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Season 2 Discussion

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I think I have figured Lil Ricky out.

Him and Melissa having a deep profound connection = he has an erection!

Him being in love = he has an erection! 

Erections are the basis of love, life long marriage oh and who will be a good stepmom to his kids. Truly his divining rod! 

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

I loved that after the THIRD dinner ruined with either Darcey or Jesse running out of the restaurant after berating each other that Darcey muses about how great it will be for them to cook in their AirBnB together.

Also, while I get that the Military-Industrial-AirBnB-RealityShow complex has directed that all reality shows be filmed in rental places (so they can sanitize them more easily - putting up copyright free artwork and not having to turn book spines in (may not have been a problem for many of these folks)) is the “cee tee” (ugh) life more realistic in a rental house than it is in a hotel room?  I guess arguing about steak (his parents let him eat steak?) is the new arguing about pizza.  But who will he ostentatiously apologize to for her behavior? 

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

(3) Michael's mom was so ungracious accepting that beautiful purse. 

I thought the same thing. At first I thought it was the color that put her off. Then she wanted the bigger one. Why didn’t Angela just say that she could have hers and transfer her stuff into the new bag (oops...I forgot that his Mom could sell it to make some extra cash) or really anything until she got back to their room? It didn’t appear to be an overly expensive one. It was a nice gesture for Angela to bring his mother a gift and the least the mother could have done was smile. What did she expect? I think both the mother and son expect a lot which is why they are overlooking things. I’ve caught his side eyes. She is good enough for now and will bring them a better life. After the green card, and he’s ready to begin his own family, he will move on. 

Anyone wanting one of these visas to bring over the new love of their (internet) life should be sat in a room and forced to watch an edited (to get rid of the flashbacks that happen over and over) show about how these things don’t turn out well frequently. 

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1 hour ago, Gigglepuff said:

Has she totally forgotten that she has another child? Why is it only Lucy that's part of the package deal? I feel for both children, but especially for the older daughter. 

I don’t think so. Rachel’s eldest daughter has an involved father (her ex husband, not the one night stand that resulted in Lucy); also why we have reason to believe the ex husband does NOT want his child involved in the show in a meaningful way (we haven’t even seen her face)- which I think it’s good. 

I don’t think Rachel has forgotten her daughter this is a show thing. 


The rest of your post is spot on. 

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9 hours ago, Dobian said:

Darcy and Jess isn't a 43 year old dating a 24 year old, it's a 16 year old dating a 14 year old.

It's not too late, Michael.  Let Smokey the Blonde Bear go home to America and get your life back.

I'm Catholic and I couldn't deal with Hazel's Baptist/Revivalist/Whatever religion.  When I go to church it's quiet and relaxing and over with in under an hour.

Pole, your fiance is 21 and is still into Hello Kitty.  Of course she's immature.

Ricky please lose that number.

That was just way too much. I (Catholic) like my services peaceful and I'm more than willing to enjoy a good Gospel choir, but that was just way too much. 

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So will Jesse now prefer the twin with fewer facial lines,  nicer hair,  and better personality? I cannot abide Darcey! If she's not picking a fight, she's whining. Where Jesse apparently prides himself on being coldly rational, Darcey needs emotional drah-ma. 

Speaking of which: OMG,  SIX HOURS of that religious madness?! Check,  please!

One thing: I don't watch for any pretty! Jon's just okay;  Rachel needs some sprucing up; Michael is decent (though he loses points because I can't help thinking he actually is repulsed by Angela (who might consider a traditional Nigerian dress!),  but is working hard to "close his eyes and think of" America); Darcey is mutton trying to be lamb; and Careen-y and Hazel are hang-doggy. Oh, all right,  Pole has lovely eyes...and a criminal record! More Baby Lucy,  please! 

Ah,  well. As I usually say,  while carrying my Lord's Prayer purse:

"It's all B.S. except Angelo's pizza." 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Couple things about this episode.  First THANK YOU all for warning me about the snail scene.  I can not watch this live (too many really bad commercials) so I was able to jump over the grossness.  I also happily jump the screenshots.  My stomach is immensely grateful!

