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Season 5 Discussion


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18 hours ago, NinaH said:

Eh, don't be. I don't think he's physically attractive, but I very much like a no nonsense, confident, with a healthy dash of cockiness man.  Someone who can handle his business and knows how to handle me (not in any abusive way) because I can be a handful. That is a major turn on for me, regardless of looks. 

Yes.  When Mr. Funky isn't dealing with depression, one of the things he was always adept at was handling my craziness when I'd let it get out of hand.

2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

We don't know whether they performed . . . we just know it wasn't shown.  Maybe TLC put their foot down, given that all the speculation that they were doing this for publicity was out on the internet before the wedding.  My history includes participation in church groups like the one that Evelyn's family "ministers to."  I'd be willing to bet money that they performed at the reception.  JMO . . . but it's based on experience.

And I'm sure they took a love offering as well......

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Azans problem is that he’s not viewed as marriage material in his home country.  Just as Aika and Annie aren’t.   Making a good marriage ( financially secure partner, socially accepted) takes money and stature in Arab countries and used to at least in Asian ones.  Long story short, Azan doesn’t come from a desirable family.  If he did, he’d be married.  So he’s stuck trying to hold his disgust down and con a woman with obvious issues.   He is a loser. 

I don't agree about his not being viewed as marriage material.  I think he is gay which is the reason he wants to get out of Morocco.  What better place to go, than to the US?  Land of plenty, fairly liberal about same-sex relationships.  He just needs to make a little sacrifice first in order to get there.  And he really, really, really wants to get there, otherwise why would he put up with Nicole?

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Boofish said:

When Molly told Andrrrrrei "there he is talking for her again" if I was Elizabeth I would have said "that's sometimes how he shows his love and protection; of course you wouldn't know what that looks like" She needed to shut her fat trap. No one there had any room to offer opinions or relationship advice.

I practically fell off the couch at that little exchange. Molly was very, very interested in deflecting the attention away from herself and her bad choices. 

3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:


Bolding mine, I only meant to quote the bolded text:  You know, She is in Florida, the fourth most populous state.  She is not in Left Foot Nebraska.  There HAS to be a good, working class guy who will be faithful, kind and respectful towards her and May and be a true dad to May.  He may not be as "hot" as Azan ( I don't find him that cute but hey) but stability goes a long way.  It does with me now and yes it did with me when I was younger.  ANd call me odd but if a guy said, on camera no less, that he was only attracted to me 55% (or whatever the number was) I would be so horrified I would bail.

She doesn't want a guy she can find in Florida. A local guy who was her peer would likely not be fit and "hot". Our Nicole thinks highly of herself. Maybe by the time she's 30 (with at least two more kids and a divorce or two behind her), she may appreciate that hotness is only skin deep, and that the balding, pudgy guy who works  the deli counter at the local Walmart has a kind heart and a sense of humor. But she is far from there yet. 

  • Love 19

Does anyone know when the next iteration of 90 Day whatever will begin? I'm not a huge TV viewer, and the only other show I watch regularly is SVU, which has been dying a slow, long, and painful death for a few seasons already. I'm pretty much down to hate watching SVU only because I can't look away and I've been watching from the beginning. I need my 90 Day guilty pleasure! 

  • Love 5

Okay what was the 3 hour special about? Was it just a repeat of the last episode and then the Tell-all added in? Thanks.

Molly's pain was huge and real. I feel for people, regardless of their bad decisions, who hurt that badly. So I don't know which other parts were producer-induced but I am sure that wasn't.

