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Season 5 Discussion


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Elizabeth:  "Now that Andrei is here I feel COMPLETE. Like a complete woman." (tears up) Really?!  And I think I'm going to start taking a drink every time I hear "baby."  baby, baby, baby.  

Nicole: "I just wish, like, that Ahh zun would, like, you know, stay home and stuff so we can like, talk about our future and stuff, and like, you know..."  SHE HAS NOTHING TO SAY.  And what do they talk about?  "You're lazy and I want you to take care of yourself.  You sleep half the day and you've done nothing I asked you to do. I trust you like 45% and I am attracted to you like 55%. I lost my job because you were calling me 100x a day so now you have to send me money."  "But you are attracted to me no matter what, right?  And I want to get healthy for me {not really} but it's HAARRRD because, like, I worrrk and have to watch May all by myself!!!!! And I don't mind paying for things!"

Evelyn has one of those overly-contrived, I'm-trying-way-too-hard voices, with the trills and the baubles, and the whispers and the little yodels.  She might have a decent voice underlying somewhere, but goodness, it's like the equivalent of an outfit from Chico's- you don't need to have studs AND fringe AND grommets AND chains all on one shirt.  I had the pleasure (!) of  watching/listening to a YouTube video she made of a song she wrote for David.  He looks a lot happier in the snapshots in that video than he does in Claremont.

Josh is a gem, isn't he- for mentioning on the air once his "trophy" is in his web- that he has "fertility issues to work out."  I cannot imagine thinking I've won/earned a ticket to the Land of Opportunity only to find that the person who is bringing me there is living like a frat boy, doesn't deliver on his promises of "everything I want", can't father the child I so clearly want (oops! Forgot that part) and is barely making ends meet.  (One can insert Jorge and David Poor here as well).  And David?  "I have no house, no job, no money and no personality.  I am giving Annie's parents two water buffalo and a bunch of borrowed money so I can bring her to America and TAKE CARE OF HER."  Now that sure doesn't make nonsense.

Molly is just stupid, and Luis is pushing buttons at this point.  Watch his face at the end of the previous episode when she tells him not to talk about sex to Olivia. "She can do what she wants with her body."  Side-eye from Molly, followed by "We need to parent her."  Response:  "she can do what she wants with her body."  I hope he goes back to the D.R. and to his bartending job.

  • Love 23
4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I don't think Luis is an abuser/molester/Charles Manson 2.0.

I DO think that he hates children though and since Molly has a child living with her, she shouldn't want to marry a man who hates kids.  I remember Devar with  Melanie's son; the two of them got along great, then again Melanie and Devar had working out and fitness in common.  I have zero idea what Molly and Luis have in common, except sex.

What do ANY of these couples have in common besides that?  I can't think of anyone of them having any shred of a shared interest.

Edited by greekmom
  • Love 4

Excluding Annie, May and Kinsley everyone on this show sucks as a person in their own unique way.

I kind of like Livi even though she's a moody teenager. I feel like all of the kids tend to have more sense than their parent. 

Also, I saw further up in the thread some chatter about May not sleeping through the night. It could be the jet lag. I can not imagine having a toddler with jet lag. 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, usernameG said:

Also, I saw further up in the thread some chatter about May not sleeping through the night. It could be the jet lag. I can not imagine having a toddler with jet lag

Nicole and May had been in Morocco for nearly a month when they shot the scene of May up in the middle of the night. I can see being out of sorts for a few days while  her body adjusted to the time change, but a month? I don't think so

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Nicole: "I just wish, like, that Ahh zun would, like, you know, stay home and stuff so we can like, talk about our future and stuff, and like, you know..." 

This makes me crazy. They fight all the time. Nicole is fixated on them "figuring things out" and "working things out". Do they ever have fun together? Do they enjoy each other's company? (hahahaha, I kill me). What is keeping them together? What is she trying to save?

