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S09.E12: Regency Reunion

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11 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

It was kind of funny that Carole told Tinsley to cut her hair (she was right) but at the same time Carole kept her long hair until recently.  At least Carole wasn't doing the bleached blond.

Almost as bad as the length on Tinsley is the Shirley Temple curls.  Is she really 43?  She acts like 21.  I notice that she is still defending the curls in the TH with straight hair.

Ramona, Paul Mitchell makes an excellent hair mask.  Decent price, $12.99 I think.  You just put in on, wait 5 minutes and voila you no longer look like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.

The negotiation for the Buddha head, I've done that.  I've picked up spare junk around my house and attempted to barter it for something a honey had.  I can't even do it with a straight face and neither could she.  Crystals.

And I agree with losing the drapes and 80's color palette in Ramona's place but HATE her furnishings.  The rug is too small.  Here's a hint, buy two and have them seemed together.  I bet Madame Pauline's will do it.

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42 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:


By jove, your post may be impetus for the TruRenewal Natural Hair Wigs Collection! It actually makes sense --  Moaner could be the force behind some decent natural (or hi-end synthetic) wigs and she might do quite well. Hell, Raquel Welch and Joan Collins both sell wigs -- it's a business move with real possibilities if Moaner could just accept that she's neither young nor a hot sexpot.

Not a bad idea. She could even be coy and say that her wigs are a fun way for women to switch up their looks and feel confident while doing so.


(And PS they're great for those who lose their hair through chemo, alopecia, etc)

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2 hours ago, ichbin said:

His charm is not translating well on the TV screen.  

Neither is Tom's.  Someone has to remind Tinsley that Tom and Harry were considered big catches on the upper east side.  That should get her running downtown to look at apartments. 

Hideous Harry.  How did he get all those good looking women?

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I was torn watching the scene of Carole and Dorinda at the march. I was there that day (it was soooo cold! And more people than the city anticipated. Enough so that when the march finally got underway, we were just crowding all streets with no particular march route set), and seeing some of the signs the editors chose to display made me remember that there were also other signs pointing out the overwhelming whiteness of the march (from white women and WOC/black women alike). In any case, it was a day for the record books, and I'm glad that Carole and Dorinda made the trip.

I did the march in Chicago and had a great time. I did like seeing the various marches in different cities, so I liked watch the brief clips we saw of Carole and Dorinda in DC.

I liked the episode, but I am one who likes low drama episodes and the constant fighting episodes bore me. I like when the ladies can for the most part get along or be cordial.

Ramona just keeps showing how messy she is. Seriously Ramona, you could not figure out that some of your friends have some issues between them? Really? She so invited Harry and Missy to be a shit stirrer. Everyone stirs the pot on these shows at one point or another, but Ramona is so blatant about it. Then she will try to pass it off as her being oblivious and scattered.

Also, I hope everyone was just being nice about Ramona's hair and outfit. She is trying way too hard to be young, sexy and edgy. It doesn't work Ramona. She still will not be hanging out with Avery's friends. I loved Tinsley's mom looking at Ramona when they were all greeting one another.

Tinsley could use a hair update. I thought Carole was right that Tinsley should cut her hair or something. I hate the constant curls on Tinsley. I like the flat ironed hair she has in her TH's way better. If she wants to do curls then update them a bit. I did love Tinsley's reaction to Harry saying he liked where he necklace was placed.

If I was Tom I would choose my words very carefully when the cameras are on. After last seasons Regency debacle, I would think he would be very careful on what he says. He could be joking, but if he is it is so awkward.

I did not think Lu was as okay with Tom talking to Missy as she said she was. Her smile seemed so fake. It would be rough going to these parties constantly running into Tom's exes.

Edited by Misslindsey
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11 minutes ago, Lemons said:

Neither is Tom's.  Someone has to remind Tinsley that Tom and Harry were considered big catches on the upper east side.  That should get her running downtown to look at apartments. 

Hideous Harry.  How did he get all those good looking women?

His parents money!

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58 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Ramona looked more like Tonya Harding

OMG, yes!!!  And not even Tonya from 20 years ago when her scummy hubby made Nancy Kerrigan cry WHY, WHY, WHY, but the chubby really pathetic recent Tonya from when she appeared on some forgettable reality show (I can't remember which).

