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Season 24 Discussion

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Frankly, nowadays to be a model, you're better off being a nepotism model/social media darling see: Kendall Jenner, the Hadid sisters, Kaia Gerber, etc.  Not to mention, that while there may be complaints about how the girls on this show have dead eyes and can't smize, the aforementioned models are booking campaigns and runway shows with those same dead eyes, bad walks and inability to pose.

Back to this show, here are the photos from this epi.

As for Jeana, it's to easy to say "it's the editing" but she is definitely not happy with how she was edited this epi based on her instastory  https://imgur.com/a/TLaip.  But I'd take a guess and say she's probably not winning.

Brendi was her own worse enemy but good for her for knowing when to quit.

Edited by milkyaqua
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To me the clear winner was--the parachute!  That's the daintiest rose-pink parachute I ever did see!  

Just kidding, there were some good shots in there--Khrystyana for example.  

It was strangely both painful and boring to watch Brendi spewing her angst the whole episode.  I hope she finds what she needs.  

Boy, Jeana's Instagram whining is not a good look!  

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1 minute ago, Jobiska said:

Boy, Jeana's Instagram whining is not a good look!  

I know, right? I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt this week and chalk it up to the editing, but she seems as unpleasant off screen as she was on.

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20 hours ago, Marmiarmo said:

Brendi K seems like such a high maintenance girl, and yet...the mama bear in me wants to give her a hug and tell her she's good enough.  

I felt similarly. I wanted to tell her that change is hard and she needs to fight the urge to retreat to her comfort zone - even though her "comfort zone" is living in her car, the uncertainly of the competition and later trying to make it in the real world is apparently much more scary to her.

I loved Shanice's picture, but I thought Khrys also did great considering her dress was like a parachute in itself. I also loved her exasperated "I'm kind of a heavy girl; you don't lift me" at the challenge. I can relate.

I already side-eyed Jeana last week for being friends with Rio. When you see someone being mean to others and still choose to be friends with them, you are implying that their behavior is OK. It was so stupid of her to take off her shoes, not only because complaining about the clothes/shoes can be a death sentence on this show, but also because she's already the shortest girl there. She should have asked for duct tape to secure the shoes to her feet.

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6 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I also loved her exasperated "I'm kind of a heavy girl; you don't lift me" at the challenge. I can relate.

What I loved about that was she just said it and went about her day. I remember almost every season the "real" girl would bitch and moan about some challenge that pointed out that she was heavier. Krys is like, yeah, whatevs, gonna go make it work now. 


9 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

It was so stupid of her to take off her shoes, not only because complaining about the clothes/shoes can be a death sentence on this show, but also because she's already the shortest girl there. She should have asked for duct tape to secure the shoes to her feet.

As soon as she said it I figured she was going to be near the bottom, if only just to teach her a lesson. You're a clothes hanger sweetie, you wear what they give you to wear. Wrong sized shoes is a staple of this show. I think Tyra does it as a test, to weed out the complainers. 

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I think Brendi is drawn to modelling because you're judged. I think that's her true comfort zone - being made to feel she's not good enough.

That being said, I think her making the decision to leave was probably the healthiest thing she could do if she really wants to change her thinking. I think there's a limit to what she could endure from herself, and this competition sent her over that limit and then some. At least she saw that and got out.

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Wow. I was rooting for Rio in episode 1, but now... Oof. I get the feeling that she only hangs with Jeana because she doesn't see her as a threat. Despite the denials, you could see how much they were hurting when they were shunned after the spa. All that insecurity can be toxic.

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I used to watch this regularly but got rid of cable and stopped watching in the Cutrone era and the number score nonsense.  Seeing it this way, essentially Top Model but filmed and packaged like a VH1 reality show, was strange.

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Wow. Jeana and Rio aren't really villains, as far as this show goes, but I find them so unlikeable. Jeana seems fake. Too bad, they are both stunning. 

Shanice was pretty entertaining this ep.

4 hours ago, numbnut said:

Wow. I was rooting for Rio in episode 1, but now... Oof. I get the feeling that she only hangs with Jeana because she doesn't see her as a threat. Despite the denials, you could see how much they were hurting when they were shunned after the spa. All that insecurity can be toxic.

Yup, nothing says "don't care" like going on and on about how much they don't care. It was a lame for the group to ignore them, but there must be more tension going on there than what was shown.

