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18 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

I'm wondering why they would choose that ugly location in Riverside Park at 72nd, where there's a giant hideous ramp onto the West Side Highway. How about a few blocks north where there'd still be a nice river view, or somewhere in Central Park, which is much closer to the airport anyway. Parking for filming would be relatively easy at the 79th St. Boat Basin.

Not knowing NYC, my guess is Jesse was sure this would inconvenience Darcey to the max.

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Ok catching up on this now and Darcy's daughters are more mature than Darcy and Jesse combined. That giant pot of rice, lol how much rice does one need? How many side dishes does one need? "The girls shouldn't sleep over because we aren't married"...wow still pushing for that proposal.As for shoe gate I think Jesse overreacted and embellished. Shoes get dirty get over it,and she may have thrown the shoes in his direction but he is exaggerating. I used to put my cold feet in my boyfriends shoes when I was in high school lol, I now would not want to put my feet in hubby's smelly shoes lol, talk about arrested development. Jesse's body freaks me out, he looks like he is wearing a corset.

I laughed hard at Michael ordering a simple meal for himself and cow hoof for Angela.

Tarik doesn't give a fig about Hazel as a person, he sees her as property. Easy for Tarik to say her Ex can have her things, she's empoverished and needs the money. "If he doesn't like me I may lose my chance to move to America" yea she loves Tarik alright. They deserve each other.

Rachel is a victim of fairytale syndrome. The more she is denied access to him the more she wants him, the big bad government is keeping them apart. Daddy disapproves, he is perfect! Team Lucy what a doll. The perfect proposal as poor Lucy cries for the future she is in for.

Ximena is a beautiful woman, much better looking than bolt on Melissa. She can do better. I laughed when he said he only talked to her because he felt she would make a good mother. I am sure that was also the reason he flew out to meet bolt ons. Please. Ximena "let's go shopping" get the money! That said her nose job is none of his business.

In hindsight Karine's behaviour before the wedding made sense. She was likely suffering an attack of doubt mixed with a potentially deadly pregnancy. She is obviously pregnant and needs to marry ASAP. It looked like she stuck to juice at the wedding. The baby could be Paul's, it is possible TLC told them to hide it until the wedding....cutting them some slack after last nights tragic events. Her parents look like they are in front of a firing squad.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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Jon’s hair was not only long but GREEZY!! He’s following Rachel’s que for dressing like a bum looking like a bum 

14 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:


IMO, Ximenia agreed to marry some guy she has known for a week who just told her he came for someone else. I see rooting for the underdog, but she hopefully will come to her senses and run. 


She totally will, she’ll be bored with him about 5 minutes after she makes it to the US

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25 minutes ago, renatae said:

honestly think that is just symptomatic of Paul's extreme cluelessness. Of course, Karine may not have been eating well for a long time due to her nausea, and malnutrion actually can be a cause of miscarriage.

It could’ve been brought on by stress when Pole’s at war with her over a box of crackers or who ate the rest of the Doritos... it’s hard to say but stress does factor in

Edited by Mainer
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52 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

If you only had Tarik and Ricky to choose from, who would you choose? Derp face or fanny pack?

I’d choose death. I couldn’t I just couldn’t. 

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7 hours ago, AmyBre said:

Because these proposals are encouraged by the production team and are non-binding.  They are fake and only done to attract drama/viewers.

In the US, Tarik and Ricky will run away from a girl remotely thinking about marriage or getting engaged.   In foreign territory, while having vacation sex (not Tarik), they forget themselves and fall for anything.  If you add up the real time they were actually together having meaningful conversations, Ricky's proposal was a couple of hours.   Even dumb Ricky knows that a ring "don't mean nothing" that it's all being done in the name of quick fame and getting your face on TV.

I totally agree that the producers want them to propose.  I don't think for a minute that Ximena and Rickey will get married.  But the disturbing thing is many of the couples on the show do indeed get married....we'll have to wait to see what happens with Tarik and Hazel.

