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S36.E02: Only Time Will Tell


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I feel like the cameramen really just wanted to film birds for an hour and not these whiny-ass contestants.

They all had to know about the merge before they left camp, right?  Because everyone had all of their belongings at the mat.

When they got there purple looked over at who got voted out on orange and were like “yeah, we figured.”

I’ll allow the #BLINDSIDE hash tag this time, show, because that was a true one.

  • Love 9

So long Morgan!  And congrats editors, I did NOT see that coming.  Totally expected it to be Angela.  Even with one vote left, I thought it was going to be Angela.  Congrats old Malolo, for pulling one over, and creating a boot 3 episodes in I want to watch over and over again.  With TC starting at a normal time, did not expect anything exciting to happen.  

I didn't know there was a Bradley this season, and I wish I didn't know there was a Bradley this season.  Old Naviti at Malolo are a bunch of cry babies.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 22

Shut up, Stephanie. Too cocky. I don't like her and I don't have a rational reason why. Kellyn is weird. She is excited to open treasure boxes and love.  And Sebastian is banana-flavored LaffyTaffy.

Hi baby birds! I like this Chris vs. Domenick showdown. Could all of Chris's talk about Domenick be ironic foreshadowing?

That one guy sure is a pain in the butt, complaining about Malolo. So the James' immunity idol was found by Michael. Jeff looks so young in that flashback! Libby looks like Elisabeth Hasselback.

My All Access is such crap, it stopped working for the entire immunity challenge. I finally got it back when they were drawing rocks. It kept on freezing up and then it got really stuck.

This post-challenge scheming is interesting. Domenick is trying too hard. Nice to see the underdog tribe with some power. Who knows how tribal will go?

I know who Angela reminds me of - another Angela who was on Project Runway years ago, Season 2. Think fleurchons! Let's see if Michael Costello, oops Domenick, goes home! Too bad only the women are targeted. And it's Morgan!

So Domenick gets the Legacy Advantage.

Edited by Lamb18
  • Love 3

I was hoping that all that talk about Naviti strong was going to lead to old Naviti turning on each other.  They’ve been together 6 days, how do they get so close this fast?  That got old fast.  I already had a hard enough time rooting for this cast.  This episode didn’t really change that.

I’m still curious how this fake idol vs real idol is going to play out.  Definitely rooting for Dom in that rivalry.  And will old Malolo go back to Chris now and confess Dom told him it was fake?  He has a real idol anyway, but that could get very interesting.

Oh, and of course the men find the idol over the women at Malolo. 

Donathan and Wendell for the win!  I loved that Wendell finally got airtime tonight.  Okay, two episodes in, and this season is actually already a huge improvement over last season.  But I probably already jinxed myself by thinking this season will be good.

Only reason I'm glad Chris went to GI is it gave old Malolo a fighting chance, and created an amazing blindisde.  I guess Angela’s only wrong doing was aligning with the guy.  I like that almost everyone has had airtime/confessionals.  I still don’t remember half of the cast from last season.  The theme hasn’t really bothered me yet, either, but I’m sure TPTB will screw it up and get me there. 

  • Love 12

So I was initially coming in to post that this was a dumb move on the part of the former Malolo tribe members who have now made it clear that they can't be trusted. However, thinking about it some more, I realize that with this move and essentially blowing up the plan to blindside Angela, they essentially blew the Naviti five to bits. Because with Morgan gone, it is officially a 4-4 numbers game, and Angela, who was already loyal to Chris, will be even more so, knowing that Dominik and Wendell were essentially coming for her and tried to blindside her. So now I'm thinking this was kind of brilliant on the part of the Malolos. They were down in the numbers but were with the perfect Naviti five because there was no loyalty between them. It allowed them to sneak in and manipulate the situation. 

Completely different to the other tribe where those Naviti five seem annoyingly tight. They seem to be connected by their similar annoying qualities. Where the hell did that whiny ass guy come from? I don't remember him from last week at all but holy crybaby. "Omg, I have dirt on me", while on Survivor. Like are you serious dude? I really hope that if the tribe goes to tribal, the guys do play their idol and send one of those five home. And what was the name of the idiot former Naviti woman on that tribe who was babbling on about how epic it would be to send all the Malolo's home one by one. Like has she not watched this show before? Sweetie, it's been done many times in the past seasons. Nothing epic about it. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 23

My favorite part was Wendell, while putting together the puzzle, Probst blabbing and blabbing said Naviti falling behind and under his breath Wendell said something like..not happening Probst. 

That being said I STILL don't understand why people try and vote off people from their tribe at the merge so then their number goes down and they get picked off.  Why???  I ask this question every single season.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

So much tension over whether to vote out Angela or Morgan and I'm just like: "Who the hell are Angela and Morgan?" I didn't enjoy this episode as much as last week but I think that's because there are so many of them and I still don't really know who's who or who was on which original tribe. 

