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S34.E06: Vote Early, Vote Often

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3 hours ago, mojoween said:



Tai's easy discovery of the second idol is a testament to how predictable this game has become re: the idols.   After all these years idols continue to be hidden in the holes of trees, around the water supply, etc.   It's ridiculous.   I have participated in Easter egg hunts with a greater level of difficulty.

Cochrane's visit was a huge time-waster.   

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Storms cut out a lot of this episode for me, sadly. Lost some of it after the swap, and everything a few minutes after the IC. I saw Tai find 1 idol tonight. Did he actually find a second idol in this episode? Or are you all referring to it being the second idol this season? 

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Noooooo!!! Dammit! I'll miss her. Why couldn't she get Exile instead of Debbie's crazy ass. Sandra came off a little less likable to me this season, but seeing her go out really bummed out.

At least Cirie is hanging in there on the other tribe. I'll cling to that for right now. I don't like Ozzy. I never have, I never will. 

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4 minutes ago, Squirrely said:

Did he actually find a second idol in this episode?

Yes Tai now has two idols. He got tribe switched and used the same clue to gain another at his new tribes water source. *eyeroll*

Edited by Wandering Snark
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22 minutes ago, Michaels TV Tray said:

I enjoyed the brief bonding moment with Varner, Tai, and Zeke and was hoping they'd form Survivor's first gay men's alliance, but it looks like that's not going to happen.

Mr. P and I wondered if it would be the "first one in Survivor history!"  lol 

Question:  why was Tai telling Varner that they were voting for Sandra such a big deal?  He'd have to think they were voting for someone, and Sandra was the logical choice.

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I'm not hating Tai. I am blaming the game, though. I know that things have to be uniform, but dang. Did James get his two idols in China that quickly?

I'm also thinking Cochran was probably at least fifth on the list of people to invite. I mean, he's nice and can be funny, but he's wouldn't be hyped by CBS. And I'm disappointed that Sandra didn't get exiled . . . not to guarantee her place in the game, but because nobody could give her advice.

How funny would it be if Burnett decided to bring back the Outcasts twist, and Sandra returned to the game? And she'd be wearing a Boy Scout uniform.

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4 minutes ago, princelina said:

Question:  why was Tai telling Varner that they were voting for Sandra such a big deal?  He'd have to think they were voting for someone, and Sandra was the logical choice.

Because the entire rest of the tribe was very concerned about the potential of a Sandra idol play, so they had been breaking their backs trying to allay Sandra and Varner's fears by trying to convince them that Tai was the target.

So Tai walking up and says to Ozzy in front of Varner, "So everybody's voting out Sandra tonight like we discussed earlier?" ... kinda dilutes the effort. 

Heck, Tai got Varner paranoid - and Varner was the one who previously had been trying to convince Sandra of the Tai plan, for god's sake.

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The reason Tai's telling Jeff that the vote for Sandra was such a big deal- was the fact that Zeke had told Jeff that Jeff and Sandra were safe because the vote would be for Tai. Jeff ran back to Sandra with that info and she started trying to work her Magic. Tai had been told to say they were voting for Andrea.

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20 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

How funny would it be if Burnett decided to bring back the Outcasts twist, and Sandra returned to the game? And she'd be wearing a Boy Scout uniform.

Outcasts eh? *laughs* It's at this point I suggest you delete that part of your post as I will mine before Tyler Perry can read it. It's also unfair to give Malcolm's Harem hope of his return to the game!

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Aside from Cirie, I do not care about anyone left in this game and don't want to see any of them win. Michaela is all right, Aubrey kind of sucks (she always seems to ally herself with assholes -- aside from Malcolm -- so either she's a bad judge of character or she's questionable herself), and Hali is fine but meh. 

I actively dislike Ozzy and have ever since his stupid thing with Amanda. I was so hoping they were going to flip to Tai, Tai was going to use his idol and vote Ozzy, and Ozzy goes home. Instead, the Queen left and it hurt just as much as Malcolm leaving maybe a bit more because she's a better player. Incredible player, incredible person. 

I hope Debbie drives Ozzy, Andrea, Sarah, and Zeke crazy. I'm mad that annoying-as-hell alliance voted off Sandra so she didn't make jury and so I couldn't see her and Debbie being on the same tribe and her reactions to Debbie.

