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S12.E03: The Not So Quiet Woman

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I don't know about that.  Vaginal rejuvenation is mostly used to kill time. It's a dumb filler activity that underscores how frivolous the women are. However, psychics are primarily used to stir shit on housewives shows: Allison Dubois, the one on RHoNY who said Dorinda wouldn't marry John, Tyler who said Brooks didn't have cancer, Jackie on Melbourne who implied that Gina's boyfriend might be cheating on her, and the psychic they just had on Southern Charm.

And the psychic who told Ramona her husband was cheating on her.

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2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Why would a bagina need to be revitalized?  Isn't it by nature elastic and resilient?  Are they experiencing prolapses?  Can't they do kegels?   I'm sick of hearing about nu nus and cooters on this damn franchise. 

Ok Mu Shu, what's a nu nu?  :)   The closest thing I've heard is nuk nuk which is a pacifier in my family.  Somehow I don't think they are the same.

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

Kelly anigif_enhanced-2331-1395245347-5.gif?cr

LOL! (Honest, Bethenny, I literally LOL'ed!) I had a Husky and she routinely did stuff like this. I admit I keep watching this. Maybe not as much as Bambi and the potato, but enough ;)

48 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I will give it to Lydia, Peggy and Tamra for not acting shocked when Shannon revealed her weight and body fat.  UNLIKE HER TRAINER.  Shame on that guy.  The constant "Wow!" was driving me nuts.  He should have been telling her "This is day 1. Wait until we look back at these photos, when you're feeling better and are healthier. You won't let yourself get here again."  And certainly not asking how David is taking it.  Maybe that's part of Shannon's problem?  After all, she said she's worried sick he will leave her because of her weight gain.  Jesus.

I like Peggy.  I didn't think I would but she seems like an okay lady.  And I so appreciate her husband, who says she's the sexiest woman in the world, with or without breasts, and she's his soulmate.  

The wow was pretty tacky, though some of rest of the stuff he said wasn't all that bad. That said Shannon needs to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT to everyone. And stop speaking about herself in such negative terms. And I wish Tamra hadn't spoken about Shannon's weight gain as though she were going to keel over on the spot as though she was on "My 600 Lb Life." It's not healthy but at the same time, that was bordering on catastrophizing, which is the last thing Shannon needs.

Anyway, I agree about Peggy's husband. That was such a kind statement and it seemed sincere. Compared to so many of the RH husbands, who are pretty douchey. They remind me a little of Joyce and Mr Joyce from RHOBH. 

Edited by ivygirl
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Hmm, I think I might be done with this show. This isn't even entertaining anymore.  It's just sad.

Kelly: I'm not even going to waste time writing about this living psycho troll.

Shannon: I'd feel bad for you, but you're choosing to air everything to everyone instead of getting some therapy and actually turning your life around.

Peggy: I don't know what's worse, the hair or the neon pink lipstick. So basically her saying yelling means you've lost control, is foreshadowing that she'll be yelling at some point this season right? Also, please stop paying more attention to facetiming than driving your ugly ass car (and Lydia, stop trying to get Peggy to look at your phone!! Apparently you don't care about your life either). Yikes! It won't matter that you saved yourself from breast cancer if you wind up wrapped around a telephone pole. That was scary. 

Best of luck to everyone. 

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Shannon's ability to make everything about herself is exhausting.

I hate the method by which she argues.  Going on and on about how she has been wronged, how she was wounded, etc.  She won't stop talking until she has beaten the other person down to accepting how she felt during an altercation.  She honestly has no interest in how the other party may have felt or what they might have been thinking.

The principle of her argument is always "poor me" and "I'm right because you made me feel bad."

Edited by PumpkinPK
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4 hours ago, Denim Dreams said:

Ok Mu Shu, what's a nu nu?  :)   The closest thing I've heard is nuk nuk which is a pacifier in my family.  Somehow I don't think they are the same.

