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S12.E05: Moving In, Moving On And Moving Fast

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Aspen is enough to make one's ovaries ache. *squeeze* Also, Lydia's littlest's arm raise and "Yeah!" when his brother described sexy times was awesome. I'm enjoying all the younger children and babies...it makes for a good contrast to the NYC cast where everybody's single and all the kids are MIA and/or older.


I guess the "hate" over nothing is not going to be exclusive to Meghan! ;-)

Well, Peggy's supposedly homophobic, so there's that.


I went into more depth in her thread, but Peggy is so Teresa Giudice to me.  Her look, her behavior, her attitude, her superiority.  It's all I see. 

Yes! During her THs, my mind went straight to NJ/Teresa the Felon.

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3 minutes ago, Hero said:

Shannon's husband looks at her with so much hate and disgust. It's a little uncomfortable to watch sometimes. 

Hence the infamous 40 pounds. 

Shannon knows what's going on in her subconscious and does not realize that the weight gain is the manifestation of a declining marriage.  They did after all renew their vowels, that is the death knell for any HW's marriage.

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1 hour ago, Normades said:

Yes, and apparently since Jesus wasn't around in the old testament to give this great gift, it must have not existed.  I wonder how they procreated back then.  Maybe the dinosaurs that they used to plow their fields helped them in some way.  The things you learn from reality tv.

Maybe throughout millennia God was testing Immaculate Conception and mere mortals kept being born. He got it right with Mary and to celebrate his Dad's success Jesus gave us sex.

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14 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

Hmmm, so you're one of those people that it'll never be enough apologies and have this need for Vicki to bow and scrape for a little while longer? I wish I was in that position! After the 1st apology and it wasn't enough for those b!tches, I'd give them the Rosie O, "sit and spin!" I have little respect for people like that! If you don't want to be bothered, say that and move on! Shannon, Meghan, and Tamra still can't move on, living with something from 2 seasons ago! That's pathetic in so many ways! ;-(

Bwahahahaha! The only place Vicki has ever bowed and scraped is in her own warped mind.

Sane, healthy people avoid her like the plague because they want to stay sane and healthy.

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13 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

I didn't see it this way. I thought she was just trying to make sure Vicki didn't get away with re-writing history and I thought she was doing so in a calm, reasonable way. Yes, if it also stirred up Vicki, I think she'd be okay with that. But mostly she was just trying to stand firm against Vicki's claims in front of the newbie, Peggy. I think Meghan wanted Peggy to get an idea of who Vicki really was. 

I really dislike Peggy. Usually with newbies I give them time to grow on me or not. But in Peggy's case, I think she's already moving up my list of least-liked HWs. And I can't even really pinpoint why. I think a lot of the feeling is arising because of her 'insta-friendship' with Vicki and how she thinks she's entitled to correct and judge the other women on their reactions to Vicki. You can't tell me she doesn't know the basic outlines of what happened in the past few seasons, so her defense of Vicki is even more egregious to my mind. And also very disingenuous. 

And can I say I loved the reactions to the lamborghini. Kelly, Meghan and even Lydia looked extremely underwhelmed by the reveal. They all had kind of a "meh, it's a yellow car" reaction that I was laughing. And then there was Vicki oohing and ahhing and claiming to be a gear-head. It was so blatant an attempt to suck up to Peggy and Diko in hopes that they'd gift her with a lamborghini. Yes, Vicki, I believe you're a gear-head. Just like I believe Brooks really did have cancer. 

I totally agree about Megan and I appreciate the way she was not allowing Vicki to get away with being an innocent victim.  That horrible woman not only scammed cancer patients and their families with her stupid "cure," but she then went on to scam people into buying cancer insurance.  Vile is just not a strong enough word to describe.  I applaud Megan for not letting her get away with it.  

As for Peggy, I am usually like you described above and I give them a few breaks while they get used to the show, but after reading about her being homophobic, I'm out.  I totally hate that witch.

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11 hours ago, Teddybear said:

Meghan looked and acted really weird on WWHL.   

