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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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6 hours ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

   But to take attention away from a sister on her wedding day (which she has probably been dreaming of since first grade)?  How heartless . 

Hahaha. First grade ? There was never such a thing.

And in the case of Joy, this plan hatched less than a year ago, so there was most likely never much "dreaming",  until after she made at least six trips to Journey to the Heart to knock the tomboy out of her.

Joe up there in that pic? Looks like he inherited Mullet's missing back muscle. And Kendra created an "eye trap " with that necklace. Aaaaannnnnd I thought it was Joy.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, this-one-is-mine said:

I'm pretty sure if there were a Family Feud question "we surveyed 100 people, where's the worst place to propose?" that "someone else's wedding" would get you about 95 points.

Possibly not among people who routinely make everyone stop and watch while they do a big old make-out kiss right near the altar at their children's weddings, though.

I think I might throw myself under a train before I would do that. Of course, if I'd been stupid enough to marry a man who insisted on it, I'm sure I'd have plenty of reasons to throw myself under a train anyway.

  • Love 16

My niece got engaged at her friend's wedding. The bride and groom were in on it and helped the boyfriend plan it (act like bouquet toss, surprise her, etc). I thought it was odd and a bit tacky, but at least the bride/groom gave their blessing and they truly were thrilled for my niece and her boyfriend is 5 YEARS.

i feel like I end all my posts with this line but - I don't believe for one minute that Joes engagement was not an attention grabbing ploy for attention and Tv

Edited by ms.o
  • Love 5
9 hours ago, McManda said:

I can't wrap my head around how it's possible that Joe looks like he's both fourteen and forty five simultaneously.

I also didn't realize Kendra is younger than Joy.

In the photo here, Kendra looks that way to me, too. Well ... more like 10 and 45 simultaneously. Something about the facial expression, I think.

They're stunted, or at least Joe is, ceratinly. I was like that, and it really is a combination of being almost a toddler and almost elderly simultaneously. Very unnatural but caused by the parenting. I don't know that Kendra's parents are like that, and this picture may just be a fluke in making her look that way, since I haven't seen her look that way before, to my recollection, but Joe's been created as someone who can never be his own age because he's never permitted to develop naturally. Sickening behavior on his parents' part.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Lunera said:

At this point, all these weddings are business deals. They are marrying off the available kids to the highest bidder and getting out as many weddings and babies to avoid cancelation.

I feel sorry for Kendra, shes just a dumb kid and her father has sold her of to Jim Bob for his 15 minutes of fame.

Exactly. And -- emphasis on Dad's 15 minutes.

At least Der and Jer (and Anna?) did it to get their own 15 minutes. .......   And it might backfire on Dad, anyway. Mike Seewald gave strong signs that he was doing it at least partly for his 15 minutes and we see how well that worked out. Austin's parents did it to get more hits on their business webpage -- so maybe they'll be the winners in the parents'-race-for-fame- derby, since they had a very concrete plan to -- very quickly -- use the fame they were grabbing.

8 hours ago, lianau said:

Pregnancy announcement before or after Christmas ?


Now they can look forward to front hugs .


Please find Joe a suit shirt tie combo that a) fits properly  and b) doesn't look like he randomly selected each item while blindfolded .

Off the rack at the Goodwill the day before you'll be wearing it isn't optimal for finding the right color combo to match your fiance's dress. And that mattered more than having it fit him, doncha know? Because Gothard and godly couples.

  • Love 1

I think the reason TLC arranged the Joe/Kendra engagement at the Joy/Austin wedding is that Joe and Kendra aren't that interesting and TLC didn't want to invest in special staging and filming for an engagement episode.  Too bad for them and less TLC money, too.

Compare this engagement to the ones for Josh, Jill, Jessa and Jinger.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

Call me cynical but I think that Boob probably planned it this way.  There is almost zero interest in the Joe-Kendra courtship, only the most ardent of leghumpers actually give a damn so People et al wouldn't be throwing the cash at an exclusive for that. 