I'm surprised more of the spa prize wasn't shown, but I like to imagine all they got was being frozen lol.

Jeana' s whining Insta is obnoxious. But I agree that it might show she doesn't win so I'm good with it. Plus, her nude photos outside of the show just don't seem to fit Tyra's sensibilities.

I'm guessing it's going to be a Kyla/Krys F2 barring some upset.

Krys is the best. Funny, positive, stunning, empathetic. I just love her. Given this show's track record, I'm not sure if I want her to win or not.

I hope Brendi gets some therapy. She seems bright, but she needs help. I'm glad she left on her own terms.

The photos were a mess.

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Well, clearly Shanice has not done pageants because you have a winner and the one who comes in second is actually, the first runner-up.

Once she wraps her head around that one, we can move on to how a third person on a date is actually a fifth wheel.

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I'm frustrated with Jeana - I was really rooting for her and was thinking that she was more guilty by association from hanging out with Rio. As she seemed to be more chill early on. And I can see how easy it would be to have become close with someone early on and feel like they have their back and want to stick with them. But seeing that twitter feed from the ep... ugh. If she had phrased it differently in a more "editing - what can you do - shrug" type way then I would still be ok with her. But the whole calling out and getting so rage-y with it shows more about her personality. She signed up for this and editing can only take what you give them. too bad. I do wonder if she did get hit by something but it wasn't the actual tent - there was a lot of wind and it kicked up a lot of stuff. I think editing would have shown it if she had been hit... 

I'm over Rio. 

I'm sad Brendi left in some ways - but feel like she already lasted longer than she should have. I hope she does get help. It's hard to see someone thinking that living in her car was easier.

Shanice has grown on me in so many ways - I eyerolled originally with the Sha-nasty but that she knows when and how much to bring it on is great! 

I love Krys and also on the fence if I want her to win - she may have better luck beyond ANTM if she doesn't!!!

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On 3/7/2018 at 2:06 PM, milkyaqua said:

Frankly, nowadays to be a model, you're better off being a nepotism model/social media darling see: Kendall Jenner, the Hadid sisters, Kaia Gerber, etc.  Not to mention, that while there may be complaints about how the girls on this show have dead eyes and can't smize, the aforementioned models are booking campaigns and runway shows with those same dead eyes, bad walks and inability to pose.

Well that's just sad. Smizing is Tyra's thing, so it's hard for me to accept so many dead eyes or weird close ups. That would be a no no in previous cycles, but I guess it's okay now as long as you look good.

The last season I watched was the Brit takeover. Well, no, I did watch a bit when they did the scores, but I dropped it. Either way, it's weird seeing how certain things like this are now acceptable. None of the girls had a good close up shot and the entire photoshoot was a mess.

On 3/7/2018 at 2:06 PM, milkyaqua said:

As for Jeana, it's to easy to say "it's the editing" but she is definitely not happy with how she was edited this epi based on her instastory  https://imgur.com/a/TLaip.  But I'd take a guess and say she's probably not winning.

Yea she's not  winning.

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The Parachute Challenge brought up memories of Red Shoe Diaries, "The Alphabet Girl".

Did anyone see Ty-Ty signalling the Royal Bathers to collect Brendi K's tears for her bath? "And why is that Brendi? Tell us more...sponge, sponge, splash, splash"

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The dream of being a PAPER Magazine cover girl soon becomes a nightmare for the top six models as they're assigned personas out of their comfort zones; the contestants attend a series of go-sees.

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On 3/7/2018 at 1:06 AM, millahnna said:

That's pretty common, though, for peeps who have been bullied to at least go through a bullying phase. 

This is true, but Jeana is 25, so I think she's way too old for me to give her a bit of a pass with that in mind.

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My eyes were hurting from rolling when it wasn’t Khrys who got FCO. 


And Tyra was next level “what’s she smoking and can I have some” with her “features wearing people” and “baby talk” stuff. 

Edited by vavera4ka
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Rio drives me insane. There are moments I find her very amusing but it's too late. She's done too much damage for me to ever like her again. As much as I liked her cover, it was unexpected and fresh, Khrys's was STUNNING!!!!! I'm now convinced that girl cannot take a bad picture. Again, she puts more than just a pretty face into her pictures. They all have so much more than just a pretty picture.

