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18 hours ago, aliya said:

 I'm sure Michael could find some nice woman here in the US who would be interested in his culture, not be 'loud and wrong' as we say, and have an interest in helping a brother become a business man. 

Ugh, or he could stop using American women and just make the most of his life in Nigeria. There are plenty of business men in Nigeria.


Dean just needs to get laid. He's wound up tight as a spring. Why can't Hazel introduce him to one of her friends?

Hmmmm, I thought Darcey's daughters were rude and entirely too grown-acting. The MAN said he didn't want the food? Who the hell is Aniko to further question him as to why not? And to tell both her mother and Jesse, they are acting her age??? True or not, that is so not her place. And the damn nerve of little Aspen to outright contradict Jesse and tell her mother she was NOT starting. OMG, unless your adult mother asks you for help or to call 911, just be quiet! 11 and 12 y/os should not be critiquing adults on their behavior over dinner. That scene was shocking to me. 

TBH, I don't think Paul is all that bad (the one glaring exception is the arson). Seems like he could be good husband to the right Alpha type woman. I think y'all are being a bit hard on Paul. 

Why didn't Graceline (Karine's mother) color her hair for he wedding? Nothing fancy...just a box of Ms Clairol from the supermarket? Why attend your daughter's (televised) wedding w/ 2 inches of graying roots? I don't get it.

What happened to Karine's sister from the first season (wore braces, walked to the ship's port with Karine to meet Paul)? I wonder why she did not attend the wedding.

Bangs and highlights, Rachel! Ugh but why do those two look and act so old!?

i'm awful...but Ricky lives a few miles from me...I Googled his address. Nice, nondescript, boring suburban home. Not sure what I was looking for but I didn't find it.

Nothing has solidified my commitment to eating an exclusively plant-based diet like these on-location 90 day Fiance Parts Unknown food scenes. A whole, dead, unhatched raw duck?! Please tell me hazard pay is standard in the contracts. 

On 9/10/2018 at 9:00 AM, Lady Iris said:

Most cringe worthy moment among the many has got to go to Michael's dismayed 'OOH' face when Angela asked/ordered if they could hurry up to get back to the hotel to have sex. I did the same exact thing right in time with him.

Truly! Yes, this was AWFUL!

Edited by eatsleep
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20 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

Bangs and highlights, Rachel! Ugh but why do those two look and act so old!?

Right?  I think sideswept bangs and shoulder length hair would look pretty on her.  She actually has a pretty face, but the hair is plain and way too long.

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20 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

Ugh, or he could stop using American women and just make the most of his life in Nigeria. There are plenty of business men in Nigeria.


Dean just needs to get laid. He's wound up tight as a spring. Why can't Hazel introduce him to one of her friends?

Hmmmm, I thought Darcey's daughters were rude and entirely too grown-acting. The MAN said he didn't want the food? Who the hell is Aniko to further question him as to why not? And to tell both her mother and Jesse, they are acting her age??? True or not, that is so not her place. And the damn nerve of little Aspen to outright contradict Jesse and tell her mother she was NOT starting. OMG, unless your adult mother asks you for help or to call 911, just be quiet! 11 and 12 y/os should not be critiquing adults on their behavior over dinner. That scene was shocking to me. 

TBH, I don't think Paul is all that bad (the one glaring exception is the arson). Seems like he could be good husband to the right Alpha type woman. I think y'all are being a bit hard on Paul. 

Why didn't Graceline (Karine's mother) color her hair for he wedding? Nothing fancy...just a box of Ms Clairol from the supermarket? Why attend your daughter's (televised) wedding w/ 2 inches of graying roots? I don't get it.

Bangs and highlights, Rachel! Ugh but why do those two look and act so old!?

i'm awful...but Ricky lives a few miles from me...I Googled his address. Nice, nondescript, boring suburban home. Not sure what I was looking for but I didn't find it.