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9 hours ago, GoGamecox said:

That "tell all" wrap up show or whatever it was called was wretched -- one of the worst things I've ever watched on TV. Why can't TLC find hosts we can make these 90 Day live shows interesting? I seriously would rather see a fun, involved fan from our board run that and ask the questions we all want to know. I don't know who Michelle Collins is and don't care enough to google to find out, but I do know no good interviewer asks so many questions that can be answered with a YES or NO. You ask open ended questions that gets the subject thinking and talking -- and relaxed (so they let down their guard and spill some details). Her interviewing skills were horrible. 

Did anyone learn anything that either was previously unknown and/or worth caring about.  I couldn’t stay with it because it was just so ridiculous.  Will they have an after the 90 days waste of time also?

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Very interesting that while talking with his mother in the new scene during the after show that he was hold and drinking an alcoholic beverage!!!  After all the times he told Darcey not to drink it really shows how superior he sees himself in that he believes he is able to handle drinking while she isn't able to handle it.  Having said that, I hope we are done with them AND Stacey.  No more of the sisters, in any way, shape, or form.

Based on what alert posters have found out about Hazel, I would bet she's going to be another fiance/wife who wants to be a model... 

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I was trying my best to figure out what he hell Darcey was wearing to meet Herr TwinFlame.  I looked like some sort of bathing suit (pushup style) covered by half a dress (i.e., plunging to her navel). It was hideous.  It's kind of sad that the producers get such a kick out of her desperation and attempts to "better herself" with plastic surgery and giant choppers that they highlight things like her 6" heels, her trudging through New York with a steamer trunk and two weekender bags, and her awful looking toes.  Her sister underplays it all by saying things like "oh, the steak thing was just her way of being lighthearted and fun."  Please, if my husband and I bicker over  tearing up a steak like that, and I consider it "fun," just take me out back and put me out of my misery. And while I realize that "all families have their disagreements," I would say that the majority of those don't involve the arrival of the police and being "citated."

Tarik does have that one-sided thing with his mouth when he speaks.  Add to that the constant "derp" expression and the head-tilt and bulging eyes, and he's in perpetual state of puzzlement and confusion.  And that plaid vest/tank top number!  I would love to go through his suitcase just so I could laugh and laugh.

I think Ximena is in on all of this and is strictly in it for the presents and dinners.  Now she has (what is purported to be) a diamond.  She can run off, laugh at how she made Tricky Dicky Ricky jump through hoops ("he jumped in the water and he can't swim!  I cried until he was on his knees begging for forgiveness!") and enjoy her new loot.  She seems way too clever to truly want to marry this jackass... but she got a lot of nice parting gifts and it would be easy enough to block him and never have to look at his blocky little body again.

As for Angela and Michael, I found them a little boring this week.  I was kind of waiting for her to collapse climbing those stairs.

Jon's hair looks better without the Just for Men treatment, and with the trim he looks a little less like a perpetually surprised Paul Bunyan.

Edited by KateHearts
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Tarik mentioned that he has been in custody battles for years with his ex. Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe what people do in their bedrooms is their business, but if the public knows he engages in orgies, could that affect his custody ?

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Is it wrong that I've watched this episode several times already?  And is it wrong that I really wish Darcy and Jesse will get back together and they have a separate reality show?  I could watch them ALL DAY LONG.

Tariq...what a fucking idiot.  I love how he's talking about how he keeps his private life private.  While being on a reality show.   Meanwhile, I'd love to see what Hazel would look like with a makeover.  I bet she could be quite pretty.

Michael and his excitement.  I couldn't help but enjoy that unbridled happiness even though it wasn't for the actual marriage.  Maybe he cleans out her bank account (although I doubt it) but he has the cutest way about him.  

Pole and Krinny.  That scene was heartbreaking and also disturbing that such a personal moment was used on TV.   I don't like either one, but my heart went out to them both.  