Moaner's hair looks thin, thin, thin.  Is it from all those blowouts a few years ago?  It's possible.  Or maybe she's been thinning for a while & that's why she's been using the extensions.  That tighty-tight updo is really harsh & unflattering for most women.  It didn't do Moaner any favors, that's for sure.  She kinda looked like Amy Phillips doing an impression of her.

Idk, the Tinz disappoints me.  Yes, I'm bothered by her weird hair with the strange blonde color & the always black roots showing thru & the style that makes her look like a crazy homeless woman -- er, but isn't she one?  Nah, if she wants to keep her weird hair, that's her right & her business.  But still, NYC is a hair town.  True, Trump went far in spite of his hair.  But not too many others do with bad hair/weird hair.  Particularly women.  But she's rich so maybe it doesn't matter.  

I thought the Tinz was gonna zing Harry but good after he leered at her so creepily & remarked at how he liked the cross on her chest.  But she just walked away & said he was "a kook".  That's the best you can do, Tinz?  Lame.  Bethenny woulda chewed him up & spit him out.  Ah, but she's consumed by real estate now.  I wouldn't know cuz I muted her.  Yup, Bethenny, you come on my screen now & I mute you.

Moaner's redo?  I liked the hardwood floors.  The rest?  OK, but unmemorable.  At least it was sorta tasteful & nothing tacky like Jillzy did to her place.

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3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Ramona is such a shit stirrer, she invited Missy on purpose. Poor Lu, I don't think she'll ever go anywhere where at least several women in the room have banged Tom. 

I think Bravo cast the guests, including Tinsley's mom and Harry.  They are desperate for drama and the housewives are so far not bringing it. Not that it happened tonight, either.

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Oh, so many thoughts...

1) Dale (Tins' mom) is probably not that much older than Ramona. Tinsley's dad was born in 1947 but I can't find an age on her mom so figure she is probably a bit younger than him (maybe 2 years). That's just 8 years (which is nothing, IMO).  Yet, Dale looks SO MUCH better than Ramona to me. Ramona just looks sad and pathetic.  She's trying so hard to be young and sexy and it just is coming off as insecure. 

2) The ponytail was awful. It was pulled so tight. I wonder if she was trying to do the fake facelift that you can do with a really tight and high ponytail. And honey, let's not show off your face. 

3) Oh Tins...  She needs a hair color change. It is just too light and flat, IMO.  I could see her doing a darker blonde with lots of lowlights and highlights.


4) I feel bad for Rocco.  I actually really like him and I feel like he would be a good match for Sonja. I'm not sure how old he is but I think Sonja needs that calmer, stabilizing influence more than she needs whatever Frenchie is bringing/packing.

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

One more post about Ramona's hair...all that product and the ends still seemed to look the business end of an old timey broom.

Romana has fallen victim of the bad edges/damaged hair from wearing weaves.  That's the reason I never wear them.  You are way better off just getting a wig.  But even then, you have to let your scalp air out ever so often.  Ramona is trying so hard to look young and vibrant.  Too bad she doesn't realize that dressing and wearing your hair in younger styles doesn't necessarily make you look younger.  She's an attractive woman.  She needs to dress more for her body and facial type.  It's almost like she's trying to look like Avery.  And her posture is weird.  It always looks like she's hiking her shoulders up to make her chest stick out more.  I wonder how her reactions were seeing herself this episode? 

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I loved Ramona's place. She looked very nice when she was talking with Avery, but with her high ponytail, err no!

Carole do the couch, but tin foil? Really? What a small place she has, and that costs how much. ? The kittens running up the drapes, yuck! Adam looked fine with leaving..lol. $9000.00  for that Tinsley , I'd rather live in a hotel.

Ramona stirring it up,Missy, is that her real name? She didnt say much..Meh, trying to make trouble where there is none. I'm fine with Bethenny not going to the party, less rowing and snide remarks, although next week motormouth makes up for it.LOL.

I forgot Rocco, odd little man. He looks like a gnome I have. Sonja is leaping from bed to bed,with fake French guy, Tom, Dick and Harry!:) 

Edited by F. M.
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I guess she didn't get that bar from Homegoods.

If she paid as much as she said, she overpaid for that bar! 