Zeke is such a smug prick, I was not a fan of him in his original season and it looks like nothing's changed. He and Ozzy can't leave soon enough for me. I find Sarah and Andrea varying degrees of useless in how they seem to just follow Ozzy and Zeke (other than Andrea being good in challenges, I feel like she's one of those players that always get hyped as being so great but I've seen every season she's been on and never found her impressive except for in challenges, strategically she's never seemed noteworthy to me and they just keep bringing her back again and again and I'm so over her). Tai is a damn mess haha.

Troyzan & Brad Culpepper, now there's a match made in testosterone hell ugh.

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I'm curious what people think of Debbie's decision to take the Extra Vote instead of the Immunity Challenge advantage.

I think it was indicative of her mindset. Taking an extra vote makes her seem more important. But it's rarely enough to change the vote if the rest of your tribe decides to vote you out. On the other hand, an Immunity advantage almost always helps win the IC and if your tribe wins the IC, then you absolutely can't be voted out.

I'm wondering if most people would make the same choice as Debbie. I'm thinking the "Fake Immunity Idol Kit" was just a bad joke.

49 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Yes Tai now has two idols. He got tribe switched and used the same clue to gain another at his new tribes water source. *eyeroll*

I don't care much for Tai. But you have to hand it to the guy. That was extremely clever of him.

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3 hours ago, RescueMom said:

I think the plus to having Cochran there was not so much that he could give her advice on how to win, but just to have someone to talk to about the game without paranoia. Every season they talk about that with the loved ones visit - what a relief to talk things out with someone who isn't in the midst of it. And honestly, Cochran would be a good one to talk to in that situation, as he really does know the game inside and out. Too bad the visit was wasted on Debbie, who already knows everything...

Excellent post. Well done.

Edited by MissBluxom
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Probst said in a post interview he was disappointed Debbie didn't take the fake immunity idol kit.  Since the vote advantage has never worked right, I hope it fails on Debbie.  Of course, she'll probably be the first person to use it right.  I think having a fake immunity idol might have been able to cause some chaos.  The tribe advantage could have earned her some brownie points, too.

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12 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Probst said in a post interview he was disappointed Debbie didn't take the fake immunity idol kit.  Since the vote advantage has never worked right, I hope it fails on Debbie.  Of course, she'll probably be the first person to use it right.  I think having a fake immunity idol might have been able to cause some chaos.  The tribe advantage could have earned her some brownie points, too.

Like I said, I would need something in the long-term, and I might not be able to assemble the idol. Even if the rest of the tribe was off somewhere and I was at camp, it might still be a hassle. "Wait . . . I have to SEW?!?!? Fucking Cochran! You screwed your tribe, and now you've screwed me!!!" Of course, Debbie can probably disassemble and reassemble an idol in under a minute. Blindfolded. Shit, she could punch a tree, and workable materials would pop out.

Addendum to my "Black Tribe" fantasy: Sandra wearing a "DIE JERKS" buff on her head. "I see you're a fan of Skinny Ryan, Sandra!!" "Don't call him that, Jeff. Please."

ETA: I'm okay with Tai. Really. But if he got the boot, I would've wanted Erik to pop out of the trees. "I am no longer the stupidest player ever! Thank you, Tai!!!!"

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I enjoyed seeing Cochran--It was a 'no harm/no foul' choice better than any of the three "R"s many feared would return.

But hey-- I'm thanking the Lord above that it wasn't one of Debbie's relatives!  So yeah--I'll take Cochran.  

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2 hours ago, Maya said:

For a minute there, I thought Cochran was actually going to join the game somehow. 

Me too.  Debbie and him would compete to take the empty slot on TC team.  

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25 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

I think it was indicative of her mindset. Taking an extra vote makes her seem more important. But it's rarely enough to change the vote if the rest of your tribe decides to vote you out. On the other hand, an Immunity advantage almost always helps win the IC and if your tribe wins the IC, then you absolutely can't be voted out.

But the tribal advantage will only be good at the next IC. That only gets you through one vote. Having the ability to cast two votes on a season where ties go immediately to rocks could have some extremely interesting leverage if used correctly.

I am not in any way expecting Debbie to use it usefully, mind you.

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It has finally occurred to me that the 'gamechangers'  describes all the differences in the game this season. And NOT the cast.

