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S09.E05: The Politics of Friendship

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Ramona said she "is so happy" on WWHL tonight, but I just don't buy it.  She seems to be struggling with her life at this point and seems so desperate to find a partner.  She is just trying so hard it's difficult to watch.  She doesn't need a man to be fulfilled.

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3 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Ah, Heather sighting.  I miss Heather.


Harry?  Really?

Sonja continues to live in Sonja world.  Your two guys are really nothing to make a fuss about.  OK.  Tinsley should have given her a card.  Sonja just continues to be kind of pathetic.


God, I can't believe I've gotten to this place but let Beth go do her show with Fredrick and bring Jill back.  I walk to the other side of the room in shame.

I miss Heather as well.

I had to laugh at Sonja rewriting what we all saw just a few seasons ago between her/Harry. Now that fake (Ramona) ring was an "engagement ring" and he went off with Luann that night even though we all know he left with the whole group to go dancing! The lies tales that come out of her mouth! LOL

I will help keep you company, at this point, I would welcome Jill back to see Bethenny leave! LOL

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1 hour ago, charming said:

I'm a little surprised that Carole's Mom had never met Adam. I would actually love to see Adam's family on the show to find out how they feel about Carole.

It won't happen, Carole is used for one thing, and she talks about strong women! 

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7 minutes ago, F. M. said:

WTH do these women wear?? Carole looking like a blue big bird driving with snippy mum.. BF friends, the blonde lady with that HUGE butt ugly red flower. Too funny. Money doesn't buy good taste. Ramona's red dress, Carole trying on another ugly dress. SMH .Carole's party looked like a miserable affair, and that was before the results .LOL.

Ramona ( sometimes)  does look good for 60! She should stop using pink eyeshadow, it looks like pink eye. Sonja gets on my nerves. People share friends, quick squawking Sonja. Well done Dorinda for pulling off a surprise party, I've tried and failed. I bet she makes a great friend. Tinsley looked pretty, Sonja thinks she's one of her doe eyed interns

Bethenny not  being that, BONUS!! Again, the less I see her , the better the show :):

Also glad that Franklestein has been absent from the last two dinner parties.

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I could have lived without watching Ramona get stabbed by needles, then get her skin burned off. I wanted to belt out of the room myself.

On to Carole: Isn't "shacking up" the same as living together? Why not just say that he's moving in temporarily? 

Also, did her staircase always have that handrail? I could have sworn it didn't.

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53 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

I could have lived without watching Ramona get stabbed by needles, then get her skin burned off. I wanted to belt out of the room myself.

I was horrified to see that.  Never again.  I knew women did this to their skin, but that just cannot be good for you!

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Did y'all notice Lu's cracked and dirty screen on her cell phone? She was showing Dorinda the Rolex she bought Tom as a wedding gift, at a pricey mens boutique for a couple of expensive ties, all the while with a jacked up phone in her hand. Priorities people, priorities!

Another 'Ramona-ism' tonight. She wanted to 'belt' out of the derma's office. Belt out, are you kidding me? 60 years old and still using cliched sayings incorrectly. Bolt Ramona dear, bolt! She does make 60 look good though. 

Add me to the group who didn't miss B and her dramatic machinations one little bit!

Oh and Carole and her back bruises, compliments of cupping, didn't look so great. They are on her back so perhaps she overlooked them when was choosing her outfit for the party but I could have done without seeing them. 

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13 minutes ago, HahYallDoin said:

Did y'all notice Lu's cracked and dirty screen on her cell phone? She was showing Dorinda the Rolex she bought Tom as a wedding gift, at a pricey mens boutique for a couple of expensive ties, all the while with a jacked up phone in her hand. Priorities people, priorities!

Yes! It made me doubt the Rolex purchase because...phone was busted. 

I liked Carole's mother. It makes me want to watch a Golden Girls version of this show, with women around her age who may even look around that age. Frankly, I'm surprised bravo hasn't done it yet. Or have they... 