Nu nu is lady business.  I hate the P word . So my friend invented nu nu.  We were strippers so lady business was discussed and displayed on the reg.  And not once did any stripper, and some of them were in their forties like Ramona, indicate they would go to a doctor to get a cuter cooter. I just think that is a lame ass storyline.  Hell with revitalizing the vaginas, I want to see footballs to the head.  Just a nerf, even if it is Vicki.    

This show is testing my limits for shit programming, and I will watch 400 pound women eat a bunch of food and cystic acne being popped up eagerly on YouTube.    The bloom is off the rose.  These hags are reaching their Waterloo.  I blame K Dudd.  She's a Hoover. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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8 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

If anyone's interested evil Kelly is going to be on WWHL  with the equally annoying Isaac Mizrahi. 

So how did that turn out? I had no intention of watching, even if it's weren't past my bedtime.

Was she really pressing her mouth against the window and making faces? How old is that bitch?

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7 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

That was so annoying! Apparently because Peggy is driving Cruella Deville's car, she thinks she is invincible? And WTF was Lydia doing, giggling like a little kid who has never been in a convertible before?


I have a pretty good feeling that Lydia is patronizing and coddling Peggy due to their spending in Nobleman.  I think there's a whiff of desperation there from Lydia. After the Quiet Woman Lydia was paled, apologizing to Peggy as though P were her most important client. Peggy and Danny Zuko, and their stable of Greased Lightnings, may be a big client at Nobleman. 

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The office building that Nobleman is housed in looks very sad. 

I have never identified with Jim Edmonds more than when he gave Meghan that look of "WTF?" when she said babies can see ghosts.

Both Lydia and Vicki need to retire that laced up front pirate wench shirt look, because both of them turning up with that look in this episode is a bit too much RenFaire.  And, for the love of Coco, everyone on this show needs to stop wearing the Chanel logo jewelry.  They all wear so much of it, it has become cheapened in a way that I can't look at it and not assume it's fake on these women.

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6 hours ago, Misslindsey said:


6 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Lydia feels so embarrassed about the whole display at dinner? Uh Lydia, you set the whole thing up. Did she really think that they were all going to hold hands and sing songs or something? She is like a mean girl that uses her religion to give the impression that she is really a nice, quirky individual. I am not buying it.

When I read your comment, all I could think of was this:




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9 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Peggy is an idiot. When Shannon tries to share why she built her house as she did, Peggy tells her to put in humidifiers. (I think that was her solution - my mouth was gaping open and I was a bit distracted). When Shannon shares the lies that were told about her husband, Peggy decides it is a joke. What a twit. And the way she turned her head when he hubby tried to kiss her tells me it is not all paradise in her relationship. STFU Peggy. 

So Vicki claims that an employee embezzled from her? That is her new storyline? So freezing and reading what was actually shown under the headline, Vicki did not bother filing charges against this employee. And the employee also poached clients from her son Michael. But Vicki only employed this person for two months. Sounds like another made up crisis, and Vicki is the victim once again. She is just too darn nice. I have a casserole in the oven as I type this. 

I got the impression Peggy didn't understand Shannon, since she claimed last week that English isn't her first language, so she didn't realize Shannon talking about a "clean" house was in the spiritual fung shwing way and Vicki was making serious allegations about Shannon's husband.


Apparently, Vicki's excuse de jour is that she's gullible and routinely gets taken advantage of by others. Bullshit! I was going to ask about this alleged embezzler. Thank you for saving me the time. :-)


8 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I have more severe words for Kelly...

8 hours ago, nexxie said:

Kelly says, "Everybody likes to watch a good crash, so long as no one gets hurt."

"No one gets hurt"? Really, you pyscho bitch?

8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I don't freakin care about Vicks new office.  And I'm not impressed.

Neither do I. It sounds as fake as that award she gave herself before falling down those steps in her back yard. I was fatigued from my workout, but I inferred from what that shady guy she was with (her partner? the contractor? the interior designer?) that this new office isn't nearly as large or as grand as she wants us to think.

