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S35.E02: I'm a Wild Banshee

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2 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

We're seeing far more of Ryan's package than I care to see, but he sure does seem to be running his tribe.

It was hilarious how every time they talked about Patrick being an idiot, they would show him doing something idiotic. I wonder what Lauren's thinking was, voting for Simone instead of him.

I hate that asshole Joe has an idol.

I see Ali running the tribe more than him.

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2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

C'mon...30 is now OLD? That is just so lame...

It depends on whom you ask. When I was 20, 30 was ancient to me.  Now, when I'm 56? Not so much.  In fact, I consider anyone under 35 to be a mere infant.

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2 hours ago, LanceM said:

I guess i just don't get why people get so annoyed by what was an obvious joke. But to each his/her own.

I don't think it was a joke, but it also wasn't a complaint or even that weird of a statement to me.  She was just explaining why she doesn't like to be outdoors and in THAT outdoors in particular.  It was just an observation IMO.  Basically she's my daughter everywhere I take her that is outdoors.  Yet she tries to do some outdoorsy things even though it's out of her comfort zone, just like Simone.  Which is kind of admirable.  

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25 minutes ago, princelina said:

People on this board were apparently annoyed by her "no air conditioning" comment, which BTW I get was a joke, but the people who are stuck on a beach with her 24/7 only care about her Asian ancestry.  Right.  Not trying to be a bitch or snark on other posters, but I'm tired of this general theme.  No offense and YMMV :)

To clarify, I don't think they cared about her Asian ancestry. :) I think they may have found more commonalities with each other, and that may have worked against Simone socially and may have contributed to her boot. It isn't anything they would necessarily be conscious of, though.

She could also just be weird and annoying as hell.

On another thread, I referenced an article on the name-letter effect, where people tend to prefer partners, brands, and hometowns with their first or last initial. A paragraph from that article:


Other researchers prefer to understand the name-letter effect as a form of “implicit egotism” - a result of people’s tendency to view attributes similar to their own as being more positive than others (Pelham, Carvallo and Jones, 2005).6 This favorable self appraisal also takes other forms - research published in Political Psychology identified separate studies which found that, in elections, people are more likely to vote for candidates who share their own characteristics. To the contrary of the adage “familiarity breeds contempt”, familiarity with a trait, or an ability to relate to something, appears to nurture favor (Caprara, Vecchione, Barbaranelli and Fraley, 2007).7

It's not like anyone says, "Hey, one of the reasons I married my spouse is we have the same first initial!" But it does actually tend to reflect favorably on someone. 

Others have said Simone didn't mesh well with her tribe. That seems to be true. When you add in a bunch of possible little ways that someone is different, including age, race, gender, accent, socioeconomic status, work ethic, etc., it can very easily lead to an unconscious bias.

That said, imo being able to adapt well enough to get past that is part of the game, and Survivor isn't an even playing field. That doesn't mean I'm not going to notice and comment on possible trends, though. (Although I've talked this point to death for this episode. Anything else I'll take to the race & gender in Survivor thread.)

Sorry for beating that dead horse one more time, @princelina. *skulks off*

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They should put Alan & Patrick on an island together & let them drive each other crazy instead of inflicting them on everybody else. Why do people make themselves so annoying?

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7 minutes ago, simplyme said:

To clarify, I don't think they cared about her Asian ancestry. :) I think they may have found more commonalities with each other, and that may have worked against Simone socially and may have contributed to her boot. It isn't anything they would necessarily be conscious of, though.

She could also just be weird and annoying as hell.

On another thread, I referenced an article on the name-letter effect, where people tend to prefer partners, brands, and hometowns with their first or last initial. A paragraph from that article:

It's not like anyone says, "Hey, one of the reasons I married my spouse is we have the same first initial!" But it does actually tend to reflect favorably on someone. 

Others have said Simone didn't mesh well with her tribe. That seems to be true. When you add in a bunch of possible little ways that someone is different, including age, race, gender, accent, socioeconomic status, work ethic, etc., it can very easily lead to an unconscious bias.