As to Michael calling Angela fat -  in many cultures it is a sign of wealth - especially if a man has a fat wife.  This shows that he can provide for her.  My husband (British ex-pat) grew up in Jamaica and many years ago thought it was very funny when the woman who had been the household help when he was growing up told me upon meeting me that I was looking fat.  She was quite a bit larger than me so he said she was trying to say I looked healthy/good.   OK, maybe he was lying (insulted? me?) but I chose to believe him :)  Angela was within the range of sizes for a Nigerian woman - I'm sure they would have had a dress that fit her.  She really just didn't want to cover up that much.  As to the reaction to the purse - I really think that's a cultural thing - the mother was NOT trying to be ungracious, she was simply stating what would suit her needs better - i.e. a larger purse.  

Hazel's family doesn't really care that Tarik has no religion.  They will accept anything short of him being a serial killer - she has already stated that once she gets to America they will all have a better life - so nothing else really matters.  She is REALLY planning on harvesting the American dollar and is using this time to make sure she can actually go through with this.

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13 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Anchor baby. Maybe dual US citizenship? 

A baby rarely improves a relationship and commitment. Just masks the issues for a bit. But they are still there.

i am still watching the sho. Got home later Han expected from a family function.

A baby also rarely Grant's US citizenship to q foreign mom, at least not until that baby turns 21

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I thought Darcey's sister looked better than Darcey.  Her face was natural and pretty while Darcey looks like she's had work done and has that stretched look.  It looked to me like the producer was trying to suggest a threeway between Jessie and the twins the way she kept pressing him wanting to spend time with the three of them together, lol.  I have to wonder what TLC tells these people they can and can't say in their conversations.  I've noticed on this and the other show where the couples have been on multiple seasons and been together in tell-alls, that they never reference what they have obviously watched of each other on the aired episodes.  They always act like these things are being revealed to them for the first time.  Surely Stacey watched season one and is well aware of Jessie's behavior, but seems to speak like her only knowledge of Jessie and Darcey's relationship with each other is what she saw firsthand at the restaurant.

Edited by Dobian
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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Tarik.. the single bed in the AirBnB was a bit creepy. However, I give him major credit for sitting through SIX HOURS of church! The heat would have gotten to me and by Hour 3, TLC would have gotten some seriously perturbed facial expressions out of me. He did well.

speaking of, on the rerun/recap (I can't remember which) the couch in the BnB looked fine...not too small at all.  He could have/should have slept there. 

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22 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Hazel's family doesn't really care that Tarik has no religion.  They will accept anything short of him being a serial killer - she has already stated that once she gets to America they will all have a better life - so nothing else really matters.  She is REALLY planning on harvesting the American dollar and is using this time to make sure she can actually go through with this.

Anything short of him being a serial killer - but, just asking - how many bodies per year?  And mostly strangers, right?   Well, heck, let us think about it a sec before we say no....

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14 hours ago, EllaDisco said:

Michael introduces Angela to his Nigerian mom?  As opposed to his other mothers?  

Not to be confused with his sugar mom Angela, or any of the various other sugar moms he might have online.


Rachel and Jon seem too normal for this show.  I almost get the feeling that a lot of their "discussions" are producer-driven to give them some kind of controversy.

13 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I believe all the drama between Darcey and Jesse is manufactured.  Grown folks just don't behave like that, especially in public.  

I agree with both of these statements. In the Jesse/Darcey case, we've already established that the show fakes these shots of Darcey waking up in her full makeup, etc. I seriously doubt that these two adults organically argue about social media every night, in a restaurant, and then storm out of the restaurant. Every night? Please. It's a dysfunctional relationship, but they know what the producers are here for.

I'm really over most of these couples already, but it's pretty idiotic of Paul to be ready to marry Karine and then to be surprised that she wants to start a family right away. This is clearly one of those guys who went abroad because American women aren't "traditional" enough for him. Now he's surprised she wants to fill a traditional gender role? Or he just wanted the cooking, cleaning, and sexing, but not the maternal stuff?

