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S22.E12: After the Final Rose

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No, it is not taking a risk making sure of Lauren is still interested before the break up.   Taking a risk is breaking up and then finding out.


Regarding the proposal, according to Reality Steve, he already proposed... thus again making sure in advance.


as for  the Bachelor sampler pack... Bradley the horse for the win

Edited by DEL901
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1 minute ago, Irlandesa said:

I don't know many things but one thing I'd bet money on is that Lauren was never ever going to be the b-ette.  Even had he chosen her and then went back to Becca, I'd have a hard time believing the show would have chosen her when they had far more interesting runner ups.  Some people might even prefer those runner ups to Becca but what Becca has going for her is energy and the ability to convey thoughts.  Lauren, when she manages to share thoughts, comes off as generic.

Becca said it herself tonight.  She knew that her life would be documented while she was on this show.  I think she probably views the show, as it is, like a machine with no feelings and puts more responsibility on Arie making the choices he made rather than the show for filming it.  So I appreciated that sensibility. 

I don't blame her for getting over Arie quickly.  They had a quick relationship and he turned out to be an asshole.  I imagine that accelerates the healing process. Already she has the potential for a hotter partner than Arie.  (Well maybe not the last one but I don't care how goofy, I thought most of the guys who came out were better looking.)

Ugh.  I kind of want to watch it tonight too but I'd hate to give those two eyeballs.  The reason I want to watch is out of hope that Jimmy might dog Arie to his face a bit more than we got on this After The Final Rose interview.  That's what I was tuning in for after last night.  The girls were great but he didn't have sit and watch.  No one really called him out on his refusal to leave.  Lauren was still trying to sell that she was trying to make sure their conversation was "right" with Becca even though it seems he was sneaky with it.  So did he lie to her?  Does that not concern her?  And their feelings are the only feelings that matter?  Ugh. 

And nobody asked Arie why he allowed the cameras there. I would have loved to hear his excuse for that. 

I agree that it made sense for Becca to get over Arie quickly. I'm sure most of it was just realizing it wasn't anything she did wrong (which we all do). But hopefully she realized pretty quickly what an asshat Arie is. 

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7 minutes ago, JustDuckie said:

Why do I think "Let's do the damn thing" will be her often repeated tag line? I'm sick of it already.

I only watched the first episode, and then about an hour of last night’s ep, and then the last ten minutes of tonight and I heard her say it three times and I am also annoyed! 

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9 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

No, it is not taking a risk making sure of Lauren is still interested before the break up.   Taking a risk is breaking up and then finding out.


Regarding the proposal, according to Reality Steve, he already proposed... thus again making sure in advance.


as for  the Bachelor sampler pack... Bradley the horse for the win

Wouldn't it be great if just one time somebody on a reality show got interviewed by a real reporter who had access to ask them about EVERYTHING available to the public? There are so many questions about Arie's past, inconsistencies with timelines, discrepancies about conversations. I'd love to see a Frost/Nixon interview with Arie, and at one point thought we might get that if CH let Beckah and the other girls grill Arie. Instead, we get vague, open-ended questions about love and doing the right thing and if it's worth it. I want to see someone call Arie out on his bullshit and put his feet to the flames. 

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Cmon, Lauren have some dignity. Don’t throw your arms around the guy and act giddy to see him after he dumped you to propose to someone else. Even if you are still in love with him. Make him sweat it out, just a tad. Maybe they really will make it since Lauren seems pretty passive and forgiving. He can always explore his options with other girls and she’ll always take him back.

I hopped into the spoiler thread last night not realizing there were still more spoilers to come. I saw they were supposedly engaged but it seems like the proposal was at the beach and I assumed filmed. When they didn’t show the video package I thought, “Okay, they realize the world hates him right now and this will not be well received.” But I guess you can’t keep the Neil Lane ring unless millions witness your proposal with these contracts so they plowed on. I cannot believe they got engaged on the show. Like others have said, read the room, y’all. Folks are not cheering for you right now. Yikes. 

