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S19.E07: Power of Veto #2

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One houseguest will win the Power of Veto — the ability to veto a nominee up for eviction.


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The only way Ramses could blow that POV is if he was paying attention to what was at the terminals so he could answer wrong. If you're not studying the clues, you can fluke the right answers. Why couldn't he just say that even if he was trying to not throw it?

eta: Jessica seems to have more unflattering zits when she's in the DR. Wonder why? 

Edited by dizzyd
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Oh no! How DARE Ramses not try to win the veto and pull himself off? How dare he not trust King Paul after knowing him for three weeks? How can he not trust King Paul at his word? He should have just SAT there! Damn you, Ramses! Curse YOUUUUUUU!

In all seriousness, Paul's cocky behaviour is irritating as hell. Guess what? You're not God; you don't control everyone like you claim to. Ramses can't trust you any more than you can trust him. So shut up about this whole "gotta go with the house", when it's really about Paul maintaining control. 

Also, I will be perfectly honest; it was around 42 minutes into the episode when I realized I haven't seen Dom on screen anywhere. I know she's been there, but I seemed to have forgotten about her. Same with Mark this episode. 

I really enjoyed the veto competition. It feels very fresh and new compared to the last few seasons, so I had a lot of fun watching it. You'd think any of them would have figured out that paying attention would be the smart move.

Paul winning the veto did make my heart sink. Will this guy ever lose? And he has a week of safety left! I don't want to hear him for another week! 

I'm not sure who I'm sick of more: Paul or Cody. It might actually be Paul. Cody's the only one to want Paul out, so that still makes him valuable to me. On the other hand, I am sick of Jessica and Cody so...I'm torn.

Paul sounded very aggressive during the veto meeting. He's been sounding very pissed this season. Also, I'm not sure about Josh's explosion on Jessica and Cody. The whole thing felt very immature, but Cody and Jessica kind of deserved it after their attitude last week.

I will say Josh's DRs annoy me a lot. He sounds like he has marbles in his mouth when he speaks. 

Also, I forgot Raven was also a houseguest until the random ass last shot in the credits of her, with her hair down, staring at the fish tank.

5 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

The only way Ramses could blow that POV is if he was paying attention to what was at the terminals so he could answer wrong. If you're not studying the clues, you can fluke the right answers. Why couldn't he just say that even if he was trying to not throw it?

I'm guessing because Paul asked him to throw the competition or just sit and do nothing, and Ramses chose neither option. Paul could have brought it around in asking why he didn't just not press the button to end the veto competition for him and if he just waited to be sure? Either way, Ramses couldn't have talked himself out of that. They basically wanted him to pull an Elena and he didn't. 

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I love the frog costumes and am so happy about their occupants.  

Ramses really tried to throw it after all that ridiculous angst?  Really?

It certainly didn't look like it it when he was going through it.  Fanboy just keeps widening his target.  Turns out it wasn't that close, but of course Paul will run with a new easy scapegoat.

Of course it was the Paul show for the first Veto run.  The eating in the middle seat delay was hilarious.  Been there, done that.

I feel a little bad for the kid, but he seems really over his head.  He claims he's this "cosplayer", but can't seem to find a "character" to be that the house would like, as Kevin seems to have pulled off without even trying.

That Veto was quite elaborate.  I'm going to guess that the players were sequestered between turns so they didn't know who was ahead or behind them or how long others took until the reveal.

Whoa Josh!  Well done.  Tell Cody to hop his ass on outta here.  And Cody and Jessica go straight to the sexual insults.  I hope Cody knocked her up.  They deserve each other.

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I hate Paul with a fiery passion of a thousand suns. 

The group think drives me crazy every season. Every single person in the house has to make Cody the number one devil incarnate. Cody is an asshole, no doubt, but they act like he's the worst person ever. House guests do this every season, so I don't know why it still pisses me off so much. 

Also on my " Please Get Off My TV Immediately" list: Joshua, Jessica, and Elena. 

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4 minutes ago, docmatt said:

How did it take 10 minutes to watch Paul finish the veto in 4 1/2?

Coz it's Fing fixed to subject us to 3 months of the Paul show. This group sucks. My root list is limited to Kevin, Alex and Xmas.

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Halfway through Paul's EP version of veto I was thinking, what a fresh and awesome new game! Then Elena walked into the pate-eating sweaty-guy-encroaching airplane and it became BEST VETO EVER. Even beats the increasingly annoyingly-voiced OTEV and quicksand-dragging jokes of Zingbot. (Still love ya, Zingy, but step up your game, droid.)