7 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Surrrrreeeee Vicki you trust people too much and they let you down. I hate to remind you that you where complicit in Brookes' cancer lie. So I am pretty sure he could not let you down in that regard, because you participated in it. I really do not know how Tamra let you down when you were spreading rumors about her husband. Could it be that you actually let her down? How about taking responsibility for your role in all that stuff. Oh right, we know that will never happen, because Vicki is always the victim. Vicki you lied about your boyfriend having cancer, frankly Tamra and Shannon not wanting to be friends with you is getting off easy in my opinion.

Lydia feels so embarrassed about the whole display at dinner? Uh Lydia, you set the whole thing up. Did she really think that they were all going to hold hands and sing songs or something? She is like a mean girl that uses her religion to give the impression that she is really a nice, quirky individual. I am not buying it.

I included what you said about Vicki b/c I wanted to read it again. Totally on point.


My take on Lydia is that, as self-appointed "friendship whisperer", she arranged for Kelly to meet them there and make up but it backfired critically. I seriously don't think she realized just how mental Kelly is and how deep their differences were.

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Lydia makes me sick. She's a shit stirring little bitch and about as Christian as a rock. 

Kelly - that woman has some severe psychological issues. Causing people pain seems to bring her great joy. That psycho episode with her making those faces at the door of the restaurant gave me chills. Reminds me of those faces Charles Manson pulls when the cameras are rolling on him. 

I'm on the fence about Shannon but I do hope she gets herself together, gets healthier and lets herself get happier.   

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I just KNEW Shannon would storm away from that party and amp things up for David. She is right, but she's not right. I think Lydia is a little pot stirring devil faerie, but Shannon's reactions are never appropriate. And Lydia did NOT say, "I want nothing to do with you!" After Shannon kept freaking out and not letting Lydia get a word in, she said she felt they were not going to be able to be friends. I wonder if Shannon truly SEES things as out of proportion as she relays them, because.....wow. 

I do feel for Shannon. I just do not think she is equipped to handle this show or these situations. She's got personal issues, marriage issues, health issues. And some people can showcase that and bring others along on the journey. But she is so clearly unhinged and frail right now. Too much more of this and she might be headed for a real break. 

It does seem, by looking at more current photos, that she's lost some of the weight. So that's good. I'm not super judgy about size, but hearing that she was 40% body fat was alarming. Her holistic trainer guy just kept saying, "wow" over and over. I really did feel for her. But yea, you gotta take ownership of your own situation, put in the hard work, and make things happen. Not just bitch about them. 

That shit with Kelly at the end was crazy. Kelly totally came there on purpose. I don't care if that place is across the street from her or if everyone knows it's "her jam", she straight up had a conversation with Lydia about them going there and said she couldn't. Then her drunk ass showed up just to stir up trouble. She is just such trash. She knows exactly what to say to set people off. I cannot STAND her. But again, it would go so much better if Shannon would just keep calm and remove herself - instead of cursing and throwing things. "That's not even my plate!" WHY do you care so much what scum like that think of you??? Stop giving them all the power! 



Thankfully, not much Vicki tonight. But I do have to wonder if she's trying to make "Vicki gets a new office" into the "Heather's building a house" of this season. Stop, Vicki. No one cares. 

Best parts of this episode were Charlie  - I freaking love guinea pigs! - and Aspen. "Babies can see ghosts because they just came from the spirit world". Bahahahaha

Edited by ghoulina
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Kelly walking in to the restaurant. Set up. 

Kelly going straight to the bathroom and guess what? Shannon's in there. Set up.

Kelly inviting herself to sit at the table. Set up. 

All set up by production. Production used Lydia as the antagonist. They told Lydia to invite Kelly. It wouldn't surprise me if Shannon knew before hand that Kelly was going to be there. I trust nothing with these reality shows anymore or the players in the shows.  