I really don't like douchebro Chris so I'm glad his plan didn't come to fruition.  He was so busy barking orders and mansplaining the game, then he starts bawling at Ghost Island because he can't control the game anymore. Whatever. Not that I particularly like Domenick either. Actually, most of the generic Alpha dudes are kind of annoying. 


I think he will be pretty happy to see Morgan out though since she seemed close to Domenick.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Angela reminds me of Tilda Swinton, I like looking at her and I'm glad she didn't suffer Chris's bossiness gladly.

I love this season so far, lots of smart women!

I actually felt sorry for her, because she really did nothing wrong than be in an alliance with the guy it seemed.  Though it's part of the game, I kind of liked her tonight, so I'm glad she's still around and didn't suffer because of Chris.  Morgan I did not like.  And now her tribesmates are exposed to Angela for trying to blindside her.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I guess I was distracted because when it came time for the voting, I didn't know which side anyone was on or really, even who Morgan and Angela were. Probably I should rewatch.


1 minute ago, Straycat80 said:

I wish they hadn't merged already. I still don't know all faces and names. I don't know why they voted Morgan off. There are a lot of whiners and crybabies this time and I'm not talking about the women. 

I agree. It was too soon to switch because there were too many people we've never really seen before.  After the switch I had no idea who came from which team and who was on the respective 4 vs 5 sides, and I still don't know who was betrayed and who is on top.  I kind of liked Morgan so I'm bummed she's gone, but I don't know who her allies were.

  • Love 22
20 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

So much tension over whether to vote out Angela or Morgan and I'm just like: "Who the hell are Angela and Morgan?" I didn't enjoy this episode as much as last week but I think that's because there are so many of them and I still don't really know who's who or who was on which original tribe. 

Yes, yes, yes.  I had no idea about what was going on and the whole episode had no stakes for me.  TPTB did us a disservice by introducing us to so few of the women on last week’s two (!) episodes.  

All the drama this week involved two women who I literally never met before.  With the tribe swap on top of that, it was difficult to keep up.

Edited by escatefromny
  • Love 20
53 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I guess I was distracted because when it came time for the voting, I didn't know which side anyone was on or really, even who Morgan and Angela were. Probably I should rewatch.


I watched very carefully and I have no clue what is going on.  Somebody on Twitter nailed it for me - it's too fucking early to swap and we have no idea who is what.

(Changed the word "merge" to "swap" for the pedantics.)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 19

I'm wondering if the tribal switch happened so soon because after the first two challenges and few days, the producers feared a potential Pagonging of Malolo and decided viewers would not be interested in that.


I didn't really get the vote for Morgan.  Too bad it works out for Dom. 

How? It's been exposed to Angela and Chris when he returns that they were completely going to turn on their original Naviti, while Angela can say she remained loyal. And he now knows he doesn't have the Malolo four solidly with him as they just blindsided the hell out of him and his alliance. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 7

Still not caring. I'm thinking Burnett and/or Probst figure that viewers would get bored and tune in for all of the "ghosts." After some random digging, Michael gets one of James' unused idols. And he was eight years old when he saw the guy voted off. Now I feel old. Yes, Michael is 18, easily the youngest of either tribe, but it's still disconcerting. One day, a 22-year-old contestant named Jerry will talk about how he was born the night Jerri got voted out of The Australian Outback, and they decided to name their kid in honor of that night. Or worse: Jerry was conceived the night of that episode.

Seriously, with the switch/twist, a lot of the relationships forged inside of a week are rendered moot. That seems too soon for me. The good part about the rock draw was that we had a four/four split. And I had to look in Wikipedia to find out that Morgan was an original Navati, and her ouster means a split camp once Chris comes back. Also, Sierra's advantage might indeed be cursed. Whatever. Once again, these people are a blur, and I probably won't care until the merge.

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I'm wondering if the tribal switch happened so soon because after the first two challenges and few days, the producers feared a potential Pagonging of Malolo and decided viewers would not be interested in that.

This is what I was thinking.  And clearly, with how close Naviti at Malolo seems, maybe it's not a bad idea that they mixed them up already.  I didn't really mind it.  Anything that can make the game interesting.


Still not caring. I'm thinking Burnett and/or Probst figure that viewers would get bored and tune in for all of the "ghosts." After some random digging, Michael gets one of James' unused idols. And he was eight years old when he saw the guy voted off. Now I feel old. Yes, Michael is 18, easily the youngest of either tribe, but it's still disconcerting. One day, a 22-year-old contestant named Jerry will talk about how he was born the night Jerri got voted out of The Australian Outback, and they decided to name their kid in honor of that night. Or worse: Jerry was conceived the night of that episode.