Yep, all the twists are game changing twists. Every episode has one and they set up another with Debbie's extra vote.

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4 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Not only has Debbie met presidents and prime ministers, she provided security to Queen Elizabeth in Buckingham Palace and was special advisor to Scotland Yard. She was a Commander!! 

On the other hand, maybe the president was president of her high school class.

Prime Minister - the clergyman who blesses the beef at Debbi's local butcher shop.  

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I really think they need to stop with the 2 Tribes, 3 Tribes, 2 Tribes format. They've done it twice and each time one tribe is utterly decimated before jury. Same thing happened to Ta Keo during Second Chances.  I can understand the urge to try and screw with pre-game alliances but for a tribe flip that early on, people are naturally going to vote along original tribe lines. Especially bad this season where more of the strong personalities were on one tribe. 

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Seeing Sandra go is so sad, but it's the good kind of sad, like one of those 80s movies where they must release the dinosaur/alien/Bigfoot/Mogwai back to its home, because it is not meant for this ugly human world, but their lives have all been changed by it.  She played a hell of a game, in what must be considered the most impossible circumstances in Survivor history.  Every minute she was there was a minor miracle.  HAIL TO THE QUEEN!

When Debbie arrived at Club Exile I was smiling, when Cochran showed up I was giggling, it was all just so ridiculous.  The people I was worried about are all gone or (in Sandra's case) had proved any haters wrong (including myself, in a sense), so why not just enjoy whatever bullshit they come up with.  (There's still Cirie...but I don't have to worry about her until she gets a half-second of screentime, and this episode wasn't it.)  I actually thought Debbie and Cochran was a bizarre kind of perfect match; it's hard to imagine any other combination with either of them working.  Debbie goes to Exile and meets....Boston Rob!  Who has no reason to hide his total disdain, and she is either dismissive or sycophantic, and nobody goes home happy.  Cochran comes to Exile to find...Ozzy!  And it's super awkward as he just apologizes lamely and Ozzy stiffly smiles with transparently fake politeness and glares at the producers when the cameras aren't on because why did they do this to him.  But Cochran has exactly the right kind of amused sympathy for Debbie, and earnest desire to help her, and he is exactly the sort of person Debbie can admire without feeling threatened by.  The whole thing was ludicrous, but it worked out way better than it could have.  Extra vote would be a reasonable choice if it wasn't the new Car Curse.  Sorry, but your game is over, Debbie.

I love Varner as a person but I am disappointed that he was apparently cowed by his Cambodia experience into being the sort of chickenshit do-nothing everyone on this board is so in favor of.  I liked him better as a manic flipping gung-ho nut.  I don't know what to think about Tai; if that was some wacky blindside play-acting then it was a truly bizarre and overcomplicated performance.  But honestly I think again nobody (but Sandra and Varner, mayyyybe) changed anything about their vote and I still think this is because of the stupid new rock-draw rule.  I don't think we have seen, and I don't think we will see, any "live" tribal councils this season, no matter whether people are whispering in each others' ears or whatever.  It's just theater, it's not real, it means nothing.  Flip to vote Tai, when you don't know what other people are doing, and if by chance there's a tie, pulling a rock?  No way!

4 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

Related to previous: I'm not even sure who I'm rooting for beyond Andrea and Cirie at this point.  Hali, Michaela, and Aubry don't actively suck but I'm not rooting for them.  So far we've had good appealing Zeke and not raging asshole with power Zeke, but I don't trust that.  Everyone else is varying degrees of lame.  Hmph.

Stupid casting.

For me Zeke was as obnoxious tonight as ever, though I never even saw raging asshole Zeke since I bailed before he turned up last time.  I am basically rooting for the women you mentioned, but I dunno what their chances are like, thanks to crappy editing so far this season.  Cochran was back, and it seems like the Caramoan editors are back too.  At this point the most I am hoping for is some of that good old Cirie magic -- not even for her to win, but just for her to get a chance to do something amazing as in days of yore.  But I'm probably cursing her, saying that, seeing how my people have been doing so far this season.

2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I'm not hating Tai. I am blaming the game, though. I know that things have to be uniform, but dang. Did James get his two idols in China that quickly?

Pretty much.  Todd gave him one and told him where the other was, so he got two in one day.

