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S01.E06: Career Days

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I still don't know what a weather trader is but it wasn't worth the cringing I had to sit through Randall's singing. Definitely a different way to enter a mid life crisis.

I have my cousins from India staying here for the week and all they said was "(Justin) is so pretty."  No arguments here. Not sure if I'm a fan of the really method way into tapping into the sadness. 

I liked it, but a lot more of a downer compared to the rest. 

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I enjoyed the scenes between Jack and little Randall tonight. I am glad that Jack he ended up being supportive and encouraging towards Randall.

 I think that Jack may have definitely died when the big three were still young. When Kevin was talking to the widow I got the impression that Jack may have died before the kids got grown. Kevin said he died “a long time ago” and he mentioned throwing away the models and crying himself to sleep. He also had that line about “15’s tough” like he understood what it was like to lose a parent at a young age.  

I also think that it was interesting how we got a little background on Kate before she started to work for Kevin. She said she had a boss at a firm, but that she fell in love with him and became apart of a healthy situation. I wonder if we will hear more about that situation later on. We also found out that Kate and Rebecca don’t really have a good relationship now largely due to Kate’s insecurity about her weight.

And I liked the way that Kate handled that bratty kid, lol.  I liked the understanding that her and Jamie Gertz's character came to at the end.

Edited by Jx223
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Shame about Kate and Rebecca.

Every time I see William now, I worry it will be his last scene and he's going to die in his sleep. 

Kevin's co-star looks like Emily Blunt crossed with Emma Watson.

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18 minutes ago, Jx223 said:


 I think that Jack may have definitely died when the big three were still young. When Kevin was talking to the widow I got the impression that Jack may have died before the kids got grown. Kevin said he died “a long time ago” and he mentioned throwing away the models and crying himself to sleep. He also had that line about “15’s tough” like he understood what it was like to lose a parent at a young age.  

But didn't Kate say something last week about him being around to watch the Steelers in 2006 in the AFC Championship game? That would have meant the kids were at least in their mid-20s when he died. Or am I completely misremembering that lol? 

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I had a feeling that Kate and Rebecca had a strained relationship; it just hurts to have it confirmed. I wonder when we'll see the two cross paths this time around. 

I do feel bad for Kevin, who still is the odd one out. Jack and Rebecca both have such complicated relationships with Kate and Randall, but Kevin seems forgotten about. The only thing we know is that he has built models with Jack as a kid, but he even threw them out when he died. It's really rather sad. 

That being said, the scene of Jack and Randall in his office was great. Jack really does love all his kids, and he really did try with them. He even sacrificed (temporarily?) his dream of starting his own company for Randall. I wonder if Jack ended up creating Big Three Homes or if we'll find out that Miguel or someone else took it up for him. And, if there is a Big Three Homes, I can't help but wonder if maybe Randall's house is one. Hey, that would be a twist that nobody would see coming!

Oh boy, Randall. Trying to get into artistic talents at 36 isn't the best idea, but at least he tried. I'm actually glad that he's staying at his job. Too many shows like to play with either acting/music as a career, or being a doctor, lawyer, or cop/detective. Kevin and Kate did end up going the artistic route a little bit, but at least we've had Jack and Randall in jobs that aren't as popular on television. It may be boring, but I enjoy the realism. 

I really don't like Kevin and Olivia. I don't find her very nice. But I'm really trying to like her. I just find her a tad condescending. 

So, we get a Toby-free episode and Kate gets to create a life on her own. I'm not sure that I agree with her methods with the teenage daughter with leaving her on the side of the road, but I enjoy that she's good at her job, and I enjoyed her chat with the girl at the end. 

57 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

Looks like EW is going to do weekly Q+As with the producers.  Some slight spoilers but it does confirm Jack died when...




So, that sucks. I honestly thought 2005, which would have placed them at 25, but I guess it's even ten years before THAT. I think it sucks more because that means we get less Milo flashback scenes than what they could do with them at adult ages. I mean, the child actors are going to grow up soon and if this show goes on for more than three seasons, they'll have limited stories to really tell. I know it would be fifteen years worth of stories, but we won't see Jack lead the kids to adulthood. It just...it just really sucks. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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The little boy who plays Randall is completely adorable and heartbreaking. And I don't even much like kids.

Kate in her element as organized event planner was nice to see. And she's working for Muffy Tepperman. Is she seriously climbing all those stairs daily? I'd be dead in a week. It's sad to hear that she and Rebecca are semi estranged.

