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On 7/4/2018 at 9:32 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

He said it had to do with his previous girlfriend from Belarus and his attempts to get a visa to go there. The interviewer kept asking questions about that relationship instead of his relationship with Nicole. 

Looks like next week there are issues with the marriage license or K3 . I think there is much more to the denial of the K1. Maybe he’s tried to get one with several different women? 

Whatever  it is, it might be what keeps them from getting hitched.

I think Azan is on Immigrations radar and he will NEVER get out of there.

On 7/5/2018 at 5:50 AM, Tallulahbaby said:

My husband commented Anfisa should be with Russ. I kinda like that.  I like Anfisa and am rooting for her.

But Russ is broke too!


How about that weird panty dude with the girl from DR??

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On 6/27/2018 at 4:34 PM, RedheadZombie said:

I'm beginning to think that Chantel has had undue pressure placed on her as the sole conventionally attractive person in the family,

Like Marilyn on The Munsters lol.

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On 7/5/2018 at 2:48 PM, Mothra said:

I should have put quotation marks around "rich."    My point is that "rich" in the Dominican Republic is nothing near "rich" in the US.

There are some very wealthy people in the DR. My cousin's husband's family own many farms/factories that produce many products such as Presidente beer.. They sent their son to med school, their daughter studied in Spain. My other cousin and his wife sent their daughter to study in Boston, she had a "cute" apartment that was nicer than my house. 

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41 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

There are some very wealthy people in the DR. My cousin's husband's family own many farms/factories that produce many products such as Presidente beer.. They sent their son to med school, their daughter studied in Spain. My other cousin and his wife sent their daughter to study in Boston, she had a "cute" apartment that was nicer than my house. 

Thanks for pointing this out.  But isn't it true that the overall cost of living is much lower in the DR?  According to https://teleport.org/cities/santo-domingo/salaries/ the average annual salary for an attorney in Santo Domingo is a little over $8500, about a tenth of what a lawyer would make in a comparable city in the US.  Three hundred dollars a month would bring that up to over $12,000, which I think would make a big difference.  It's my understanding--and I confess I am pretty ignorant--in poorer countries like the DR, it is common for a few families to control the big money-making companies and be quite wealthy, while the average citizen is much poorer than his/her US counterpart.  I don't doubt that there are extremely wealthy people in poor countries, but in the DR the average common laborer (like a warehouse worker) earns only $86-172/month.  https://www.vagabondjourney.com/average-wage-in-dominican-republic/

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That video is unbelievable. First, my pet peeve is people saying "axe" for "ask", oy.  "They axed us for a receipt"...Oh the indignation! How dare the production company ask for a receipt! I guess grifters dont like it when regular folk expect the basics from them, like, yanno, receipts when making a claim. My guess is that bathroom just needed a damn mop and a bucket, not a floor refurbishment, which I'm guessing they were trying to scam for.

These people are dumber than a box of hot shit on a summer day. They signed up to sponsor Annie and they didn't know how many years it was for?!? WHO does that?!

So basically they confirmed that much of this show, and I assume all TLC shows, are quasi-scripted and full of bullshit. Gee, I guess the Learning Channel is teaching us all how to lie...they should just call themselves The Lying Channel and be upfront about their programming.

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3 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:


But Russ is broke too!


How about that weird panty dude with the girl from DR??

Russ is "broke" but given that he would go back to his original field, and that he's not a lyin liar that lies, I could see that happen, in a magical unicorn world. It would be a better match for Anfisa, she would not have 300k diamond rings or 10k prada bags, but she would have a straight up guy that wouldn,t treat her like complete shit. Or would lie.


ETA: Oh, and in Oklahoma, Anfisa could be fine with being the hottest girl around. Much less competition. Anfisa doesn't want to be Espicy Latina, she just want a good, decent life with a good and a little bit rich guy, that's really a little bit rich and not in debt and heading for jail because he crossed state lines with how much weed?


No to Sean. He's never gonna be rich enough, and she's not black. He can't swirl with Anfisa. 

