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S19.E08: Live Eviction #2; Head of Household #3

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Who will be evicted from the Big Brother House?  Plus the power will once again be up for grabs.


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Who thinks this Josh crap is entertaining? Why don't they screen out anyone who should be in a straitjacket?

So now evicted guests get to return. Are the producers seriously looking for ways to make this season suck even more! Why am I still watching!!! Guess because Kevin and Alex are still there.

The frogs haven't been hopping like they should. 

I liked Dom's talk show, stirred up the ? better than Cody's story to Christmas and also pissed off Paul and anything that pisses Paul off, makes me happy. Can't believe they bought his story though.

Edited by dizzyd
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Damn I forgot to fix the DVR and missed 35 minutes and seems like I missed a whole lot.

Cody was more likable in his interview with Julie than the entire three weeks in the house.

I hate to be that person, but if someone could recap who the three votes were for Ramses (Kevin, Jessica and...?) and also why Christmas is not there because I thought she was only going to be gone on Wednesday I would super appreciate it.

Argh BB enough with this multi-day HOH crap!  Once in awhile is fine but not every week!

Edited by mojoween
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I've liked Cody more during his exit interview than I have all season, by far. When Julie told him he was going to have an opportunity to get back in the game, he actually had tears forming in his eyes, which is the most emotion I've seen so far, other than the clenched jaw.

Christmas was the other vote for Ramses, and she got to call in from the hospital to cast her vote.

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Jesus Christ, Raven looked at Christmas like she was dying when she told the houseguests about her surgery. Also, of course Cody just walked out after the announcement. That did seem like a dick move. I mean, I'm all for not giving Christmas applause for choosing to stay in the house since her decision might have been the wrong one, but he could have just sat there and not walked away, as if he was telling her that he had no care about her surgery. 

Cody, don't worry. You're not the only one who put Jessica in her shitty situation. Jessica put Jessica in her shitty situation. I don't really feel for her. She kind of dealt her own hand. Sure, Cody was mostly at fault, but her playing the victim is not cute.

Jeez, Dominique's talk show looks pretty shitty. It was just so awkward and it was clear what Dom's plan was with it. Get as much intel as she could. It seemed to put sudden targets on people who didn't have targets before. Mark, especially, since he jumped on Cody so quickly. But now also Dominique.

Voting time. It is kind of bullshit that Christmas is still allowed to stay in the house, but what reality show is fair? Especially with Paul getting three weeks of safety. 

But damn, Christmas voted to evict Ramses instead of Cody? I didn't expect that. I would have laughed if more people threw hinky votes, though. At least Paul didn't get his almost unanimous vote.

Cody stripping out of his toad costume because he doesn't want to leave the house a toad! But, of course, no boos. As for his interview, way better than Jillian's interview. He may be an ass, but he knew the game and what to do. In the end, I wish he got to take out Paul. Maybe he'll win the buyback? Only to take out Paul, though. His hatred for Paul makes me hate him a little bit less. I LOVED that he called out the twist that gave Paul three weeks of safety.

ROFL at Julie asking if Cody has a social game. That made me laugh really hard. The shade, Julie, the shade. Also, "Remember Cameron?" made me laugh. 

Also, one more thing: somehow, Cody had some charm with Julie where was that in the house?!?! If that guy can come back into the house next week, then I'll gladly take him back. Yes, I know, he can be an asshole. But he's not like Paul, so that earns him points. Also, I'd like to think that he has a good side to his bad side, and that he's not just an asshole. 

The HOH competition looks fun....but I am super disappointed that, at first glance, they have a bigger platform than usual to stand on. Part of the fun with these wall comps is seeing the bigger guys struggling to stand on the platforms. Also, the fact that they get to hold onto multiple ledges if they choose to.

And...last twist is that the houseguests can stop the winner of the Battle Back from returning. Nooooooooo! Cody is the hero that we need, that we deserve! He needs to get Paul out! 

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agree with everyone above about Cody.  Who knew he could be that charming?  Not anyone in the house or anyone who has watched this show or the feeds.  

If I was on the borderline about Jessica, that "hello Gorgeous," line would seal the deal.  Blech.  I am sure that is something she planned before the show started.  

I'm beginning to think Kevin just likes to mess with people's minds.  No idea what Christmas thinking.  Maybe it was the medication.  

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You guys, Cody became a real live boy! I have to root for him now. Who knew?

This is what I don't understand - if Grodner wants guys like Frank, and Paul, and whoever else she latches onto to get $500K, why doesn't she just give it to them herself, rather than subjecting us to this nonsense? Surely she makes a crapload of money as the longtime executive producer of a major network's reality show. Things that make you go "hmmmm..."

