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4 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

How does having a 401K allow someone to quit their job and travel? Sound like she cashed in what she had saved. Cashing in a 401K when you are in your 20s isn't going to net  much, since she didn't been contribute very long. If she took the cash after quitting, instead of rolling it over, she is subject to a 10% penalty, plus federal tax. Not a very smart move for someone who has a finance degree. And thanks for the lesson about Roth IRAs. She is just trying to prove she knows about money. 

I know people who have a passion for travel and that's what they do. If what we see WRT to Courtney in Spain is indicative of  "Traveling, freespirited Courtney", she is a big zero.  

It depends on how her 401k was organized/invested.  With Roth, she wouldn’t pay taxes - just the penalty.  If invested well, she could have a nice return that makes the 10% penalty meaningless. It sounds like she also had inheritance money.  I also follow Dave Ramsey’s plan, like her parents. I don’t have a 401k but I have TSP (federal employee version of 401k) and I have it structured as Dave Ramsey advised and it has done very well over the past decade.  Reading her post, I think that if I didn’t have a family, I could possibly draw from it and backpack too. 

All that said, I think she plans on inheriting a lot when her parents die — so she has stopped working. 

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If Corny Ranch Dip was as worldly as a world traveler as she claims to be, she would already know few people in Europe have air conditioning of any kind.  Those little wall units are popular in the Caribbean due to concrete construction making ductwork a nonstarter. Malaga has a very warm climate.  

I remember we went to visit relatives in the UK when I was 10 and they had a heat wave. We sweated and sweltered because we were used to central air conditioning and back then, they didn't have those compact room units.  Even if they could buy them, they would be too expensive to justify needing them for one week out of the year.

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7 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Picked this up from the Facebook group, regarding Larry, quoting Jason Hitch:

”Looks like there is serious talk of he quitting his job and living with her for 2-3 months while waiting for K1 approval.”

Larry is officially an idiot.

Nothing sexier than an unemployed man with no financial safety net living in my family's house, insulting their food all while wearing a big white baseball hat.  How would that even help the visa situation?  With no income wouldn't the powers that be be inclined to deny the visa?  What about Larry's kids?  Is it a good decision to be without health insurance or money when you have children?  On the other hand, watching Larry living in sub par living quarters would make for good TV.  

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19 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Picked this up from the Facebook group, regarding Larry, quoting Jason Hitch:

”Looks like there is serious talk of he quitting his job and living with her for 2-3 months while waiting for K1 approval.”

Larry is officially an idiot.

Larry has one of the few ‘good’ McDonalds jobs in the US and he’s going to quit it? What an idiot. 

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10 hours ago, AZChristian said:

If Jenny wanted to hook up with a guy with no 401K and no job, I doubt Larry would be her first choice.  

She might be able to do better than Larry, but she could also do far worse. At least with this one, she’s got his balls in a matchbox and he has to ask her permission to use them. And, best of all, he wants to marry her, and she doesn’t have to have dead eyed sex with him just yet.

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A/C is a whole 'nother subject. They think it's unhealthy to go from hot to cold and back so fast. "You're gonna get sick!" They're just not used to it and really think it's so wrong. Big subject, I haven't been able to convince anybody to be thankful for A/C. They curse it. Now, I too like windows I can open. 

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On 10/18/2017 at 5:39 AM, CofCinci said:

Larry has one of the few ‘good’ McDonalds jobs in the US and he’s going to quit it? What an idiot. 

Are we surprised he is an idiot?  

He is going to live in her native country for 3 months and not get any nookie? That girl has it made!  

After a glass and half of wine I started to giggle about Larry's big white baseball hat and wondered if he has a shower hat like that, you know something for all occasions.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Are we surprised he is an idiot?  

He is going to live in her native country for 3 months and not get any nookie? That girl has it made!  

After a glass and half of wine I started to giggle about Larry's big white baseball hat and wondered if he has a shower hat like that, you know something for all occasions.

He’s so stupid that Jenny could replace him with another Filipino Cupid lookalike and he’d never notice.

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47 minutes ago, Quof said:

Why is no one picking up on the fact that Myriam is a video producer, and former tv presenter?   (And originally from New York?)  I still say their entire appearance on the show was a stunt to advance both of their media careers.  

Google doesn't mention anything about her being originally from NY are you assuming based on her IG name? 