Edited by ethalfrida
  • Love 3

I get the impression that Molly feels shame for having kids without being married. She used the term 'out of wedlock' and it makes me think that her father and other old school, southern family members have said some pretty awful things to her over the years about it. When you add in that she had a child with a person of color (I believe Kensley's father is black), I can imagine she's taken a lot of flack about it and some very hurtful things have been said. It's too bad she can't just be proud of herself for having a successful business and raising her daughters on her own. It's like she believes being married, no matter what the cost to her or her kids, is so important that she'll do it even though she knows it's all sorts of wrong. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Horrified said:

I don't agree about his not being viewed as marriage material.  I think he is gay which is the reason he wants to get out of Morocco.  What better place to go, than to the US?  Land of plenty, fairly liberal about same-sex relationships.  He just needs to make a little sacrifice first in order to get there.  And he really, really, really wants to get there, otherwise why would he put up with Nicole?

In Islamic culture, women from good families who have comfortable finances and who are virgins are at a premium.  It’s possible that Azan, like many Islamic males desires a certified virgin, but can’t pay the dowry.  He’s probably not thrilled with the women his family can afford.   Then comes Nicole.  I imagine he’ll rethink the offers he’s had after seeing The Terrible Toddler who ate Tokyo.   Come on honey, you just need to do some work outs!

  • Love 3
On 12/18/2017 at 3:51 PM, AZChristian said:

Maybe it was one of those pre-paid cards written on the First National Bank of Thailand and only had the Thai bahts equivalent to $300 American on it.  That's why he couldn't go for $318.  A$$hole.

I'm thinking it's a bank/debit card from Thailand.  I've been in retail forever and have seen so many folks from around the world try to use their local bank card and it doesn't have a Visa or MC or AMEX or DISC logo on it.   If that's the case, he definitely knew it wasn't going to work, no matter how many phone calls he pretends to make to them on Annie's behalf.  

That's my hypotenuse and I'm stickin' to it.  

I hate that Ashley is hellbent on telling the world her family's biz.  I get she is angry.  I totally get it.  But the fact that her anger outweighs how she's coming across to the viewing audience?  Girl bye.

  • Love 4

This was actually kind of boring. The show was too be dramatic and exciting, but not willing to go all out. Could be that Host Shaun is kind of bad, but those softball questions are too much. Why did she not bring up Josh's situation with his ex-wife and why he maybe doesn't have contact with the kids he has not? Why was it ignored that David Spain started hitting on Evelyn when she was 15? In general, having the couples all there with their own hot takes on one other when they had no higher ground to stand on was annoying. David Spain lecturing about age gaps, Josh talking about responsibility, Molly, and Nicole going back and forth on their shitty parental decisions. Just ugggh. Don't even care for Undreiiiii, but he was the only person making sense.

Annie became more and more unlikable. Her completely dismissing why David's daughter turned out that way and saying it's an American thing and has nothing to with her; It does have something to do with you Annie because you should care about how your husband treats his kids. Then Annie telling Nicole how much Azan disrespects her while sitting next to her Bahtman after watching him gaslight her.  Antonio is an asshole, but at least he is entertaining. I have no doubt in my mind that Chris will keep supporting David Poor. Even David had a look on his face when Chris said it's over like "Yeah, I'm, getting that money". 

Aika and Josh are apparently "trying" for kids, but then Josh says he hasn't even gotten the reversal. Sorry, Aika, accept it now you will not have kids with this man. He is waiting it out until it's too late.

Luis did everything wrong and Molly still had to beg him to come back. Just wow. Olivia, get ready to go to college and get the hell out. Luis will probably stick around a little longer, it does help he is actually attracted to Molly, unlike Mohamit and Danyill. He will then peace out again.

Not sure what they expected David and Evlelyn to say "Best sex of my life"? "It sucked"? What an awkward scene. 

Not sure I even care about Nicole and Azan. TLC will try to suck everything out of this for as long as possible. I just hope May makes it out alright.

  • Love 9
22 hours ago, PityFree said:

Ugh.  I lasted five minutes of watching the Nicole show. So far it has only been replays of the exact same footage they showed us the first time and I’m not going to waste my time. TLC is just trying to squeeze more money out of the footage they’ve already used once before.