Nothing has solidified my commitment to eating an exclusively plant-based diet like these on-location 90 day Fiance Parts Unknown food scenes. A whole, dead, unhatched raw duck?! Please tell me hazard pay is standard in the contracts. 

Why didn't Karine's dad make any effort? Maybe they didn't have the funds, or it's all make believe, so they figured, why bother? Although,that little party on the boat looks nice, and looks like it cost a pretty penny.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

It's so ridiculous isn't it?  Women pay a fortune for these shoes simply b/c of the red sole so it screams, "I pay a lot of money for shoes."  And then in order to protect the dead giveaway that you spent a lot of money, you can't actually use them.

And maybe it's me, but most of those shoes I think are tacky AF anyway.

They buy the shoes because they think they make them look good then end up looking like some kind of carnival act walking around in bare feet carrying the shoes or tottering around on top of heels too high to walk properly. Every time I see a girl trying to walk in heels that can't I laugh and say she looks really good. 

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1 minute ago, LocalGovt said:

Why didn't Karine's dad make any effort? Maybe they didn't have the funds, or it's all make believe, so they figured, why bother? Although,that little party on the boat looks nice, and looks like it cost a pretty penny.

Karine and her mom got the full face beats, manis, pedis, new dresses, etc., so why didn't Graceline touch up her roots? You can buy a box for $7 USD. 

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Just now, eatsleep said:

Karine and her mom got the full face beats, manis, pedis, new dresses, etc., so why didn't Graceline touch up her roots? You can buy a box for $7 USD. 

Ohhhh....I must have missed Mama Karine getting dolled up!  However, I did find her open back red flashy top strangely reminiscent of Angela.

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On 9/9/2018 at 10:46 PM, Frozendiva said:

Angela, your dream dude is exploring his options. And Green Card possibilities.  Having a kid with him? I don't think so. He will be very surprised to see how you really live in the US. Enjoy the rest of your trip to Nigeria and go home.

Yes!  Surely Angela must realize all of this.  I want to like Angela, but the more I watch her on the show, the more difficult it becomes. Micheal, on the other hand, is very easy to like.


I enjoyed the scene where Angela and Micheal are strolling through a village and are looking for a place to sit.  They spy a couple of benches:

Angela:  I don’t like stools!

Micheal (smiling, nicely): It’s fine. It’s not gonna break.


Ha! I couldn’t help but laugh.  Micheal is smart and has a great sense of humor.  He was gently poking fun at Angela, but she seemed to have missed the joke.  She was too busy preparing to go off on him regarding his social media, I suppose.

I like Michael and hope he gets a chance to come to the US and fulfill his dreams with, or more likely, without, Angela.

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11 hours ago, gingerella said:

Anyway, I don’t understand why TLC has to cock up their own shows, it’s like Bravo, they come up with an idea, and then they run it into the ground with unbelievable histrionics and over the top crazies. Right now, this shan’t one normally person, not even Ximena because I mean really, WHO comes to town to meet a rando from the internet and expect to marry the schmuck?

Cock up their own shows....this was the best. 

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2 minutes ago, SweetPotato said:

Yes!  Surely Angela must realize all of this.  I want to like Angela, but the more I watch her on the show, the more difficult it becomes. Micheal, on the other hand, is very easy to like.


I enjoyed the scene where Angela and Micheal are strolling through a village and are looking for a place to sit.  They spy a couple of benches:

Angela:  I don’t like stools!

Micheal (smiling, nicely): It’s fine. It’s not gonna break.


Ha! I couldn’t help but laugh.  Micheal is smart and has a great sense of humor.  He was gently poking fun at Angela, but she seemed to have missed the joke.  She was too busy preparing to go off on him regarding his social media, I suppose.

I like Michael and hope he gets a chance to come to the US and fulfill his dreams with, or more likely, without, Angela.

My husband (who HATES this show, but can't look away) said, "that's no stool! That's a bench!"