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Alex: "Don't vote to evict me because I plan to compete against all of you in my major?" What the blue fuckdilly was that?

Wow, the vaguely redemptive edit of Josh has taken a brutal nosedive. So he's not only a paranoid bully-baby but also a straight asshole and idiot. Jessica actually hit the nail on the head, labeling him as a pawn for both sides.

Speaking of whom, wth was she not in the toad costume but Jason was?

Against my better instinct, after seeing Cody's Chenterview, I not only want him to win the BBBB, but just might even root for him to make it to finale night! Anyone who uses a word like "unfettered" gets a +1 in my book. And he provides some of the biggest unintentional laughs with his no-fucks-to-give truth-telling.

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Josh was so stupid getting into it with Cody and his little she-devil.  Just snicker at him and walk away.

So the Battle Back is a reality.  I would bet money on Cody, but you never know what the comp will be.

"Don't call me a mean girl trying to apologize."  LOL  Xmas was having none of it.

And she gets a hospital bed vote!  WOW!

Crying Jessica is the best.  I hope she wins this HOH, or vote her out so one of them stays gone.

Cody throws Mark and Dom under the bus with a big fat lie.  Looks like it got him a vote from Xmas.  I hope it burns his toady butt when he comes back in.

I missed Josh's talk show question.  Cody responds by being a dick.  Then he spreads his lie. 

Mark is a bigger baby than Josh.  Steroids can make people more emotional.

As much as I dislike him, Paul is playing well, seeing what's going on and working to maintain his position.  

Glad the hinky votes didn't mess things up. 

Be my girlfriend.  Eww.  

Cody was pretty good with Julie.  But the inner asshole shines through.  He doesn't realize that he threw "loyalty" in the toilet when he went rogue after Paul, then Xmas who were supposedly in your alliance.  He could have put up Josh and been rid of him.  Then he and Jess could have curled up and watch Paul slowly aggravate everybody and then strike.

And the classic "hang on to the crazy wall" competition.  Even if Xmas didn't need the surgery, she wasn't competing in this anyway.

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Looks like Cody was getting a robot edit by management. There's no producer interference during a live interview. Come back, little Cody! Man if he gets in, and Christmas has been convinced, that could be a great alliance. Throw in Alex (who Cody likes) and that's a formidable group.

So now Dom is public enemy number one for calling out "organic groups"? Go F yourself, Paul. People are allowed to have independent thoughts.

I liked the talk show and Kevin reminds me of Colin Quinn from "Remote Control" days (yeah I'm that old.)

As for Josh, between his lack of cognitive skills, his thin skin, and his impulse control, that guy is going to end up in jail or a psychiatric hospital. I get that he doesn't like Cody and Jessica (is "meatball" really a thing?) but he kept at it that I got nervous someone was going to throw a punch.

Edited by Mumbles
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I can't even enjoy Cody's exit because you KNOW he'll be back in a couple weeks. Ugh. I hate when any reality show lets booted people come back. Once you're dead, you should stay dead!

If things go according to the typical BB script, Jessica will win this HOH so we can get one of those annoying "That's for you, Cody!" scenes.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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Three things make this a much more enjoyable episode...no make that four.

First and foremost Cody voicing the greatest truth of the season by actually using the word CHEAT...and yes it is  indeed cheating by the shows own producers. They wanted Paul back and they were going to ensure that he stay for at least three weeks. We are told America voted that to be the case but there was zero proof presented anywhere that this was the case. They can tell you any narrative they want to and we are suppose to believe it...well Cody called it like it was.

Second the most minimal screen time for Paul this season!

Third Ramses actually getting some votes instead of a sheep mentality of block voting that is the bane of reality shows.

Four...Alex and her penchant for tank tops....no need to eleborate on that!

Please let Alex win the HOH. She can't take out Paul but sending a chief allie packing would be the next best thing.

Cody gave the best Diary Rooms....you know why? Because he was being an honest and real person in them. After years of idiots screaming at the top of their lungs acting like they have room temparature IQS when speaking (Johnny Mac) or pretending to do Air Guitars or a litany of other foolishness it was refreshing to see REAL diary room entries with no scripted jokes etc.

Can CBS/BIG BROTHER get rid of Big Jeff and let Dominique do the interviews from now on. Big Jeff and so far beyond played out it isn't funny. Girls's got charisma where he's got ZERO!

Edited by North of Eden
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As much as I've disliked Cody since he's been in the house, I have to agree with those who said he showed a charming side with Julie.  And that smile.  He's really quite handsome when he's not scowling, which is 99% of the time.  Still, I don't want him back in the house to mess up Paul's game.

