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S01.E14: I Call Marriage

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Toby throws a wrench in Kate's weight-loss journey. Randall struggles to accept his father's deteriorating health. Miguel and Shelly break some devastating news to Jack and Rebecca, which makes them worry about their own relationship. Rebecca receives an amazing work opportunity. Kevin examines his romantic past.


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19 hours ago, ZeroDiscipline said:

Ooooh looks like Miguel and Shelley are getting divorced!

Maybe? It depends on when in the timeline they're telling them this. Since it SEEMS like it takes place before Kevin, Kate, and Randall are born, either they don't go through with it, or it's something else. The whole "Jack and Rebecca worry about their own relationship" does make it sound like it's pre-kids, so it's more likely that Miguel/Shelley talk about getting divorced, Jack/Rebecca have their own crisis in faith and Miguel/Shelley work out whatever issues they have for the time being. 

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Hi! I'm new and this show rocks my world. 

Regarding this upcoming episode...I think this marriage clip is similar to the clips last week with the triplets' 1st birthday party and the triplets' 5th bday party. Same with Career Days when Jack slammed a hole into a house they were building and the kids were 3 or so. Just a brief flashback. Rebecca looks over the moon btw!!!! Wouldn't you? Envious. Ugh. 

I do believe this ep will take place when the kids are in highschool in the 90s. 93? 96??? Dan said the last few episodes (and this one) would focus on the highschool timeline. Dan also mentioned that we don't know what sort of shape Bec and Jack's marriage was in, in the end. 

God, I just love this show...despite leaves on trees in NY in January! 

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Another great episode. Poor Randall, he is a wreck. It is heartbreaking to see him struggle to deal with William's impending death. Randall needs to quit, start his own business, and tell his boss and Sanjay to go to hell. Beth rules. I loved how she called marriage and told Randall the truth about his shirt not being cool. Randall needs to confide in Beth. I hope that his hand shaking is not an indicator of a serious health problem.

Go Rebecca, for telling off that band guy trying to undermine Jack. Go Jack, for listening to Miguel and deciding to fight through the difficult time. Their getaway was so sweet and romantic until she mentioned wanting to go on tour with the band.

Jon Huertas (Miguel) was so good in that scene with Jack. It was so sad hearing how his marriage just died. I am glad that I was wrong that Jack was having an affair with the secretary.

I am tired of all Kate's only story being about her weight, but this episode made me fall in love with Toby. He is such a good guy. 

Yeah, I can't with Kevin. He still has the weakest story, IMO. 

Edited by SimoneS
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A lot of poignancy this episode.

The flashbacks really did start to tell a lot about the present day. I love Rebecca telling off her piano player about Jack and their family. As much as they do keep propping up Jack, I think that moment was needed because those sly comments from men and women go by unnoticed all the time, so I love that Rebecca noticed and shut it down. 

So, Randall's having nightmares about William's death and wants to remain in denial. How realistic to see that happening, and it has to suck. But he was being a jerk about it, and he was a jerk to Tess with him taking those dinner reservations to not go to the chess tournament. Beth had to pull the marriage card. But it's nice foreshadowing on how we might see young Randall cope after Jack's death. Also, did Beth imply that Jack died suddenly then during the memory box scene? 

It was nice to hear about Kevin and Sophie's history. I thought he was brave to ask the elderly couple for the booth. I did laugh when the woman recognized him as the Manny. I loved the Kevin/Sophie moments. I actually really enjoyed Sophie as a character. She was full of life and it's easy to see why they were together. I laughed at her line about him not aging. I figured Kevin was the one to ruin their marriage and I do think that Kevin went about the reconciliation the wrong way. 

Also, it sounds like Rebecca/Miguel might have gotten together years ago, while Sophie was still in the picture. The fact that she asked about Miguel does seem to say that Rebecca and Miguel got together while Kevin was still married to Sophie. Damn. 

So, Kate's been at camp for maybe a week, and Toby decides to drop by? Eh, a little invasive, in my opinion, even if Kate did ask him to come. I did like how Toby told her to go to all of her classes. I didn't like his interaction with Horse Dick. If it was possible for Horse Dick to get worse....well, he got worse. I definitely didn't like how Toby turned into a complete jerk and I was fine with Kate being annoyed at him, especially when he joined her class. Kate needs to find a better guy in her life, seriously. I really go back and forth on Toby.