By having it at Joy's wedding, Boob can flog off TWO super special, new season of life events in one tragic hit.  Neither would get attention individually but he was probably betting that People would be more interested in them together.  Coinciding two big announcements could be his way of trying to make the Duggars trend in the news again.  

If you have a look at the People website, most popular is "Engagement at a wedding!".  Hugely tacky to us, $$$$ for Boob. 

I'm totally on board that this was planned and directed by Boob. For all the reasons @ChocolateAddict mentioned. 

Awhile back, discussing the plot arcs for Counting On or whatever TLC will be calling the eternal iterations of their Duggar show, I speculated that Boob would carefully time the courtings/engagements/weddings/ of his kids to provide content for TLC. Hell, if he could, I'm sure he'd time the pregnancies of his daughters and daughters-in-law too. At that time I thought he'd spread them out more, but I think he's wanting to keep some new plot line in play more frequently because AFAIK the ratings for Counting On haven't been nearly as healthy as 19K&C's were.

So at one wedding arranged as a biz deal between the fathers of the bride and groom, comes an announcement of an engagement also arranged between the fathers of the couple. Both big yawners, though. And since I think the current crop of Duggarlings of marriageable age are all male, blobby-looking, and running personality deficits, Boob's yawnfest of arranged marriages isn't likely to get more interesting.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 8
11 hours ago, MonicaM said:

Maybe it's just this picture, but my first reaction was that they are a spectacularly unattractive couple.  I know that's shallow and my perception is most likely clouded by the fact that this is clearly an arranged marriage.  

I actually think Joe is the handsomest Duggar boy, but that photo sure doesn't show it. He looks so much like JB in that particular photo it's a bit repulsive. Good on Kendra for bagging him, I guess.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Kendra could do far worse. Joe doesn't come off as pervy or controlling, and he's the only one who seemed to have a lot of compassion for his sisters after the Josh scandal came out. 

Yeah. Joe and Jinger seemed close, he and Kendra are close in age and probably like each other, with time they may grow to love each other. Of the boys Joe and Josiah seem to be the ones with actual personality. 

  • Love 3

Getting engaged at someone else wedding is a BITCH MOVE. These people have no shame. I'd like the Bateses to show up at one of their bleessed engagement, birth, or re-enactments of Michelle wedding and start announce pegnancies, engagements, etc, to THEIR camera crew.

It does show a bit of desperation of JB's part. No New York proposals for you, son! Just shut up and take what you can get, Josh is about to tank the show.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, SMama said:

Joe's clothes are a hot mess, wrinkled pants, ill fitting blazer, and who knows what the hell is up with his tie.

You nailed it.

I wonder how the proposal went - quietly outside, away from the crowds or grabbing the microphone & asking her in front of everyone? 

I agree it's spooky that both Austin & Kendra could be Duggar siblings. I didn't realize Kendra is so young.  It is funny in the real world that even tho Joy & Kendra are young & married (or soon to be married), it would still be asked what they are doing with their lives - "what is Joy studying in school?" Or "where is Kendra working?"  Nope, not for these girls.  It will just be the other Duggar gals asking if they are pregnant yet.  So sad.

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Getting engaged at someone else wedding is a BITCH MOVE. These people have no shame. I'd like the Bateses to show up at one of their bleessed engagement, birth, or re-enactments of Michelle wedding and start announce pegnancies, engagements, etc, to THEIR camera crew.

It does show a bit of desperation of JB's part. No New York proposals for you, son! Just shut up and take what you can get, Josh is about to tank the show.

I once attended a pentecostal wedding where someone started speaking in tongues during the vows.

Joe and Kendra, though, I guess, had about as much say in this as the girls did in the new lawsuit. They just followed orders to give the circus train another timely shove to keep it moving for a bit longer. ....