I wasn't sure if Kevin was going to hug or make out with the bereaved pickle widow.

Is Toby


going to cheat on Kate next week? Is it cheating, are they exclusive? Either way, another good reason to ditch him.

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Oh, Randall.  Please stick to "swapping lightning bolts for thunderclouds" because that song.  Yikes.  I got secondhand embarrassment just watching that. But did like him going into the very low sexy register when he said "Sax. like Wesley in Mo' Betta Blues.

I kind of wanted William to go on stage and bail Randall out of that embarrassing moment lol. Like I have seen parents do with their kids on things like shows/commericials in the past. But Randall is a grown man and that didn’t happen and he lived through that embarrassment. I enjoyed Beth’s/William’s reactions to that. I also enjoyed their reactions when they were discussing his mid-life crisis.

10 minutes ago, srpturtle80 said:

But didn't Kate say something last week about him being around to watch the Steelers in 2006 in the AFC Championship game? That would have meant the kids were at least in their mid-20s when he died. Or am I completely misremembering that lol? 

She did and some of us had people had speculated that maybe he died right before that game happened like in 2005. But it looks like he died sooner. I wonder what made her decide to go back to watching football after she had forgot to stop watching it for a while. Maybe the superbowl happened around the anniversary of Jack's death and she got nostalgic and decided to watch the game.

Edited by Jx223
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Judging from the tease for next week, we are definitely in Sweeps territory.

Given Jack wanting to start his own company, I wonder if Jack’s death is a work related accident.

Wow. Kevin. “It’s not my job to make sure you believe.” Dude, you’re an actor. It is your job. I did feel for Kevin when he talked to the mourning wife. Olivia is a piece of work though.

Randall should’ve let William speak or practice his routine with Beth and William so they could’ve help him avoid the disaster on Career Day. I hope we see Randall’s piano lessons and the recital. That should be fun to watch.  Didn’t Randall have a bigger office in the pilot? The office at the end of this episode looks smaller and didn’t have a big window view.

I’m nowhere near Kate’s size but I wouldn’t want to go up all those steps either.  I suspected Kate and Rebecca didn’t have a good relationship as adults. Kate’s weight and Rebecca diets for Kate would’ve hit a breaking point in Kate’s teens or 20s at the latest. Jack’s death might have even escalated the issue. Kate is closer to Jack than Rebecca so when he died, it really hit her she didn’t have that parent she could talk to or feel close to anymore. I wonder if like Randall, Kate isn't too cool with Rebecca and Miguel.

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I love kid Randall and adult Randall. Beth's awesome and their kids are thankfully not annoying. The Randall and Jack scenes were great. 

Not surprised that Kate and Rebecca barely talk. Glad to get a break from Toby.

I want Kevin to do well with his play, but I don't care about the Olivia stuff. I did like the scene with the widow. What he said about his dad dying made me sad. It really did sound like he was young when it happened

Edited by Evie
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Finally. Show made me get teary. The Jack and Randall scenes were too much.
I'm starting to wonder if someone FB stalks me and borrows bits from my life. My biological twins are average students, my adopted black son is gifted. We're contemplating future schools for him and demographics are certainly a factor.
Randall is still far and away my favorite character, but Kevin is still growing on me. I liked Kate A LOT better away from Toby. Still had a somewhat weight-centric plot, but I liked that it showed another side of her too. 
I'm not feeling Rebecca. I wish she was more warm to Kate.
I love the Randall family the best of the present day scenes.

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I love seeing Kate being sooooo competent at her job! Whereas Randall and Kevin tend to hem and haw, Kate has a direct way about her. Randall's intellect and Kevin's looks perhaps allows them to avoid the glad handling that Kate has to do to get their way. And I will never tire of watching Kate knowing the backgrounds of people.

Gawd, the scene between Randall and Jack brought me to tears. 

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Randall and Jack in the office was the first time somebody chopped onions while I watched this show.    

Kate's conversation with the kid was heartbreaking and her negotiationg for a better job was awesome.

I even liked Kevin during the pickle scene.

Olivia is kind of terrible, but unashamedly so... which makes me kind of love her.

Randall telling everybody about his recital... oh Randal... it is a mid life crisis but it is just a little one so eat your waffle.... no seriously I love Randall and Beth more than words can say.   

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I started to think that Jack definitely dies when The Big Three are relatively young.  About halfway through the episode I started going "Dear television gods...we've never seen him past this stage in their lives."  But then Kate mentioned something about the Packers in 2006 and regretting not watching with him when she moved away so there's a little bit of hope there.  I don't know why it matters so much to me when Jack dies because he's already sitting on Kate's mantle, but man.

