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Season 3 Discussion

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Molly you got STUPID! And then you took Stupid back again and had the gall to blame your daughters for it (oh, and the sanctity of matrimony... eyeroll). 

And now, thanks to you, The U.S. gets a Luis, who is just spiteful enough to go on disability just to make your ass pay for him! (Watch him slip and fall and hurt his back. He’ll swagger all the way to the ER!) You signed the papers. You made it happen. We saw he was entitled. We also saw that he despised you, but you married him anyway. Now you’re on the hook because you know he won’t work!  

  • Love 17
12 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Winter thanks Sweet Baby Jesus every night since Pedro came into town. She's probably been the Family Chantel whipping boy for ages. As long as they are focused on Pedro she doesn't have to hear about how she should be pretty like Chantel, she won't find a man until she's skinny like Chantel. Angel Chantel has finally fallen and Winter is here for it!

Winter is a poster child for Stockholm Syndrome. Her captors are showing her a crumb of kindness so she's all in. "See? I can be the good child too!"

8 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Brother Chantal really needs to take several seats and STFU about how "weird" Pedro's relationship to his sister is. Pot, meet kettle.

That whole segment had me rolling! They've just come back from a "family vacation", spent up each others asses for several mortal days, and they are shocked--SHOCKED that Pedro and Nicole actually spend time together. The whole bunch of them travel in some kind of slow talking, ungrammatical, self congratulatory pack of dysfunction, and they're pointing fingers? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

4 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Pedro and Chantel.  Family Chantel is completely out of control.  Winter, Sideshow River, and Mother and Father Chantel really need to find some hobbies.  They’re the type of people who feed on drama and enjoy getting things all churned up.  Mother Chantel was ridiculous, pulling off her rings and earrings like she’s about to hand someone a beatdown on the high school basketball court.  Bitch, please.  Have a damn seat and focus on your own life.  River is the most confounding of the group.  I have a brother who is two years younger than me.  When I announced my decision to marry someone I barely knew just after my 21st birthday, he was dismayed and encouraged me not to do it, but he didn’t insert himself into the situation and practically have an emotional breakdown over it.  In short, River, find a girlfriend.  (Update after seeing the preview for next week: DAYUM.  I’ll bet the smackdown River is about to receive encourages him to butt in juuuuust a little bit less.)

I am living for River's righteous smackdown. Never did a mouthy little dickweed deserve one more. Chantel is ridiculous though. She knows full well that going to her family with her overblown "concerns" was pouring gasoline on the flames. She loves it. And what was the point? Doesn't she have girlfriends? All this drama is pointless. Take Nicole out for coffee and talk to her! Why the summit meeting with the creepy, overinvolved family/cult?

Mama Chantel removing her jewelry was hysterical. Seriously, the ladies at Eastern Star or Rotary Club Ladies' Auxiliary would probably look askance. Especially since I put my money on Nicole. She could take down Mama Chantel without even breathing hard. She's scrappy, or I miss my guess.

3 hours ago, CafeAuLait said:

Pao is a manipulative, self centered shrew who uses any and everything and person to her advantage, but we already know that.    I can only imagine the life she and that little shit Juan led before Pao met that clueless hayseed Russ, AKA Ross.  Gawd, he's dense.  Sick of all of them.

Pao was really working those acting chops with all the fake tears that she didn't wipe away (so we could see how she was really, really sad!). Girl has so many best friends, and a devoted husband, but she does nothing but bitch about how she's so lonely, she has no one. Russ is an idiot and Pao is a silly, vain vapid waste of time.

  • Love 19
8 hours ago, loki310 said:

I can’t wait to see what happens when they see Nicole’s wedding dress.

Where is the dress?  It could be a pretty sparkly large wall hanging until the wedding day.  The Moroccan family home is quite roomy and nice, they don't seem particularly poor.  Wish we got more of an insight into Nichole's adjustment to life in Morocco.  Instead we just get filmed arguments in cafes.  In fact, that's all this season's episodes are mostly comprised of.  The producer tells them where to sit, sets up the cameras and says 'now argue about something'.

But Nicole seems genuinely oblivious to Azan's dislike of her.  He can hardly bear to look at her and she looks at him like she wants to devour him.  Also, I thought Morocco was a hot country, but they're dressed for winter with sweaters, etc.