1 hour ago, pamplemousse said:

(other than Andrea being good in challenges, I feel like she's one of those players that always get hyped as being so great but I've seen every season she's been on and never found her impressive except for in challenges, strategically she's never seemed noteworthy to me and they just keep bringing her back again and again and I'm so over her).

I think Andrea was pretty good in Caramoan but Malcolm's 1 million idols taking out Phillip really hurt her game.  Even though she got one of the only halfway decent edits on that garbage season, they could have let us see a lot more of her game, I think.  Nothing amazing (except in challenges), but a very solid game.

34 minutes ago, loki567 said:

I really think they need to stop with the 2 Tribes, 3 Tribes, 2 Tribes format. They've done it twice and each time one tribe is utterly decimated before jury. Same thing happened to Ta Keo during Second Chances.  I can understand the urge to try and screw with pre-game alliances but for a tribe flip that early on, people are naturally going to vote along original tribe lines. Especially bad this season where more of the strong personalities were on one tribe. 

I absolutely agree with this.  It is a shitty format.  It has the opposite of the intended effect, in my opinion: it makes your original tribe much more important.  The thing that I especially hate about it is they have a vastly better alternative, the Philippines 3-tribe style.  No matter what happens in a season like that, no one tribe will ever have the majority at the merge.  (Also, for God's sake, stop with the themed tribes!)

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You just have to be on the wrong side of one of these "Drop your buffs!" moments to get your ass kicked in this game. Tonight was Sandra's turn as her luck finally ran out. She has been a good player. She reads situations well and adjusts well. She has also been extremely fortunate to win twice, since any winner of this show has to receive good fortune (or maybe more importantly, avoid the bad luck) along the way. I still don't think it's fair to call her the best player ever. The most successful is a much more appropriate title.

I really enjoyed the end of this episode. Sandra trying to maneuver out of a hopeless situation (and yet failing) was more impressive to me than most of what she did in her prior seasons.

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Andrea being good in challenges, I feel like she's one of those players that always get hyped as being so great but I've seen every season she's been on and never found her impressive except for in challenges, strategically she's never seemed noteworthy to me and they just keep bringing her back again and again and I'm so over her

Andrea was half the brains behind her alliance (but got backstabbed first by the eventual winner... actually the producers were probably hoping she or Ozzy got to talk to Cochran now that I think about it, though she doesn't hold a grudge so maybe not) in her second season.  I contend she wins Redemption Island if it's all newbies, but the whole "Rob is a legend" thing got a hold of her too.  That's a dud cast, but still!

But mostly yeah she's an unusually athletic woman for this show which was the first reason she distinguished herself for me from the usual 4-7 women who were seemingly cast for how they look in a bikini every season.  There's the aforementioned not holding a grudge and taking her boot (with an idol in her pocket!) better than most people do.  I like people who recognize it's a game and play it like one.  She's also really Midwestern, which this Michigander appreciates.  Comes across in her self-deprecation on Twitter.  She's not a strategic genius, but she's not bad at it.  Once she came back she came with the right play to deal with Rob which was to tell everyone else that she had talked to every juror and they had said they would only vote for Rob.  Which she lied about, which is nice.

Finally: she's so pretty.

But bringing anyone back a third time is dumb.  Except maybe Sandra.  Bring back say, Earl!

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See, I would have taken the Fake Idol kit then shown it off to everyone. "It's arts and crafts time! Let's make a fake idol! We will call him Bob!" and tried to have a fun day with it.

Which would have gotten me booted, but hey, I'd still have Bob.

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Did EI yacht have a name? They missed an opportunity by not christening her The Sugar Shack, at least for her time on the show.

Also, was it just me, or does Sarah have a ridiculously beautifully fit, athletic body? I didn't really notice before this episode, but there was a shot of her in a bikini in one of the challenges that made me think, "Damn girl, nice work!!" 

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On ‎2017‎-‎04‎-‎05 at 9:18 PM, JudyObscure said:

I think Sandra is awesome, but I was ready for her to go, it was beginning to feel too much like the Queen Sandra show.  So, I was worried when Sandra was sweet talking Ozzy, Andrea and Sarah -- then Sarah said that she felt like she was being groomed and I heaved a big sigh of relief.  You go, Sarah!  You broke the Queen's spell.