Didn't Dr. Mike name his son after Ethan?  I can only imagine the day when someone on Survivor goes up to another contestant that's related to a former player and says "hey, I was named after your grandfather because my parents were such Survivor geeks!"  That really made me feel old.  I realized by 2020, 18 years old wouldn't have even been around when Borneo premiered.  And I remember back when Survivor did premiere, the age limit was 21, and I was still in high school, thinking I'd never get a shot to apply because it'd be off the air before I reached that age.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

And clearly, with how close Naviti at Malolo seems, maybe it's not a bad idea that they mixed them up already.

Actually I think that showed the tribes were working together fine and would/could have been interesting down the road but now it's mixed up just for the sake of change that only muddied the waters.

  • Love 3

An early tribe swap.  Not sure if I've see one come out quite like this.  It all becomes such a blurr after 30 seasons.

Old Naviti seems to have this.  5 - 4 majorities on both tribes.  Either it was totally rigged for Naviti, or it's proof it's not rigged.  I like to think it's not rigged .

Chris is playing way too hard.  I don't like Dom, but Chris is, ahem, a bit over the top here.  Dom of course wants Chris out.  This would make it 4 - 4 next week.  Malolo shouldn't care as long as a Naviti goes.  "Oh yes Dom, you are our new lord and master."  They should work to force his idol if they lose immunity

Whining Naviti at the Malolo ghetto.  Poor babies.  Just quit now, OK?

Reverse the curse......Nice effort on the Malolo idol search.  James in China.  Epic fail.

Do the Navitis know they have it?

Desiree has a shirt on...

Despite that ladder wtf, Malolo wins killing the puzzle.  

Not sure about the dissension for who to save at Ghost Island.  Did New Naviti want to save an Old Malolo to boost Old Naviti's numbers?

Rock draw saves Chris.  Do they all band together to take out dom's idol and maybe Dom too?  Please?

"No game for you!"  Chris dude, don't be such a crybaby.  I hope this mom and MS story doesn't lead to a tearful win.

What is this coming to?  Survivor 40: "Death Bed Loved Ones"  Basta! (enough)

Tricky of Dom and the fake idol play. Called out as a Russell wannabe!

"Get out of the kitchen and go talk to somebody" Wendell, get your nose out of Dom's butt.

Dom: I I I I and I will I I and some more I.  He's gotta go.  Too bad they didn't flush his idol.

Nice deflection, Libby.  I still have a hard time telling them apart.  

Morgan was entertaining sorry to see her go.  So much for that useless "legacy idol".  I don't think she was targeted because of it.

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As good of a move as it was, I hope this doesn't end up costing James next week.  If Dom finds out he was the one (at least based on editing) that decided to go the route of voting Morgan off, and aligning with Chris/Angela, he might turn his attention to him.  Of course James looks to be in a good position, since Dom and Wendell are in the minority right now, but hey, I didn't expect Morgan to go tonight.  So things happen on this show.

2 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

BTW: Chris' story about his mother having MS is a "Ben Moment," right?

I'd actually argue the opposite -- that it was trying to bury a personal moment in the midst of a story. Ben's PTSD got space to breathe (as did Adam and his mom's cancer) and more time to hold viewer focus. They put this confessional on after Chris failed on Ghost Island. If anyone watched Australian Survivor, it reminded me of how they did Henry's mom's story -- kind of buried in the middle of everything. I found it more "here's a story, now let's get back to the game" as opposed to "here's a story, and we want you to listen to it."

  • Love 4

The early tribe switch is both good and bad. It is bad in the short term because it strains viewers' ability to learn faces, names, and relationships. But the good part is that there should be more variance in alliances down the road. It's pretty dull when everyone just sticks with their original buddies throughout a season.

The challenge was wonderful...right up until the puzzle. All of that superb physical teamwork racing through the first 2/3 of that challenge was rendered inconsequential by a puzzle that we can't really engage in ourselves. Puzzles are bad TV, which is why we don't have an all jigsaw channel.

All of the Ghost Island, reverse the curse, and flashback moments are too forced. I just don't care, even with my own Previously.tv user name being a reference to Survivor history itself. Let this season forge its own history.

I am cheering for Libby, followed by pretty much everyone else but Chris and Domenick.

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I didn't have much of an impression of Morgan prior to tribal, but I was so happy to see her go.  She's such a long, drawn-out talker.   And then we walked on the beach . . . . and then we blah blah blah.

It was nice to hear that Wendell actually talks, but he was made to look the moron who can't figure out how to communicate with the other half of his tribe - Good question?

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Just my opinion but when those members that merged went over to their new tribes home and found it lacking in the comforts that they were used to, why didn’t they get moving and do something to better their circumstances rather than just stand around and bitch? 