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3 minutes ago, CafeAuLait said:

Sparky and Kreeny will never come to fruition.  She is too young and immature to sustain a meaningful relationship and he is just fucking weird.  I envision her coming to the States, getting her papers, then dumping his ass like a bad habit to be with her next internet crush.   If Sparky thinks she is going to be or has been faithful to him he is sadly mistaken, with his momma's boy ass. 

I know someone who married a girl from Thailand in the late 90s.  He was around 40 and she was in her early 20s, very much like Tarik and Hazel and Pole and Kreeny.  He wanted the hot Thai girl (who was really just above-average like Hazel and Kreeny), and she was young and immature like Kreeny.  He had to pay the big dowry like David did with Annie on the other show.  They married,  moved back to the states, and had a daughter.  His wife went back home to Thailand after about four years and they divorced, and she never bothers with or communicates with their daughter.  He raised her himself and she just graduated high school.  That's how these things often play out.

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14 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

I don't get Angela's problem with the clothes.  Nigerian clothes can hide a lot if you're self-conscious about your body.  Meanwhile, she's walking around in spaghetti straps.

And those beautiful Nigerian dresses are probably cool, breathable 100% cotton. Much more comfortable than the polyester blends she's sporting.


11 hours ago, magemaud said:

I got the feeling Jon has had many, many ONE time dates and no relationships. 

Agreed. LOTS of first dates. No second dates.

10 hours ago, Luciano said:

Darcey should just have spitefully folded up that entire pizza and taken it with her when she flounced. Freakin' saddest thing, how could you leave the pizza behind?

There is no way on earth I could have left a gorgeous fresh made delicious pizza behind. People get pizza delivered all the time at my work--even the heavenly smell in the elevator makes me weak in the knees.

11 hours ago, magemaud said:

Not just any pharaoh, that's KING TUT! Speaking of Tarik, do we know yet if he knows about Hazel's son? I don't think he's ever mentioned it.

Does Hazel know about his daughter? He's never mentioned that either, that I noticed.

10 hours ago, renatae said:

The real pregnancy test for Karine came tonight. The one with essay type answers.

1. She wants to start a family NOW. (She really is a child if she truly believes a child will solve all their issues. I'm dumbfounded.)

2.  She breaks down in the preview when he says he's not sure they should marry. I'm pretty sure it's not because she's madly in love with him.

Karine most certainly does not believe that a baby will save their sham of a relationship. She's just frantic to get married so that she has a prayer of hoodwinking Pole into believing she's having his baby. If he doesn't marry her, she's outed as an unwed mother. She couldn't care less about Pole or her baby.

And she's probably acting like a child because Pole responded to, and encouraged, it before. Now he's decided its not cute and charming anymore. He can go pound sand. Neither one of these two are a prize, but he's a creep of the first water.

6 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

Every time Darcy cries "I just want love" I see her crying about her parents as a little girl.

I see Jenelle from Teen Mom 2 weeping about how Barb never played Yahtzee with her. "I wanted my mother to nurture me and give me love!"

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10 minutes ago, Dobian said:

I thought Darcey's sister looked better than Darcey.  Her face was natural and pretty while Darcey looks like she's had work done and has that stretched look.  It looked to me like the producer was trying to suggest a threeway between Jessie and the twins the way she kept pressing him wanting to spend time with the three of them together, lol.

I thought the exact same things!   Stacy does a better job of making and keeping herself attractive, but I did since hints of Darcy in her approach to Dutch Boy.  Could be because he's an asshole and she see right through his bullshit, or she could just have a bitch streak like Darcy.  Either way, I get the feeling she's got some shit with her too.  It wasn't hard to tell her questions were coached beforehand.

Yeah, I caught on to the whole threesome thing.  The TLC producers will stoop to any low to get their ratings.  Just imagine if the twins were down with that?  What would the spin off be titled?  The possibilities are endless.

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Karine's stuffed animal obsession makes me upset because *I* like stuffed animals and proudly have them (and yes, I had a normal childhood with many toys).  I promise that it is possible to be a grown, mature, and fully functional adult woman and still have a small childish side.  I even clean my own house!  Karine- stop making adult stuffed animal lovers look bad!