I think Sandra's excessive screen-time was because of how early she went out.  If she'd been in it to the end or even the merge, they might had edited her differently. 

Edited by DEL901
because July and merge are 2 different things
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7 hours ago, GaT said:

Debbie better not win.

Debbie couldn't win even if she was sitting alone at the final tribal council, so I think we're safe on that one.

I agree with everyone who said the Debbie/Cochran thing wasted way too much airtime and was completely pointless.  I find Cochran annoying, and Mark the chicken would have absorbed his "advice" better than Debbie did.

Also, I really hated to see Sandra go.  I could've done without the endless references to herself as the queen (when you are the queen, you don't need to say it, just be it) but she always amuses and impresses the hell out of me when she plays this game.  Everyone who's left seems so dull in comparison.

*still in mourning for Malcolm*

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At the beginning of the season, I never thought I'd say I was disappointed to see Sandra go. But here I am. I didn't care for her at all her first two times, and still didn't really care for HER, as a person, this time around. But I have to say, she was playing hard and playing well this season and there has been kind of a lack of that, for me. So I was enjoying it. But it was smart of the others to go ahead and finally get her out. 

Tai is freaking lucky, because I don't know how he survived that. He's propping himself up as "loyal" - two seconds after he floated Ozzy's name to the "enemy"! He is just one hot mess and when he didn't play his Idol(s), I thought for sure he was going. But Ozzy and crew were not going to be swayed. They stuck to their original plan, which - good for them. But Tai is going to go soon, if not next. Again, he is just a hot mess. 

How fitting that it was Debbie who ended up on Exile Island. Or should I say, Below Deck Exile. My son even said, "She should just stay on the island," (before we saw the boat), "she can't be around other people". 

I was thrilled when I saw Cochran; I love him. But then I realized he was just there as an adviser. I'm sure most of what he said fell on deaf ears. Debbie is so delusional. She's all, "Nah, I got no reservations about anyone". Just last week you thought the entire tribe was out to get you! 

I think she might just do okay, though, for awhile. She ended up on a tribe without Brad. And they just had huge drama with Tai. So their eyes might be elsewhere. And she has an extra vote. Although, I did think that the challenge advantage might have been a better pick. I was thinking, given her position, having something that would endear her to whole tribe might be most helpful. But that might have applied more if she ended up back with Brad, which she didn't. 

This is Debbie in 20 years:



i had a pony.gif

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8 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

Debbie couldn't win even if she was sitting alone at the final tribal council, so I think we're safe on that one.

I think you owe me for one cup of coffee that I did a spit take with all over my new shirt.

Seriously though, hilarious post!

6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

At the beginning of the season, I never thought I'd say I was disappointed to see Sandra go. But here I am. I didn't care for her at all her first two times, and still didn't really care for HER, as a person, this time around. But I have to say, she was playing hard and playing well this season and there has been kind of a lack of that, for me. So I was enjoying it. But it was smart of the others to go ahead and finally get her out. 

Tai is freaking lucky, because I don't know how he survived that. He's propping himself up as "loyal" - two seconds after he floated Ozzy's name to the "enemy"! He is just one hot mess and when he didn't play his Idol(s), I thought for sure he was going. But Ozzy and crew were not going to be swayed. They stuck to their original plan, which - good for them. But Tai is going to go soon, if not next. Again, he is just a hot mess. 

How fitting that it was Debbie who ended up on Exile Island. Or should I say, Below Deck Exile. My son even said, "She should just stay on the island," (before we saw the boat), "she can't be around other people". 

I was thrilled when I saw Cochran; I love him. But then I realized he was just there as an adviser. I'm sure most of what he said fell on deaf ears. Debbie is so delusional. She's all, "Nah, I got no reservations about anyone". Just last week you thought the entire tribe was out to get you! 

I think she might just do okay, though, for awhile. She ended up on a tribe without Brad. And they just had huge drama with Tai. So their eyes might be elsewhere. And she has an extra vote. Although, I did think that the challenge advantage might have been a better pick. I was thinking, given her position, having something that would endear her to whole tribe might be most helpful. But that might have applied more if she ended up back with Brad, which she didn't. 