2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

When Adam walked into Carole's apt., I thought a homeless person had wandered in.

LOL!! Close...

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Hideous Harry.  How did he get all those good looking women?

Like Tom, maybe he has a rep for being just that good in bed?


I did not think Lu was as okay with Tom talking to Missy as she said she was. Her smile seemed so fake

Just a tad lol


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30 minutes ago, bagatelle said:

I think Bravo cast the guests, including Tinsley's mom and Harry.  They are desperate for drama and the housewives are so far not bringing it. Not that it happened tonight, either.

I don't think Bravo casts the guests in part because the show would need at least a producer or two just to keep track of how the friends of friends feel about any of the current cast in real time. What's much more likely is that each woman’s producer in coordinating shooting schedules and filming talking head interviews discovers certain info and "produces" their wife. For example Ramona might have revealed to her producer that her friend, Missy, was also dating Tom at the same time LuAnn was. The producer might suggest that Ramona invite Missy to an upcoming lunch with Bethenny and Sonja to discuss their concerns about Tom. Or the producer might have reminded Ramona that her friend Missy gave her info for some contractors and that Missy might be interested in seeing the finished apartment.

This is a really insular social circle. Tom showed up in a season 1 episode. Dorinda had been in earlier episodes as a guest of Jill's. Sonja and LuAnn slept with Harry Dubin as did Kelly Bensimon. Bethenny is the one who suggested that they cast Aviva. Dorinda got into a fight with Harry at the Regency last year. Sonja and Ramona had been involved with Tom. Tom is a friend of John's.

Beverly Hills is similarly insular.

Did anyone feel like Ramona's kitchen table was a little weird? She's got a breakfast bar and the dining room is right off the kitchen. It seems like it would make more sense just to continue the kitchen cabinets and add a built in wine fridge filled with Ramona Pinot Grigio.

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8 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Part of Tinsley's initial appeal for the socialite set was that she wasn't typically New York. She was known for pastels, ruffles, very feminine style, and big blonde curls. 

Whatever Happened to Tinsley Mortimer?

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So, here's why I think Carole's advice was solid: Tinsley is saying that she wants to remarry and have a child. If that truly is Tinsley's goal, then, yes, she shouldn't be out here dating the same kind of men she dated 10, 15 years ago since that clearly didn't yield the results Tinsley's (says she's) hoping for today.

Carole hasn't expressed these desires for herself--she isn't looking to remarry; she, for sure, isn't trying to have a child of her own--so she will be out here, having fun and dating younger men.

Ultimately, I don't think Tinsley wants what she's telling people she wants. Or, she's under the impression that she can keep doing the same things, making the same choices, but somehow, magically, they will yield different results. Honestly, Tinsley is the friend you simply listen to complain about her life (and you make sympathetic moans intermittently while she complains) but to whom you give no advice because she doesn't actually want any advice. 

Yeah, that's how I saw it as well.

Plus, giving Tinsley the advice that she can't reclaim the life and notoriety that she had back in her IT Girl days. That ship has sailed. She can still be something of a celebrity and be invited to certain events, parties, charity events, etc. But she has little or no chance of being the social scene's queen bee. She needs to change and re-invent herself. A new hairdo would be a nice start to that. Maybe moving to live in downtown would be another step.

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ummmm .... did Ramona's hairstyle remind anyone of Jill's when she was on WWHL I think the year she was canned?

My memory is not always that great. 

I just remember thinking that when you got the Bravo people mad at you  they can really make you look bad. 

I don't know.....

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Honestly, Tinsley is the friend you simply listen to complain about her life (and you make sympathetic moans intermittently while she complains) but to whom you give no advice because she doesn't actually want any advice. 

I'm willing to give her a pass on this at the moment.  From the previews, it's clear that she's still struggling with her breakup and arrest - who wouldn't be!   Looks like Bethenny tells her to quit complaining and to get on with her life (if the preview was correct and that's who Bethenny was talking to.)  Pot meet kettle on that one.

Sonja told Rocco that all she wants from a man is loyalty, all while she is bedding another man.  That's just rich.