I agree regarding Annie's constant digs about Americans.  I felt sorry for her at first, but now I think her and David deserve each other. Looks like they're headed for the homeless shelter when rent comes due. The two of them should head back to Thailand and get jobs at the ping pong bar.  Yuck!

  • Love 12
18 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Molly you got STUPID! And then you took Stupid back again and had the gall to blame your daughters for it (oh, and the sanctity of matrimony... eyeroll). 

And now, thanks to you, The U.S. gets a Luis, who is just spiteful enough to go on disability just to make your ass pay for him! (Watch him slip and fall and hurt his back. He’ll swagger all the way to the ER!) You signed the papers. You made it happen. We saw he was entitled. We also saw that he despised you, but you married him anyway. Now you’re on the hook because you know he won’t work!  

I was just thinking the same thing. I can see him applying for food stamps too.  

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, HelloOutThere said:

- Annie is so uncouth. She also seems like a real bitch - one who’d be a bitch to her husband even if he wasn’t a complete fraud. I understand her anger, but still. Have some class! (Although I suppose you probably can’t buy class at a suck d— ping pong bar)

We've seen glimpses of her mercenary, shrew-like character. Passive-aggressive standoffish-ness at the zoo, clenched mistrust of Ashley's kindlier overtures, explosive anger at the prospect of answering questions, the steely provocation in challenging Sister David to take care of the children she most certainly would be having,  Annie is just nasty.

Is David's constant stream of faux-pologies, condescendingly telling people he offended to "move on," fast and unctuous agreement with all criticism of him (to get it over with), and dated pop psychology talk getting on her last nerve? Perhaps. But what was she expecting from marrying a penniless, avid sex tourist? Daily boom-boom at the homeless shelter is in her future.


Except that recently they've been posting lovebird photos on IG from Nepal.

She is as loathsome as he is, and if there is any justice they will make each other miserable.

  • Love 18

Did they ever say who sponsored Pedro to get him to the United States? With all Chantel's whining about money and the small apartment, I assume she didn't have the money for the cost of the K1 visa or enough to satisfy authorities that she could sponsor Pedro herself. And since she lied to her parents, I assume they didn't sign to sponsor his ass either. 

I like Nancy. I think she might be my favorite person on this show after May and Anfisa's cat.

  • Love 10

Pao & Russ:   Pao needs to go back to Columbia and stay there.   

Molly:  You are stupid and hope you end up supporting Luis for 10 years.

David & Annie:   David is a grifter, loser and con artist.   Yes, Annie you were duped.  

Jorge & Anfisa:  Jorge lack of self awareness is scary.  Run, Anfisa, run.  

Chantel & Pedro:  I’m not sure Chantel is the golden child.   I think she’s the family doormat.  A doormat would only apologize to Pedro.   Yeah, her family would be the last people I confide in.  

And when you think things couldn’t get any stupider, Mother Chantel speaks .....

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

Without money, Anfisa would have never ever met up with him in real life.  

I may be wrong, but I honestly think that Anfisa really does love Jorge. Yes, initially it was all about money for her and she made no secret of that. But the pretense of him having money was shattered way back and she seems genuinely upset that he is a lying liar who lies and won’t get it thru his head that it hurts her when he won’t be honest, even over the simplest things. 

Somewhere, somehow, she did start to love him and said she had dreams of starting a family with him. If it was all about money, she’d have bailed by now. Maybe she’s wanting to stay married until her green card is a done deal?  But that hurt seems genuine to me. 

I hope she does go to college and get a degree that will allow her to make a good living, regardless of where she ends up living. 

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, usernameG said:

I am convinced Pedro straight up just hates Chantel at this point. Neither of them stand up for each other when it comes to their families. They both need to mature.

Loved seeing him snatch that smarmy, smug, know it all River across the room in next weeks previews.  Whatever else he’s done wrong in this relationship, he gets major points from me for that alone. And backward kicking the dining table on his way out is all kinds of awesome. (Disclaimer- not that I would tolerate or condone that behavior from my own husband or other family member, but we would never be on a reality show so I’m allowing myself to enjoy this type of behavior.)