I've never been so bored with a season, as many others have commented.  If the Housewives franchise has taught me anything, the show is much more enjoyable when everyone gets along---for example RHONY---you can tell they all like each other (for the most part).  On this show, I don't believe anyone really likes each other aside from having to film with one another.  

sorry teddybear, but i thought she looked amazing for the very first time ever!  i don't like  her and never thought she is pretty.  her hair and makeup was the best i've seen on her.  actually, the makeup was the best on wwhl in a long time.....must be new m/u artist on wwhl. 

now, her outfit is another story!  wth

9 hours ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

     I think it was contrived not just to talk about how much sex she is having but she has Christian sex, and Jesus loves her special Christian sex, and she was a virgin when she married, because, in case you didn't know, she is a Christian.

much like peggy being armenian.  

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So NOW Lydia's kids know that if they bring up sex, it will just be weird and awkward and maybe waste good beach time in Hawaii. They will be on the DL from now on. Lydia if you exclaim "Yaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!" one more time... just please... Also, what producer told you to NOT actually use the word, "vasectomy"? Why? Because "balls cut off" would get a much better reaction from the audience? Heh.

Vicki, where was your great retired detective boyfriend for the Lambo party? Now, when YOU are now FORCED to socialize, you look like your son Michael--looking for an exit--just get me outta here NOW! You are a dried up has been Bravo whore. And that COTO logo looks like "COO" from a distance. I guess that's better than sounding like "Kotex." When you die, Briana and Michael will sell ALL of your self important "Legacy" ASAP!

And hey klassy award winning bizniswoman Vicki, a bit more--remember the days of going to "the river" (Lake Havasu area) and "whooping it up" with all the other sunburned drunk tattooed people, getting hit in the head with a football, and dying to purchase a boat along with your property there? (Family was thumbs down) Good times. You are not a Newport Beach or Laguna Beach type no matter how many Lamborghini unveilings you go to or Maseratis you drive. And you are STILL no MILF!

Meghan, congratulations on being Planet Earth's first mother. It appears you are wearing outfits from your home planet. Every outfit was WTF?

Tamra, I like you better without lashes and stilettos. You don't look evil and calculating that way. All the dressing up this show requires must be exhausting. As are the constant violent confrontations.

Kelly, leave your mom ALONE! She is an ADULT seemingly without dementia. When she WANTS company or activities, she'll do them. YOU stay home, take up meditation and do yoga. STFU. Are you bipolar? I dunno.

Peggy. Nice car. It's south OC. There are lots of nice cars and rich people here just like you. Also women watch this show and the car thing is not much of a draw. You seem nice enough, but I think this is your first and last season.

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2 hours ago, Jextella said:

Kelly may bring drama and fights, etc. but she doesn't bring the human empathy component.   The interesting thing about the RH franchise is that it's about real people and real issues (in theory).  My belief is that we, the audience, have taken to them because they provide a bit of a barometer and we can ask ourselves, "what's right and what's wrong" and what would I do".  In Kelly's case, she is too removed as a human for people to relate to.  There is no subtance there for me to ponder where I sit on the moral and behavioral baromoter, and consequently, she brings nothing to the show. 

Yup. On these shows, even when I generally don't like a woman, I can often find myself relating to her on SOME level. I can't with Kelly. She is just horrible in everything she does and I don't care about any of her personal life moments. 

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The second Vicki said "I worked hard for those awards" I knew they were going to flash back to her falling on her butt! Jeana: "ooh, that's a step" 

Michael is really VP of Coto? 

Guess I'm only watching for Aspen :) Meghan is wearing a really odd outfit in her TH that makes her look like a Disney princess.

Kelly is obvious...she said her mother doesn't even have to find love, just a "companion." Kelly would rather be miserable with her companion husband then be alone.

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36 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

I didn't see it this way. I thought she was just trying to make sure Vicki didn't get away with re-writing history and I thought she was doing so in a calm, reasonable way. Yes, if it also stirred up Vicki, I think she'd be okay with that. But mostly she was just trying to stand firm against Vicki's claims in front of the newbie, Peggy. I think Meghan wanted Peggy to get an idea of who Vicki really was.

And I don't have a problem with that. There is never ENOUGH calling out of Vicki and her BS, IMO. The fact that she's even allowed to waltz around on cameras as if she isn't one of the lowest forms of human excrement alive is astounding to me. 