I was channel surfing and confess I watched about five minutes of it. I had to laugh when there was an ad at the bottom for TLC's website that said something like, "If you just can't get enough of Nicole and Azan's love story..." like it's the "story for the ages." No thanks, I'VE HAD ENOUGH! 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 8
5 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I'm just missing where her family has been overly critical of her.  Her actions yes.  But her actions include having Mae call two different fleeting fuckmates of Nicole's "daddy."  How are they supposed to respond to this and her paying someone who clearly doesn't love her?  What are they supposed to say when she comes back talking about how the trip didn't go as planned, how Azan said he's not attracted to her, but I'm sending him money anyway?  If anything, it seems like they've coddled her and allowed her to make very impulsive decisions.  I mean, we're supposed to believe that her dad is actually sponsoring Mae's latest daddy for goodness sake (I personally think TLC pays).  If anything, this family whom she uses for financial support, needs to become more critical and stop enabling her to make impulsive decisions.

Yes to all of this.  Her family has every right to be critical of her and her actions.  Imagine being her parents- as soon as Nicole is 18, she runs off to Texas to chase some guy, comes back pregnant, and then expects help.  That's a major problem right there.  Then, add to it the ridiculousness with Azan and a previous boytoy...I think her parents are too nice.  The kicker is that she still expects her family to help her out in this mess by watching May and giving her money.  Didn't mom even drive her to the airport for her absurd adventures in Morocco?

Her family is being much nicer than my parents would have been to me.  My father would have already sued me for custody of May and cut me out of his life.  And, he would have every right to do so.  Nicole is a freaking adult with a child.  It's not playtime anymore.  Cut her off and let her try to make it on her own with her barista salary and food stamps.  Good luck!

  • Love 17
On 12/19/2017 at 8:06 PM, PityFree said:

Ugh.  I lasted five minutes of watching the Nicole show. So far it has only been replays of the exact same footage they showed us the first time and I’m not going to waste my time. TLC is just trying to squeeze more money out of the footage they’ve already used once before.

ITA.....not sure if I even made it five minutes.  There's nothing new going on between these two (nor will there ever be).  I'm tired of listening to Robbalee (sp?) try to talk some sense into Nicole - honestly, I think May is more intelligent than her mother.  There's no story here TLC (nor will there ever be), please just give it up while you're ahead.  If I want to watch teen mothers wrecking their lives and ignoring their kids, I can always switch over to MTV's Teen Mom. (or TLC's copycat program Unexpected that follows 90 DF).   I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Nicole trying to get on Teen Mom, (although I don't see Azan coming here as a willing participant).  The moms on Teen Mom seem to go through boyfriends/spouses almost as quickly as those folks on 90 DF.     

I have to respectfully disagree with you Suzywriter.  I don't see Nicole's family as being unkind to her, just trying to get through to her about the realities of adult life.  I thought Nicole's brother was the most realistic thinker of the bunch and honestly felt he was trying to look out for his older sister. (I also found it hard to believe he was younger).  It makes you wonder what happened to Nicole when she was growing up - she doesn't demonstrate any sort of maturity for her age.  Nicole's family has repeatedly tried to get her to consider the consequences of her actions and what her "reality" will be if she follows through with them.   I think they have to talk down to her for her to even remotely understand what they're saying (or she's an excellent actress by acting like she doesn't).  While they were talking to her, I wouldn't have been surprised if she put her hands over her ears and start saying "lah, lah, lah, I can't hear you."   

I have to agree with Gone Crackers and Coach Wristlet Jen, Nicole acts like a recalcitrant three year old.  She's repeatedly shown zero responsibility for any of her actions (both in the past and for the foreseeable future).  She acts like the world revolves around one person - Nicole.   It's time for some serious tough love. Robalee, her husband and Nicole's dad all need to cut off all financial support for Nicole. I know that will be difficult, but its needed.    (When I graduated from college - decades ago, I got into problems by overusing credit cards.  I went to my parents asking for help/bail out.  My mom said no, and told me I'd need to get a second job to work off my debt.  It wasn't easy; I had a full time day job, then had to go to my second job two hours after I got home.  I worked seven days a week eight hours at my day job, six hours in the evening with only one Sunday off each month.  It took me about 18 months to pay off the cards.  I was pissed at my parents initially, but it definitely was a valuable experience and I gained a greater understanding and responsibility about personal finance, working and managing my credit.).