I can't take Shannon's meltdowns. You don't scream "Fuck you" in a restaurant and throw plates. This is a very wealthy woman who lived in a 13 million dollar house and went to "Cotillion". She needs to be off this show every bit as much as Kelly does.   

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6 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Anyway, I agree about Peggy's husband. That was such a kind statement and it seemed sincere. Compared to so many of the RH husbands, who are pretty douchey. They remind me a little of Joyce and Mr Joyce from RHOBH. 

I agree. And I liked seeing him help her get her shoes on. He does seem like he's there for her no matter what. But what was with her awkward comment at dinner, that they joke about him beating her on Fridays??? That went over like a lead balloon.

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Lydiot (love that!) is the epitome of what is wrong with over the top Christian woman.  She clearly misses the numerous messages in the Bible of not causing others to stumble but to edify and build up one another.  I can be almost 100% certain that she believes it is because of Shannon's sinning somewhere in her life is why Shannon is going through problems and it is her duty as a Christian woman to point out and make an example.  Lydiot also missed the message about worrying about the speck in someone else's eye when there is a plank in her own.  Seen and survived a lifetime of these broads.

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2 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

So how did that turn out? I had no intention of watching, even if it's weren't past my bedtime.

Was she really pressing her mouth against the window and making faces? How old is that bitch?

Honestly, I didn't watch much of it, chatty people in the room drowning out TV.  She basically said she doesn't regret much of what vile things come out of her mouth. Her daughter watches the show, they know how she is. She was trying to be funny when she was pressing her mouth against the window, thought the whole scene in the restaurant was funny. I'm guessing she's in her 40's but acts like an immature tween. 

I think when Lydia was on WWHL last week she said they all got kicked out of that restaurant. Can't imagine why? 

Edited by Straycat80
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19 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Honestly, I didn't watch much of it, chatty people in the room drowning out TV.  She basically said she doesn't regret much of what vile things come out of her mouth. Her daughter watches the show, they know how she is. She was trying to be funny when she was pressing her mouth against the window, thought the whole scene in the restaurant was funny. I'm guessing she's in her 40's but acts like an immature tween. 

I think when Lydia was on WWHL last week she said they all got kicked out of that restaurant. Can't imagine why? 

Shannon, David, Tamra and Eddie were at the Quiet Woman eating dinner last night.  I think the restaurant likes the attention.  Maybe they just don't want Lydia back. ;-D.  I have a hard time with how Lydia views things.  She might want to dial back on the word crazy.  I am not certain she realizes that is every bit as hurtful as the profane terms these women use.  Friendship whispers needs to stop turning a deaf ear to what others are saying about their relationships within the group.   

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11 hours ago, Crankybroad said:

Shannon does remind me of Vicki - I can't stand either of them. I'm sick of hearing "I'm done!" Then BE done! Get off my tv. It's not good for you, your marriage, or your kids. You aren't happy. Her screechy voice is grating on me. I used to like her! You see an "enemy" and the first thing you do is whine to her about your weight???

I don't like any of these people. I did like the guinea pig - when I wasn't worried he'd fall off that counter. 

Ya, I thought it was weird when Shannon immediately started telling Kelly about her weight. Why? Instead of that, she should have just washed her hands and left.  As far as Lydia and the praying in the bathroom, wtf.  I thought, ok Lydia, you set up Shannon with inviting Kelly and now you're praying for Shannon?  That whole scene was a set up by Lydia.  She should pray for her own soul for being a mean, manipulative person.

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10 minutes ago, OFDgal said:

Ya, I thought it was weird when Shannon immediately started telling Kelly about her weight. Why? Instead of that, she should have just washed her hands and left. 


10 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Shannon overshares with strangers and enemies. She just met Peggy, Peggy shouldn't know her weight and body fat percentage. Same goes for the vile Kelly. They are at odds, why confide with her the second you see her again and in the crapper no less. 

Shannon seeks constant validation from others. She's an insecure mess. She needs everyone to feel sorry for her and tell her she's not as bad as she thinks she is. 