Edited by Landlord
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Thanks Mothra for the video link!  I thought it was very informative.  Makes me like both of them better than what was shown on the show.  Confirmed some of my suspicions re: egging people on and cutting and pasting "answers."  We knew that DavidPoor does not want to work, but the fact that Chris offered him many jobs, and David Poor is completely not interested in working -- well, Annie got sold a bill of goods didn't she?  Very interesting that Nikki is a huge 90-day Fan -- Just Like Us!!  Wish she'd come on and give us some Back Stage Gossip!!

Edited by Eme
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9 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Don't consider yourself a stalker. Quite a few teachers are not certified where I live. Sometimes I'm an okay with it like when a retired doctor teaches middle school science but other times I am not like when a out of work contractor that is BF with admin becomes a special edu teacher and is clueless. I'm glad the records are out there for all. I check every doctor or dentist I see on the DOPL (I was flat shocked at doctor's issues, lots of self prescribing violations) I check contractors or just about anyone liscensed. I think most people do not check teachers doctors, contractors and are foolish not to.  Records are public to protect the public. Our state publishes every teacher's salary . I thought that might be a privacy issue but it showed parents the SPED are the lowest paid by far but usually have the longest hours and heaviest work loads and the teachers that coach sports the highest paid and have fewer students and classes to teach. It got parents to push for change.

Good for you for checking the teachers.  And our salaries are public record, we are paid by taxes.  No issues there.  Bolding mine:  Charter schools, like the one I work in, have a bit more leeway with this.  An artist who has been supporting him/herself for 20 years in studio arts can be brought in to teach art.  A non sped teacher teaching sped?  Yikes - we are governed by federal law and that can go south quickly.

Back to topic:  David, to be a teacher, would also have to get along with his peers.  He does not strike me as a collaborative worker, either.  I just saw the rerun where David is told to move out by Tuesday but they can go to an apt in a storage unit with no kitchen.  Guess Annie is not quite getting what she thought she was getting, huh??  LOL!

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Teaching ESL, and being a teacher in any other subject, are totally separate things.   An ESL certificate doesn't require additional schooling, or fluency in any other languages.  Think of it more like someone who leads workshops.  My dad's partner teaches ESL to groups of university students.  It's more taking someone with the language skills of Pedro (he understands English, and can speak some), and helping them polish skills and become more fluent, instead of trying to teach a Nicole Arabic from scratch.  

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1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

I'm confused they showed the Chantel family swinging at Pedro  in the middle of the show and the beginning. Chantal says Pedro family came over to fight but did they show how it started and the fight itself? 

The broadcast I saw showed these as a preview of the next program...Sunday's, I assume.

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6 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I'm confused they showed the Chantel family swinging at Pedro  in the middle of the show and the beginning. Chantal says Pedro family came over to fight but did they show how it started and the fight itself? 

I was confused by last night's offerings, too.  I think what happened was they showed an "expanded" version of the previous ep and then a 30-min. teaser for the next one, and that's when the fight happens.  I guess they were promoing the fight by sticking it into the previous ep as well as teasing with it.

What dumbfounds me from the teaser is that Chris has sold the firehouse, and David and Annie have three days to move out.  Chris has offered a warehouse (with no kitchen?) and a job there (no rent), or the warehouse to live in and pay rent, and David is all undecided.  Jeebus.  You're being offered a job and a place to live for free.  You have *nothing* yet apparently feel you're in a position to be picky?  He hasn't worked at all as far as we know since they got back from Thailand.  Even if you believe him, that he can't find *any* job, here is one--with living quarters--being offered on a silver platter, and David turns up his nose?  I truly think he believes that if he lets things get dire enough--if he and Annie are put in a homeless shelter--Chris will come through with a four-bedroom two and a half baths in the nicer suburbs plus an executive position at Christronics Inc.  And he's not going to budge until that happens.

David is being paid $1000 per episode for being on the show.  Annie and the other non-citizens can't be paid because their visa status doesn't permit it, but I understand that TLC helps out by picking up the tab for all those restaurant meals we see and other minor expenses.  After taxes etc. David might be clearing $700--is that a reasonable guess, financial experts?--and assuming he's being paid for four eps a month, he should have been able to make the $1000 rent--not without pain, but holy moly, keep a roof over your head, asshole.  There's so much I don't understand about David and money--like where is it going?