Jim Bob's desperation is now driving the train -- and everything else -- I think. Wondering what else he's going to try before it all grinds to a halt.

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

I once attended a pentecostal wedding where someone started speaking in tongues during the vows.

Joe and Kendra, though, I guess, had about as much say in this as the girls did in the new lawsuit. They just followed orders to give the circus train another timely shove to keep it moving for a bit longer. ....

Jim Bob's desperation is now driving the train -- and everything else -- I think. Wondering what else he's going to try before it all grinds to a halt.

I have no doubt that Jim Bob approached TLC about filming a Very Special Engagement episode, and when TLC said, "No one gives a shit about Joe and Kendra," JB "suggested" to Joe that they get engaged during the wedding to force TLC to film it. 

  • Love 15
57 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I actually think Joe is the handsomest Duggar boy, but that photo sure doesn't show it. He looks so much like JB in that particular photo it's a bit repulsive. Good on Kendra for bagging him, I guess.

I thought he looked like a younger version of JD in the picture. Who is next on the marriage bandwagon? Probably one of the boys since they already got four daughters married off.

2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I once attended a pentecostal wedding where someone started speaking in tongues during the vows.

Joe and Kendra, though, I guess, had about as much say in this as the girls did in the new lawsuit. They just followed orders to give the circus train another timely shove to keep it moving for a bit longer. ....

Jim Bob's desperation is now driving the train -- and everything else -- I think. Wondering what else he's going to try before it all grinds to a halt.

This made me laugh. So were they speaking Parcelmouth or whatever it's called?  Sorry for the Harry Potter reference.  The movies are on again today.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, toodles said:

This made me laugh. So were they speaking Parcelmouth or whatever it's called?  Sorry, for the Harry Potter reference.  The movies are on again today.

Close. Parseltongue is the language of serpents, and someone capable of speaking it is a Parselmouth. Avid Harry Potter fan here. I've read the books more times than I can count and I was somewhat disappointed that I did not receive my Hogwarts acceptance letter when I was eleven. Oh well, a girl can dream:)

  • Love 11
14 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Because JD and Jana are house elves who aren't allowed to do that sort of thing. 

Especially when they work for Slytherin alums. 

That made me laugh. JB and Mechelle try to masquerade as pure-hearted Hufflepuffs, but it is clear that they are truly members of Slytherin. Sadly their kids will never be able to have their imaginations enlightened by reading Harry Potter or discover which house they belong to because they are "heathen" books. Maybe they will be allowed to read the improved literary masterpiece that is Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles *sarcasm*, which actually exists. Look it up if you want to go into that black hole and lose a few brain cells along the way. You have been warned. It's a fanfiction that is a rewrite of Harry Potter by a concerned Christian mom who wanted to remove all references to witchcraft. 

Edited by SnarkyShark
  • Love 6
46 minutes ago, SnarkyShark said:

That made me laugh. JB and Mechelle try to masquerade as pure-hearted Hufflepuffs, but it is clear that they are truly members of Slytherin. Sadly their kids will never be able to have their imaginations enlightened by reading Harry Potter or discover which house they belong to because they are "heathen" books. Maybe they will be allowed to read the improved literary masterpiece that is Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles *sarcasm*, which actually exists. Look it up if you want to go into that black hole and lose a few brain cells along the way. You have been warned. It's a fanfiction that is a rewrite of Harry Potter by a concerned Christian mom who wanted to remove all references to witchcraft. 


Of course, I guess if you reject reason as satanic there's no way you'd ever find imagination acceptable. 

No wonder the Duggs seem so dim. At least two-thirds of their brains never get a chance to function. 

ETA: I wonder if they'd even be allowed to read the Narnia Chronicles, deeply beloved of the conservative Christians I know. (And me, too...Not that they're allowed too read anything, of course.) But the rejection of education, reason and imagination by this absurd cultish mob really flies in the face of even much of conservative Christianity. .... Hard to see why you'd deliberately want to deprive yourself -- and little children -- of so much that gives meaning to the lives of so many. Including lots of conservative Christians! It just seems sick to me.)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Because JD and Jana are house elves who aren't allowed to do that sort of thing. 