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I'm glad that Rebecca told off the band douche for the whole "if he loves you, he'll let you go on tour" crap. But next week's preview is making me extremely nervous.

Still, I liked the getaway scene at the end. Nice of the writers to show that even if you aren't as passionate or as together as you used to be is still no reason to cheat/divorce out of boredom *glares at Crazy Stupid Love*

Ew, Kate is going to actually hook up with Duke the Dick?! WTF?! Tobey might be an idiot, but he isn't a bad guy. Don't cheat on him with a sexual predator!

And Kevin, you can't just waltz back into your ex-wife's life 12 years after cheating on her and expect to pick up where you left off.

Oh no, what's wrong with Randall?

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Man, if it's when Rebecca is on tour that Jack dies?! That's gonna eat at her and the kids. 

Lalalala I can't hear you!  And yet, I'm sort of suspecting that it will be tied into it.  The kids are teens at this point so while we didn't see them during Jack/Rebecca time, I can see Rebecca wanting to pursue her dream, she does it, and he dies while she is on tour.  With the hours he puts in, I can see his heart simply gives out.  She is upset, turns to Miguel now that he is alone and blammo.  Now...prove me wrong, show!  Don't make me clairvoyant!


Beth still rules.  Kate should kick the predator in the teeth. Kevin needs to dial it back a few notches. 

My sister commented that Randall is a robot.  I said repressed. But he's a dam ready to burst and I'm scared on how that will turn out in full. 

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Have to admit this episode was a little disappointing. Feels too much like the calm before the sweeps.

Beth is still boring. Kids are boring. Sophie is boring. Kevin is boring. Even William's getting boring, and he's my favorite character.

Called the band douche on being in love with Rebecca from the start, but that's not nearly as disappointing as Kate heading to Cabin 13 for a visit with Horse Dick. (UO territory here: I like Toby. Even when he's obtuse, and even when he's an ass. But even if Toby didn't exist, Horse Dick would still be Horse Dick. Or, as I call him, Rape-o the Clown.)

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The best part of the episode was where it dealt with Randall.  It is stark to see him so subdued where he is usually intense.  He's coming apart.

Up until now I haven't been bothered by Jack's near-perfection, but this was a little too much.  I liked his wedding vows, I liked the fact that he wanted to make the effort to keep things going 16 or whatever years later, but it felt overdone, with the getaway to the conveniently vacant apartment highly bedecked with lights and champagne, etc.  I have to say that even though I thought it felt overwrought, I am still appreciating Milo's acting. 

I especially did not like Kevin using the maximum Manny charm to get the older couple out of his booth.  The diner and Lava fries would have been enough.  I honestly don't care about him trying to rekindle anything with Sophie. 

And Kate, what the hell?  You aren't going to revert to eating, but you'll crash and burn your relationship for sex with a creep.  You need some more drumming breakthroughs. 

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I just wasn't feeling this one.  All the storylines felt so trope-y.  Of course Kevin and Sophie start dating again despite her having a boyfriend and them being separated for 12 years.  And hearing Sophie describe her boyfriend as someone is solid and dependable is just code for "boring and uninspired" in TV land, so big surprise that she showed up at the diner.  On another note, hi, Marla Gibbs!  Glad she just went ahead and asked for the autograph instead of falling the nice story.

And the stuff with Randall was predictable.  I'm guessing he was demoted (sort of) because he's not as devoted as he used to be, although he still works his ass off.  Still, Randall has a wife and two kids, so his bosses can't act like he's never had any distractions before.  The chess tournament can't be the first time he's had to put his family ahead of his job.  Idk, probably not phrasing it right, but the whole thing felt hamfisted.  As for his hand twitching...I'm just hoping that's a side effect of his stress about William dying.  Like when he got hysterical blindness years ago, according to Beth.  

Duke sucks.  He's just an arrogant, miserable turd, and knowing that he acts like that with all the campers just pisses me off even more.  I'm surprised no one's made a complaint against him, a staff member openly mocking people at a weight loss camp.  I wish Toby had hauled off and kicked his ass.  Kate, please don't hook up with Duke.  You don't want Toby, fine, but Duke ain't some great catch.