Kids these days...lol  Editing maybe?  They looked really "entitled".

  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I was kind shocked by this vote. I thought Morgan was in it for the long haul. I guess Libby was stick with her original tribe members. That said, was she playing Morgan all along? I thought they were going to be the Kim & Chelsea. I guess Libby wanted to be the new Kim. LOL!!!

Her confessionals said she wanted to keep her so Libby was probably Overruled. Too many dum dums wanted Morgan so she wasn't gonna rock the boat I thinkm

43 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I wish they hadn't merged already. I still don't know all faces and names. I don't know why they voted Morgan off. There are a lot of whiners and crybabies this time and I'm not talking about the women. 

They didn't merge. Still two tribes

  • Love 3

I don't know how everyone is keeping track of old tribe/new tribe already.  I never learn the names, but I usually know their colors.  And I'm especially slow on names so far.  I think of them as:  Military Lady (or Siberian Husky Eyes), Douche Face, Stork, Yoga Bun, Black Scraggly Hair, Baby Doll, Teeth, Alpha1, Alpha2, and Domenick and Donathan.  And Ken.

  • Love 12

Highlights from episode 2 or 3 (depends on how you count the premiere):

  1. There was a tribe swap intended to confuse viewers
  2. The pretty boy has low blood sugar
  3. One camp is a spa, the other sucks
  4. If a cameraman is told to "follow two girls looking for an idol", it really means he's expected to "follow two girls as they provide extended butt shots".
  • Love 19
57 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

So much tension over whether to vote out Angela or Morgan and I'm just like: "Who the hell are Angela and Morgan?" I didn't enjoy this episode as much as last week but I think that's because there are so many of them and I still don't really know who's who or who was on which original tribe. 

I felt like after this episode I now know who everyone is.  I did NOT know which tribe they were originally on, so that's what was confusing.  But I don't mind if the action moves quickly, so I'm just happy to recognize everyone.

54 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I was hoping that all that talk about Naviti strong was going to lead to old Naviti turning on each other. 

Well they kind of did.  Old Naviti turned on Angela while she voted for Libby; it was Malolo who went rogue and voted for Morgan.

50 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I don't remember him from last week at all but holy crybaby. "Omg, I have dirt on me", while on Survivor. Like are you serious dude? 


He said, "At Naviti, we have sand" - like that's so much more comfortable to have in your bits than dirt!  :)

43 minutes ago, susannot said:

Dang it!  I posted in the wrong forum.  First watched show tonight.  My favs are  James, smart Asian-American guy, a blond female Army vet, and a cute black guy (Donathan?)  Have any of them been voted out or did any of them win something?  Thanks, all.

Hee hee - Donathan is the gay hillbilly - the cute black guy is Wendell.

36 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Old Naviti seems to have this.  5 - 4 majorities on both tribes.  Either it was totally rigged for Naviti, or it's proof it's not rigged.  I like to think it's not rigged .

I wouldn't call it rigged - but Jeff approached each tribe with a separate basket, and I assume each basket had 5 purple and 4 orange buffs in it.

ETA:  That ^^^ could not be right because one team had 8 and the other 10.  But still - separate baskets to me means he meant for tribes to be evenly distributed after the switch.  Which I don't consider "rigging" since it was done openly.

Edited by princelina
  • Love 3

I'm sorry but the decision to do a tribe switch this early was an epic fail.

It's impossible to know who everybody is and what their alliances are this early and then to scramble them? The majority of people who had prominent roles this episode I would swear on a stack of bibles weren't even in last week's episode. Where did the Army woman suddenly come from? Who was Morgan? Did she speak at all last week? Suddenly there is pixie like blonde who may or may not be a liar?

Did Laurel speak at all this week? I know Desiree didn't let alone have a confessional.

Why is Chris bawling? He's only been gone for a week or so and BIG BROTHER contestants go from early summer until the leaves are ready to fall without seeing their loved ones. Plus with guaranteed immunity, you would think he would be happy.

Ghost Island itself so far has been underwhelming...it's just Exile Island with a coat of paint slapped on it.

If they want to bring something back from the past where the heck are the Gross Food Challenges? They have been AWOL for ages now. I hope its not Political Correctness seeping in for fear of presenting a different culture's food as disgusting and something to be horrified at. As far as I am concerned those were one of the tentpoles that SURVIVIOR was built on, not endless hidden immunity idols that can be conveniently found in an endless jungle, or a Legacy Advantage or a Medallion of Power (Sorry I couldn't' resist throwing the MOP under the bus as it was one of dumbness, worthless "twists" ever devised) anyway bring back the Gross Food Challenge...pulsating larvae and all!

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