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In the scene at dinner with Rocco, Sonja bemoans Tinsely not getting her a birthday card.  Sonja's birthday is at the end of November and we were (in episode time) around November 8, plus/minus a few days.  So, was this scene shot later and dropped in as an 'evergreen' shot of Sonja on her own, or was Sonja making shit up about Tinsely?  If it were anyone else, I'd just think it was an evergreen shot and someone didn't catch Sonja's birthday was a good three weeks away.  But Sonja lives in a fantasy world, so I can't be sure.

43 minutes ago, HahYallDoin said:

Oh and Carole and her back bruises, compliments of cupping, didn't look so great. They are on her back so perhaps she overlooked them when was choosing her outfit for the party but I could have done without seeing them. 

Those bruises looked extremely painful. 

Tinsely reminds me of someone every week but I never can place who exactly it is.  It's driving me nuts!

I was kind of surprised that Carole's mother was only 18 when she had her.  But they were fun together, and I actually liked Carole & Ramona together.  Carole really is much easier for me to watch when she's not with Bethenny.

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1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

Ah, Heather sighting.  I miss Heather.

I'm kind of glad that Beth is mad at Ro because as a result we have less of Beth.  Thank you.  Speaking of Beth, did you notice that Beth's marketing person or whatever was part of the planning of Carole's election party?  Did you notice the product placement and how that placement was very stingy?  Beth's going to be secretly pissed.  I did like the 'pantsuit' theme.  :)

I really liked Carole with her mom.  I also get their disappointment with the election.  I also don't think the election was over done.  It was kept real.

Either Dorinda gave John the memo or John figured it out...don't get overly involved.

Harry?  Really?

Sonja continues to live in Sonja world.  Your two guys are really nothing to make a fuss about.  OK.  Tinsley should have given her a card.  Sonja just continues to be kind of pathetic.

Lu just doesn't give a crap because she has a wedding to plan.

Loved seeing Alex on WWHL.  I couldn't stand her (or Simon) the first couple of seasons.  And then she grew on me.  I loved her response to Andy's question if Beth has changed from her early seasons.  Alex's response:  No.  That was 'shade' and truth.

God, I can't believe I've gotten to this place but let Beth go do her show with Fredrick and bring Jill back.  I walk to the other side of the room in shame.

No, no, no shame.  I'll join you on that side of the room, as I'm sure many, many, many others would too -- & we'll have absolutely ZERO shame.  Set Bethenny free to go off with Fredrick to do a show I'll never watch in a zillion years.  And bring on Jillzy & add in Heather too.  The best eps are the ones that are mostly Bethenny free.  It's all too noticeable.

Moaner's shit with that suspect freaky skin doctor of hers was really squicking me out.  Blech.  Producers are really mocking her this season, but haven't they always?  Eh, she puts herself up for it.

Jeez, Carole actually didn't bug the fuck outta me this ep.  Gotta say, it's been a long time since I could say that.  She looked downtrodden & in a trance after the election.  Her behavior/attitude was too real.  Made me kinda nauseous to relive, but it was real.  Btw, I get that producers don't give Adam ANY opportunity to say much, but I'll ask this question for billionth time -- why the fuck is Carole with this dude?  He seems like such a dull waste of space.

As far as Bethenny not speaking about who she supported or showing pretty much no reaction to who won?  Someone might correct me, but I'm pretty sure I saw on her Twitter a while back that she did support Hillary.  I suspect she made a purposeful choice she did not want to discuss it on the show.  I can understand this choice, but still, her total silence on the subject also makes it easy to make assumptions that she just doesn't care one way or another -- that she's rich so it doesn't matter to her who wins.  Color me indifferent if people make ONE wrong assumption about Bethenny.

Way to give Moaner a really nasty jab, Lu!  She said Moaner couldn't remember George's name cuz she had too many dates (please, NOBODY believes that for a sec) -- or she was having a senior moment.  Mee-OW, Lu!  