This is Debbie in 20 years:

So many great posts following this episode. This is another one

As far as Tai goes, I think his biggest problem was that he spent the formative years of his life in some other culture. So he really just doesn't understand the fine points of how he comes across when he talks about how "loyal" he is after flipping more than a lifelong McDonalds burger flipper. If he was a Dolphin, everyone would know his name. I think he is another person who also just doesn't understand he has no chance of winning. I feel sorry for the guy.

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11 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I have no idea what is going on.  It is so hard for me to defend Tai there.  I can't believe Ozzy and Andrea playing Masterpiece Theatre.  I guess it was necessary, but then again it wasn't, because Sandra never packs idols.  So gobsmacked, but glad, because I love Ozzy , I love him so desperately so much (Cook Islands all over again) and he is so goddamn gorgeous to look at.  Feels like I'm watching Jesus.  

You certainly do have a way with words, Ms Blue Jay.  I realize the odds of Ozzy winning are about negative 1000, but I just need him to stay as long as possible.  Because I'm selfish and he's pretty.


10 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Varner has the greatest laugh I've ever heard.  I don't even remember him from his season.  I want to hang out with him just to make him laugh.

I just love me some Varner....while voting, his "oh my GOD what a lot of drama!" had me LOL-ing.

Debbie used to spend lots of time alone with a pony??  Um...huh??  Her full-body hugging with Cochran made me kind of want to look away.  Awkward.

So now I wonder if every time someone is sent to Exile, a different "game changer" is sent via boat to talk strategy?  That could be interesting...might we see Coach, Hantz, Boston Rob, and Federal Agent Phillip (?) at some point?

Sandra's exit was super classy.  LOVED the applause for her at the end, and her saying that Survivor has allowed her to live a certain way...followed by the statement that ain't no one else gonna win twice because dammit, she is the QUEEN!  I'll miss her.

I adore my Survivor, but I feel like this season they are throwing everything against the wall, not caring if it sticks or not.  They are coming dangerously close to jumping the shark, and that makes me sad.  Between idols falling out of the sky, Redexemption Island/Yacht, and the dropping of buffs every other day, they seem to be pulling every single twist out of the hat.  I can live with that, provided that this show - PLEASE - gets back to its roots next season.  No returning players, no islands, second chances, or hell - no idols.  This season is a showcase for all of the beloved and not so beloved people who've played before and helped to make the show so damn successful (34 seasons??  I mean, that's freaking awesome).  But for me to stay madly in love with this show, I can't help but think that it really needs to go back to the drawing board and highlight the things that made it such a success in the first place.

Edited by laurakaye
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10 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

I hope they paid Cochoran a lot of money. How much money would it take for you to spend that time alone with Debbie?

I don't think there's enough money in the world for me to let Debbie hug on me for an eternity like that. 


9 hours ago, absolutqt said:

In other news, Sarah is still useless.  

When Jeff said something at TC about being hard because EVERYONE is a big threat (or something like that), my eyes immediately went to Sarah. And they rolled. Hard. 


8 hours ago, UncleChuck said:

I'd be more inclined to think she was referring to the president of her local neighborhood watch.

Hah! But what about Prime Ministers? Maybe that's what she calls Amazon customer service when they help her track down a lost package?

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10 hours ago, Dust Bunny said:

I don't think this is a factor at all anymore. It's all about "The Evolution of Strategy" and all that nonsense. (When Zeke did that shout-out in his first season, I thought my eyes were going to roll out of my head and across the floor.)

I'm really sick of the novelties and the show trying to stay clever.

I miss the grit and determination, as opposed to cheap sneakiness. 

I'm so with you on this.  It's like the show decided in Season One that since the "Machiavellian" Richard Hatch (barely) beat the gritty Sue Hawk -- thus the game should be played for ever and ever.

I didn't enjoy bringing in Cochran for advice either -- and I like him.  This  season is the Big Brother style of always bringing in past players and having guest star visits.  Barf.  I don't like anything that messes with what I see as the basic premise of Survivor -- put a group of strangers on an island and see who manages to be the last one standing.  I don't care if the winner is there because of strategy, providing the most food, winning the most challenges or being the hardest worker around camp.   It's all fair.

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10 hours ago, susannot said:

OK, enlightenedbum Hali is my horse and I'm willing to ride her to the end.