That said, imo being able to adapt well enough to get past that is part of the game, and Survivor isn't an even playing field. That doesn't mean I'm not going to notice and comment on possible trends, though. (Although I've talked this point to death for this episode. Anything else I'll take to the race & gender in Survivor thread.)

Sorry for beating that dead horse one more time, @princelina. *skulks off*

Thanks for your input - it certainly makes sense.  I just feel that we have seen people of all ethnicities do well on Survivor at times - and other times not - and when it's "not" it's usually for reasons other than their ethnic heritage.  And as I said last week - as a member of the chubby 50+ "mom" brigade - I would expect to be voted out first!  Why would they keep me in week 1/2 over a 25-35 year old male firefighter?  Former NFL player?  Etc?  It wouldn't make sense!!!  Chrissy (?) got lucky her first time around - by the time she faces her next TC that bit will be over and she'll have other things (like her actuary experience :) to keep her on the tribe.

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2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:
4 hours ago, marys1000 said:

Why was Ally wearing her white sneaks in the water?

This was the first time I've noticed people in the water with their shoes on! I was wondering what was up with that. Really odd.

Noticed that too! So unexpected!


I though the whole idol thing was hilarious. First off, pretty good twist putting the map in what would normally be a hiding spot area like that. I don't think I've seen that before, so well done by TPTB.

Joe, though, thinking it was the raft was cracking me up. First, it was obviously the well, even to me. Apparently that is also the symbol for the well on the map they have, and Joe still didn't know that. But, a raft?! How could they make a map with the raft as the starting point? Because, ya know... it moves. Joe, c'mon.

Then Cole came in and gave it all away. Sigh. I would have shut up about it and let him try digging five feet away from the raft every day, wherever the next person left it. "Oh, raft is over there today. I'll go dig next to it." But either he's the kind of guy who would just blurt that out, or, he was playing the game to get Joe on his side. Either way, shows something about Cole.

But at least Cole was smart enough to go back with the machete and hack off the map. I didn't think Joe would have been smart enough to think of that. Crazy he's a parole officer. Not bright at all.

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An improvement over last episode, but still so predictable.  I knew it was Simone in the first minutes, because her loser edit was so over-the-top.  "Ah," I thought when she said the air-conditioning thing, she doesn't like the outdoors, random out-of-context shots of her sitting and other people working, "At least I know for a fact what they'll be saying online."  And lo and behold...

Still she didn't do a great job of changing the narrative (for one thing, Simone, you could have changed the narrative by idol hunting!  You're a Hustler, so hustle!) and I suppose that is on her.  My one glimmer of hope was when Ali was like "well I can control Simone" and I was like "you're in for a surprise when you read her pre-game interviews".  But alas, Supervillain Simone was not to be.  Luckily, Ali is pretty great and a gamer, so there's at least some kind of balance to the new producer's favorite, the new KimberStormer's least favorite, the skinny superfan nerd.  Ryan is a far more tolerable example than many recent ones but still, I'm over it.  Ali, you know it's going to be a showdown between you two at some point, take him out early, I beg you.  Devon is OK, he can stay.

Perhaps the Healers are the new Tandang, and we will see more of them later.  Joe, still awful, but somewhat more clownishly, and unintentionally clownish unlike Tony, so perhaps that bodes well that he will be gone soon.  He's got the idol, alas, but he's pretty dumb, so hopefully it will bring him nothing but trouble.

Surprised people are disliking Chrissy so much.  I am always a fan of the self-aggrandizing Survivor player, I suppose.  But anyway her observations of her tribemates seemed astute and her approach good.  I think she's in for a rude awakening if she thinks that strategic can beat social game in the FTC, though, even disregarding the fact that she is an "older woman".  She seems rather sunny and no drama for now, but I could easily imagine that if she does take Ben to the end, it will be Cochran and Dawn all over again.  Ben still seems to me the best player on that tribe by a country mile, and if they Denise and Malcolm it to the end I think it could be cool.  Certainly Ben is better than Cochran.  I feel like Alan, who it seems would agree that he overdid it, nevertheless was pretty vindicated this episode, as "power couple" was on everyone's mind.  The seed was planted.  (BTW, if Alan never saw an episode, how would he know what a "power couple" is?)