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54 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:


I can't take Shannon's meltdowns. You don't scream "Fuck you" in a restaurant and throw plates. This is a very wealthy woman who lived in a 13 million dollar house and went to "Cotillion". She needs to be off this show every bit as much as Kelly does.   

Yes. That was totally inappropriate behavior. It goes to show that Shannon does not have control...of her emotions, her weight and her sense of decorum (or manners). 


52 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree. And I liked seeing him help her get her shoes on. He does seem like he's there for her no matter what. But what was with her awkward comment at dinner, that they joke about him beating her on Fridays??? That went over like a lead balloon.

She clearly stated that in her culture it would be considered a joke but due to the history of Shannon it dropped like a "lead balloon".  I would have thought that Peggy would have watched a season or two of these ladies antics before joining the show, hence avoiding faux pas like this. 

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I feel really badly for Shannon -- menopausal weight gain is no joke. I know this because I've been there. Yes, she should manage her emotions and not fly off the handle but STILL I feel compassion for her. How can you not?  I just wish it would be okay for her to be a fat and happy housewife.  Wouldn't that be a nice cultural change for the Housewives franchise -- to have a actual overweight housewife who isn't ashamed of it.  

This season is starting off a bit odd for me because I am not sure if any of these women are friends in real life so it all feels very disjointed and false.  Peggy seems too nice and normal to be friends with any of these ladies. Megan seems content being a first-time Mom so good for her.  While the Tamra/Shannon alliance is still going strong, why doesn't Miss Personal Trainer/Fitness Model take Shannon under her wing and help her lose weight. I'd rather work out with Tamra/Eddie than that mean, judgmental "doctor."  It is obvious that no one will film with Vicki except Kelly and Lydia.  Maybe there will be more camaraderie between the cast later in the season but right now it is not quite jelling for me.  

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5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


Shannon seeks constant validation from others. She's an insecure mess. She needs everyone to feel sorry for her and tell her she's not as bad as she thinks she is. 

That makes sense.  I guess she's such a mess that she doesn't understand that she will not be getting validation from nutso Kelly.  I know I've had "girlfriend" talks in the bathroom but these were with my friends not enemies.  And I certainly never had one of my "friends" pray  over me in the bathroom!

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5 minutes ago, Gaily said:

I feel really badly for Shannon -- menopausal weight gain is no joke. I know this because I've been there. Yes, she should manage her emotions and not fly off the handle but STILL I feel compassion for her. How can you not?  I just wish it would be okay for her to be a fat and happy housewife.  Wouldn't that be a nice cultural change for the Housewives franchise -- to have a actual overweight housewife who isn't ashamed of it.  

This season is starting off a bit odd for me because I am not sure if any of these women are friends in real life so it all feels very disjointed and false.  Peggy seems too nice and normal to be friends with any of these ladies. Megan seems content being a first-time Mom so good for her.  While the Tamra/Shannon alliance is still going strong, why doesn't Miss Personal Trainer/Fitness Model take Shannon under her wing and help her lose weight. I'd rather work out with Tamra/Eddie than that mean, judgmental "doctor."  It is obvious that no one will film with Vicki except Kelly and Lydia.  Maybe there will be more camaraderie between the cast later in the season but right now it is not quite jelling for me.  

I was thinking the exact same thing about Tamra helping her out with the weight loss.  Why wouldn't she offer to help her if she owns a gym and has gone through extreme training for her contest? 

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10 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I'm not gonna lie---mean as she was to whackadoodle Shannon, I lost it and snort laughed when KrayDudd was making bubble faces on the window at Lydia and Peggy. Bitch was crunk as Helllll!

And then when she was laughing at Shannon lumbering and squawking all down that back hallway...I'm sorry, it was cruel as fuck, but goddamned did Kelly ever bring me fits of giggles with her ridiculous antics tonight. She amused me in horrible, horrible ways---even similarly cruel and gross Brandi Granville never quite made me cackle in guilt. Still hate KrayDudd and think she's an evil shrew, but I give her kadooze for still amusing the shit out of me...talk about poking the beast!

me too!