  • Love 23
14 minutes ago, NinaH said:

Somewhere, somehow, she did start to love him and said she had dreams of starting a family with him. If it was all about money, she’d have bailed by now. Maybe she’s wanting to stay married until her green card is a done deal?  But that hurt seems genuine to me. 

Anfisa is acting. She's staying for the TV money and the possibility of reality fame and yes, the green card. She doesn't give a crap about Jorge and she doesn't want kids any time soon, please. She's another one just like Pao that wants to be a model. Except Pao at least married a decent guy who is probably too good for her. Anfisa married a disgusting unemployed loser scumbag. 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, lucy711 said:

I love how Annie claimed that there were no sex bars in Thailand, then said there were some but she didn't know where, and then admitted that she and David went to the ping pong bar together.  She's not quite the honest one, either.

I know a woman who did a mission trip to Thailand to try and help these women who work in the sex bars.  She said if you are poor it is almost a given the daughter will be expected to work in one and if you happen to have a son that shows any kind of feminine traits, he winds up a 'ladyboy'.  If indeed Annie worked in one it was probably not her first choice and I feel bad for her and it is more than likely why she would even be able to have any kind of physical relationship with that toad of a man she is married to.  Annie isn't the most likable person in the world but I wouldn't wish a 'David' on anyone!   

  • Love 12

Finally! We Finally get the much advertised 'stupider' line. The only thing that would make that even better is if after she uttered it Mother Chantal reached down and put that dumb hat she used to love to wear on her head S1 on.


Can't wait to see what Mother Chantal cooks butta faced Sista Pedro for dinner. I hope it is chicken feet. If so, I hope she posts the recipe online somewhere and actually calls them Retaliatory chicken feet. LOL!

Anyone have any contacts at the FCC? Because TLC needs to be fined for showing Bahtless Dave from behind. 

I'm glad Auntie Nancy, David and Ashley have all appeared in a scene together otherwise, I think I would begin to suspect that David was running around in different wigs. 

Auntie Nancy for MVP this episode!!! She was spitting nothing but str8 truth bombs! David has no prospects and can't even afford the wife he has and his credit card actually quivered when he had to take it out to pay for $50 worth of groceries, but this fool wants to reverse vasectomies and birth babies. Turtle please!

Does Bahtless only own the 1 turtleneck? Is it a tactical turtleneck to help him evade creditors and child support payments? He wore that mess all episode, in his confessionals and to his interview. Shit must be particularly ripely seasoned by now. He must think it makes him look slim. 

Annie's food looked good! But bitch, I know you know your way around a whorehouse. First Annie doesn't even know that sex clubs even exist in Thailand, which is like a NYer saying they don't know that there are any theaters that show plays in the City. Then it switched to David was taking her to see girls open beers with their vag. Which is it girl?

So Pao wants to risk her marriage, hell it all, for Juan a BFF she can't even tell she had a miscarriage. Pao is thot messy trash!  

I just don't flat out believe anything Anfisha and Jorge are trying to feed me. This baby daddy feels like something they cooked up with their publicist. 

  • Love 23

@Spike, thanks for the heads up about buying the 90day seasons. Here's another avenue I use for Android phone watching. 

The full episodes are buried deep on YouTube. It's not a TLC channel at all. There are 3 separate YT channels:  

1)90 day fiance

2)90 day fiance Before the 90 days

3) 90 day fiance Happily ever after

Episodes are 1.99 each, less for the whole season. Worth it! 

As popular as this show is, the channels just mentioned have only 3-4k subscribers. 

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Does Bahtless only own the 1 turtleneck? Is it a tactical turtleneck to help him evade creditors and child support payments? He wore that mess all episode, in his confessionals and to his interview. Shit must be particularly ripely seasoned by now. He must think it makes him look slim. 

I think it hides the "Born to Raise Hell" tattoo with flames that goes partway up his neck.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

Russell and Pabola-I am starting to lose interest in their storyline 

As of last night, for the first time on this show, I just FF'd through all the Pao sections. She isn't detestable, per se, she is just sooooo boring and not an iota as hot as she thinks she is. 