  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, usernameG said:


I kind of like Livi even though she's a moody teenager. I feel like all of the kids tend to have more sense than their parent. 


Olivia is great. She is the oldest child of a spoiled, manipulative alcoholic who makes a series of bad decisions under the “I just want to be happy, wah, wah” banner.  That position comes with many roles. I don’t see her as moody — just lacking the vocabulary to express what it is like to watch her mother drive another car into metaphorical brick wall.  I’m sure Olivia saw her mother dramatically crying on the floor when her last lover left her.

  • Love 20
25 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Elizabeth:  "Now that Andrei is here I feel COMPLETE. Like a complete woman." (tears up) Really?!  And I think I'm going to start taking a drink every time I hear "baby."  baby, baby, baby.  

Nicole: "I just wish, like, that Ahh zun would, like, you know, stay home and stuff so we can like, talk about our future and stuff, and like, you know..."  SHE HAS NOTHING TO SAY.  And what do they talk about?  "You're lazy and I want you to take care of yourself.  You sleep half the day and you've done nothing I asked you to do. I trust you like 45% and I am attracted to you like 55%. I lost my job because you were calling me 100x a day so now you have to send me money."  "But you are attracted to me no matter what, right?  And I want to get healthy for me {not really} but it's HAARRRD because, like, I worrrk and have to watch May all by myself!!!!! And I don't mind paying for things!"

Evelyn has one of those overly-contrived, I'm-trying-way-too-hard voices, with the trills and the baubles, and the whispers and the little yodels.  She might have a decent voice underlying somewhere, but goodness, it's like the equivalent of an outfit from Chico's- you don't need to have studs AND fringe AND grommets AND chains all on one shirt.  I had the pleasure (!) of  watching/listening to a YouTube video she made of a song she wrote for David.  He looks a lot happier in the snapshots in that video than he does in Claremont.

Josh is a gem, isn't he- for mentioning on the air once his "trophy" is in his web- that he has "fertility issues to work out."  I cannot imagine thinking I've won/earned a ticket to the Land of Opportunity only to find that the person who is bringing me there is living like a frat boy, doesn't deliver on his promises of "everything I want", can't father the child I so clearly want (oops! Forgot that part) and is barely making ends meet.  (One can insert Jorge and David Poor here as well).  And David?  "I have no house, no job, no money and no personality.  I am giving Annie's parents two water buffalo and a bunch of borrowed money so I can bring her to America and TAKE CARE OF HER."  Now that sure doesn't make nonsense.

Molly is just stupid, and Luis is pushing buttons at this point.  Watch his face at the end of the previous episode when she tells him not to talk about sex to Olivia. "She can do what she wants with her body."  Side-eye from Molly, followed by "We need to parent her."  Response:  "she can do what she wants with her body."  I hope he goes back to the D.R. and to his bartending job.

No one makes another person 'complete'. You are 'complete' as you are.

A lot of these relationships are needy and co-dependent and will most likely fail. Most need to spend time alone and working on themselves and their crap.

I would probably ask for my own room at my beloved's for a bit.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I don't think Luis is an abuser/molester/Charles Manson 2.0.

I DO think that he hates children though and since Molly has a child living with her, she shouldn't want to marry a man who hates kids.  I remember Devar with  Melanie's son; the two of them got along great, then again Melanie and Devar had working out and fitness in common.  I have zero idea what Molly and Luis have in common, except sex.

Think he actually wants the girls to like him and he thinks if he acts like them, says what they want to hear they will like him. He is so confused when its comes to the girls and its probably based a lot on his age. He knows he has Molly in his hand and can disagree with her, the girls not so much, they hate him. 

8 hours ago, Granny58 said:

1.  Andrrrrrei is sexy as hell.  Yes please.

2.  Libby...my god, I just want to punch her in the face everytime she says his name.

3.  Azan is a nag.   

4.  Nicole sleeps until 3:00 p.m.????  Is this due to jet lag for May?  I hope that in the USA she's on a better schedule.  