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I would imagine he could pay Chris $500/mo and Chris would agree to that.  Seems like Chris is only asking for $1,000 to put the fire under David Poor...and we see how that's working.  All those meals out have to be paid by TLC.  No way can they afford to eat out all the time. Hopefully Annie got all her groceries for the week with that $58.....at least she could have bought enough food to make leftovers.....  I can't help but feel sorry for Annie.  She has to have been in a very desperate situation and David Poor was her lifeline out of it.  Her parents pressuring her, her Magical Thinking that "surely" David Poor could easily get a job in the US!  (He CAN, but he Won't!) -- all of that makes her sympathetic despite what she's had to say to defend herself in this series.

Whatever "job" she had in Thailand....whatever she did to survive -- none of that is a problem with David Poor either - so she shouldn't feel guilty about it.

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On 7/6/2018 at 8:08 AM, jackjill89 said:

Exactly what I was thinking. He's not a certified teacher. I think his only qualification is that he is a native English speaker. No way this guy could handle being a teacher in the US. You actually have to work, not just show up for an hour class. 

People lie all the time but he does claim to be TESOL certified which is not that difficult.

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I was confused by last night's offerings, too.  I think what happened was they showed an "expanded" version of the previous ep and then a 30-min. teaser for the next one, and that's when the fight happens.  I guess they were promoing the fight by sticking it into the previous ep as well as teasing with it.

What dumbfounds me from the teaser is that Chris has sold the firehouse, and David and Annie have three days to move out.  Chris has offered a warehouse (with no kitchen?) and a job there (no rent), or the warehouse to live in and pay rent, and David is all undecided.  Jeebus.  You're being offered a job and a place to live for free.  You have *nothing* yet apparently feel you're in a position to be picky?  He hasn't worked at all as far as we know since they got back from Thailand.  Even if you believe him, that he can't find *any* job, here is one--with living quarters--being offered on a silver platter, and David turns up his nose?  I truly think he believes that if he lets things get dire enough--if he and Annie are put in a homeless shelter--Chris will come through with a four-bedroom two and a half baths in the nicer suburbs plus an executive position at Christronics Inc.  And he's not going to budge until that happens.

David is being paid $1000 per episode for being on the show.  Annie and the other non-citizens can't be paid because their visa status doesn't permit it, but I understand that TLC helps out by picking up the tab for all those restaurant meals we see and other minor expenses.  After taxes etc. David might be clearing $700--is that a reasonable guess, financial experts?--and assuming he's being paid for four eps a month, he should have been able to make the $1000 rent--not without pain, but holy moly, keep a roof over your head, asshole.  There's so much I don't understand about David and money--like where is it going?

Is it an apartment in a storage facility or is it a storage unit David is offering?

I’ve never heard of an apartment in a storage facility.

Annie sees her American Dream turning into a nightmare. 

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14 hours ago, Eme said:

I can't help but feel sorry for Annie.

I agree.  I'm starting to take anything mean said about her personally.  

13 hours ago, iwasish said:

I’ve never heard of an apartment in a storage facility.

Sometimes people do live in those storage units in desperate circumstances...but it's illegal.   Perhaps there's a cot (or two) and a bathroom in the office where customers go to rent units.  (ETA:  For an employee/caretaker) I don't care what happens to David, but the Thai community should help Annie escape.

Edited by Former Nun
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32 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Is it an apartment in a storage facility or is it a storage unit David is offering?

I’ve never heard of an apartment in a storage facility.

Annie sees her American Dream turning into a nightmare. 

It's an apartment above the storage facility.  I saw an ad for a similar job one time, free rent for working at the storage place.      

Edited by SevenCostanza
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37 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Is it an apartment in a storage facility or is it a storage unit David is offering?

I’ve never heard of an apartment in a storage facility.

Annie sees her American Dream turning into a nightmare. 

It wasn't clear.  But if Chris is offering it for a rental unit to live in, doesn't it by law have to have, say, a bathroom?  Given the situation David and Annie are in, I would think that anything that put a roof over their heads and offered toilet facilities would be a godsend.  You can live without a kitchen if you have to--it's not easy or pleasant, but it's doable--and living without a kitchen is a hell of a lot better than having no place to live at all.

