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S12.E01: "The Great DIvide"

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14 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Kelly is still horrible!  Did anyone else catch that terrible "joke" she told her mother?  Where does she dig this stuff up - is there a website for old jokes {told by bad comics} that were acceptable in the Catskills in the '60's?  

I was kind of hoping for a redemption season (as sometimes happens), but it seems like she's worse than she was last season.  I don't know how much more of this I'll be able to watch.  That upsets me, because I have faithfully watched every season on this show, from Day One.

I agree, I'm not sure I can put with another season of Vicki playing the victim, Kelly acting as her psycho, rabid bouncer/bodyguard, Tamra going from rage to prayers in seconds, Shannon, weeping all the time and Lydia bouncing from 1 side to another like she is as high as her mother on some strange pixy dust trip. So far, only Meghan gets a pass, as a new mom, she is in for a rude awakening! LOL

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Ugh. Lydia instead of Heather? And newbie girl? Fat Shannon blaming dumbo Vicki for her weight gain? I'm already bored out of my gourd.  Best line of the night? "All I deal with is farts and fights" Brianna said.  Guess we know who farts and who fights?  

Edited by goofygirl
spelling is not my specialty?
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27 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

She really is off her rocker, she is a nasty piece of garbage, no wonder she and Vicki get along so well.

I think Vicki is on a whole other level of "nasty piece of garbage" but they are totally Two-Peas-In-A-Pod, aren't they.  My hope is that the new girl will give them a run for their money, because Shannon has cast herself as The Cowardly Lion and I don't see Tamra having anything new in her bag of tricks.  

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2 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

I think Vicki is on a whole other level of "nasty piece of garbage" but they are totally Two-Peas-In-A-Pod, aren't they.  My hope is that the new girl will give them a run for their money, because Shannon has cast herself as The Cowardly Lion and I don't see Tamra having anything new in her bag of tricks.  

I'm a little fearful about what kind of next-level insanity this new lady is going to bring, because i don't think I can handle what's coming from someone who can give Vicki, Tams, and Kelly a run for their money.

and we know that's NOT what Lydia was hired to do, lol

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6 minutes ago, F. M. said:

I wish it were Kelly that didn't show her face, I just can't looking at her or her weird husband/mother/daughter! LOL

Vicki and Steve ,talk about no passion, they look like brother and sister. Marriage? No way, Vicki likes dancing on the edge, that's not Steve.

I think Jim and Megan with the baby, were very cute. 

I liked Heather, any troubles and it was her they called, she was pretty cool under pressure, eg when the dune buggy rolled.

I feel sorry for Shannon, I'm a stress eater, and she doesn't like herself. David checked out at least two years ago..

Tamra, fake as hell.

9 minutes ago, F. M. said:


Posted twice.

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During the prayer circle, when Tamra was trying to force out some tears (and, as always, dust formed on her face), Lydia gave her a look like "Great,  Tamra drama, such a freakin' surprise!"  Lydia may be boring but she can spot bullshit when it is being piled high on her couch. 

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I always liked Heather -she was usually a very good sport on trips if it wasn't salacious. She was also well mannered.

I think she & Terry will be okay judging by their appearances on Evine--about every 6 weeks, sometimes with 3hr blocks of shows

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41 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

The absurd notion of telephoning in a domestic violence 911 because she supposedly just wanted to end a verbal argument with David and her evident shock that this would eventually be weaponized and her Eeyore-like response to anything other than effusive affirmations* from David about how much he loves the quinoa she threw on the stove are just plain strange as well.

I re-watched the clip from last reunion where Shannon "explains" the situation Vicki relayed to Kelly - and it truly makes no sense whatsoever. It's amazing how she just hastily throws out there, "I either had too much to drink or someone spiked my cocktail, but I ended up bleeding on my knees and my side..."

Whaaaa....? You either drank so much that you blacked out and ended up bleeding from multiple parts of your body? Or someone spiked your drink and you likewise ended up bleeding? How are either of these things just casually tossed out there by Shannon?

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9 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Is that Tamara's stand-in daughter?

It's her niece.

33 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

She has always had a drinking problem. I remember her own daughters telling her she drank to much. This episode she said she has been (obviously) over eating and drinking too much. I believe part of her weight gain and bloat is booze related. 