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11 hours ago, renatae said:

But I don't see any hope for this relationship as she balks every time he suggests any adaptation. She's her own person and intends to stay that way. Any adaptation to be done, she expects to be done by him. He does not want that, so they will constantly butt heads.

Exactly- and both Angela and Nicole see this type of bullheaded attitude as a plus. "Hey, I'm American and WE DO IT THIS WAY."  It's as if their trump card is just that they are from the US of A... and that makes them superior.

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26 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I don't think the Jesse/Darcy drama is manufactured

Agree!  They aren't that good actors. They are no Taylor and Burton. Watching their faces, this is the real them. They truly believe their position is THE RIGHT position in each scenario. What I continue to be stunned by, is that their egos are so huge, they can't figure out showing this behavior to the world, not a good thing. Yeah Jesse, sign me up for some "coaching". Darcey you are not a strong woman-you are a pathetic woman. 

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Angela, Angela, Angela...

Gifting Mama the oh-so-tacky Lord's Prayer purse in a Dollar Tree bag is beyond pedestrian. Instead of buying a gift bag from the Dollar Tree, she reused the bag that previously held her pork rinds, body spray, circus peanuts, toothpicks and aluminum foil. 

Hanging your cheap ass bleach blonde clip in extension on the bedside lamp is ridiculous. It looks like a bleached sloth is chilling there while you and Michael bump uglies. 

I will give you points for at least learning some phrases in their native tongue. I'll commend your efforts on that front. I despise smoking but I'll give you a pass for that one last pack(Ha!) since you are making an effort to assimilate despite your obvious high level of anxiety. 

Hazel's mother has dead eyes and seeing their living quarters, I can understand. 

Kareeeeny is so pregnant but not by Pole  

Does anyone else get an asexual vibe from Pole? I mean, yes, he's moving mountains to find a woman but I don't think he wants sex from her. I think he wants to control a woman and have her beholden to him and under his weird little thumb. I can see him watching the bedroom antics from a corner as Kareeeny and Sanitized By Paul Within An Inch Of His Life John Doe get it on or as she uses her magical unicorn and Disney sex toys on herself. I think Pole needed all of those cleaning supplies because he's got that girl using those toys numerous times a day in numerous kinds of ways. ? 

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6 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Why do I think Jon's and Rachel's first night was a let down.  That he couldn't get his equipment working.  

I actually thought I heard her start to say the word “quick” before she thought better of it.   Anyone else hear this?

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4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

My thought is that she convinced him she was rich and had connections in the modeling business. Look at his Facebook page, it’s nothing but him strutting his stuff for the camera.

I checked it out and holy shit!  That is a nice looking body.  No pics of Darcey though, what's up with that?

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13 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

On a more serious note, watching Hazel and Michael climb up staircase after staircase to get to what looked like a single room where her family lived really made me take pause a moment. That has got to be difficult living and sincerely makes me grateful for what I do have.


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54 minutes ago, sconstant said:
1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

Hazel's family doesn't really care that Tarik has no religion.  They will accept anything short of him being a serial killer - she has already stated that once she gets to America they will all have a better life - so nothing else really matters.  She is REALLY planning on harvesting the American dollar and is using this time to make sure she can actually go through with this.

Anything short of him being a serial killer - but, just asking - how many bodies per year?  And mostly strangers, right?   Well, heck, let us think about it a sec before we say no....

You're right - maybe I WAS being a bit hasty.  There COULD be acceptable standards.

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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

So will Jesse now prefer the twin with fewer facial lines,  nicer hair,  and better personality? I cannot abide Darcey! If she's not picking a fight, she's whining. Where Jesse apparently prides himself on being coldly rational, Darcey needs emotional drah-ma. 

I can hear master gaslighter/manipulator Jesse now: 

Why can't you wear your makeup like your sister?

Why don't you do your hair like your sister?

Why can't you have your fake nails done like your sister? 

Why aren't you mellow like your sister?

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18 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

On a more serious note, watching Hazel and Tarik climb up staircase after staircase to get to what looked like a single room where her family lived really made me take pause a moment. That has got to be difficult living and sincerely makes me grateful for what I do have.