The next morning and I'm still bummed Sandra was voted out.  I wanted to see her bamboozle everyone once again.  I was wondering why she and Varner didn't try to get Tai on their side, rather than make him the target, but I guess without a 4th person it would do no good.  The rest were all too tight.  I think she knew she was a goner and the whole Tai discussion was for The Drama.

Hate that Tai so easily found 2 idols.  Hate that Exile Island was a luxury.  Hate that Cochran showed up with an advantage.  Hate that Debbie was the one to receive all the goodies.  TPTB must have thanked their lucky stars that Debbie was exiled so they could get a lot of Debbie/Cochran high jinks on film.  Hilarity ensues.

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So does a trip to EI mean every exile-ee has to spend time with Cochran?  He's going to be jet-boated out to talk strategy with each one?  Gag.  The only thing that made his appearance interesting was that he totally has Debbie's number.  He knows she's a braggart who thinks her made up resume (2016 Upgrade- Now With Presidents & Ponies!) makes her smarter, stronger, wiser than all the others.  I think he also knows she is far up her own ass, she won't take any advice he offers.  Debbie seems to suffer from not only delusions of grandeur, but a strange hearing disorder as well.  She can't process anything anyone else says, but hears her own BS with acute clarity.

Cirie is a puzzle master!  She and her 2 partners (can't remember who helped) were done so fast, no one seemed to grasp what just happened.  And Probst was denied any misogynistic asides about the all girl puzzle solvers.

I really wish they'd do an "Old School" Survivor season.  No idols.  No advantages.  No extra food.  No pillows and hammocks from the Pier 1 "Comfort Collection".  Reward challenges should hand out minimal food meant to provide protein and carbs.  Not a trip to an island barista for macchiatos and artisinal pastries.  Also survival gear like tarps, fishing tackle, tool kits would be good. I don't want people to be on the verge of death like Africa and Australia in Days of Yore, but I also don't want to see people walking up to random trees and pulling out idols.  I will say I do like the tribes being switched up more often.  It keeps people on their toes, and prevents Pagong-ing.

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12 hours ago, Haleth said:

Holy smokes, another crazy ass tribal council.  It looked like Sandra was this [] close to talking everyone into voting for Tai.  I thought he'd play an idol and Ozzy would go.  I guess they all were resolved not to change the votes, no matter what was said.  Well played!

Loved the #giddyup.  Debbie continues to be BSC.


I thought for sure Tai was a goner.  I think Tribal was well played.  

Maybe Tai knew all along that they needed to play Sandra and she fell for it.    I am so glad that Sandra is gone.  Ding Dong the Queen is dead and sent home.  Good riddance.

When Debbie was told she was being sent to Exile Island, I was so happy.  Then we find out Exile is a yacht.  I loved what Cochrane said about Debbie being overconfident.  Hate to burst Debbie's bubble but she ain't all that.  She reminds me of some that no matter what you say you did or know, they are going to try to one-up you with their lies.  Please Survivor, no more Sandra or Debbie.  Debbie doesn't even make good tv.

Edited by iluvobx
added Debbie
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48 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

You certainly do have a way with words, Ms Blue Jay.  I realize the odds of Ozzy winning are about negative 1000, but I just need him to stay as long as possible.  Because I'm selfish and he's pretty.

I need this too.  I need this badly!  He's a work of art.  I'm ready to buy this season on DVD!

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12 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Aubry, what a good sport.


I didn't think she was being a good sport so much as trying to suck up to the people who were now in the majority alliance. Say "Good job!" once, fine. But she just kept laying it on so thick, it all sounded like damage control to me and not actual admiration.

12 hours ago, susannot said:

The Queen will always be the Queen.  She went out fighting and did nothing to tarnish her amazing legacy.  The tribe applauded her after they voted her out!  That has never happened before.

It was fun while it lasted! The applause shows just how much people like and respect Sandra. That, combined with her amazing ability to read situations, is exactly why she won twice. And it's nice to see such gracious comments after she was booted, no bitterness, just completely grateful for how Survivor has changed her life. I would have expected nothing less from the Queen!


10 hours ago, blackwing said:

I disagree, I think she was blindsided.  She knew she was on the block, but she also thought that she "worked magic" at TC and that Tai would be going home.  Her comments when voting made it obvious that she thought Tai was gone ("Tai you're a fool, the queen stays queen").   And then the priceless moment when Tai got two votes.  She was smirking.  Then when Jeff read her name her face fell so fast it was glorious.  Reminded me of the Edgardo blindside.