This is the first time that I liked Miguel.  Sucks about his marriage, because he clearly feels very alone in it.  Not surprising that Kevin doesn't really like him, although Sophie does.

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First off...

Marla Gibbs!!!! Great to see her in that booth scene! Didn't recognize the guy...Miguel's speech is true to form...I have a friend who is separated from his wife and some of what he says seems similar to Miguel...

I like Kevin best when he's with Sophie. He seems less self-absorbed  with her..

The whole time Kate was on the treadmill next to Horse Guy, I was yelling at my TV..."Knock him off the treadmill!!!!"....I rarely ever yell at my TV...

Randall's tremors scare me...don't want anything happening to Randall....Beth is great and the kids were nice to William..I still hope we see William's boyfriend again soon...

Jack and Rebecca....sometimes you gotta speak out the good stuff in your life to realize you have the good stuff in your life....and I noticed the soapdish remained on the wall as they were reading their vows....

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Just now, stonehaven said:

I like Kevin best when he's with Sophie. He seems less self-absorbed  with her..

The Sophie scenes made me see him as even more self-absorbed. He's a "thrill of the hunt," serial monogamy kind of guy...heavy on the sales pitch, light on the follow-through. 

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decent episode, thought at start it was going to be randall's birthday and they were going to surprise him, jack is still too much of a gary stu,, it's too sugary sweet,, loved sophie ripping kevin a new one, wanted more scenes of her insulting him,, didn't need the scenes of the people being sick, randall's boss is a jerk, if randall  let him explain what was going on then i am sure he would understand, someone get rid of duke already, maybe one of the horses there will end up kicking him in the head and that will take care of him

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First off... Kate; if you sleep with the creepy worker jerk, you loose all respect from me. You deserve better! Also; how in the world is that guy still employed there when he is either a jerk to people or telling female participants he is going to have sex with them? If I ran that place I would have him out on his butt so fast it would make his head spin.

Poor Randall. He is heading for a mental breakdown. Here's hoping he gets the help and support he needs.

I actually really like Kevin and Sophie together and hope they can make it work.

So the story of Jack, Rebecca and Miguel becomes a bit clearer. What's the betting he was waiting out Jack and Rebecca's marriage and made a move once either Jack died or they divorced?

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Did the camp ban earbuds/ headphones or something? Because that moment right there, with Kate on the treadmill and Duke douching it up directly into her ear? That moment is literally the defining reason that earbuds were invented. Who hasn't been there, at the mercy of someone who WILL NOT SHUT UP, at the gym, in a bus, on a plane or in a train? UGH. Take your iPod with you at all times, Kate, turn that sucker up and put Duke on MUTE.

I know what it looked like, but I hope in that moment in the end, Kate was actually on her way to release a box of tarantulas into his cabin.

Edited by LaJefaza
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Jack is officially the ultimate Gary Stu. Seriously, his nonstop utter perfection is just cartoonish at this point.

Kevin and Sophie were sweet though. We had to suffer through Olivia and Sloan to get here, but hopefully this might stick. Good chemistry there.

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1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

The best part of the episode was where it dealt with Randall.  It is stark to see him so subdued where he is usually intense.  He's coming apart.

Up until now I haven't been bothered by Jack's near-perfection, but this was a little too much.  I liked his wedding vows, I liked the fact that he wanted to make the effort to keep things going 16 or whatever years later, but it felt overdone, with the getaway to the conveniently vacant apartment highly bedecked with lights and champagne, etc.  I have to say that even though I thought it felt overwrought, I am still appreciating Milo's acting. 

I especially did not like Kevin using the maximum Manny charm to get the older couple out of his booth.  The diner and Lava fries would have been enough.  I honestly don't care about him trying to rekindle anything with Sophie. 

And Kate, what the hell?  You aren't going to revert to eating, but you'll crash and burn your relationship for sex with a creep.  You need some more drumming breakthroughs. 

 I love almost perfection Jack. I don't care if it's unreasonable for the apartment to be free to rent for one day. If I want to reality I'd watch a documentary. Milo sells it, oh yes he sells it good.   What woman wouldn't want a Jack in her life? I certainly will be sad when Jack falls off his pedestal but I'm enjoying every moment while he's perfect Jack. I'm hoping will never see a long period of drinking Jack, heavy drinking Jack I mean.