5.  David Spain has a degree in international business, right?  No wonder he doesn't want to live in rural NH.  How is he going to use that there?  Makes perfect sense to live in a more metropolitan area, especially if they will have a traditional household and she will be a SAHM (or at a minimum, not the main breadwinner).  

6.  Molly to Olivia - "I would think you would want me to be happy."  I HATE that sort of catch 22 manipulation.  Is there any right answer to that?  Of course not.  

7.  Aika - I'm not materialistic, I want children.  One or the other dear but not both in the same conversation as you "deserving" the 2 karat ring.  

Andrei is the kind of guy, your girlfriends will pretend to hate cause they want to bang him lol.

  • Love 11
15 hours ago, Splithair said:

I even noticed Father and Andreiii were wearing almost the same shirt!

I noticed that too!  It was a unique lime green color; maybe they're more alike than the Dad thinks! 


Azan doesn't love Nicole, is not attracted to her, is - in fact - embarrassed by her, and tells his friend that he doesn't even think he wants to live in America.  How dense can one woman be?  

I think he is going to have a VERY hard time if he does move to the States.  In every other case, the person who leaves home becomes terribly homesick, yet it is the "love" they have for the other person that is keeping them there.  I don't think Azan can say the same thing.  

Oh, BTW Azan, don't forget leg day.  Yours look a little scrawny.  LOL.  

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, eggsnbacon said:

Think he actually wants the girls to like him and he thinks if he acts like them, says what they want to hear they will like him. He is so confused when its comes to the girls and its probably based a lot on his age. He knows he has Molly in his hand and can disagree with her, the girls not so much, they hate him. 

I also think he's not used to kids/teenagers acting disrespectfully to their parents. He was raised in a completely different culture and was taught that your parents are to be respected and admired. I think he was 100% wrong in thinking he was going to step in and have Molly's daughters look to him as a father figure. But, I think that's what he was expecting would happen. It's pretty obvious to me that Molly lets Olivia do pretty much whatever she wants and when she acts like a pissy teenager, she lets it go. I don't think Luis has much experience dealing with pissy teens and he thinks Olivia is really disrespectful to her mother. I also think he loves to rub in the fact that Molly is so madly in lust with him that it makes Olivia uncomfortable. The way they behaved at lunch said a lot. Olivia was uncomfortable with them being all kissy kissy at the table and he knew it. He kept doing it to piss her off.

  • Love 4

I'll bet Aika was naive enough to assume Josh could father children because he already had done so, and the subject of his possibly being "snipped" never came up. Maybe when he presented her with that supposed family heirloom ring, he gave her the impression it was temporary (like a pop top ring, cigar band, twisty tie, etc) until she got to the US and he could buy her the ring she wanted? In the jewelry store scene, I believe she was looking at a one carat stone in a holder above her existing ring (the center stone looked to my uneducated eye as just a tad smaller) and then she asked if they had a two carat stone. After the jeweler told her what it would cost, he didn't even have to bring out anything else, Josh had shut down the conversation at that point. Poor Aika, first a Jeep instead of a Porsche, living in a frat house, being forced into a potential modeling career, now a much smaller diamond than she thought she was getting. Life in America must be so disappointing, and it's very similar to the Jorge/Anfisa story only Aika has a much more positive attitude. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

The image resonating with me is Annie's mother standing alone in the darkness on that front porch. 

The whole situation is just so very sad.

That woman is tough as nails.  She was cleaning that suitcase till it looked brand new and didn't shed a tear until Annie was ready to leave.  And she said the truest words of the whole show so far in that her daughter was going off to America and would be able to take care of her family as well.   I find it quite touching that people view America as a pot of golden opportunity that many who are born here seem to take for granted.

  • Love 11

I think Molly is a complete fool and if she marries Luis, she'll get what she deserves. Once he has a job and a little money of his own, he's going to go crazy. Did you see his face in the previews at the strip club? Gross! In addition, while he might not be a fan of Olivia and Kinsley, might he not want his own kids? She is a complete moron.