Poor Ramses, being pressured into throwing. And boo to shouty Paul - you're not the fucking emperor, dude. At least offer Ramses an actual incentive to throw it, like safety for an additional week beyond this one, and lose the dictator attitude, aka HoH-itis. Thank the ever-loving gods for Kevin: "This guy's got more necklaces than Two Chainz!"*

*confession: I had to google confirm that Two Chainz ends in a 'z'.

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Paul, for the last freaking time:

It's FOIL your plans, not SOIL your plans.

I honestly can't tell if he knows it's the wrong expression and he thinks it's cute or he genuinely has no clue that's the wrong expression.

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5 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Paul, for the last freaking time:

It's FOIL your plans, not SOIL your plans.

I honestly can't tell if he knows it's the wrong expression and he thinks it's cute or he genuinely has no clue that's the wrong expression.

He's an idiot, so I'm guessing he has no idea that he's saying it wrong.

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I loathe Cody and Jessica. They're not even fun villains to watch, they just seem like genuinely shitty people. Jessica is the epitome of a Mean Girl. It sucks that if Cody leaves tomorrow, she'll probably drop under the radar and make it far. That's usually what happens when a couple is broken up.

29 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Thank the ever-loving gods for Kevin: "This guy's got more necklaces than Two Chainz!"*

I live for Kevin's DRs!

This cast really does suck though. 

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So far this season has not been enjoyable for me...lots of people to hate, but no one to get behind.  As I hate Paul and Cody equally, I don't really feel invested in this week.  I guess there was less Cody so I hated Paul more?  Watching him straight up bully Ramses about the veto was unpleasant.  Watching/listening to Josh was borderline uncomfortable.  Watching Cody/Jessica whine at each other and make out was nauseating.  My hope for the season is that someone (Kevin?  Alex?) steps up to make this more compelling than the PAUL show.  Also, I hope that his words about how happy it made him to see Cody's fall from power come back to bite him in the ass.

How does he not have a constant massive headache from shaking his head so violently when he talks?  

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There really was only one redeeming thing about this whole worthless episode.


She was so cute and funny when she said "I'm not one of those Asians" about her lack of math skills.

And she was frankly smoking in the get up she was wearing at the veto meeting. So hot.

A sexy girl with a great personality. The complete package. She was the most well cast person this season.

Speaking of casting I remember thinking that JUSTIN was wasted on BB OVER THE TOP. If they could have known how much gold they had in him he should have been saved for regular season. Wouldn't everyone rather have him than Matt who while likable is pretty much a casting dud?

Dominique and Raven did not speak ONCE!

Cody gets a lot of hate but everything he said about Paul was absolutly true...the idiots WILL take Paul to the end and they aren't even Betas...they are Omegas. Once he's gone this thing is going to start tanking even worse than it already is because Paull has YET ANOTHER week of safety and on top of that it likely will be a very boring enevitable boot of Jess.

All of  a sudden to me anyway Christmas is giving off vibes that she could turn out to be a villain....there seems to be something catty about her...and I liked her originally but her stock is starting to drop.

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Poor Ramses. First he votes to evict Christmas but Cody and Jessica think he's lying. Then he gets shit for not throwing a competition that is almost impossible to throw because you don't know the others' times. And while I'd say Paul was bullying him, I'm not sure Paul is a bully so much as a sociopath.

I was gobsmacked that Josh did as well as he did. He strikes me as not that bright but he did so much better than Elena and Matt. 

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28 minutes ago, Michichick said:

He's an idiot, so I'm guessing he has no idea that he's saying it wrong.

Speaking of no idea what you're saying I cringe every time Josh says that Cody "lied on everyone" is this an extension of telling someone you are "waiting on them"??

I was surprised at the amount of compliance with the ve-toad costume that Cody had. I though for sure he'd say "Screw you guys, I'm going home." and self-evict. Maybe he's not a humorless bot afterall? Nahh.

12 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

All of  a sudden to me anyway Christmas is giving off vibes that she could turn out to be a villain....there seems to be something catty about her...and I liked her originally but her stock is starting to drop.

Ya know, she enjoyed and heartily laughed a little too long and too hard tonight at the sealed fate of Cody. And she showed her vindictive side when she basically punished Jason for breaking her foot by adding him to the 'V-toad' curse. That was a little harsh. You may be onto something or maybe she's really THAT super competitive but even so that may start to rub people the wrong way too. But you may be onto something.

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10 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Then he gets shit for not throwing a competition that is almost impossible to throw because you don't know the others' times.