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14 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Amazing that these two are too dumb to quit each other. I think the sex must be amazing.   Darcey probably does anything and everything. Most likely a three input woman.

Jesse is totally that guy that would also never touch a woman who is having her period because he finds it totally disgusting. And he would let her know it too....

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16 hours ago, Adeejay said:

This franchise is TLC's cash cow.  I have a feeling it's responsible for 60% of their total revenue and make up for underperforming shows like, "Counting On" and "Outdaughtered."

Every time I see the commercial where the kids are pooping in their pants, I feel like the dad looks absolutely miserable.

I have literally NO DESIRE to watch these shows no matter how many times TLC shows me a commercial for one of these families with gaggles of kids.

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4 minutes ago, usernameG said:

Every time I see the commercial where the kids are pooping in their pants, I feel like the dad looks absolutely miserable.

I have literally NO DESIRE to watch these shows no matter how many times TLC shows me a commercial for one of these families with gaggles of kids.

Every time I see the pooping toddlers from the Outdaughtered commercials, I have two thoughts:  1.  Gross, no one needs to see that! and 2. I feel bad for those toddlers that will one day grow up and be teased mercilessly by their classmates. How embarrassing and completely unnecessary.   


Is Jesse hoping for an endorsement with Louboutin?  He can't just say, "She threw her shoe at me" he has to mention that they're Louboutins.  He's just as snooty and brand-conscience as Darcy is.

Edited by Phoebe70
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I think of hazel had met Ricky he would at least treat her respectfully and he clearly actually has money and is generous with it, she’d actually probably stay with him.  I could see him sending money back to her family to make her feel good. Ricky is looking for a trophy tho so not sure he’d go for hazel but they’d make a better match in my opinion 

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4 hours ago, Mothra said:

Weltschmerz, thy name is NDFBTND.

Honest to god, I'd have gone Elvis on my TV if I didn't want to know what the hell you guys were talking about here.

It's the same goddam thing every goddam week.  My enthusiasm is as lively as Angela's fertility and whatever is behind Hazel's dead eyes.  Yes, Hazel.  Pan-Pacific Flyweight Champion.  She's gone two rounds with tag-team Torgo and Mongo and not been pinned once.  Hazel knows that the only way out of Dodge is to keep Torgo out of her drawers until she gets a ring on it.  Torgo mistakes priapism for true love, and once he conquers the Golden Triangle there's every chance his, er, interest in Hazel will deflate as it is borne in on him that snatch is snatch is snatch.

Rachel's desperation has Lucy trying to buy sedatives so she can knock out her mother and somehow get her on the plane home.  Rachel, whose child--er, children--are of course her first priority, wants them to have a daddy who may gouge their eyes out if they insult their mother by, say, waking her up at night.  Just because there's a crowd of them, they think they can do whatever they want.  Lucy has loving grandparents back home who I'm sure love to babysit her (hell, I'd babysit that kid), so why doesn't Rachel go to karaoke bars in Tucson or wherever the hell she lives?  It's got to be tougher to get a man interested if you have children, but unlike Angela, Rachel could procreate again, with a <gasp> husband.  And she is pretty, I don't care what they say down at the pub.

I think Pole and Kreeny are performance artists whose art is so arcane it is not recognized as art.  Exhibit one:  cutting between Wedding Morning, when Kreeny has a zort and Pole a shaved head, and Wedding Afternoon, when Kreeny is zitless but has grown Pole's eyebrows and Pole's head is back to normal.  Le chien andalou, indeed.  The case is settled by a photo of Pole which appeared on the internet wearing Kreeny's wedding dress and headband.  It is not meant to be ironic or funny; he is deadpan and creepy-looking, and the blood has apparently been photoshopped off the dress and from around his mouth.