I can kind of understand Anika not wanting a used ring. At the very least he could have put the stone in a different setting and put the old one aside. She might return the ring and go back to where she came from, though, when she finds out about his "fertility" issues.

David Poor, OMG. How is it that Annie is so desperate she would settle for that mess of a man. At least Josh could offer Anika a roof over here head, even if it's a shared on.

David Spain and Azan both need to get while the getting's good. Azan in particular must be pretty desperate to come to the USA to learn to become a trainer. At least he won't be stuck in cold, rural NH. Hard to feel for David sometimes because what the fuck was he doing with a teenager?

I thiink Andreis or whatever his name is is kind of hot, too. Wonder if Libby exaggerates about his temper. He is very forceful and forthright about his opinions, though.

Oy, this show. How did I fall down this rabbit hole?

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I can't get past Evilyn's pasted on smile talking.  Somewhere along the line she was praised for this.  She has an annoying way of saying something glib and condescending and then smiling really big like she pooped in the toilet and wants praise.  It's ridiculously annoying.

Yes! It is so annoying, I want to smack it off of her (and I am not the violent type!) 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, lucy711 said:

Nicole: She feeds her kid in the middle of the night?  What the heck?  Why isn't May sleeping through the night?  I also think it's rude to subject Azan's family to a toddler who apparently wakes up crying most nights.  And Nicole sleeps until 2 pm?  What is May doing while Mom sleeps?  So many questions! Why change May's diaper at night?  My son is 1 and sleeps from 7 am until 7 pm with one diaper.  I get the feeling that Nicole never bothered to put May on a schedule and is reaping the rewards!


Isn't May 2 years old? Why still in diapers?

Oompa Loompa is feeding her in the middle of the night and waking/disturbing the whole household? 

  • Love 3

I thought of the similarity of Josh/Aika and Jorge/Anfisa, too. But, Aika seems very sweet and is likable. Josh promised her all sorts of things and, now that she's here, she's finding out he doesn't have shit to offer and he doesn't think it's big deal. All he cares about is trotting her out in stiletto heels to show everyone he has a hot girlfriend. She's pretty clear on wanting children ASAP, hopefully his inability to make them will be enough for her to cut and run.

2 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

Isn't May 2 years old? Why still in diapers?

Oompa Loompa is feeding her in the middle of the night and waking/disturbing the whole household? 

Well, you know, if Azan's family would only stock the freezer with frozen fries and nuggets, she wouldn't have to make so much noise making a sandwich in the middle of the night! I wonder what Azan's family thinks of Nicole still being in bed at 3:00-4:00 in the afternoon?

  • Love 4
Just now, lovesnark said:

Well, you know, if Azan's family would only stock the freezer with frozen fries and nuggets, she wouldn't have to make so much noise making a sandwich in the middle of the night! I wonder what Azan's family thinks of Nicole still being in bed at 3:00-4:00 in the afternoon?

Yes! Let's get Family Azan some TH's so we can hear what "lazy" is in their language(s)!  

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

Isn't May 2 years old? Why still in diapers?

Oompa Loompa is feeding her in the middle of the night and waking/disturbing the whole household? 

Some kids aren't ready at two. But it's more likely Nicole was too lazy to potty train her.

  And it has to be consistent. My DIL undid everything I had worked on with my granddaughter when I watched her " because it's too haaaard" (much easier to let her just go in a diaper.) 

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Elizabeth said she loves Moldova which reminded me of my love for a very poor town in Tanzania. After I left that place I said I'd move there if I could. I don't know why I felt such a connection but I did and I still feel love for the place. Maybe Elizabeth had that kind of experience. I'm just glad that they are making it clear that she'll move if she wants and her dad can shove it. She'll even move to Moldova to be with Andrei. It's not all about America. I love it. 