Truth is, I think I'm kinda over all the couples ... I know I'm in trouble when pretty much the only "character" I actually LIKE is poor Annie Poor. And given that Sister David Poor looks like David Poor in drag, Annie REALLY might want to think twice about buying into that gene pool. Also, was it just me or did Sister David Poor look like she was trying desperately not to burst out laughing through that whole dinner?

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

They greeted her so graciously and affectionately and it warmed my heart a little bit.  Mae and Nicole’s mother are the real victims here.  Nicole will marry this huckster in Morocco and will be asking him about the girls’ numbers in his cell phone in another five years (while poor Mae witnesses it all).

I LOVE SISTER AZAN AND MAMA AZAN!!! They need their own show. My fondest wish is that somehow whiny Nicole exits stage left and the Azan ladies get custody of cute Mae and lavish her with love and adoration forever. She's young enough to be able to learn a new language. Also, Azan kinda warmed my cold snarky little heart this episode ... I've never actively disliked him, I just couldn't get a read on him ... but he seemed almost sweet this episode and he does seem to really like Mae (who is soooooo freaking cute). Also, is it just me or has Nicole put on some more weight?

  • Love 7
On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:40 PM, NinaH said:

Why TF is River at the PI meeting?  Jaden Smith indeed. 

Because he has to have his "Gotta Poop" face everywhere, every time.

On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 9:10 PM, lucy711 said:

Did Chantel and Pedro not measure their living room before they ordered the sofas?

You'd be amazed at how many people don't.  In the end, it fit fine.

On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 9:43 PM, Brooklynista said:

When did D.R. become "the Dominican"?

I know someone who actually lived there for a few years and she calls it "The Dominican".

On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 9:44 PM, iwasish said:

and why was her hair covering her tits the whole photo shoot?

I have a feeling it wasn't the entire time, but when she was being filmed, it had to be.  Or maybe it makes it more espicey?  Who knows?

On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 10:16 PM, AussieBabe said:

Pedro's sister was so ungracious. I literally thought of a comment I read on IG that said, "Uncultured swine." Chantel will never come first, second, or hell, even third. And he's going to stay with her at the hotel? Instead of worrying about his wife, he went after his sister. I can't even.

On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 10:51 PM, NinaH said:

She was beyond ungracious, it was tacky and rude. What’d she expect?  She knows there was a huge issue with Chantel and their tiny apartment from way back. Did she think more spacious accommodations would magically appear since she was gracing then with her visit?  Maybe she can tell her brother to keep his money and not be spending it on her and their witch mother and use it towards a bigger apartment for him and his wife?

If she were cackling at me that way, she'd be out the door, as would her brother.  Not happening. 


On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 11:00 PM, shouldbedancing said:

Chantel is a bitch. Nobody needs to buy a 1000 dollar couch if they are living in a studio apartment they can barely afford. It's not the sister's fault. Look, buying a blow up mattress isn't a huge deal.  She didn't demand the bed. True, it probably won't fit in the apartment but still. It's not worth all this drama. And I do feel for the sister for getting all stressed. I know she's not the best but Chantel could have a better attitude, she is the guest. If she was going to be this annoyed, she should stay away for the weekend with her parents.

But the sister could have at least pretended to be understanding instead of flat-out cackling at her, then calling her mom and saying "They want me to sleep on the couch!!  Cackle cackle cackle".

On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 1:38 AM, millennium said:

Pao/Russ.   I'm probably in the minority, but I think Pao is great.   Russ is an oaf.  He could be having the time of his life if he'd quit being such a church lady (btw, Russ, plastering your hair onto your forehead won't anchor your hairline -- it's receding like the tide).    He should have punched candyass Juan in the kisser, flashed Pao a sly smile and said, "Now let's see about those body paints."

I liked her initially, but my patience for her has run out.

On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 9:12 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

I half expected the investigator to open up a case of cleansers or protein shakes or something to help them all be their best selves.

Private Investigation...The Amway Way!

On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 3:36 PM, seniorpatriot said:

Didn't you see the one interview they aired when David was applying for a job. He was AWFUL!  Apparently he has the experience to make good money but nobody will hire a creep like that who fills the interview talking about he has to make money to keep up his 25 year old wife. Did he think the interviewer would be jealous of that fact?  No he saw like we all did, as some sort of creepy nearly child molester. 