 I think Kevin can be charming and that's why he could act the Manny in a way that everybody seems to have loved. I want to know more about his teen years courting Sophie.  But I'm easy.  Mostly I just like to flow with a story.  I don't like every moment of my real life so l don't expect to like every minute of any show I love.  And I do love this show.

 When I saw William at the piano I knew he was dead. I was so relieved it was a nightmare. Just like Randall I'm not ready to lose William. 

Regarding Kate, women always like jerks and all the bitches get the great men.  Not always, but people often have miserable taste in partners and lovers.

Edited by Kira53
Voice to text sucks if you don't go back to proof read.
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What is the point of Duke? Every time I see his stupid fucking douche face on the screen I wanna turn the show off. Why would anyone think he would be a good character. He's a POS loser who is the worst. Just thinking about him makes me mad. No way he wouldn't of been fired by now. 

Please have Duke and Miguel crash there cars into each other and die lol. Harsh but meh it's TV lol.

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Peoples, go easy on Kate - the thing about this show is that the characters are, in many ways, very realistic. Kate is a significantly overweight woman in her mid-30s - I'm guessing she doesn't have a while lot of self-esteem or confidence. She's going to make mistakes. She sees this guy as wanting her - but maybe he is all kinds of wrong for her. She can't see that.  I'm guessing she has not had someone be this aggressive/assertive just to be with her - can you imagine what a boost to her ego that is? This is like a Harlequin novel coming to life for her. She's only human.

Worried for Randall. Disliked Jack when I first started watching this show, but he's grown on me.  I love how he just tries so hard to make things right for those he loves. Knowing about his impending death makes all of his scenes all the more poignant.

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I have this horrible feeling that Kate will go into the cabin and will get assaulted. I really don't want the show to use that as a plot device. It's crude and too many shows use it.

Maybe because every word out of his mouth reinforces rape culture? I hope I'm wrong. 

Edited by OptimisticCynic
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I am a pretty romantic person, but renting out your old apartment?  Did they sleep on an air mattress?  Whisk me off to a hotel with a comfortable bed and free breakfast please.

I don't see Miguel as predatory or "buying his time" until Rebecca is free.  I still like him, and I like Sophie for rolling her eyes when Kevin was dismissive of him.  I guess we know Miguel and Rebecca have been married over 12 years if Sophie is close enough to have a nickname for Miguel that drives Kevin crazy.

Kate is stupid if she is even considering Duke.  

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14 minutes ago, CleoCaesar said:

Jack is officially the ultimate Gary Stu. Seriously, his nonstop utter perfection is just cartoonish at this point.

Kevin and Sophie were sweet though. We had to suffer through Olivia and Sloan to get here, but hopefully this might stick. Good chemistry there.

I feel like this show is obsessed with having their male characters make romantic comedy "grand gestures" every episode. I'm shocked there hasn't been an ode to "Dirty Dancing" yet.

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OK.  From the other corner.  I loved Kevin with Sophie.  He screwed up and that's why their relationship ended but they have this connection and we get to see a whole other side of Kevin.

Apparently to me, Miquel and his wife got divorced when the kids were teenagers...not long before Jack dies.  I'm still not loving Miquel.  I also don't accept that Jack is perfect.  He made a number of decisions without consulting Rebecca.  But family is the most important thing to him.

Randall is a mess.  He doesn't want to deal with his biological dad dying.  I get it.  And then we have the work situation.  I wonder if the hand shaking is about anxiety or maybe he's showing early signs of MS.  It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Toby continues to annoy me.  He just can't give Kate 'her' space.  And Kate is reacting to it.  She is taking the camp seriously and Toby is making fun of it or...as we've seen in previous episodes, Toby doesn't respect Kate's feelings (Super Bowl).  There's a lot of truth in what Duke says to Kate (don't get me wrong, I can't stand him) and Kate is seeing that truth. 

On a side note...why does Randell go out the front door to go to work?  This bothers me in so many TV shows.  There's a two or three car garage.  Do they not park their $100000 car in the garage?  Don't they go directly to the attached garage from the house?  OK.  Super critical.  When I or my husband go somewhere in our cars, we go to the door to the garage.  Even our kids, when they go to their cars, go to the inside garage entrance to the garage to the driveway where their cars are parked.  Yeah, I'll go back to the corner on this but it just 'bothers' me.  I know it's TV....yadda, yadda, yadda.