I am a BIG fan of a lot of the Eastern European countries. I've spent quite a bit of time in Moldova, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Hungary, Czech. Slovakia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, etc. I actually really appreciate the quality of life that still exists there and I have yet to find friendlier, more spirited, people than I have found in Bosnia. (I hate to generalize like that, and Bosnia has its fair share of assholes as well, but as a whole it's the most welcoming country I've visited.) If Libby could create an online business that wasn't location important, and generate a fair amount of income from it, they could have a good life in Moldova. My husband and I would love to spend a few years in Bulgaria or Hungary. It used to be Czech but it's becoming more "Americanized" by the day. So yay to Libby for saying she'd go. I dig it. 

18 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

Does anyone else think David Poor is really 48 years old? I think he's easily pushing 60. And his orthopedic shoes aren't helping him look any younger... Run, Annie, Run!

I believe he is really 48. Sometimes when overweight people lose a LOT of weight like that, it ages them drastically. My mom had gastric bypass surgery and she aged about 15 years in a matter of months, as the weight dropped off. You can see that in his "bigger" pictures, he looks younger. 

  • Love 11
41 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

Isn't May 2 years old? Why still in diapers?

Oompa Loompa is feeding her in the middle of the night and waking/disturbing the whole household? 

Every 2 year old I have known wore diapers. Some parents have trained themselves to bring a 1 year old to the toilet at the right times, but most training doesn't start until the child turns 2 or even 3.  

Plus, May doesn't appears to have had her basic needs met but that's about it. I didn't see any books or toys for May, only the electronic device where she watches cartoons. 

  • Love 10
19 hours ago, Christina said:

I want the threats to go home to stop. The only person on this show that will go home is Nicole. Either sell the threat or shut it; you all are not actors and I want to make fun of you for your stupidity, not your fake storylines.

It's getting harder to believe that the family members are this ignorant, too. The moment Elizabeth mentioned Andrei, they wouldn't have known where Moldova was, if they actually gave a damn, like they are acting all fearful about now. Adjust the script, Sharp! Every couple is the same thing: "We have ninety days to decide if we are going to marry," "I'm might go back home," "He/she should be a model," "He/she is only here for a Green Card." Ugh. 

The threat are a story plot manufactured by TLC/Sharp.   Luis knows that Molly won't move to the Dominican and neither will he.   He most likely has family here and has already setup going to them as a backup.  Or maybe that was the plan all along until the TLC money runs out.

  • Love 3

David Spain stuck in podunksville New Hampshire in the middle of a New England winter living five minutes away from Evelyn's fundy parents should be the spark he needs to head back to beautiful Granada, Spain. Evelyn's so-called singing last night at the old geezer producer's recording studio was so bad even David Spain couldn't mask it! Not good. At all. 

Elizabeth asking how they are going to pay for the huge wedding she wants to have is so ridiculous. Let's see. She works part-time for her Dad's business. Andrei can't work for three months. If this was about love and not a little girl's romantic dream of a wedding they would head for the courthouse and get married simply with a few friends and family. Have a big party later when they can pay for it themselves and not depend on Daddy.

Both Evelyn and Elizabeth are little girls when it comes to their ideas of love and romance and playing house.

Josh is such a loser. Leave him, Aika. He'll never make you happy. Never.

Nicole sleeps until 4:00 pm. Eats burgers and fries all day, every day. Hmmm, those are attractive qualities. The come hither look she gives Azan while sprawling on the bed looks like a beached whale waiting for the tiny seahorse. The size difference!

David Poor is fat again! I wouldn't fault him for that if he had any other socially redeeming qualities. I don't see any. Hope Annie sees it for what it is and understands what her life is going be like in Louisville, Kentucky.

Edited by Matty
  • Love 5

I think by filming time, which was at least 7 months following Nicole's first visit to Morocco, May must have "age progressed" to closer to if not 3, even though Nicole is still shown as being Forever 22. I agree May doesn't appear to have been raised in any kind of a stimulating environment, being entertained by a toy while wearing earphones and sucking on her pacifier. 