I always liked Becca and it seems like she will do well as the lead based on those first initial meetings. Bachelorettes have had a pretty good track record these last few seasons so let’s see if she keeps up the trend. I’m pulling for her.

Banjo guy’s shtick was pretty hokey but reminded me physically of Josh Bowman (from Revenge) so he has my vote at the moment. 

Edited by UGAmp
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8 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

And nobody asked Arie why he allowed the cameras there. I would have loved to hear his excuse for that. 

He actually did answer that before he was asked. He wanted the world to see that Becca was not at fault in the breakup and the blame was all on him. I guess he thought that would make him sound altruistic but was a load of bs, so I can see how you tuned it out.

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LOL People Magazine went with the exact same "BACHELOR BETRAYAL" headline. Arie continues his sensitivity tour with this gem:

The days leading up to the proposal “were extremely difficult,” says the race car driver. “Becca was very confident. She was a safer choice. Because Lauren had trouble opening up, I felt terrified that she would eventually leave me.”

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4 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Who had the worst hair extensions, Molly or Lauren?

It was a tie. I can't help myself, I can't stop staring at extensions. I don't even see faces, just extensions -- which is why I can recognize Bekka.

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5 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

He actually did answer that before he was asked. He wanted the world to see that Becca was not at fault in the breakup and the blame was all on him. I guess he thought that would make him sound altruistic but was a load of bs, so I can see how you tuned it out.

I caught that but didn't realize he was referring to the filming. When I heard him say it my only thought was, "NOBODY is blaming Becca for ANY of this, dumbass". But it wouldn't be Arie if he didn't at least passive aggressively pass the blame/responsibility onto someone else. 


Did that Bachelorette introduction seem protracted? Isn't it usually a quick announcement at the end of the show with balloons and such? I wonder if they allocated a half hour to it to try to get everyone to forget about Arie/Lauren and just move on?

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4 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Who had the worst hair extensions, Molly or Lauren?

I used to think Molly was pretty, what happened?

I thought Molly looked great, and even mentioned to Hubby that neither she nor Jason look much older than during their season.  But I admit I was Team Molly then and now.  Melissa always seemed like a chirpy half-wit.

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1 minute ago, Stan39 said:

Did that Bachelorette introduction seem protracted? Isn't it usually a quick announcement at the end of the show with balloons and such? I wonder if they allocated a half hour to it to try to get everyone to forget about Arie/Lauren and just move on?

They did the same big announcement with Rachel, including bringing on some of her bachelors. Maybe this is going to be the new standard.

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52 minutes ago, huahaha said:

This season was stacked with good bachelorettes. I'd have watched Becca, Seinne, Kendall, or Bekah as lead. Even Crystal was good tv! What a waste that all of those young, beautiful, interesting women were stuck with grandpa Arie.

When Kendall was speaking, I was basically like, minus the taxidermy, I just really like this woman, and find her attractive, inside and out.

I would have *LOVED* Seinne as a choice.

I don't mean to offend anyone here, but Becca is such a dork.  I can't take it.  "Let's do the damn thing".  Let's not.  Please god.  Ugh.

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45 minutes ago, Superpole2000 said:

There's always one dude who brings a guitar (banjo). I hated that guy in college residence.

"I gave my love a cherry..."

I loved that Arie's answer to how he felt now and if he felt at all bad for Beccas and it was basically a roundabout way of saying "Because I'm the only person that matters here." They were completely NOT reading the room, you are NOT America's Sweethearts.

Good job though of Arie (obviously) saying that he and Lauren didn't have to watch the show last night. It may be the only correct decision he's made in the past few months! Don't let her see you being the world's most self-centered ass that doesn't know how/when to leave a room. They could give a shit about Becca's feelings.

I'm of two minds on Becca being the -ette. Due to her humiliation at the hands of the show I do feel they owed it to her. But now she's putting herself back into the same meatgrinder that she just exited. This show f's people up for 'entertainment' and ratings and I kind of feel like she should just go back to "real life" and get the hell away from 'Bachelor Nation' altogether.