Tinsely was barely in this ep.  She is not making much of an impact.  Only thing I notice about her is that hair.  It's really annoying me.  Is it the color?  The NYTimes had an article on her color.  Here it is if you missed it-


Let's just say that white blonde is not something you see too often here, so I guess she stands out.  But that's not it.  It's not the length either.  It's that Baby Jane style she had at the party & she usually has had.  It looks off.  Maybe that's how she wore it 15 years ago when she was the "it girl"?  Whatever.  Makes her look weird.

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I'm typing this as I watch.  LOL. 

1) Ramona looks younger because her face is completely fake at this point. 

2) Dear God, that coat on Carole.  It looks like it was lined with murdered Muppets. 

3) Sonja's hair on her date with Rocco reminded me of Florence Henderson's iconic haircut on The Brady Bunch. 

4) I was Carole back in November. 

5) Oh Ramona...  She has absolutely no self-awareness. 

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2 hours ago, Lizzing said:

In the scene at dinner with Rocco, Sonja bemoans Tinsely not getting her a birthday card.  Sonja's birthday is at the end of November and we were (in episode time) around November 8, plus/minus a few days.  So, was this scene shot later and dropped in as an 'evergreen' shot of Sonja on her own, or was Sonja making shit up about Tinsely?  If it were anyone else, I'd just think it was an evergreen shot and someone didn't catch Sonja's birthday was a good three weeks away.  But Sonja lives in a fantasy world, so I can't be sure.

Those bruises looked extremely painful. 

Tinsely reminds me of someone every week but I never can place who exactly it is.  It's driving me nuts!

I was kind of surprised that Carole's mother was only 18 when she had her.  But they were fun together, and I actually liked Carole & Ramona together.  Carole really is much easier for me to watch when she's not with Bethenny.

Yea that scene with Sonja had to have been filmed later because Rocco mentioned wishing her Happy Birthday on social media (or wherever) when she was in Paris (aka: probably the Au Bon Pain down the street). Poor Rocco- she's clearly put him in the Friend Zone. Or the "you're good enough to buy me an expensive meal but not to sleep with" zone. 

Felt for Carole at the party. I think she felt the way many of us felt--sad, disheartened and dissapointed. I thought the speech she read on the phone was lovely. Which means she has her ghost writer pen it, obviously (sarcasm).  I felt Dorinda  leaving early and just wanting to go to bed and hoping she would "wake up and it would just be a horrible mistake." 

Yay a Heather sighting! Mama looked good. Love how she supports her friends.

DOuble yay not too many Bethenny sightings! 

Ah Ramona. Had to laugh at her NOT catching on that the party was a surprise. Her obliviousness and narcissism worked to her (and Caroles!) advantage. That red dress she tries on was very dated looking . Or maybe that style has come back around again. In any case, I think I had a similar one in the 90s from Cache! 

Edited by Duke2801
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I really don't like Ramona, so I was surprised that she was honest enough to admit that it would not be in her best interests to try on that absolutely gorgeous black dress after Carole had tried it on and had looked so fantastic in it.  I was also incredulous that Ramona admitted that guys dump her after three dates.

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If it were Below Deck  or say a TLC show I would say skip the politics. Coming from the RH franchise, it makes as much if not more sense to me than the other topics such as trips, fashion, culture, etc. This was a historic election by any perspective. I loved the picture of Sonja with the The Donald ... remember when LuAnn strongarmed Eric Trump off to the restroom? These are the circles they roll in so I think it is more than valid to cover.  

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As far as Bethenny not speaking about who she supported or showing pretty much no reaction to who won?

I'm pretty sure she was a Hillary supporter.  In one of the previous episodes when they were all at dinner, Carole said something like "I hope I wake up the morning after the election and Hillary is president," to which I heard Bethenny reply "me too."   It was something along those lines, but Bethenny did agree with her.  Apparently Bethenny didn't feel the need to drone on and on about it, or get so worked up about it, for which I appreciate! 