Tamra and Vicki. Lydia, please don't. Does anybody even care about seeing them getting back together?

Steve is too good for Vicki. He's a nice looking man. He looks great for 59. What does he see in her? She lost me when she said she misses Brooks. She has learned nothing.

I don't get why Brianna and her husband are living apart. Why would she choose to raise those rambunctious boys on her own when she has a husband? She clearly could have continued to live in OK as a family until he was discharged, then move to CA together and buy the house. Something's just not right there. 

I thought Tamra and Heather were such good friends. Tamra said in her TH that she has only seen Heather's house on Instagram. Good friends my ass.  

I am surprised that Brianna would not be living in Oklahoma. Does her husband still have to report for duty while he is on medical leave?

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I'm not digging Lydia being an advocate for Vicki. Can they find nobody to challenge the OG of the OC? Maybe the new gal will. Also not liking the preview of good Christian Lydia going after Shannon, not that Shannon doesn't have a history with over reacting, especially with new (to her at least) gals (remember her early days withMegan?), but... Lydia seemed to know better the last time she was on, and now it seems she's signed on to be a Vicki apologist. I hope this side of her is short lived...

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Well word on the curb is that she walked away because Terry's infidelity was going to come out and that they paid the mistress six figures to go away. Supposedly Kelly screamed about that on the bus in Ireland but Terry and Heather threatened to sue so Bravo pulled it but if she had stayed it was going to come out.  She was demoted to a friend role if she didn't address the affair so she quit.

I hope someone baked her a casserole!  ;)

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I don't get why Brianna and her husband are living apart. Why would she choose to raise those rambunctious boys on her own when she has a husband? She clearly could have continued to live in OK as a family until he was discharged, then move to CA together and buy the house. Something's just not right there. 

It's my understanding that she moved back to the OC primarily for her health. I've read that she's been diagnosed with lupus. They likely underestimated the amount of time it would take for him to get a medical discharge. The military is likely playing a little hardball thus he's stuck in OK.  

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Random thoughts:


Kelly is unwatchable for me.  I fast forward her scenes. 

I never liked Heather, but she brought the entertainment factor for me with her over the top monstrosity mansion, weird ass Princess Terry and condescending ways.   

Archie definitely was the highlight for me.  
I wish Vicki would learn English.  In regards to the roses Steve brought:  "Oh like the ones you got me when we were AT Ireland."     "IN" Ireland, Vicki, "IN". 

I agree with others Shannon needs to get off this show and take care of herself. 

Edited by jnymph
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Shannon needs to own up to the fact that Vicki isn't holding her down and forcing her to stuff her face with food and I'm assuming lots of vodka (those limes don't take the calories away!!!). 

I think it's a touch of poetic justice she's gained a noticeable amount of weight after her snarking on mid-west women a season or two ago (I am not from there btw but still found it rude as F). This was after David asked for a potato with dinner, a freaking potato and she can't just let the man have one without bitching. It seemed like she took the fact that David wasn't excited to eat quinoa personally, and I think she's looking for reasons to be sad instead of reasons to be happy.

It was very awkward in that kitchen and the tension was almost palpable through my tv screen. I think David can't afford a divorce so he's just existing at this point.

Saw a glimpse of Tamra on WWHL and her "comeback" looked great and I'm am very happy she owned up to it instead of just saying it was make-up. I'm always on the fence about Tamra so I found that very honest and refreshing. Sitting on the stool I could really see how tiny she is.

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Well, David and Shannon are back to being awkward. That vow-renewal-bliss sure didn't last long. I do think it was shitty of Vicki to put the domestic violence rumors out there, but she isn't the sole cause of Shannon's troubles; marriage,weight, or otherwise. That shit goes way back and I don't see it getting any better. David hates addressing things and Shannon wants to be the victim at every turn. And I say this as someone who liked(s) Shannon and really tries with her, but she's just exhausting! David walks into the kitchen and asks if he can help. Instead of a simple, "Yes, please do ____" , Shannon says, "Well, it's 5 o'clock and I need to get x,y, and z done by ___". No one asked the time, honey! Stop being a martyr and give him a task! 