5 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I hope this doesn’t turn into MvsGX where the women get picked off. 

That's my nightmare, and I feel it is a very distinct possibility with this group.

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I don't get how Simone was the right one to vote out of Yawa.  Ali and Lauren were completely dumb and deserve to get picked off by Ryan, Devon, and Patrick now that they've thrown themselves into the minority, especially with it being outright stated that the three men are the ones in control.

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Devon put a heart on his parchment, which surprised me.  I'm curious if there was more to that.

He seems like a nice, unassuming guy so maybe it was just a way to soften the blow.   She seemed to take getting voted out well enough.

She's so pretty, it's sad to lose eye candy.

Edited by mojoween
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4 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

Lol no AC ? Simone never been to camping okaaay time to gooooo home ? 

I'm someone who both hates camping and loves air conditioning, but I do love this show and I'd still like to try it.  I don't think it should upset people enough to vote a contestant out, personally.  If the person is helping around at camp and doing fine enough in challenges you would think that would be more important in the early stages.  It's never enough it seems, there is always something 'wrong' that leads to the retroactive justification for voting someone out.  We were only shown this AC comment by Simone, other contestants could have said things just as "offensive"

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6 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

It was hilarious how every time they talked about Patrick being an idiot, they would show him doing something idiotic. I wonder what Lauren's thinking was, voting for Simone instead of him.

Probably that Pat would be better at upcoming challenges and Simone would be pretty useless.  He's annoying, but losing every time would be worse.

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Joe and Cole have recruit written all over them.  They cannot be that dumb, right?  It has to do with not knowing this game well, right?   

Ryan said Simone was weird.  I saw that too and you cannot blame the edit.  That is the kiss of death on Survivor.  She did poorly in the challenge as well.  Easy first out.  

@LadyChatts, I prefer the 2 tribe format for many reasons, but I am not convinced that either Katrina or Simone would have survived the first vote, having more to do with not gelling with their tribe than age or race.   I get your point though, their chances would have been better.  The first out always stands apart from the rest and is usually easy to spot.  

Well Alan, your plan was transparent and failed!  Now you are marked to go at the merge.  An asshole who is an IC threat is bound for extinction.  

At this point I like Ryan, Ali and Ben. 

I did not see Chrissy as full of herself, I like her.  I saw a producer asking her specific questions to get those DT responses.  

Edited by wings707
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Well, I was hoping Patrick would be sent home. No such luck. My boys think he's hilarious; I just find him super grating. I can imagine if I were on that tribe, I'd be right where Lauren is with that dude. His constant maniacal grin? No thanks. Is he really that great at challenges? It looked like he fucked them up with the puzzle at the end. 

But I'm not going to cry over Simone being sent home. I appreciated that she tried to challenge herself, like with the gutting the fish, but it might be a bridge too far at this point. Go back to your AC, honey. 

I was just glad to see someone other than Heroes end up at TC. I hate when there are 3 tribes and one keeps losing. I like it be a bit balanced in the beginning. Although, so far, Healers continue to kick ass. Another great come from behind! 

Not much to see at the other two camps this week. Chrissy appears to be working everyone in the wake of Katrina going home; I think she might actually be in a good position on the Heroes tribe. I want to see her and Ben work together.

Over at Healers Ol Joe found an Idol clue, but needed Cole to decipher it. I was hoping Cole would be the one to lay hands on it first. I really cannot stand Joe. 

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I wasn't looking too closely at the puzzle, were the place names all Survivor locations?  And did they fit in the order of Survivor seasons?  Just curious if that was a clue or if it was really just put them in willy-nilly until they fit.

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:


Why hasn’t the professional fisherman/woman brought in a boatload of fish for dinner?