That was heartbreaking.  Reminded me of Jenny showing Larry the part of the floor she slept on.  I can certainly understand why some of the women are so desperate to leave.

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13 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I do find it odd that if their 'story' was filmed in December, that there aren't any holiday decorations around.

Rachel was wearing a Christmas sweat shirt but that was all i saw for "decorations"

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15 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Hmm... maybe they should use a translator app.

Speaking of clothes... Jesse wearing white jeans with knee-holes and a white shirt.  Gah!  Who dresses like that?

Yes.  And Ricky, walking around in that camou outfit, with his fanny pack jauntily slung over one hip.  I thought at first that I was just old, that he was dressed the way young folks dress today, but looking at the other people in his scenes, *nobody* is dressed in such an outre outfit.  All the other men his age have on normal pants and normal shirts and no fanny packs.  If I were a robber, I'd love that fanny pack--it's loose and just hanging there out in the open waiting for me to grab it and run, or slice the strap with a knife and run.

And what's with Tarik's backward Elmer Fudd Hat in the Philippines, where it's hot as hell?  He's a handsome man, but that hat, backwards or forwards, looks stupid.

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Rachel and John aren't even getting to know each other during her two week stay as their attention is continually on Lucy.  Although Lucy is cute, she is a distraction to both of them and all Rachel is doing is instruction John on how to "parent."  If they continue a relationship, it will be based on Lucy and her needs.  There are many relationships that falter once the child is grown and out of the house.  It all of a sudden dawns on the parents that they either don't really know and/or enjoy each other.  Rachel should have left Lucy in the U.S.; however, I think it may have been Rachel's intent to force a bond between Lucy and John in order to ensure an insta-family.

Do none of these Americans care about how they look or the impression(s) they are making?  Tariq and Ricky must think that they are showing how "cool" they are by the outfits they chose to wear to meet the loves of their lives.  Rachel already felt a bond with John, so no need to try to look nice for him, his mom, and his sister.  Angela is showing/flaunting absolutely everything and refuses to wear a more traditional outfit-even though Michael said that they would both wear something out of the same material to show that they are a couple.

I hardly ever write anything positive about Paul, but he at least wears a collared/button-down shirt and tie when meeting family and others.

I am just so tired of Darcey and Jesse.  I have no idea why the show likes them so much.  

And, I had to laugh when Tariq said something about Hazel's culture being so different from his.  Really?  The way that the Americans seeking the loves of their lives in other countries because Americans just don't appreciate them, aren't traditional, etc. but then don't understand that their loves come from different cultures...just boggles the mind.

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6 minutes ago, cheewhiz said:

Rachel was wearing a Christmas sweat shirt but that was all i saw for "decorations"

In one of their scenes, I could see a small string of lights hanging in the window behind Jon. Earlier when they were walking around town last week, I noticed some decorations around town as well. I'm a decoration junkie, so I usually pick up on that sort of thing! ;)

Edited by renatae
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Rachel is realizing that Jon isn't enamored with her in person.  The "calling you dad" seems to be her desperate attempt to keep him.  His refusal, after his apparently joyfulness over the kid when they only knew each other online, is her big red flag that upon meeting her, he's not that interested.  You could tell she knew at that moment he just isn't that into her.

Edited by sasha206
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4 minutes ago, Mothra said:

And what's with Tarik's backward Elmer Fudd Hat in the Philippines, where it's hot as hell?  He's a handsome man, but that hat, backwards or forwards, looks stupid.

He’s trying to cover that giant valley of baldness on his head. 

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2 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

How exactly does one sit through a 6-hour church service?  I mean, do they let you take a potty break, or at least give you a snack?

Maybe at Communion Tarik inadvertently helped himself to a whole big handful of the host. 

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37 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

That was heartbreaking.  Reminded me of Jenny showing Larry the part of the floor she slept on.  I can certainly understand why some of the women are so desperate to leave.

I agree. Seeing how some of these people live, you have to understand wanting to leave. You might not be in love with the person, but you just want a better life and the chance to maybe give your loved ones a bit better too. 

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1 hour ago, sconstant said:

I actually thought I heard her start to say the word “quick” before she thought better of it.   Anyone else hear this?