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15 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Who had the worst hair extensions, Molly or Lauren?

I used to think Molly was pretty, what happened?

She always looks pretty in her Twitter and IG pictures. I thought she looked awful tonight. She looked old and too made up. I was shocked. 

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This show humiliates Becca on national television and then makes her fly home in a middle seat in coach??? WTF, they couldn't spring for a first class ticket after all that?

That shot of her in the middle seat was the cruelest revelation of the whole evening. My heart broke for her.

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7 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I'm afraid Becca will go on a bender with the girls after the show and will end up waking to a burning sensation in her lower back, finding a 'Let's do the damned thing' tattoo there.

Her last tattoo (butterfly? on the wrist) generated a great reaction. Arie saw it, noted how big it looked, and then proceeded to dump her on (inter)national TV only a few seconds later.

Edited by Superpole2000
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1 minute ago, woodscommaelle said:

They'd be the 'white noise' setting on a sound machine.  I could totally fall asleep to that. 

They probably talk about waking up in the morning, and drinking coffee, and going to the dog park. And then I imagine Lauren goes into an extended diatribe about her dog named Dallas, who lives in Dallas (it's going to be so confusing when she moves to Scottsdale for six months before they break up). 

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1 minute ago, Superpole2000 said:

Her last tattoo (butterfly? on the wrist) generated a great reaction. Arie saw it, noted how big it looked, and then proceeded to dump her on (inter)national TV only a few seconds later.

It was a Bee (I guess B for Becca) and it was LARGE.  She even commented that the tattoo turned out bigger than she expected.

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1 minute ago, TheFinalRose said:

Who else thinks we'll be seeing Arie on Bachelor In Paradise this summer, still looking for love?

Do you really think he'd want to go on a show where most guys don't wear shirts and there are multiple guys better looking and younger than him to contend with? I'd think that's a no... Becca's ex is a shew-in though.

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I think part of my anticipation, with respect to tonight's show, lay in wondering what Lauren would say about all the jerky things we saw Arie do last night.  How would she defend him? Was she shocked at his heartfelt and convincing proposal to Becca? ("I choose you ... every day...")  Was she now confused and having second thoughts?

And then we found out that she didn't watch the show Monday night.  I see why she didn't--I mean, why subject herself to potentially seeing a side (or two) of Arie that she did not want to see, if she could avoid doing so simply by turning off the TV?

But because Lauren chose to not watch the show, preferring to maintain the illusion that la la la we're great, everything's great, Arie's great, a lot of the drama and anticipation just wasn't there for me.  I was quite bored.

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45 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Who had the worst hair extensions, Molly or Lauren?

I used to think Molly was pretty, what happened?

I came here to say the same thing!  She looks so artificial now, but then I never liked her.  Has she always been so irritating.  My biggest memory is the way she chose to give Jason a massage, with him on his back, and her straddling him and grinding his crotch.  In a bikini.  She was giving it her all. Bless her heart.

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1 hour ago, KLovestoShop said:

No.  His mom and Dad live in a subdivision called Firerock Estates in the town of Fountain Hills, Arizona.  The family also owns a condo near downtown Phoenix, where I guess he lives. Both properties are up for sale, with his parent’s place listed for $1.2 million.  It’s been on the market for over 300 day’s, and Arie Jr is supposedly the listing agent for both properties.  They are the only properties he’s listed, so he’s not doing much in real estate.  I used to live in a subdivision right across the main road, Shea Blvd. from Firerock Estates—-we were in the low end subdivision   

Lets face it.  This shitfest is exactly what ABC wanted.  The franchise has been failing for a long time, but you could just see the glee in CH’s face when he said the ratings have been huge. 