Aspen is super cute. I'm surprised that Jimmy actually seems like a super hands-on and attentive dad. Complete opposite of his husband style. In fact, I appreciated that he was more concerned with the baby's comfort, while Megan wanted Aspen to be photo ready. But, of course, this is coming from a woman who named her dog, "Girly girl". 


Lydia annoys me. Please, NO more Bible club. PLEASE. I just find her constant positivity unnatural and grating. She can miss me with her "friendship whisperer" bullshit. She's watched the show; hell, she's been ON it. She knows the premise isn't a bunch of women getting along. Never going to happen. 


I'm one of the few who semi-likes Brianna, so I was happy to see her and her boys. I have two sons close in age, so I can totally relate. "Farts and superheros" is my life too. I'm glad Vicki is so involved with her grandkids, but her constant neediness is as annoying as ever. You can already feel it wafting off of her when it comes to Steve. She's already threatening him not to leave because she "won't be able to pick herself up again". And he's all, "Eh, you can do it. You'd move on". Bahahaha

It's also pretty sad that all he has to do to win Brianna over is have a job and not hit on her. Brooks really lowered those standards, didn't he? 


I really hate Tamra making the stuff with Sidney so central to her story line, when she knows the show is part of the reason they have no relationship. I respected her a lot more when she just admitted they didn't speak and kept quiet about it. Now she's talking about it every 5 minutes and I find it really gross. But it's Tamra, so....


Nothing to say about Kelly. To quote Farrah Abraham, "She's irrelevant in my life". 

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I don't get why Brianna and her husband are living apart. Why would she choose to raise those rambunctious boys on her own when she has a husband? She clearly could have continued to live in OK as a family until he was discharged, then move to CA together and buy the house. Something's just not right there. 

They have been living apart for at least a year if not more, and their baby is 2.  This is completely not right.  To live away and keep those young kids away from their dad is horrible.  This is Vicki's dream, she has Brianna nearby, her grandkids, and her daughters hubby is nowhere to be found. She and Brianna can live their life together, no one comes between them, and Vicki has Brianna in a bubble, just like she always wanted.  

I really like the interior of Brianna's house.  I love her kitchen and the window seat/banquette.

Shannon's weight gain is really startling.  She got very heavy in a short amount of time.  When you look back to her first season on, she was TINY.  I really hope she looses some of it.  Are she and David still living in their rental home?  Have they not bought a new home yet?

BTW, the new Housewife Peggy, has a photo of Shannon as the background of her twitter profile.  Anyone venture a guess what that is all about?

Edited by FamilyVan
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Jimmy just had to find fault with the Meghan putting that outfit on the baby and criticizing the little shoes. Give it a rest, Jimmy. You don't have to be right all the time. Let mommy dress her daughter and shut it!

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*sigh*  I don't know why I'm trying again with this show. I quit last year about 6 episodes in (it was the 70's party that did me in). I just can't stand Vicki after the cancer scam.  My FIL has been battling Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for 15 years now. It is a horrible, horrible, horrible disease. There is a special place in hell for people who fake cancer to make money and get some stupid casseroles. Go make your own casserole. 

I waffle on Tamra. I hated her when she first came on. I hated how she treated Gretchen and Alexis. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt on her post-Christian life. Everyone is at a different place in their walk and no Christian is perfect so I'm going to try.

I hate Kelly Dodd. She is crude and borderline psychotic from what I've seen. Vicki and her aren't the popular girls. They are the mean girls. 

Oh Shannon.  I couldn't stand her the first season she was on. I have issues with alternative medicine but I do think she is an empathetic person and this show is rough on her. And if David did abuse her then that isn't up for Vicki to gossip about or speculate about. 

I miss Heather. I liked Fancy Pants. She brought some much-needed class to the joint. I had already left Atlanta and NJ because it was just too trashy. Looks like OC will join that pile heap. 

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The kitchen scene with Shannon and David was edited to set the tone for this season's storyline - watch it again. When David asks to help, Shannon's response doesn't fit - same with her pouty look after his quinoa comment. Bullshit editing.

(I have only seen in once so far - there are probably other examples in that scene.)

Edited by nexxie
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9 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I would be remiss to not mention the very excellent addition of Archie

Especially because he drives Shannon batty! 