She definitely almost said quick, she said it was qu, amazing.    Even my husband looked up from his phone and said wow, she almost said quick.  

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1 hour ago, Lady Iris said:

As disgusting as this was and always will be, I have to give her props for a pretty ingenious way of getting rid of it. I'd have never come up with that and would've gagged it down.


re:  mouth-to-mouth snail transfer. 

It was either a producer's idea or... (gag)....she's done this before.  She was too quick to say "oh hey i have an idea -- kiss me".  

okay i'm going to go clean up my own vomit, brb

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Correct me if I'm wrong here. If Karineee is preggers then it can't be Pole's, right? They have been apart for months, then she lies and said the preg test was negative. I'm not sure what she's up to but it's shady AF. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Iris said:

On a more serious note, watching Hazel and Tarik climb up staircase after staircase to get to what looked like a single room where her family lived really made me take pause a moment. That has got to be difficult living and sincerely makes me grateful for what I do have.

100%!!  I am astounded that there isn't more reflection by some of these Americans, seeing the poverty, what these people have to deal with on a daily basis!  Pole and the Amazon Basin home, Tarik and the 50th floor walk up, Big Ang and the desert accommodations, that idiot from last season who would eat the pig when they saved $$ for a year to buy it,... Jesus,  Look around you, you small minded morons.  Learn something.


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1 hour ago, Lady Iris said:

On a more serious note, watching Hazel and Tarik climb up staircase after staircase to get to what looked like a single room where her family lived really made me take pause a moment. That has got to be difficult living and sincerely makes me grateful for what I do have.

Same here. I could not believe what I was seeing. How very sad. 

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5 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

D: You keep elbowing me.
J: No I'm not, why are you lying?

Who the hell answers "you're lying" when told they are elbowing? Jesse, the normal answer is: "Sorry I didn't realize." You can add this tip to your life coaching manual.

D: I'm not (lying)! But you're kinda going like that! (mimics) OK I'll just shuffle over here.

So Jesse, the conversation can stop right here, you don't always have to answer or escalate, You can say "sorry" again. Or "sorry I'll try not to do it again, come closer, love." You DO NOT answer:
J: I'm just sitting here stretching, babe. FUCK! It's always something with you!

D: Oh geez (contorts face) you're so RuuuuuuUUuuuude!
J: No... that's just REALITY!

Jesse, you mean YES that's just reality, because Darcey's right, it is you who was being rude.

Right. This Neanderthal never EVER misses a chance to belittle or contradict her. She may be a child, but he's insufferable. He probably wants to get out of Amsterdam because he's ripped through all of the eligible women there.

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There is something so vacant and creepy about the pauses where Jon says something and then just blankly stares at the camera with his mouth agape and his eyes bugging. I don't find him attractive at all- I think he's scary.

Darcey and Jesse don't understand that "we have amazing chemistry, there's passion and we want to spend our lives together" just isn't jiving with the constant bickering and nitpicking going on here.  He is the ultimate gaslighter.  I don't want to hear him say ONE MORE TIME that Darcey needs to "work on herself" in order for the relationship to work.  And when she told her sister they were having "ups and downs, like every normal couple," - no, no, no.  Most normal couples don't poke each other in the car, walk out of restaurants after making a scene, and argue every second of every day. She is so darn determined that this is her "twin flame," she doesn't even see how dysfunctional it all is.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Why do I think Jon's and Rachel's first night was a let down.  That he couldn't get his equipment working.  

Because you heard what I did!

When production asked how their first night together was, Jon moved his eyebrows up and down a lot, to be funny (I assume). I deduced it was a joke between the pair of them about how hilarious their first night must have REALLY been. Then, Rachel giggled and said "It was, it was qu...It was very nice."

Edited by Bridget
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5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Darcy was dressed with all the designer labels she could get into one outfit...Chanel bag, Laboutin shoes, fancy tee, Chanel jacket etc. I’m sure Jesse is wearing his ripped best in hopes that she will take him label shopping too. 

Maybe he's hoping she'll buy him a fake Birkin, too. For goat watching.

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