Hopefully politics will take a back seat for the rest of the episodes.  I see enough of it on the news.  I don't need to hear anymore of Carole's self-proclaimed expert opinions on it. 

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Can we get rid of Carole and keep her mother?

Not surprised in the least that Adam hasn't met Carole's mother, I doubt she's met Adam's parents either. 

Sonja and Tinsley might not end well.

Ramona ignoring her date was pure Ramona.

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Carole and her mother in the car totally cracked me up. It reminded me of my mother and myself, we're always bickering and bantering with each other like that. Overall her mother seemed like a cool chick, and I always like those authentic family moments more than anything else. 

Her party sure fell flat on its face, though, didn't it? I guess that's what happens when you get too arrogant about a victory. I don't want to mock people, because I respect everyone's opinion and she (and anyone else) has every right to be upset about the outcome. Personally, I'm an anarchist and I hate the entire system and 99% of politicians, so I have a totally different perspective on it. But I can put myself in people's shoes, and I get it. I'm just glad the election is over as far as the show goes, because that storyline was just about as tiresome as experiencing it in real life. 

What in the ever loving fuck was Ramona doing to her face??? To each their own, but if I ever come home and say, "Hey, you know what I want to do? Lazer the fuck out of my face!", I'd hope my family would rush me to the nearest sanitarium. Ramona was really cute, IMO, when this show started. I don't even know that face anymore. 

And she insists she has more energy than women half her age? More like mania. 

I LOVED the scene where Carole let the cat out of the bag about Ramona's surprise party. Her "what?" was everything. I'm not sure that Ramona go it, though. Either it flew right over her head (don't flatter yourself, Carole, you did not recover well) or she just chose to go along with it, because nothing flatters a narcissist more than a giant surprise party in their honor. She LIVED for that moment of walking in and having everyone looking at her, surprising HER. Did you see how she fell on the floor, just bowled over with emotion? Bahahaha. Give it a freaking rest, Moaner. 

Sonja at Ramona's party was driving me nuts. First she's busting Tinsley's balls for not bringing her a drink. Apparently living with Sonja means you're now her servant. Then she flips out about Harry being there, and with a date. Excuse me, I thought you were juggling two men right now? Why do you give a fuck who that douchebag Harry is squiring around town? And why does she think she OWNS everyone? She is junior high with the mentality of MY friends, MY guy, etc. She travels in fairly small circles, you'd think she'd have figured it out by now. 

I really don't care that B didn't come, even for a quick pop in. I don't think I would have either. Ramona can quit acting like an innocent here. I said it before, but I'll say it again, the way she brought up Bethenny's "movie" was not altruistic at all. She was just DYING to drop that piece of gossip, but she was scared to piss B off. She thought if she used Brynn as a way to present her intentions are concerned, it would be all good. The irony here is, Bethenny doesn't give a fuck about the stupid video and would have just laughed it off if Ramona had mentioned. It was the bringing of the kid into that pissed Bethenny off. And Ramona is too obtuse to get it. 

What was up with her date, by the by? Super awkward blend of Marty McFly and Bill Pullman. 

If John has lost weight, I'm not seeing it. 

What was the monogram on Sonja's towels? STAM? Sonja? Tremont? Morgan? What's the A? 

Edited by ghoulina
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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I really don't like Ramona, so I was surprised that she was honest enough to admit that it would not be in her best interests to try on that absolutely gorgeous black dress after Carole had tried it on and had looked so fantastic in it.  I was also incredulous that Ramona admitted that guys dump her after three dates.

Did she admit that though?  I thought she was insinuating that she dumped them!  Maybe I missed it though.


What was the monogram on Sonja's towels? STAM? Sonja? Tremont? Morgan? What's the A?

I think I saw someone else comment that it probably stands for Sonja Tremont Adams Morgan.  Her husband was John Adams Morgan.  Why in the world she'd adopt that part of her ex-husband's name is anybody's guess!