We all tagged Ricky as an idiot as soon as we saw what attracted him to Melissa.  This is a man *with a daughter* btw who thinks bowling ball tits equals life partner, soul mate and stepmother material. What is his daughter supposed to think if this image of woman is what her father values?  Ricky has deeper values, though, and honesty above all.  Why, he might have to break up with Ximena, er, Melissa--no, it's Ximena, I'm almost sure--if he finds out she is not being straightforward with him.  He insists that she love him *for the right reasons.*  Which I guess means that she believes he is a fine upstanding moral man who would never cheat on her who values her for herself and not just for her ability to get him off.  And she'd better not be using him to get to the US!  Not after the way he's given his heart to her, freely and openly!

You've got to give Michael props for perseverance.  Every goddam week Angela visits some new humiliation on him, but so strong is his desire to be the next Donald Trump that he will not give up on his dream no matter how many children Angela is incapable of providing because her ovaries are in the process of shriveling and she's exactly one week away from sprouting chin hairs.

If I forgot anybody, well, thank god.


So disturbing on so many levels, those sex toys were for him.

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1 hour ago, LocalGovt said:

My husband (who HATES this show, but can't look away) said, "that's no stool! That's a bench!"

I always think my husband is not paying attention when I am watching this around him and then he says something like "you have to cut it on the bias!" When I am cutting meat. 

He always asks why I watch this show and points out other shows that he also considers terrible and asks why I don't also watch that (like unexpected- couldn't bring my self to watch that).

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1 hour ago, eatsleep said:

i'm awful...but Ricky lives a few miles from me...I Googled his address. Nice, nondescript, boring suburban home. Not sure what I was looking for but I didn't find it.

Eatsleep, you have one assignment and one assignment only, should you care to accept it, and I think you know what it is.  Oh please, for the love of forum, please!!!! If you're arrested, and I think I speak for the forum here, we'll bail you out.  There is probably even a lawyer posting here.  We take care of our own.  Look how we improved the Rice-a-Roni bottom line.  Together, we are powerful.

This is your moment, eatsleep.  Step up, sister (or brother).

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4 hours ago, Mothra said:

We all tagged Ricky as an idiot as soon as we saw what attracted him to Melissa.  This is a man *with a daughter* btw who thinks bowling ball tits equals life partner, soul mate and stepmother material. What is his daughter supposed to think if this image of woman is what her father values?  Ricky has deeper values, though, and honesty above all.  Why, he might have to break up with Ximena, er, Melissa--no, it's Ximena, I'm almost sure--if he finds out she is not being straightforward with him.  He insists that she love him *for the right reasons.*  Which I guess means that she believes he is a fine upstanding moral man who would never cheat on her who values her for herself and not just for her ability to get him off.  And she'd better not be using him to get to the US!  Not after the way he's given his heart to her, freely and openly!



My eyes! MY EYES!!

Seriously, Ricky yipping about whether Ximena is with him "for the right reasons" is disingenuous at best, absolutely stump stupid at worst. He thinks he's some PRIZE because a few Colombian cuties saw him coming from a mile away and played to his vanity. Newsflash Ricky. Ximena won't shed any tears if you throw her over. She's got $1500 ameros, some cute duds, and a weeks worth of dinners and drinks. And she'll be ready and waiting for the next mark who lands at Medellin airport. Idiot.


4 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

Apparently sole protectors are necessary too. A bit like Pole's swimming condoms.

The best way to keep Louboutins nice is to do what Pao did on 90 Day: Unhappily Married After and take the shoes off and carry them when you walk. Louboutins are best for sitting and crossing your legs so everyone can see the sole and know you are wearing expensive French shoes. 

Like the Duchess of Windsor, who insisted that her maids polish the bottoms of her shoes, so that when she crossed her legs no one's eyes would be offended by a worn sole.

3 hours ago, Mothra said:

I'm going to get red sole paint and make *all* my shoes Louboutins.  I wear a lot of Old Lady Shoes with low heels, and I'm going to get some with Velcro closures just to paint.  It's sort of like "I am Spartacus."

Hahahahahah, think I could do my Crocs flip flops and cheap knockoffs of Uggs?