Can't say I'm surprised to see Erin go though I thought her picture was at least cute. I am ready for Shanasty to go. UGH I never cared for her but given she's basically skin and bone figured she'd make it far.

The only one I really like is Krystyana. Second closest is the one who's name I can't come up with for anything, the activist. Physically Rio and Jeanna are stunning but their personalities make me hate them. I will say, Rio can really turn on the charm when she wants to. She killed at the go sees.

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Jeana, I was willing to give her a pass before but she's getting worse and worse. And unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's going to be better in the next episode.

Krystyana is the only good one this season. Both as a model and a person. She should win, but I still feel like she's too good for the show and the show doesn't deserve her. Let them have Rio and we can forget this season ever happened.

What I liked about the older seasons was that a bad model could get better through practice and good direction. It was fun seeing someone who was horrible in week one become stunning as the season went on. I don't find that happening here. The girls are still making the same mistakes and the ones who know how to model are doing well, because they already know what to do. So Kyla struggling should be a big deal, but at the same time what is cyber sexy suppose to be when you're dressed like an old rich woman? And once again, this photo shoot was a mess. Shanice...I may not like her very much, but she was right about hair and makeup. She looked like a drag queen, which is fine, but it's not in a extravagant way, but more in a try hard sort of fashion.

I miss go-sees where the models had to run around town and book people themselves. I miss the judge's critiques on the photo. I miss critiques that would help the models grow.

Before it felt like a modeling show, but it's definitely feels like a reality one where people 'model.' Has it been like this for awhile?

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12 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I really dislike Sha-nasty.  If you watch this long enough, you end up hating them all.

I was just thinking this! The only one I haven't had some sort of dislike for is Khrystyana, but it's only a matter of time.

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I feel like the show positions Rio however they want her to be perceived that week. Like, last week they wanted us to hate her because she and Jeana think they're better than everyone else, but this week, because two designers wanted to book her, they showed her in a more positive light and expected us to forget that she has been an insufferable bitch the nine previous weeks. No mention of her attitude (but a definite mention of Jeana's).  


I don't know what "cyber-sexy" is but even if I did, I don't think I would have pictured Kyla's look as "cyber sexy."

And Sha-nasty, you are about six steps below an actual model. You don't get to have a say in your hair and makeup. She may have been right about the wig (it read total drag queen) but she needed to shut up about it. She's there to do a job. If they had her bald and wearing an animal suit she should've worn it and shut up about it and been happy to just be there in the first place, because I'm sorry, but there's no way she is winning this thing.

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 I miss go-sees where the models had to run around town and book people themselves. I miss the judge's critiques on the photo. I miss critiques that would help the models grow.

Before it felt like a modeling show, but it's definitely feels like a reality one where people 'model.' Has it been like this for awhile?


I was thinking about that while I watched last night. Gone are the days when the models were given an address and had to find the client on their own. It's too easy, now. I started watching the show again last season after a long hiatus, so I have no idea if the go-sees have been weak for years, or is it just this season.

Shaniece worked my nerves and I didn't blame Drew for giving her the business at panel. Instead of Tyra doing baby speak, she should've given it to her straight. If you want to be in this business, there are going to be a lot of looks that you're going to hate, but it's not your vision. It's the designer/creative director. I agree that the styling and wigs looked cheap AF, but she's lucky that this is was a mock cover try and not a real one. 

Another thing that always annoyed me with Top Model is the lack of training. How can Kyla control her features if she isn't trained? How about giving some direction on what to do? Shaniece has a trash walk, Stacey Mackenzie should've been working with them on multiple episodes. I get Stacey's availability might've been an issue, and I also understand that these women have to show initiative and practice, but they're given no direction and then the judges wonder why they're doing poorly. 

I'm over Jeana. Khrys for the win. Khrys had to win me over. She's lovely on a human level, but she always looks a hot mess in person. However, she pulls it together when it matters, in front of the camera. 

Edited by Sheenieb
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I agree that Shanice could have handled the wig situation better, but lets not pretend that she wasn't going to get chewed out either way.  IF she had said nothing, and let them do it, someone on that panel would have chewed her out for not speaking up.  They would've cut her down either way. 

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They're in LA now right? I think that might be why we don't see traditional go-sees. Too spread out compared to NY maybe? But I do miss them. I loved watching them have to navigate around. And I see the budget has dropped for travel too lol.