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I am going to miss Cody's deadpan. It was a hilarious change from the screaming and crying we generally get in the DR. He ended up losing me, but he still had his moments and I agree that the exit interview was very entertaining. Also, I need him back to take out Paul.

Jessica continues to act like a jerk, even when she is trying to do damage control. I find her unbearable. What adult bursts into tears because they can't have cake and have to sit in a particular spot? We aren't even that deep into the game.

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Ugh, I saw this 'Redemptive Arc' for Cody coming a mile away... and he's got such strong competition in the battle back so far as well *eye roll*  I'm just amazed they didn't place the battle back the week after Paul's pendant immunity is gone so he could do a quick u-turn right back into the game if they voted him out first week w/no immunity. They could also then say he's safe as he won the BB, gives them two more more weeks guaranteed for 'our boy'.

57 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Cody, don't worry. You're not the only one who put Jessica in her shitty situation. Jessica put Jessica in her shitty situation. I don't really feel for her. She kind of dealt her own hand. Sure, Cody was mostly at fault, but her playing the victim is not cute.

I've never felt less for someone on a reality show breaking down crying. You deserved this and more for your being a heinous catty bitch.

28 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I liked the talk show and Kevin reminds me of Colin Quinn from "Remote Control" days (yeah I'm that old.)

Okay, Remote Control was THE best gameshow ever. Hell, they even had a snack break! (yeah I'm that old too)

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Watching Julie interview Cody was like watching... well, I don't know if there's actually a movie with this plot; maybe an iPhone commercial where some kid on a skateboard makes ones?... but a story about two robots who, against all odds and logic, together bring out the [fabulously snarky] humanity in each other. 


Chenbot's took at least 15 seasons to develop [along with the release of her new face; I always know it's happened, but I am re-shocked whenever I see older footage of her, and all the more so when I realize how drastic a change it's been in a relatively short period of time. I was watching some clips earlier posted in the Feeds thread from Jessie's (Chima season) eviction, and I literally gasped], but put her with Codybot, and, paralleling the exponential rate of computer advancement, Cody developed his emotional capacity at seconds compared to her seasons. (Most noteworthy, I thought, was his admission that he was shocked not to be booed, and his lack of admission but ability to emote relief that [they filled the studio with scabs and] no one did.


I've never considered myself a Luddite of any sort, but if the bringing together of one evolved bot and one mostly unevolved one can have that kind of effect--when the bot and the human being who spent 24 hours a day being "in love" with each other merely resulted in the human's joining the bot in cross-legged face-to-face forehead port data transfer--I think we as human beings should be *terrified*. I may not let my iPhone go near a Starbucks ever again!

Edited by methadonna
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18 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Still, I don't want him back in the house to mess up Paul's game.

LOL! To each his own! That's THE reason I want him back! Though I really think I "get" him and his gameplay. It made sense, and he was absolutely right about the reasoning behind not telling his alliance about his plan! Also, Ms. Chen, you are assuming that Cody is with Jessica because they have similar strategies. I'm guessing there are at least two non-strategic reasons for THEIR alliance. That said, I loved the interview with Julie! A lot of truth-telling right there, and he didn't need his "game face", and she showed what I thought was a bit of admiration. I hope he returns.

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What was Julie wearing? Did she have a crinoline on under there?

"I'm not feeling sympathetic for her." Gosh, the robot factory forgot to insert Cody's compassion chip. Then Jessica's all "woe is me!" I'm not feeling sympathetic for her.

I think the whole point of that talk show was to give Cody a spotlight to do some damage control and he still blew it. Hard. What a clueless egomaniac.

Has Dominique ever watched BB before? She just put a big target on her back. Now both Cody (after battle back) and Paul will be gunning for her.

So Kevin and Christmas are loyal to Cody or were those the hinky votes? Kevin stsys going after Ramses though...

Julie was awfully patient and gracious with Cody. He blamed pretty much everything on Paul or the producers or the lemmings other houseguests, and she let him do it. I might be starting to wonder if the fix is in for him.

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1 hour ago, Rbonnie said:

Why aren't the evictees getting their taped goodbye messages? Jillian didn't, and now Cody. I really wanted to see what Jessica was going to say to Cody as well as what Paul was going to say. 

Because of the Battle Back. People sometimes give away game secrets in the goodbye messages to non-jury member evictees (and sometimes them, too). But it's an unfair advantage if the person is going back in the house. 

ETA: Never mind. Jury members get to see their goodbye messages. WTF? Unless they've cut them for time, like they've done with Have Nots for the most part.

Edited by Callaphera
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what is going on with Jessica's hairline?  she seems to have some balding spots on the left side of her head.   Is that from having extensions?   It was very noticeable tonight. 