10 minutes ago, RubyRena17 said:

Vicki, where was your great retired detective boyfriend for the Lambo party?

I swear I saw him there. It was likely missable, but I thought I heard her declare that SHE now wanted a Lamborghini and then the cop dude made some talked-over remark about her not needing one? I could have been hearing things, but that's what I got. I really do not think he's that into her. 

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5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I swear I saw him there. It was likely missable, but I thought I heard her declare that SHE now wanted a Lamborghini and then the cop dude made some talked-over remark about her not needing one? I could have been hearing things, but that's what I got. I really do not think he's that into her. 

I would imagine he got over her when she said she still missed Crooks. SMH, she is horrible and clueless.

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Do the cast members have a private game of oneupmanship to see who can scar their children the most through their appearances on the show?  If so, it's a really close game at this point... 

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I am always suspicious about people when they talk about being a good Christian...usually the more they say it the less I believe it.  Lydia seems to say it every episode.  Hmmm. 

If she is done having children she should consider having a tubal ligation, it's easier than taking care of a man trying to heal after a vasectomy.  Why does she think a vasectomy involves cutting off a mans balls? 

Has anyone seen their new magazine, what is the name of it?  Is there any mention of Sexy Lady or Sexy Jesus in the Notes from the Publisher? LOL!

Peggy's husband and picking out a suit was typical in my house, Mr. Baltimore Betty always differs to me for wardrobe choices.  Their marriage seems normal.  I am not making up my mind if I like Peggy or not, for me it's too early to tell. 

The car thing is meh with me, if they were classic cars like a 57 Chevy convertible or a Nash Metropolitan I'd be drooling over them but Lambo's and such are not my thing.  It must be hard to be that wealthy and not look like you are showing off, everything you have will be the best of the best so Meghan needs to let it go, those cars are who they are and how they make their money. 

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1 minute ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Wait, did Lydia actually say "Doug and I have been working so hard on the magazine that we need a trip to Hawaii...?"


First world problems.  

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Lydia gives me a headache.   Yep, talking to your kids on camera about sex.  Good parenting move... YIKES.   Can she just stop saying "cut your balls off".  I think she may actually think this is what is involved in a vasectomy.

Tamra, "I raised Ryan from the time he was 1 until 13 single"   So how does that square with when Ryan was 9 she dropped him off at his dad's house and said you raise him, giving him full custody.  And it wasn't until after Tamra landed (er, married) Simon did he go to live with her?

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18 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

While many here liked to say that Edmonds was going to abandon Meghan and the baby, Meghan always insisted he was a great father.  Seems she was right.

I've now seen a few people remarking on what a great father Jim is.  I don't know if he is or is not a great father, but I feel like -- maybe because we had such low expectations for him, particularly? -- the bar is set really low for Jim here.  It is definitely set way lower than it would be if he were a woman.  If Megan were the one constantly traveling for work, I don't think many would be scrambling to call her such a great mother because she had a couple of cutesy scenes with Aspen.  Just saying. 

(Also, just to clarify, I'm not saying a woman can't travel a lot for work and still be a great mother.  Just pointing out the double standard here.) 

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19 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Because they are making it extremely obvious that they have no relationship outside of filming.

The few times they have been together they act like former high school classmates who haven't seen each other since that one time one passed the other toilet paper under the stall during spirit week sophomore year.

They really do have no connection to each other. They don't even live in the same areas and seem to have no mutual friends. Megan doesn't even live in the same state, she is just staying in their California house for filming. 

10 minutes ago, ladle said:

I've now seen a few people remarking on what a great father Jim is.  I don't know if he is or is not a great father, but I feel like -- maybe because we had such low expectations for him, particularly? -- the bar is set really low for Jim here.  It is definitely set way lower than it would be if he were a woman.  If Megan were the one constantly traveling for work, I don't think many would be scrambling to call her such a great mother because she had a couple of cutesy scenes with Aspen.  Just saying. 

(Also, just to clarify, I'm not saying a woman can't travel a lot for work and still be a great mother.  Just pointing out the double standard here.) 

Jim is flying in to CA so Megan can do the show. I'm sure most of the time they live closer to his work so he can be around more for the day to day. He is not traveling away for work, he is traveling to Megan and the baby while she is away.