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Did Tyra actually suggest to grown(ish) women to act like babies in order to get what they want? What forking century are we living in? YIKES! She actually told Shanasty to use baby talk and act like a moron to get them to listen to her. The hell? Well, I guess we should be happy someone finally got advice, but then, that is the advice she got so...yeah. Maybe it's better they just figure it out on their own.

It would have been better if she told her to say "is this the way it's supposed to be because I've always worn my wigs back here where my hair line is." Just make it sound like you are asking their advice rather than telling them they are wrong. But playing baby stupid? no.

I, too, miss the running around go-sees. Especially in foreign countries. So fun. They did have them do LA once, I think the were in pairs and one had to drive while the other navigated. Good times. Maybe they didn't do it this time because the designers were all in one place, since they immediately did the fashion show maybe they were at the venue for it already.

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I'm glad Erin's gone because I was sick of her talking about her age and her kids all the time. The "aren't I cute" behavior at the go-sees was the final straw. You'd think at her age she'd have learned to read a room.

I'm disappointed that Khrys didn't book any shows, I thought the she looked stunning in the Band Of Gypsies outfit. I also thought her photo was by far the best, but it looks like TPTB are trying to avoid an obvious winner's edit. Still, Rio's catching flies photo was not even close.

I had to laugh at the Kunst NYC guy who thought he was so original for using a German word. 200+ million German speakers beg to differ.

It seemed like Shanice was set up for the first wig fail. I didn't think it was a coincidence that Drew had a second, completely different look all ready to go that suited Shanice much better. The show needed a dramatic arc for the episode, and with Brendi gone they had to bait someone else. Of course Shanice didn't have to take the bait, but her photo with the second look turned out great and didn't deserve to be in the bottom two.

Oh, Tyra. She did so well for the first nine episodes, too.

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With one of those covers being the actual cover for Paper (albeit, only on line... something I don't think was mentioned before), it's clear that Erin wasn't going to win.  Ditto Kyla and Shaniece.  Drew's not putting those photos on the magazine.

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I feel like I'm being played by the show's handling of Shanice. When I listen to what she says about the other girls, she's usually right and fairly perceptive, but if I step back I see that's she's the one who's complaining all the time - even when she says nice things about some girls it's as a way to criticize others. Early on with the skin issues we were led to have sympathy for her, but now we are supposed to think she's got an attitude. I don't feel like I know at all how or who she really is. If she's really so grateful to be out of Tennessee, she shouldn't have been so difficult at the shoot. I think it was just her turn to be taken down a notch, although it seemed clear to me that Erin would go before she did.

I feel like Erin (was instructed to) orchestrate her way out. It seemed out of character for her to behave in such an extroverted way when it clearly wasn't working for her and wasn't anything she'd ever done before. Oh, well, she served her purpose as a role model for older women. I hope she really did miss her kids and is happy to be back with them.

It seemed like Jeanna could do no wrong at first, but now she can't do anything right because she's too short. She was always short! Kyla can't do anything right because she's too young and inexperienced. She was always young and inexperienced! And what is cyber sexy? No help AT ALL from Drew.

I think it will be Krystyana and Rio in the final -- good versus evil.  Cheezy is right, it's become a reality show where people model instead of a modeling show.

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1 hour ago, ForReal said:

I feel like Erin (was instructed to) orchestrate her way out. It seemed out of character for her to behave in such an extroverted way when it clearly wasn't working for her and wasn't anything she'd ever done before. Oh, well, she served her purpose as a role model for older women. I hope she really did miss her kids and is happy to be back with them.

I think Erin was told to bring out her personality more, because people will immediately judge her on her age. I just don't think anyone told her to dial it back and still be professional at the same time. Even with the photoshoot, they were told to be their character so she went all in thinking this would help her.

They did do her dirty with the 90s look though. No matter what she was going to look like an old person trying to recreate a youngish picture.


Edit: Did anyone watch the blooper/extra episode? It made me sad for all of the girls, even Rio...maybe a little bit Rio, because they have a lot more personality there but they dialed it back for the sake of drama. The girls having fun, joking around, crying, etc... it made me wonder where these people are, because we don't see it on the show.

Edited by CheezyXpressed
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Shanice is wild; I wasn't trying to tell them how to do their she says just before she details how she told them how to do their jobs.  She wasn't wrong about that wig, though. 