Randall.  So much secondhand embarrassment.  When this dude goes through something, he goes hard.  I went from cackling to cringing real fast.

I like that they're doing a slow build with Kevin's character.  We initially complained that he had no substance but now it's clear that he's been suppressing a lot and I like finding out WHY.

Finally, Kate is so much more tolerable without Toby.  I'm glad this storyline was about HER this week.

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23 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Isn't Randall a little young to have a mid-life crisis?  I thought that's not supposed to hit until one is a 40-something. 

Beth called it a pre-midlife crisis early in the episode.

20 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

I'm not feeling Rebecca. I wish she was more warm to Kate.

When Kate told the bratty daughter that she needed to cut her mother (Marin) a break, I'm wondering if she was alluding to her own life.  Kate definitely had a rough childhood, but Rebecca clearly loves her.  I think the relationship (or lack thereof) between Marin and her daughter hits too close to home for Kate.  We've also seen the majority of that story through Kate's perspective and not Rebecca's.  

This just makes me want to see the Big 3 and Rebecca interacting more in the present day, although we're learning more and more why they aren't close, save for Kate and Kevin.  Kate and Rebecca are estranged.  Randall and Kevin don't really get along, and Randall isn't fond of his step-father.  Jack is dead.  I just want some family discussions, damnit!

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What Olivia said to Kevin about his feelings being some monster he's afraid of (because of his dad's death) hit way too close to home.  Thanks for the 20 min cry, show . . . 

I loved all things Beth, and seeing Kate excel at work.  

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10 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Aw, crap.  I've been sitting here, trying to remember a better TV dad than Jack.  

(Gimme a minute.)

Milo is killing it with the young actors who play his children.  Every time I think it'll drop into schmaltz, he just...saves it.

Burt Hummel, Kurt's dad on Glee.  Best teevee dad ever, but Jack is great, too, and Milo is indeed killing it with those amazing kid actors!

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Loving Jack and his relationships with his children.  I can't help but think his death had something to do with alcohol. 

No Toby this episode.  Thank you.

I totally enjoyed seeing this other side of Kate.  The one who is confident about herself and willing to kick that teenager out of the car.

I thought the Randall singing on stage was lame.  Very unreal to me.  I don't think he is that unaware of his own talent.  I also thought going to the funeral was lame as well.

It was not the most riveting episode for me but I am looking forward to seeing where Jack's relationship with Miguel goes now that we know he ends up working 'for' him, and how Rebecca's relationship develops with Miguel.  (Still don't care for Mandy Moore in this role.  I continue to have a hard time buying it).

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1 hour ago, Arcadiasw said:


Given Jack wanting to start his own company, I wonder if Jack’s death is a work related accident.


I’m nowhere near Kate’s size but I wouldn’t want to go up all those steps either.  I suspected Kate and Rebecca didn’t have a good relationship as adults. Kate’s weight and Rebecca diets for Kate would’ve hit a breaking point in Kate’s teens or 20s at the latest. Jack’s death might have even escalated the issue. Kate is closer to Jack than Rebecca so when he died, it really hit her she didn’t have that parent she could talk to or feel close to anymore. I wonder if like Randall, Kate isn't too cool with Rebecca and Miguel.

I also wonder if Jack's death is a work related accident. Maybe something happened to him when he was in the process of trying to build something.

I think that Kate's/Rebecca's relationship really went down south after Jack died. (Even though it was starting to fracture before he passed when Kate was comparing herself to her mother.) Kate and Jack were very close and I believe he would have played peacemaker between Kate/Rebecca had he lived. I think he would have tried to smooth things out between them when they started fighting with each other more. And I could also see Kate being very resentful towards Rebecca for marrying Miguel.

I am interested in seeing learning what type of relationship Kevin has with Rebecca. Randall seems close to her, Kate’s relationship with her is strained, maybe Kevin’s relationship with her is somewhere in the middle.

Edited by Jx223
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Please let him get to make "Big Three Homes" a reality, oh powers that be!

My impression was that when he signed on to work with Miguel, that dream died. It's part of the poignancy of Jack's early death.

BTW, what I think Randall does is calculate what effect weather is going to have on businesses so investors can bet on their futures. The futures market in general allows you to make money from estimating weeks or months out what a commodity like corn or steel will be going for.

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1 hour ago, PRgal said:

Isn't Randall a little young to have a mid-life crisis?  I thought that's not supposed to hit until one is a 40-something. 