Re: Ramses veto "throw" this one all you had to do was sit in the punishments a little longer each time, hell count to 120 before you do anything and that adds like 10 minutes. Easy peasy. Count to ten before you put your 'buy' token up for the math veto. Tell yourself you'll get it wrong five times before you get it right. Etc. there were TONS of ways you could bleed time in that one. Take a few minutes before going in the doors. When you see the final button lay down and do 25 situps before hitting it. You may not get last but you WON'T get first!!

He just plain didn't throw it, no matter how much he protests and has made himself believe he did!! He couldn't have done worse then Elena...

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35 minutes ago, leocadia said:

So far this season has not been enjoyable for me...lots of people to hate, but no one to get behind.  As I hate Paul and Cody equally, I don't really feel invested in this week.  I guess there was less Cody so I hated Paul more?  Watching him straight up bully Ramses about the veto was unpleasant.  Watching/listening to Josh was borderline uncomfortable.  Watching Cody/Jessica whine at each other and make out was nauseating.  My hope for the season is that someone (Kevin?  Alex?) steps up to make this more compelling than the PAUL show.  Also, I hope that his words about how happy it made him to see Cody's fall from power come back to bite him in the ass.

How does he not have a constant massive headache from shaking his head so violently when he talks?  

I feel the same, and as much as I dislike Cody, he's the only real rival for Paul, who seems just a little too comfortable as emperor (good one, DeweyDecimate!).

Jessica is the perfect love-to-hate villain...she's awful!

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This was a very weak, filler episode. Will Ramses throw the veto or not? Eh, don't particularly care that much.

At least Josh didn't what he could to stir up some more drama at the end.

Ramses really does have an Urkel vibe. I keep waiting for him to say "Did I do thaaat?!?".

And Paul?  Please shut up.

Why can't there be a punishment where Paul can't speak for 24 or even 48 hours (including the DR)?

Edited by vb68
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14 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Why can't there be a punishment where Paul can't speak for 24 or even 48 hours (including the DR)?

I think you meant especially in the DR... but then they wouldn't want to do that as having a houseguests head explode is very costly and time consuming to clean up.

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5 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

The Magic of Television? Poetic license?

Poetic license made me actually laugh out loud! That's awesome.

It occurred to me briefly that Ramses really thought he did poorly, and the others are just really stupid.

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TPTB have certainly tried to add "extras" to try to change up the format. But the bottom line is that most of it is icing on a cake that has failed to rise. This episode was boring. This will be a slow crawl to a finish line.

TPTB have one of two options to try to make the show watchable: either get rid of Paul after Cody goes OR keep Cody in some twist and amp up the conflict. The season has flatlined. This episode seemed like a rerun of many past seasons with just new faces. 

Sad, because this cast had great potential but Grodner shot her show in the foot with her decision to bring back Paul. 

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2 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

TPTB have certainly tried to add "extras" to try to change up the format. But the bottom line is that most of it is icing on a cake that has failed to rise. This episode was boring. This will be a slow crawl to a finish line.

TPTB have one of two options to try to make the show watchable: either get rid of Paul after Cody goes OR keep Cody in some twist and amp up the conflict. The season has flatlined. This episode seemed like a rerun of many past seasons with just new faces. 

Sad, because this cast had great potential but Grodner shot her show in the foot with her decision to bring back Paul. 

Well said an a good summation of what has happened and what needs to happen.

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I'm thrilled that Cody is leaving, and since I like Paul, I'm happy that he'll be around at least for another week.  Crossing my fingers that it's more than one more week.  Paul just makes me laugh.  I remember that "patting down" thing he did last year.  Hilarious.  Go Paul.    

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Ugh, the way Paul approached Ramses from the beginning was so obnoxious. The way he basically said in exchange for throwing the veto we will keep you safe had me rolling my eyes (hey Paul, if he wins veto he will be safe this week anyway). 

This competition reminded me of the one last year that looked so shady. It had the different rooms and you had to solve the puzzles. The editing makes these types of challenges look inherently untrustworthy. It looked like Alex skipped a lot, but she wasn't close to the top. It felt like Paul took forever to complete his and he won. 

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"It doesn't bother me that much." Oh, dear, the Codybot seems to have acquired some malware.

Paul's got more necklaces than 2 Chainz. I freaking love Kevin. What's his continuing beef with Ramses though?

That slop looks like what my cat barfs up when he eats his food too fast.

Why did Matt seem to be so pissed off?

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I was gobsmacked that Josh did as well as he did. He strikes me as not that bright but he did so much better than Elena and Matt. 