This is probably the same info as the People article above, but it doesn't want to open for me. Paul and Karine from Brazil and Darcey and Jesse from Netherlands are slated to appear along with five new couples on August 5. Can't prettify link on my tablet:


I missed the first round of this so I'm binge watching season 1 today.  I see Paul and Karine are coming back.  Him and all his stupid luggage are cracking me up.  Also he spent so much time researching every bug and disease in the Amazon but couldn't learn a few basic phrases in Portuguese ?  Darcy and Jesse, not sure about them. She's so needy she'd scare anyone off. Not sure if he might actually be interested in her or not, she doesn't give him a chance she just keeps babbling about getting married.  She reminds me of Molly.

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On 6/28/2018 at 9:01 PM, Christina said:

This is probably the same info as the People article above, but it doesn't want to open for me. Paul and Karine from Brazil and Darcey and Jesse from Netherlands are slated to appear along with five new couples on August 5. Can't prettify link on my tablet:


What a clusterfuck this is shaping up to be...As weirdly mesmerizing as it was last season to watch sad sack Pole and Creepy Dutch Boy and Cry Baby Drunky Girlfriend, I just dont know if I give a shit anymore. They were so pathetic. And the new folks look horribly boring. They always do this on TLC and Bravo shows - the first season is a delicious train wreck of epic proportions and then the second season sucks. Alas...Darcy, weep on girl, weep on...

ETA: Whatever happened to Jenny and that sad sack, Larry?

Edited by gingerella
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On 6/29/2018 at 6:51 PM, SevenCostanza said:

Also he spent so much time researching every bug and disease in the Amazon but couldn't learn a few basic phrases in Portuguese ?

He likes to post and delete on his Facebook page and the man is barely literate. He could stand to learn a lot of English, too. 

Jesse came here for the After Show and I think that is when they filmed, so it's not like it's even recent news. The last I heard about Larry, he had quit his job, was purchasing an RV and planned to travel the country and film for a YouTube channel. I don't know if he did or not because I never cared enough to check, but don't remember seeing any updates about him when reading the tabloidish sites, either. No one cares about sad sack Larry, I guess.

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On 8/8/2017 at 6:29 PM, Toaster Strudel said:

Maybe it was hard to prove that it was plain arson, not destruction of evidence of a crime, DNA, fingerprints, etc.

She wants to make no one forgets that they bang.

It probably took that long because it is a low level case-i.e. they have murders etc to prosecute. DNA, fingerprints don't take long and likely wouldn't be involved in arson anyway. DNA and fingerprints are for murders and on tv shows like CSI. 

Edited by Momof3
On 8/18/2018 at 5:33 AM, icebag said:

The jokes write themselves, folks. I was particularly drawn to Michael and Angela, in the same way that I find myself slowing down for fires and auto accidents. What have we got here? Angela is an American woman with the personality of a steam hammer who has likely driven off every eligible male, including those not yet born, within 100 miles of her home, so she's casting her nets wider. Men her own age the world over soon determine that they can just throw themselves under a bus and get it over with rather than allow Angela to tie them to the nearest flat surface and fornicate them to death, so she has run out of options. She gets a nibble all the way from Nigeria(!). Michael lives with his Momma at age 30. He wants to be a businessman in America. He's willing to sleep with a vegan leather handbag to get the greencard action going, and going from Momma to Angela is going to be seamless for him, with the added benefit that he can have sex if he can get the bag over her head long enough. Michael likely thinks she's rich because she can afford a plane ticket to Lagos. His friends are laughing their asses off at him because they know all Michael has to do is promise the sex in exchange for the money which he will need to come to her, tell her he has lost access to the account she wired the funds to, wash rinse repeat. Angela wants intercourse. If the liason with Michael fails, her next stop will likely be the Mogadishu Community College and Lube, because young and dumb and hung is out there, she just needs to keep digging.

Ricky is a moron. His face is on a poster on the wall in every nightclub ladies room in Columbus. Melissa is a construct by an unholy alliance between Dow Chemical and Larry Flynt. People do not naturally look like that. There is healthful living, and then there is failed medical experimentation. She's looking to land a dumb American with a reasonable bank account before gravity starts to work.

And Paul...ah, Paul. He's going to show all his buddies on the men's rights boards that an incel CAN find sexual nirvana in the Amazon rainforest, where you don't even have to go three feet out the back door to find a place to hide the body if the girl doesn't agree with you that you're God's gift to her. His idea of an appropriate gift to the "woman" he claims to want to marry is a metric shit-ton of stuffed animals, to include the always romantic stuffed poo emoji. He's so convinced she's promiscuous he demands that she submit to a pregnancy test and STD screen the first time they meet and starts beating the drum the minute he arrives for his second visit because she texts other American men? He thinks she's sleeping around. If she's normal and the previews are correct, she is, and why the hell not, since he trusts her so implicitly.

That's an hour of my life I'll never get back.

Hahaha I laughed so hard at this review, thank you!

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