Months before I turned 30, I kept coming across bloggers and journalists who described 30 as the start of mid-life if you expect to live to 90. I'd never heard anyone else put it that early.

But Beth did joke that it was early. Yes. Commodities like corn crops are dealt in futures contracts to smooth out the bad years and good years. I suppose someone has to do the math to figure it out. I loved Randall being perfectly happy in the end with his odd-for-TV job.

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Tuesday, 8:48, time to start crying again. This is me.

Matching ties and spinning chairs. In one of the "extra" discussions the cast has (On Demand/the app) Josh talked about reading scenes and then seeing them play out, realizing that they were meant to be acted/seen. Bingo.)

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I was already teary eyed after Kevin's breakdown but young Randall crying about being different from his siblings floored me. He is one talented actor, and Milo's chemistry with all the young actors is amazing. I really do feel that he is their father. 

Olivia is nuts. I like Kate's boss, and it was good to see her kick ass at her job. Hated the bratty teenager but it seems as if Kate got through to her.

Beth and Randall continue to be the healthiest couple on TV. I am riveted by all their scenes. Next week we finally get to the fractured Kevin and Randall relationship- can't wait for more tears.

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2 hours ago, Amethyst said:

Something this show does well is display different angles of things, because life is rarely as black and white as we think.  Yvette was right that Jack and Rebecca could be depriving Randall of a great education, but I could see why Jack wouldn't want Randall to feel more different than he already does.  And then you have poor Randall playing dumb so he won't alienate his siblings.

I was happy to see Randall smiling with the other kids when he started going to the new school.  Even though he's the only black kid there, it makes sense that Randall would fit in better with kids who also might like wearing ties.  I thought it was great that Jack was capable of seeing things differently, though first Yvette had to point out how his reasoning was flawed.

Kevin and the widow in the kitchen broke my heart.  I'm neutral on Olivia so far, but thought she was awful for crashing that memorial.  That was so incredibly rude, insensitive and just plain wrong.  Worse, she didn't see anything wrong with it and didn't care.

Loved seeing Kate doing her job well, and how she handled both mom and daughter. 

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3 hours ago, Jx223 said:

 I think that Jack may have definitely died when the big three were still young. When Kevin was talking to the widow I got the impression that Jack may have died before the kids got grown. Kevin said he died “a long time ago” and he mentioned throwing away the models and crying himself to sleep. He also had that line about “15’s tough” like he understood what it was like to lose a parent at a young age. 

The thing I couldn't help noticing in the scene with Kevin talking to the widow, was that the line about his father dying  "it was a long time ago" was so very clearly dubbed over. Maybe it was nothing more than they had to redub after they decided not to reveal that Jack died in the pilot (my understanding is that critics saw a version where that reveal was done in the pilot), but that was quite noticeable. Maybe they decided after filming that it would be better if Jack died when the kids were younger than implied by Kate in the last episode?

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I just love Jack and I'm sad because it seems like he's going to die when the kids are a bit younger. I thought since Kate talked about watching football with him in like 2006 he was still alive then. But maybe that's when she started watching it with his ashes.

I wish Rebecca wasn't married to Miguel. That's unfair because everyone deserves to move on and be happy but I just love their past family so much.

Jack giving up his dreams so Randall could go to private school made me love him even more.

I really want to see the big three and Rebecca in the future. Miguel no thanks he can not be there lol.

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I love this show, but the inconsistency with the timeline drives me crazy.

In the first episode, the Big Three were celebrating their 36th birthdays. Thus, when they showed the scenes when they were born, it must have been 1980, right? Well, in an EW interview, the creator said it was 1979. That would make the modern day scenes to be 2015, but okay.

Then, last week they were talking about the possibility of having kids during the Steelers - Rams Super Bowl, which took place on January 20th, 1980. Kate mentioned she was conceived during the Super Bowl, which would mean the Big Three would have been born in October, 1980. All right, maybe the creator just misspoke when saying it was 1979.

However, tonight when the showed Randall's report card, I believe it said he was born in June of 1981 (I erased it, so I can't go back and check). So that would make it a 17 month pregnancy and make the modern day 2017.

Also, they showed a flashback last week of Rebecca watching what appeared to be the 1969 Super Bowl with her family as maybe a ten year old child, but she would have been 18 years old in 1969 (in a 1980 scene, she said she was 29 years old).

Am I overthinking this? Yeah, I thought so.