  • Love 2

I wish Aika will STFU about the ring.  She was barefoot a while ago waiting on tips from foreigners.....and now she wants a 13K ring.   

and stop saying you gave up your life for Josh.  You had no life, which is why you moved to the US the minute the first dufus asked you.

Same thing for Spanish David.   You didn't give up anything.  Did you have an established career before you came?  Did you own a business where many employees depended on you?  Were you the patriarch or the matriarch of a big family?  NO, NO, NO.    Stop it please.

Josh your "complications about conceiving" get worse as the years go by.   You either want to do it and go on a treatment to move forward or you come up with empty excuses to NOT do it.

Luis and Brother Molly give me a gay vibe.....

Edited by AmyBre
  • Love 5

We spent less than 5% of our combined incomes on our wedding and had a blast.   All these little girls talking about wanting an expensive wedding.   Where do you get that from?  What entitles them to want an expensive wedding?

Where's the religion in Evelyn's story?  Most churches require their members to go through some couples counseling before getting married.   Also, they don't pray for anything and they don't consult with their church elders.   Something is off with her story.   I think she's doing it for promotion and I also think that her folks are "in" on it as a way to promote her "music".

Edited by AmyBre
  • Love 7

Why did David and Annie go to LA to live if they don't plan to stay there? How is he going to make money from there? I guess he has an online business? He is supposed to be "getting on his feet' for 3 months and then moving out and going to Kentucky? I don't get it. He isn't going to get a job in LA? Unless Chris is going to hire him temporarily?

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Molly's problem is that she dresses like she's 19 and a size 4.

And going to the Hard Rock Cafe.

In 1987.

And that shiny blue top is way too small. Doesn't she do fittings for a living? Do all of the women come out of her shop wrapped so tightly that they can't breathe?

Are those the LuLu LaRue pants that I see on FB all of the time? I think that they are plus size gear because my zaftig friends all seem to have purchased a franchise.

Olivia should NOT have been allowed to participate in this show. The eye rolling, xenophobic comments about people with accents and making fun of their cuisine is NOT a good look Olivia. Why did your idiotic parents let you be filmed on this show? Molly is a fucking moron! This footage will be available forever. And even if Olivia grows into a poised, respectful and polite woman this will still be here. Can you imagine if she decided to run for office? 

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, Kat30 said:

What do you mean?  NH is the recording capital of the world last I heard.

Actually, one could say it is.  I have a dear friend who has a fully professional recording studio in North Sutton, NH.  People come from all over the country to record there.  They have regular concerts by professional artists.  I personally recorded my Celtic Harp CD for my son’s wedding there.

And, for the record, there was a whole lot more equipment in this studio than a desktop computer.

All these freeloaders could work if they wanted to.  They could clean houses, babysit, do gardening, get a truck and help people move, work at Mom and Pop retail stores....or better yet, volunteer at the local library, volunteer at a food bank or kitchen.  Volunteer to read to the blind.  Even if your English is not perfect, your attention and companionship will mean the world to them.

They are just lazy, all the men and all the women, just living off TLC and their sponsors.  I hope they all get taken in divorce court.   

At my age, If I had to be locked up in a house for 90 days, I'll probably kill myself.

  • Love 6
51 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Olivia should NOT have been allowed to participate in this show. The eye rolling, xenophobic comments about people with accents and making fun of their cuisine is NOT a good look Olivia. Why did your idiotic parents let you be filmed on this show? Molly is a fucking moron! This footage will be available forever. And even if Olivia grows into a poised, respectful and polite woman this will still be here. Can you imagine if she decided to run for office? 

Being racist and xenophobic doesn't necessarily preclude someone from getting elected nowadays though. I agree on keeping kids off of "reality" shows, don't think it's good for any of them.