Especially when they work for Slytherin alums. 

Someone give Jana a sock!!  There must be dozens of sweaty, balled-up socks in the Family Clothes Closet, right?!


Note: Joy and Austin graciously gave Joseph permission to pop the question at their reception.  if you not read it on Counting On of facebook page..

The above line was typed on the JoKen Instagram Official Engagement photo, and I have questions...who wrote this?  Someone in the Duggar Family would be my guess, but the grammar is so horrendously awful, it's actually funny.  Was this a preemptive strike against the vast majority of people who find proposing at someone else's wedding to be incredibly tacky?  Why draw even more attention to it?  If this is just "the way the Duggars do things," then why the need to explain it?  The only answer is, they absolutely know how disgusting it is to take the attention away from the newly married couple.  As someone above posted, it had nothing to do with romance and everything to do with the fact that it would make for good tv footage because the cameras were already rolling.  It's all so gross.

EDIT: I think it was written by a fan, not the family.  Still gross.


On 4/3/2017 at 7:08 AM, sATL said:

Kendra looks like JoyAnna....

pix from this article.. (link)


In this photo, they look more like twins than the Sinner/Saint Duggar twins.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, kalamac said:

I was wondering if her dad is now quietly seething that his daughter won't get a whole engagement episode (and the money that goes with it), and is just an afterthought, but had to go along to keep the peace.

I used to think this was why Marjorie dumped Josiah, and that decision is looking better and better in hindsight. My pipe dream is that Kendra decides to attend college first with Marjorie and decides she's having too much fun as a singleton to get married. Screw having a show on cable. You can never get your early twenties back.

Seriously, Marjorie is the smartest of that bunch. I bet she's on her knees every day thanking God she got out. Her insta is full of fun photos of her and her friends living it up at college. Clown College, but still.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, SnarkyShark said:

That made me laugh. JB and Mechelle try to masquerade as pure-hearted Hufflepuffs, but it is clear that they are truly members of Slytherin. Sadly their kids will never be able to have their imaginations enlightened by reading Harry Potter or discover which house they belong to because they are "heathen" books. Maybe they will be allowed to read the improved literary masterpiece that is Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles *sarcasm*, which actually exists. Look it up if you want to go into that black hole and lose a few brain cells along the way. You have been warned. It's a fanfiction that is a rewrite of Harry Potter by a concerned Christian mom who wanted to remove all references to witchcraft. 

Uh...Ok.  I don't know how that's possible, but I can guaranty you I won't be reading that.

49 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Someone give Jana a sock!!  There must be dozens of sweaty, balled-up socks in the Family Clothes Closet, right?!


Note: Joy and Austin graciously gave Joseph permission to pop the question at their reception.  if you not read it on Counting On of facebook page..

The above line was typed on the JoKen Instagram Official Engagement photo, and I have questions...who wrote this?  Someone in the Duggar Family would be my guess, but the grammar is so horrendously awful, it's actually funny.  Was this a preemptive strike against the vast majority of people who find proposing at someone else's wedding to be incredibly tacky?  Why draw even more attention to it?  If this is just "the way the Duggars do things," then why the need to explain it?  The only answer is, they absolutely know how disgusting it is to take the attention away from the newly married couple.  As someone above posted, it had nothing to do with romance and everything to do with the fact that it would make for good tv footage because the cameras were already rolling.  It's all so gross.

EDIT: I think it was written by a fan, not the family.  Still gross.


In this photo, they look more like twins than the Sinner/Saint Duggar twins.