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Sonja, Sonja, Sonja - we see her all whack-a-doodle with Tinsley and her crazy townhouse and her Frenchie.  Then we see her talking to Ramona and saying all the things we said on the board.  Asking R if she is that chummy with Bethenny?  Asking her if mentioning her daughter was a good choice.  Noting in her TH that Ramona was so good that she convinced her, albeit with an eyeroll, that she was right and Bethenny was wrong.  I want more of this calm, thoughtful, and well spoken Sonja.

Ok, full disclosure I am probably Carol's mom.  I believe I actually had that conversation with a New Yorker driving to the Hamptons.  What do you mean you haven't driven a car in 3 years?  Stop yawning, now you're tired and you can't drive?  Poor New Yorkers they end up prisoners on the island due to their inability to drive away.

I appreciate Bethenny not showing up.  That means that Ramona gets a nice birthday party.  Because you know if she was there Ramona would have had to pick that scab and the whole thing would have been another blow up.

Yes to all reading her twitter.  Bethenny was a little more passionate about Bernie but made no excuses that she was thoroughly behind Hillary once she won the nomination.  I don't blame Carol for the Skinny Girl.  Hell, free snacks and booze for your big party?  I'm in.  Over the next few weeks from the election Carol was off social media and people were asking B how she was doing.  B was flip about it but basically saying Carol was having a tough time working through it and getting out of bed.


Why in the world she'd adopt that part of her ex-husband's name is anybody's guess!

Because STM looks too much like STD?

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A few thoughts

1) I kept wondering why Bethenny's looks kept changing between the THs and scenes until I noticed that she changes her part and the side which she pushes her bangs to. 

2) Did Dorinda's driver run red light on their way to the party? 

3) I understood the bruises on Carole's back to be from the cupping but what about all the small ones on her upper right arm? Fingerprints? 

4) I got grossed out when Ramona was eating the shrimp...double duty chewing and talking. I will say the food looked good. 

5) I think Dorinda "made it nice"! 

6) Ramona turned her back on her date minutes after he came in and her saying "Just chill" just didn't seem kind. 

7) I thought Tinsley loooked lovely in the nude colored outfit (the shoes were eye candy to me) before she was told it was LBD

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8 hours ago, Emmeline said:

Ramona said she "is so happy" on WWHL tonight, but I just don't buy it.  She seems to be struggling with her life at this point and seems so desperate to find a partner.  She is just trying so hard it's difficult to watch.  She doesn't need a man to be fulfilled.

Ramona's entire persona right now is trying to convince everyone how great her life is, and how happy she is. How many times did she assert how great she looked last night??? Someone doth protest too much. 


8 hours ago, ivygirl said:

On to Carole: Isn't "shacking up" the same as living together? Why not just say that he's moving in temporari

Oh yea, the semantics conversation is driving me nuts. I get it. He's out of his old place, hasn't gotten a new one yet, so he's staying with her for a bit until he gets it sorted. What's the big deal? No need to try and make it a big thing. Stop saying "shacking up", like you're trying to be provocative and unconventional. 


5 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

1) Ramona looks younger because her face is completely fake at this point. 

Right. Younger isn't always better. I would rather look my age than look like a wax doll. 


4 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Yea that scene with Sonja had to have been filmed later because Rocco mentioned wishing her Happy Birthday on social media (or wherever) when she was in Paris (aka: probably the Au Bon Pain down the street). Poor Rocco- she's clearly put him in the Friend Zone. Or the "you're good enough to buy me an expensive meal but not to sleep with" zone. 

Exactly. And she said "you're good for my self esteem". So he's the guy who can feed her and slather her in compliments. But he ain't getting in the panties. 


13 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

I think I saw someone else comment that it probably stands for Sonja Tremont Adams Morgan.  Her husband was John Adams Morgan.  Why in the world she'd adopt that part of her ex-husband's name is anybody's guess!

LOL, thanks. Yea, still using the last name is one thing. They have a kid together. But if Adams is his middle name or something, it's just silly that she'd use it. A 4 letter monogrammed towel looks silly anyhow, IMO. 