Since they've commented once or twice that Erin has a bit of a Donna SUmmer thing going on, I wish they'd given her a 60s/70s dream girl makeover and given Rio the 90s hip hop.  I feel like both women would have done a better job than they actually did with both of their looks being outside their actual life experiences in that way.  I liked Rio's photo fine but I didn't think it deserved FCO.  I'd have put it 3rd behind Krys and then Jeanna. 

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I think Shanice has the face and body, but the walk and attitude... Not sure why there is the Kyla love, she has that unfortunate blob of a nose. Rio is gorgeous but is a bitch. I was pulling for Krstyana all season. She always had beautiful pics.

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2 hours ago, nokat said:

Not sure why there is the Kyla love, she has that unfortunate blob of a nose.

I don't understand it either. Kyla's cute pretty, and she's taken a couple of decent photos, but she doesn't scream model. Whenever I look at her face, it's as if her nose and mouth mush together. There's not a lot of space between them, but if there were, then I think she'd qualify as pretty. Not just cute.

I think Rio is gorgeous. I thought the behind-the-scenes special was more reflective of who she is rather than the brat she's portraying herself as on the edited version. But maybe it's more the editing than her. I extend that to the other contestants too. I don't think they're that terrible. Bratty sometimes, but not evil.

That said I think Rio deserved to win the Paper e-cover challenge.

Years ago I subscribed to a ton of fashion and lifestyle magazines, Paper included. It's funny because I remember the magazine skewing more toward the Brooklyn hipster/Chloe Sevigny crowd than to someone like me, but I was intrigued about that subculture nonetheless. Of course, I subscribed for 2, maybe, 3 years. I'm guessing the audience skews more differently now. It seems like the celebrities who land on the cover are Kardashian/Kardashian-adjacent. I couldn't care less about that group. It's too bad Sandra didn't make it this far because she might have been the perfect cover model for Paper, since she looks like she could be a Kardashian. She seems like a nice young woman, but editorial she isn't. 

Anyway, Rio's photo looked like something I'd see on the latest incarnation of a Paper magazine cover. So, I'm not mad that Krys didn't get it. 

I loved Krys's photo, but it looked more like it belonged on the cover of Harper's Bazaar, maybe Vogue. Or perhaps as part of a spread (centerfold, even) in or Interview magazine. 

I think Krys is the most editorial of the bunch. Followed by Jeana, which surprises me because women who pose nude (to my knowledge) aren't chosen to be editorial models. Kind of like how most porn stars can't segue into a mainstream Hollywood career. Jeana's problem, of course, is that she's a bit too short for fashion editorial and runway, but she could definitely be a commercial model. Although I'm not 100% sure about that because she's a striking woman, but not really conventionally attractive. It's too bad she's not a few inches taller because then she'd be more like the total package.

Shanice has the height and skinniness to be a model, but I can't with people who cover themselves in tattoos because it's all I see when I look at them. I know that some models have tattoos, but I think the most successful models don't have them, or have them in places where they can be easily covered without using up too much time.

Edited by Surrealist
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41 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

Shanice has the height and skinniness to be a model, but I can't with people who cover themselves in tattoos because it's all I see when I look at them. I know that some models have tattoos, but I think the most successful models don't have them, or have them in places where they can be easily covered without using up too much time.

All I see when I look at her is a loudmouth skeleton covered with ugly tattoos. No thanks.

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3 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I think Krys is the most editorial of the bunch. Followed by Jeana, which surprises me because women who pose nude (to my knowledge) aren't chosen to be editorial models. Kind of like how most porn stars can't segue into a mainstream Hollywood career.

Toccara from Cycle 3 did a racy editorial for Vogue Italia some years ago, shot by Steven Meisel; IIRC she was topless in some pictures. If Jeana's nudes are somewhat tasteful, I don't see that as an impediment to doing editorial work. Come to think of it, even Gisele Bundchen did nudes early in her career.

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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

Toccara from Cycle 3 did a racy editorial for Vogue Italia some years ago, shot by Steven Meisel; IIRC she was topless in some pictures. If Jeana's nudes are somewhat tasteful, I don't see that as an impediment to doing editorial work. Come to think of it, even Gisele Bundchen did nudes early in her career.

I know it's a different vibe in a European publication as far as nudity is concerned. 

I haven't heard much about Toccara beyond that photoshoot from years ago. 