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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22 hours ago, Horrified said:

Angela, Dean - sorry, but the epitome of the loud, brash Ugly American abroad.  No respect for their surroundings, no cultural sensitivity and no real sense of being a guest in a foreign land.

Angela:  Pipe down.  Pipe down I say and learn a little about Michael's country and culture.  Yes, it is hot isn't it?  Wear respectful and respectable clothing.  Oh, and pipe down.

I agree. TLC even tweeted a week or so ago that Michael tried to get Angela to wear Nigerian clothing because it tends to be made of a cooler, more comfortable cotton, but she refused. So her suffering was really her fault. If other women can walk around just fine in modest attire, Angela can as well.

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31 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Eatsleep, you have one assignment and one assignment only, should you care to accept it, and I think you know what it is.  Oh please, for the love of forum, please!!!! If you're arrested, and I think I speak for the forum here, we'll bail you out.  There is probably even a lawyer posting here.  We take care of our own.  Look how we improved the Rice-a-Roni bottom line.  Together, we are powerful.

This is your moment, eatsleep.  Step up, sister (or brother).

I feel so weird about invading his privacy...so I manipulated the image a bit. But you get the idea.



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8 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

I feel so weird about invading his privacy...so I manipulated the image a bit. But you get the idea.



I'm thinking that hedge would be a nice place to crouch down for a few hours every day... 

What I'm really interested in knowing is if Ricky wears camouflage every day, or just when he dresses up.

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2 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

I always think my husband is not paying attention when I am watching this around him and then he says something like "you have to cut it on the bias!" When I am cutting meat. 

He always asks why I watch this show and points out other shows that he also considers terrible and asks why I don't also watch that (like unexpected- couldn't bring my self to watch that).

Don’t t sleep on Unexpected.  There are plenty of snark worthy shenanigans there too.  We’d be happy to have you in that forum.  

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I like talking to the TV while I watch this show.

Darcey: I'm not going to look like a fool.

Me: I think that ship has sailed, homeslice.


And oh my, why are Darcey's girls the voice of reason in this shitshow?

Darcey's Daughter: You guys are acting like you're my age.

Darcey [cluelessly]: I'm glad you guys are enjoying the dinner.

"Enjoying" isn't the word I'd choose, Darce. Both girls looked miserable stuck there with their dramatic, needy mother and her cold, passive-aggressive boytoy. 

Edited by the-grey-lady
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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

And would then tell her, "If you weren't so selfish and always thinking about yourself, you would not do this every month."  Then he would pack up his camo duffel bag and huff out the door.

For some reason I was tickled at watching him haul his huge stupid duffel bag out of the house, into the house. For a man he packs an awful lot of clothes or whatever is in there. Maybe self improvement books on how to make everyone around you question their existence and how to work on themselves. If somebody told me I needed to work on myself in that derisive tone just once I'd be none too pleased.

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4 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Why didn't Karine's dad make any effort? Maybe they didn't have the funds, or it's all make believe, so they figured, why bother? Although,that little party on the boat looks nice, and looks like it cost a pretty penny.

I assume he just didn’t have anything else to wear. No reason to shell out for a suit he might wear once or twice if he has more pressing financial matters like Karine’s mom and siblings. I also got the impression from everyone else’s attire that they did not expect a formal wedding anyway.

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5 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

All these contestants are missing the point of Loubs and such.   You scuff them then you throw them out and buy a new pair.   Plus no one wants to be seen in last season's shoe anyway.

::flips hair::

This. If you can’t afford to scuff up your Louboutins, you can’t afford to wear Louboutins.  Real rich people aren’t carrying their shoes around; they are actually using them.

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4 minutes ago, Bubbles1967 said:

I know this is totally off the subject but if we can take a moment and remember the men and women who lost there lives 17 years ago today.  Never forget

Oh @Bubbles1967, I get so teary thinking about the people that were lost in the planes, the field, the Pentagon, the Twin Towers, such a loss for everyone.  I don't think there will be a time anyone will ever forget.