My worry is that May may might get caught up in all of this and not in a good way. We've all witnessed Nicole's ugly  side when she's frustrated (see her physical abuse of Azan) - I'm hoping she's never raised a hand to May.  (shudder)  Although she acts like she cares, I feel that May is just a pawn for Nicole.  She uses her to continue to manipulate her mother.  Whenever Robalee tries to have a mature conversation and/or wants to discuss something that makes Nicole uncomfortable or is opposite of what she wants to do/hear, Nicole threatens to take May back to Morocco.  Sorry, but if I was Robalee, I'd involve CPS at this point.   I'm hopeful that they'll be able to get custody of May.  What I don't understand is how someone who's only working part-time at Starbucks can afford to jet off to Morocco whenever she feels like it (yeah, I know its on TLC's dime......silly me). Let's not forget that rather important fact that she's not heard a word from Azan since coming back to the States.  (yeah, I know Nicole says that Morocco has crappy wireless service, although I never had a problem calling the States when I was in Rabat a couple of years ago).

I'm so ready for this trainwreck of a show (especially these two) to be over.  I won't be watching Nicole and Azan.  I did see the ads for My Big Fat Fabulous Life and My 600 lb. Life that will be coming back in early January.  I won't be watching the totally manipulated story line of Whitney Thore, however, I do like My 600 lb Life.    If he keeps it up, perhaps we'll see David Poor in a future episode - especially if he starts hitting the bottle again. I'd love to see him try to bamboozle Dr. Now with excuses.    Maybe that's why Chris decided to bring him back to the States. 

Edited by zoemom
sentence/spelling/ like, you know.....
  • Love 13
8 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Agreed.  He's obviously been a skirt chaser and boozer all of his life and hasn't changed one bit.  I'm sure when you are a kid with a dad like that, you just desperately want them to at some point turn around and say "I'm so sorry for being a shitty parent.  I love you and will do everything I can to show you this."  And for them to mean it.  Instead, I feel like she probably chased her father's love and ended up getting pregnant at 16 in the process.  He takes her to the OB/GYN a few times and figures he's done his job as a father and can now go skirt chase again.  The hurt that comes out shows me she's spent a lifetime being very low on her dad's list of priorities but is still hoping he is going to change and is still hurting that once again, he's consumed with ass.

Now I need to say this in defense of my dad because I cannot stand the thought  of anyone thinking my dad was anything like Dough Boy David...my dad was an executive with a major pharmaceutical company. He left my mom after beginning an affair with a female executive at the same company. He married her a month after my parents 20 year marriage ended. At the wedding ceremony, the comment was made "how nice it is to see Don finally happy.".  This was from others who only knew him from work, was not involved in our daily family life, which, until he left, we all...including my mom...thought was TV show perfect. Obviously, their marriage was not.  To hear that being said, in front of his 4 kids (oldest 16, youngest 6) made us feel like he was unhappy with us. 

My dad never pulled a Poor David Pour (PDP) he was always very involved in our lives, paid child support & alimony. 

Speaking of David Pour..he sure did knock them back...at his Sugar Daddy, Chris's, insistence.  PDP should have changed their wedding. I'm sure he did not realize (read...remember) that was his daughters birthday. If he really wanted to try to mend fences with her, he would have changed it to the week before, then done something special for her birthday, sounds like he's "missed" (read...forgotten),a few for both of his kids.

My DVR cut off before the ending...was Azin ever located? 