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  • Why is a legitimately rich woman a part of this shitshow despite the fact that she very recently underwent a serious medical procedure?  The family can't need publicity for their business that badly, can they?  And I could be way off base, but Peggy doesn't particularly strike me as a fame whore.  Whyyy?  Solve that mystery, P.I. Megan.
  • People who think a vasectomy involves cutting off balls should not be responsible for teaching a child sex ed. 
  • God help me, I'm kind of liking Megan this season.  At times.  A little bit.  
  • I enjoyed the early days of the show, when the women were mostly filmed separately, going about their individual lives.  However, these women are not interesting enough to pull that off.  They need to start filming as a group, or this whole season's just going to be one boring slog. 
  • From Vicki's apology montage to the coconut balls, at least the editors are sizzlin'!
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4 minutes ago, Kanena said:

Jim is flying in to CA so Megan can do the show. I'm sure most of the time they live closer to his work so he can be around more for the day to day. He is not traveling away for work, he is traveling to Megan and the baby while she is away.

Valid point.  Would they be living elsewhere if Meghan weren't on the show?  Maybe.  Again I'm not saying he's a bad dad.  Just that I haven't seen enough to know whether he's a "great dad."  He does seem to love Aspen a lot and seems sweet with her.  I still do think if this were the exact same situation with the genders reversed, no one would be remarking on what a great mom Meghan was. 

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Meghan made the choice to be on the show.   Jim, his other kids, Meghan's parents,  their primary home etc. are all n St. Louis, but it was her choice to take a new baby and a cousin to film in OC.   If she stayed in St. Louis she would be able to see him more, have her family around for support, etc.  

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2 hours ago, ladle said:

Do the cast members have a private game of oneupmanship to see who can scar their children the most through their appearances on the show?  If so, it's a really close game at this point... 

Hard to say who is in the lead.the least screwed up might be NY kids with BH or Atlanta second. New Jersey would fall below them.

The worst is Orange County withTamra, Vicki, Lynn battling it out. Lauri lost one to drugs. Tammy did the right thing by getting off the show but her two girls were lost long before that due to the divorce and are no prize now.

I feel Lynn might cinch the crown as both of her spawn were screwed before they were out of the womb.

Edited by Giselle
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7 minutes ago, Kanena said:

They really do have no connection to each other. They don't even live in the same areas and seem to have no mutual friends. Megan doesn't even live in the same state, she is just staying in their California house for filming. 

Jim is flying in to CA so Megan can do the show. I'm sure most of the time they live closer to his work so he can be around more for the day to day. He is not traveling away for work, he is traveling to Megan and the baby while she is away.

A couple of weeks ago one of my girlfriends was in a hotel bar in Scottsdale, AZ.  There was a man at the bar who everyone was gaga over. My girlfriend and her friend sat by this man and he struck up a conversation with them.  He was pretty obnoxious (what a surprise!) kept asking them if they recognized him and if they knew who he was.  My friend is not viewer of any housewives shows (what's wrong with her?!) and her friend had no clue.  The man talked about his new baby Aspen and how proud he was of her.  He also hit HARD on my bestie's friend all while saying he was married, but would be divorcing.  He apparently got more and more obnoxious and my friend ended up telling him off.  

So.... Jim might be a great dad, but he's still winning no prizes as a husband.  Though I'm liking Meghan more this season, I can't quite feel sorry for her in regards to her relationship with Jim, because she definitely knew what she married. 

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Vicky and Tamara both seem to be bitter betties this season. I think they are doing their best Bethany Frankle impersonations. If you are over it and don't want to be on the show, don't be on the show, simple as that.

I like that Peggy at least seems to genuinely enjoy showcasing her life to the cameras. She probably is there mainly to launch her daughters as models or socialites, but she does have a beautiful family and nice things, which is refreshing to see.

Shannon seems completely deflated and flat this season. I wish they would film her more with her family or actual friends instead of boring Tamara who seems to have nothing to say to the woman. They probably agreed to be filming partners but don't strike me as actual friends. I doubt Tamara is the type of woman that Shannon would associate with in her real life.