Jon's quick temper on the road might not be such a big deal to me -- my late husband was the most wonderful guy in the world but would get aggravated AF in the car -- were it not for the the fact that he's beaten up many and can't get into the country b/c of it.  Meanwhile, she really was snooping even if she rather innocently came across the messages.  That said, if I innocently came across some messages b/c a notification came up on my screen, I'd probably be very tempted to read it.  She's heard about his unconventional relationships and his womanizing from others.   I feel like the invite to the ex-GF for the wedding party was producer setup.  If not, no matter how you slice it, that's fucking rude.  I'd bet he'd beat the fuck out of her ex-BF if he she invited him to their wedding party.  I guarantee you he would be as jealous and insecure and she is.

And am I crazy to think that Angela, in her youth, may have been a pretty lady?  If someone gave her a makeover and more flattering clothes, I think she could look pretty.

Edited by sasha206
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9 hours ago, Lesia said:

I worked in the childcare room at a gym.  When not busy, I had to clean machines. Lots of people just stared at their phones, did a few leg presses, a few bicep curls, walked on the treadmill, and then would leave.  And then those are the ones shocked that they aren't losing weight.  "I don't get it! I go to the gym 4, 5 times a week! I'm not seeing any progress!" 

Sort of like Progressive Flo's sister Janice - "Quiet, I'm blasting my quads...Cycling is my passion." With revolutions about 1 per minute.

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1 hour ago, renatae said:

I honestly think that is just symptomatic of Paul's extreme cluelessness. Of course, Karine may not have been eating well for a long time due to her nausea, and malnutrion actually can be a cause of miscarriage.

Or he wanted to blame her brother again for eating it all.

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10 hours ago, Mainer said:

Did anyone think the stripper looks kinda big in the mid section for being a stripper? Strippers are usually quite skinny


Not in Milwaukee.  She probably dances at the Sudsy Pretzel.

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19 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

And am I crazy to think that Angela, in her youth, may have been a pretty lady?  If someone gave her a makeover and more flattering clothes, I think she could look pretty.

Hard living, sun, booze and lousy taste in men will do it every time. She’s a cautionary tale. 

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@gavinmac oh god... sudsy pretzel that name just sounds so wrong! Ewwww 


ya know, the more I think about the Orgie thing that the BROTHERS do TOGETHER mind you... ummm probably NOT true, maybe one night they got a couple girls REALLY DRUNK and got laid, but these two fucktards are not smart enough to pick up a stray dog let alone please a woman in the bedroom, there’s just no way.. and they claim they are pleasing multiple woman... PFFTTT!! Right!! I highly doubt that! It was probably Dean’s way of trying to get a chick to message him after being on TV, I mean he does bench 500 pounds... such a turn on.. like that REALLY matters to a girl, these two men (Dean and tardo) are the prime example of a major TURN OFF! Ugh!?

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On 9/30/2018 at 11:16 PM, JasonH said:

In the Live Show, Darcy’s sister talks about getting citated for the fight with her sister. She also says “ya know” a lot. I mean, a lot.


I caught that too.  Not only was she “citated”, the giant host repeated it back to her.  

And if you’re going to have a giant host, WHY can’t she have a chair that works for her???  Good Lord, it was like watching Buddy the Elf.

Edited by Happyfatchick
Because proofreading is our friend
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20 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Did anyone see the last ten minutes of the wrap up show (hour 3) where Dean says Tarik is into orgies? And Dean also publicly outs Hazel, the daughter of devout religious parents, as bisexual.  What a jackass.

I did!!!  I hadn’t thought of that all day - I think I blocked it out.  I couldn’t BELIEVE he plopped that right out.   Are you KIDDING ME???  How did he say that?  Something like “I’m ok with Hazel now, she’s bi so it’s all cool”.   Wait.  What???  And whole Tarik with, like, three at a time.  Wow.  