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 2

What I see with Nicole is a family who has tried just about everything to get through to her, so now they are just blunt. I don't think they are unkind. I think they are tired of her bullshit drama and want to get through to her somehow. Nicole uses May as a bargaining chip. She is such an immature, self-centered young woman. I have zero sympathy for her. 

  • Love 17
9 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

What I see with Nicole is a family who has tried just about everything to get through to her, so now they are just blunt. I don't think they are unkind. I think they are tired of her bullshit drama and want to get through to her somehow. Nicole uses May as a bargaining chip. She is such an immature, self-centered young woman. I have zero sympathy for her. 

I would straight up tell Nicole:  "You can hear this from me or you can hear it from CPS.  Take your pick.  I don't care if you hate me, I care for your daughter."  She would pack her leftovers, get pissed, lick her fingers and leave.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 9
1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

Nope, they never got in touch with Azan, and he didn't come out from behind the backdrop to surprise Nicole.  I think he'd be happy if he never saw another American camera crew again.  They should just leave him in peace.

TY, AZCHRISTIAN...funny, him jumping out to surprise her never crossed my mind!  ITA, they need to just leave him alone...all of them, including Nicole. I said a couple of weeks ago that he's going to need to change all of his contact info. 

Wonder if her sister has a different father..she looks nothing like Nicole or the man they showed as the dad.

I, too, only watched a, few minutes of that "Very Special Nicole Special". I had not seen the first season, after seeing a few minutes, why the hell did they bring her back?! My stomach was in knots & I had to shut it off when Nicole asked her mom to be his co-sponsor. Her whole "I am entitled" attitude gets me enraged. I want to pull a Nicole & grab her by the shirt, push her into a wall & just scream in her red, bloated face!

  • Love 5

lol, I just realized something upon rewatch. Nicole has the exact same mannerisims as her mother. Watch the scene where Nicole threatens to go and live in Morocco. Robbalee tears up, and then in her talking head she does the whole denial, "nope, not happening, nope, she ain't goin'" and turns her head away. The best thing for her to do right now is cut off Nicole 100% and make her totally responsible for May. If she fails at that, then she can try for custody, and then Nicole can go and wander all over the Sahara hoping to catch Azan. Nicole is calling the shots and using May as collateral of course, but, Robbalee allows it, indulges it, and created it. 


Unfortunately, I don't think that she or anyone really has a case to remove May from Nicole from what we've seen at least. There doesn't appear to be any abuse or neglect and there is no way that Nicole will give her up voluntarily. I know a family that had to do the whole tough love thing with their daughter in regards to getting custody of their young grandson. It wasn't easy, it was heartbreaking, they had to let her fail and cut off support, but they finally got custody, thank god. 

  • Love 7
On 12/19/2017 at 11:48 AM, shockermolar said:

I still have this theory that Andreii had a significant little nest egg saved up and took care of getting over to the US on his own. Just based on things he's said in conversations with Libby and with her dad, and also just seems like the kind of guy with zero plans to rely on others to fund his needs.

Thats true, but on a K1 Visa the American spouse has to prove they make X amount of money, and if they dont, they have to have the co-sponsor. So I am assuming it was either Libby's mom or dad. 

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

Thats true, but on a K1 Visa the American spouse has to prove they make X amount of money, and if they dont, they have to have the co-sponsor. So I am assuming it was either Libby's mom or dad. 

It's only about $16,000 per year. Pretty sure Daddy pays her more than that, plus what she makes with her acting gigs.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

Thats true, but on a K1 Visa the American spouse has to prove they make X amount of money, and if they dont, they have to have the co-sponsor. So I am assuming it was either Libby's mom or dad. 

I doubt it at least the father.  He was against it. If it was the mom we may have heard about it

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Maybe all Nicole's parents ever did was learn to express criticism and frustration with her behaviors. (And, if a child has problems with impulse control, it's not easy. However, given a calm environment, they can achieve wonders and find a meaningful place in society. A good job where they don't punch the boss in the face, etc.)