Edited by backformore
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Just now, backformore said:

Hat is going on with Jessica's hairline?  she seems to have some balding spots on the left side of her head.   Is that from having extensions?   It was very noticeable tonight. 

Yes. She has Victrola Victoria Syndrome (Veruca Victoria had the same problem on BB16).

If your fake hair is causing your real hair to fall out, why continue to cling to the fake hair? Won't it just make it worse?

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This episode showed the HGs competing in the HoH comp.  In the final few seconds of the broadcast, the camera showed Raven's the large pacemaker protruding from her stomach.

From Raven's BB website interview with Jeff:


Turns out, this Southern-drawling Houseguest suffers from a stomach disease called gastroparesis and has a pacemaker in her stomach. But don’t worry about her: "It works great; I'm able to eat chips and all that stuff."

"It gave me a second chance at life," she continued. "It's my second heart. I'm very thankful. That's why I'm such a happy person. I love life!"

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Cody did a great exist interview! He honestly answered Julie's questions and seemed really happy when she told him he would maybe get a second chance. 

I was glad when he told Julie that Paul "holds court" in the house and is surrounded by his "groupies." That statement made me realize that Cody could have used his intelligence in a much better way to remain in the house for much longer. I hope he wins the Battle Back. Maybe he will make the rest of the season interesting. 

Because of Paul being shoehorned in, the season is a snoozefest. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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26 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think the whole point of that talk show was to give Cody a spotlight to do some damage control and he still blew it. Hard. What a clueless egomaniac.


Julie was awfully patient and gracious with Cody. He blamed pretty much everything on Paul or the producers or the lemmings other houseguests, and she let him do it. I might be starting to wonder if the fix is in for him.

I hope this isn't a feeds (well, BBAD, 'cause it's intententionally on there) spoiler, as it's not of much value, but I'm gonna tag it just because I'd rather be safe than sorry and hopefully it can be untagged if unnecessary, rather than needing to be tagged because I didn't, but:


Dominique does that stupid talk show two or three nights a week during BBAD.


This one was probably the fourth one (?) or so. It can be pretty cute, as the HGs she "interviews" are usually great about playing along and pretending they're on a real show and not a vanity project from some self-aggrandizing mirror evangelist who thinks she's gonna come home to an offer for a real show, as does the audience. Er, the audience plays along, that is (although they often interrupt her format and clearly couldn't give two shits about her self-help mumble), not that they believe it.


She really owes any iota of its not being completely excruciating primarily to Kevin--whose mere presence just makes everything better, especially when he's in one of his suits--and, surprisingly, Christmas, who took a major lead in the first "episode" (probably when the "Audience" was having the response we all do when Dom opens with her "Inspirational Words" Opening--which is like watching the opening monologue of if a Jimmy Fallon attempt at standup and a guest on Oprah Sunday Soup for the Soul or whatever that shit show is called now that they took the gag off of her and Oprah's bottled up religiosity has come spewing out had a baby (and Cody didn't make them all go to conversion therapy, if the Oprah BSer was male)--and could only suppress their Victim Noises and boredom for so long until they became restless and started just chatting through it or acting out (not like the Josh thing you saw tonight; that was the first time he'd been an issue), and Christmas took on the role of "Security" and also sort of the leader in giving the big audience reactions, and by the next episode, nearly everyone was attending and participating full-on. (Except for Dom, who tends to be late to her own damn show, because, shocker, she's still putting on makeup). She also KILLS me as an "interviewer" because she asks multi-part questions. Besides seeming stilted, stumbling, ill-at-ease, and just plain cold, these convoluted, complex, multi-part questions--which seem to stem from her hedging until she figures out what she really wants to ask, rather than a desire for complex answers that she just hasn't learned how to trim and transition--truly make me stabby. The fact that so many of the HGs manage to answer in a warm, colloquial, narrative way actually helps me understand many of their being cast quite a bit more. Otoh, for someone who truly seems to think she is creating a free and will-be-watched sizzle reel for some talk show she's sure someone's looking to cast, rather than just having fun, like everyone else, Dom is embarrassingly terrible, and I can't believe she came in with this idea to do this (which I firmly believe she did) without ever doing a bit of thinking about interviewing. Hell, as an engineer, she has to have taken enough research methods classes to learn how to conduct a non-shit interview, so I have to assume she truly lacks the talent to become any good at being the talk show host she so clearly desperately wants to be, so I end up getting second-hand embarrassment for her as she circles the drain, trying to get closer to the target for which she's seeking.