I've often thought someone should give Jana a sock.  And another one to the sad little Duggar girl that had her love of carrying babies on her hip as part of her birthday message.  Gahhh.  These people.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 2

I find it really tacky that Joe proposed to Kendra at his sister's wedding. Who cares if Joy and Austin said it was okay? It's totally tacky. Probably a set up by Boob for a shocker for the wedding episode. Another wedding. Did anyone see the Joe/Kendra congrats video? They can't say I love you, until they're engaged. Yikes. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I thought he looked like a younger version of JD in the picture. Who is next on the marriage bandwagon? Probably one of the boys since they already got four daughters married off.


3 hours ago, louannems said:

That would be Cute twin, Sinner twin and Josiah who are next in line to be married off.

It's 100% going to be one of the boys, no way is Jana getting engaged anytime soon and the next girl is like 12.

I can't remember, was it Jinger and Joe or Joy and Joe who were pretty close growing up? If it was Joy and Joe, I could see her being okay with it. I wonder if he did what my cousin did with his first wife. They were dating and both attendants in a wedding. As the bridal party was making their way back down the aisle after the wedding, he stopped and proposed. Bride and groom were totally in on it, but notice the use of the "first wife" in this story. It would seem my cousin is less than a classy guy though, I was recently told that his second divorce involved him cheating on his wife with the wife of one of his best friends (and to make this story even classier, they are still together and now the cheated on spouses are together. God help the poor kids involved.).

Now they have the next season guaranteed too. The new one starts next week or the week after that, and now they'll have the fall season too. By then Joy will be knocked up, probably Jinger too, and let's be honest, most likely Jessa again. That will be the trifecta for JB and if Kendra "catches" a pregnancy too, he might literally explode.

  • Love 1

This two for one engagement/marriage setup must be up Jim Boob's alley. At the next wedding, we can have a marriage, engagement and pregnancy announcement. Then at the next wedding, we can have a marriage, engagement, and baby delivery. They can decorate the bathroom for the birth or she can just have the baby on the altar. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, babyhouseman said:

This two for one engagement/marriage setup must be up Jim Boob's alley. At the next wedding, we can have a marriage, engagement and pregnancy announcement. Then at the next wedding, we can have a marriage, engagement, and baby delivery. They can decorate the bathroom for the birth or she can just have the baby on the altar. 


0 0 1 end is near.png

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Churchhoney said:


Of course, I guess if you reject reason as satanic there's no way you'd ever find imagination acceptable. 

No wonder the Duggs seem so dim. At least two-thirds of their brains never get a chance to function. 

ETA: I wonder if they'd even be allowed to read the Narnia Chronicles, deeply beloved of the conservative Christians I know. (And me, too...Not that they're allowed too read anything, of course.) But the rejection of education, reason and imagination by this absurd cultish mob really flies in the face of even much of conservative Christianity. .... Hard to see why you'd deliberately want to deprive yourself -- and little children -- of so much that gives meaning to the lives of so many. Including lots of conservative Christians! It just seems sick to me.)

I went  to church  with a family  who I now realize  followed at least some of Gothard s  teaching ,  and the we're not allowed  to read the Narnia Chronicles ,  first because they  were fiction  second  because  a witch  was in the title  of the second ?  book. I almost  gave myself  a migraine  trying to explain  the witch was bad in the book, still a no go. I feel  so bad for her kids. The Chronicles  are still one of my favorite  series . 

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, SnarkyShark said:

You have been warned. It's a fanfiction that is a rewrite of Harry Potter by a concerned Christian mom who wanted to remove all references to witchcraft. 

I was once friends with a woman who was intelligent and well-read.  I don't know her religious affiliation, but as a point of comparison to the Duggars, she had 5 daughters in their 20's who were working and/or attending school on 4 different continents, which I thought was remarkable.  But I recall mentioning Harry Potter to her and she looked at me as if I had two heads.  "But... but... that's about witchcraft!" she said.  "No", I replied, "It's about magic. And good vs. evil." 

  • Love 3

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