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8 hours ago, F. M. said:

I would actually love to see Adam's family on the show

This has me wondering if Adam's mom and dad are Gomez and Morticia.  Actually after seeing him walk around like a zombie in the black turtleneck, I'm convinced he's Lurch.

Thanks to those of you who cleared up the STAM - I could not figure out what the A was for, but I had a few

1 hour ago, escapetoreality said:

I loved the picture of Sonja with the The Donald

So we've seen The Donald with two housewives now, Kim from RHoBH and Sonja from RHoNY.  I guess he has/had a type - blonde with a few screws loose!

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6 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

6) Ramona turned her back on her date minutes after he came in and her saying "Just chill" just didn't seem kind. 

Ramona is an ass. The dude was fine when she thought it would just be a one-on-one, and HE could fawn all over her. But an entire PARTY in her honor? A whole ROOM full of people to fawn over her? Get in line, Marty McFly. 

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I think its funny as hell that both Beth and Ramona treat everyone like crap but are incensed  when someone returns the favor. The preview of Beth saying Ro is an ass for telling Luann there are bets placed on her marriage is mind blowing. And Ro being upset Beth didn't show when she has skipped plenty of people's events in a tiff. But on another level I think she also realized it meant she wasn't the end of season wrap up since they wouldn't have shots of all the ladies at her event. That said- I think they both need a good children of alcoholics support group to reprogram and sadly seem lonely on some level.

On WWHL Ramona said it was a complete surprise and she literally almost didn't show. She also said Carole told her the real reason for the disinvite was that Beth was a cohost & did not want to deal with Ramona.

I have to say- 2 Beth scenes per ep is about the best serving size for my tastes.

On the various social media accounts and photos floating around- I think Carole, Beth, Luann and Dorinda all were team Clinton and attended events. I would not be surprised if Ro went either way and Sonja probably voted Trump to further her international luxury lifestyle brand...

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28 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Did she admit that though?  I thought she was insinuating that she dumped them!  Maybe I missed it though.


Hmmm. Now I am doubting my interpretation. I thought she was kind of self-deprecatingly saying that a fourth-date (?) dress was not an issue for her because she wasn't able to get past 3 dates, and maybe even implied that Carole could give her advice regarding how to get a fourth date?

19 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

2) Did Dorinda's driver run a red light on their way to the party? 

I saw that, too!

I actually liked the Muppets coat Carole wore to Pennsylvania. But I thought that the olive green (?) was a weak choice for the contrast color. Maybe white or black would have improved the look.

Do you refer to friends who are female as "friends" or "girlfriends"? Ramona is always going on and on about her girlfriends. Imagine if men referred to their friends who are male as "boyfriends".

Rocco seems sooooo sweet.  

I liked LuAnn's black TH top with the zippers.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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Ramona's date reminded me of Steve Martin doing his  " Wild and Crazy Guys".... He had a deer in the headlights reaction when he realized he was on camera. 

Leave it to Carole "Radzi-tell" to blurt out the secret surprise party to Ramona. I did love Carole's mother! The election night party was supposedly Carole's but Bethenny's assistant put it together and it seemed like a good majority of the guests were Bethenny's friends. 

This is so mean, but, Ramona' S plastic surgeon looked a bit rough around the edges-kind of more like a seasoned waitress in a truck stop than a plastic surgeon. 

Luann.....All those beautiful ties and she chose two very plain ones for 'Little Lord Fauntleroy ' ! Her cracked phone screen mad me LOL! She wore that feathery shrug to the party-same one she wore to lunch with Dorinda. Another LOL was her pulling an "Irish Goodbye" aka: skipping out without saying bye. 

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This is so mean, but, Ramona' S plastic surgeon looked a bit rough around the edges-kind of more like a seasoned waitress in a truck stop than a plastic surgeon. 

And what the Joan Rivers did they all do to their cheeks?  Is that injectables?  Do we like looking like that? 