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I call BS on Beth not understanding what Randall does, since they've known each other for so long, and Beth is a smart, inquisitive person. Also BS that parents who are commodities traders are supposed to be such a rarity at the girls' school that nobody knows what they do. It's a wealthy school district in the NYC suburbs - I bet half the parents are in fincance. If anything, the firefighter mom seemed more out of place. I thought Randall's song would have been hilarious if its purpose had been to show that even people in "boring" jobs don't take themselves too seriously, but if he really thought he had a hidden musical talent, that's delusional and sad.

Did I understand correctly that Jack ended up working for Miguel? Usually when you get promoted and "take people with you", that means they report to you, at least in my experience. If that's the case, that gives another nuance to Rebecca ending up with Miguel.

I loved seeing Kate without Toby (where is all that assertiveness when he's being a pushy asshole?), but apparently it was at the cost of having to see asshole Olivia "teach" Kevin not one but two "lessons". Barf.

Edited by chocolatine
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Damn, Jami Gertz still looks almost exactly the same as she did in the 80s! I'm glad that Kate is staying at this job because she seemed to be doing well from what we saw before she was dispatched to chauffeur Jemma to her friend's house.

Beth continues to be awesome. Ha, I loved when she told the girls to look away during Randall's terrible song. I loved that they went the realistic route when Randall talked about how in movies there's a montage of someone practicing and then they're great at whatever it is they wanted to do, but he still stinks at playing the piano. I also love that he recognized that as much as he would love for William to teach him to play the piano, it would probably not be good for their relationship. And I love that he's taking lessons from one of the neighbors. It's never too late to learn to play a musical instrument! No, most adults who take music lessons aren't going to join the symphony, but it's still a great thing to learn how to do. Music theory is very mathematical so maybe Randall will end up being better than he thinks he was when he was a kid. Sometimes as a child, you aren't good at something for whatever reason (and his insistence that Rebecca and Kate have all the musical talent in the family may indicate that they were so good at it that he felt overshadowed/intimidated/inferior or hell, maybe he just didn't want to compete with Rebecca for fear of her hating him).

Ugh, Olivia is still awful. Taking someone to a stranger's funeral is a dick move. Like there was no other way to get Kevin to access sadness besides invading a stranger's home, lying about knowing her husband, having sex in the dead guy's house, and then telling Kevin to think about how it felt to know he could never have sex with her again. I mean, I guess I should be glad that she hasn't completely given up on him and is trying to help him, but she is just such a fucking pill.

I liked Kevin for 99% of this episode but when he told the director "It isn't my job to make you believe," I yelled almost the exact same thing the director did. Yes, it IS your job to make everyone believe! That's like the most basic responsibility of an actor - memorize the lines and make me believe that you mean them.


I was happy to see Randall smiling with the other kids when he started going to the new school.  Even though he's the only black kid there, it makes sense that Randall would fit in better with kids who also might like wearing ties.

While I understood Jack's concerns about separating Randall from his siblings, I think that ultimately going to a different school was good for him because he got to be his own person instead of one of the triplets. Plus going to a school for gifted kids meant that he could really be himself since he was surrounded by other smart kids, all of whom were at his level so they could get excited about math or whatever (I mean that sincerely even though I realize it looks slightly facetious).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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There were false notes in this one, chiefly the crashing of the funeral.  Very, very tacky and offensive and they could have just as easily had the memorial be for someone Olivia knew from the theater community.  Sex in the mourner's home, keeping it classy.  The Career Day cringefest was a little over the top.  But it may have been Rebecca that bugged me even more.  It's not realistic for her to have been working on her music in the same room as sleeping triplets.  If you have a sleeping infant, never mind three of them, the last thing you do is make noise.  Even worse was Kate's comment that everyone in sight still to this day hits on her beautiful mother.  Even if it was hyperbole to get through to Gemma, I thought it was a tad too much.  She's not that great. 

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Randall's midlife crisis makes sense considering how much is going on.  Meeting his father and having the man living with him in enough for even the strongest person to question who they are and could have been and wanting to maybe see if you have any of your birth fathers skills is a natural thing.

i like that the show is keeping Rebecca human especially when it comes to Kate's weight.  She isn't perfect and makes her share of mistakes and we as an audience are seeing where they may be but they are tired parent of three children mistakes and not evil parent who evils mistakes.  Does anyone actually expect Rebecca to do a load of laundry because young Kate doesn't like one of her clothes?