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7 minutes ago, OFDgal said:

I was thinking the exact same thing about Tamra helping her out with the weight loss.  Why wouldn't she offer to help her if she owns a gym and has gone through extreme training for her contest? 

Tamra addressed this on a WWHL  She has offered but Shannon lives half an hour away and doesn't want to drive there.

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12 hours ago, Liz Tudor said:

I've taken to calling her "Lydiot." Too dumb for words.

A nickname already given to Lydia from RH of Melbourne who is truly an idiot! ....  this OC Lydia is dumb but she's a bit too self aware, and mean spirited, to be a true idiot.

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13 minutes ago, Gaily said:

I feel really badly for Shannon -- menopausal weight gain is no joke. I know this because I've been there. Yes, she should manage her emotions and not fly off the handle but STILL I feel compassion for her. How can you not?  I just wish it would be okay for her to be a fat and happy housewife.  Wouldn't that be a nice cultural change for the Housewives franchise -- to have a actual overweight housewife who isn't ashamed of it.  

This season is starting off a bit odd for me because I am not sure if any of these women are friends in real life so it all feels very disjointed and false.  Peggy seems too nice and normal to be friends with any of these ladies. Megan seems content being a first-time Mom so good for her.  While the Tamra/Shannon alliance is still going strong, why doesn't Miss Personal Trainer/Fitness Model take Shannon under her wing and help her lose weight. I'd rather work out with Tamra/Eddie than that mean, judgmental "doctor."  It is obvious that no one will film with Vicki except Kelly and Lydia.  Maybe there will be more camaraderie between the cast later in the season but right now it is not quite jelling for me.  

It might be that they both want to keep their friendship. Shannon needs a friend who will accept her for who she is as she is now.  Tamra may not want to be that person who scolds, pushes, and voices when Shannon slacking off.

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46 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

Tamra addressed this on a WWHL  She has offered but Shannon lives half an hour away and doesn't want to drive there.

It was kind of Tamra to offer but I still think that it's not the mileage nor time but that Shannon doesn't want to risk the friendship.

Edited by Giselle
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11 hours ago, lilsadone said:

And can we please stop acting like this weight came out of nowhere - she has been gradually gaining weight for the last 3 years. 

She was only super skinny in her first season, and the complaining about weight gain every season since! 

This is from 2015  (she said this was 15 pounds overweight at the time - yes I looked it up!) This was before the "vicki made me gain weight" excuse.

I have an old, fuzzy TV .  Did the image of the scale from a few years ago show Shannon's body fat percentage?  There was a number down at the bottom (where the current body fat number was), but I couldn't read it.

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56 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Yes. That was totally inappropriate behavior. It goes to show that Shannon does not have control...of her emotions, her weight and her sense of decorum (or manners). 


She clearly stated that in her culture it would be considered a joke but due to the history of Shannon it dropped like a "lead balloon".  I would have thought that Peggy would have watched a season or two of these ladies antics before joining the show, hence avoiding faux pas like this. 

She obviously didn't watch any of the seasons since she actually ate her dinner!

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What a bunch of heinous woman! Losing Heather has really hurt. She was the only one with "real" class. Tamra and Megan I can handle. Even Vicky. BUT Kelly and Shannon are just too much!!!! Kelly is worse than pond scum, very insecure, inappropriate, mean as hell, and a dang drunk. Not fun, not cute. Disgusting.

Shannon needs to get the HELL off tv if this show makes her curse, throw things, and act like a dang fool. Quit and get therapy! You're in your 50's. You gained weight. Big Deal. Put on your big girl pants. And she can't drive 1/2 hour for a trainer?? WOW. Lots of us out here in the real world drive that much to work every day. If I had the $$ for a personal trainer I'd be happy to go where he is. Or is just Tamras gym isn't "holistic"?