He has "unemployable" tattooed across his face.  My husband struggles with a 6 month employment gap (where he went to school part of that time).  I can't imagine how he explains away several YEARS.


On ‎6‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 10:07 AM, Kangatush said:

I loved when sister Pedro was talking about what a vacation is supposed to be like.  Wasn't she on the beach when he called last episode?  I've never heard it mentioned that she has a job, or goes to school.  Bitch, what are you on vacation from?

She's supposedly a beauty queen, but I just don't see it.

On ‎6‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 9:58 PM, Eme said:

Russ was pressured into giving up a lucrative engineering job by Pao because she didn't want him to leave her for 3 months.  I recall he said (much to his detriment) "I can get another engineering job, I can't get another Pao."  Well, he has her and she has no respect for his opinions.  It is painful to watch. I think it is reasonable for him to have reservations about all those very seedy photo shots -- and there is no talk of the $$$ she is bringing in.  Their relationship, at least at the beginning, was such that she did not "allow" him to make a living so what is good for the goose and all that....

Yep.  She whined about him being gone, then she turned around and left him for 3 months to go to Colombia for her made-up shoe business.  She wanted to go for longer.

On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 3:40 PM, ChristmasJones said:

Do we have any idea where Chantal's parents are from? I wonder why they both have such a strange way of speaking. I also wonder if that is what attracted them to each other, or if they started sounding like each other after being married for so long. It would be cool to hear a speech therapist explain why they sound so odd when they talk. I've never really heard anything like it before, and can't put my finger on exactly why they sound so strange.

On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 3:51 PM, NoSpam said:

I say this as a hillbilly myself, so I don't mean any judgement. But they sound like they're from Kentucky Appalachia to me, and they speak in that slow, measured way because they're trying to amelliorate the accent.


I'm from Northern Appalachia and I do that same thing. .

Yes.  They talk like somewhat bad actors trying to hide a native accent.

  • Love 1

Azan's family does seem lovely.  I actually dread them seeing Nicole's dress.  They will be horrified.  The only good part will be Nicole having to see their reaction about it.  

Anfisa has made such a huge change how she's portrayed on the show.  I remember when she first arrived, she wanted to be a reality star "like the Kardashians."  I wonder if she thought her obsession over stuff like designer purses and jewelry and her overall bratty behavior (changing Jorge's phone passwords, etc.) made her seem cute and entertaining to the viewer.  When she got called out on it at a Tell-All, she looked utterly crestfallen.  Like she had no idea how disgusted people were by her.  Since then she's stopped with all of that, gone.  

I can't really tell if Anfisa has any actual feelings for Jorge or not, yet.  Certainly she's bright--her English is near perfect--and good on her continuing her education.  I've done a nearly 180 on my perception of her.  Jorge gets zero of my sympathy after that counseling session last night.  The lack of awareness on his part is scary.  

I felt bad for Ross last night when Pao sat next to him in the cab whining about how leaving Columbia (and indirectly, marrying him) was a terrible mistake.  He's way too good for her.  I've dealt with the exact same RH blood issues as Pao.  No big deal, as the doctor said.  The girl definitely did look disappointed that she'd lost her hook at sympathy, drama and excuse not to have a baby and ruin her already-too-old-for-modeling body.  She's delusional.  Girl is not gonna take aging and sagging breasts well AT ALL.  Her looks are all she has.  

  • Love 20

I’m in no way a Nicole apologist, however, I do think she has finally developed much more respect for Moroccan customs and seems a little bit more mature this time around—although the real test will come when they start fighting! She was unusually calm in the café when questioning him about the phone calls and had the self-awareness to know that she had no room to talk about cheating. Wedding dress aside--can’t wait to see his family’s faces!--she’s now wearing dresses that don’t show a lot of skin, unlike the tank tops and shorts she wore during her first visit. Also, although it shouldn’t have taken two previous visits before she stopped whining about the lack of PDA, she’s not trying to force him to do anything other than the acceptable hand-holding. Well, not until after the wedding, anyway…

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Fouts said:

Certainly she's bright--her English is near perfect--

regarding Anfisa- i'm amazed every week at how well she speaks, how composed she is. Her grammar is virtually flawless, she knows a ton of idioms, and she's only 22! i really would love to know where she learned to speak so well.  

as for doofus Jorge, he is living for the early relationship they had, with all the trips and the hotels and the gifts, kind of like on the Bachelor, dating in a vacuum, where everything is perfect.