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1 minute ago, Juliegirlj said:

Leave it to Carole "Radzi-tell" to blurt out the secret surprise party to Ramona. I did love Carole's mother! The election night party was supposedly Carole's but Bethenny's assistant put it together and it seemed like a good majority of the guests were Bethenny's friends. 

Did anyone else wonder if Carole's whole slip up on the surprise party wasn't a passive aggressive attempt to ruin the  party because of the Bethenny/Ramona feud?  I just didn't think Carole was THAT stupid.  I also think Ramona knew the party was coming.  Her leaving without Dorinda and having a "date" that she had to rush to see, when we saw that she couldn't give a damn about the man and he acted like he didn't even know her, was all part of creating a dramatic entrance to further feed her immense ego.  Maybe I'm too skeptical, though. 

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9 hours ago, ivygirl said:

I could have lived without watching Ramona get stabbed by needles, then get her skin burned off. I wanted to belt out of the room myself.

On to Carole: Isn't "shacking up" the same as living together? Why not just say that he's moving in temporarily? 

Also, did her staircase always have that handrail? I could have sworn it didn't.

I agree - I was cringing while watching that!  

But, I think we found the "model breasts" that Ramona used for her augmentation.  The doctor's breasts were a larger version of Ramona's.   ;-)

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It wouldn't surprise me if Carole ruining the surprise was a subconscious passive aggressive move. Ramona isn't the brightest bulb on the lamp, but she figured it out. Going to the party separate from Dorinda purposefully built Ramona's dramatic entrance. 

Groannnn, I sure hope Adam is well endowed and good in bed! Aside from good sex and some good meals, he doesn't seem to offer much else. ( maybe that is exactly what Carole wants- she probably figures she has enough "smarts" for the both of them ?)! 

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Sorry; I realize that a lot of you don't appreciate posts questioning the soul mate love between Lu and Tom. But remember when Bethenny said that Tom had a reputation for spending time with affluent women? And now we have LuAnn telling Dorinda that when she asked him what he might want for a wedding gift, he tells her, "A Rolex". That makes me wonder.

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Carole had to remind her mother on camera that she was once a journalist and married to a Kennedy relative.  

Adam seemed more interested in if Carole was going to be screaming at the tv than the election itself. He did himself no favors walking around saying'Duh, Indiana, duh.." He seems like a simple minded prop she uses to make herself look desirable.

Carole's face is disturbing to look at like a creepy mask, over filled, freaky and her lips look lopsided. I did love the dress she tried on with Ramona and it did look really good on her (see I said something nice about Carole!)

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Ramona's date reminded me of Steve Martin doing his  " Wild and Crazy Guys".... He had a deer in the headlights reaction when he realized he was on camera. 

Leave it to Carole "Radzi-tell" to blurt out the secret surprise party to Ramona. I did love Carole's mother! The election night party was supposedly Carole's but Bethenny's assistant put it together and it seemed like a good majority of the guests were Bethenny's friends. 

This is so mean, but, Ramona' S plastic surgeon looked a bit rough around the edges-kind of more like a seasoned waitress in a truck stop than a plastic surgeon. 

Luann.....All those beautiful ties and she chose two very plain ones for 'Little Lord Fauntleroy ' ! Her cracked phone screen mad me LOL! She wore that feathery shrug to the party-same one she wore to lunch with Dorinda. Another LOL was her pulling an "Irish Goodbye" aka: skipping out without saying bye. 

I couldn't help but notice that Skinny Girl products were featured prominently at Carole's election night party, not only behind the bar, but Heather was also drinking out of a Skinny Girl glass.

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I was somewhat hoping that when Ramona realized that it was a surprise party for her and wouldn't be able to go on her date that she would politely cancel with the guy and reschedule.   To invite him, someone that you couldn't even remember his name, just didn't make sense.  Its not like you were close enough that he would have been extended an invite under different circumstances.  To ignore him was rude.  I would imagine that he doesn't know anyone else there so if you aren't prepared to hang with him for the evening you shouldn't have invited him.  