2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't get why Brianna and her husband are living apart. Why would she choose to raise those rambunctious boys on her own when she has a husband? She clearly could have continued to live in OK as a family until he was discharged, then move to CA together and buy the house. Something's just not right there. 

She said she came back because of HER health condition. She has some chronic issues and wanted to deal with her doctors that she knew and trusted back in CA. However, it does seem like a REALLY long time to live apart. I wonder how often Ryan can/does visit. 


50 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

It seemed like she took the fact that David wasn't excited to eat quinoa personally, and I think she's looking for reasons to be sad instead of reasons to be happy.

YESSS. This is Shannon, to a T. She's always looking for a reason to be sad/the victim. I loved when David was like, "It's quinoa. It's never going to be amazing. Fine is all you'll get". I hope he eats a lot of potatoes when she's not home. 


32 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Jimmy just had to find fault with the Meghan putting that outfit on the baby and criticizing the little shoes. Give it a rest, Jimmy. You don't have to be right all the time. Let mommy dress her daughter and shut it!

I think he was just concerned about Aspen's comfort level. That outfit did seem a bit tight. Then the shoes and the headband? To each their own, but I found it a bit much. I know how much a mom wants to dress her daughter. My grandma died when my daughter was just a few months old and I tried to put her in a nice dress and some fancy baby shoes, and a headband. She flipping HATED it. Babies tend to get overheated easily and overstimulated and I ended up just bringing her barefoot in a nicer full body onsie. I, honestly, rarely even put shoes on my kids before they started walking. And then it was only those soft, flexible sole ones. Aspen started crying while she was getting dressed, and I think Jimmy's protective, daddy instincts just took over and he wanted baby to be comfortable. My husband would always comment if he thought a headband was too tight or clothing was too frilly. He just wanted baby to be comfy. 

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If this is an example of what this season will bring, they're in lots of trouble.  I found it boring and irritating.  Vicki and Kelly are despicable and disgusting!  The bible study was boring and the nicest thing I can say is not my cup of tea.  I hope they will give this whole religion thing a rest.  Brianna seems so exhausted.  I guess now that we see Vicki is the "OC husband" we know which "husband" she is more attached to.  That has to sting for Ryan and it's not good for the boys.  I hated that she sat there while they hit each other and said she needed Ryan to correct that behavior.  I know boys are rambunctious, I've raised one, but a parent should be jumping in and correcting behavior not allowing them to beat the hell out of each other.

I loved seeing Jim Edmonds!  I'm in the minority of people who grew to like him last year.  Seeing him with that baby was the best.  What a teddy bear!

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Oh, Shannon, come on! You sound like a damn fool!You can blame Vicki for a lot of things, however, the weight gain is not her fault. It's your dead marriage that is at fault. You are miserable, still don't trust your husband, he's making every effort to stay with you and it's still not working because you long for his attention and perfect responses to your every question and need 24 hrs. a day, your kids are growing up and don't need you as much, the dog doesn't listen to you, etc, etc..... I can't stand the blame game these women insist on perpetuating, never looking at themselves in the mirror.  

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41 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Jimmy just had to find fault with the Meghan putting that outfit on the baby and criticizing the little shoes. Give it a rest, Jimmy. You don't have to be right all the time. Let mommy dress her daughter and shut it!

I'm with Jimmy on this one. That thing on her head can cause headaches, and the baby already had to wear a helmet - and tight pants with a diaper must feel awful. 

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5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I hope he eats a lot of potatoes when she's not home. 

Me too!  And it must drive Shannon crazy that David looks to be in good shape while she is not.  I'm no skinny mini, but I agree with the poster above who felt it was some sort of karma to have gained weight after making disparaging remarks about mid-western women.  That'll teach you Shannon!

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I was disgusted watching Vicki and Kelly bad-mouthing the other housewives at her office. I'm not sure how to react to Kelly apparently not having learned her lesson from what Vicki did to her the previous season and Vicki continuing to deny being complicit with Brooks' cancer scam. I have to admit I was surprised when they revealed Tamra's Bible study host was Lydia but rolled my eyes extra hard when Tamra had to tell Lydia about what happened with Vicki. Oh, puhlease! I had to laugh when I observed that Vicki's bf who forgot about the roses he sent to her AT Ireland *cough cough* reminded me of James Comey. How fitting! I'm already bored with Shannon's storyline this season.