I want to sit with their therapist.  He seems genuine.

  • Love 11

I really want to know the back story on Bhatman - I heard he got in trouble ( embezzling ) with his old job before he fled to Thailand - that could be the reason he can't land a job- I really am starting to dislike Annie every week as well. If she hates it so much here, GO HOME !  Pao is claiming victim and would blame Roos if she could for her miscarriage, clearly she isn't going to pop out any baby Sooners anytime soon with her Car-reer going oh so well modeling used cars for the local dealership.  Nicole and Azan, I secretly live for them. The delusional Nicole galloping around Morocco with her "world" - Morocco may soon suffer the great fry famine before the spring rolls around.  If Chantel is in college, why is she dressing like she is modeling for a Ross Commercial ? Most college kids I know are in comfy cloths to class  

Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
  • Love 16
10 minutes ago, Fouts said:

I can't really tell if Anfisa has any actual feelings for Jorge or not, yet.  Certainly she's bright--her English is near perfect--and good on her continuing her education.  I've done a nearly 180 on my perception of her.  Jorge gets zero of my sympathy after that counseling session last night.  The lack of awareness on his part is scary.  

I think she did at one time but now they are gone, zero, nadda.  She seemed very seriously perplexed when he told her that he really thought money would solved everything.   Way too much water under the bridge, the way he heartlessly sold her out to his overly involved sisters.  The youngest man in a family of sisters?  Peter Pan.....Jorge will NEVER grow up cause he doesn't have to!

I just saw a clip on youtube of Nicole and Azan at that open air market.....ENVY!  I would be there every day getting fresh stuff!!!  Nicole, you live in Florida - you have to have access to farmers markets, no?  Apparently not!

  • Love 2
On 6/29/2018 at 2:38 PM, AZChristian said:

I wonder if her Spanish is as bad as his English.

It is, although she tries to speak more clearly than he does. He stumbles over his words and cuts them off by speaking too quickly, whereas she slows down and tries to enunciate more, but she still sounds clunky and messes up tenses and conjugations. She's understandable, but some of her mis-conjugations make me flinch a little. She's got a good base of vocabulary but it's going to take some real drills and more conversation to get her going more smoothly. Props for trying, though, it's not easy to learn another language as an adult. I'd say overall their skills with their respective languages are roughly equivalent.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, HelloOutThere said:

- Why does Chantal always seem to be dressed in a JC Penney prom dress no matter what the occasion?

- I have never seen someone remove jewelry and hoop earrings to throw down more slowly than Chantal’s mom. It was like watching a scene in slow motion. The mom’s slow affect makes her seem medicated. She also reminds me of a Disney Villain with her sneers. 

- River seems like a kid that just generally needs an ass beating as a course correction and looks like he comes damn close next week! Hopefully it scares some sense into him.

Bwahahahaha! You win the thread today with the prom dress observation. Its true--does our girl Chantel ever wear jeans and a sweatshirt?

Has anyone explained to Mama Chantel that the person you intend to throw down with should be somewhere in the vicinity?

River. River. River. I can't with this kid. The self awareness of this entire family could be placed in a thimble with room to spare for David's AND Jorge's charm and charisma.

1 hour ago, VegasDenise said:

Did anyone else notice the comment by Azan's aunt that they had to take Nicole to see the dress maker? It will surely be a different style then the one she brought from America. 

That appointment would be fun to watch.

I am living for this right now. I'm dying to hear Nicole's mewing about her white princess dress.

  • Love 17

Count me in on those who are impressed with the attention Azan gives to May.  Sure it is an obvious ploy to avoid Nicole but this is probably the most one on one interaction we have witnessed another person have with her.  It makes me like Azan and he and his family would probably give that child a much better life than Nicole would ever think about.  

Also, if Nicole can work and have money to send to Azan as a barista then why the hell can't David do it?  I am sure he pays zero child support, he could be a waiter and probably do fairly well in tips somewhere.  I did like David's sister (or his alter-sensible-ego).    

Pao........if you describe your "best friend" as unkind you might want to rethink your friendship. 