She definitely wasn't blindsided. At all. She knew exactly what the situation was which is why she was trying so hard to use her Jedi mind tricks on Tai at TC. Which, good God, how dumb is Tai??  Way to make yourself the next target. You know Ozzy will be gunning for him now. 

5 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

You just have to be on the wrong side of one of these "Drop your buffs!" moments to get your ass kicked in this game. Tonight was Sandra's turn as her luck finally ran out.

Yep, bummer. But at least this will hopefully stop people from complaining about Malcolm getting screwed by the earlier twist. Twists and tribe swaps are all part of Survivor and there's always somebody who gets screwed. You have to wonder how far Sandra would have gone without the swap. She had a strong threesome with Varner & Michaela. Ah, what could have been...

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12 hours ago, vb68 said:

 Well that was telegraphed the whole episode, and for me it was very sad.

I kept saying that! I don't remember if a possible tribal was even discussed by the other team - did they? I don't remember them talking about who a target would be, nothing.

I don't see why it has to be edited so heavily and one-sided....at least give the illusion it's still up in the air :/

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10 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I think Zeke has moved into a strong position in his tribe. 

I agree -- only thing is, he got himself in a similar position last season, and then went on to thoroughly blow up his game.  Question is, did he learn from his mistakes? 

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10 hours ago, pamplemousse said:

I actively dislike Ozzy and have ever since his stupid thing with Amanda. I was so hoping they were going to flip to Tai, Tai was going to use his idol and vote Ozzy, and Ozzy goes home. Instead, the Queen left and it hurt just as much as Malcolm leaving maybe a bit more because she's a better player. Incredible player, incredible person. 

I like Ozzy, and I like Tai, and I like Sandra. But I was sure what you wrote above was what was about to happened. When Tai didn't play his idol, I was thinking "Another dummy going home with idolS in his pocket". Maybe I am naive but I was kinda shocked they didn't vote to send Tai home. Sandra's sweet talking almost worked! I guess that's why she is gone, amongst other things.

I was sad to see Sandra go home, but in all reality, this was bound to happen... It would have been cool if she had made the jury. Would have loved to hear what kind of questions she would have asked!

Edited by Bouffe
Because Santa and Sandra are not the same.
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11 hours ago, Dawn16 said:

She seemed pretty thrilled to spend time with him.  My teenager said, "Well, now we know her type." 

It's very possible her "type" is someone who is breathing. That would be my guess anyway.

Before tonight's episode, I always though Cochran was one of the most intelligent people ever to have played that game.

Now? It all depends how much he negotiated they pay him for doing that. I would seriously think he would need at least $100K. I know that I would need that much.

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12 hours ago, ptuscadero said:

I'm not a huge fan, either - I respect his skills, and he plays hard, but he always seemed to act like the game owed him something in his past seasons. He doesn't appear to have much of a personality. I'd much rather have Malcolm back. 

Me neither and this is exactly why. Just seems so entitled. "How dare you vote me out? Have you held your breath or climbed as many trees as me?"

If Debbie has the game so tied up, why did she say she had such a rough time up until Exile? She is so delusional. It's like she has no short term memory. Just had a rage-filled breakdown - "Oh, I don't get mad." "Did you see me rock that challenge like no other?" She needs Adam Sandler to come be her boyfriend and convince her every day that she is not and never has been Superwoman.

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"I hated to see Cochran there. Hated it. It's antithetical to Survivor. Nobody can tell you how to play. Nobody can give you advice. The game is this living, breathing creature that changes on a weekly/daily/hourly/minute-ly/second-ly basis. Cochran (of all people) has no effing clue about the dynamics."

Perfect set-up:  Cochran can't really give advice and Debbie wouldn't listen to it anyway.

Edited by DallasGypsy
To put the copied text in quotes
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I wonder if they had a few previous winners on hand and picked there one to go out there based on who got sent to S. S. Exile.

Cochran might have been the best of the available choices for Debbie (played twice and recovered from a poor social game first time out), but if it had been someone like Brad, maybe BRob rolls up. Or Hali gets to meet Sophie.

I dunno. Maybe I'm dreaming because I regret not getting to see Debbie getting advice from Coach.

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