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4 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

Hazel is just a master manipulator. She doesn’t like Tarik but she sure knew what to do to convince him to ask her to marry him. There was no Japanese rich guy. Realistically, hazel would only be a hot commodity for American guys trying to feed a fetish. A rich Japanese guy is likely going to get someone from socioeconomic background, not a a poor woman who will go with the first man who can get her out of the country. She has mad skills. She got a man to propose to her when she hasn’t shown him any affection nor had sex with him. She isn’t this sad, sweet little woman just looking for a better life. I feel no sympathy for Hazel. Oh, and yes, I am aware Tarik is an idiot. 

Ximena is just Hazel with better social skills. Ricky tells her she is second runner up, she is pissed but a day or two later she agrees to marry him. Oh and they have only seen each other a week? Yeah, she wants a green card too. Ricky isn’t a suave George Clooney or a young Brad Pitt. He isn’t enough of a babe magnet to get away with his foolishness. 

I would bet money Marta works the pole during the daytime or right before people get off work. No way is she a nighttime headliner. 

I feel bad for Paul because he obviously didn’t understand what was being said and I can’t imagine the thoughts running through his head while he was trying to figure it out. I think this may be one of the few scenes on this show that is real due to the fact that the emotion seemed real from Karine, her mom and Paul. I feel her the mom because it’s like she has been dying inside since the moment Paul walked through the door. 

Inthink if Rachel were to spend a week or two with Jon, and leave Lucy at home, they would have nothing to talk about. I swear most of their conversations are about Lucy and Jon’s bad habits. Rachel makes Eeyore seem like the life of the party.

I have a friend with an Asian fetish.  He has often talked about going to the Philippines and finding a girl half his age.  I don’t get it. 

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I watched in slack-jawed wonder at the entire scene of the Torgo/Hazel rap concert cum proposal (that's Latin, dammit.  Get your mind out of the gutter) and admired the really decent-looking diamond ring her gave her.  Immediately I thought about homeless Hazel with that ring, worth probably a few thousand dollars, wondering where she was going to sleep and how she was going to get food, looking down at that ring...

I also thought about homeless Hazel sleeping on the streets and being mugged for that ring.

If Hazel is smart, she'll use the ring to buy a ticket to Tokyo--she'll already be at the airport to see Torgo off; what could be simpler?

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10 hours ago, greekmom said:

Hazel is probably thinking the same exact thought.

Yes. And when the brother was bragging about orgies and that Hazel is down for that I could only think that this is what Hazel is willing to do to keep her man and get to America. She’s willing to do anything. Tarik seems like a sex starved sicko when he’s around her. I don’t care for Hazel but it seems like Tarik just has a fetish and goes to Asian countries looking for a woman he can sexually dominate. He’s so gross. 

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9 hours ago, Former Nun said:

Does she have absolutely NO COMMON SENSE?  Does she know anything about religious/world history?  She is planning to visit a Muslim country while taunting her Muslim "boyfriend" with her necklace, which is obviously a Christian symbol.  She has no idea she is extremely/dangerously insulting.  Someone better swipe that "jewelry" before she leaves the USA.  I don't like her or the storyline at all, but I hope that Letter of Invitation never arrives.

Yes. Maybe she was excited when Daya became obviously angry about the cross & hung up the computer phone. She's going to be excited getting beheaded. 

On another sad note, Angela actually looked pretty good in her soft blue blouse without cleavage. She was quite astute when she commented that if she said yes to Michael, it would be bringing a man who doesn't love her into her life. She knows the truth in her heart, why isn't she listening to her womanly instincts? 

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3 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I would rather gnaw my own arm off , but if it was a case of me saving the world, I probably would go for Ricky which compared to Thailand David is a step up.

I would want to smash his face in less that derp-face.

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10 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Anddd in case we needed any more evidence of Tarik's immaturity, he thinks his own rap is suitable mood music for a proposal. It's like watching an 18-year-old Soundcloud rapper try desperately to impress his bored high school girlfriend.

Besides which, there was a lot of disrespectful profanity in there. Not romantic; a complete turn off. Blech.

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12 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

You know what could have really used a warning? Dean saying Tarik is into orgies. 

Or for my favorite (gag) part: when Dean hinted that he (Tarik's BROTHER) joins in said orgies. Did I just dream that? Please say I did.