Edited by Ubiquitous
Edited for clarity. They weren't bad-mouthing Vicki's employees.
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I hate baby headbands.  We know she's a girl or at the very least, a tiny human with no hair yet.  It was good to see Jimmy be present.  I just knew he was going to be hands off and distant.  Best part that I can remember and I don't even like them.

I think I fell asleep.  I can't remember the end of the show.  I'm with everyone who doesn't want to see the Bible-study and God stuff.  This is not the show for Lydia.  Maybe her crazy mom can pair up with Shannon.  Move it to ABC Family or that other Christian channel with the girl who talks to dead people.

I liked Shannon but I can't take another season of her batshittery and quest for a skinny cure and mental anguish.   Be chunky and happy and buy cute clothes that fit and get a divorce or shut up and get a trainer and a personal chef or hire a live-in to monitor you.  She has money and options. It's not like she has a job, but maybe that would give her something to do instead of wallowing in emotional baggage.  Blaming Vicki just makes her look silly.

That was good tea about the Dubrows.

Edited by Denim Dreams
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Vickie and Kelly are awful humans and have learned nothing from the past.

I love Jim with the baby and love that he seems so hands on.  

Tamra bores me, but she did look great on WWHL.

Shannon and David are so sad to watch.

Favorite parts of the episode were Archie and watching Lydia's husband (forgot his name) blindly picking up the dog frisbee, blindly throwing it across the yard, and his dog flying thru the air and catching it mid flight!  

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12 hours ago, lunastartron said:

"No one's life is perfect, but other than my cheatin' huzzbin, has-been status, and hawkin' of jar o'glycerin on Evine, mine's pretty close!" Your life is empty and meaningless, Madame Puppet; there was never any doubt...except in your own delusional mind.

Edited by StevieRocks
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 I, honestly, rarely even put shoes on my kids before they started walking. And then it was only those soft, flexible sole ones

That is the kind of shoe she was putting on Aspen.  

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12 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Q: Season 12 isn't available on Amazon, which is where I've been getting my RHOC fix (since cutting the cable), but as of this morning they STILL aren't offering Season 12!  What gives?  Does anyone know where I can buy or stream Season 12?

A: Hulu,  I think. 

Thanks hon!  I checked it out, and Hulu is offering seasons 1-11, not season 12 (damn!)

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Shannon explains her weight gain. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-12/blogs/shannon-beador/shannon-beador-i-look-in-the   Like so many things in life it is the uncertainty that causes the stress.  Apparently she did not know of the accusations via Vicki delivered by Kelly would make the show or not.  Shannon really lets things get to her.  I suppose she is the cautionary tale of doing a reality show.  Vicki makes the astute observation in her blog that men don't like Quinoa.  She also talks about how dark the last few years have been.  Maybe Vicki needs to remember the cancer scam and her fabrications.

Vicki has not been bullied, she is being held accountable for her past very public dishonesty and being the bully.  I cannot believe the conversation between Kelly and Vicki, last night on WWHL, Tamra was quite taken back about their conversation.  Whatever happens this season, Tamra let it be known she and Vicki have not spoken since the show wrapped.  Tamra said she had received a text from Vicki complaining how this season's Bravo  PR photo should have featured she and Tamra in the center instead of Meghan and Shannon.  Tamra said she didn't care.

I get that Bravo is recycling former RH, and it first I thought it would be fun to have Lydia back but just no with the friendship whisperer nonsense. She has watched the show since she departed why would she pretend to be clueless when it comes to Brooks and Vicki's long con. Lydia is there to stir the pot.  When she let Vicki prattle on about being bullied after she chastised Alexis (who had been thrown out of a gathering and endured very harsh treatment) I realized Lydia is just all about Lydia.  Shockingly Tamra even thought Lydia was out of line with some of her meddling.  Another pot calling the kettle black situation.  I am only hopeful with Lydia comes more scenes with her mom.

Ryan gets released from the military the end of August 30th.  Vicki is asking we keep him in our thoughts and prayers as he makes the transition from military life to civilian life.  No thank you.  I am tired of Briana and she needs to take a good long look and why she did remove the children's father from their lives to chase a RHOC paycheck. 