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Everything I know about Commodities I learned from "Trading Places". Randall's job isn't that complicated that Beth wouldn't be able to understand it. Granted, Randall does do a pretty bad job of explaining it most of the time, but his song might have broken it down for most people if they hadn't been cringing from second-hand embarrassment. The weather can effect the profitability of commodities like agriculture. Bad weather means bad crops which means bad profits (although even super good weather can have an impact due to bumper crops flooding the market and driving down prices). You can buy weather based derivatives to cushion the effects of weather. Farmers, theme parks, festivals bet part of their potential profits to ensure they don't experience part of their potential losses if the weather is bad. It smooths out their revenue. That's why the corn farmer is doing in the song. I suspect Randall is an analyst, because he doesn't seem like a broker.

It is a little hard to tell because he butchers it, but I think Randall is attempting to play the same melody as his mother did when they were babies (and Kate plays when they are 8).

The expression on Kate's face when her mother says that if she ate ice cream every day, Jack wouldn't be able to pick her up.  Rebecca wasn't thinking of Kate, but you could see little Kate thinking that her Dad wouldn't be able to pick her up one day. Rebecca was also not thinking when she said that ugly brown thing was the only thing "that was clean and that fit". She should have just left it at it being the only "clean" thing.

We never did see Jack help Kevin with that model. Kevin built it all by himself. Despite Kevin having to develop a strategy at age 8 to try to get some of his father's time.

Kevin really is Jack though. He has a great ability to connect to people (when he lets his walls down) as demonstrated with the grieving widow. That pickle talk session was exactly what they both needed. Olivia was a jerk, but at least she figured out a way to connect with him instead of just yelling at him like the director.

So Miguel mooned over his employee's wife until that employee died and he married her? Ick. 

When did Randall find time to hire the neighbour lady to teach him to play the piano? He talks to William when everybody else is asleep (that's why they don't start the lessons then) and announces his new teacher at breakfast? Did he run into her during his morning jog? Good call on NOT having William teach him. Randall strikes me as a perfectionist, so having a new family member teach him could potentially have problems.

Kate is very good at her job. I wonder how long it takes Toby to start complaining about all the time she spends working because planning that ball is going to take up even more of her time than she spent on her old job (where he got bitter when she spent an hour trying to find a hotel for Kevin).

Edited by kili
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7 hours ago, LJonEarth said:

Months before I turned 30, I kept coming across bloggers and journalists who described 30 as the start of mid-life if you expect to live to 90. I'd never heard anyone else put it that early.

So does that midlife crisis last for 30 years?    Because I'm thinking if I expect to live until 90 that my midlife crisis should be like 45... just saying.


6 hours ago, Marley said:

I wish Rebecca wasn't married to Miguel.

Every time we saw him last night I kept having all this animosity towards Miguel.... I was all ,"shut up, Miguel" and yet he's doing a good thing for Jack getting him promoted and he seems to be a good friend.  Jack could have been dead forever and still I was all, "shut up, Miguel".   Of course Randall not liking him does help my anti-Miguel feeling.

1 hour ago, KateeBar said:

Kate was not her brother's assistant just because they're related, she's smart and assertive and really good at her work.

I like that she left her previous job because of problems on her end and not because of some problem with Kevin.

I also liked that she was clearly competent at the new job and must have been as Kevin's assistant.  

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Another well done and interesting episode. 

Its apparent that despite him being the adopted one, Randall is the one now closest to his parents and likely was closest to them when younger..  Lives near them.  Randall turned out like his dad and enjoys it in terms of his job.  Despite Jack's dears of the new school making Randall feel more different, this episode seemed to indicate it was a turning point in him becoming closer to his parents. 

I am assuming Kevin threw out his models when Jack died because Jack never really helped him with the models, just seemed to always say he would and then never did.  The models were a reminder once his dad died of lost opportunities  with this dad

It also interesting all the personal one on one interactions, the heart to heart moments, we are seeing with the kids this season is with Jack much more than their mom. 

I am still not sure when Jack died.  We can speculate based on the vague references but nothing more. 

We have seen Kate, Kevin and Rebecca all have mementos of Jack.  Kate has his ashes.  Kevin and Rebecca both have necklaces.  Wonder what randall has?

Mandy Moore is certainly attractive, but she has never struck me on this show as super hot.  I realize part of what Kate state was saying about her was childhood projection and based on her own insecurities, but asking if she is a model when she was sick with the flu?  A bit much. 

The mom of Randall's African American can tone down the attitude a bit.  I understand what she is saying, but both Jack and Rebecca's initial interactions with her over a simple question, this episode and at the pool, were so off putting and negative. 

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