I liked Carole's advice to Tinsley that you can't reinvent yourself while doing the same things you once did.  However, she needed to quit hounding her about her hair.  Just say it once and leave it alone.  Tinsley wasn't receptive to the idea, so don't be pushy. What was up with the comment about Anne Hathaway's dress at some event they were talking about?  Then she makes fun of Ramona's ponytail.  What's up with her need to point these things out about other women?   I noticed Dorinda pretended to like the ponytail (although she did say it was severe, but she liked it), but trash talked her behind her back.  Some of these ladies would be fun to hang out with, but I would trust them about as far as I could throw them.

Oh, Harry.  Telling a woman that her Cross necklace looks good on her chest is just all kinds of wrong.  And the looks he gives women just creeps me out.  Why are old men such perverts?  I'm a dental hygienist and I've seen my share of creepy old men over the past 25 years. Example:  "I lost my filling, but I put it in my pocket.  Just reach in and get it."  Seriously, that happened.    It's just gross.

Carole needs to humanely discipline her cats not to climb the curtains.  I've had cats my entire existence (50 years), and I've never had a problem with them scratching the furniture or climbing the curtains.  As with kids, you don't let them rule the roost.  With dogs, you're the head of the pack and they follow your lead.  I feel like cats are the same way, to a certain degree.  They can be trained/conditioned not to tear things up.  Mine can go outside to scratch a tree, but for all of the indoor time they have, there's a scratching post in the house along with assorted toys for them to bat about.  This bugs me because cats generally get a bad reputation with people.   A lot of people don't like them for the very reasons they see with Carole's cats.  It doesn't have to be that way!!  They're great companions.  Like kids, they just need a little love and discipline. 

Edited by ChitChat
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7 hours ago, Lemons said:

Neither is Tom's.  Someone has to remind Tinsley that Tom and Harry were considered big catches on the upper east side.  That should get her running downtown to look at apartments. 

Hideous Harry.  How did he get all those good looking women?

Harry is disgusting.  He should be careful - he's not getting any younger, and his comments and leering is starting to border on the same behavior as Aviva's father, George. 

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Harry is disgusting.  He should be careful - he's not getting any younger, and his comments and leering is starting to border on the same behavior as Aviva's father, George. 

Given that she was married to Harry, that comment does raise an eyebrow...

Edited by BBHN
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9 hours ago, the killer said:

Every guy on these shows is uncomfortable unless they are fame whores like Slade from the OC or that hobbit from New Jersey who lasted one season. Men never look good on these shows unless they really curtail their appearances. Bobby Zarin is the gold standard in this regard. He is one of the few Real House Husbands who is universally respected. Take a lesson Tom. Limit your appearances and interactions. It can only go sour. There is no upside.

I wasn't really watching the "Jill Years" on RHONY but what little I have seen of Bobby I would agree. He seems like an all around good guy and I wish him well in his cancer fight.

I used to think Gretchen was cute but once she took up with Slade ewwww, gross.

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Kind of a boring episode. Not a ton to say. 

Tinsely always looks, to me, like she just got out of bed. After a night of partying. At someone else's house. She always appears to have slept in her makeup, and thrown last night's greasy hair up into a ponytail. I was with Carole. She needs a make-over. I think she would look good as a brunette. And yes, lose some of the length! 

I get that her previous relationship was super crazy and ended very badly. I'm never one for telling anyone when they need to be "over" anything. But there's something a bit disconcerting about watching a 40-something woman freak out about committing to her own $9,000 apartment. I was pleased that she at least admitted part of her financing would come from family wealth. 

Ramona also looked a mess in this episode. I noticed she even poses and arches her back when just doing Facetime with Avery. She's such a weirdo! And if Harry Dubin thinks you're high pony and high breasts look great....well, that tells you everything you need to know. 

I'm one that doesn't find it odd, or a poor reflection of the relationship, that Adam moved out of Carole's apartment. I always saw it as a temporary solution, not a step forward in their relationship. But it was kind of odd watching him come back for this stuff, like you see post breakup. Also, is there not another Buddha head in all of NYC? 

Sonja and her love triangle just seems so fake, to me. I see zero chemistry with her and Frenchie. And Rocco is clearly into her, but she seems repulsed by him. It's like she loves the attention, but doesn't want to actually touch him. And I liked how she really downplayed her "ten year love affair" with Tom when telling Rocco about it. 