Lydia is a pain in the ass. But I do like her Mom. 

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8 hours ago, ivygirl said:

LOL! (Honest, Bethenny, I literally LOL'ed!) I had a Husky and she routinely did stuff like this. I admit I keep watching this. Maybe not as much as Bambi and the potato, but enough ;)

The wow was pretty tacky, though some of rest of the stuff he said wasn't all that bad. That said Shannon needs to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT to everyone. And stop speaking about herself in such negative terms. And I wish Tamra hadn't spoken about Shannon's weight gain as though she were going to keel over on the spot as though she was on "My 600 Lb Life." It's not healthy but at the same time, that was bordering on catastrophizing, which is the last thing Shannon needs.

Anyway, I agree about Peggy's husband. That was such a kind statement and it seemed sincere. Compared to so many of the RH husbands, who are pretty douchey. They remind me a little of Joyce and Mr Joyce from RHOBH. 

I agree about the trainer. And I know this is emotional for Shannon but we all know she agreed to take off her shirt and get her picture taken for the progress pic FILMED so I think some of the "wows' where completely producer driven/staged...I mean she agreed to do it. If it is that hard for her why not have those private moments private? 

Warning- unpopular opinion here

Shannon was really driving me crazy acting like her weight gain was the end of the fucking world. I mean, I know it is hard and emotional but she is literally carrying on about it like she had some traumatic cancer diagnosis or something. She slowly put on weight ( prolly going through menopause) over the last few years. It happens. She has all the time and money in the freaking world to get it together. Shannon, you will live through your weight gain. I promise.

 She, unlike many other women, can send herself off to a nice weight loss resort, pay for a chef, personal trainer ect.  

I just don't feel that bad for her. It happens to so many people and maybe its because I've watching people lose loved ones at young ages to cancer  ( both under 30) this year but like stop crying and wallowing and victimizing yourself !! Like, just say hey I gained weight and its been hard and now I am trying to fix it. 

ITA about David though- he must be cheating again, I also feel bad for the kids. Their mother is literally losing it on TV. I would be so embarrassed if I were them. 

40 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I mean, I'm not very PC when it comes to joking, so almost anything is fair game. But Shannon had JUST mentioned the rumor about David beating her, and you could tell it was not a funny topic. I guess Peggy was maybe trying to lighten the mood, but wow.....big time fail. 


Apparently the gym/Tamra is about 30 minutes from where Shannon lives. I guess that's too much travel time for women who don't have real jobs. 

I think watching Tamra get Shannon into shape would actually be entertaining tv. lol

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8 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

She obviously didn't watch any of the seasons since she actually ate her dinner!

She actually said something like, "Is it ok if I start eating?" while the women were debating something. Cracked me up.


4 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

I think watching Tamra get Shannon into shape would actually be entertaining tv. lol

Hey, a show about that couldn't be any worse than RelationShep. Or RHOD. Or Shahs. Or SC Savannah. Or... er... many Bravo shows...

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I think you guys have covered all the important problems with this episode, except one:  

When guinea pigs make that noise, they are NOT HAPPY.  That's not purring, that's a scared, pissed-off guinea pig noise!  Stop the madness!!!  Leave your poor guinea pig alone when he's eating, you're stressing him out, Tamra!  Also:  Guinea pigs poop constantly, they are basically poop machines.  Be prepared if you're going to let your piggy run around on the floor, people.

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52 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Absolutely disgusted by Shannon's trainer saying "wow" MORE THAN ONCE when he was observing/photographing her body. Shannon doesn't need shaming, she needs understanding and possibly some hormonal help.

For my own personal reasons I'd love to see Shannon working with a Dr. that does a good hormonal blood work-up and also works with a compounding pharmacy to get the right mix. I know Suzanne Summers is considered a bit out there but her take on this more forward thinking than traditional methods.