Family Chantal........I just do not know how to put them into words.  Bad acting?  Crazy? The dad said "I am beginning to think bad about my new son-in-law" (or something along those lines)- What?  Beginning to?  They have been gunning for Pedro from the get go.  Pedro.....his sister (and yes that has to be his sister - they look just alike) has no couth about her and I thought Chantal was being as sincere as possible when she basically told him she would respect his wishes while she was staying with them and he was complaining about Chantal's attitude.  The whole storyline is just BS.

Anfisa.....hated you last season and love you this one.  Jorge sucks.

Molly........I just don't care.            

  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, AnnieHeights said:

Count me in on those who are impressed with the attention Azan gives to May.  Sure it is an obvious ploy to avoid Nicole but this is probably the most one on one interaction we have witnessed another person have with her.  It makes me like Azan and he and his family would probably give that child a much better life than Nicole would ever think about.  

Also, if Nicole can work and have money to send to Azan as a barista then why the hell can't David do it?  I am sure he pays zero child support, he could be a waiter and probably do fairly well in tips somewhere.  I did like David's sister (or his alter-sensible-ego).    

Pao........if you describe your "best friend" as unkind you might want to rethink your friendship. 

Family Chantal........I just do not know how to put them into words.  Bad acting?  Crazy? The dad said "I am beginning to think bad about my new son-in-law" (or something along those lines)- What?  Beginning to?  They have been gunning for Pedro from the get go.  Pedro.....his sister (and yes that has to be his sister - they look just alike) has no couth about her and I thought Chantal was being as sincere as possible when she basically told him she would respect his wishes while she was staying with them and he was complaining about Chantal's attitude.  The whole storyline is just BS.

Anfisa.....hated you last season and love you this one.  Jorge sucks.

Molly........I just don't care.            

We have a friend who is between jobs in IT and for other health reasons can't work FT right now.  He works at a Caribou, loves it, get health insurance with 20 hours and makes enough to get by.  I must add that he is 100% single with no kids, so he gets to do these things, lol.  

Second bolding:  Their anger is misplaced - it should be aimed at Boobs Chantel, not Pedro.

I would be HORRIFIED if my son or sons treated their wife they way Pedro dismisses Booby Chantel.  I would also be horrified if my daughter (if I had one) was being treated the way Booby is treated.  They all need to come to a NEUTRAL third party counselor or get a divorce.  I vote option B.  Of course, me and my sibs (our parents have passed ) can go to the ATM, grocery shop, do lawn care and be human w/out being in each other's faces 24/7.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

My guess is Annie has only been exposed to the cheapest of American eating.  David hardly looks like he's going to quality steakhouses.  His expanding waistline and constant complaints about money suggests to me he doesn't reach beyond the dollar menu.

"Sorry, but I don't think this Boy-Ar-Dee is very good chef!"

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

What’s Mother Chantel going to cook for her special dinner? I’m guessing chicken feet.

Chantel is a pot stirrer. Doesn’t she think that running her clenched mouth to her family, spouting off about what’s going on in her household with Pedro and his sister is just going to incense them even more? Naturally Mother Chantel wants to get “to the bottom of things”. I laughed when she started taking off her rings, she reminded me of Prissy (the old hen in the Looney Tunes cartoons) spoiling for a fight. 

Chicken feet indeed! LOL  I chuckled at the clenched mouth comment. I've been wondering for ages what the heck is that about? Why does she do that when she speaks?  Does she have some issue with her jaw? Not snarking, just really want to know.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, NinaH said:

Are we not going to discuss the Family Chantel home??  IMO, it was a perfectly fine, clean, cute place, not anything wrong at all with it. But I imagined their home be some new-moneyed, cookie cutter McMansion. Has their house been shown before & I missed it?  

That’s what they want us to think. And do her parents work? They seem to have lots of time to obsess over Pedro and the harvesting of the Family Chantel American dollars.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, iwasish said:

That’s what they want us to think. And do her parents work? They seem to have lots of time to obsess over Pedro and the harvesting of the Family Chantel American dollars.

Don’t they own a cheerleading or dance gym?  I’d love to know if that’s really what they do for a living or if anything else. I know that competitive cheer is expensive as hell for parents of kids who participate so they should be doing quite well. 