So many of these foreign spouses believe, because they've seen their American honeys on vacation, where you do tend to spend money in ways you don't in ordinary life, that life at home in the US will be a continuation of what they've seen on vacation.  Molly understood this, and a lot of good it did her.  Annie seemed to be more clear-eyed than most, but I think she, too, believed that David had a better life than he does in America.  I hope she wasn't sucked into believing that Chris would take care of them forever.  I admire her for urging David to take a job, any job, rather than relying on loans from friends and families, and I'm sure that if she were legally able to work, she'd find a job doing *something* to bring money to the family.  David seems allergic to work of any kind.

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Is it an apartment in a storage facility or is it a storage unit David is offering?

I’ve never heard of an apartment in a storage facility.

Annie sees her American Dream turning into a nightmare. 

I don't know how TLC is going to spin in or edit it, but it is an real apartment at the storage unit place (I hope this is not a spoiler but the apartment has been shown on social media). I live in Utah and these live in storage unit jobs are sought after by so many couples. The storage units that have onsite  managers can charge more money because people feel more secure and they get better customer service. Having onsite management usually eliminates people trying to live in storage units which sadly is more common then most realize.  I have been in the apartments, here most are small but nice. Here it is the ideal for a young couple where the husband goes to college and the wife wants to stay home with a baby. I'm sure TLC will play it up as a dire situation. I really think David is not in all that bad of a situation. he has to have some hidden money or source of income. This season he has been seen driving several nice cars and trucks. Even if he borrows them he has to have gas money? and grocery money? 

I also wonder if TLC is making Annie dress older or frumpier. Look at her social media she looks so young, lots of makeup, current fashions and on the show she is starting to appear so much older then 24/25. 

I'm not caring much about Russ' storyline this year but I sure would not say he is broke. He had a upper middle class income for years and by the look for the house he owned, he was not overspending. His employer gave him a years worth of pay as a severance package so he got 6 figures for being let go so he had time to breathe and look for work.  He took  a lower salary in FL but it is still an above average salary (it was talked about before that he was making closer to 100k in FL and in OK it was closer to 200k). Of course it seems like his wife is a drain on the money with her clothes , hair, and lifestyle. If he did leave her like was discussed above, he would be a catch to many women IMO. College degree in a good field, 6 figure job, his wife could choose to stay at home if she wanted with kids,  his family seemed nice....I think he could find someone else and be treated a lot better but there is some reason he wants to stay and put up with his wife treatment?

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2 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

It's an apartment above the storage facility.  I saw an ad for a similar job one time, free rent for working at the storage place.      

Oh!!! Work?  I don’t think David’s gonna like that.   

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2 hours ago, iwasish said:

Oh!!! Work?  I don’t think David’s gonna like that.   

I live in MN and there are people who live in storage places there as a caretaker; not all but some do.  I am perplexed by the lack of kitchen, though.

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36 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I live in MN and there are people who live in storage places there as a caretaker; not all but some do.  I am perplexed by the lack of kitchen, though.

Do we know for sure there's no kitchen?  I wasn't paying very close attention.  If it's a regular caretaker's apartment, why wouldn't it have a kitchen?  And if it doesn't, can't Chris give them a microwave, a compact refrigerator and a hotplate?  Or let them wing it--it's possible to sustain life on peanut-butter crackers and apples.  David just doesn't want to work.  It's confounding--I heard him say to Annie, "Have I ever let you down?"  Totally delusional.

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Nicole's wedding is in jeopardy; Anfisa fears that Jorge has told his biggest lie; David and Annie hit another roadblock; Pedro goes head to head with Chantel's family.

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Annie gives David an ultimatum; Jorge calls his ex about the daughter she claims is his; Molly hears unexpected news from Luis; Russ and Pao are drifting apart; Chantel confronts Pedro after the attack; Nicole discovers Azan's web of lies.

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I love how in the preview David is adamant that he has a masters degree so he doesn't want to work a $10 an hour job.  Um, that's $10 more an hour that you are making right now ,LOSER!