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As someone who visited the WTC site that same December and signed one of the block-long banners of condolences,  memories,  and exhortations for justice,  I can safely say, Bubbles1967, I'll not forget. 

Topic: Rachel's does-nothing-for-her hair style and unadorned face (come on; a wee bit o' lipstick wouldn't be awful! ?) go with her fashion sense. But then, there are all the other participants....

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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9 minutes ago, Bubbles1967 said:

I know this is totally off the subject but if we can take a moment and remember the men and women who lost there lives 17 years ago today.  Never forget

And children. There were school children from DC who died on those planes with their teachers. They’re never mentioned outside of our local news. Asia Cottom’s parents started a scholarship in her honor.

Back to this shit show. Karine was hiding her face from the camera when she was in bed. Of course they zoomed in on it. Her acne is really prevalent without the makeup. It looks like she picks at it. I see nothing but complete fear in her mother’s eyes. I think she fears her daughter will be physically harmed by Paul. Especially after Karine talked about how Paul acts completely different in front of her parents. I don’t know how she’s going through with this. 

Speaking of fearful mothers, watching Botham Jean’s St. Lucian mother tearfully demand answers for the murder of her son, made me immediately think of Michael’s mother speaking of her concern about gun violence in the U.S.

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59 minutes ago, PityFree said:

Real rich people aren’t carrying their shoes around; they are actually using them.

Oprah has Sitting Down Shoes.  She sits, then her assistant brings them to her.

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Jesse almost suffered ‘Death by Stiletto’ like the scene in Single White Female ??. Sure Jesse (if he hadn’t been such a drama queen since day one i might be apt to believe him)


Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
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On 9/10/2018 at 3:12 PM, Granny58 said:

I've been to England a few times and as an American I am CHILLED TO THE BONE and cannot get warm.  To me, English cold is dreadful.  But my English relatives are used to it and actually did go around in short sleeves or light sweater.  

Yes, English cold is horrible! Every time I go to England in the fall it is freezing. It's the wind and humidity - somehow it penetrates your clothing and freezes you even when you are multi-layered.

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7 hours ago, Lesia said:

How is it that everyone on these boards has more self awareness, more common sense than any of these dolts?  No one is asking themselves the kind of questions we are asking here.

And Shaun will definitely not be asking the kind of questions on the Tell All that we are asking here.

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1 hour ago, Lady Iris said:

For some reason I was tickled at watching him haul his huge stupid duffel bag out of the house, into the house. For a man he packs an awful lot of clothes or whatever is in there. Maybe self improvement books on how to make everyone around you question their existence and how to work on themselves. If somebody told me I needed to work on myself in that derisive tone just once I'd be none too pleased.

Yes, you'd think a "everything is so beautiful" metro Eurotrash boy like pussy Jesse would at least have luggage with wheels, if not a top-of-the-line designer bag.

Maybe he believes himself to be a sort of north-American explorer in a Jeep kinda man's man? Far cry, headband boy.

BTW, I think we've seen far too much camouflage this season including Angie's black & white too-short shorts. What part of covering your legs & chest do you not understand, Angela? 

When Jon & Rachel were on the seaside cliff, I was having some kind of wobbly guts feeling, imaging a rouge gust of wind blowing baby Lucy out of the pack. No wonder she was fussy - she's got eyes!

37 minutes ago, JunkFoodTV said:

Are any of the rest of you hoping TLC is promising Melissa the moon and stars to text Ricky? See him run back to her with his Dick leading the way! 

Oh dear God, please don't let me picture Ricky's dicky. Is it short & wide like him. Now see what you made me do! 

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2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I'm on vacation...in France.....reading this thread before bed because I missed the episode. I am sadder than Darcy's steak

I’m sadder. Mr. DC and I were recently in Paris for 10 days and we paid $2.99/episode to Amazon (twice) to watch on my IPad cause we couldn’t bear to wait till we got home catch up.