My god, this. This is such a common thing that it hurts me to think about -- for many of us as children, mental health issues or learning disabilities were treated as bad behavior only, instead of a symptom of a larger issue that needs support, not disapproval and punishment.

I'd say that 90% of all participants across all seasons on this show need therapy much more than they need a spouse, but Nicole maybe more than most. A good therapist could work wonders with Nicole, if she were motivated.

Robbalee as an audience surrogate is sometimes cathartic and fun to watch. But when I think of her family as Nicole's actual family, rather than a Greek chorus, I start to feel really badly for her. 

  • Love 5

So, yes, I was idly wondering who the baby daddys were ... 

Kensley's dad (be prepared to shade your eyes on the accompanying photo of Molly) ... http://starcasm.net/archives/379243

No clue on Olivia or, for that matter, May ... I suspect that May's dad (that she also met online from Texas) may be Latino ... that is one very blonde Family Nicole and that child is spectacularly dark and gorgeous. Plus, if Nicole's taste in men is consistent she likes handsome, dark with a six pack. (ETA: And apparently they like her ... until they meet her in person and have to deal with her personality for more than 10 minutes.)

Olivia is very striking and it would not surprise me if she was multi-ethnic though we know that she and Kensley have different fathers. 

I just set my TV to record My 600-lb Life so I can continue to hang with the cool kids. Like many of you, the constant plugs for that small handful of shows that start in January all tempt me so I can have a wide range of junk to binge on ... I had been thinking about watching Jazz from the beginning and then being caught up for next season because it's intriguing to me but I will take your collective advice that the show sucks and is not worth investing what little brain power I have left (time, I've got ... memory and brain waves,  not so much). 

I also tend to find Say Yes To The Dress fun gobbledygook, especially since my daughter has no intention of buying a wedding dress when her big day comes, leaving me bereft without getting to take a trip to Kleinfeld or some good vintage stores in LA (I'm half-kidding). 

If only they'd bring back "Toddlers and Tiaras" or "Show Biz Moms and Dads." Now THOSE were good times (though I suspect Glark would disagree) 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 3
On 12/19/2017 at 1:57 PM, magemaud said:

I looked it up, apparently you don't need witnesses if the person performing the ceremony fills out the form:

How do you get married in Georgia?

There are two ways to marry in Georgia. First, you can be married in a civil ceremony before a judge or magistrate.

Second, you can be married in a religious ceremony by a minister or other member of clergy.

In both cases, a marriage license must be obtained before the marriage ceremony. After the marriage ceremony, the person performing the ceremony will fill out a form so you can get a marriage certificate. The marriage certificate is the official proof of your marriage. If the person performing the ceremony does not complete the form, you will need two witnesses to the ceremony in order to obtain the marriage certificate.

Even if they required witnesses, I think you can just grab a couple of people off the street. They don't necessarily need to be relatives or friends who can vouch for you being who you claim to be, that's what the ID is for. There also is no waiting period required, so you could do it all in a few minutes (without the presence of a camera crew!) 

Sadly, I can cosign this.  I was young and so so so stupid and did something similar to what all these clowns are doing.  We went into the courthouse, possibly the same one Molly and Lou Wheeze went to, and walked up to a counter window that offered both marriage AND gun licenses.  Maybe that should have been my warning.  (Again, I was SO STUPID.)

Fast forward 30 years and I'M SORRY YOU GUYS, I'M STUPID.  But I'm smarter now (no really, I am, I swear to God and all that is holy that I am a pretty functional adult most days!) and we didn't have a witness sign anything, we just walked up to the courthouse and basically ordered a wedding certificate. Then we brunched at La Madeline in Vinings.  I went to work later that afternoon, even.  We divorced a few years later, no green card for him, and I get semi-regular letters from INS/whatever they are now, reminding me that because he's a nitwit and blew off an INS interview (I didn't know about it!), he will never be eligible for US citizenship.  