I don't watch the feeds or read spoiler threads, but my guess is Elena and Mark threw that comp since they had nothing to gain by winning the veto. 

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6 hours ago, dizzyd said:

The only way Ramses could blow that POV is if he was paying attention to what was at the terminals so he could answer wrong. If you're not studying the clues, you can fluke the right answers. Why couldn't he just say that even if he was trying to not throw it?

Ramses DID fluke on the one he got right; on the "What color was Australia on the map?" question, Ramses only picked Purple because he thought it was a "fun color".

Ramses, of course, missed the obvious (and definitive) response to Paul's suspicions about Ramses actually playing to win PoV:

"What the hell, dude?  I thought I WAS throwing it - shit, your time was half of mine.  I just didn't want to make it look too obvious.  How did *I* know these other people were all going to suck THAT bad at this comp?"


6 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Halfway through Paul's EP version of veto I was thinking, what a fresh and awesome new game! Then Elena walked into the pate-eating sweaty-guy-encroaching airplane and it became BEST VETO EVER.

OH yeah!  Only way it could've been better would've been for Fat Sweaty Guy to be munching on a loaf of garlic bread and breathing heavy the entire time.  :D


5 hours ago, vb68 said:

Why can't there be a punishment where Paul can't speak for 24 or even 48 hours (including the DR)?

There is.  :) 

Remember BB14 - Dan Gheesling and the Solitary Dance Party? 

24 hours of solitary confinement with nothing but:

  • A bed,
  • A bucket of slop,
  • A camp toilet,
  • A disco ball, and
  • A speaker incessantly blaring disco tunes.

Me, I think Paul would love it - and I really really hope he gets the chance to find out.  :>


6 hours ago, docmatt said:

How did it take 10 minutes to watch Paul finish the veto in 4 1/2?

4.5 hours for the comp, 5.5 hours for DR talking headshots.  Paul talked about the comp longer than he took to run it.  Now say you're surprised.  G'head. I double-dog dare ya.

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Maybe I was just in a BB mood (I bailed on Masterchef),  but I rather enjoyed the episode last night.  

The POV was really fun to watch.  Yes, Paul was the "star", but since I'm not currently hating him, I didn't mind.  

Poor Cody. I don't even like him, but it really looks like he is miserable all the time.  Is it just editing, or does he never smile.

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8 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

TPTB have one of two options to try to make the show watchable: either get rid of Paul after Cody goes OR keep Cody in some twist and amp up the conflict. The season has flatlined. This episode seemed like a rerun of many past seasons with just new faces. 

Last night, I noticed Cody's edit to be a bit softer. They actually showed him smiling in the frog suit. They showed him being a tiny bit more human. Then, when Paul was "concerned" that Ramses might not actually throw the veto comp and when he called him out for walking in the HOH room and then just walking back out...then a little while later saying, "Maybe I can't trust him. Maybe we should vote him out this week instead of Cody".  

Hmmm....once Cody leaves, the show will be boring. TPTB know this too. I am wondering if this might just be yet another "fix" by TPTB to keep the show interesting - Ramses goes home instead of Cody and that ensures another week of more interesting tv.

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Even when Cody's trying to romantic with a girl it's like watching paint dry. Jessica - "want to make out?" Five seconds of 5th grade style pecking ensues, then he drops her on the ground and is done. THAT was making out? I mean, I appreciate being spared, but damn. No zest with that couple. 

Kevin continues to perplex me and crack me up. "Paul's got more necklaces than 2-Chains". Who the fuck is 2-Chains??? Is this some 80s reference, showing his age? Or is the house grandpa hipper than I am???

Those Vetoad costumes were lame. More like VeFROG. They needed to be a lot more brown. 

I really don't get Paul being so mad at Ramses for almost winning the comp. It was a blind competition. There is no way he could have known how well, or how badly, the other contestants were doing. I think he got most questions wrong? And had to do the delays? So he might have thought he was really fucking it up! Cut the kid some slack. 

What was all the meatball talk at the end? Is Snooki in the house???

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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

"It doesn't bother me that much." Oh, dear, the Codybot seems to have acquired some malware.

Codybot, Chenbot and Zingbot...who wins in a brawl?  I'm thinking Chen.

What, exactly, is "slop?'  I remember it looking more like oatmeal in previous seasons, but wow, it looked horrible when Cody and Jessica were eating it.  The poster that said it looks like cat barf was spot-on.  Either that or they scrape whatever's been burned onto the bottom on the pots and pans for the week and serve it up.  Gross.