I was wondering that as well. While Cole was out fishing she was having a nap. It's one thing to be quiet on this show but it's a big no to sit on your butt while others are out there trying to better your lives (fishing, filling water containers, gathering wood for fire etc) She is a commercial fisherman. Where she's from (Beaufort, N.C.) that usually means a shrimp boat or fishing boat that goes out for tuna, snapper, Mahi, and the likes. Granted there might not been enough fishing equipment for more than 2 ppl to do it at the same time, but she could have been searching for crabs (funny scene with the ginger and the crab) oysters, clams etc. She has a basic understanding of what resources are on the shore as well as out in the water. Her dour appearance is not her friend. 

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Yes, they were all Survivor locations. No idea if they were in "order" or not. Gotta say, as a non-puzzle person, I really liked that puzzle!

Random thoughts:

Ryan (is that the bellhop?)...dude is SKINNY. Like scary skinny. And huge package! Dang!

Which leads me to....oh BLESS whoever casted all the man candy. Yassss!

Joe: the clue CLEARLY had the water on the right side. He sure wouldn't have been on a Brains tribe.

Devin...is that the guy aligned with Ryan? (I don't even know half of their names!). He looks like a good looking Krist Novoselic.

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14 minutes ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

Which leads me to....oh BLESS whoever casted all the man candy. Yassss!

I second that! 

Did production actually tell them what their tribe colors would be ahead of time so they could coordinate their underwear colors with it? 

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3 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

I don't get how Simone was the right one to vote out of Yawa.  Ali and Lauren were completely dumb and deserve to get picked off by Ryan, Devon, and Patrick now that they've thrown themselves into the minority, especially with it being outright stated that the three men are the ones in control.

I don't necessarily think that tribe is thinking along gender lines, though. Ali and Patrick have been tight from day one. And then you have Ryan and Devon. Lauren is really the odd one out on that tribe, but either duo could use her as a swing vote, or just vote her out since they have no allegiance to her. I do think Ali may have fared better with Simone. Not because the dudes will all align against her, but because Simone would have likely been easier to manage than Patrick. But I think Patrick is very loyal to Ali. I don't see the 3 guys teaming up against her. 


1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

Why hasn’t the professional fisherman/woman brought in a boatload of fish for dinner?

I imagine her on one of those huge boats, hauling them in with giant nets. Very different from diving under the water with a spear. 

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She has to have an ability and talent of basic fishing skills in order to get a job on a boat. My husband and I were both waiting for her to get up and go out to try to catch something. Or at least help the one guy who did. She’s coming across as lazy.

Regarding Simone, as said above someone called her weird. We just don’t see everything the others who are there see. Abi was one of the most hated people on the show, from a viewer standpoint, yet she made it to 5th place both times. And she told me she did all the cooking for everyone, and she’s such a sweet person I can see why they kept her around a long time. Simone didn’t come across as nice, or funny, or great to hang out with. She could also be a very sweet person in real life, but something wasn’t clicking with her and her tribemates.

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11 hours ago, LanceM said:

The big elephant in the room which I am guessing will not be brought up the show but I hope someone asks Jeff Probst is the fact that not only did Ali and Patrick go to college together but they knew each other as well.  If production knew about this and still put them on the same tribe it would seem to be a little unfair.

But how would they know if Ali and Patrick hadn't seen each other in several years?  I don't think the casting asks people to name everyone they've known to see if one of them might be another potential castmate.  I don't believe that potential contestants are told the names of other potential contestants, as they don't want them to contact each other before the final decisions and travel.  I bet the contestants have no idea about who other contestants are until they get to the island (they stay at Ponderosa before the game starts) and have the pre-season interviews and photo ops.  Look how much problems occur in returning player seasons, they create all these pre-season alliances.  Survivor at least tries to prevent that for new player seasons.

If Ali and Patrick went to a big university, where there are thousands of students, it wouldn't necessarily jump out at the casting people that they would know each other, especially when one moved away (Patrick lives in Alabama, Ali in Los Angeles).  I just think its a coincidence.