Edited by breezy424
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Randall is seriously wigging out/is on the verge of losing his mind and it's breaking my heart.  He needs to be perfect and he needs everyone around him to be perfect so I can see the tremors stemming from his body trying to release all of that anxiety.  His boss is a jerk, Sanjay can exit stage left. 

I'm going to be ticked if Jack dies while Rebecca is on tour.  Whether he dies suddenly at home or on the way to see her....ugh.  Randall's dream about finding William and his reluctance to deal makes me think he was very present for Jack's death. I feel like I'm just watching this show with one eye closed because I'm afraid of losing one of the dads.

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If Kate sleeps with Duke then Toby can do better.  I mean Duke is so ICK.  He's like cartoon ICK.   

Loved Beth's "I call marriage."   Marriages need that.  And Randall needs like seven hugs and some serious time on the couch and maybe some drugs because boy is wound up tight and not dealing like at all.   Worried for him in a very real way.

I never go out through the garage entrance unless I'm parked in the garage.  If I'm parked in the driveway I walk out the front door.  And I'm mostly parked in the driveway.  Now I don't have a 100,000 dollar car or a ridiculously sized house with disturbingly few bedrooms.  But it is a nice sized house in a middle class neighborhood.   But my garage is mostly storage and in my neighborhood almost nobody parks in the garage.  This might be a Texas thing.  My sister certainly thinks it is weird and comments on it every time she visits.  

I thought Kevin was pretty obnoxious in this episode but I loved Sophie and her pet name for Miguel and how she used it KNOWING how much Kevin hated it.  Still, seriously, I mean I found Kevin obnoxious like people find Toby obnoxious.   

I think Toby's behavior in the class and neediness visiting Kate would be more disturbing to me except my dad lived through a pretty major heart attack when I was in college and there was a pretty huge emotional component to his recovery probably much harder for him than the physical part of his recovery.  I can't imagine that he would have coped at all with being alone in a city he didn't know anybody in.   And I'm absolutely not saying Kate should have given up her chance at fat camp.  But that Toby needs something during this time?  I buy that and it doesn't bother me.   If Toby's behavior bothers Kate then she needs to talk to him about his specific behavior or she needs to break up with him.  She doesn't need to let things fester until she reacts by sleeping with way, way, way, way ickier than Toby.

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13 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

On a side note...why does Randell go out the front door to go to work?  This bothers me in so many TV shows.  There's a two or three car garage.  Do they not park their $100000 car in the garage?  Don't they go directly to the attached garage from the house?  OK.  Super critical.  When I or my husband go somewhere in our cars, we go to the door to the garage.  Even our kids, when they got cars, go to the inside garage entrance to the garage to the driveway where their cars are parked.  Yeah, I'll go back to the corner on this but it just 'bothers' me.  I know it's TV....yadda, yadda, yadda.

Oh, you are not alone, my friend. I, too, have issues with the Tragedy of Verisimilitude.

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I thought this was a solid ep--it didn't blow my socks off, but I also didn't feel like it was a let down compared to most of the other episodes.  I also think my enjoyment of it may have been hampered by the cinematography.  I've noticed the sort of unsteady camera work in past episodes, but it seemed to come and go, but it was almost constant in this one and it actually made me a bit seasick.

I'm just going to believe that Kate went to Cabin 13 to tell Duke to back off, okay?  Yeah, Toby was annoying--but he was annoying in a way that seemed more genuine, if that makes any sense.  I mean, it didn't seem like schtick this time--it seemed like a guy who was scared and not handling it well.  I also found Duke's little speech about having to be yourself right after Toby said he felt like he was being rejected for trying to be himself to be the first truly interesting thing in the Kate/Toby dynamic.

Oh Sophie, it isn't that I don't like you--it's just that you are starting to seem a little pathetic.  Normally I like Kevin and I can accept him being so self-absorbed.  However, in this episode, it drifted back into that oh-too-familiar (for this show) territory of barging through other's boundaries and JUST ONCE I would like a character on this show to stand up for her(usually)self and hold those boundaries.  I was really hoping that Sophie wouldn't show up at the restaurant the second time--not because I don't like her, but because I am far more interested in watching Kevin being forced to grow up a bit than to see him revive a childhood/young adult romance.  The thing is, what he claims doomed their marriage--the distance--still applies.  Sophie is probably tied to her job at her hospital and while Kevin may be in NYC now, he probably won't stay there long term.