2 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

As of last night, for the first time on this show, I just FF'd through all the Pao sections. She isn't detestable, per se, she is just sooooo boring and not an iota as hot as she thinks she is. 

Truth is, I think I'm kinda over all the couples ... I know I'm in trouble when pretty much the only "character" I actually LIKE is poor Annie Poor. And given that Sister David Poor looks like David Poor in drag, Annie REALLY might want to think twice about buying into that gene pool. Also, was it just me or did Sister David Poor look like she was trying desperately not to burst out laughing through that whole dinner?

Not just you. 

1 hour ago, Fouts said:

Azan's family does seem lovely.  I actually dread them seeing Nicole's dress.  They will be horrified.  The only good part will be Nicole having to see their reaction about it.  


I was thinking how nice and welcoming they were and what a slap it the face Nicole's dress is going to feel like. And was it me or was Azan trying to smile more? 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Bwahahahaha! You win the thread today with the prom dress observation. Its true--does our girl Chantel ever wear jeans and a sweatshirt?

Has anyone explained to Mama Chantel that the person you intend to throw down with should be somewhere in the vicinity?

River. River. River. I can't with this kid. The self awareness of this entire family could be placed in a thimble with room to spare for David's AND Jorge's charm and charisma.

I am living for this right now. I'm dying to hear Nicole's mewing about her white princess dress.

Ugh! River is..... I can't even put it in words. The whole family is so uptight. Now, I'm not defending Pedro, something just ain't right there (and no I don't ascribe to what the family Chantel was inferring to)..... And what is with the Chantel sister? 

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Chicken feet indeed! LOL  I chuckled at the clenched mouth comment. I've been wondering for ages what the heck is that about? Why does she do that when she speaks?  Does she have some issue with her jaw? Not snarking, just really want to know.

She probably does it for the same reason that, when speaking to Pedro, she literally points her nose in the air and the same reason she always wears those cheap looking dresses with splits up the sides and down the middle:  she thinks she's coming off as classy and upper-crust.

  • Love 3

JFC, what a boring episode.

David's ass is huge.  I mean, he has the thickness.  Good lord.  Annie is starting to do the annoying thing where she's shitting on Americans when the only one that's done her wrong is the one she married.  Americans don't know how to cook?  Well girl, you eating SOMETHING.  I'm glad David's sister took a stand and told him no to the money.  If he taught ESL in Thailand, there are dozens of jobs that someone can do from home teaching children English online.  COME ON.  Again, he won't do anything he feels is beneath him and at this point, he needs to support his wife.  NOTHING is beneath you.

Morocco looks so freaking beautiful.  I am jealous that Baby Huey gets to see it and only appreciates their French fry variety.  

Chantal needs to stop telling her family everything if she ever wants to have a marriage with Pedro.  They might be obnoxious and not that bright, but they are trying to protect their child - one that comes at every opportunity, to tell them all the wrongs being done to her by her husband.  My grandmother gave me very good advice:  Tell your pillow or your therapist all your troubles but DO NOT tell your family or friends what goes on in your marriage if you don't want them to hate the person for the rest of your time together.  They are much less willing to forgive and forget than you are.  I guess Chantal didn't get the memo.  

Paola and Russ continue to be boring.  The 20 minute recap of her trip to Colombia was wack and unnecessary.  I wish, however, that I had whatever job Russ has that allows me 3 week long vacations to tag along with my wife.

Jorge is a walking booger.  He has no brain cells to speak of.  His processing is SO SLOW.  Like, he doesn't understand why he can't just get his blow up doll a purse and have her not be angry at him anymore.  His lame ass lying isn't the problem.  His glazed look is punch-worthy.  The therapist's approach didn't work for Jorge because it a.) made him think about his wife as more than an object and b.) asks him to think of his marriage as more than a fun thing that he does where he gets to have sex with a pretty girl.  Anfisa was uncomfortable, obviously uncomfortable, with Jorge's assessment of therapy.  She's made it clear that she's in this because he will blackmail her.  At this point, coming clean to her grandmother and whoever she wants to about her old way of life is way less exhausting than dealing with Jorge's blank potato face and mouth breathing.

  • Love 23

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