  • Love 21

Elizabeth's brother got a fresh eyebrow wax and all the hair gel and he came ready to give the very best reaction shots.

I loathe her family, and her father for treating her like a problem in need of a solution. She doesn't need a husband to support her! She needs to find a career and a means of fully supporting herself. And she's probably in this state of half-adulthood because she was raised by a patriarchal chucklefuck who undermined her at every turn. If Andrei really is as alpha-male and 'traditional' as she's been playing up, she's into it...because she was conditioned to. Gross gross gross.

Their meeting did crack me up, though, because it reminded me of this guy in college who I met and inquired after his accent:

Him: "I'm from Estonia."
Me: "HA!! That's not a place."

Him: "It's by Lithuania, by the Baltic Sea."

Me: "Stop making shit up, where are you from?!"

But Elizabeth's father and brother aren't 20 and buzzed off of 99 cent schnapps. They had every chance to research Andrei's home country, and should have, and it's not cute to show off their ignorance.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, spankydoll said:

Are those the LuLu LaRue pants that I see on FB all of the time? I think that they are plus size gear because my zaftig friends all seem to have purchased a franchise.

Olivia should NOT have been allowed to participate in this show. The eye rolling, xenophobic comments about people with accents and making fun of their cuisine is NOT a good look Olivia. Why did your idiotic parents let you be filmed on this show? Molly is a fucking moron! This footage will be available forever. And even if Olivia grows into a poised, respectful and polite woman this will still be here. Can you imagine if she decided to run for office? 

I think they are called LulaRoe? LOL IDK


IDK why so many are expressing such sympathy for Annie...the one screaming at him the other day for being 48 and having NOTHING. Her own father is about 48 and prbly has nothing. Yes, he has a home w/ no running water or AC in a poor village. Which Annie prbly paid for on her back.

No one is forcing her to leave Thailand. She says her family is poor. So by contrast, that means, there are ppl who are rich and middle class there, too. Thailand is not some hell everyone is desperately trying to escape from. There are many Thai women there who are living normal decent lives that do not involve whoring ugly, old, fat foreign men out of money. This is her choice (prompted heavily by her parents). It is what it is. Bc she cried when saying goodbye to her mother, now she is the hapless victim? IIRC, she cried when that slob of a fiancée told her he couldn't give her all the money she was trying to shake out of him, These women are pros. They are mail-order brides.


Aika was barefoot? Figuratively or literally? Yes, where did the fake breasts come from?


Libby's father said he wasn't going to help them out anymore but Libby also has a mother and stepdad. We haven't met them yet. Maybe her mother will spring for the wedding. How many sisters does Libby have? Three? Four "very expensive" weddings is a lot to put a divorced dad thru.

I still love me some Andrei. What a SNACK!

Is it possible he mailed his belongings to the US before he left? I did see them putting some kind of bag into Libby's trunk in the parking garage.

Yes, I agree w/ the above poster that Andrei is the kind of guy who all of her friends and sisters will pretend to hate bc that's all they can do to keep from jumping on top of him.

I think there has to be more to Libby that the dumpy little pouting feminista we see. I believe she dabbles in acting. I would like for them to show us more of her personality.


So you're saying Luis was trying to grope Kensley in the swing?? Maybe I am just naïve....or maybe some of you are perhaps guilty of a little bit of psychological transference here? (Or is it projection? I can't remember the difference.) No offense. But how else was he supposed to strap her in the swing? And if he hadn't, then he'd be criticized for not doing.

I don't think Molly wants Luis here as a babysitter-by-day and an erection-by-night. She has Jess around the house to help w/ chores and childcare. I think Molly just has a physical "type." The type gave her two babies, a lot of drama, a lot of heartache, etc but no wedding ring. So suddenly she finds her type, but this time, it's offering marriage. What she always wanted.

OK, someone upthread said Mother Molly was a divisive bitch or something similar. Explain plz?