Regarding Ramses...even if he did win POV, why couldn't he use the veto to take Josh or Alex off the block?  Paul acted like if Ramses won, the entire plot would be soiled...or foiled.  I feel like Ramses could probably trusted to do so, since if he used it on himself, the wrath of the house would fall squarely on him.

Kevin has really pretty eyes.

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34 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Kevin continues to perplex me and crack me up. "Paul's got more necklaces than 2-Chains". Who the fuck is 2-Chains??? Is this some 80s reference, showing his age? Or is the house grandpa hipper than I am???

He's hipper than you lol. 2 Chainz is a rapper who is pretty hot right now with the youngins.

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11 hours ago, docmatt said:

How did it take 10 minutes to watch Paul finish the veto in 4 1/2?

I hate timed vetoes where they separate the players like that.  It could have been rigged for Paul, we will never know.

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17 minutes ago, Negritude said:

He's hipper than you lol. 2 Chainz is a rapper who is pretty hot right now with the youngins.

Oh damn. See? This is why I love Kevin. He surprises me every week. Although, he has kids that are teenagers/young adults, right? So that might be how he knows of 2 Chainz. My kids are 5-9 and into Legos, Transformers, and Taekwondo. 

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I thought the reason that Paul's run seemed to take 10 minutes was because they interspersed his run with his DR comments.  Given that he learned after the first couple of quizzes to pay more attention to the terminal information, and it appears that not a one of the other contestants did, I'm not surprised he did better than the rest.  He avoided 2 delays, whereas Ramses only avoided 1.

Other than the one "passenger" lying on top of you, the eating french food (pate, escargo, caviar) sounded good to me.

Paul did offer Ramses an extra week of safety if he threw the veto competition.  Idk why Ramses would put himself on the block, on a week he knew the target was Cody, and then try to win Veto so that Cody couldn't get backdoored.  If you know someone else is the target, you allow that to happen.  I thought the whole reason he put himself on the block was because it was a relatively "safe" week to do so, since Cody was the target.

What was the point of the lily pads?  was that the only place the V-toads could sit or something?

Maybe the reason Christmas chose Jason for the curse was becasue he was used to wearing a clownish costume?

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Kevin continues to perplex me and crack me up. "Paul's got more necklaces than 2-Chains". Who the fuck is 2-Chains??? Is this some 80s reference, showing his age? Or is the house grandpa hipper than I am???

Kevin making that reference was almost like him coming out with a pithy explanation of astrophysics. Completely unexpected. He might be a dark horse.


once Cody leaves, the show will be boring

I think Cody is already boring right now because he knows he effed up and he's not getting to be the BB hero. He's likely just going to continue pouting, scowling, and attacking whoever he deems to be the weakest so he can feed his starving ego. Production could intervene on his behalf but don't why they'd do that since he can't even recognize that he did anything wrong. Plus he has the personality of a stick of chalk. AFAIC, he's become an unnecessary distraction and they can create another foil for Paul.

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I hate Paul. And I'm starting to hate Christmas, too.  No I'm not the Grinch but the girl is putting out some kind of vicious mean girl vibes lately.  


I have watched every episode of this show since episode one, season one. If Paul wins I am out. Not merely because of my hatred but because it's so clearly rigged and that's not worth investing these hours of my time.  Nor is it enjoyable.


Grodner I hope you see this 

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I normally love when people get backdoored, but once again, since Paul shockingly got what he wanted, I had to fast forward again. Paul is almost sufferable when he's an underdog, but when he's on top - his inner piece of shitness really shines through.

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I like Cody. I will miss his psycho looks when he leaves. He did the vetoad thing like a champ. Unlike some people last year. I think it will be boring without him there. And what was up with Raven's makeup? The white foundation was scary looking!

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Never liked Xmas from the giddy-up, her smugness is coming through loud and clear especially during Cody's defeat....bitch.

The only positive about Cody is that not only doesn't he like Paul but he is spot-on about how he can win with the remaining minions carrying him to the finish line.

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I laughed for days when Jessica was complaining the rest of the house were bullies. Sweetheart, when your little boyfriend was HOH, you were queen of the mean girls.  Kind of sucks once the tables turn, doesn't it?  I'll never understand how these people don't get that the power shifts non-stop in BB so it doesn't help anyone to be bitchy and catty towards other houseguests when your side is in power.  It's only a matter of time before that power shifts.  People bitch about floaters but it really is an effective way to play the game, so long as there's enough people in the house to maintain it.  Going mean-girl (or boy) is a recipe for disaster. 

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