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2 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Not in Milwaukee.  She probably dances at the Sudsy Pretzel.

Wishful thinking. I kid you not. It's an airport lounge/strip club near the airport. They showed the sign and her dancing on her first episode. I'll have to go back and see if they showed the full name. Definitely not the King of Diamonds or Magic City. The bar is low.

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21 hours ago, magemaud said:

You didn’t miss much. Marta just leisurely pedaled on the exercise bike in full Michael Jackson makeup while she complained to her scowling stripper friend from work that she was “fustrated” but that her religious differences with Daya were just “a little problem” 

If her friend is a stripper the pickings in Milwaukee are slim indeed.

21 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Shreky is such a loser. He reminds me of a guy in middle school who sent me a torrid love letter for Valentine's Day. I thought he was a Pole type of weirdo, so I showed it to enough friends that it eventually came back that he had sent 4 such letters to 4 girls he calculated were in different social circles and wouldn't find out. Ximena disappoints thoroughly by accepting Melissa's cheap ring from a fanny pack wearing, already married Priap.

So it's a "punch in the gut" for Karaoke Filter Face that her family can't attend her rushed marriage to a short-tempered, pugilistic Brit. Girl, get a grip. You don't even know if he'll ever get entry. Having said that, she's lucky he was nonplussed by her uninvited prying into his social media account. He would have been right to be upset, yet, she's acting all self-righteous. She's pretending the spying was accidental and she couldn't stop because it was like a "train wreck" but it actually sounded pretty casual and innocent, and she should mind her own business. This guy is willing to raise her child from another man, she should thank her lucky star and STFU with the petty ex-girlfriend drama... she has two baby daddies!

Tardik is "more serious" with Hazel than with another other woman! Even the woman he had a child with? What a moron. "The people around me get crazy when they see me happy! They want to tear my stuff up!" He's the common denominator, thanks for letting us know there's something wrong with HIM. Not that we couldn't already tell by his googly eye dumbass facial expressions and fetish for buffalo plaid fabrics and fishnet shirts. So Hazel pressures him to propose, with the enthusiasm of a dead fish on a bed of ice at the market, only looking up to gauge his reaction and plot her next retort. There's a rich man in Japan waiting in the wings to take care of her for her entire life! "I don't react so well when I'm backed into a corner," announces Tardik, truthfully, since he proposes to her in the next scene. She pretends to be surprised, accepts reluctantly, wondering how she got there. "Do you love me for real?" asks Tardik, because that's a normal question to ask on the day you proposed. Now Hazel is effin' annoyed with his needy ass. "Yeahsssss," she slurs. He pulls out what looks like a flashlight, but turns out to be a device that plays him rapping. Hazel looked disgusted with it, but probably not as much as the collective of 90DF viewers. When asked if she liked the rap, she waited an eternity before calling the program subroutine for saying "Yes I Like It" like a robot. It's important to Tardik that he be thought of as a good rapper, you see. 

Transmission Oil Kriny wanted a bebe to save the relationship, now she worries that the bad relationship will be bad for the bebe. But bebe didn't make it because of some genetic problem, everyone weeps. Not that PyroPole could afford to support a family on the allowance he gets from his mom! It's hard to snark on that, too soon, so... next!

"I can't afford to make no more mistakes" grunts Wrinklegela. I guess grammatical mistakes don't count. I had to turn on the subtitles because I don't understand half her words. I found out that Mahkull showed her a place when people hid during the war... and she shouted out: SEX! It's like her reptilian mind never leaves the proverbial gutter. "I'm not easy to live with" she tells him, before starting to recount her daily chores, as a preface to the dumbest proposal ever. She hands him the ring wrapped in a small flag (to symbolize the rags he'll have to use to wipe her ass in her imminent dotage), he gets on his knees, gives her a ring too, blah blah blah. These two gross me out, like half-chewed snails wrapped in slimy saliva.

Thanks for sharing, I gave up on the live show after Stacey blurted out "you know" for the hundredth time.