Tom and Lu still seem so awkward to me. He's once again speaking of wearing a wedding ring in a negative light - comparing it to a dog collar. I have to wonder why he chose to get married; what's in it for him? Those speculating about an inheritance/allowance based on tying the knot may be onto something. And Lu was NOT the picture of contentment and poise. No, she did not appear to be "okay" with Missy at all. She SAYS, "Oh, I'm friends with my exes, people can be friends with an ex" - but her eyes say otherwise. 

And Ramona totally invited that broad on purpose. Don't act like you didn't realize the ramifications until they were all standing in your apartment. 

Edited by ghoulina
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2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And Lu was NOT the picture of contentment and poise. No, she did not appear to be "okay" with Missy at all. She SAYS, "Oh, I'm friends with my exes, people can be friends with an ex" - but her eyes say otherwise. 

And that's how you handle that kind of uncomfortable situation with class!  There was no way she was going let these ladies see her come undone over having to be face to face with Tom's ex-lover.   She would've had every right to let Ramona have it for having put her in that situation.  How very rude of Ramona to have invited her.   

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13 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think Dale looks just as awful as Ramona, maybe worse. Her face seems very lumpy and waxy, to me. Very plastic. I will say, she does seem to have very good manners, which is something I cannot say for Ramona. 

Yeah, I would agree that she has overdone some fillers too but she looks better because she isn't trying so hard to be younger, hipper, sexy than what she really is. 

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9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


I think Dale looks just as awful as Ramona, maybe worse. Her face seems very lumpy and waxy, to me. Very plastic. I will say, she does seem to have very good manners, which is something I cannot say for Ramona. 

I thought it looked like Dale, 68, had Bell's Palsy, or something that has caused one side of her face to seem stiff.  She is an attractive woman, and like Tinsley has very small facial features. 

18 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

And that's how you handle that kind of uncomfortable situation with class!  There was no way she was going let these ladies see her come undone over having to be face to face with Tom's ex-lover.   She would've had every right to let Ramona have it for having put her in that situation.  How very rude of Ramona to have invited her.   

I thought Luann handled it well.  It is one thing to run into exes-quite another to have your so-called friend intentionally bring the forces together.

Ramona seems to have forgotten about Dorinda's run in with Harry Dubin. I am quite sure the last person Dorinda wanted to see was Harry Dubin,   http://pagesix.com/2016/10/05/housewife-dorinda-medley-allegedly-attacks-banker-with-high-heel/  Once again, excitement at The Regency.  WIth 250 people at ther birthday party the best she can do is invite a woman she just met and Harry Dubin?

I have always been curious why these women feel they are still dating Tom.  I would think after a week or so it might become obvious that he is not that into you.  Strange tentacles these women have-they reach so far back into time. 

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27 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think Dale looks just as awful as Ramona, maybe worse. Her face seems very lumpy and waxy, to me. Very plastic. I will say, she does seem to have very good manners, which is something I cannot say for Ramona. 

I think Dale looks far worse. Her smile is just a slightly open mouth, her face is that frozen. 

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1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

Carole needs to humanely discipline her cats not to climb the curtains.  I've had cats my entire existence (50 years), and I've never had a problem with them scratching the furniture or climbing the curtains.  As with kids, you don't let them rule the roost.  With dogs, you're the head of the pack and they follow your lead.  I feel like cats are the same way, to a certain degree.  They can be trained/conditioned not to tear things up.  Mine can go outside to scratch a tree, but for all of the indoor time they have, there's a scratching post in the house along with assorted toys for them to bat about.  This bugs me because cats generally get a bad reputation with people.   A lot of people don't like them for the very reasons they see with Carole's cats.  It doesn't have to be that way!!  They're great companions.  Like kids, they just need a little love and discipline. 

She should get a cheap water pistol. Cats generally don't like water and a spritz every time they begin to climb (or claw furniture) with a water splash or two would curb the problem. Agreed that she needs a scratching post as well and praise them every time that they use it. I hope that she keeps the door to her clothes closet closed. Kitties climbing up a gown or her good clothes could become a disaster. 

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11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Tom just seems very uncomfortable - I think he's constantly on the lookout for a former paramour popping out of a closet wherever they're socializing

I think both of them are on edge because odds are both of them will have screwed half the room aka bathroom aka maybe closet too.