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Tamra and shannon are very boring together. There's no friendship there. It's painfully obvious. The only one tamra ever connected with was vickie. I also don't think tamra was really friends with Heather, no matter what they say. I remember Tamra alluding to Heather having a stick up her ass. That was genuinely how she felt about Heather. I also think tamra was a little afraid of Heather. 

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I've always have been fascinated with Vicki and Meghan's interactions.  Meghan doesn't cry or even scream when fighting with Vicki like Gretchen used to.

I've liked that the women have been on their own..with that said..the show should study season 4 of the show...that season got the balance between individual and group narrative perfectly.

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9 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

She also said he's out of town now more than ever so I'm not gonna give him a pat on the back for the little time he is home and giving the baby some attention.

On the blind items, it says that he has multiple women he's sleeping with and that's why he doesn't spend more time with her.

I think the added weight from the baby makes her look better.  She looks more attractive to me with some fat in her face.

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20 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

If Kelly was my daughter I'd slap the shit out of her.  If I was the woman attempting to talk to Kelly and her mother, I'd slap the shit out of Kelly.

 Vicki?  2 things - when I retired a year and a half ago, I brought home the awards I was given during my career.  They are still in the bags, sitting by the furnace in the basement where I put them 1-1/2 years ago, and, 2).  Do you think Michael just started having sex?

Lydia, wherever you were when you weren't on the show?  Go back.

My husband was watching this with me while he played with our cat.  HE wanted to slap the shit out of Kelly.  I still say Peggy and her husband are broke.  They are too showy to be real I think.  Like many others the best part, or only good part was the flashback of Vicki falling.  This is THE WORST cast.  Nothing is jelling and found myself ff through nearly the entire thing.

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I can't believe how boring this show has become. Whoever said that Tamra was fun when she was friends/in cahoots with Vicki was right. They need to (re)unite against a common enemy if this show is to survive. I think Shannon brings the whole thing down, frankly.

ETA: Every time someone says that they/those in their culture "cook with love," I think -- I cook with anger, resentment and fury only. Fuck these hungry moochers demanding meals from me. /sarcasm

Edited by LilaFowler
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1 hour ago, Eater of Worlds said:

On the blind items, it says that he has multiple women he's sleeping with and that's why he doesn't spend more time with her.

I think the added weight from the baby makes her look better.  She looks more attractive to me with some fat in her face.

Agreed - Meghan looks better when she's not overly skinny.

Crazy news about her husband finding so many women who find him attractive - or do they just think about cash while in the sack with him?

Edited by nexxie
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1 hour ago, notnowimbusy said:

Meghan made the choice to be on the show.   Jim, his other kids, Meghan's parents,  their primary home etc. are all n St. Louis, but it was her choice to take a new baby and a cousin to film in OC.   If she stayed in St. Louis she would be able to see him more, have her family around for support, etc.  

She said at lunch with Tamra and Shannon that she had not been to CA in 4 months. Maybe once the show started filming again, she came to CA a couple of times. So no, I don't think sleazeball Jimmy is flying anywhere to be with Meghan. And from what a poster up thread said, he was at a bar hitting on her friend so I don't think he's working all that hard, either!

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1 hour ago, PumpkinPK said:

The reaction of the woman in the water who pushed Lydiot and her son off of the paddleboard was hilarious.  I must have rewound and rewatched 10 times.

That was her mom!

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A few random thoughts, in no particular order.

1. Peggy and Meghan. If any woman I'd just met put her fingers on my mouth in that dismissive, condescending way, I'd have shown her the error of her ways.

2. Kelly Dodd. If she really had her mother's best interests at heart and wanted her to go to a senior centre and enjoy herself, she wouldn't have spent all her time sniping and tearing down her mother at every turn. Of course, Kelly Dodd has no one's best interest at heart.

3. Aspen. That baby is adorable.

4. Gosh-awful Yellow Car. Peggy ought not brag about how she designed that thing. Of course, we didn't see the interior, but we surely saw the exterior. And it was eye-blinding in its awfulness.