Hazel gives the same line readings as Kathy Bates on AHS: Apocalypse.

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18 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

With this Ricky thing, maybe TLC is trying to do a show that's a combo between 90-Day Fiance and a polygamy show?

Big 90-Day Love

90-Day Sister Wives

Three 90-Day Fiances, One Husband

It’s difficult to believe Ricky could satisfy one wife, let alone three.

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5 hours ago, usernameG said:

If you only had Tarik and Ricky to choose from, who would you choose? Derp face or fanny pack?

My initial reaction was recoil, but I think it's actually an easy choice. Tarik would be demanding and entitled, but Ricky would be hygenic, eager, and willing to please. I also don't think it would last very long for either, but Ricky would actually try, and you could distract him with a large pizza after and make your escape. I can't easily track down balut or a 5-hour Pentecostal church service to scare away Tarik after. If I *really* had to choose, I think it'd have to be Ricky.

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12 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Jon's hair in the car was like a vine that was growing and twirling trying to reach something to latch onto. 

Either that or unlike Rachel, it knew enough to be scared of him and was trying to escape. 

It really was swirling out of control at the top and the rest of it was just a real mess he generally looks like a slob. I wonder if he combs it for his wedding.

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Stacey got way too much air time in the live segment where she was babbling about being citaterated.  They should have spent more time with Michael’s friends who seemed like they might spill some tea with a little prompting.

Who cares about Scabbie Abby?!  Chris is moving to Thailand!  A treasure trove for his grossness and fetishes.

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5 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I would rather gnaw my own arm off , but if it was a case of me saving the world, I probably would go for Ricky which compared to Thailand David is a step up.

Finally the movie “saw” makes much more sense.

I’m going to choose both Tarik and Ricky!  Yes both.  I have no problems widdit for one thing but I’m pretty sure I can talk Tarik into proving his orgy skills with he who is easily confused and amused with bolted on parts so those two guys can widdit together.  I’m a freaking genius.

Now try to bleach that out of your mind.  You’re welcome.

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5 hours ago, usernameG said:

If you only had Tarik and Ricky to choose from, who would you choose? Derp face or fanny pack?

Ha ha!! That’s a tough one... but my overwhelming disdain for Icky means I’d be shacking up with the Fresh Prince of Plaid (derp face) 

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6 hours ago, usernameG said:

If you only had Tarik and Ricky to choose from, who would you choose?

I was going to choose Ricky because I need some new/nice photos taken.  Then I remembered he added he was a "professional video-ographer," and thought better of it.   I went in search of a choreo-ographer instead because I love to dance.

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6 hours ago, renatae said:

Instead, for her final humiliation, he makes her drag her butt and her ton of luggage to NYC in order to meet her, not at a restaurant even, but in a freezing park.

I someone asked me to meet him at a park, I'm definitely not going to drag/carry a huge suitcase, a bag...and (?) another bag (on a train and other public transportation), which meant I was packing for two weeks.   Meet him in a park in the winter?  Wear comfortable clothes for sitting around in a park, especially SNEAKERS for the walking (lotsa stairs), and a good/warm coat with a deep pocket for my clutch.  Jesse didn't send an itinerary or dress code; Darcy's the idiot.

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18 hours ago, Drogo said:

Ricky:  "I didn't even hesitate, I just jumped in."



Rachel: "We're going to go left." 

Also Rachel: *points right*



Well, to be fair, she's not used to driving on the opposite side of the road.

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I don’t believe for a minute that Hazel will be homeless when Tarik goes back to the US. Aren’t her parents still in Manila? What about the cousin she was living with? Or the mysterious “ex” who is holding her clothes and things hostage? I think she just said “homeless” to garner sympathy. 

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2 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Stacey got way too much air time in the live segment where she was babbling about being citaterated.  They should have spent more time with Michael’s friends who seemed like they might spill some tea with a little prompting.

Who cares about Scabbie Abby?!  Chris is moving to Thailand!  A treasure trove for his grossness and fetishes.