  This guy has got to have money hidden away somewhere or maybe he just really is that stupid.  The guy in the preview said there was no stove; so maybe there's a kitchen but there isn't a stove currently?  As for TESOL or ESL; to be a teacher you just have to have a certificate; you do not have to be a certified teacher with a teaching degree in education.  And sometimes if you are a native English speaker; you don't have to have any qualifications other than that to teach overseas.  In the states to teach ESL classes at a school to minors as part of the school day, you probably have to also have a teaching degree or be working on it or have EXTENSIVE overseas experience if you lack a teaching degree.  If you just want to teach adult classes at a church or community center, you just have to have the certificate.   I minored in TESOL and volunteered in daycamps in a Hispanic community for several summers.  I did not get paid.  I worked with a woman that was an ESL teacher within the elementary schools, but she also had an education degree and was a certified K-6 teacher.

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On 7/5/2018 at 7:52 AM, Scarlett45 said:

From reading your comments here I thought Chris and david were a same sex couple!!!

I think some viewers have had the same thought...maybe not a "committed" couple, but great friends with benefits.

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On 7/5/2018 at 9:52 AM, Scarlett45 said:

From reading your comments here I thought Chris and david were a same sex couple!!!

im just getting into this show. Hi everyone. 

Nikki seems to be the voice of reason so far. 

 Welcome Scarlett~

I haven't had that thought about Chris and David, but I agree that Nikki seems to be not only the voice of reason but the winner of the  "shows intelligence" award for the group.

I have always had m gaydar ping with Assan. I don't know whether this has been discussed previously, but I don't see anything of late about this and it surprises me.

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What kind of work does Chris do?  What kind of work is he offering David?  Why can't David find a job?  We saw the one interview and how badly he did with that.  Is he even employable???

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2 hours ago, mayvenne said:

I have always had m gaydar ping with Assan. I don't know whether this has been discussed previously, but I don't see anything of late about this and it surprises me.

Earlier this week I said I’m 80% sure he’s gay. 

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16 hours ago, Mothra said:

Do we know for sure there's no kitchen?  I wasn't paying very close attention.  If it's a regular caretaker's apartment, why wouldn't it have a kitchen?  And if it doesn't, can't Chris give them a microwave, a compact refrigerator and a hotplate?  Or let them wing it--it's possible to sustain life on peanut-butter crackers and apples.  David just doesn't want to work.  It's confounding--I heard him say to Annie, "Have I ever let you down?"  Totally delusional.

I thought I heard Chris say to David:  "There is not kitchen but it is a roof over your head."  

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4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I thought I heard Chris say to David:  "There is not kitchen but it is a roof over your head."  

Well, no wonder they eat out all the time since they have no kitchen!

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5 minutes ago, DVDFreaker said:

Well, no wonder they eat out all the time since they have no kitchen!

No kidding!!  They can get an electric frying pan, a toaster and a dorm fridge and go to town.  Maybe a toaster oven thrown in there too.  Maybe washing dishes in two Rubbermaid buckets will help Annie to realize the bloom is off the rose for her........

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This screen shot of Azan and Nicole riding home from the airport absolutely defines their relationship.  Adoring cow eyes from Nicole, resignation from Azan and May just being ignored.  Not to mention, sitting between Nicole's fat ass and May's car seat, Azan looks like he is about to be squeezed out.  Kinda reminds me of popping a big old pimple. Squoosh!  It must be the Dr. Pimple Popper commercials that made me think of that.





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4 minutes ago, Annymin said:

This screen shot of Azan and Nicole riding home from the airport absolutely defines their relationship.  Adoring cow eyes from Nicole, resignation from Azan and May just being ignored.  Not to mention, sitting between Nicole's fat ass and May's car seat, Azan looks like he is about to be squeezed out.  Kinda reminds me of popping a big old pimple. Squoosh!  It must be the Dr. Pimple Popper commercials that made me think of that.





Azan looks like he has just been told they are having liver and onions for dinner again.

We could all make up fun quotes for this photo all day long!

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I love how Penguin said he wasn't worried about the firehouse being for sale because he thought it would take a couple months...AS IF he would've budged his ass one inch to find anything else in that time.  But he's doing his best lol

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2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I thought you had to give your tenant 30-60 days notice. Evictions can be shorter.  Of course, David Poor did not bother to save some cash for a new place.

I bet David never signed the lease.   

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