He's back in France and sad.  Whatever, man.  I was stupid, I got played, and now I have a fun story to tell at parties.  Except I hate parties.  And my divorce lawyer told me I wasn't even the dumbest person he'd ever represented, so there's that.  (YAY ME!)

  • Love 18
11 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

A lot of theories about what Chris' deal is so thought I would add my opinion. 

Chris might be the type of guy that has a tendency to pick up strays and is somewhat generous. He may have met David and thought he was kind of fun to drink with and David might have sold him with a sob story about "losing everything".  Chris may have benefitted some from having an unemployed friend that could do some under the table work including that Thailand gig. It is obvious that David is manipulative and probably continued to play Chris and it developed into a weird codependent relationship that Chris finds hard to break the cycle of after so long. Comments that Nikki makes made me think that David has a lot of tricks up his sleeve to keep this up, including when his card that was supposed to be used to buy the wedding dress didn't work and Nikki said that was so typically David. 

I think that's quite possible.  My dad used to work with a guy named Ray that was a very close friend of a very famous baseball player in the 70's.  Ray was part of the ballplayer's "posse" which was made up of 4 other single and divorced guys.  The 'posse' often travelled with him, went to games both at home and on the road, went on vacations together ,and when they were in town they were always going out to bars, restaurants, parties, etc.  Despite the fact that Ray (unlike David Poor) was an engineer and had a job that paid well, the ballplayer paid for everything for his four friends regardless of what they did.   Like Chris, this guy (despite his fame) seemed to need to be surrounded by a group of guys (outside of his team mates) to hang out with. It seemed to be an odd dynamic to me.  My dad seemed to think that for whatever reason Ray and the posse were "friends" of the player that he could trust/keep his off the field activities private.  When this player got married, the posse broke up.  However,  when the player left baseball and started his own business, he hired two of the four to work for him.  Ray continued to work with my dad until he retired.  

 I  think that many of professional athletes feel the need to have an inner circle of people that they can trust and that aren't there just because of the "fame."  I'm not sure if this player had any "sketchy" things in his past, I do know that despite being good friends with my dad, Ray didn't ever talk too much about his activities outside of work

While I think there's some sketchy/skeevy activities that is behind Chris and David's relationship, on one level I "get" it  -but was Chris actively playing in the NFL in 2009?  Did he know David Poor before this....David Poor doesn't strike me as the athletic type - a hanger-on definetly.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

So, yes, I was idly wondering who the baby daddys were ... 

Kensley's dad (be prepared to shade your eyes on the accompanying photo of Molly) ... http://starcasm.net/archives/379243

No clue on Olivia or, for that matter, May ... I suspect that May's dad (that she also met online from Texas) may be Latino ... that is one very blonde Family Nicole and that child is spectacularly dark and gorgeous. Plus, if Nicole's taste in men is consistent she likes handsome, dark with a six pack. 

Olivia is very striking and it would not surprise me if she was multi-ethnic though we know that she and Kensley have different fathers. 

I just set my TV to record My 600-lb Life so I can continue to hang with the cool kids. Like many of you, the constant plugs for that small handful of shows that start in January all tempt me so I can have a wide range of junk to binge on ... I had been thinking about watching Jazz from the beginning and then being caught up for next season because it's intriguing to me but I will take your collective advice that the show sucks and is not worth investing what little brain power I have left (time, I've got ... memory and brain waves,  not so much). 

I also tend to find Say Yes To The Dress fun gobbledygook, especially since my daughter has no intention of buying a wedding dress when her big day comes, leaving me bereft without getting to take a trip to Kleinfeld or some good vintage stores in LA (I'm half-kidding). 

If only they'd bring back "Toddlers and Tiaras" or "Show Biz Moms and Dads." Now THOSE were good times (though I suspect Glark would disagree) 

Are gloves required protective equipment to touch it?