I see no upside to the new lady being thrust upon us.  We have already lived through the braggart couple. 

I really have never liked Tamra but I will say she looked stunning last night on WWHL.  Too bad her husband is so attached to her extensions as the shorter hair looked great on her.

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Shannon: she feeds David quinoa two nights in a row, nags about and denies him a potato with dinner and has him extract enema pieces from her butt. That's how you keep a man excited about coming home every night...

I agree about wtf does she do all day (except eat and/or drink).  There are broke ass women who have kids and hold down full time jobs and still make time for themselves. Shannon loves being a victim.

Maybe she should ask Pettifleur (Melbourne) what fat camp she went to, Pettifleur really looked good, and who begs to differ?

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8 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Somewhat unpopular opinion: I'm here (or, rather, staying because of) for Lydia. The footage of her family, home, and life was aesthetically gorgeous and tastefully opulent compared to the Panemesque grotesquery of the Dubrows. The McLaughlins-cum-Rockwell tableau was also the most interesting thing in the episode. 

Lydia was and IMO will prove herself to be an instigator but I appreciate that she conducts herself with relative dignity vis a vis her engagement with the other women. I could never imagine her calling any of Her costars  "trash" with drunken glee and/or screeching the litany of epithets that 3/5 of the other, uh, ladies routinely shriek at the top of their lungs.

That being said, I don't know if there's room for two sane and well-behaved orange holders on the roster. The inclusion of both Lydia and Meghan felt kind of totally redundant but I hope I'm wrong. It's nice that there are two younger mothers and families in the group for a different dynamic. 

Shannon is a case study in casual pathology. I'd love to know what the root of her misanthropy, chronic disgruntlement, and weird relationship to personal agency is. She's perplexing to me because I actually think she was far more intelligent than Tamra and Heather during season nine in terms of constructing an argument and undercutting fallacies and straw men. She's also the most erudite of any woman ever among the West Coasters if I'm not mistaken. And yet she's backslid off the mountain since. While I was firmly of the opinion that she was totally justified in her anger at Vicki and Brooks since she leveraged her philanthropic pull to get Brooks into City of Hope, the idea that Vicki hurt her so profoundly is really peculiar to me. They were friends for, what, like around half a year ? At the beginning of season ten, Shannon even noted she hadn't seen Vicki prior to filming for about four months. That and the revisionism in which Heather was actually a great friend and girl coder who didn't try to malign her as mentally ill following a physical assault by Tamra remain confounding to me. The absurd notion of telephoning in a domestic violence 911 because she supposedly just wanted to end a verbal argument with David and her evident shock that this would eventually be weaponized and her Eeyore-like response to anything other than effusive affirmations* from David about how much he loves the quinoa she threw on the stove are just plain strange as well.

I really tried to believe in Tamra's earnestness vis a vis her spiritual awakening but I would not have been able to keep a straight face during her Mom of the Year performance at that Bible study. 

Totally agree about Lydia.

So true about Shannon. Part of my frustration with these imbeciles is that they are so out of date about everything. If Shannon had one ounce of awareness, she'd come on and say, "I've gained weight; I'm getting older. I want to try to be healthy, but I'm not going to let this send me into a "psychotic break." ™Madame Puppet.

Don't get me wrong: I know it has to be hard to appear on tv and not be in your best physical shape; nevertheless, this would be a great opportunity for Shannon to garner mad respect from the many middle-aged women who are struggling with their weight. It would be wonderful to see someone approach this in a healthy, positive way. She could use this as a platform to expose our society's virtually unattainable  body shapes. But noooo--she has to hang on to the old rail thin, bleached blonde, bolt-on fun-bags standard of last century. Finally, I think it's a little shameful that she's suggesting that she's this grotesque blob. She might be a size 10. It really speaks to her shallow and limited world-view.

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12 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

We lose Heather and get Lydia back?  UGH!  

Even with her Fancy Pants attitude, I always appreciated Heather's restraint and common sense when things went south.  Lydia?  I just hope we aren't subjected again to her dipshit mother.  Brianna's husband isn't here this season to tell her to keep her damn shoes off the furniture.  Talk about a looneytunes from another planet - I seriously doubt all of that fairydust garbage is due solely to her weed smoking.

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