There was definitely some wonky editing with it, but Cody is one of the later HGs to go on the "show," last night's, iirc. I was surprised when I watched him on it how much he let his soldierbot mask drop and come across as almost humanoid (or that he came on at all; he and Jess were among the only ones who regularly wouldn't attend), until I realized he was trying to stir shit up. So, no, it wasn't a platform created to do shit for Cody; it was a platform Dom created to Get Her Brand Out There (and, even after a whole interview about her illness that would have given them a relatively concise explanation* Raven's still not had her ever-worsening GP mentioned on the shows! I'm sure she thought that would have been featured as part of a Very Special Episode).


Long story short: their airing part of it on the show may have been for the reasons you said--and, more likely, his agreeing to go on it may have been sparked by some DR "encouragement" that it would (which I wouldn't have believed he cared about at all until his Chenbot interview wrt expecting boos, although I think it more likely also placed seeds in his mind of how to have a platform for stirring shit when he hadn't spoken to almost anyone but Jess for months (it's not? God, feels like!)--but they seemed to be actively avoiding using anything from it on the shows and I think wanted to keep it just for BBAD, but they had to air that snippet to give context to the resurgence of distrust of alliance members wrt whether who knew what re: Cody's noms, esp as, with Christmas out of the house, there was no way to know if this would come up again/more consequentially in a huge blowout upon her return. And, esp if Cody wins the buyback, it's likely the collateral damage (and possibly their "mates" or detractors, depending on how the chips fall) ironically will end up joining forces back with Codybot, for a split house, with one side of it as the remnants from the current majority alliance, with Paul as The BTM*, and the other, in the greatest of ironies, the various "outsiders," who may not view him as their leader or alpha in any way but still with Cody as their BTM*. 

*BTM, because Cody can suck it with his Alpha shit. 


*I struggle a lot with the whole Raven sitch, mainly because I too suffer from chronic illness (four rare illnesses--if my odds went in the other direction, I'd have won a shitload of money from lottery--actually, so I have Kabuki Queen beat <g> sorry, I normally take great efforts to compare struggles, but that's her game, so I couldn't resist). But, Otoh, it makes me understand the no-win situation she's in, especially because, on top of all of the other shitty things about having every aspect of your life affected by something you can't control, when it's a rare, or, probably more specifically, little-known condition, you can't just say, oh, I have XYZ, and people--while they still don't REALLY--get it, at least they have a sense of what it is or that it can have a major effect on your life (and, I know the converse is also true, like someone saying they have arthritis can be royally misunderstood because their audience may understand it as the their auntie's knee that hurts when it's cold type rather than the progressive and debilitating form that affects every joint in your seven-year-old's body, makes her too fatigued to go to school many days, and requires she uses a wheelchair and an aide when she does type, so I don't mean to discredit those who have that kind of experience, either; as I said, I try not to rank shitty hands, but, while my conditions differ from Raven's, I have that experience of not being able to give a simple answer when someone asks what's wrong with me, and I struggle with how to answer it without sounding like all I want to do is talk about my being ill (I usually use up a regular doctot's appointment visit just trying to explain my conditions to THEM) or sounding like I'm not comfortable with or open to talking about, which is the opposite; I just don't want to be perceived as, well, Raven has been (no worries: I do think it's fairly justified). But then, she loses me, because there's a certain level of talk about her illness that I'd find appropriate and understandable, both inasmuch as she needs to explain what it is to most people (and, in this context, everyone, plus I give her some extra room/respect for wanting to raise awareness while she has this platform; hell, I gotta respect that over all the ones who are using the same airtime to plug THEIR brands/further their outside goals, whether they be instagram "leaders" or shock jocks (how DO you se boobs on radio, anyway?) or abusing cows and horses for fun in bars and fairs or however it is Jason makes a living by riding a bull into a food-serving establishment, or saying trite pseudosecular motivational bullshit and literal highly biblical preaching as while worshipping at the altar of your face in the bathroom mirror, etc.). Additionally, when you live with an illness that affects every moment that you live, I suspect the amount one talks about it is skewed in perception to both oneself and to others. HOWEVER, this is where Raven loses me. I have no doubt her condition affects her every moment: obviously, even if her stimulator were working perfectly, its mere presence is a constant reminder (and, given her movements, maybe she has no pain from it, I dont know; I had a disastrous and  [truly] near-deadly experience with a (albeit, much larger) intrathecal pump, and even now, five years or so after having it, just a brush past where it was is very painful; when it was in, even the slightest touch of it could send me jumping), and every time she eats, she has to be cognizant of what she's doing (and, no matter how well-managed it is, I'm sure there's fear as to how her body will respond; after years of being ill every time you eat, there's got to be a level of ptsd). Otoh, I'm sure some of it is a matter of her pushing herself until she can't (I did it for years; almost no one knew that, after seeming like this amazing, energetic teacher all day, I'd get home and spend an hour sitting in my car 'cause I couldn't imagine getting the energy up to get out and into my apartment. Then again, we're seeing her 24/7, so it may be taking more out of her, but she's pulling it off), but she is obviously in a place of being well-managed enough that she not only can function in the BB House (and seemingly give it her all: she goes full-out in comps, she's up and "cooking" when she doesn't need to expend that energy (omg, when production specifically not just showed her tragic cake but focused in on its slanted hideousness? THAT was a shout out to the feed watchers), she's cranking herself into awkward pinup model poses when she could be sitting like a normal person (I don't think she's actually doing shit with Matt except batting her 40 lbs of mascara, but, if so, that's all the more time she's not slipping in (oh, I hate me: no pun intended) any extra recharge time. Never mind that, in real life? She's a fucking DANCE teacher. Now, maybe that's really only an hour a few times a week and not something that's a real job, I dunno, but from what we've seen, the girl is in a way better place with her GP than anyone I've ever seen or heard of (which, I'll admit, is a fairly small sample set, but when you have a rare disease that tends to get misdiagnosed/undiagnosed/you called crazy ( I.e., you're female) for a long time, you tend to meet lots of other people in similar situations , so, back in the day, I knew (online) a bunch of people with (more parents of kids with) GP. And, so, sorry to insert myself so much into this; I just feel so conflicted by Raven and her whole presentation of herself and feel like I should be more understanding, because there are a lot of aspects I DO get. But then in some ways being sick has made me less tolerant of others' suffering, lately, I worry, as I'm pretty resentful of [insert need for therapy here]. Regardless, the whole thing just kinda sucks, but it's a lot more complicated than just  being annoyed that the sick girl complains too much.