5. Vickie. Oh, honey. You can say, "I'm sorry," all week long, but if you don't mean them, the words are just so much warm air. In my own life, I've had people say, "I'm sorry," and then do the same thing again. I've also removed those people from my circle because I'm neither a masochist nor paid by Bravo to keep them around. You're lucky you have so many of the latter in your circles; otherwise your circles would be more like semi-circles.

6. Lydia. *sigh* I can call myself a Ford Fiesta if I want to, but sitting in a garage doesn't make me one. You can call yourself a Christian if you want to, but sitting in a prayer circle doesn't make you one either.

7. Tamra. See comment about Lydia.

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

My husband was watching this with me while he played with our cat.  HE wanted to slap the shit out of Kelly.  I still say Peggy and her husband are broke.  They are too showy to be real I think.  Like many others the best part, or only good part was the flashback of Vicki falling.  This is THE WORST cast.  Nothing is jelling and found myself ff through nearly the entire thing.

Kelly.  She still ragging on what a disappointment her husband is and this epi she unloaded on what a loser her mom is! Why is she on the show?  None of the cast likes her or wants anything to do with her.  Meghan said Kelly mean texted her that Jim was sleeping around on her when she was 7 months pregnant.  Yikes.  That's real mean girl stuff.  LIke when she said to Tamra last season that she understood why Tamra's daughter wasn't speaking to her.  Well, yeah, I think we all get why Tamra's daughter isn't speaking to her but that's a really low blow. Kelly's in a class by herself when it comes to nastiness.

According to a networth website Diko is worth about 6 million.  Not chicken feed but not Oprah money as they say.  Still have to watch expenses in a place like California where the cost of living is high, you like fancy cars, clothes, professionally done hair and  make up and have children to educate.   I think somebody ordered  that yellow Ferrrari, decided they didn't want it and Peggy got a good deal on it.  Don't believe she would have chosen that hideous color.

I'm waiting for a scene that shows me Lydia is not a dim bulb. Like does she have anything going on upstairs?  Her sex talk with her son was cringey and incoherent.  Even the kid was like - move it along, and - what's next!  She wasn't making sense. 

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6 hours ago, OFDgal said:
17 hours ago, Giselle said:

Hubby's ugly baby go to is "He's/She's remarkable!

Mine is "oh look at her/him"

My "baby" is now 50 years old (50 YEARS OLD!) and we got a lot of, "Ohhhhh...what blue eyes!"   He probably still gets that.

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4 hours ago, ladle said:

Do the cast members have a private game of oneupmanship to see who can scar their children the most through their appearances on the show?  If so, it's a really close game at this point... 

Couldn't agree with you more....kids under 18 should not be allowed on this show, bad enough their parents are...

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3 hours ago, MerryMary said:

Haven't tuned in for a couple a years but have been following everyone's real life online.  Watched last night.  The show ticked me off in the following ways:

1.  Vicki Gunvalson.  A legacy?  A legacy?  Guess what Miss Piggy, your kids ARE your legacy.  Look who Brianna married, congrats on that one.  She wants to fix everyone who is broken because the mother she grew up with is so broken.  And Michael clearly would like to be anywhere but working for you.  He's twenty-something and you're only talking about birth control now?  Give me a break.  We know the withdrawal method doesn't work, so why didn't you tell him about it in high school when he probably was using it?  No doubt Michael's girlfriend is the keeper of her ovaries and is handling it as she sees fit.  Good luck with that.

Your kids are your legacy and they can't stand you.  You just want them involved in the business so you can manipulate them at close range.  We know this.  Your kids know this.  Hope those checks are worth it.


2.  Tamra Judge.  Well, your daughter called you out on your b.s. story line this morning.  She merely wants her privacy and you won't give it to her.  You HAD to post her graduation on social media and she didn't like it.  Guess what?  She's right. She asked you not to do that but you did it anyway.  Your whole story line this season about mending this broken relationship with your daughter is pathetic.  Don't throw your kids under the bus for a story line.  They want a private relationship with you and you won't give it to them.  


3.  Lydia (sorry, I never learned her last name).  Talking to your young children about sex on camera, on a beach no less?  Do you know how this is going to work out?  Ask Tamra.  And you're publishing a magazine?  Why don't you just draw on a cave wall?  It's a digital age.  Your husband isn't that smart, I'm sure you figured that out by now and perhaps that's really why you don't want any more kids.  