BTW - we went to a Vivaldi concert at Sainte Chapelle one night. It was fantastic.

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41 minutes ago, JunkFoodTV said:

Are any of the rest of you hoping TLC is promising Melissa the moon and stars to text Ricky? See him run back to her with his Dick leading the way! 

I do believe Melissa will show up at some point.

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45 minutes ago, Horrified said:

That's why I need you to wipe my ass when I'm old and can't do it myself

You did it!  You read my mind.  Here's a joke for you:  A fly walked into a bar.  He said, "I like your stools."

<cracking up, falling off chair clutching chest>

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4 hours ago, eatsleep said:

I feel so weird about invading his privacy...so I manipulated the image a bit. But you get the idea.



Ahaha! I did the same thing with Larry (the McDonald's manager).  I've heard that he bought a travel trailer and parked it in a campground in Fort Myers Florida near from one my residences... So one time, I decided to drive by his camper just to take a peek. He is living in there full time now, still waiting for his Filipina Jenny to clear her US K1 visa. His plan is to travel the U.S in his camper with his fiancée Jenny and create a YouTube channel so we can follow their adventures.

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1 hour ago, charmed1 said:

And children. There were school children from DC who died on those planes with their teachers. They’re never mentioned outside of our local news. Asia Cottom’s parents started a scholarship in her honor.

Back to this shit show. Karine was hiding her face from the camera when she was in bed. Of course they zoomed in on it. Her acne is really prevalent without the makeup. It looks like she picks at it. I see nothing but complete fear in her mother’s eyes. I think she fears her daughter will be physically harmed by Paul. Especially after Karine talked about how Paul acts completely different in front of her parents. I don’t know how she’s going through with this. 

Speaking of fearful mothers, watching Botham Jean’s St. Lucian mother tearfully demand answers for the murder of her son, made me immediately think of Michael’s mother speaking of her concern about gun violence in the U.S.

She should talk to Karine’s dad.He’s an ex cop, no dummy. He knows Paul’s “whole criminal history”. He knows how to “ read” someone. I thought he’d pull the plug  on the marriage but he just rolled over with the stupid comment about people changing. If Paul is abusive and he and Karine are in the USA, just how is her dad going to help her? I’d rather my daughter stay in poverty close to me than send her so far away with someone she seems unhappy with, and eventually get a call that he hurt her somehow.

Same with Rachel’s father, 50 drunken bar fights and all he’s got to do is say he’s “not a bad person”.. and the dad just  brushes it off as nothing? He has two grandkids that will be around this guy, let alone his own daughter. I hope Ella’s father has better sense. 

25 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

Yes, you'd think a "everything is so beautiful" metro Eurotrash boy like pussy Jesse would at least have luggage with wheels, if not a top-of-the-line designer bag.

Maybe he believes himself to be a sort of north-American explorer in a Jeep kinda man's man? Far cry, headband boy.

BTW, I think we've seen far too much camouflage this season including Angie's black & white too-short shorts. What part of covering your legs & chest do you not understand, Angela? 

When Jon & Rachel were on the seaside cliff, I was having some kind of wobbly guts feeling, imaging a rouge gust of wind blowing baby Lucy out of the pack. No wonder she was fussy - she's got eyes!

Oh dear God, please don't let me picture Ricky's dicky. Is it short & wide like him. Now see what you made me do! 

His dicky wears camo condoms.

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This is something that has bothered me from episode 1 with Angela and Michael...  Who the hell asks if their SO has a pic of them on their phone, before they even meet?  And she's horrible, but Michael deserves to run the gauntlet if indeed his primary motivation is only to get to the US.

I'm team Dean 100%.  He's right, Tarik was completely on board with why he was coming.  Were I him, I'd amuse myself too by asking horrible questions of the girl I can see obviously doesn't give two goats about my brother.

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