What are lava fries?  Is that just a fancy name for chili fries or are they something else.  And why would anyone eat them first thing in the morning?

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I seem to be a party of one, but I thought this episode was boring.   My love for this show is not as strong as it once was.   The first few episodes knocked it out of the park every time in a very big way, but it's been inconsistent for me since then.  I'm hanging in, of course, because there are aspects and characters I really enjoy.  But I thought tonight was a letdown.

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3 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

What are lava fries?  Is that just a fancy name for chili fries or are they something else.  And why would anyone eat them first thing in the morning?

It's not fancy it just is a name but yes chili fries. Drunk, hungover, teens, poor eating habits, memories a ton of reasons to eat them at whatever time.

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The thing is, what he claims doomed their marriage--the distance--still applies.  Sophie is probably tied to her job at her hospital and while Kevin may be in NYC now, he probably won't stay there long term.

Honestly, I can't see either Kevin or Kate going back to L.A., at least permanently. The show seems to have realized that having the triplets span different coasts makes the present-day stories harder to write. When his play finishes I'm sure they're going to find another excuse to keep him in New York, like they're keeping Kate and Toby there for heart attack and fat camp reasons.

I like Sophie but god, this feels like a Lifetime/Hallmark movie about a hunky bad boy trying to reform himself by reviving a romance from his youth. I wonder when he's going to surprise Sophie with a recreation of the Princess Bride. (And full costumes, of course.)

Edited by methodwriter85
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1 minute ago, methodwriter85 said:

Honestly, I can't see either Kevin or Kate going back to L.A., at least permanently. The show seems to have realized that having the triplets span different coasts makes the present-day stories harder to write. When his play finishes I'm sure they're going to find another excuse to keep him in New York, like they're keeping Kate and Toby there for heart attack and fat camp reasons.

I agree with you in that the logistics of the show make it unlikely that Kevin would return to LA, but I still think that, in the world they created, it would at least be a possibility always looming over Kevin and Sophie.  And, even if it were just accepted that Kevin was staying in NYC, there is still the fact that the life of a nurse is vastly different from the life of an actor.  Plus, with Kevin's history of infidelity, the fact that he seems to be a magnet for attractive women whenever he goes out (partly due to his former Man*NY-ness and partly because I don't think he hates it), that could be a hard pill to swallow.

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I loved the episode. The sustained tension was very impressive. After being less than impressed with Sophie last week due to her 10 year old self treating Kate badly, she redeemed herself by asking how Kate was doing, with a smile. And I guess Rebecca didn't keep in touch with Sophie's parents? She asked about Randall, but not Beth. I wonder if they ever met? 

I am demanding flashbacks Randall and Beth's courtship. I wanna meet her father.

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25 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

OK.  From the other corner.  I loved Kevin with Sophie.  He screwed up and that's why their relationship ended but they have this connection and we get to see a whole other side of Kevin.

Apparently to me, Miquel and his wife got divorced when the kids were teenagers...not long before Jack dies.  I'm still not loving Miquel.  I also don't accept that Jack is perfect.  He made a number of decisions without consulting Rebecca.  But family is the most important thing to him.

Randall is a mess.  He doesn't want to deal with his biological dad dying.  I get it.  And then we have the work situation.  I wonder if the hand shaking is about anxiety or maybe he's showing early signs of MS.  It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Toby continues to annoy me.  He just can't give Kate 'her' space.  And Kate is reacting to it.  She is taking the camp seriously and Toby is making fun of it or...as we've seen in previous episodes, Toby doesn't respect Kate's feelings (Super Bowl).  There's a lot of truth in what Duke says to Kate (don't get me wrong, I can't stand him) and Kate is seeing that truth. 