I was one of the first making cracks about Evelyn ("flat as a board" in response to the suggestion she might have an eating disorder). Nope, I am NOT jealous. I never wanted to be flat chested.  It's no different than all the out of pocket remarks the overweight folks get. Well, yes, it is actually a lot less marginalizing that the fat jokes. No, we shouldn't say it but we do. But I have said before, she is a pretty girl and I like her bouncy, wavy hair. I just personally think she'd look better if she gained 20 lbs.


I would go to morocco ~just~ for the food! (Minus the sheep's head) Nicole is nuts!

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

Being racist and xenophobic doesn't necessarily preclude someone from getting elected nowadays though. I agree on keeping kids off of "reality" shows, don't think it's good for any of them.

Racist and xenophobic?? Really? Where are you getting that? Bc she doesn't like plantains? She's a biracial teenager growing up in South Bumbafuck, GA. She's got things to learn, but I wouldn't go that far as to call her those names...especially on a show where so many fully grown adults fetishize and objectify their SOs and relatives accuse them of embodying all manner of racist stereotypes.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

Isn't May 2 years old? Why still in diapers?

Oompa Loompa is feeding her in the middle of the night and waking/disturbing the whole household? 

I don't think 2 is too old for diapers but unless there's something we're not being told then it should remain dry overnight (most nights anyway).   I do, however, believe that a child waking and making a racket in the middle of the night at age 2 has never been put on a schedule.  If, as another poster stated, it has been a month so far in Morocco, that's enough time to get adjusted.  Plus, how is it that Nicole is sleeping while her daughter is awake?  Yes, of course, Family Azan is there...but as a rule that is never safe.   I know a young mother like this.  Always on the phone, never interacting with her child.  It kills me.  (and the child is a brat to prove it).   

now, another subject, I am in the distinct minority because if I was presented with a family heirloom ring that had been given to an ex, I really wouldn't care.   I would appreciate the family history more than anything else.   I'm pretty hard to insult.   

1 hour ago, Matty said:

Andrei can't work for three months.

is it 3 months to the K1 or 2 years to the green card when he can start working? 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I think by filming time, which was at least 7 months following Nicole's first visit to Morocco, May must have "age progressed" to closer to if not 3, even though Nicole is still shown as being Forever 22. I agree May doesn't appear to have been raised in any kind of a stimulating environment, being entertained by a toy while wearing earphones and sucking on her pacifier. 

I think May should be closer to 3 by now. Kids who are 3 or just under 3 wear diapers at night. But it would be a little late to still have a girl that age in diapers during the day. I think she's thrown all out of sorts bc she normally doesn't live w/ Nicole. I think May normally lives w/ Robbalee. She prbly goes to daycare and is on a schedule, then is tired by 8 or 9pm.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Lemons said:

Every 2 year old I have known wore diapers. Some parents have trained themselves to bring a 1 year old to the toilet at the right times, but most training doesn't start until the child turns 2 or even 3.  

Plus, May doesn't appears to have had her basic needs met but that's about it. I didn't see any books or toys for May, only the electronic device where she watches cartoons. 

I don't have any issues with May still being in diapers. But who is getting up in the middle of the night and changing a preschooler? At her age she should at least be in pull-ups and staying dry through the night, with minimal effort on the part of her mother and caregivers wrt potty training. But as @Lemons says, she is not having her basic needs met. She seems to be barely verbal-a child of almost three should have words and interact with her surroundings. May is just tied to that tablet and doesn't seem to speak unless its to greet a plate of fries with cries of glad recognition. 

  • Love 12

I don’t feel sorry for David Spain. He’s a grown man who’s marrying a teen. If he can’t deal with the fact that everything about the wedding and his married life has to match what she planned in the Barbie dream home, he’s a big boy. He could return to Spain. 


Besides, as far as I can tell Jesus is underwriting the wedding. That’s who seems to get the bill every time there’s a new expense. 


I do, however, feel bad for Annie. I think she and her family do know what she’s getting into, but they are that desperate. 

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