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Why is it de rigeur for all male contestants to choose to wear tight boxer briefs during an underwear season?



Did production actually tell them what their tribe colors would be ahead of time so they could coordinate their underwear colors with it?

Coincidentally, I just read an article this morning that explains these things. Short answer: production dictates what the contestants wear and sometimes actually tells them where to buy the clothes.

Why you should never judge a Survivor for their clothes -

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12 minutes ago, dsteele said:


Coincidentally, I just read an article this morning that explains these things. Short answer: production dictates what the contestants wear and sometimes actually tells them where to buy the clothes.

Why you should never judge a Survivor for their clothes -

They've been color coordinated for many years. In the last few years production has gotten more involved in the underwear cut, size and color. No more tighty whities. LOL!!

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21 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

They've been color coordinated for many years. In the last few years production has gotten more involved in the underwear cut, size and color. No more tighty whities. LOL!!

Thank goodness!!!!  They didn't stay tight or white for very long.

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11 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

Closed caption gem of the year:  Someone said, "Not Simone," and CC transcribed it as "Nazi moan."  I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.

I saw that too!  Good to know I wasn't hallucinating.

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47 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

They've been color coordinated for many years. In the last few years production has gotten more involved in the underwear cut, size and color. No more tighty whities. LOL!!

Or tighty-pinkies in Philip's case. 

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3 hours ago, wings707 said:

I did not see Chrissy as full of herself, I like her.  I saw a producer asking her specific questions to get those DT responses.  

I don't like her.  While she may have been prompted, I feel like she has a very calculated awareness of what she is saying.  Everything seems rehearsed and deliberate.  If producers can prompt, contestants can wait and formulate what they are going to say before the camera starts rolling.  Or they can ask for a re-take.  Doesn't seem very genuine to me.  

Seems like they went out of their way to craft a story for her... while she was talking about meeting with each of the others, we hear her still talking while we see brief snippets shot at different times of her talking to the others.  The editors seemed to make effort with her, which might indicate she goes far in the game?

I'm confused now about exactly what she does for a living.  She said she has a lot of money.  She is listed as a "financial analyst" but I thought she said people trust her with their money (or am I making that up).  Last night she said she is an actuary.  So is she a financial advisor / investment advisor (who makes investment decisions for clients), a financial analyst (who reviews a company's performance and determines how to proceed and whether a deal is good or bad) or an actuary (who looks at  risk).  This is an oversimplification of each of these position's duties but I'm trying to figure out exactly why she thinks of herself as some kind of financial hero.  She should have just left it as her kids think of her as a hero because she's a mom and also works.  Funny, because I don't think many people think of a working dad as a hero... it's just their role/job.  Like being a marine or firefighter.  

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14 hours ago, ElleryAnne said:

In the only other development of note, Cole is apparently not as shrewd as he could be, or he might have kept his mouth shut about the real meaning of the idol clue.


And this is why I hate theme tribes. Cole said in a voice over that he felt like he should help Joe because he was a helper and his job was to help people achieve their dreams. I wonder if he was on a different tribe, just named after some local thing, and not the current stupid theme, if Cole plays that differently.

4 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Why hasn’t the professional fisherman/woman brought in a boatload of fish for dinner?

My husband scoffed when Jeff mentioned the fishing kit with traps because who would know how to use them? I pointed out that the tribe had a professional fisherwoman and that she probably worked with traps and the like on her boat. I don't see her as lazy. I suspect that there are some folks who want to go out and do the fishing and why mot let them? Spear fishing has to take a good amount of energy so if the young hot bodies want to go fishing and feed the tribe, let them.

I agree with everyone who says that it was a boring episode. It was clear who was going to go home. The diversion was ridiculous because it was so obvious who was going home. I did like the puzzle. I thought it was probably pretty easy, look at the size of the pieces and try and match based on size. I am not sure that we learned a ton.