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There was no mention of the Battle Back during Jillian's exit last week at all -- so did Grodner et al decide this week that Megan leaving screwed everything up with the numbers and they need 1 person to come back.  But trolling the viewers with this bullshit about stopping the return then doesn't make any sense.

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I realized why I liked Cody's interview.  His response to Julie mentioning the Den of Temptation was the first genuine thing I feel like he has said the entire time.  Instead of sounding like every word he utters is a pre-planned sound bite, he actually answered like a real human being. That guy, I could root for.

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Cody is a douche, but Josh needs to calm down. He's making himself look crazy. Also, did he says Cody was running around the house with "a smut face"? Because that made me laugh so hard. 

As did Cody HOPPING out of the room while Christmas was giving her "perseverance" speech. That was fucking amazing. I'm going to miss some of the craziness of Cody, and the editor's fun with him. 

I do like Christmas and I think she's a tough girl, for sure, but I'm not sure how fair it is for her to be able to leave the house, have surgery, and come back. I guess this ain't Survivor. 

I am glad Cody is gone, but I was nervous it would be Ramsey for a minute. I was confused as to why he had ANY votes, especially from Christmas, who is so close with Paul. I'm assuming there was a lot of flipping going on last minute, and with her being out of the house she was out of the loop?

Another endurance HOH. Yay. *sneaking over to feed thread to find out who won*

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9 hours ago, PaperTree said:

He could have put up Josh and been rid of him.  Then he and Jess could have curled up and watch Paul slowly aggravate everybody and then strike.

Cody couldn't put up Josh. Josh took the golden apple during the first HOH competition and guaranteed himself safety from elimination the first week.

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Yes. She has Victrola Victoria Syndrome (Veruca Victoria had the same problem on BB16).

If your fake hair is causing your real hair to fall out, why continue to cling to the fake hair? Won't it just make it worse?


Veruca Salt!! 


I'm rooting for Alex. That's about it.

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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Julie was awfully patient and gracious with Cody. He blamed pretty much everything on Paul or the producers or the lemmings other houseguests, and she let him do it. I might be starting to wonder if the fix is in for him.

Well, he was right - about groupies in the house kowtowing to Paul - and that the Den of Temptation was a curveball.

I actually thought Julie liked him.  He got a pretty lengthy interview and she did compliment on him.  Whereas Jillian was basically rushed out of there.

BB is about the drama.  And they need villains to stir things up - not just have everyone follow Paul around.  BORING. 

Edited by ifoundit
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32 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

 America voted for Paul

And what a shocking vote that was. Who could've guessed that a fan favorite from last years season would win an America's Choice vote over a bunch of people we had seen for 1 episode? Grodner really lucked out on that one.

I rooted for Paul last season, but not now. Not as a returning house guest with 3 gift wrapped weeks of immunity.

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12 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Cody couldn't put up Josh. Josh took the golden apple during the first HOH competition and guaranteed himself safety from elimination the first week.

Faulty old memory  :)  Ramses would have worked instead.