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I think I am equally entertained and horrified to watch Ramona go thru her female mid-life crisis.   She and Tinsley both are in somewhat of a similar situation and handling equally as badly.  They are both “re-entering the world” after a divorce or break up and they seem to want to go back to their life before that point.  Ramona going to the pre Mario days where she is dressing inappropriately in a younger style and typical Ramona it is ramped up to comic degree – ponytail, dress, clumsy flirting.  There is a way for a lady of your age to dress edgy and it isn’t by emulating GiGi Hadid, Kylie Jenner or Avery and her peers. Also, own that you are petty.  The fakeness of not realizing that you invited Mindy/Missy and Harry to fuck with Luann and Tom was sooooo transparent.  

Tins, you are 42.  You will NEVER be able to recapture the life you had in NYC when you were the “it” girl.  You need to stop living in the past and live in the present and focus on the future.  Also it may be a pet peeve of mine but it irks me when adults have a juvenile demeanor.  Tins has this way of expressing herself that is very teenager.  Not even Avery acts that juvenile in fact she has the more mature demeanor. 

Poor Rocco, Run Rocco Run.  Sonja is the type of woman who will keep a Rocco around – mature, kind, respectful, as a perpetual back up.  Even though she knows that for what she is looking for the Rocco type men are her best bet but, the Frenchie’s will always push them aside. 

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I found it odd and terribly invasive that Carole, 53, of all people claims Tinsley should cut her hair.  She is 41 and there has been a long list of 41 year old and much older RHONYC that have worn long hair and long hair with curls.  Kelly, Bethenny, Ramona, Heather, Carole (well into her fifties), Jill, so I think Carole is being a little catty about trying to change Tinsley and reinvent her.  Removing the random barrel curls isn't the answer.  The change needs to come from within.  A new hairstyle seems a little shallow.    Tinsley has issues that are far bigger and I don't think these women see how terribly damaged and physically abused she was during her days in Florida.http://pagesix.com/2016/04/16/the-tragic-downfall-of-new-yorks-hottest-socialite/

Tinsley's mom lives in Florida and it must be difficult to cut out living near her mom. 





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It looks like Bethenny is yelling at Tinsley to "sh**" or get off the pot" in terms of her living with Sonja next week?  At least that is the jist I got from the clip.  I have to say, if that is the case, I sort of agree with her (hey even a broken clock is right twice a day!).  All that pissing and moaning about how terrible it is to live with Sonja - and now we hear her say that she DOES have the money to afford a $9k/month rent.  Girl, bye.  No, seriously, pack up your stuff from Grey Gardens, say goodbye to Sonja-rita, and get the heck outta there!

11 hours ago, the killer said:

Every guy on these shows is uncomfortable unless they are fame whores like Slade from the OC or that hobbit from New Jersey who lasted one season. Men never look good on these shows unless they really curtail their appearances. Bobby Zarin is the gold standard in this regard. He is one of the few Real House Husbands who is universally respected. Take a lesson Tom. Limit your appearances and interactions. It can only go sour. There is no upside.

Indeed. Bobby managed to be friendly with the wives (and their husbands), be supportive of his wife, and yet stay out of the fray.  He is truly a "house-husband" to emulate! 

10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I really like Rocco - I liked him last season, at Sonja's dinner party, too.  I think he's genuine, and I think he sincerely cares for Sonja, unlike Frenchie, who just seems to want to be on American TV.

I like Rocco more too. Sonja needs to get with him.  While Frenchy is ostensibly the more "traditionally handsome" of the two, there is just something so endearing and charming about Rocco. 

10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I think that was the season that Ramona shoved the oar and threw the acrylic wine glass at Kristen in the Berkshires.  Back when Ramona actually seemed to be embracing her age gracefully, unlike now, where she's trying too hard to look and act young and hip.

Also, I think that Ramona needs a hair cut back to the above-the-shoulder bob she used to wear.  I think her hair got damaged from the extensions she was wearing last season.  Her hair looks very unhealthy. 

ITA.  When you have fine, thin hair like Moaner, a shorter and layered hairstyle adds body!  She ain't fooling anybody with those extensions.  And her hair just looks so lifeless and unkempt.