  • Love 4
2 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

be prepared to shade your eyes on the accompanying photo of Molly)

What the HELL is Molly doing in that picture? 

2 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

Olivia is very striking and it would not surprise me if she was multi-ethnic though we know that she and Kensley have different fathers.

I thought it was established somewhere that Olivia's father was also Black. 

  • Love 2
On 12/18/2017 at 11:10 PM, Brooklynista said:

So Shaun isn’t going to call out Nicole’s abusive behavior of Azan?

RIGHT!?! and she gets to pull a danielle and dissolve into tears to avoid responsibility? with everyone jumping to HER defense? i’m glad they put that shit at the end. had it been earlier in the episode i would have been DONE with the lot of them.

  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:
1 hour ago, magemaud said:

What the HELL is Molly doing in that picture? 

Testing undergarments apparently. 

"That’s Kenneth in the photo above, watching his fiancee Molly test the stability of her undergarments by riding a mechanical bull–which is pretty much Double Divas in a nutshell."

Well, of course. Silly me! 

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, Normades said:

<<In order to get nice treatment and respect you need to give it and she does not. >>

Shouldn't that advice apply to The Robbalee Posse?


The Possee gives neither nice treatment nor respect, and they gang up on her. Maybe that is why they get tantrums from Nicole. I wouldn't be nice to them, either.


Little brother would have been told to get a job and raise a kid of his own before giving so much advice about things he's never done. He could maybe give himself advice to lay off the Twinkies and hit the gym while he's replanning Nicole's life.


Nicole's father and stepmother seem to be able to be civil, kind, and respectful. They can say "Hello" with a smile, and make pleasant comments. That doesn't make them pushovers. It makes them empathetic and caring instead of a superior snarkfactory.

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, PityFree said:

 If she doesn’t want her family to ask her important questions, if she wants her family out of her life and to leave her alone, then she needs to stop asking them for money and stop relying on them for free daycare and to be a safety net for all of the horrible decision she makes .  They are obviously sick of her shit.  This is a pattern of behavior  and they are tired of having to clean up Nicole’s  messes.

Then they need to stop enabling. Period. The bailing out/criticizing is part of the codependency cycle. Even when Nicole was elsewhere (Morrocco), Robbalee made it her job to fuss, worry and make predictions about what might be happen happening instead of going to the beach or thinking about something besides what Nicole *might* do wrong.

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Then they need to stop enabling. Period. The bailing out/criticizing is part of the codependency cycle. Even when Nicole was elsewhere (Morrocco), Robbalee made it her job to fuss, worry and make predictions about what might be happen happening instead of going to the beach or thinking about something besides what Nicole *might* do wrong.

Well, she was worried to death about May, I dont think there are many grandmothers who could just go to the beach without a care in the world when their toddler granddaughter is in a foreign country where who knows what could happen, being babysat by a strange family whom you've never met. I think that Robbalee isn't tough enough on Nicole, not nearly at all. She should be instructing Nicole to keep herself off the internet dating and getting an education to better her and May's lives, or at least try to get better employment, as well as take her to a nutirionist stat before it's too late. From the way Nicole speaks to her mother - with absolutely zero respect, demanding her mother to be quiet like she were talking to a small child - shows the power dynamic between them and that Nicole is in charge and wheedles what she wants from her. Nicole desperately needs some tough love in her life a little kick in the butt to open her eyes and see she is wasting her time with all this dating. It boggles my mind that Robbalee continues to give her money when she knows Nicole is sending it to Azan. SMDH that she gives all that money away when she is a single mom. We dont see her dad that much but he may not have as close a relationship to Nicole as she does with her mom, what we did see was him agreeing to sponsor Azan, another parenting fail. :o By the way I do think that Azan is a complete piece of garbage after I heard he keeps accepting money all the time from Nicole, both by her and his testimony. 

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