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Chrissy was lucky that she was on a tribe with another older woman, so she wasn't the 'easy' first vote.  At the same time, I have to commend that red tribe that they didn't vote Lauren off because she was the older woman.

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I have to disagree with the consensus -- thought the boot was a foregone conclusion, I liked the premier and this episode. Both seem like throwbacks to much earlier seasons when production gave us time in the introductory episodes to actually get to know the tribes. There was literally no challenge action until after the 30 minute mark (a good sign that the boot was not going to be especially dramatic or contested) -- that meant a lot of time for us to watch these people feel each other out. I appreciate that since in recent seasons, we've often gotten to the merge before I know names!

I think Cole made the right choice if only because Joeny is such a paranoid and vindictive schemer that if Cole had misled him or refused outright to help him with the clue, then Cole would have had a target on his own back. This way, he's armed with some valuable info.


ETA -- Joeny = Joe + Tony

Edited by Gummo
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After almost every episode, someone here complains that they made it too obvious who was going to be voted out that week. In all the seasons of Survivor I've watched, I was never sure who was going to be voted out... until this week.

Simone said her first words of the season at the beginning of the episode. She told jokes that fell flat, and talked about pooping (never talk about pooping on Survivor), and talked about "controlling the narrative". They couldn't have made it more obvious to me.

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Random thoughts:


Did Ashley swim down for the Heroes? She’s a lifeguard. 

Skinny bellhop looks like a Snapchat video. 

Patrick is as loud as BB’s Josh. Ugh. But he looks like Andy Dalton  

Fishlady also reminds me of Chaz Bono. 

Joe is Tony 2.0. Another ugh. 

Definitely some man candy on the show. 

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6 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Why hasn’t the professional fisherman/woman brought in a boatload of fish for dinner?

Get her a fishing trawler with some nets, and I'm sure she could feed the entire cast and crew for a month on one day's take.  :>


1 hour ago, scowl said:

After almost every episode, someone here complains that they made it too obvious who was going to be voted out that week. In all the seasons of Survivor I've watched, I was never sure who was going to be voted out... until this week.

Simone said her first words of the season at the beginning of the episode. She told jokes that fell flat, and talked about pooping (never talk about pooping on Survivor), and talked about "controlling the narrative". They couldn't have made it more obvious to me.

The first really significant you're-gonna-get-booted alarm which sounded for me?  The opening montage of all the Hustlers, well, hustling - fishing, working on the shelter, gathering wood, etc...

...with the exception of Simone, whose ass appeared to be permanently affixed to the floor of their shelter.  

When said ass wasn't successfully executing a shallow-water version of a Warhammer*, that is.


Speaking of asses:

I'm not normally given to objectivication by focusing on specific body parts to the exclusion of appreciation of their possessor as a person - but DAMN, Ali has one astoundingly mighty fine ass.



* A quasi-related scuba diving technique - and no, I'm not gonna link that.  Search it up on YouTube yourself, if you're feeling sufficiently masochistic.

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This season is off to a slow start for me.  I have not really cared enough to pay attention to sort out who is who yet.   I liked Bellhop guy the first episode but he is starting to feel like he is trying to do his Cochran imitation (at least to me) and I am one who really liked Cochran but I don't need a Cochran 2.0.    Hopefully this season will start to pick up.  I do not like the big oaf who "found" the idol.   And Patrick (hey, I remembered a name) is exhausting to watch.

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16 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Why do people share idol clues? And Cole should have kept his mouth shut!! Joe would have been digging around the raft all day and night. Now isn't this where the idol was hidden last season? Tai found two by the water. Maybe it's a leftover idol from last season they forgot about.

First thing I thought - "Dude, you're an idiot.  You could have found the idol and Joe would never assumed that you did."  Also wasn't Joe the one claiming someone else had an idol?  So Cole now knows that Joe's basically a liar about it.

And really - why do we always want to punish the puzzle person when five people are sitting there SCREAMING instructions at her?  Hell, in that atmosphere I wouldn't even be able to do a crossword geared to ten-year-olds.  

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