3.  Meghan Edmonds.  Jim has never been home.  He never will be home.  He doesn't want to be home.  You knew that when you married him, so deal with it.  You know who else isn't home?  Donald Trump.  Melania loves it.  She no longer has to put up with him, we do. 


4.  Peggy.  Married for money, working 24 hours a day.  So obvious.  Not even having a fatal disease can make her less shallow.  Impressive.


I'm spitting nails today. Time for a nice glass of wine.

My hat is off to you MerryMary, and I am applauding you as well, great post...

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Geez Louise, that was painful. When Vicki is middle of the pack with regards to intelligence (but still at the bottom of the pack with regards to morals) you know there is a problem. They could rename this franchise Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest. Though Lydia, Peggy and Kelly would have to interchange IDs depending on the scene. 

I don't remember Lydia being this stupid the first time she was on. Has she had a lobotomy? Newfoundlanders get a lot of undeserved ribbing about being not-too-bright, and Lydia is doing nothing to help the cause of proving the myth incorrect. 

Wow, Kelly's mother could easily pass for 78, not 68. Having a narcissist for a daughter has definitely taken a toll on her. 

Peggy, Peggy, Peggy. The FreshOffTheBoat persona is just not working. Water under the rug? Seriously? You have been in the country for 43 years so stop trying to act like you have no idea or understanding of basic English and phrases. Why was the guy at the end of the table in that scene banging his head? I know why I wanted to, but not sure about him. I am beginning to think that rumors that Peggy has disowned her brother because he is gay is a cover up. She has really disowned him because he is much smarter than she is. Not that it would take much. I did notice though her accent comes and goes - it was gone in a couple of THs. Did Bravo hire a coach for HWs that want to develop a fake accent? I hope he/she is getting paid well to put up with Peggy and Dorito. 

I hope Megan doesn't spend the whole season lamenting about Jimmy being away, since it is her choice to be away from him. I wonder if she will get jealous of playing second fiddle to Aspen? At this point I assume Girly Girl is third, but if Megan whines too much GG may move up a spot. I am enjoying Megan for the most part though, and like that she wouldn't let Vicki away with rewriting history. Zip your own lips, Peggy. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I can't believe I'm saying these two things. 

1. I think I actually like Meghan. 

2. I'm done with the OC. 

I loved this franchise! But now it's watching one teach her kid to drive, another at a Bible study, a vaginal rejuvenation, blah blah blah. There's just nothing worth watching going on. 

I used to like Shannon, and now I just want to punch her. She whines and wants to blame everyone else for her unhappiness. She thinks Vicki spreading rumors will damage David's business. Really? Not his affair you've made sure everyone knows all about? Not digging around in his wife's anus for a plastic enema nozzle? Not his wife being BSC on tv?

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11 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Talking to your child about sex is an important conversation to have... And NOT ON CAMERA! Lydia and Dutch showed themselves to be two snickering assholes in the way they exploited their kids' natural curiosity on television, they embarrassed him and they should be ashamed of their stupid decision to do that. Morons. 

I thought his name was Hutch :)

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9 hours ago, PerPlexied said:

I am the biggest ride-or-die housewives fan on the planet. 

This is the first time I truly do not even look forward to watching a franchise. It's almost a chore to sit through. What the hell happened to the OC?

This is EXACTLY how I feel as well

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40 minutes ago, bagger said:

I thought his name was Hutch :)

Hutch, Dutch, Starsky.  It can be anything you want.  The dude is a cardboard cutout.

I thought K Dudds Mom looked pretty spry.  Her hair is messy but trendy, and her outfit was trendy as well.  Far more flattering than that lumpy schmatta The Dudd was wearing.  What a stupid storyline.  Last year it was negging Mr Clean, and this year its elder abuse.  Fuck you Bravo.  This woman is just evil.

Megans baby is cute.  That's about all I can say positive about this snooze fest.

Sorry Vicki.  You tried to sell fucking juice to terminally ill people in collusion with your cancer lying boyfriend.  You need to retire far away from polite society.  You are a steaming pile of crap.   That said, Shannon should stop obsessing about it and get on with her own fucked up life. 

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