Tinsley, on the other hand, seems to have nice hair, and I think it looks good when she wears it straight.  But that "signature look" she sports with the weird curly ends is NOT your friend, girl.  Still, I do agree with Carole that she should perhaps try a new look.  I think she'd look stunning with a layered bob - somewhere between chin and shoulder length. 


1 hour ago, Ellee said:

ummmm .... did Ramona's hairstyle remind anyone of Jill's when she was on WWHL I think the year she was canned?

My memory is not always that great. 

I just remember thinking that when you got the Bravo people mad at you  they can really make you look bad. 

I don't know.....

Ha - yes!  And while I thought it wasn't flattering on Jill, damn, Ramona looked 10x worse!  That's definitely a hair-DON'T Moaner. 

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So we see now Tins is a bit unhinged. Why is she so afraid to live on her own? I know she was married young and then had the boyfriend right after that in Palm Beach. I wonder if she actually has ever lived alone. Time to grow up, hon. It will interesting to see her story unfold.  I don't really think her hair is that bad.  Aren't the beachy waves in style right now? I've been trying to master that look with my curling iron lately, it's not happening. Anyway,  is her hair really any worse that Sonja's long hair ? She's a good 10 years or more older than Tins and Sonja's hair always looks like a mess. And of course we have already discussed 60 year old Ramona and her rediculous extensions. (They were practically down to her waist on WWHL last night). 

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I think Dale looks just as awful as Ramona, maybe worse. Her face seems very lumpy and waxy, to me. Very plastic. I will say, she does seem to have very good manners, which is something I cannot say for Ramona. 

Dale has said several times that Sonja is very gracious to have invited Tinsley stay with her. She even asked Tinsley if she has given Sonja a small appreciation gift or taken her out to dinner. It's what you do when you are a guest in someone's home for an extended length of time.  Tinsley had no answer for that, it was obvious she has done nothing.  I'm beginning to think she is an entitled, spoiled womanchild with no discernable manners. I wonder why Dale didn't teach her daughter how to be a gracious guest. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So we see now Tins is a bit unhinged. Why is she so afraid to live on her own? I know she was married young and then had the boyfriend right after that in Palm Beach. I wonder if she actually has ever lived alone. Time to grow up, hon. It will interesting to see her story unfold.  I don't really think her hair is that bad.  Aren't the beachy waves in style right now? I've been trying to master that look with my curling iron lately, it's not happening. Anyway,  is her hair really any worse that Sonja's long hair ? She's a good 10 years or more older than Tins and Sonja's hair always looks like a mess. And of course we have already discussed 60 year old Ramona and her rediculous extensions. (They were practically down to her waist on WWHL last night). 

Dale has said several times that Sonja is very gracious to have invited Tinsley stay with her. She even asked Tinsley if she has given Sonja a small appreciation gift or taken her out to dinner. It's what you do when you are a guest in someone's home for an extended length of time.  Tinsley had no answer for that, it was obvious she has done nothing.  I'm beginning to think she is an entitled, spoiled womanchild with no discernable manners. I wonder why Dale didn't teach her that. 

To me it is more how Bethenny delivered the message-with the raised voice.  Bethenny is involved with a charity that is suppose to help women-yelling at them isn't the way to go.  It sounds like Bethenny wants to corner the market  on tortured relationships.  I posted a picture of Tinsley and I can understand why she is a little shy about moving away from her mother.  I find it ridiculous that Sonja has all these rules, when the reality is at the beginning of the season Sonja needed a storyline and now that Sonja has Frenchie and is otherwise occupied she has no use for Tinsley.  Sonja could try a little compassion as well.

I would be interested to see if Tinsley has given Sonja anything.  When Sonja, Frenchie and Tinsley are hanging out they seem to have a good time.   We know Tinsley ordering in food is out of the question as it necessitates opening Sonja's front door.  I have become jaded when it comes to Bravo editing and find it hard to believe that Tinsley has no manners. 

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2 hours ago, Ellee said:

ummmm .... did Ramona's hairstyle remind anyone of Jill's when she was on WWHL I think the year she was canned?

My memory is not always that great. 

I just remember thinking that when you got the Bravo people mad at you  they can really make you look bad. 

I don't know.....

My memory is not great either. But wasn't Ramona also wearing a high (but less extreme-looking) ponytail in the magazine photo from decades ago that she showed Beth in an early season? She may have had bangs softening the look in the photo.

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