On a side note...why does Randell go out the front door to go to work?  This bothers me in so many TV shows.  There's a two or three car garage.  Do they not park their $100000 car in the garage?  Don't they go directly to the attached garage from the house?  OK.  Super critical.  When I or my husband go somewhere in our cars, we go to the door to the garage.  Even our kids, when they go to their cars, go to the inside garage entrance to the garage to the driveway where their cars are parked.  Yeah, I'll go back to the corner on this but it just 'bothers' me.  I know it's TV....yadda, yadda, yadda.

 in the north east most of the older houses don't have entrances to the garage from the house. They were just built that way at that time and most of the north east that is close to New York City was built in the late 50s 60s and much  earlier. I just don't think they have an entrance  from the house. Even one houses are totally redone the way that they're structured rarely allows this man and accommodation. Believe me in the winter I really hate having to dig out  to get to the car in the garage. My brother lives in, Minneapolis.   He lives in a beautiful multi million dollar Victorian house that's been totally redone and the garage is detached.  Yes, his beautiful older multi million dollar mansion facing one of the biggest lakes in the city the lakes has a totally detached garages and only two bays.  Now that's a real hardship and in such a cold and snowy place but that they just didn't think of connecting them at that time to the house. Some times the garage is behind the house and you leave through the back alley.  I love the designs of the newer houses, my house was built in the early 1950'S so I laugh when House hunters complain that it's an old house from the 90s I only wish… How do even like an old house from the 70s. now as a New Yorker I would love a old house on the 1870s or even older that's a townhouse or brownstone just have to win the lottery like the multistate lottery. Anyway I'm getting far a field.  Easiest explanation is the have limited sets.  And Randall needs to live close to the city and not out in the new four away suburbs that might have more modern design houses

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5 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

 in the north east most of the older houses don't have entrances to the garage from the house. They were just built that way at that time and most of the north east that is close to New York City was built in the late 50s 60s and much  earlier. I just don't think they have an entrance  from the house. Even one houses are totally redone the way that they're structured rarely allows this man and accommodation. Believe me in the winter I really hate having to dig out  to get to the car in the garage. My brother lives in, Minneapolis.   He lives in a beautiful multi million dollar Victorian house that's been totally redone and the garage is detached.  Yes, his beautiful older multi million dollar mansion facing one of the biggest lakes in the city the lakes has a totally detached garages and only two bays.  Now that's a real hardship and in such a cold and snowy place but that they just didn't think of connecting them at that time to the house. Some times the garage is behind the house and you leave through the back alley.  I love the designs of the newer houses, my house was built in the early 1950'S so I laugh when House hunters complain that it's an old house from the 90s I only wish… How do even like an old house from the 70s. now as a New Yorker I would love a old house on the 1870s or even older that's a townhouse or brownstone just have to win the lottery like the multistate lottery. Anyway I'm getting far a field.  Easiest explanation is the have limited sets.  And Randall needs to live close to the city and not out in the new four away suburbs that might have more modern design houses

But even with an older home, don't you go out the 'back' door to the detached garage?

With that said, Randall does not live in a Victorian.  He lives in a typical upper middle class home.  I get it.  I spent most of my life in NJ.  It doesn't work the way it's being portrayed.  Yeah, I get it's minutia.  It still bothers me.

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I was glad to see that Miguel and Shelley got an amicable divorce with no cheating drama. It does seem like it won't be more than a year after their divorce that Jack dies and I can see the years of friendship--over 20 years--making it easy to fall into each others' arms and for the kids to resent this. Oh, Rebecca, wait to mention going away on the five-state-tour the day after the romantic apartment rendezvous.  I do fear that Jack will die while she is on the road. The kids can pretty much take care of themselves and it's not wrong for her to do the tour but it will be guilt city if that's the scenario.

Randall is definitely coming unglued. Will William's death send him completely over the edge? Much as I love William, does he have to be an expert chess player along with all his other accomplishments?

I had trouble working up any interest in either the Kate or Kevin storylines. I do wonder how Kevin and Sophie ended up in New York before he went to LA. Did Sophie go to nursing school there? Did Kevin start out his acting career there? It was nice for Sophie to ask about Kate but she did seem a bit too shocked that Kate was engaged. And Kevin becoming FB friends with Sophie under an assumed identity is as creepy in its way as Horse Dick's stalkery behavior.

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Still don't like Miguel. Wasn't he supposed to become sympathetic soon?

His speech to Jack about why he and Shelly divorced just made me dislike him even more. It sounds like you just stopped trying Miguel and then you were just like "well
Whatever, I don't care anyway" I mean.. huh? What am I supposed to take from that?

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