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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What was Julie wearing? Did she have a crinoline on under there?

She looked like she was off to attend a picnic in the park.  Come on, Chenbot, surely you can do better.

I went from being thrilled that Cody got the boot to, post-interview, wanting him to come right back in the house and mastermind some evictions - Paul and Mark, to be exact.  And Cody calling out the Den as a cheat is spot-on.  At this point, the HOH might as well ask the houseguests to pick a number between 1 and 100 and use that as a guide to nominations, because with all the twists and temptations you can't be certain that any of your noms are going to stick.  I'm all for a few twists, but this - and now the BBBB - is getting ridiculous.

I also liked what Cody said about getting rid of Paul so the remaining houseguests could just battle it out against each other without his "celebrity" presense getting in the way.  And he cracked me up with the visual of all the houseguests gathered at Paul's feet like children, begging for another bedtime story.

Not sure how smart it is for Christmas to come back in the house post-surgery?  I mean, she is going to be somewhat loopy and dependant on that bunch of morons taking care of her, at least for a little while.  I assumed she was hopped up on painkillers when she voted to evict Ramses, because I didn't think there was any way she believed Cody's apology tour.

Still not hating this season.  Color me surprised.

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16 minutes ago, ifoundit said:

I actually thought Julie liked him.  He got a pretty lengthy interview and she did compliment on him.  Whereas Jillian was basically rushed out of there.

 I don't think the fact he had a longer interview was necessarily a sign that Julie like him.    It's a live show and the timing has to be down to the second.    There is a predetermined amount of pre-recorded footage, but the rest is allotted for julie chatting with  them before the vote, voting and exit interview.  So if the house guests make shorter or longer speeches, take longer to vote etc  that all impacts the amount of time allowed for the interview.

 I want Jessica out this week so Cody  and Jessica have to compete against each other in the battle back. that would be interesting,  and I think I would like either of them more if they were in the house without the other 

Edited by brdwygurl
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50 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

America voted for Paul, that is something that he should have dealt with instead of whining about how he got screwed via the Temptation vote.  He should have adjusted his game at that point.

America voted for Paul because he has a built in fan base from last season. The people who don't like Paul had to split their vote amongst a number of new players who they knew nothing about. That vote was rigged and Cody is right to be upset by it. Not only was the vote rigged, the prize was meant to keep Paul, and only Paul, safe. Production knew that Paul would win the vote and handed him three weeks of safety. The replace a player in the veto ability is nothing compared to three weeks of safety. If they are going to have ridiculous temptations then they should be balanced so that no one temptation provides a massive advantage. But Grodner and company are not going to do that.

Cody was 100% right. His plan probably would have worked until the Den of Temptation fucked with it. Cody knew that Paul was a threat and happily targeted Paul. Cody's big mistake was not talking to the rest of his alliance in order to not blindside them. And Cody was right, he had to nominate 1/3 of the house.  Josh was safe because of temptation (the apple) so the easiest target was not available. Cody had to nominate someone else after Megan DORed and Paul was safe because of the temptation. There should not have been a vote after Megan DORed, because the person for the week was gone. When he has to make a spot decision on who to nominate he could not nominate Jessica, Mark, Matt, Raven, Elena, or Dominique because they were his core alliance. Josh, Alex and Paul were obviously out. That left Ramses, Kevin, and Christmas. Who am I missing? Cody wants to weaken Paul so he put up Christmas.

His game was clearly screwed with by something completely outside of his control and something manipulated by the Production staff and that is bullshit. Even for Big Brother that is bullshit.

That said, Cody then sunk his own game with his temper tantrum. He probably could have won back his alliance if he had asked to meet with them and admit that he was wrong to blindside them with the Paul nomination and then the Christmas nomination. Take the time to explain why he chose Christmas. Do some damage control. Instead he allowed them to fall under Paul's control by acting like an arrogant jackass and being annoyed that anyone doubted his moves.

Had Cody swung into the player we saw emerge on Wednesday/Thursday of this week, he could have saved his game but he threw a large temper tantrum because he knew that his game had been screwed with by Production.

Cody's downfall is his fault only because of how poorly he responded to it.

I would love to see Cody return to the game because he sees through Productions crap but that is why Production won't let him return. I fully expect the Battle Back competition to be something that Cody has no chance of winning.

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It's difficult to watch Jessica bat those caterpillar lashes, end every third sentence with ". . . for Cody and I" and abuse the word "literally."

But it was funny when she couldn't stop herself from interrupting.

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9 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:


I voted for Paul because the odds were against him staying in the house.  No other reason.  The odds are still against him staying in the house, once his immunity period has passed.


Three weeks immunity is too much to give to anyone. Especially with Paul's social game. It is an eternity in BB time. That is three weeks to build alliances and target anyone who could potentially go after him.