In fairness though, she's not the only contestant I haven't paid close attention to over the years. I couldn't tell you where most of them landed. Except for Fatima on runway and in editorials. Oh, and Adrienne with posing nude and suing ANTM over the prizes. 

I remember Gisele's photos. I don't remember any of those pictures showing her bare breasts or labia. I'd have to look for them again.

I was talking more about women who start out modeling for Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler and try to go mainstream.

I should have clarified.   

Edited by Surrealist
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10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I'm glad Erin's gone because I was sick of her talking about her age and her kids all the time. The "aren't I cute" behavior at the go-sees was the final straw. You'd think at her age she'd have learned to read a room.

Oh, My-lanta---that was hard to watch.  She started by gushing about that ugly romper and the brown-nosing just. wouldn't. stop.  #NextLevelKiss-Ass.  I'm glad she's gone.  Erin was way past her expiration date with this bunch and it has nothing to do with her chronological age.  She just doesn't have IT. 

Rio's picture was just Meh.  How did it get FCO?  

Sha-Nasty was really feeling herself.  I love how Drew and Law pull no punches with these girls.  Law calling Shanice's walk "stank" was everything.

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4 hours ago, jcbrown said:

All I see when I look at her is a loudmouth skeleton covered with ugly tattoos. No thanks.

I think Shanice is pretty. She's got the model height and weight thing down. 

But like a lot of other ANTM contestants, she has too many tattoos. I can't unsee any of the tattoos to be able to just look at the model's features. 

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The message Tyra and crew are sending to young women is wrong, wrong, wrong! Act  like baby, really? Please let us not go backwards and resort to acting dumb again to get jobs, and smooth over big egos. 

Law Roach is one mean bitch, come on, give a critique, but don’t be so nasty. He never offered to help correct Shanice's runway walk. He's awful. 

Drew got super prissy. Let's face it: Paper magazine has tacky covers. He's another one who doesn't help improve the girl's technique but rather yells at them to "LOOK FIERCE" or "WORK IT" meanwhile looking like he's been weaned on a lemon--  all slitty eyed with pursed lips. 

Overall, the PM looks were laughable. I’ve seen better wigs at Party City. Sha-Nasty suggestions were feasible, because she didn't want to look like a caricature, but she ended looking that way.

Jeana gotta stop giving the stink eye all the time. 

I laughed when I saw Rio’s cover. I thought it was ridiculous, and not high fashion, but she did slay the runway. She was taylor made for those designer's looks. 

How did Erin and her gummy smile make it this far? IMO, The weakest looking model.

Edited by Ravenna
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I don't think Tyra meant that a model should literally speak like a baby.  It seemed like she was going for a metaphor about the stages of being a model.  But her meaning was lost when she started with the baby voice.

Rio's cover reminded me of Goldie Hawn during her Laugh-In days.

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9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Toccara from Cycle 3 did a racy editorial for Vogue Italia some years ago, shot by Steven Meisel; IIRC she was topless in some pictures. If Jeana's nudes are somewhat tasteful, I don't see that as an impediment to doing editorial work. Come to think of it, even Gisele Bundchen did nudes early in her career.


9 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I know it's a different vibe in a European publication as far as nudity is concerned. 

I haven't heard much about Toccara beyond that photoshoot from years ago. 

In fairness though, she's not the only contestant I haven't paid close attention to over the years. I couldn't tell you where most of them landed. Except for Fatima on runway and in editorials. Oh, and Adrienne with posing nude and suing ANTM over the prizes. 

I remember Gisele's photos. I don't remember any of those pictures showing her bare breasts or labia. I'd have to look for them again.

I was talking more about women who start out modeling for Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler and try to go mainstream.

I should have clarified.   

Definitely not tasteful nudes.  Someone a while back said to google Jeana... there were videos and she showed everything, top and bottom.

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2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Definitely not tasteful nudes.  Someone a while back said to google Jeana... there were videos and she showed everything, top and bottom.

Yeah, that's why I didn't want to google her in the first place, I was worried what I might find. :)

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I finished watching the rest of the behind the scenes. At first I was seeing the better side of Rio in her section, but once she started up with the whole "I've had a hard life, I almost DIED, so I deserve to win this!" routine, I was done. She might deserve some joy in her life, but she does not deserve to win a competition like this unless she outperforms everyone else, which so far she hasn't.

Honestly, this is the saddest sack of model wannabes ever.

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