Indeed. The credits have "Producers are grateful for #bachelornation"

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I was hoping Becca wouldn't accept the Bachelorette but it was always all about her choice. I was happy for her either way. I just hope after the way the show has treated her that they will go easy on her and not give her too bad of an edit. But who am I kidding it won't take long for the bloom to fall off the rose. Can't imagine what they will try to come up with to top Arie's fiasco. Strap in Becca I have a feeling it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Arie really don't know what a favor he did her though. It's poetic justice really that had that horrendous break up not happened there was a good chance she wouldn't have got the spot. Many found her boring or not exciting enough. I was ok with her but so was I Seinne, Kendall...etc. I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt though. If not overdone (overuse of "let's do the damn thing" for instance) I love her no nonsense, confident and bubbly personality. 

I liked the English guy at the end. Lincoln I think? We'll see how that plays out. Wanker, indeed.

Edited by yorklee2
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1 hour ago, rebel2u said:

Love how, when Lauren asked Arie if he was sure about their relationship and he said 1,000 %, he was actually, at the same time, shaking his head "no."

Maybe he's thinking of her former fiancés.  

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

No, it is not taking a risk making sure of Lauren is still interested before the break up.   Taking a risk is breaking up and then finding out.


Regarding the proposal, according to Reality Steve, he already proposed... thus again making sure in advance.


as for  the Bachelor sampler pack... Bradley the horse for the win

If only Bradley could meet Sassy. That’s a pairing I could cheer for.

Bradley is probably a gelding tho

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34 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I don't think TPTB were doing Becca any favors in making her the Bachelorette.  They were buying her agreement not to completely torch Arie and Lauren.

I don't think they did it to her as a favor nor do I think they really care about Arie and Lauren.  They did it because they have people rooting for her right now and they hope that'll translate into buzz/ratings.  I think they're done with Arie and Lauren.  He has served his purpose; just as Becca will have served hers in about five months from now.

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2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Woah.  Hot stuff!

Lincoln right?!? Though they were all good-looking guys. I am a bit disappointed to see she is doing the show. BUT hot damn I'll take Lincoln off her hands LOL!

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

It was a tie. I can't help myself, I can't stop staring at extensions. I don't even see faces, just extensions -- which is why I can recognize Bekka.

How do extensions work? How are they covered up and what happens when it’s windy? Are they only in the back or on the sides too? I’ve never understood this. 

I don’t know what happened to Molly’s face. Something was off. 

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3 hours ago, Stan39 said:

I hope the people saying Lauren was blameless in this are paying attention. She clearly didn't care about talking to another woman's fiance and telling him she's available. And she can't even bother to consider that there's more going on here. She just thinks this is the part of the show where everyone cheers the Bachelor and his final rose. 

I have been saying all along that she was culpable. Talk about a self-involved twit. She has no respect for Becca, nor any class. The girls called Lauren out about the phone call with Arie. That gap was bridged before Becca knew a thing. And she thinks everyone is still going to fawn all over her. I hope she finds some self-awareness in life. For now, she deserves Arie.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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I don’t understand why his family butted in and said bekka was the one to pick.  They just met them both!  I think that swayed him which shows he’s kind of weak.   Otherwise, this stuff happens in real life all the time.  

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I think production puts heavy makeup on the women who will occupy the couch, which could account for some people thinking Molly looked different.  Becca also had more makeup on than usual, but she has strong features (in a good way) that don't get hidden by spackle.

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3 hours ago, chocolatine said:
3 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Is it the same ring or not?  From certain angles it looks like it...

It looks the same to me too. I wouldn't put that past Arie since I'm sure the show wasn't going to pay for a second Neil Lane ring.

It would have been really funny if he repeated the exact same proposal.  

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3 hours ago, dbell1 said:

Is Harrison trolling us? His first question is what's in Lauren's mind? Classic.

I know!! She is such a...blank. Getting her to say anything was like pulling teeth for CH. She's so incredibly bleh.

Seeing the girls on the couch together was really cute.

Becca reminds me of a couple of early bachelorettes, like Jillian Harris. I think it will be a stellar season.

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