said she was into it, I'm betting that will last up to the minute she gets her greencard, after which she will divorce his plaid ass. I suspect that's why his wife divorced him (or broke up with him, not sure if he was married to Auri's mother).

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2 hours ago, Former Nun said:

ALERT!  ALERT!  Someone contact Christian Louboutin, S.A.   It's time to sic the lawyers on Darcy & Co.

I wonder if this is why he wanted to meet in the park first.  "I will get her to scrape up her shiny red-bottom shoes.  Then we will fight in a cab." 

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18 hours ago, Cherrio said:

This show, these people.

I have several medical problems, so if I die watching more of this show my death certificate will say...cause of death: TLC

Elmer Fudd gets his freak on   

Don't ...TLC may use the idea for a show.

3 hours ago, Former Nun said:

That chair is embarrassingly small.  Perhaps the producers don't like her.

They borrowed chairs from my Giant Life??

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3 hours ago, Former Nun said:

ALERT!  ALERT!  Someone contact Christian Louboutin, S.A.   It's time to sic the lawyers on Darcy & Co.

She probably bought them at a consignment store or on eBay and had to settle for whatever size was available.

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2 hours ago, milner said:

How could Mukal drain Angela’s bank account from Nigeria? Either she drained it before she left home or someone in Georgia did.  Daughter? 

There is a travel alert out from the U.S. State Department stating Americans traveling in Nigeria should not use ATM's, carry credit cards, or do anything else that could possibly allow others to intercept their info. It's possible one of the locals could have done it, unfortunately.

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13 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

So wait, Darcey and Jesse are in the hotel? Last we saw Darcey she was flouncing off screaming "get out of my life!"  

Don't forget she prefaced it with LIAR! The way she said it cracked me up. I am seriously considering pulling that sound clip "LIAR. GET OUT OF MY LIFE" and using it as the ringtone on my phone.

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54 minutes ago, renatae said:

There is a travel alert out from the U.S. State Department stating Americans traveling in Nigeria should not use ATM's, carry credit cards, or do anything else that could possibly allow others to intercept their info. It's possible one of the locals could have done it, unfortunately.

If Angela was using her ATM or credit cards freely and without checking for things like, making sure they dont take your card out of your sight, or insisting that they give you the carbons (yes some places still have carbons and paper) or they use them and tell you their system is down and they have to use the old fashioned kind of c/c machine, which has carbons and is probably more easy to scam info from. I'm sure she never even thought about that, let alone bothered to investigate the history of The Nigerian Scammer. That country has it down to an art form, but it only works on gullible, stupid people...like Angela. I'm so not surprised.

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I wish Rachel’s father didn’t use work as an excuse not to go to the wedding. He should be honest and just tell her he believes she’s acting st the least too hastily at worst recklessly and dangerously for both her and her kids. He also shouldn’t have accepted Jon’s excuse for his fighting so easily. 

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Can someone fill me in on some details here? I started watching this show by accident and missed the beginning - 

1. I looked at some videos of Darcy before the blond hair, etc. So when did she change up her appearance? It seems like she and Jesse have known/or met before? Gotta say I loved the video of her heel getting stuck in the airport escalator. Priceless.

2. Did I read that Tarik and Hazel have only known each other for TWO WEEKS before he went to the Philippines? Did they ever show any video of her talking to him via Skype or something? I'm just wondering how such a dead-looking face got anyone's attention?  Was she different online?

3. Was Angela the only American who replied to Michael? It just seems that there are other women he could have met, even if they were older. It would be hard to get a worse match than Angela.

4. I've been to Amsterdam a couple of times. They've got some good looking people over there. Why would a young man, not unattractive, from a progressive country like Holland, need Darcy and her drama - especially if they have known each other awhile. Once that craziness started to emerge, I would have looked around for a local girl.

5. Can.not wait for story line with cat-man and his young 'un. 

6. Do the 'before' people all turn into the 90 day story lines?

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 Darcy changes up her appearance every single time Jesse tells her she needs to “work on herself.”  Jesse means she needs to work on her attitude and maturity. But, Darcy interprets it as needing to work on her appearance, so she loses weight, gets veneers, dyes her hair, gets extensions, etc. 

Darcy is also terrified —absolutely terrified — of aging and she changes her appearance in ridiculous ways so that she feels younger.  She is the very definition of “mutton dressed as lamb.”

Also,  not all of the couples who are on Before the 90 Days end up on the actual before 90 Day Fiancé show. And not all the people on the 90 Day Fiancé show were featured on the Before 90 Days show. It varies.

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1 hour ago, aliya said:

I looked at some videos of Darcy before the blond hair, etc. So when did she change up her appearance? It seems like she and Jesse have known/or met before?

Darcey traveled to Amsterdam last season to meet Jesse after meeting him online. At the time, her hair was jet black (like the escalator scene.) She lobbied hard for a marriage proposal before she left Amsterdam but in a great "fake out" scene Jesse presented her with an "appreciation ring." The next time we saw them both was the Reunion Tell All where Darcey had lighter hair in the long ponytail style she has worn all this season. 


1 hour ago, aliya said:

Did they ever show any video of her [Hazel] talking to him via Skype or something? I'm just wondering how such a dead-looking face got anyone's attention?  Was she different online?

 Tarik and Hazel had exchanged photos, but they had only corresponded via text messages because Hazel was supposedly "too shy" to Skype. 

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10 hours ago, magemaud said:

Darcey traveled to Amsterdam last season to meet Jesse after meeting him online.

And there is a LOT of speculation that they "met" and "fell in love" as a business transaction to garner publicity - for his modeling career, and her clothing line.  If that is true, they both got a lot more than they bargained for out of the deal . . . they both made deals with the devil.

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14 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Don't forget she prefaced it with LIAR! The way she said it cracked me up. I am seriously considering pulling that sound clip "LIAR. GET OUT OF MY LIFE" and using it as the ringtone on my phone.

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:
12 hours ago, magemaud said:

Darcey traveled to Amsterdam last season to meet Jesse after meeting him online.

And there is a LOT of speculation that they "met" and "fell in love" as a business transaction to garner publicity - for his modeling career, and her clothing line.  If that is true, they both got a lot more than they bargained for out of the deal . . . they both made deals with the devil.

Count me in with the speculators who think this whole relationship was based on a business publicity deal, especially on Jesse's part. I think Darcey might have been looking for a hot young guy, (in competition with her sister) and getting on TV and advertising her clothing line was a bonus, but Jesse was only in it to further his career. 

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I just watched the episode where Rachel discovers Jons past love of open relationships. Holy f$ck Rachel grow up, it is not like she is exactly the pillar of virtue with her one night stand baby. That said she is seeing a ton of red flags and is choosing to ignore them.

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I gave in.  I had my Roni a night early.  Mexican rice flavored, which served as a base for my slow cooker ropa vieja.  Got it on a whim, based on subliminal 90-day Roni messages, but I'm honestly not sure I'll ever serve it without RAR again.  

My "eating habit" during tonight live will be boring, regular jasmine rice with my thai leftovers.  But I'd rather have a yellow frosted cake, tbh.  

Edited by CousinOliver
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