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20 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I just thought of something.  I wonder if TPTB will let Christmas watch the live feed or some edited feeds.  I wouldn't think TPTB would let her do that, because then she would be able to see everyone's game play.  Still, I do wonder if they are going to try to make some accommodations for her, since she has no social game as long as she is out of the house, and most likely will have limited opportunities to play in any physical/endurance type comps if/when she gets back in the house..


I also wonder if she will try to "milk" her injury in an effort to stay in the game.  Playing far more hurt than she is, and then out of nowhere, ditching the crutches to play a physical/endurance comp.

No, they won't allow Christmas to watch anything from the show. She chose to continue in the game, which means even outside of the house, she's playing. She can only get the information that she personally obtains. They have said in the episode that they won't make any personal accommodations for her. 

Also, since she did just have major surgery, I don't think she'll be milking her injury. She's genuinely going to need months to heal from this. I mean, it has to be serious enough if she was told that she needed surgery. I'm fairly positive that she'll still need her crutches and won't be able to play any endurance comps. 

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31 minutes ago, Kip Hackman said:

Three weeks immunity is too much to give to anyone.

Exactly. I wouldn't have liked this no matter who won it. But it was just blatantly fixed that it was Paul.

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1. The producers didn't "cheat," it's their show & they can do whatever they want. They even build this fact into the show's tagline - "Expect the unexpected," i.e., "We're going to fuck with you so brace yourself!" Cody will blame everyone except himself, but HE's the one who went behind the back of his entire alliance to nominate Paul. It was the first week, you're still building relationships and trust. You don't screw over everybody who's just agreed to work with you and expect them to say, Gee, thanks! But he'll never accept responsibility for his own actions, that's obvious.

2. Since Cody is almost certainly coming back, how freakin' great would it be if he set up a secret alliance with ... PAUL?  (Hear me out, I'm not crazy.) By the time he left, Paul was literally the only person besides Jessica that Cody respected in the game. He considers him a fellow "alpha male" (such a stupid phrase, but let's ignore that for the moment). NOBODY would suspect. Paul loves drama and big moves, such an alliance would be tailor made for him, besides he knows the entire house is going to come gunning for him as soon as they can.  Okay, maybe I am crazy, but it would be fantastic move, and great TV!

3. I did not know about Raven's illness & pacemaker. My respect for her just zoomed about 1000%.

4. Josh, even when he's right, is wrong. He's just a little ball of rage, insecurities and delusions. Must be exhausting to live with.

5. The other 'bros' -- Mark, Matt & Jason -- are growing on me. They're not as one-dimensional as I originally thought.

I'm actually enjoying this season. Go figure.

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

 Also, did he says Cody was running around the house with "a smut face"? Because that made me laugh so hard. 

He sure did. Josh-isms have become one of my favorite parts of the episodes.

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6 minutes ago, Gummo said:

The producers didn't "cheat," it's their show & they can do whatever they want. They even build this fact into the show's tagline - "Expect the unexpected," i.e., "We're going to fuck with you so brace yourself!" Cody will blame everyone except himself, but HE's the one who went behind the back of his entire alliance to nominate Paul. It was the first week, you're still building relationships and trust. You don't screw over everybody who's just agreed to work with you and expect them to say, Gee, thanks! But he'll never accept responsibility for his own actions, that's obvious.

Agreed, I said that in my post. Cody said that in his exit interview. He pointed to how the temptation screwed him over but he also said that his own actions were what caused the larger problem.

An yet, it doesn't change the fact that giving any player, never mind the only vet who was bar far the favorite to be given the temptation, three weeks immunity is bullshit. One week, fine, I can buy that. Three weeks? And you don't tell anyone about it until you are on the block so that could stay hidden until week whenever? This was rigged to keep the Producers pet player in the house. This isn't Survivor were someone finds a clue and has to find away to ditch people and find the hidden individual idol. This is voting for a player after one episode where people only know one person and making that player immune for three weeks. Not one week that you have to work a bit to find and hide from people, but three weeks handed to you.

You are technically right, it is not cheating because the Producers can do whatever they want, but it doesn't change the fact that it is bullshit and far too much.

Cody made his mistakes and did nothing to fix them, that is on him, but his initial move was not a bad play. He was simply screwed because Production wanted to make sure that Paul was safe. And it totally changes the game when you know that any player cannot be voted out for three weeks. That person is safe and can win HOH, so if you jeopardize your position if you don't play nice with that person.

And this is why I don't buy the feeds and I "watch" at work and I don't DVR the show. I want to minimize my support for the show but I am weak and I love shows like this so that is how I balance it out.

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