Was that Chris who's moving to Thailand?  I caught that part but didn't know which Sugar Daddy it was, Sean or Chris.  Anyhoo....my internal early warning device went off when I heard that.  I'd say that Chris has some . . . . proclivities.

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13 hours ago, Dobian said:

You just *know* that after Trump is done with his POTUS gig and starts another season of The Celebrity Apprentice, Michael is already penciled in as a contestant.

Eggs-zactly what I was thinking.  I think there's a very real chance that Michael will be able to meet Trump in the next few years.

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14 hours ago, Lily247 said:


Hazel has the type of persona that is manufactured in poor country with severe poverty. It's the only way to explain her dead eyes coldness. I think that girls in the west couldn't fathom hooking up with someone they are not attracted to for amenities but I guess if you have seen hunger and poor living circumstances it totally alters your perspective. 

Ugh, yes.  I do think a similar dynamic exists in the U.S., though, with younger women being drawn to older and/or rich men they're not attracted to.  This show also does expose young men being attracted to older women for similar reasons...

It's interesting to read on this forum the people that are disgusted with Hazel and yet are sympathetic to Michael.  Luis was not a sympathetic figure on this show (nor should he be) but Molly was similar to Angela in some ways, who was similar to Mark, Fernando, etc., etc.

Bottom line is most of the foreign spouses have seemed to end up with Americans who are either much older and/or much less attractive than themselves.  It's kind of like a famous musician or actor that would never land the supermodel on looks alone; is the other person with them because of that only or did the other person only give them a chance because they were rich or famous...and then maybe fell in love...

Tarik, Ricky, Mark, Angela, Fernando, Larry, Molly and several others sought out people either way younger or way more attractive (or both) overseas.  Maybe the foreign partner genuinely fell in love or maybe they didn't.

I agree with others that this show was much better when it documented the struggles of couples who were navigating the immigration process and related challenges because they truly loved each other and wanted to be together.

Edited by Splithair
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9 hours ago, usernameG said:

If you only had Tarik and Ricky to choose from, who would you choose? Derp face or fanny pack?

Nope & Nope ! I’d roll my sleeves up and start my search for True Love in 90Days all over ...could NOT bring myself to sink that low for a green card??

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4 hours ago, Floatingbison said:

Was that Chris who's moving to Thailand?  I caught that part but didn't know which Sugar Daddy it was, Sean or Chris.  Anyhoo....my internal early warning device went off when I heard that.  I'd say that Chris has some . . . . proclivities.

I thought so but I had it on as background noise so I wasn’t giving it my full attention and I certainly wasn’t going to rewind it LOL.  It just caught me off guard because either of them I’d have the same reaction since they both seem to be Hunters of the Less Than Aged.  Mighty convenient to go to countries with lax laws and plenty of willing participants.

I think that some of these men and women just trade one set of problems for another.  They find finding love in America too difficult based on what they see themselves with.  When that becomes more important then they turn to overseas interests where they can get a hotter or younger or kid free prospect and then just deal with the issues that come with that.

im sure it’s intoxicating to be viewed as powerful as those who actually live that lifestyle in the world.  David Poor is a loser in America but is viewed as rich American in Thailand....a role that he covets.  How can he go backwards?

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On 9/30/2018 at 7:10 PM, spankydoll said:


Darzy stop messing with your face . You look gorgeous and then you blow up your lips and it's back to young Jocelyn Wildenstein. Stop it. ✋

What Darcey got from that is you saying she looked young!

20 hours ago, eatsleep said:

I never said anything about sex. Don't project.

“She is transactionally bartering sex for financial security.” 

Sometimes the quote function glitches and is misattributed, but that wouldn’t be someone else “projecting.” Someone definitely wrote that sentence.



Edited by guilfoyleatpp
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10 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Or for my favorite (gag) part: when Dean hinted that he (Tarik's BROTHER) joins in said orgies. Did I just dream that? Please say I did.

Now we know why he went all the way to Manila to meet Tarik's new girlfriend.

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