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F-you, Bravo producers, for adding a cast member with a cancer storyline. I am not unsympathetic towards those battling it, but,   after the whole Vicki/Brooks cancergate debacle it is not compelling. 

Lydia is not the nice, Christian woman she tries to play. She is not a nice person, and does a poor job trying to hide that. Her husband pings to me. As if anyone would actually pay for that stupid magazine....

Someone that loves Shannon needs to do an intervention on her. Reality tv is not the place for her. 

Shannon should hire Eddie as her personal trainer. He wouldn't shame her, is good at it, and has a good BS detector. 

I bet Tamra's change of persona is because portraying the sex charged hussy at least partly contributed to her family issues with her daughter. However, a zebra doesn't change it's stripes. Regardless, she is unlikeable in both roles. 

Cannot stand Kelly, but, her showing off her toned flat belly in the ladies room, while Shannon moaned about her weight gain made me LOL. 

Meghan's baby is adorable, but watching her and Jim stand in their kitchen and talk about baby farts is boring. 

Edited by Juliegirlj
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I just can't with Shannon. She is obviously a very fragile damaged person. I went into early menopause at 40 (I'm 50 now). I too slowly started gaining weight and ended up 25 pounds overweight. I had to decide to fix it. I started logging my food, cut out sweets and alcohol and guess what? It took a year but I dropped the extra weight and have been stable for 2 years. It sucks having to monitor everything you eat but if you don't want to gain weight that's what it takes. For some people the weight gain doesn't bother them. Good for them. My point is either accept you like to eat more than you like being thin and just be happy. The only reason Shannon is heavy is Shannon. Get off this show, you can't handle it, get to a real doctor, a real therapist and commit if you want to change. Otherwise please shut up already. 

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I do believe in the principles of Feng Shui. In your home, it is about making the flow of energy more efficient. It will never work on Shannon as all it is doing to making the toxic energy that comes from herself and David swirl around more rapidly.

For all the horribleness that is Kelly & Vicki, Shannon is her own worst enemy. She sabotages herself, she said at Tim's gym she was going to stop focusing on the negative but that is all she does, she is the one who brought up her weight & body fat to Tamra in the car, Peggy & Lydia at the restaurant, and then to Kelly in the bathroom. The 9 lemons need to be inserted in her mouth to prevent her from whining.

Peggy - I think she is on lots of pain meds and maybe an anti-depressant. She seems slow and flat in her reactions. I don't think she should be driving. I don't think she is stupid and I can understand her reaction to Shannon. A woman she has never met is seriously over-sharing.

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9 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I do believe in the principles of Feng Shui. In your home, it is about making the flow of energy more efficient. It will never work on Shannon as all it is doing to making the toxic energy that comes from herself and David swirl around more rapidly.

For all the horribleness that is Kelly & Vicki, Shannon is her own worst enemy. She sabotages herself, she said at Tim's gym she was going to stop focusing on the negative but that is all she does, she is the one who brought up her weight & body fat to Tamra in the car, Peggy & Lydia at the restaurant, and then to Kelly in the bathroom.  The 9 lemons need to be inserted in her mouth to prevent her from whining.

Peggy - I think she is on lots of pain meds and maybe an anti-depressant. She seems slow and flat in her reactions. I don't think she should be driving. I don't think she is stupid and I can understand her reaction to Shannon. A woman she has never met is seriously over-sharing.

Exactly, Shannon is her worst enemy. Shannon is worried about David leaving her because of weight, but I think the negatively has to be the hardest part to live with. 

I didn't even understand why she felt she had to tell Kelly about her weight situation in the bathroom. Did she think Kelly would care or would be kind to her? I just feel Shannon just loves to swim in negative thoughts always and that is her biggest problem. 

Shannon needs to figure herself out or get of TV. She was losing her in that restaurant and she looked beyond insane. She needs to learn to not give so much power to other people. 

Kelly is a disgusting human. What kind of person sees a person in pain and laughs and taunts them? 

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