I didn't watch WWHL but I read that Ramona was flippant about her treatment.  Now you know that if it were reversed and her date treated her that way she would have been pissed and offended.  

Ramona, you don't get to a 3rd date because you can only hide crazy for so long.  By the 3rd date they realize "Dis Bish B Cray"

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I actually really enjoyed Ramona's shock followed by happiness at seeing the surprise party. Seemed like a genuine, unfiltered reaction. I like when you see the women in real, unguarded moments, rather than either stage-managing their image in an interview, or deliberately stirring up drama for camera time.

And I didn't realize how much I missed Heather until she showed up. Holla!

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  1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

Did she admit that though?  I thought she was insinuating that she dumped them!  Maybe I missed it though.


Hmmm. Now I am doubting my interpretation. I thought she was kind of self-deprecatingly saying that a fourth-date (?) dress was not an issue for her because she wasn't able to get past 3 dates, and maybe even implied that Carole could give her advice regarding how to get a fourth date?

  1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

2) Did Dorinda's driver run a red light on their way to the party? 

I saw that, too!

I actually liked the Muppets coat Carole wore to Pennsylvania. But I thought that the olive green (?) was a weak choice for the contrast color. Maybe white or black would have improved the look.

Do you refer to friends who are female as "friends" or "girlfriends"? Ramona is always going on and on about her girlfriends. Imagine if men referred to their friends who are male as "boyfriends".

Rocco seems sooooo sweet.  

I liked LuAnn's black TH top with the zippers.

I thought Rocco seemed a bit obsequious. I wonder how long his toadying behavior would last if he was actually in a day-to-day living situation with Sonja. My guess is, not long.

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3 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

I couldn't help but notice that Skinny Girl products were featured prominently at Carole's election night party, not only behind the bar, but Heather was also drinking out of a Skinny Girl glass.

Beth was the co-sponsor of the party apparently. Any excuse to shill her swill I guess!

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10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Ah, Heather sighting.  I miss Heather.

I'm kind of glad that Beth is mad at Ro because as a result we have less of Beth.  Thank you.  Speaking of Beth, did you notice that Beth's marketing person or whatever was part of the planning of Carole's election party?  Did you notice the product placement and how that placement was very stingy?  Beth's going to be secretly pissed.  I did like the 'pantsuit' theme.  :)

I really liked Carole with her mom.  I also get their disappointment with the election.  I also don't think the election was over done.  It was kept real.

Either Dorinda gave John the memo or John figured it out...don't get overly involved.

Harry?  Really?

Sonja continues to live in Sonja world.  Your two guys are really nothing to make a fuss about.  OK.  Tinsley should have given her a card.  Sonja just continues to be kind of pathetic.

Lu just doesn't give a crap because she has a wedding to plan.

Loved seeing Alex on WWHL.  I couldn't stand her (or Simon) the first couple of seasons.  And then she grew on me.  I loved her response to Andy's question if Beth has changed from her early seasons.  Alex's response:  No.  That was 'shade' and truth.

God, I can't believe I've gotten to this place but let Beth go do her show with Fredrick and bring Jill back.  I walk to the other side of the room in shame.

I was with you all the way until your last paragraph. Does it have to be one or the other??   Beth can be gone, but   NO to Jill!!!!

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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Btw, I get that producers don't give Adam ANY opportunity to say much, but I'll ask this question for billionth time -- why the fuck is Carole with this dude?  He seems like such a dull waste of space.

I saw Adams episode of Chopped and he really is very good looking, I couldn't take my eyes off him. For all of the airs Carole puts on about how intellectual she is, them waters run shallow when it comes to man selection time. It will end in heartbreak for her, but I guess at least she'll enjoy the ride! 

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Yes, but when Adam opens his mouth he ruins it.  "Duh, sexy salads, duh..." his food looked pretty at first but now it all looks like the same thing over and over.

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